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THE BAHRE DAILY TIMES. JULY 21, 11)03. TV0 OPEfJ LETTERS importakt to married women Urm. Mary Dimmick of Washington Ullf How Lydl BL PlDkhm' Vtt Compound Mad Br Wall. It it with jreat plewtire w publUu the following lettert, a they con Tin ingly prove the claim wa have ao many times made in our columns that Mrs. -''C fvi miil ill i i nil ii i ii MMaMttrtfc j MrjMary Dimmick Pinkham, of Lynn, Maas., is fully qualii fied to rive helpful ad vice to sick woman. Eead Mrs. Dimmick'a letters. Usr first letter: Dear Mrs. rinkham t " I bare bn a sufferer for the pest eight Tears with a trouble which first ori(?iuated from painful menstruation the pains were -excruciating, with inflammation and ulcere, tlon of the womb. The doctor says I must hare an ornon or I cannot lire. I do not want to submit to an operation If I can postl ly avoid it. Please blp roe." Mrs. Mary Dimmick, Washington, D. C. Uer second letter; Dew Mrs. Pinkham : " You will rwimmber my condition when I last wrote you, and that the doctor said I must have an operation or I could not live. I received your kind letter and followed your advlue very carefully and am now entirely wall. As my case was so snrlous It seems a tniracle Uia I am cured. I know that 1 one not only my health but my life to Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and to roar advice. I can walk miles without an ache or n pain, and I wish 6 vary suffering woman would read this lettw and rmliie what you ean do for them." Mrs. Mary Dlmmick.Syth and East Capitol Streets, Washington, D. C. How easy It vraa for Mrs. Dimmick to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., and how little it cost her a two-cent tamp. Yet how valuable was the reply I As Mrs. Dimmick says it saved her life. Mrs. Pinkham has on file thousands of just sueh letters as the above, and cffers ailing women helpful advice. t-- -1' -5,.. ' ''"'""-Hi" . . ' - r.. J The Times' Daily Short Story. The Haunted Man The doctor said It was a singular case, but by no means a rare oue. Gor don Combs by name a bachelor of thirty-five, wealthy and takiug life asy, bad suddenly become possessed of the idea that he was haunted. "Just wiint sort of a feeling Is this that comes over you?" was asked. "It Is easily described. It Is as If cine were waiting for a dear friend to die a feeling of awe a state of sus pense, and now and then I find myself cringing, as if some oue was aiming a blow at me." "Crash! Z!p!" "That was from an air jrum" said the doctor nftcr throwing up the window and looking out, and then turning to the bullet Imbedded la the wall. "And fired at me," added Combs. "Undoubtedly, as you were facing the window and I could not be seen. Your enemy is In one of those bouses. He fired from roof or window. Oue of them Is a rooming house, and It was likely from that." "It It might have beeu an accident," suggested the patient. "Possibly, but I don't think so. Your case bus gone beyond me. Put It into the bands of the police." Combs went to the police and report ed the affair ns probably an accident, but asked that they find out If any boy or man living In any of the houses bad nn alrgun. There bad been no re port and no powder smoke. Inside of two days n detective assured blm that such a thing ns an nlr gun had never been seen about any of the houses. The bachelor made up his mind that It was nn accident, but that the shooter had lied about It, and he tried to dismiss It from bis mind. He bad tho feeling of fear yet, but be did not go back to the doctor. He determined to fight against end compter It. Two (lays later at the club he ordered a drink, which was not brought to him Immediately, as the waiter had to serve another order first. "When the wine came it sat at his el bow untasted wh!Ie ho conversed with an acquaintance who bad just come In. "Hello," said the gentleman, ns his eyes lighted on the glass, "but the col or of that wine is way off tonight. Let me see.' He held It up between bis eye and the light tor a moment and then said: "I don't like the looks of this at all. Let me takd It to Peter's and have him analyze It." "For what?" "For knockout drops." "Bosh! And In our own club too!" Next day the chemist reported that the wine had beeu poisoned. The waiter explained that he bad left It a moment unwatched before bringing it to Combs, but neither he nor any of the others had seen a strange person about The mat ter was kept a secret between three or four members of the club, and Combs did not go to the pollca until a fort night later. Theu bo went because a ARCANUM MEN MEET Aassachusetts Grand Coun cil Discusses New Rates. ASK BE RECONSIDERED Petition With the Required Number of Signatures to Go to the Supreme Council Special Session la Assured. IloMton, July 21. A special session of the Supreme Council, Poyal Arcanum, fo reconsider the assessment rates, over which there has been disapproval ex pressed all over the country, is as sured. Announcement of the. fact, made at a special meeting of the Massachusetts Grand Council in Chipman Hall, Tremont Temple yesterday, was greeted with cheers. Attorney John P. Leahy, one of the Grand Council delegates and a member of the committee of fifteen which has been investigating the rate question, made the announcement. More than enough signatures of Su preme Council representative have been secured to the request to Supreme F.e gent Wijrgin for the special session. The by-laws require thirty-nine names, and more than that number have already been secured. Of these thirteen were Xew York representatives. The grand council was attended by 230 delegates from subordinate councils. An effort was made by a number of past regents to attend the session. They were not permitted to enter, none but delegates being admitted to the hall. At past sessions tho past regents have been admitted as visitors. Grand Regent Ferdinand S. Read of New Bedford, in white trousers and waistconst and black coat, presided. There was present every representative to the supreme council. From the be ginning the meeting was taken up with third attempt had been mnae. "You have got a deadly enemy," said the detective to whom the ease was given, "and you must set your memory at work and try to give me a pointer. This unknowu Is doubtless a man. and he wants your life mighty bad. What man bare you ever had serious trouble with?" "No man on enrth. and I pledge you my honor on that," was the reply. "nell, then, what woman? 'None absolutely none." "Well, here are three dastardly at tempts and no clew. I don't see what we can do but wait for the fourth and hope that something may turn up." Combs waited. He could do nothing but wait. Three weeks later, as he went to the stables for his horse and a gallop la the park, he accidentally dis covered a strong pin tluust through the flap of bis saddle in such a way that it mu9t have sharply pricked bis leg had be mouuted. No man about the stables knew of the tiln. and yet a chemist said that Its point had been steeped in a deadly poison. Then the detective suggested that the victim make a se cret departure from the city and go abroad for a few mouths. This advice was followed. The man was fast be coming a nervous wreck, and he real ized that be must get from under the shadow or collapse. No one could have made a more secret departure, and yet when the steamer bound for London was three days out be discovered that his box of favorite cigars bad been meddled with and probably poisoned. On landing In Loudon Combs era ployed a private detective to accom pany him and started for Switzerland. Every precaution was used in getting away and In reaching a place oil the traveled route, and for a mouth the hunted man had peace. There was no other guest at tho chalet where the two found lodgings, and It was some miles to the nearest village or hotel. One day the bachelor, who was now re gaining his lost flesh and spirits, went up the mountain to a peculiarly shaped Fpot called the basin. It was a quiet retreat, and It had become his habit to read and smoke there when the weath er was pleasant. Ou this day the de- tettlve accompanied him, but had fallen asleep after finishing bis cigar. Suddenly the old feeling came back to Combs. He fought with it for five minutes, and then started up with a gronn on bis Hps. He had not yet reached bis feet when a great rock weighing a ton or more came tumbling down into the sink and struck him fairly and crushed the life ouf of blrn In an Instant The detective awoke and sprang up and rushed up the path, but no one was In sight. He lis teued, and what be thought he heard was the faint sounds of footsteps run nine away through the fir trees. He saw uo one; he could hot be sure that any human being had been within half a mile of the place, and yet Gor don Combs lay dead beneath the rock that fcumaa hands bad set rolling. M. QUAD. Hair Vigor. A splendid dressing forthe hair. Keeps the hair soft and smooth, and pre vents splitting at the ends. Quickly checks falling hair and cures all dandruff. J. C. Ayr Co., I. Kll. You Get Up In the morning tired, languid, and frequently with a headache that is almost unbearable. You have been nervous, restless and sleepless night after night, and gloomy and irritable during the day. This nervous exhaus tion affects the heart, lungs and other organs that depend upon the nerves for motive power. .Then the stomach fails to di gest the food ; the heart action is weak, and circulation poor, and the kidneys and liver in active. What you need is not a stom ach, head, kidney or liver med icine, but Dr. Miles' Nervine to soothe and feed the nerves and build nerve tissue. "My wife was subject to severe men tal strain, which resulted In nervoua prostration. The first symptoms wera uncontrollable crylny and melancholy pells, which Increased to such en ex tant that for over a year shs would have a spell every day of from four to six hours duration, fche required the constant attention of her physic ian and attendants. She sufffreu great pain aid anguish. The best physicians uttenmnir her could rive no relief, and she finally became almost of unsound mind. a last resort I begun Riving her Dr. Miles Nervine, and Tonic, and noticed tliat her spells next day were not so severe, and they gradually dis appeared altogether. She has had no recurrence of the spells, and is gain ing In health nnd stromth. J. P. OVERIiOLSEU, Sterling, lib Dr. Ml let' Nervine Is sold by your druggltt, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind but one subject, that of the special session of the supreme council, which the supreme regent, Mr. Wiggin, and the supreme secretary, Mr. Uobson, had declared could not be held. Over 100 resolves from suliordinate councils demanding the special session were presented. HUTCHINSON WILL GO SEPT. 1. No Successor Chosen, for State Hospital for the Insane. Montpelier, July 21. D. D. Burditt, of Pittsford, V. L. Dow of Hardwick, and Dr. C. L. Jt.rwin of JSewport ten ter, trustees of the state hospital lor the insane, have just completed a three days' conference at Vaterbury? and Messrs. Burditt and Dow were Jn this cit v today on their way home. I hey stated that the resignation ot sunt. Alarc-eilo Hutchinson had been ac cepted and he will retire September 1st. At present bis successor has not been choen. There will be no other changes in the hospital stall. The recaniiuemLv tion of the state investigating com- mittee regarding fire escapes, and other matters will be acted upon soon. A contract for butter for a year has been let to Smith Wright &. Sons of Williston and contracts for groceries for three mouths have been let to various firms. The lKiard is satisfied with the con dition of affairs at the hospital. WHEAT WHIRLS UPWARD. September Advances 3 1-4 Cents in Chi cago on Black Rust Reports. Chicago, July 21. Alleged confirma tion of black rust in the wheat fields of the northwest sent the price of Septem ber wheat whirling up to bsc here yes terday The advance was 34c a bushel compared with Wednesday's closing quotations. lhe bulge was accom- amed by scenes of much excitement in the wheat pit, shorts frantically jost ling each other in attempts to secure the coveted grain. Telegrams from Minneapolis and JJu uth detailing damage to the w'lieat crop n South Dakota bv the blight was the cause of the excitement. TOOK A PLUNGE. Brandon Youth Tried a Foolhardy Stunt. Ilrandon, July 21. A youth, old enough to know better, attempted to walk the curbing' around the bridge next the rust National bank Wednesday, with the result that be missed a step and plunged head first toward the river below, lortunatelv he caught in a clump of woodbine half way down arrested his fall somewhat, but he struck the water heavily nevertheless, and was considerably stunned thereby. Had the water not been much higher than usual he would have fallen on sharp rocks and would have 'doubtless beeu injured. As it was, he escaped with a thorough wetting. TRIED TO ROB AGENT. Two Roughs Routed in a Chicago Rail way Station. Chicago, July ai. i'assengers on a crowded Metropolitan train were thrown into a panic early yesterday when James Nelly, the voting station agent, had a revolver light with two bandits at the St. Louis avenue station. Firing shot after shot in reply to an attempt on the part of the rohliers to shoot him when he refused to he held up, Kelly routed the bandits and, amid the cheers of the passengers, rushed out ot tiie station after the men. Several passengers leajied from the train and joined the plucky agent in the pursuit. The robbers escaped. DEATH VALLEY INDEED. Two Men, 19 Burros and Two Perish from Thirst. Horses Goldfield, Nev., July 21. John Mullin, E. M. Titus and Earl Weller of Tell urite, Col., left P.hoyolite on June 20 on a prospecting trip into Death Vallej. Yesterday Mullin was broticht to Rhy olito half-crazed from the terrible suf fering he had undergone. He said that Titus and Weller wandered over tiie desert, and after 15 days failed to re turn. It is believed that they perished. Tw horses and 19 burros belonging to the party also met death from thirst. JAPANESE PUSH ON Armies Closing In On Vladi vostok. HEAVY REINFORCEMENTS Still Advancing on the Island of Sak halin Zemstvoist Congress Talks of a Consti tution. ' Russian Headquarters at the Front (location not given), Julv 21. The Japanese advance from Korea is taking on a more energetic character, nnd is being pushed toward Mousan, Siangan and ilasagawa. lhe Japanese seem to have received heavy reinforcements from Field Mar shal Oyama's main army in front of Gen. Linevitch. A landing of Japanese near Vladivo stok would not be surprising, and their operations appear to be concentrating. mai direction. The Japanese advance in the island of Sakhalin has reached Viadimirovska. The Japanese artillery includes 40 ma- j chine gims. j Ihe report that Lieut. Gen. Stoessel who commanded at Port Arthur, had been appointed commander of the Sev enth Army Corps, is officially denied. Talks of Constitution. -Moscow, July 21. The zemstvo con gress reassembled yesterday without in- terterence on the part of the authorities and commenced a discussion of the pro posed constitution. Plot Against the Czar. London, July 21. The Moscow corres pondent of the Times sayB that one of the topics of conversation during the proceedings of the zemstvo congress was the alleged discovery of a military plot against Emperor Nicholas. KOMTJRA AT SEATTLE. Japanese Peace Mission in Port Ahead of Schedule. Saattle, Wash., July 21. The Great Northern steamship Minnesota, bringing isaron Komura, tiie Japanese peace plen ipotentiary, and bis party, arrived at l'ort lownsend at midnight, 3 a. m. New York time. The vessel was twenty- lour nours atieaa ot her schedule. The quarantine officers will not per mit any one aboard until the Minnesota has passed inspection. A THOUSAND NEW LAWYERS. Result of the Tune Examinations in New York. Albany, N. Y., July 21. Nearly 1,000 lawyers will be added to the active pro fession of the law in this State as the result of the June examinations for ad mission to the bar. There were more admissions at these examinations than at any other examinations held by the Board. Bomb for Bankers. New York, July 21. A machine con taining one teasijoonful of powder and primed for firing was received through the mail by the brokerage firm of Was serman Brothers yesterday. The bomb, addressed to Edward Wasserman was cautiously investigated by the police tor several hours. The oilieers' verdict was that the dangerous toy was a joke on recent financial history, lhe box which was mailed in New York was marked "Thomas W. Lawson, Boston." it was a tour-inch pasteboard box with a string hanginir out of one end and instructions to pull the string. At the other eiw of the cord was fastened a match which would bo drawn over a bit- of sand paper and would light a Hash fuse leading to a glass tube con taining a teaspoonful of commou pow der. Proof Is What You Want. Physicians and trained nurses all agree that Comfort Powder is bet for both adults and infants for all skin sore ness. It allays inflammation, cures chafing, prickly heat, eczema, offensive perspiration and tender feet. Uueqmiled lor nursery nnd -sick room. All drug gists in Bane recommend it. All five sides of the Quaker ovens are evenly heated in a way that insures perfect baking and econ omy in fuel. For Sale St North IIafn Street, - PAT CROWE IN OMAHA. Rides in Auto, Meets Friends and Then Disappears. Omaha, Neb., July 21. "Pat" Crowe took a riJe around Omaha in an auto mobih? in broad daylight last Monday, stopping to chat with several of his old-time acquaintances, and then went across the bridge to Council Bluffs, where it is supposed be now is with friond. Fred Metz. the wealthy Omaha brew er, was one of those with whom Crowe stopped to talk. To one of bis friend the fugitive said: "I am coming in to Rive myself up, all right, but I ain't going to let thoe guys tell when I shall do it. It will be before long, but I'll fix the time myself." Crowe hnd a consultation with a law yer when he was here, snd it is said that arrangements have been made for his defense. FILES, FILES We have a large line of Letter Files, Bill and Invoice Files, etc. There are no better Files on the market today for 25c than Ward's No. 49, nd the Favorite. The Favorite we have in three sizes, Postal, Note td Letter. For little mori money you can get the Eureka, Falcon and Shannon, Come in and let us shotv you this line before you buy elsewhere. IDEAL BOOK AND Hale's Block, Next Door to People's Cash Bargains, It Pays to Pay Cash and Fresh Native Spring Chickens, per pound.... 30c Fresh Native Fowls, per pound 20 to 22c Native Fif Fork Chops, per pousi 1 2 1 2 to He Native Fig Fork Shoulders, per pound 12 Home Cured Bacon la strips weighing: from 4 to 6 pounds, per pound. 1 2c Carrots, Cabbage, Turnips A mil line or Canned CHESSER & BIRD, Telephone 131-11 323 North Main Street Meats and Groceries. Buy Your P We sell Masury's Railroad Paint, DeVoe Lead and Zinc Paint, Pure Oil and White Lead. We can sell as well as, if not better than, outside concerns. All goods warranted. Reynolds 8c Son, HARDWARE. I Bottled Soda! jj Sodas and Mineral J occasions on short best goods. Delivered anywhere in the city. M. J. McGOWAN, Telephone 118-2. 107 South Main Street. 7 ' by C. W. AVERILL & CO, - - - - - - Barre, Verrnoat." ii 0 MtoMloo nd dunnif lh.. lm, , k, , V iT."? "rm "' one erorjr H hour, bn'nta fl.d Cmc.wm, ,i.T 'l am .' w.iIkm. burim tu mne r.r b-f nn I u.od C.rr-. I o yoo l am free I n h tr.u mornini oa Ca Ml (bit lu btllA ot uff-nn hun'anitT " H. i'. ii.jor. iluuuii. 111. Best For The 5owel$ Can o CATiwmc PtoMn. Pltah!. PoMnt ,Tatiivd, DoOood Sienna, WsaHnn or Gripe, ko, as (to old In bulk. Th genuine tablet tarop4 CCO. Guaranteed to cure or jroux mousy back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603 miMLSALE, TEN MILLION BOXES AND FILES. STATIONERY STORE, Shoe Store. V. f RANK HARRIS. Saturday, July 22 Get Your Rebate Checks. A good Western Beef Steak, per pound 1 6c Western Beef Roasts, per pound. . 1 2 1 -2 to 1 8c Veal Roasts, per pound 1 2 to 1 8c Veal Steak or Chops, per pound , 20c Fresh Hade Beef or Fork Sausage, per pound. 1 0c New Beets, per pound, 4c , Potatoer, Cucumbers, etc. Goods and Groceries. aint at Home! Bawe, Vermont. Mineral Waters! Waters supplied for all notice. The purest and i7T rri 'L.J i re I '. ,.. .. i ,. . . ,