Newspaper Page Text
1 f TILE BARRE DAILY TIMES, MAY 26, VJOo. STATIONERY A STEADY STREAM - of stationery and office supplies flows irom tbe store to our customers, and mother stream replenishes tbe stock. This is kept up to a condition where betterment is impossible. STATIONERY from the best manufacturers in each line fills our shelves, and little money will transfer the ownership. Tie proof of the value is in the quality. Barrc Book Store, CARROLL W. MARTIN. Proprietor. Gordon Block, 140 No. Main St The Art Store Have you thought of a White Suit for Summer ? Nothing gives better satisfaction than the Soft Finish, Round Thread Linen in the Old Bleach brands. 1$ 4 J inches wide and the price is 85c and 90c a yard. MRS. H. A. RICHARDSON, 7 Pearl Street, - - Barre, Vermont. Carriages and Harness! We carry a full assortment of High and Medium Grade Carriages." Come in and see tlietn, even if you don't want to buy, and if you. are in need of a Carriage' of any description we will save you itioney. Come in and talk it over. AIho & nice line of Xew and Second hand Harness. li. F. Cutler's Livery, .Telephone 131 -2. Rear ol City Hotel, - - - Barre. Vermont. I T11 dip TRY IT . . SMOKE IT For Sale Everywhere MILEAGE BOOKS TO REftf ON ALL RAILROADS. PLENTY OF THEM E. 0. MARRION, Pipes and Tobacco, CornerlCigar Store, Barrc. Smokers! Those of you who are particular about the quality of your cigars try our I INDELLIBLE IVT' ... which we guarantee to be the best lOo cigar made. Our LEADER s a 5a cigar that can't be beat. Call in and try them. They are sure to please you. We also carry a full line of pipes, fobaoco aid smokers' supplies. P. N. WHEELER & CO., ?2 North Main St., - Barre, Vt. REMOVAL NOTICE! , J, W. Grady, Merchant Tailor, is now occupying rooms in the new Blanch ard Block. Telephone No. 23143, f W GRADY, Telephone 231-13 Blancaard Block, - Barre, Vt. Insist on Getting Standish Frankiotts and Bologna. Home-made by THE BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1905. PROSPERITY IS A DUTY. If you cannot be prosperous Iks prosiwrous us 3'ou can, and no one is as prosperous as they can be until in sured. 56th year, doing business in 42 states. The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (Mutual). Organized in 1850. S. S. Ballard. General Agent. N, J. Ballard, Local Agent, Rooms 2 and 3, Miles' Block, Barre, Vt. TALK OFTHE TOWN. Pansy plants at Emslie's. Three fine white vests for 25c at Ab bolt's. See call for meeting of Central Labor Union in another column. Ice cream soda and fruit at the Ver mont Fruit Store is tbe best of them all. Cups, gpoons, rings, chains, and many new things for the baby at iuss JU. L. Walker's. You will surely want one of those wrappers on sale at Perry's on Saturday tor 7'Jc each. Old gold and silver wanted at re finers prices in exchange for gooda at i. Ji. lsurr s. Call at the Auction rooms, Pearl street and examine the eoods to be sold Saturday. , Saws filed. Prompt work and satis faction guaranteed. L. E. Griswold, 01 iorth Main street. La Veccliia. Filodramatica dara al Caatle l'arit Theatre una straordinaria representazion il 27 Maggio. The "I'ointer" of the Densmore shows the vertical and lateral position of the writing on the paper. ,. w. Kogers, Frank Tileston Smith, vocal teacher, troin Uoston, can be iouud at his rooms, 15 Church street, Thursday afternoons and evenings. A reaular lueetms of Sub. Court Bane, o. :.!;il7. 1. O. F., trill be held Friday, May 2(1, at 7.30 p. in. J. C. lioinlmrd, 11. is. - The Hotel Northern lias equipped one of the largest and nicest dining rooms in the city, and will tmnisli table board tor $3.50 per week. There will be a special communica tion of Granite Lode, No, 35. F. and A. M., this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work on . A. degree. Per order the N . M. Col. J. B. Meads Circle, Ladies of the (J. A. II., will hold a regular imvting Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. There will alno Memorial services for members de ceased during the past year. , Frank Yeartaw has encaged Frank C. Minard to work in his blacksmith shop and he will be there ready to do all kinds of fancv horse shoeing and jobbing. Terms strictly cash. Work Wanted. Refined and educated man of 30 very popular, speaking Eng lish, French and Italian wishes either a job as clerk and show window de signer or as driver ot a delivery team. Address at once, "Joe," Bos 271, City. One of the most pleasing parties given during the year is the children's ball to be held. Thursday evening, June 1. A fine concert is to be given by Wildor's orchestra. Every detail will be care fully' looked after to make the party a great success. A.l members of Clan Gordon. No, 12, arc requested to meet in their hall, Sun day, May 28, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of attending the Congrega tional church, where the Rev. F. A. Poole will preach a special sermon to the Clansmen. It is hoped that every Clansmen will make au effort to attend. Wear badees and white gloves. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes a cough hangs on so long you feel as if nothing but dynamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray of Calhoun, Ga., writes: "My wife bad a very aggravated cough, which kept here awake nights. Two physicians could not help her, so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and la grippe. At the Red Cross Phar macy. Prices, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. GRANITEVILLE. To Rent. A small tenement of four rooms. Inquire of A. A. Smith. , There will le a social dance at Miles' hall, Granitevilie, Monday evening May 29, for the benefit of the Woodmen base ball team. First class music will be furnished by Burridge's orchestra ot three pieces. William O'Donnell will be floor manager. Ice cream' and cake sold in banquet ball at reasonable prices, panong from 8 to 4. Admission 50 cents per couple. . Everybody welcome. EAST BARRE. IT. M. Whitcomb and J. A. Comolli will give a dance at the East Barre opera house, Monday evening, May 29. Bill 50 cents. All are cordially invited. Dt. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems especially adapted to the needs of tbe children. Pleasant to take; soothing in its influence. It is the remedy of all remedies for every form of throat aad lung disease. Tem thousand demons gnawing away at one's vitals couldn't be much -worse than the tortures of itching piles. Yet there's a cure. Doan's Ointment never fails. Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man a clear head, as active brain, a strong, vigorous body makes him fit for the battle of Bfe. Crous instantly relieved. Dr. Thom as' Edectris Oil. Perfectly safe. Nst- RESCUED FROM LAKE. Patrick Crowley of Burlington Has Narrow Escape. Burlington, Hay 26. Patrick Crowley had a narow escape from drowning at 3 o'clock vesterday morning at the mouth of the Winooski river. With party of six he was fishing. A squall swamped the boat. AU could swim but Crowley and he waa rescued in an ex hausted condition. Hon. Frank Pluraley's Engagements. Northfield, May 26. Hon. and Mrs, I-rank Plumlev will leave here nest Tuesday for Rochester, Proctor, and the International Peace Conference at Lake Mohonk, N. Y. Mr. Plumley will de liver a Memorial day address at Roches ter in the afternoon and at Proctor the evening of Memorial day. Concert Programme. At the opera house Friday evening, May 20, an excellent concert will be given, the proceeds to go to pay the indebtedness of the Barre Musical as sociation. The programme is as fol lows: Piano-AlIeniamle Gavotte and Mus ette from Suite for Piano, Opus 1,.... D'Albert Come With Me Baumann At a Pantomime Rogers Spring Song Woodman Who Is Sylvia.. .....Schubert Das Wandern (Wandering) . .Schubert Der Doppelganger, (The Double) . . ........ Schubert Piano a L'Alluette (Lark) Glinka-Ballikirew b Consolation. . . . .Laszlo Old English a It Was a Lover and His Lass . . ..(Words from "As You Like It.") b Sigh no More Ladies ...... (from Shakespeare) c Young Richard of Taumton Dean Flute Solo G. II. Wilder Scotch a My Bnirnie. ........ .Kate Vannah b Loch Lomond ' . . .Traditional c Bonnets o' Bonnie Dundee, (by request) Piano a Sarabande Eameau ... MacDowell b Minnuetto Seherzando.Stavenhaa;en c The Eagle .MacDowell d Andante from "Lucia" for left hand . Arranged by Leschetiskv Two Irish Songs , a You'd Better Ask Me b I Remember Meetintr You . . , . Lohr If Thou Wert Blind. .... .Noel Johnson Reconciliat ion , .... Schlieder Artists. Ion Jackson . .", . ...... .Tenor Dion Kenned v .... Pianist G. II. Wilder. Flute NOTICE. Barre, Vt., May 22, 1905. The Board of Health respectfully call the attention of occupants, property- owners and agents to Sections 9, 10, 11 and 16, City Ordinances, and remind them that cellars must bo cleaned, privies, vaults and cess-pools emptied, and manure from livery stables removed during the present week. Also any person keeping pigs within 100 feet of any windows or doors of livinar apart ments must remove the same under penalty of prosecution. VM. JACK., JOE W. JACKSON, C. S. WALLACE, Board of Health. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Notice is hereby given that the Asses sors of the City of Barre will meet in the Assessors' Room, in the City Hall, in said City of Barre, on the 25th day of May, A. D, 1905, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of hear ing such persons as feel aggrieved by the appraisals of said Assessors, or any of their acts relating to the making of the Grand List for the City of Bane for the year 1905. Dated at the City of Barre this 25th day of May, A. D. 1905. C1IAS. A. SMITH, F. L. PAGE. L. 11. HUTCHINSON, Assessors of the City of Barre. irand Union Hotel Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up Opposite Cr.rd Centra.1 Station hew York BAGGAGE?"? FREE CENTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY COMPANY. Corrected to January 1. 1905. Passenger Xraliis leave Barre as follows : a.Ol Midnight. Daily. Boston, Springfield aim jew tors ninnt express, nieepro cars Montpelier Junction to Boston ani Springfield. (Saturday night train has no connection for New iork.) Connects at Montpelier with train leaving at 2.50 a. ni for Montreal aud the West. 8.33 a. tn. Week days only. Connects at Mont pUer Junction with mall train for Bos ton, Springfield and Kew York, also with local train northbound for Burlington, uuuanu, Kicuiora ana Montreal. 11 55 a. ni. Week days only. Boston, Rprinc tield, ISw York and New London fast ex press. Buffet parlor car Moutpelier Junc tion to BtMtn. Parlor car Montpelier uuucuou to api uiguum. 1.80 p. ni. Week days only. For Williams, town. 8.10 p. m. Week days only. Mail train for BuHimrton, St. Alhans, Cambridge Junc tion. Ogdensburg, Kiciiford and Montreal. 4.30 v. n Week day only. For Willlaraa town, 5.30 p. m. Week days only. Montreal and Chicago fast express. Connects at Bur lington with local train for Rutland. Connects at Mon'pelier Junction with local train southbound for White River Junction and Intermediate stations. Trains reach Montpelier about 20 minutes after leaving Barre. O. C. JONES, J. E. BENTLEY, General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. O. ADAMS, Agent, Barre, Vt. KONTPKLIICK ft WELLS R1VKR RAILROAD, COMMKNCINO MARCH 20, ISOfi. Trains leave Barre for Wells River, connect .ne at that point with trains going both north and south, at 7.30 a. m.. 12.30 and 3.00 p. m. Tbe 12.3)) train connect with train for Bouton, and north for Lisbon, Littleton, Kabyans and tan castor, also with Montreal express, and the 7.30 and 3.00 trains with St. Johnsbary trains. Trains leave Barre for Montpelier at 7.30, 10.20 a. m., 12.30, 8.00, 4.10 and 6.20 p. m. El.KCTRIO STRRKT RAILWAY. Cars leave square in Barre for Montpelier at iS minutes of aud 15 minutes past the hour. La&ve Montpelier for Barre on the boar and half hour until 10 p. at. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. C. A. BULLOCK, In Room No. 1, Blanchard Block. Office hours: 10 to 12 A. M., S to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Telephone 31-4 Night call at office. r DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Residence. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Boom 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office in Room 85, Miles' Building. Offlo toours, 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 1.30 to 4 p. in. Mon day, To.iay, Thursday and Friday. Telephone Connection. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NURSE. No. 102 South Main 'St., Barre, Vermont Telephone Call, 12-2. WELCH Sc PAGE, AU kinds ot Electrical Work Done, Wiring, Gas Piping, Etc. Weare dealer, in Electrical Supplies. ;as fixtures Combination fixtures. Everything Modern aud Up-to-Le. None but expert help employed a J work guaranteed. Telephone 9-12. Office at No. 10 Elm street, Barre, Vt. HENRY FRENIHR & SON UNDERTAKERS, Funeral directors and fnmlKhe rs nt tn neral SUDDlios. Nipht nulls nrnmntl. at tended to. No. 18 Oranito St.. Barre. Vt . ouHiueuce up stairs, Tel. 13-0. H. W, SCOTT, Attorney Offlce in Wood Block, Over Ladd'a store. Justice, notary no stenograpner in omce. FOR SALE Curbing and Underpinning, de livered on the ground at short notice. M. Langefeli Granite Co H. L. SMITH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND, SURVEYOR. Is ready to do all kinds of Civil Engineering and Surveying- Work. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 57 ELM STREET. H. O, CAMP, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER MATERIAL', PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. 19 Highland Avenue, Barre. Vermont. JOHN C. DODGE, HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. All work foaranteed. Shop, 1 60 South Main St., Barre Telephone 22G-12. Merchant Tailoring Also Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. MOORE & OWENS, 122 North Rain St., - Barre. Vermont Morrison & Barnham Offer for sale fifteen first class acclimated Horses. Will sell or ex change for light drivr ing horses at our barn on Elmore Street. Morrison & Burnham The Only First-class Restaurant in the City. Efficient Help. Excellent Cooking. Meals lerved at all hours, day and night. Hotel service at restaurant prices. Nichols Block, Opr. Depot Square. LAIRD & WHEELER, Prop'rs. Pianos Tuned and Regulated All Work Guaranteed By W. H. GOODfELLOW, Graduate of Boston School of Piano Tuning Orders can be left at the People's Shoe Store or Telephone 405-4, Barre, Vermont. NURSES REGISTERED ' AT DAVIS' DRUG STORE. SEWING MACHINES. AU kinds of Slneer machines and a few sec ond-hand machines at a bargain. Machines to rent. 307Nnrth Main street, Joseph E. Brown, Manager. Tel. 233-2 at store, 12S-B at house. EUREKA Stone Cutters' Glasses, 20 Cts. . We have done business in Barre five years. We take this opportunity to thank you for your liberal patronage. We shall sell best quality StOflC Cutters' GlasSCS om this date at 20c a pair. LcnSCS for 'me in plain glass, regular sizes, best quality, at 5c a pair. Glasses Cases Sc each. F. E. BURR & CO., (Telephone 10-21) No. 85 North Main St. Jewelers and Opticians. Take a Looli. $$ DOLLARS SAVED $$ ON CARPETS AND RUGS. Shackford Smyrna, 9x12, worth $18.00, now. ..$11.00 Shacklord Smyrna, 7-6x10-6, worth Jlj.oo, now. 9.00 Shackford Smyrna, 2-6x5-0, worth $1.50, now, .., 1. 10 Wool Carpets at 55c, 60c, 65c, 68c, 70c and 75c per yard. REMEMBER THE PLACE, L M. Williams, Household Furnisher, Registered Embalmcr, New Tonusi Block, Ccr. No. Main and Merchant Streets. Undertaker ani Funeral Director. Ambulance Calls Promptly Attended to. ' Residence, 26 Jefferson Street. Telephone 212-12. Store,?-;. Ill 1 . mii.i i.. 1 111 11.... . ,-T'IIV J'J iM fJULj. i.i.w -.i... n ... .1 .iJ. i...i.i-Mi.ii. mm i; MKf -VS 64ft. i fa 1 iriBVW. if a D. M. MILES, 122 North COAL Nut, Stove an J Egg Coal, per ton, $7.40 Grate Coal, per ton, - - 7.20 You should order your Coal now and save money, fnces advance loc per ton each month. The abeve prices are for May only. Leave your order at ' Morse (EL Jachson's Coal and Wood Offlce, Tel 137-21. 266 Ho. Main St.. Morse Block. Goal, Wood, Coke! vVe guarantee to give you the best of goods at the regular prices. Egg, Stove and Nut Coal $7.40 Grate Coal.. 7.20 Otto Coke 6.50 CALDER & RICHARDSON, Telephone 45-4. Depot Square, Barre, Vermont. "WOOD The place to buy Wood. A large etoelt of aU kinds at the following prices : Block Wood, per cord $2.75 Umb Wood, per load 2.00 Chair Wood, per load 2.50 Hard aad Soft Wood Slabs..... 1.75 furnice and Stone Shed Wood. I am prepared to do all kinds of moving and jobbing at reasonable rates. L.J. BOLSTER, (Telephone, 323-3.) , . 283 North Main Street, - - Bfure, Vermont ! ELECTRIC WIRING I ELECTRIC HEATERS, 1 ELECTRIC FIXTURES, ; ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. '.STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., ' H. O. BENXETT, I r. W. NICHOLS, ; W North Main Street, Barre, Vermont, g iDtC I NOV. ;$ 1 OCT. Lj I SEPT. - 3 AUG. l f JULY -Jt 1JUNC -f The Longer You Wait the Mote You Pay. This aptly describe the tea! situa tion. Ij'i best to lay in jour supply for months ahead now even good business to do so if you have :o bor row money and pay interest cn it. For Coa! in any quantity large or sma!! see our Coal try a ton, if you like), and then order for jour futme needs. Our Coal suits all users. We sell and deliver 2000 lbs. for a tor , Prices for May: EGG. STOVE AND NUT... $7.40 GRATE 7.20 Main Street, BARRE, VT. 3 Houses f or Sale Cottage house of eight rooms on Batch elder Street for sale or rent. Eaiy terms. Also for sale one boarding house or hotel, known as the South End Hotel, equipped for 4.0 boarders, A. M. MORRISON, South End Hotel, - Barre, Vermont. Spring Has Come! Now you need a good ton ic to ward off the Sum mer's ills. Come to the East Barre Drug Store and get the very thing you ' need, McARTHUR'S SARSPARILLA A $1.00 bottle for 75 cts. O. C. Russell Plumbing and Heating. Ml kinds ol modern Plumbing Fix tures m stock. All work guaranteed. Telephone 153. IN BASEHENT OF WORTHEN BLOCK. HAIR GOODS. notice from mv ManPh.V. Jt etocfc.?' n"rt the public fr thiiS ml r. tor- Thanking past, and Mlicitin I i.ibr,al P" In th Fo thefutnre , "g.C""lnane of " n Toon lth all respect. lth .11 "" na myself. I am 8. M. YORK. Scientific Horseshoeing I poeitely cured te v uioss-nring Diseased feet treated who success. n'Micine for sale.' Tel. 319-4. J. A. McLEOD, Revered Horshoer. Seataary St., Barre. VU