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THE HAIlllK DAILY TI31ES, JULY -1, 1905. Special For Saturday, July 22d Remnants of Wash Goods! This is perhaps a little early to be offering Remnants of Muslins, Dimities, Lawns and Voiles, but we are going to offer these Remnants just at this time when you canvuse them. These Remnants contain from 2 to 1 5 yards, all marked at a big reduc tion from the original price. It will be to your advantage to look these Remnants over, as you are sure to find material for a waist, dress or something for the children. PERRY a CAMP, , 71 and 75 Main Street, - - - , Barre, Vermont. CCSKK SCt2C2V.SC JS CCCCC09C2C CCC .SCtSCSCSKES Here is Where You a. . Get the Advantage ! WE ARE OVERSTOCKED AND YOU NEED PIAZZA CHAIRS. jj We give you ftftcen per cent cash discount'on all g Chairs and Settees placed in our window. Sale to begin on fc Saturday morning, July 22d, continuing through three days. If you ever faint by being startled it would be well ft to come prepared, for you are sure to be surprised at the bargains offered in this sale. B. W. HOOKER & CO., ft Up-To-Date Furniture Dealers, I 14 and 16 North Main St. New Blacchard Block. 9 I ' : 5 g Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. S TALK OF THE TOWN. .Hi, today A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO.lA. P. ABBOTT & CO ufangS Trousers! Need Trousers? Trousers kneed? If your Trousers are kneed and have a habit of crawling up out of shape, and are no longer a credit to your Coat and vest, we can furnish relief in shortorder. We've a great variety of pat terns and can fit all lees and suit all tastes. We've Trous ers at $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00, and so have most all other clothing stores, but our Trousers are better and different. Come in and make us prove it. FranK McWiiorter, One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitter, , . Telephone Call 218-4. Elacchaid Block. 20, acd 22 North Main St Summer Drinks! Phenix, per full quart bottle, - - 25c Moxie, per full quart bottle, - - - 25c Two bottles U. S. Ginger Ale, - - : - 25c Five cents rebate on each bottle. Lime Juice, per quart bottle, - - - 25c Welch's Grape Juice, per quart bottle, - - 45c Welch's Grape Juice, per pint bottle, ',- 23c MERCHANT & FRASER, 6 Elm Street, - - - Barre. Vermont. Choice Meats Fine Groceries Try our Flour. Every barrel guaranteed to give satis faction or your money returned. Remember we sell fresh Milk and Cream. Three loaves of nice Bread for 25c. Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, etc. Special prices on Cut Meats Saturday night. SMITH & CUMINGS, (Successors to Riaker Brothers.) , Telephone 232-5. 305 North Main Street. v 2 e 4 1 J-My LADIES! 1 ,"VA Will Please Take Notice r Belt Buckles at from 10c to $1.75 Per Set. That we have just received a large assortment of new Stick J Pins that are beauties, for 1 25c and 50c each. ' Collar Pins, Sash Pins and Boston Bargain Store, C. N. Kenyon & Co., See Them! & I- A 185-187 North Main Street. (Telephone 13-12) Banc, Vermont. 5 & See Athott's Magazine offer. Toys' Inse Lall suits at McWhorter'. Series ditnce at the Pavilion Saturday uiht. T.iy your poods at Abbott's and get their Magazine free. Lester V. Heath goe to llardik to work next Monday. Charles V. Papin went to Burlington tliit) uiorninir on buniiies-i. A pin, bearing t lie Vermont awaits an owner at this oftiee. Mr. ,Ioeph JjoMay returned from mX, in Coueord. X. II. Chureh of tiie Good Shepherd, Litany and addres tonight at 7 o'clock. Big purchase of shirt waists for cash. Sold at Vaugfian'g for less than cost. Look in MeWhorter's window for a swell line of trunks, bag and suit eases. Archie MeOormiek is reported to be carrying passengers free to Cutler Cor ner. Abel Hamilton, the well known foot ball player, visited friends in the city yesterday. The great semi-annual clearance sale begins today at the Union Clothing Co.'s store. Bert Mercer and 'Morris Wiite went to Highgate Springs this morning for a few days' stay. Mrs. Harry Chamberlain of Moiitpe lier lias joined the Barre camiieis at Highgate Springs. Miss Lucy Wells left this morning for Saratoga Springs, where she will spend a ten days' vacation. You are sure to find something for a wai&t or dress at the remnant sale at Terry's on Satuidar. The office of the city clerk will be open each evening until August 10,. to allow the payment of taxes. Miss Blanche (ale of Barre has been re engaged to teach school for another year at East Montpelier Center. Max Fisher returned yesterday from an extended visit with friends in Dor chester, Mass., and Hartford, Conn. Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gordon went to High- gate tins morning ior a week s outing. I). F. Davis and wife left this morning with Judge and Mis. J. II. Watson of Montpelier for a climb to the top of Camel's Hump. Open air concert. rear of Pavilion both Friday and Satuldav niiht. Agreeable parties, lots of fun and bargains. O. II, Pale, Auctioneer. Free! Perry's shoe store are giving away a pair of ladies Burson hose with each imir of ladies fl.M on torus or $3.00 high shoes. There will lie a meeting of the X. A. S. E, on Saturday evening, July 22d. Election of officers. Per order John llilaml, President. W. 11. Messer and family have return ed from Iike Motey, where they have been taking a vacation. Mrs. Messer has has been there for three weeks. V. T. Bradford & Co., began yester day the work of repairing the National Granite ched, owned by Mrs. Agnes ill iams, which was damaged by fire ten days ago. Segel & Brady offer for Saturday only about 100 pieces of men's summer un derwear in light and dark colors, all sizes, of the 25c kind, for 19c. Now is your time to buy. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lavkjlette left this morning for a two weeks' vacation visit ing in the northern part of the state, They epeet to go to North Milan, P. Q., befu'1 returning. The room-mates of Murdo M. Camp bell in the Buzzell block are waiting to receive word from him. He left them unexpectedly Monday and they are it loss to know where he is. A. E. MacDonald of Chicago was the guest of Mrs. Ina MacDonald of Spauld- ing street yesterday, leaving this morn ing for Nev York. Mr. MacDonald is president of the state Christian Endea vor society ot Illinois. Friends of Mrs. Charles S. Lee of Montpelier, formerly of this city, will be pained to hear that she has been obliaed to re-enter Ileaton hospital at Montpelier and that the nature of her trouble neeessitatives an operation. pLemember the clerks" excursion to Missisnuoi Tark, August 9th. Gilbert' son's orchestra, free dancing in pavilion, base ball game betwen single and mar ried men, boating and fishing, general good time. Adults, $1.00. Children be tween 5 and 12 years, 50c. Lester IT. Greene, president of the Intercity. Athletic association, as we'll as the "cough medicine man'" has been re-elected president of the Lester H Greene company. manufacturer of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar. Tnt company has declared the usual dividend ot six per cent. The Barre Granite and Quarry com pany, of Portland, Me., has been author ized, by a oertincate issued by the sec rttary of State, to do business in Ver mont. The company has a capital stock ol $200,000 at $10 per share. The own ers of shares are M. W. Baldwin, presi dent, J. J. Henian, treasurer, and J. L. f.rophy, of Portland,. Me. A jury in Montpelier failed to find a verdict against II. A. Skinner, for al leged cruelty to a dog. The complaint was brought by a man named Felt who claimed that his dog died from being kicked out of Kent's store by Skinner. The jury stood 4 to 1 for acquittal. The reason there were only five jurymen was because one didn't show up and the others decided they couldn't wait for him. The ladies of the Montpelier "400" have presented to Montjielier council, Knights of Columbus, a picture of the departure of Columbus, from Spain, be ing a, companion picture of the land ing of Columbus, which has adorned the rooms. A communication was received by the council from the ladies thanking the council for the use of the hall and stating the gift was made in return for past favors. Low prioes and special values ia the key-note to the summer clearance sales going on at the store of A. A. Smith & Brother, Miles granite building, this week. The things that are especially emphasized are, hosiery, shirts, collars, underwear, ties, cuff buttons, shirt but tons, suspenders, working shirts, men's and women's shoes, etc A visit to them will open up to the mind a revela tion in intrinsic values. Read their ad vertisement on the 4th page. The Daylig'M Stor We Arc Pushing Our Magazine Proposition. It's for your benefit that we are doing this. If it helps you it helps us. It's mutual. In order that you may feel justified to make purchases now, we are placing before you values that we know are cheap goods that are not out of style, goods that have their value. Ask to see them. A10HAIRS. These are this season'i leading Dress Goods. They come in navy, black and brown fancy weaves and sold at 59c. Now in this sale at 39c per yard, just 20c less than regular price. One piece of 42 -inch Brown Mohair that sold for 50c now in this sale "at 39c per yard. Crepe de Paris in navy and brown. This is a silk warped dress goods with a lustre equal to Lansdowne. Has been hard to get at 50c. Now, to close, at 29c per yard. BARGAIN TABLES. This is a time when all departments are searched fur odd pieces. These ta bles take these goods at a part of their val ue. It's the way to sell them quick. Lot of Scotch and French Flannels that were 39 and 50c. Come in as sorted patterns for waists or wrappers. On these tables at 25c per yard. Lot of Summer Wool Dress Patterns, such as Batistes in blue, tan, castor, slate and champagnes, that were $7.50, now $3.75, just half price. BARGAIN TABLES. One lot of Ladies' Navy Percale Waists, in ail sizes from 32 up to 42, now on these tables a: 39c each. Large lot of 15c, 18c ar.d 20c Wah Goods on these tables. Your cho;ce for 12 l-2c per yard. Lot of White Mercerized Waistirgs cn these tables at 19c per yard. These tables catch all remnant r.c short pieces, also odd pieces, at but a part of their rest- it's a good place to look for children's dresses. WE REPEAT that we are giving away to our trade yearly subscriptions to the New Idea Magazine, one of the foremost Fashion Magazines published today. CCA TALK OF THE TOWN. A few more 'hammocks at MeWhor- let's Call at Abbott's for special values in hosiery. Remnants of wash good at Terry's on Saturday. Ben Healey has returned from a visit in Concord, X. 11. Big purchase of mimmer goods for half price at Vaughan's. Terry's is hoe store are closing out their men's low shoes at a discount. A daughter was torn, July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Knapp of" Montpelier. Read the Union Clothing company's great clearance sale advertisement on page 8. The attendance at the summer school for teachers at Montpelier is constant ly growing. The Y. 1'. S. C. E. of the Congregation al church vill hold an ice cream tale, Saturday evening. Miss Helen Brown went to St. Johns bury yesterday afternoon for a visit with relatives and friends. The Barre Savings Bank k Trust Co. lias been appointed administrator of the Etta Thompson estate. Frank L. Dunsmore and daughters of North Adams are visiting relatives in the city. Mr. Dunsmore is being treated by Dr. Sprague. C. S. Andrews returned last night from Lake Iroquois where he hsa been with his family for the paf-t week. Mrs. Andrews went to Moira, X. Y., for i visit at the home of her parents. Segel & Brady offer for Saturday only, as a special drive in their boys' depart ment, 70 boys, blouses, shirt waists and boys' overalls, in medium and dark col ors, of the regular 25c and 35c kinds, for ISc each. Be on time. President P. F. McCarthy and Alex Ironside, secretary of the Barre Cen tral Labor Union visited Montpelier Central Labor Union last evening and were successful in affiliating that body with the Vermont State Branch, Ameri can Federation of Labor. They expect other successes in Montpelier in the near future. Shepard's Moving Pictures delighted another large audience last night. About fifty Red Men were present on an invita tion from the managers who are brother Red Men from Texas. An occasional war whoon was sounded, but consider ing the number they were an unusually I well behaved- crowd of Indians, .to night is the star night of this company's engagement, being termed Amateur Night. A handsome prize will I given the cleverest amateur and a boby prize the worst. The audience will be the judges. Open to all competitors. CHELSEA. Eugene E. Dcn-unore and wile hat dissolved partnership by mutual agree ment, having ai lived at an amicable settlement regarding the three minor children nd the division of the real estate personal property. The chil dren remain with Mrs. Densnmre and she also takes a deed of the home place on North Main street. Mr. Densmoie who is at present stopping at the hotel will sell his personal property at public auction in the near future, after which he has not at present fully decided what he will do. Misses Mchard of Montreal arrived in town the first of the week and have taken board at the Orange County Hotel. Ir. Mary (Burbank) Shertmrn of Rut land is spending the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burbank. Sheriff W. H. Spragne is able to be at his office again after having been confined to the house for several days with acute bronchitis. Miss Florence Whitney of Barre, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1. Whitney, for sev eral days, returned to her home the first of the week. Miss Florence Marshall, a teacher in the public schools of Boston, is spend in;.' the summer here as the gue-t of her brother, Dr. A. T. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Lane of Lynn, Mass., are guests of Mr. ami Mrs. William A. Hood. Mrs. Lane is the daughter of Mrs. Hood and will U most pleasantly remembered as Miss Kiilie Dutton. Mrs. A. K. (loss has entertained this week her sister and husliand, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodrich of Pin infield. Alfred Fisher of Worcester, Mass., came Tuesday for a visit to his sister, Mrs. William Bacon, who lives just over the line into Washington. Mr. Fisher was a resident of tiiis village away back in the forties. Miss Emelie Perkins went to Mont pelier Thursday for a short stay. The Rev. George O. Howe of Randolph will supply at the Congregational church for the next two Sabbaths in the morn ing, also the West Hill church in the afternoon. Among the recent arrivals are Mrs. Anna L. Jenks and son, Harold Jenks, .Mildred Jeuks and Helen Hill of Mel rose, Mass., the town former boarding with the Misses Andrews on Main street and the two latter with Miss Mary (Jeorge on Court street. Two -Piece Suits! NO VEST. There's great comfort wearing Coat and Trousers without the Vest during this warm weather. We never before sold so many TWO-PIECE SUITS. Prices: $7.50, $10.00 np to $15.00. MOORE & OWENS, J 22 North Main St., ' Barre, Vermont. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. WANTED Polisher, flnst-clasf man for ma chine. Arply to Drew 13amel, Waterbury, VI. !St2 The Best Bands GREATEST SINGERS ON YOUR PORCH OR LAWN An ideal entertainment for Summer parties. Ask us to send a Machine on trial. Drop in and hear the new est Records, just received. Averill Music Co 21 FORTH HAIN STREET. Smooth and Rich. FAMOUS ce wean CAN'T BE BEAT. The Barre Candy Kitchen !eal Values at La def s f 5c Ten-cent package Premier Flaked Wheat for - - , That 50c Jap Tea that we are selling for 39c is a genuine bargain. Also a good trade in an English Breakfast Tea for - 39c Snow Flake Flour, the best all round flour, per bbl., $6.50 White Lily Flour, the best pastry flour, per bbl., 6.25 Marvel Flour, the best bread flour, per bbl., - - 7.00 These are all old wheat flours. The rebate cheeks fcr cash make about twenty-five cents' reduction per barrel. Baked Beans and Brown Bread for Saturday. Meat Department. Fresh Native Fowls, per pound, - Three pounds of best Western Beef Sausage for Steam Rendered Lard, our own make, per pound, Plenty of new Potatoes and a full line of fresh Vegetables-.. 1 Bargains in Cut Meats Saturday night. 20c 25c 10c Leading Cash Grocer I Meats and Prav)trm. - WWHMMW