Newspaper Page Text
TIIE H AT? TIF, DAILY TIME. MAY 20, liJ5. HARD HITTING BY BOSTONS! Dorad tbe Pirate Crew in Yesterday's Gme. MANY EXTRA BASES MADE r Hood's Pills fSE Peptiron Pills n ti&3 ietd ti tier kv& b-ra, tnr i'-w.'f-1 er sm:, ' 3 iniS '., ,LiOWk. A. i - Yesterday America b Lee ft; e Scores, ! .41 Chicago Boston gsme postponed oe account of raia. At ( land Cleveland fc, New lek 1. - Jit Detroit Philadelphia , Detroit Jit St. .Loui Game postponed, rain. FOUND HIS DAUGHTER JEew York TbI Dot .Agaia Before Cincinnati Best ca American Gasnt "Wis F,csTjonee on Accent, t of Eaia. Amcrkaa League Staagtrg. ? Won, Lest. Pet. jtlkicago ....- 37 31 MT! I Cleveland 36 H ,r.feS JPUlade-lpld . 36 33 .m I Detroit . ....... 15 34 ' .517 JWasliagUa 14 3T .452 jSt-Louis .... 34 36' .4C7 'j.Xew o',k .... 33 3 .41 Ifcostt ...32 17' .414 Boston. May 26. Boston look lie third same of tbe series lf'twii lu tein and Pittsburg yesterday fit'rax-r., to 2, IfT banging Case hard in tie 4rst pan of til game. Boston Lit fur iweh safe ." while Fin-burg gut But eight off Wiiiielm. The Bear n4 the baiting ferf in the first ir.nii;p- CinineB planted a duuble hi ri'feT, o;,..ved hf a triple Tenner inUj the coiner garden, sew ing ta Knell. Batty fouled out to Leach and IMitturv f.;d to Warner. But . Wolwrtr walloped tbe tul for three ls and Capi. 1'enney crowe-ed tin rub. lr. Sharpe -dosed .the -texiing by ty-otn.. In the second Wilhelm singled but there were no results from it. Iitl.4)urg :tiji-!k4 -Bp one is the fifth &nd I'rftei" t t, tiie .funarfT rin m a trtct Lit and a tntde. For Bitfiii, Xe-tfbw iMiswd ti WH wr the Jfi irUEACH STAJREED. A. A. Stebtins' Six Years' Search Regarded. WAS LN BOSTON SCHOOL. Tke fry FfcOtet ua Brocskt to MoEt 3eljer 'Where TTill Prerifie a Eee for Eei li jrcieed fTom Kctiei. for s horiM" ran, ot bat ( ntuwU aJted. Tenuey sin- J fl'd isitd Cucwll went -t iiiixii. iui j .JUiitty'e .out t'KimfclJ corfA ... TV 1iOiie tm- mof it ix fctf tl is the newitk. After tjrtineJl hd 1 Be)3 PkiTaee Safe After LcaCfren Wat Eaockefl Out f Box. KeaJhudbV ie jatelihig savd yester day fBif fur Oiaio yester diiy af ter J'la":acs4)iUa ixd kiiwkffd Luwisrii out- of the and nabie Qikruc-o to itte iiitt third puaitirm with oji'y t jMiints t f.inr:. The wore mas S to 4. . LwrnUri ent -1 line wtd in t!ie Jirst imiiiip, PM!adelkia' mttkinr enough to wre four runs, llmii ixu'h weiit iut-o tffc is trmri that )ijr;t and the Ilullie were whtte-4iI ftir the.eifrht innings rmiiainiriE. .Itealijadt' teamaistes hacked hin j with ti ftick j-erday. Tiey lism ruwd ComdnB out t4 tl tox iv ife liKftins: frr. lifter tJ r-t jbwj:c a arnJiweue. Her ion uer w ; 'the h'-adnuistw rocou. There vere two A. A. V.ei.tiifcN fiief cierk of the IWrtf Il&ib-Oftd eonipacy TS'sth offi'- this city, h& .msered tlii eek lis caaplttT, iar i kaii he has ien iw&rch iiig for i year. He divareed frpm tise Kjother out that nunilm- tf j eiu o ttud vii- given the rui!y of the efiild. Kinw tiien he has remarried, hut not uei3 vbt "mspntly. has li leeB ahle to fiiid tiie daughter gtvea liit care. Tite Bostm Fcwt teSi t-f the xeewery if the dsug-h1r bk foUtw.-: "At 50 o'cicwk Tinday intinuiig '.H,r-d carriag drove up K a -el known South End fcchtMtt, keatd tot a stone's throw from the mt fashionable et'tioB j tf Mssahuett aveiiuft, and the -teb- cirl s called frwo her letrm Yotx Get Up la lie inornipg tirtd, lzzgizl&, tad freqccntly -with a headache thst is .lsoit xiE.bes.r2.hiC Yea have been oert-oti restless s.nd sleepless tight ifter night, and glooay and irritah'e during the day. This cervous exhaus tion arects the heart, lungs and other organs that depend tipoa the nerves for motive power. Then the stomach fails to di grst the food; the heart action is weak, and circtilatioa poor, tad the Hdneys arid liver in active. . IVVhat you need is not a stom ach, head, kidney or liver med icine, I -at Dr. Idiles Nervine to soothe and feed the nerves and build nerve tissue. "Hy --ite Buri1!t to imat trj-n-tn stralxv. -r.icii Tfulud in nerT.u prostration, fftie first eymitoma wer'.tiih.Me crriiilt acd ineumctiO'T tijtUs, vtiicti lncrnuitid to sucii ao ex teiit timt lur -ever a yuar eiits worni here a Bpeli every dty of trom tour to eix luur duntitiou. bhe ifqiiirwj ttie riittiDt ,tittuon of her jitiTBlc luzi aiifi Bt!enokt:ta SJ&e gtxBvrm. preet tid ajuruish. Th l?t jiEyBiuiaus attendmir iur ooulil f:tt no reiwf, and she finniiy tx-cemae airoost of unsound ami -A a Umt ream 1 fepan gjvme 3ir Ir. S'lifar' JCers-me, end 3'tmic, ana tM'ti't-d tiist tier BjUi wxt ay wtre not so scvrc. and Ui"T pradutuiy lis t'i'erd ainretiier. St tias liad no iwirwnr of iu miiB, and la eui iixg In Imnrth ind tttT-nptn. 3. P. OVi-.KCilOt, Sterling, TJL Or. Mite' Nervin ai old by your dngpifit. who will puarantee that tfta ttret toottte will benefit. If It taiis, ha wll refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind j MAYOR WEAVER WINS A POINT Injunction Against His Men Vacated. W'J' vn thr?-vii i Score i.-r ir.t!ii)r. "l ! ! 5 6 7 8 J i. ":tre .. .. . . . . . .3 0 -) A 0 i 1 3 'i.;hui-';.hia 6 fi 0 g O U Oil- f,u4 mm, Teniirr talked i Jirrt. Bet-j Kit. 3aenpw 32. rhsiHde'phw tr ainVd and Ih-fehatity iuj.lieatd the Vhicupn 3, Philadelphia S; h tr-wrfm-maivv. edjr lt b the ma-1 ks i-imdirren. Eetilbai ad.. 3tKeiIL tier.. IjMlurs- wrt.ed after WillteJai j duriditn, parkt- and Kaboe; in the ek'iith ituiini; but the Vt they j Johnstntif ; attendanee. eouJd ui a hut vm more -After (.irw and Beaumont htd pwe out, C!t mer ntrtc"rd a hit. Thee "WsgtieT ia pSfd and Cisuiy .ii(.ii?kd, t,he latter :Mririg Jyer- Itotty ' diKpfwed .i IJlctrt-y and the batting ralsy was over. Other JCatkinal Lete Stcre. At Ketr York Cineinnati 5, Jfew Ynk 3. At JJrtoklya St. Ixmis S, Brooklyn 0. At .Philadelpltitt Oiieapo 9, Philadel phia 4. JCatioiial Lerae StasdiEg. vTon. Ltt, Pet. Fe York. ..25 --?5f 'jtthurr 39 33 .SS4 pbiladeVi'diia ....... 36 , IS -J516 Oik-aco" . IS 37 ' ' ..:.34 ttnensnaii 15- 3? .46S Brfkh-n .....14 3 -STS BBt .... 33 .4(W Jt, Ltwia 33 19 .4 KcsirrnrE eigb lost. KcrttSfcld Hign Schord Got Six Scores iu One InttiEg. XmiliiiciO, 2lay The return pa me f the Islootpeher high ohd isilh t he Nort.hlMd high ma layed yerterday aiu'rntum na the Xori?h jarad the viMttwa Iwinj" defeated by wore' of .to 4. The i;rst. f p "iwutip n-ere very fat arid crating. Xeither Bide KfT-fd ixi t'ite fu five hininps, -btit in tin histh Jda1pelier made two runs. In the same jiming the finrt two Imh at ibtit tied the , -where-wjKm Mostjielkr went l pi(se and ly rejeatsi emir nix more iuesk trd belre the side osit. - St" " It's Easv to write a faod letter when yotsr paper, pess and ir.k are all friendly. Eaton-Hurlbut Writing Papers the "?.MllS THAT A?rEAL," make polite correspondence a plearjre. Most people just now are asking us for Twotone and Highland linen. There are other styles you may like even better. Cone in and see them. . W, Frank Harris, He's Bloci, 1 6 J 'No, Main St, Fear Team nt XartlifieldL llav 6. XortMeld 1h i Jour-tiHam imsebisll .ieaeu compowsd )fif liiJiwt rpreeiitiitirig' Jdara, Cntrul. Hie. and 1 8ia wwt6. . Jl t . Washburn is the moving spirit and h fUMx-eeded 'in aruUKing enthusiasm enongb -o tinrt t i.e first rane vit- pir.jed t twa the Tin and Central rt-ret teams 'W'esiiM'i.diiy altrtKKii and the vhnory iwas -mm by tbe Central street by a i eie i4 !t FAVCEITE WTSS. Erokla Sacdios.p "Wen ry Delhi, With Ostrich Second. . ' ra-'.e-.'iul Jla?e Track, r.nok,lyn. X. Y.. Slur 26. The I'.rtK.iJyc hh v v a-B -yesterday ly Belhi; Cwtriei i-aa . Mtcmd -and Crai.alSo VM third. Time 2.-W. 2-5. Thirty-five t.hrusud person fse-w the (.- EXPECTS TO BOOM. FERTILIZER FREE fOR THE ASKING. Ic-n of Bristol Laying Eel for Fall cf Prosperity. Brfctol, Uay 26. A Fjtecis.l toan j meeting vaa held Wednesday afternoon 1 to mi(hr the oueKtion of frrantinc the ILake Iranmcwe Power and Tramion . the privilege f laying a pemntoek along the Mr-ha-av from near tt.e lineoln Iwt line t a -taunt mio&ite E. B. I'almer resident. After a urief explanation of a-by the t4vileflie " aeked a motion cranting the a&tue s tinaainwusly adopted. Tte cmmanv alxv named wldeh ha ab sorbed ibe Briwtol Eiet'trie C. La plans for putting in a .'iO-foot i t;.-h -dam in Sew Haven river near A. W. Bft&forth'a hi-u-e and another 3T0 feet above the prewiBt i-"u if plant dam ; also the pnt tinj in of a powerful team engine at t he phmt for tie in of low -vatr. The eomnanv has ttptions on the phu-e of A. H1. Jtanffirth and IL S. joslyn and it is estimated thst the improve ments eonteinpU.tttd cail for ftn :pen diture of f2t;.00fl or jnore. It is the eompany' iutention to make this one of the'Vrt. ptwer .lanta is western Yerroent. 'The dewlopmenta of this plant is erjwttfld to h5(m thia viilag. ' runners, gardeners, florists, .seedsmen, greenhouse proprietorn, nurserymen in ee4 anyone mh will eead hi nam on a postal card to C 5. Page, Eyde I'axk, "VL, and simpJy say 'I saw year advertisement in The Barre Uaiiy Times, vnd me a sample of your Page's Plant Food" will reueive a sample promptly free, postpaid. From whit we know of the reputation of llr. page we ara inclined to believe that Lis 1'iant Food an Ktide of genuine merit, and when yon note tbe ingredients and he will H.-i-d thera to you with the n2 sample yen will see that the ordinary irt.po siuons taat are toe often praetioej v.kib the fiirmtTi nntrr th head if !"prtll.:,e"V oo int e.j-t ;n ptcr's ? !F,n 3 ini. AiirerS C . Pure, II-! de Fi,.rk, Vt. SECDF.D LIST F20M NAPLES. Steamship Keckat Brings Across ,C43 Passengers. tm York, Itlay 26. Tlie largest Hau lier cif pa.erirfr erer brought by one steamer from Kaples, 2.641, arrived ye terdar on the steamer Ssisr, A Xewt&n, Kass, Woman prominent in society, says: "1 -would not for anything be without Comfort Powder. It is splendid for irritations of tbe skin. 2t cures pricky Lest, -chafing, offensive jierppirstion, tender feet, and keeps d shklds sweet, and it has eo mux! for the rmery. Fvery woman should be sure to pet Comfort Pon dr. it is so fur eupenor to all i..':?-" IJnr- lrt:igts sell it. I nin pacing the Soar of lite, 'but .) their tsU, w as only a brief one, and the lew tears sto-d w-ere those tt toe little girl, almost bystericat from ,s ejtmit and tiar. There was a mute exchange f i-om-;.e-'n-. A juhb w '. caiUed him-'if fath er drew the ehild i 1cm. and five min utes later the earriage waiting outside w-beeh-d uowelessly and rapidly sway, the two men and the little girl in- M.ic. - '". 'A WasbingtoB street furEisbing Kt-ore was entered and new and eostiy carnns were bmrrieSJy purcliaa-d lr the chiid. Tiie three drove to the Xorth rttkm and were swm f ting over thf rails toward another state. ; Today the little one is S9d niih and more from her pretty South End ' borne, and said to 1 in a large city ; of Yeriiiwnt.. . - i "Her rootiT i 3dr. Anna tebut&fc. ; one of the lst kntwn artists" tnodelf : if the eountrv and whose Madonna ia and Tcri"!rt -fcgtire are embodied in the. fBKius Abltey porjahs. For tours' the 'beautiful young womnt: glancing sew and anon fearfully from tiie upper windows -of a Tittle apart ment hut a few Docks aay from the whfHtl, anxiously awaited her daugh ter's retttm. It was luncheon hour, and alarjory wb seldom "held by her teadiei for poor lessons or -disobedience. 'Tor several bcturs tlie anvious moth er watched and waited. Then in an- rtiifih and in an tiut.lnrr;t of grief, un consciously aware uf some ominous hap pening, site tfarew a shawl over iter head and made her way to the school, wliere site found out to her crni tutuskmeiit that her irctte girl had lieen taken awy, and that tltose who had asaiKlied in her departure were none other than Alfred A. .Stebbins, her -diverged husband, and his lawyer, C!ar- enee A. TMaittn'. "1 tut sorry to da wi,5 said the mas ter, but the father had papers proving his rigiitful kim to the child. He said he had Iteea senrelung for her five years." . ... " .... ilrs. SUHlibins, tite woi-lter, was etsea by a Post .reporter at her home. 54 lingtrk f,t.r-'t. yesterday. J am at a Ions to aeeount for the attitude of Mr. Stebbins she said. 3f lie say that he has been looking Sw JkSwjory fur live vears he tells a wicked untruth. Wltv be ahoviid have -takes the method he did to get her is one tif the deepest mysteries of my tile, yo one knew (let ter than lie thnt 1 was her in Bos ton, right here at 73 liugcies street, and yet he made not the slightest effort to inform me of his intention. J t.e rtutnner (! mt. tetituns a.. tltrfiUi'h our Trouble has lieen m(wt con temptible and unnittnner!T. Vu-.v, 1 never knew that we were e'en divtireed. In fapJ,, it i oc!y tiironjrh ht-ariiT that I know today, fur I Lave never '-been notified ly tiie eourt, 'The man simply left me end mv babe to ewe tor our selves. I w-a never jriven an opportunity i to contest hi sujI. You may te very sure that 1 would hare eagerly done. m, for if wss ni!,s r the word t a -Jying eervant girl that be erer se eured sermration ironj itn. For tire y as n.' new i have worked, almost slaved, to care prtijwrly for my dear Slarjory. Xwt onw -in all that time hiss he provided-. i- her support I have not slept ainee Marjory lias lieen taken from me, liut I have not wasied my time in idle tears. 1 believe tltat lir. Stehhhs will yet here. eaue to repent for what he has done. 1 sbtil employ the best le gal d;vii?e to regain tiie custody of iry daughter.''' .", - Aiarjory Alice SteWin is one of the most prepossessiiig ebildren of the dis trict in which she desides. Bhe is a trifle shove the usual height of a girl (4 32, Llonde, and resemble, in face and figure her beautiful mother. ' in school she i in the seventh rrirje. and Iter teacher sy that, although a triSe btihind her class, it is because of considerable absenee. and that she is ordinarily an exeeptkmaily bright child. "The little girl has a very fine voice, which Lor Biol lior is Laving trained, and she is also reaving stieuial education in other directions in a Back Bay private school. . ' Arthur A. Stebhins. who is a weB knows Tuilrosd man in Vermont, was seen by a Post Teport.T as be wai tak ing a train for his home. " Thank kd, my search is over, said Mr. Siebhins. ''For years I have lieen in agor.y over the thought that et little one must lie surnistiiaed by evil ir.f.ue-ii'-et. Jor yetJ-s I have employed t:ie be-st d-:etM.jve iceneje-. and iawve-t s well, in so -er'ort to aid me rn mv eiiT!-h, hot up to 1-onday 1 have sought my -lin.Je !ne an vam. . ""-And then eante Sir, Softer V due. t ! searched "the West- Bud. and t he North End, and the South End as well, hut all to no jwrtowe, and then eame the v i .! d from the lav yet that my lit tle one had lieen hi.'-f.ted. We went to this ochtMtl. where her name vas found on tie rep'-ter. 1 saw the prinrijiaL 'When the principal heard the true facts nt the ea- he was lather emuti to appreciist' try' position.. He did all tiiat he could to help me. Be seui to the nictfher's home in Bugles street and tiie little one eajne. !SHe knew ate at oftise, and for the tune in over live years, we were clasped in each oth ers arm. "Mr. Sf.ehbin and hi w-jie were mar ried IS vearsgo. Be had but reeentiy "Taduated from Hamilton College at :!into.n, X. Y., while she Lailed from Ploiadelphiii. where her fan;i?y was one of tbe veu.'t:,K-t and ino.-t rclined. OFFICES TURNED OYER. Supreme Court Will Investigate Matter City Council Talk! cf im peaching tie City! Ex- ' ectttive. Jlay 2C- A writ tn ,;!aWn,t,i fa of special supersedeas was t,-r kf Justice .ww :t- v..n. ,A he Kimreme eourt to former Judge Gordon, counsel foi .., .itr in tne 111 uhiwvu I"" 1UO i ,,,... - . - t,T-riir?,t liefore Judi'e I!altoB rfrain t ie mayor irwm i""s. TWiwtor Smith and CoUi.o. The writ removes the injuetion grant -. ,i r.iv,.n Wethieiiav afid al- k'Wb'tlie mat or' new appointees Co,o- .n(f A. Lmeolna .r axutTie their duties Hsfet r ana BABY WMEMEIR DYING From an Awful Skin Humor Scratched Till Blood Ran. Wasted to a Skeleton, ? SPEED III CUREdIt CUT1CURA 'Wbea three month eld my boy broke out with aa itchirr. waury rash H over bi body, end he wou.d acratch till the blood ran. We tned cearly everything, but be rrew worse wasttce to skeleton, and we f tared, be would die. He slept only whta la our arms. The first apportion cf Cuticura aoothed ttm so tuat te titpt in fcis cradle tor tie rst ttme ia many wetka. One rt of Cnucara made a comp'ete and permanent cure, (signed) Mrf. M. C MaiUaad. Jaaper, OcUrio." ERA US CASE KEAKLY SETTLED. Kan VTho Tampered With Xau to Ef Punished. Var,hnilon, SJay 2tk It was rn- noimeed at the tate Department ye tershiv after s -eall of Baron Ihskra, the A ustro-F! imgariaB darge d'affaires, thst the eontrotersv of Slsireu Braun, the Ameriea-n hnmigrstioa insjwetor st Bud apest, with the Hungarian antliunties was on 5 lie road to a satisfactory Tiie police oflk'ijj who is said to have taiirered with Mr. Braun' mail will ) difnnssed and ttsrther fiunisSiea Mr. Braim will 1 jut.htirawn from his n-e'Bt jt and transierred to another field of uetivit T'. His successor has not vet been sekt'Wu. wil J "oxter ker to . . .r . ..1 i, xis turert-or i rviuj.v direetor of public work's respe.fw . li the meantime the supreme euurt in vestigates the matter. Aetm on the writ 'of supersedeas the new direetor at out 'ao'sumed charge of their of-tn--. iiavor Vi'eaver yesterday took font -Lie jWesion of the offiee of director 4 puUic safetv and diieetor of pob lic works. Neither Dirertor JJaawI J. Smvth nor IHrenor Peter E. Cote offered serious rM-tace. lour detec tiies were placed on guard st tbe ofSees. Slessrs. Smvth and Costelio had sought to (vii it- removal frosB omee by appeab injr to the e"jrt. - Mnvor Weaver went to the otfioe of tiie officisls and intormed theto that their presence in the -.;lice a tie-: pass. Both, Messrs. Smyth and Costello. v i'.hirew. It was runiored yesterday . afternoon that the IU-pablin "orgarjir-stion" leader intend to impeach Mayor Weav er. With this end in ew, it is said, a speciitl jneetinr of select eouneil will lie called for this afternoon for this pnrpoi. Ia the event of impeachment of the mayor, lYesident of Sele.ct Coun cil Harry C BaTisk-y, who is the or-gsEir-ation" candidate for sheriff, will act as mayor for sixty daysj weaB while. a st-ecial election for mayor will be held, and a new mayor i-hea t,rr the regular four year term.- Maifeas sue ia office is the ground upon which the impeaehment prtsediBsr will be based. The "orgaEMtion'' leaders t daim they have the proof to su'tain the eham-s. BEBSK TO E00SEVELX. Toasted as tbe Kan Who la Set Af:4iif of Anything. Kew York, May 20. At the eustom ary 'k-tria day dinner given by t.'.e Br'iti-h sli't'li ar.l ' I'liiiersiUes C!t at Iirnoiih.'s Wednesday night, ia wmmeiiiwation of Qiieea 'nt oria's birthdar, the toart of president lUiuse velt was by the Ir. Dr. Ar thur H. Jud;'e in the j-..Uo!:r terms and drunk with great enthasia.i : -.Here'n to tb Rum who in neTer afraid (!Ming and -neerin), - who i not afraid of the trusts, who is not, afraid of the unions, nho is not afriui of the Stmt sod who i nt fr...,i of the wild beat of the Eotiy uhtain; bere'a to the man wboe trf Land is titig felt by the people of-, tie earth: LerV to t man i ha sue eeeded as few before liim to unite this nation in love and admiration ; here's to the man who always knows Ixis - m mind, and Uo will carry it oct if Ut can." Usrdtv less marked in its ap!eal W the aatii-n was tbe incidental refer ence made by Ssaetary JoVoi Tnord of the AtnerieaB Asiatie Assmt-Lstk n while speakng to the toaet ireat Bnt-, ain Ally 1b" the East, to t.b .erma Emperor as a "iiiiw-hM-f-rimking eom-io voyageur, irora wooni u peace i the world today Las Ktre to lew than, from any other factor. . ETJSEISG T I! OOPS TO ARABIA. laikey li Kovisg Against the Yimia SewolBtioniftt. Bert Said, May 2i The Turi:ih government i ruhing trps to tfce provini of Yemen, Arabia, which Las been in a state of revolution for some time asU Transptct witk 2; m atssea. fcere Wednesday. LIABILITIES OF l,714eS. CAFTIAL MOVES JTTXE 20. On That Bate Kr. Roosevelt Will Settle at Bay.. Washington, May 2C Mr. Boose veit and tiie president's family will de part for Oyster Buy on June 10, The While House dogs, horses and neces sary effects will be shipped at the same time. Tlte president will keep "baehelor's hall" until June 20, when he wiU join the femiiy at Oyster Bay itir the summer. EILLEB BY TAVOEITE HOESE. Kew Eaves Woman's Body Found in Stall by Her Ensband. JTew Bftven. May 26. Lying under the heel -f her favorite horse, witb her ckull crashed, the body of Mrs. John 3, Dillon was found late Wednesday nis-ht in the stable attat-hed to her rea denee. It is eupposed that she was killed instantly by a kick as she was entering the stall to water the animal in the morning. -' Ber body was not discovered until her husband, who Lad liecn absent from home, retitrned, Raid nt once lsraii. a searuh for her. Mrs. Dillon was thirty-six veers old. Her husband was a city official. Heaviest Bankruptcy Petition on Kecotd , Filed in East on Yesterday. Boston, May 25. One of the heaviest bankruptcy petitions on reeord in the kieal eourt was field late yesterday af ternoon by Arriiie C. Iw-nuett and (liarlee K Cutnmings, 2J. brokers, of ti Milk street. Their liabilities are placed at 11,73 4,:;(il!, and the assets are of uneertain value. The can- of the failure was the li:d- ir?-- n ii.t t'.io.n, ii tbe I onsT,! & ft-on Street JLuiiwav Comrianv. the Mid- Ware ham A Burards Bav Street Bail way Company, the Briwell & Bos ton Street Baiiway and the Bristol Citarty Baiiway Company. These elec tric railroad were in thinly settled dis-trix-lf and were unable to make suitable tonneetks arid traiSe relations with roads having terminal in Bi-t-ri. These roads wore later placed in the Land of receivers upon which the equity of the stock was lost and the notes gives Ly the roads became of no value. Tiie Massachusetts SeeuritW Com ji;i!:yV Iwrnds, wiiich were secured Ly obligations i these electric roads, eon sequentiy lecame vahieless. and entailed large losses on tbe :rm. The 1-cying. of the Hampden Trust voniianv ursA of i the 'Taunton Trust Company, which ! were, nnkvcwn to th fsnu. in serkn ! financial straits and were placed in the hands of receivers, hastened the firm's 1 financial, emliarrassment, and a refusal ? of etEtenskia oj credit by the banks, made a 4ontinuanee in business impos- f f-iWe. ..- ( Mr. Butaett has had no -connection ! with the Im-iiiies for over two vear.! and had no active part in the 'firm's I iperai-K.ns. leaving the am pon find-! ing that it Imsiness was to lie devoted ': to financing suburban street railways.' instead ef tit purchase and sale -.f ; Uiwiyipal end railroad bonds. The firm j was in bushies Hire jears and a Lalf.i smveedljig the firm fC S. Cnmmrn'-s I & Co. . j I Give Honor to Wkcm It Is Dae. Df. 'David Kennedy's Favorite Eem edy, of Indout, X. Y"-, rsred me t-f Bright" disease and Graved. Four t-f the best phyeciaiii Lad failed to relkve me. I have recommended it to sore of people with like success, and kne w it will erne all who trv it. Mrs. H P. Mkner. Burg II:'.!, O. iTi.. fW, "ail druggist; 6 Iftt.e, $;.o3. BARRE OPERA HOUSE Friday Zse, May 26. At Dght O'clock. RECITAL Ion Jackson, - - Tenor Dion Kennedy, - Pianist : Oi New Yl C5re. Ticket na -Sale ai4 rs e aad aire Sonast-, Ma; sisi, at im e 0s Jh.; bwv , Tb Rlasfu Yama Vt X s a tnrai H R. A. OosiiU. Prices: - - - 35c and 5 Cc C0STIYENESS SPELLS SICK ALL OVER Cwrtveaess, ff aTiowea to p n?erw(a8, will lead to habitual Dsmetwatiaa, and tfeat sieana twd luisai poor diStwRion, unhealthy l,uul..,l.a. tt,tA nrlieMfi. it IS tae iimiBess of th liver to sserete and wmove tae hi ti?na m tuoou, sura vj. tic and keen the buae nsruiat. Let -the liver cecowe sluccib. uirj'iu tuactre, and von are as sere to tieanne enstrte a the son f atttne, fimiui's J"meapt nd Bnwcront riht cg re eutttvtaess in Jaur' a. Tbcy resnn-e tbe liver to normal activity; they remove funl secretiouB and eststibsu n-ru;aritv. Ii matter wbat you have tried, rei Bmitli' Bineapple siid BaemmPiUs.and yon wm obtain fceaitn end esxshiibfa tbe iiver and boweis in bealxhy action. They care eonstination. Lilmttsnees, beeaache in one night, price SH cent all c-BSiers. , AU gtsinine signed W. F. Smith. A POSITIVE CURE FOR RKEUKATtSM AK3 ALL FCrS CF tGDHEY AMD BLADDE5? ILLS. MTIXJL DtALE-RS-t-S CEWTS. A CURE AT THE PEOPLI-S PRiCE OFFICIAL LIABLE. Street Superintendent Can Be Sued for Injuries. j Boston, May i'6. A superinteniieni of j streets cub lie held personally little jBi damajres to travelers ininj-ed in the! Wgbway if hi own pwsoiml necligeac eaused the aeddetit, aeeordine i a de- ion sent- down by the fail bench off tiie sujireme conn vesteraHT, iia the ' iimoti,y a. jviovmiian, t-js wjie. Abide -L- Mtiynilian, and Matbew Mrs, tx. ioomey, against lta:k P. Todd n. perititeTideut of streets of the town of ' l.os lev. EBSESTS ACTIOS CF PEESIDEST. Breckenridge Leaves the Dawes Com mission, Muskogee L May 5fi.-Maj Ciif. ton K. Ilreckearidge, former ambassador to Bussia. has ressgned Us position as member of the Dawes commission. The resiniatinn was submitted to the presi dent in April, and it was anncmneed ves terday. Be resigned because of aa order issaed by the president revers ing the action of tie Dawes 'eommis sum ob a hind cueKion over wlk-h Msjfir Breckinridge had immediate ur- ISUlCtlOli. . oris . ETTXS6. UK oris ETOY IYIM55. RUBBER Big . Assortment 7iio cro wag-:5s. Prices RUBBER TOIB TCP CAFJUSE5. Low. RUBBER tucctknt TOED STAKSGFIS AKX SrFMTS. RUBBER TIRES FIT C TDl'R OLD 'AG0S AT LOW fPJCES, ; Collins & Colton, M Stite Street . Montpciicr, - - - Vermont. WAGOKS EELTITEEJ Till CLINTON N. FIELD 31 Pa- Cent Bonds Oi City of New York ari o:he High tGrde ykldiEg tent 3 to5 per crtt. 35 Nisus St-cct, - - Kcw Tcri.