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8 THE BA11RE DAILY TIUEd, MAY 2G, 11)03. SATURDAY SALE, IViAY 27th Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. . Three lots of Hosiery not lots that were bought for a sale, but lines from our regular stock. What higher recommend could be given a Hose than to say that it came from Fitts' Hosiery Department? GENTS' HALF HOSE, the Beacon super stout three-thread, with four-thread heels and toes, and seamless. The best Stocking made for service to sell for 1 5 cents per pair. 1 A Price per pair Saturday, - - - - , - - - . - . . 1UC BOYS' RIBBED HOSE, fast black, extra heavy ribbed and a regular 25c value. Sizes 6y2 to 9. Price per pair Saturday, - - - - - LADIES' FAST BLACK COTTON HOSE, double heels and toes, elastic welt top and a readyjseller at 15c per pair. Sizes x2 to 10. Price per pair Saturday, WAYNE KNIT, PONY AND YALE BRAND SEAMLESS HOSE. THE BEST FOR THE MONEY. 19c 10c TELEPHONE 408-1 1 HOMER FIHS NO. MAIN ST., BARRE, VT. Sandals and Oxfords FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. I - Misses' and Children's White Kid Two Strap SANDALS THE BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1905. PRICES : Misses', Children's, $1.00 - 85c A New Lot of Tan OXFORDS With Low Heel and Common-sense Toe. Misses', Children's, PRICES: - $1.00 to $2.00 - 85c to 1.50 Barre Shoe Company, m NORTH MAIN STREET. A. Gooci: Gate HADDOCK, COD, OJSK, HALLIBUT, BLUEFISH AND MACKAREL. Weather Prediction. ThunJer storms tonight exceiipt ' ttoutheast portion. Cooler except Maine. Saturday fair and cooler except iing northwest portion. TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. - Central Labor Union meeting toniglit Fancy Lose for those oxford at Mc Wliorter s. Straw hats from 25c to $5.00 at Moore & Owens . I). S. Laramie went to Burlington this morning on business. Ladies and gentlemen's solid gold wawznes at xsurr St, Uqb. tones daneo at Ilale's pavilion Sat urday evening. Gilbertson's orchestra, Ladies' fast black high Bpliced heel uosiury, iwo pairs lor aac, at Abbott s, D'Aflittarsi un piccolo tenimento al ho, 17 Addison street per solo $0.50 al mese. . John McDonald left this noon for a visit in Boston and New York after which he expects to go west. B. A. Eastman returned last night from Montreal where ha entpreH in t.lin shoot of the Montreal Gunning club. The entire household mvula nf Mr George Patch will be sold at public saie at me city Auction rooms. Katur day. Sale at 2 and 7 p. m. See large bills. A eame of ball will be r-laved on the n i . i . ,., uuofjci i mage giounus tomorrow aiter noon at 4.30 o'clock between, the Wash ington street Stars and the Woodmen of Gramteville. BIRD STORIES. . Also Trout, Perch, Bullpout and nice fresh LOBSTERS. Fresh Native Lettuce, New Cabbage, Native Rhubarb, y Radishes and Cucumbers. Strawberries arrive daily. 1 CITY FISH MARKET, ffi 70 North Main Street. Keith & Batchelder. Proos. i g Harry A. Segel. Hymen D. Segel. Thomas Brady. I Decoration Day Clothing You will find here Suits like the ones shown in this cut for Grand Army veterans and others, suitable to be worn on Decoration day, in many cloths and shades, at V? tne following special prices : t $5.00. $7.50. tft.sft on,i SI 0.00. tr, fir th smallest as well as the largest men, all ready to put on. You should see them before placing your orders elsewhere. 2 SWY If JU Segels & Brady's. $118 Main Stmt - . IWcWe TWt nUrU n $ IHUit Orvilla D. Brunell saw a handsome bahlheadorl eagle flying over Nashua, N. II., the other morning. The eagle had n spread of seven or eight feet. The sight of a baldheaded eagle in that section is a rare occurrence. A gray eagle measuring seven feet eight Indies from tip to tip was shot recently by George L. Fraserof Egypt, Mo., -while he was aboard a train that was backing up at the rate of twenty- five ruiles an hour and while the bird was flying. Two Australian black swans were picked up recently off Norfolk island, iu the Pacific. They traveled 400 tulles. The birds were exhausted, but after a fresh water bath and plenty of food they revived. The black swan Is a powerful swimmer, but 4D0 miles at sea U a long swim even for it. THE LEWIS-CLARK FAIR. Norwegian singing societies will have a special day at the Lewis and Claris centennial for a reunion of members and a contest for prizes. Many pieces of the best statuary used on the grounds and buildings at the world's fair have been donated by the St. Louis management to the Lewis and Clark exposition. The gigantic statue of Vulcan la Iron which was exhibited at the St. Louis world's fair by Birmingham, Ala., will hold a prominent place on the grounds at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Costly Liveries. The full dress liveries of the British royal footmen cost apiece. The English Language. Today the English language Is spo ken by about 135,000,000 people. Three hundred years ago, In the time of Queen Elizabeth, the language w-as Bpoken by about 5,000,000 people, near ly all of whom lived In the British isles. Notice, The city water will be shut off Sun day from 6 p. m. to 6 a. in., for the pur pose of washing out. C. R. Allen, Jr., Water Supt. TALK OFJHE TOWN. St'e the new shirt waists at Vaughan's. F. E. Coltwrn went to Northfield to day. .Si'c Abbott's white waists at $1.19 each. The largest line of belts in the city at McWhorter's. P. J. llenehen is on the sick list and Dr. MeSweeney is attending him. Mrs. V. A. Murray and mother, Mis. Farrell, went to Northfield this morn ing on a visit. J. S. llookeiiberry of Springfield, Mass., is visiting, his parents at VV. W. Carey's before going on an extended trip W est. Frank Austin returned last night from Thetford, where he went to at tend the commencement exercises at the academy there. Mrs. J. C. S. Bartlett and Miss Georgia Mo&her of Sharon,, who have been visitng at the home of C. M. Wil ley, went to. Burlington this morning. Goddard will cross bats with the Rockland Military academy nine of West Lebanon, N. 1L, Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock on the local campus. The Eagles defeated the East, street on the sandbank yesterday by the score of 26-10. Batteries: Eagles, Eraser, Scarapini and McKnight; East street, Aiiern and f isher. The Rev. W. R. Davennort has return ed from a ten davs' trip through vari ous parts of the state in the interests of the ermont Anti-Saloon League, of which he is field secretary. Harry 1). Bruce who was graduated from Montpelier seminary in the class or JiHM, won the first prize in a debate between teams from the Souhomore and Junior classes of Brown university nits inner evening, mr. uruce was one of six contestants, lie is a member of the Sophomore class in Brown, Among the many specials offered bv A. A. Smith & Brother Friday and ,-aiuruay, none snow more intrinsic mer it than the women's oxfords, lace shoes and button shoes to be closed at $1.98 per pair. The lot ineliwlea viei Ht patent leathers, etc. Ladies should take 1 a 1. tin , autumuxu oi mis saie ineir saie oi men's collars as 9c is worthy of the attention of every prudent man. Tliev are euqal in wearing quality to any 15c coiiar soiu. for iurtiier particulars see uieir advertisement on tne 4tli page. New White Waists! A new lot of White Waists in all sizes. They are $ I. oo and $ 1.25 each. Be sure to see them. White Belts, 1 0c White Belts, 25c VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. The Snake's Sklo. ' When the snake sheds his skiu, which occurs frequently as often as every four or live weeks the sklu of the eyes comes off with the rest. Translucent In most parts, the skin over the snake's eye la perfectly transparent. Aula anil Fruit Trees. l'or at least four centuries ants have becu used in China to protect fruit trees from insect rnvagers. Orange trees ia Canton lire much injured by worms, which infest them, and ants, red and yellow, which make (heir nests ou trees, are imported foni the bill country to protect the fruit.' Crnnihllnsr England. At the present rate of crumbling England will have been swallowed up by the sea lu the year 121S1. according to the calculations of a correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung. WARM WEATHER HELPS Get Rid of Your Catarrh by Using Hyo- mei Now. Everyone who has rjitarrh Khnnhl take advantaca of warm ontlior. i tret rifl of this flnnAvmo anA dicroacirxv disase. The right treatment, faithfully .1 . . .... iuiiumcu, m iuay or June, will Dcnent much more auicklv than in thn winter and early spring. Do not try to cure catarrh of the head and throat by taking drugs into the stomach. It cannot be cured in that manner. The onlv war in which this too common disease can be cured is through a direct application that will kill the germs of catarrh and prevent uieir- irrowin. . Ilvomei is Mm nnlv Wninm tnol,! 01 iieamieni mat accompuslies tnis. It is the simplest, most pleasant, and the only absolute cure for catarrh that has ever been discovered' When using Ilyomei every particle of air that enters Mia air nmcima r( the throat and head and goes into the mugs, is cnargea witn ncating balsams that kill the catarrhal germs and soothes and allays all irritation.. 1 ne tirst day s use of Uyomei will show a decided imnrovRmpnt. nnl in a short time, especially if used at this season of the vear. them will h nn fur. ther trouble from catarrh. Vou take on risk In buying Ilyomei. The complete outfit costs but one dol lar, and if after using you cay say that the treatment has not hclneri von. Rickert & Wells w ill return your money. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. Specials For Saturday. We offer for sale on Saturday a line of our Men's $1.00 Negligee Dress Shirts for only 75c each. Remember this offer is for Saturday only, and we guarantee you will be satisfied if you purchase one or more of these Shirts. We also place on sale about 25 Men's Flannel Two-piece Outing Suits. These range from $3.50 to $7.50 per Suit. In all sizes.. Also 75 pairs of Men's Outing Pants in both light and dark colors, with or without the cuff bottoms. These we shall sell, while they last, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. Just the thing for this hot weather. LAST, HUT XOT LEAST. A large assortment of Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats in all the latest straws and shapes. Prices for these will range from 10c to $2.50 each. DON'T FORGET SATURDAY, MAY 27th. Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Kink Building, Opp. Depot Square. o 4 o o H w o o o X) 3 o 3 o f o H X 5 o AKVdJSOD 0KIHI013 K0IKO 'IVYcLWOD QKIHI0T) ilOIJia CHEAPER GAS FOR BARRE The Gas Company started out to furnish gas to its customers for all domestic purposes at a price of $1.50 per one thousand cubic feet, with a dis count of 25 cents per one thousand feet on all bills that are paid by the 10th of each month for gas consumed the previous month. The Company adopted the policy from its start to reduce the price of gas as the increase of its business would permit, and in accordance wtih this poli cy, and of the generous support given by the citizens, we wish to announce that on and after June 1st, 1905, and until further notice, the price of gas to the ordinary consumer will be reduced 10 cents per one thousand feet, mak ing the net price $1.15 per one thousand feet if the bills are paid by the lOtii of each month for all gas consumed the previous month, and for those con suming gas in large quantities the following graduated scale has been adopted, and the discounts are made from the established price of $1.50 per one thou sand cubic feet: Any amt. up to and includ'g 3000 cub. ft. per month, disc't 35c, net price $1.15 Over 3000 up to and includ'g 5000 cub. ft. per month, disc't 40o, net price 1.10 Over 5000 up to and includ'g 10000 cub. ft. per month, disc't 45c pet price, 1,05 Over 10000 up to and includ'e 20000 cub. ft. ner month. 0. OUinil ... I J 1 I..J.: ...v '""I l"" v.c up iu uuu muiuu g ouuw cuu. it. per inontn, disc t 85c, net price, 95 Over 30000 up to and includ'g 50000 cub. ft. per month, disc't 65c, net price, .85 And the Company wish further to announce that after June 1st, 1905 all gas bills that are not paid by the 10th of the month for all pas used durinj? the previous month will be collected at the established price of $1.50 per one thou sand cubic feet. There is no city anywhere the size of Barre, and but very few larsrer cities in New England, that sell gas at so low a rate. People's Lighting; Heating and Power Company If OXFORDS Don't slip at the heel as do other low cuts. W. J. McLEAN, Next to A. P. Abbott's. 200 North Main St, Barre, Vt. Finest Ice Cream in the City! - Vanilla, Strawberry f Chocolate. Fresh Strawberries and Cream Saturday afternoon and eve. L. B. DODGE, Worthen Block, - - - - Ketti Avenue. Tea and Coffee! Foor pounds of good Greea Tea for $ 00 Four pounds of extra food Coffee for 100 , One pound of rood English Breakfast Tea for. 35c One pound of English Breakfast Tea, 60c grade, for 4Sc One pound of best Uncolored Jap, 40c grade, for , J0e One pound of best Green Jap, iOc grade, for.... ........ .".,".".', 50c One pound of best Oolong, 60c grade, for 8- Our Red Lily English Breakfast Tea, in packages, is warranted to be' as good' as you ever used. Our special blend Medallion Coffee is warranted equal to any in use. MEAKER BROTHERS. The Co-operative Store. North Main Street. DELICIOUS Ice Cream with Fresh Crushed Strawberries, Vanilla and Chocolate. MASCOTT'S FAMOUS. THE BARRE CANDY KITCHEN. ?!HRRf '"-V V if-l"5 H'TF" 50. and 100-poimd hags, best grades for garden use. Also "Early Sunrise" and genuine "Green Mountain all- Mfe -'is h 1 1 i 1 otatoes, Michigan stock. Also Onion SetsBulk Peas of all kinds, Corn and Detroit Improved Wax Beans, Kentucky ! t s. L. M. AVERILL. ticultural Pole Beans, from D. M. Ferry & Co. Also Longfellow Corn, Early Flint Sanford Corn err Opposite City Park, Bat t e. Vermont.