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THE BABILE DAILY TIMES, MAY 2G. 1U05. BARRE DAILY TIMES Published Etery Wetkdar Afternoon. SoV-scrip'ions : Cot ytar, $3 ; one mouth. 25 ets. jingle copy, 1 cent Hemberi of the Pabliebwa' PreM. The latest tejagrapbie new. from li J'&rt of Ibe world are retired by the laily Tiine up to tbe boor of going to prwt. Frank L Lmjlty, Publisher. Entered at the poetoffice at Sure m second cImi matter. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1905. The averajre daily circulation of the Barre Daily Times for the week ending Saturday wag 3,400 topie, the largest paid circulation of my daily paper in this section. The Boston lawyer who has just se cured a fee of $161,174, need not worry about the income to be lost during his summer 'vacation. Tlie public is wondering what has become of the public library which was to be built on the lot voted to be given by the city some months ago Mayor Burke of Builington i at last getting down to hard-pan ; he has made some specific charges. There has been so much beating atiout the bush that people were beginning to think that his talk was mere talk. The charges may be unfounded but they are seri ous To allege that a former street superintendent put in slips for $4,000 for work not clone, that an alderman accepted a commission on the purchase of a horse for the fire department, and that a street commissioner has been neirliuent in the discharge of his duties constitute charges 'which the people of Burlington w ill probably, not allow to pass unnoticed. Without doubt Mayor Burke will be called upon to elucidate If you're in a rush, this is the store to rush to for Clothing. Everything ready, everything right and every thing new. Today we're having a run on Straw Hats. All ttyles. All kinds. All prices, 10c to $5.00. WE CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. COULDN'T STAND THE STRAIN. ! Interviewed Concerning Murder, Weal ! thy Ulinoisan Ended His Own Life. Savanna, 111., May 26. Bothwell Pul ' ford, reputed to be the wealthiest citi j zen of Savanna, committed suicide yes terday, a few moments after being ques i t toned regarding the whereabouts of a j revolver with which be was suspected of having slain Attorney Daniel S. Ber ry, former leading member of tne Illi nois legislature. Pulford had denied any knowledge of the killing of Berry, but became agitat ed when questioned concerning the re volver. The story has been widely cir culated that Berry was killed as a result of attention paid by him to a married woman. Pulford, on arriving at his store yes terday, found a newspaper man waiting for him with queries as to the revolver. As soon as the interviewer had left, Pulford hurried home and, going to the hayloft of his barn, shot himself dead. At the Bound of the revolver, Mrs. Pulford became hysterical. When the neighbors reached the house she was i wailing, frantically, her two daughters at ner side. For two months Pulford has shown signs of mental strain. When Berry was killed in Pulford's opera house last Monday, and the authorities began to question Pulford, it was evident to those who knew him best that Pulford's mind was riving way. Mrs, Pulford, after the suicide, kept iterating wildlv: "I knew he'd do it. I knew he'd do it." Pulford's death ends the life of the man who rose from a poor boy to the position of one of the wealthiest men in this section of Illinois. A tireless worker, he accumulated money fast and, besides owning much of the most valuable real estate of Savanna, he was Defeated Vermont Tennis Team in Yes- J the president of the Commercial Bank A. A 'SMITH Saturday' bale ' 'r J & BRO. EST GREAT CLEARING SALE OF THE SEASON I 174 Main Street, Barre, Vt. B0WD0IN WINNING. terday's Play. Brunswick, Me., May 20. The Uni versity of Vermont-Bowdoin College tennis tournament began yesterday. The contestants are Stanley Williams, Paul Laidley, H. O. Tobey and C. J. Greene for Bowdoin, and F. II. Pease, L. H. Hulet, 11. J. Partridge and George Klrkpatrick for Vermont." It is a round robin tournament, where each Bowdo'm player plays each Vermont man. A STEADY INCREASE. - The figures of the board oX assesors, although they are necessarily imperfect at this time, indicate that the city of P.arre has been maintaining during the past year the same steady ratio of in crease in property appraisal as in the past decade or so, with the consequent increase in the grand list. As near as can be ascertained the figures of the latter are nearly $43,000, showing a gain in the year of about $1,800. Since 1893, when the city was separated from the town of Barre, the grand list of the former has all but doubled. At that time it was h-ss than $25,000 Few cities or towns, unless they be the so called "boom" communities, are able to present a better showing than that; and Barre is not one of the "boom" cities, in spite of the rapid growth. The increase is a natural one, not natural, perhaps, as slow-moving Vermont is accustomed to entertain, but commen surate with the development of a staple, substantial industry, in which the de mand for the product invites prosperity stnd progress. The advance of the gran ite industry brings more and more mon ey into the community, and this money, or a considerable portion of it, finds its way eventually into building work business blocks, cottage houses, new manufacturing plants and various allied tilings. The assessors find that during the past year the valuation of real es tate has increased nearly two hundred thousand dollars, and a large part of this is represented by new buildings. And, too, other property is taking to itself increased value through the in tangible but nevertheless growing force, which is represented by the unearned increment. Xhe prospects are that there will be a constant and appreciable increase from year to year. . ' Hoime of Commune Otlnr. The cellar of the house of commons la 200 feet long and can hold $200.00C worth of wine. Usually, however, there la only a tenth of this amount stored. and the owner of the electric light sys tern. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. but NEW STOCK KODAKS $5.00 to $20.00 BROWNIES $1.00 to $9.00 See, the folding Brownie Cameras. Big value for a little money. They make good pictures, too. Selling Adulterated Cream of Tartar. A. B. Ryan was fined $23 by Judge Adams in the Boston police court for sellinii impure cream of tartar. The stuff was put up in packages and marked 'pure. State Analyst liVtngoe found that it contained calciuin sulphate, cal cium acid phosphate and other matter. The analyst stated that while calcium acid phosphate mixed with soda would give otf some leavening gas, and thereby mislead the user, the other ingredients were simply makeweights. Calcium sul phate is ground gypsum, which is plas ter of Paris. Ryan had been disposing of this mixture for cream of tartar a long while, and had been lined once be fore for the same offense. A peat deal of this kind of material is sold throughout Aew England under the name of cream of tartar, which it resembles so closely in appearance as to deceive any one who cannot analyze it. Housekeepers use it with soda to raise biscuit, cake, etc., in ignorance of the fact that it carries to the . food a substance unfit for the stomach, plas ter of Paris, and that its leavening property is very slight. We are told that there is but little pure cream of tartar sold at the shops. It is safer, as well as more economical, for the housewife to procure a reputable cream of tartar baking powder for rais ing her biscuit and cake, as the olticial analyses show that the ingredients used in them are chemically pure, STATUES. Mme. Sarah Bernhardt sleeps five hours out of the twenty-four. Mrs. Hoswell D. Hitchcock, wife of Commander Hitchcock, U. 8. N is a firm believer in woman suffrage and the business woman. She has quite a talent for business herself. Mrs. Anna Wrlghtinan Walker of Philadelphia has a fortune of $20,000, 000. To this comfortable sum she has just added $2, the same being a prize for the best mushrooms exhibited at the Pennsylvania Horticultural socie ty's show. The Columbus hospital, which has Just been dedicated in Chicago, is the forty-sixth institution of its kind which hna beeu founded by Mother Superior Francis Xavier Cabrlni, head of the order of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Undoubtedly the oldest twin sisters iu the United States, if not in the world, nre Mrs. Eveline Tilton and Miss Kmeline Pen-in of New Hampton, la. These two women were born in Vernon, Conn., May 22, 1811, and were of a family of live children, two others of whom were twins. Mrs. Roosevelt always has been an Indefatigable pedestrian, and she has made walking the fashion in Washing' ton. Now nearly all the cabinet wo men and many from the millionaire so cial set take their morning constitu tionals and follow Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs. llay In the matter of making all their visits, at least to friends, on foot, Colorado will celebrate the one hun 3redth anniversary of the discovery ot Pike's peak on Nov. 15, 10OG. A statue may be erected in honor of Zebulon Pike. United Statea army. Pulahkl, the Polish hero of the Revo lutionary war, is to be perpetuated inn bronze equestrian statue which will be placed In a conspicuous .triangle-, in Washington. Casimer Cliod.luskl wr.s selected by the Pollsh-Americun so cieties of the country to execute the statue, for which purpose congress ap propriated $50,000. Ink Stains on Wood, . To remove ink stains from wooden tables, floors, etc., apply spirits of salt with a piece of cloth and afterward wash well with water. Take care not to let the spirits of salt touch the bauds, for it quickly causes blistering. Preafdciit iul "KIrclou. There is no provision of law for a certificate of election being issued to the presldeut and vice president. They read about the election in the news papers. Moacon'a Foundling Anylnm. The largest foundling asylum in the world is in Moscow. It has a capucity for 40,000 babies and was established more than a century ago by Empress Catherine II. It is supported largely by a tax on playing cards. A Setback. RED CROSS PHARMACY MILES' GFA?3TE BLOCK. Flah Skin. Fish sklus are employed lu making the choicest glue, while isinglass is made from the sounds or swimming bladders of sturgeon, hake, cod, sque teague, etc., and is employed iu clari fying fennouted liquors, for making jellies and soups aud medicinally as a demulcent, either externally or In ternally. ' ' Saluou Skin Garment. In Siberia the natives often wear brilliant leather garments, dyed red and yellow, made from salmon skins. TmCE OOt 4 If 'v ,v 'Tnrdon me, but haven't we met be fore?" "If we had, you would know nie be ter than to ask me such a foolish que tion." Chicago Tribune. 5 itf" ' j 5 : 2 Soda Water College Ices Cold and Refreshing, Served as they should be. We have the best ROOT BEER in the city. Our customers tell us so. We want you to be our customer Day. Shoes, Shoes! Men's and Women's Shoes J At a Big Sacrifice. Large lot of Women's Shoes and Oxfords, large ly in Vici Kid, Patent Leathers, etc., $2.50 and $3.00 values, to be closed Friday and Saturday at 15c Wash Goods for 11 1-2c Pr Yard. Beautiful Goods For Dresses and Wasts. Arnold's Dotted Swiss Muslins in pink, white, red, blue FbTsateen in blue, black and brown, with dainty designs. Wld's Taffeta in blue, brown and black, in a large range of design This is a very popular cloth this year and u so M I .t ice. Saturday your choice of any of the : above at 11 l-2cayd. 5 These are7 not sale goods, but are all new this year. AFTER 6 P. M. This Week Saturday It Will be Ladies' Hosiery. Lace Hose in Black and Tan. Last Saturday evening eager buyers took advantage of the sale of Children's Hose. This week baturaay evening we wiu offer equally as good bargains in Ladies Lace riose. itcr o o'clock Saturday evening the price will be only 12 1 -2c per pair. No Better Hose Can Be Found at the Price Than Mere- W VAUGHAIN b I OKt Saturday Sale! Low Price Lever, as Usual. Mens 'Collars A fortunate purchase of Collars, equal in wearing qualities to the best 15c Collars sold, enables us to sell them on Friday and Saturday at only 9 Cents After all other arguments have been exhausted -after all emphasis has been used, in the exploiting of styles. qualities and general desirability of the new season's merchandise the one crowning argument, the one great lever that lifts this business to its proper sphere of usefulness, is the lever of low prices. We believe in style, we insist on quality, but we gain and maintain your confidence by the absolute economy of our prices. Glad to have you test all this at any time and especially SATURDAY, this week, for it's a Shirt Waist Sale. You are welcome to our entire stock of $ 1.15 Waists for 98c, and every Waist is a new one. But very special for Saturday is fifty fi.oo White Lawn Waists for 59c, thirty-six 1.50 White Lawn Waists for $1.08 and twenty-four $1.75 Pure Linen Waists for $ 1 .29 each. , Special Prices on Coats! ' Don't forget the White Goods Sale! The Perley E. Pope Co., (Taplin's Old Store) Corner Main and State Streets, - - Montpelicr, Vermont. Mens Hats! A splendid lot of Hen's Soft and Stiff Hats, values from $1.50 to $2.50, for Friday and Saturday at 95 Cents Straw Hats! AT A BARGAIN. A large lot of Business and Dress Straw Hats will be offered by us Friday and Saturday at half price, 39 Cents New Shirts! D. P. DAVIS, "The Druggist," Newest creations in Shirts have just been received by us. Come in and look at them. A. A. SMITH & BRO. MEN'S OUTFITTERS Miles Granite Block, Special for Saturday, May 27 Silt Pork, per pound 10c Elcvea pounds ot Salt Pork for ..... . $1.00 Lird is S. 10 or 20 lb. pails, per lb..'. ..11c Pork Sausaje. per pound 10c Btef Siujajc. prr pound , 10c Whole Pork Shou'dtrs, per pouDd 11c Wlole Smoked Emu, ptr pound. 1 4c Extra Urje M-coont Oranges, ptr doz.. 45e Extra lare Bananas, ptr dezea 25c Pineapples, two for. 25c Lettuce, Cucumbers, Asparagus, new Cabbage and Rhubarb at lowest prices. H. J. Smith's Cash Market, (TELEPHONE 37-2) 367 North Main Street, "- . . Bane, Vermont. Special Low Prices for Saturday Pay Cash and Get Your Rebate Checks. Fresh Fowls, per pound. 20c Home Cured Bacon, per pound ............ He 1 0 pounds Salt Pork for ,......$ 1 .00 Mutton Chops, per pound , 1 8c Native Pig Pork Chops, per pound. ........ He Fresh Pork Shoulders, per pound. .. . , .... 1 2c Home Cured Hams, ptr pound He Three-pound package of Lotus Prunes for. . . 25c Lettuce, Cucumbers, Radishes, Green Onions, Cabbage and all other fixins. at lowest prices. Special low prices on all Cut Meats Saturday night. CHESSER & BIRD, Telephone 231-1 323 North Main Street. Meats and Groceries. PROTECTION I - - j, Capital, . . . . $75,000.00 Surplus and Profits, over - 17,000.00 S This Bank is the OLDESTSavings Bank and Trust Company, with the 3 tection of its depositors, in Barre. 2 GRANITE Savings Bank and Trust Company, 1 BARRE. VERMONT. j 262 North Main St, - - - Barre, Vermont. Barre, - - Vermont ( i . .TV-