Newspaper Page Text
I'll HA1EIIE DAILY TIMES. JULY 21. VJ05. 7 F. B. CATE REAL ESTATE AGENCY The money you throw away in poor speculations would be better in vested in real property which atayi where it is put You who do not own your home, figure up the amount you bare spent in rent during your life. Better use paper and pencil, for it may prove to be an arithmetical problem. Now you can see for yeurself what a poor investment your so-called home has been. THIS HOUSE is a bargain. It is on John Street. Contains six rooms closets and pantry. It has a nice bath-room with hot water connections, hard wood nish, has been recently painted and shingled A nice, larpe lot, 115ya by 82 feet. Is insured for $1,000.00. Trice only Sl.500.00. Small payment down and balance as rent. Tins SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE is located on" Humbert fetreet, near the Ward 5 school-houBe. This also has bath with hot water connection. Just a good a cellar as there is in the city, with rrranite underpinnirtc. Bay window and two piazzas. Lot is 80H by 65 feet Corner lot This house has been buiit only three years. Price, 51,600.00. Small payment down. Balance at five per cent DA3it,H - THE FARMS we have on our lists are too numerous to mention here. Come in and look over our description of them and see if you don't find just what you want - , We not only have houses and farms, but we have many different kinds of business to sell granite quarries, machine-Bhops (doing a Rood business), stores, restaurant, etc Remember the place. Rooms U and 12, Bolster Building:, Barre, Vermont. (Telephone 135-2) I should be pleased to C L. BUGBEE, - - - INSURANCE Some agents say "The Best Companies," others "The Strongest," and still others " The Largest Companies." I simply say JOHN W. DILLON, Agent, Representing 465,490,117.39 assets as per annua) statement of companies represented in this agency on " January i, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and investigate. . No risk too large, none too small. The r J "Kyi J r ' ' -,v .l . jf fore us the need of simplicity and we have a machine which we believe is as near foolproof" as it is possible to build a typewriter and we have not sacrificed a de sirable feature. SPEED No Typewriter made has record, made in February, 1904, of Jl8 words per minute. LIGHT TOUCH It requires an expenditure of only 2 l-z ounces of force to print a letter on the Fox Typewriter Other machines require from 3 to 8 ounces. EASY ACTION The three-point machine carnage action that i unapproached by any otner. nvery otner type writer requires a carriage tension of from J to 4 pounds. The carriage tension on the Fox is one pound. DURABILITY The above features ai! add to the long life of the Typevvri- ter and with the adjustable type bar and life of the machine. ' Fox Typewriters are placed on trial anywhere without charge. At least send for complete catalogue. Barre Granite Purchasing Agency, Rooms 3, 4 and 5, Averiil Block, Finest Ice Cream in the City! Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate. Fresh Strawberries and Cream Saturday afternoon and eve. L. B. DODGE, Wortten Block, - - - - Kcit& Avcnae, . 1 do business witn you. - Contractor and Builder. ivc Essentials! SIMPLICITY, SPEED, LIGHT TOUCH, EASY ACTION, DURABILITY. The above feature, carried to their highest efficiency, represent Typewriter perfection. SIMPLICITY In building the Fox Typewriter we have constantly had be the speed of the Fox. It holds the world's ball bearing on the Fox carriage gives our hanger insure perfect alignment during the Barre, Vermont ABOUT THE STATE. Items of Interest Gleaned from Our Exchanges. Mrs. Emntono Dart, of East Charlotte. 1 ha a cotton plant that came from seed ;that was planted lust March. It is now I twenty inches hi'h and has several bud and two blossoms. H. O. Thomas of Bennington reports that Iltnrv Amidon of 1'ownal was ar- j rested by County Warden Harry Chase 01 jk'nmngton lor illegal lisinng arm was fined $10 and costs of $15.00, total $23.90, which he paid. This makes 27 arrests by Warden Chase and a convic tion in each case. Edwin Sibley of West Milton has an old horse who lias always refused to work on the mowing machine, was even afraid of the noise of one but this year Mr. Sibley tried the experiment of filling the old fellow's ears with cotton batting and driving with a bridle with blinders and he works without any trouble what ever. During the electric storm of Tuesday nk'ht a barn belonging to Allen Beach, who lives a short distance from Yer gennea was struck by lightning and fa tally destroyed. The barn contained a quantity of hay, wagona and Mr. Beach's carpenter tools. Only a small portion of the contents were saved. There was an insurance of $200 on the building and $200 on the content. Mr. William II. Porter of Vergennea died Monday evening after a lingering illness with tultereuhisia in the 46th vear of her age. She in survived by a hus band, two sons, Truman and Harry Por ter, one daughter, Florence Porter, a father, Truman Newton, one brother, Jason Newton, all of Ferrirfburg, two sisters, Mrs. L. Collins of Long Beach, C'al., and Mrs. Edward Thomas of Spok ane, Wash. The valu of merchandise imported into the district ot Vermont during the month of June thia year was i42i!50 upon which duties were collected amount ing to $34,397.22. The value of mer chandise exported to Canada thro'igh tins district during the same period was $599,511. A year ago the collection amounted to si,f53.1S for the month of June. Miss Carrie Fisher, of Newport, is suffering seriously from the effects of a large dose of iodine which she took Monday afternoon, believing that she wa taking medicine which had been pre scribed for her. The two bottles stood side by side, and each was of the same size. She at once realized her mistake and managed to summon aid. It is be lieved that she will recover. Work on the erection of the Indian Hock tower at Ethan Allen Park near Burlington is progressing well and it promises to be completed before the date of dedication, August 16 lhe 1 reel ion company have their t.aeks laid and their wires strung on the extension of their road out North avenue, and the only work regaining is to 'ay a switch and to remove some of the joies that are near the track. Charles Hill, the twelve-year-old son of Henry Hill, of Newport, has mvs teriousl disappeared. He was working tor tred tireen on a farm some distance from Newport and become homesick. The father was notified by Mr. Green and the bov was sent home. Ten davs ago the boy left, but apparently went elsewhere. Monday Mr. lull made in onirics regarding his twin and was in formed that he had started for home ten days ago. Efforts are being made to locate the youth. The watch belonging to Mrs. C. F. Skeels, of Milton, which was stolen from the Frontier house, North Troy, March 29, was found r few days ago in B. N. Chases barn in North Troy, where it was hidden by Leon Miner and Charles Deaette, the Richdford boys who were some time ago arrested on suspicion of taking the watch and who were sent to jail at Newport to await the action of the grand jury. The chain was found in Richford where the bovs sold it to a Chinese laundryman. The trustees of the Stowe free library held their annual meeting at the libra ry rooms in the Akeley Memorial build ing on Monday evening, July 17. Dr. ?i. W, Barrows was re-elected chairman of the board, IT. E. Straw, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. M. A. Jenny, libra rian. It was decided to keep the library open from two to five on Tuesday, Ihursday and Saturday afternoons and from seven to nine on Thursday and Saturday evenings of each week, in stead of from one to five on these after noons only as has been done tlie past year. Catherine Mvers was taken to Ver- gennes Wednesday morning by Officer II. J. Kivers to lie committed to the In dustrial school there for the remainder of her minority. In the afternoon the officer and his charge returned to the city, the superintendent of thei school having refused to accept the prisoner. Authority was looked up and the officer returned to Vergennes with the Myers girl on the afternoon train. 1 lie superin tendent of the school refused the girl, it is understood, on account of her charac ter and her age. But owing to the fact that she received a straight sentence in April, 1904, when she was under 17 years old and that the sentence was never served, it is claimed here that she is eligible for admission to the Ver gennes institution. Will Engage Supervisor. It took just ten minutes Tuesday evening to complete me business ot the annual meeting of the Brattleboro vil lage school district, which includes the high school. On account of the swelter ing heat the attendance was small. The reports, which were characterized by Senator George W. Pierce as among the best ever submitted to the votes of the district, were adopted and these oilicers were elected: Moderator, Dr. Henry D. Holton; clerk, Walter A. CHbert; mem ber of the prudential committee for three years, to succeed himself, James L. Martin: treasurer, (ioorge C. Averiil; auditor, Charles A. Hairis; collector, Robert E. Gordon, whose salary was made $300 as heretofore. it was votea to employ a supervisor of grades and to leave the question of THE POWER OF STEAM. Many Mar See not It Takes Genlna to Realize. When James Watt saw the uteAm causing the kettle lid to jump up and down he aaid "There must be power In that steam that it can lift such, a weight." There was. Millions prior to him had seen the) same phenomenon and regarded It as an unexplained mystery. Recent scientific research has put Its linger on the "cause" of Dandruff, Fall ing Hair, and consequent Ealdness, and hag unearthed a tiny germ which eats the lire from the roots of human hair. Newbro'a Herpicide destroys thia perm and consequently restores tha hair to its natural etate. Bold by leading druggists. Pend 10c. In stamps for samplo to The Herplcids Cc. tetxolt Mich. Kickert & Wells, Special Agents. tial committee. A tax of 65 cents on the dollar of the grand list was levied, as recommended by the committee, which will raise about $30,000. JOHN HAY'S WILL FILED. Bequests to Brothers and Sister and Gives Residue to Widow. Washington, July 21. The will of John Hay, late secretary of state, was filed for probate yesterday in the oflice of the register of wills tor the District of Columbia. The beneficiaries are his widow and his brothers and sister. His brother, Leonard Hay, and his lister, Mary Hay Woolfulk, are given all of the property at Warsaw, 111., and the sum of $25,01X1 each. His brother, Charles Edward Hay, is given $50,000, and Harwood Otis Whitney of Keokuk, Iowa, $2,000. All the rest of the pro perty of all description is left to his widow, Clara Stone Hay. .Nothing is contained in the will to ndicate the value of the estate. Pavne Whitney and James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr., sons-in-law of the deceased, are named as executors ol the estate, and the request is made in the testament that no bonds shall be exacted. GALA DAY IN CLAREM0NT. To Welcome Fort Ethan Allen Troops on Return March. Claremont, N. 1L, July 20. Yester day was a gala day for the people of this town. All the nianufacturng plants shut down at noon and all the places of business closed at 3 o'clock to enable all to attend and enjoy the exhibition drills by the United States regulars of Fort Ethan Allen. Fully 6,000 people were on the grounds to witness the drills and ball game. At 2 o'clock nine sturdy men of the Twenty-third battery, calling themselves Coughlin's ball nine, pitted themselves against the Claremonts, and there were nine innings of interesting ball playing, The game was won by Coughlin s team, 0 to 5. The interesting event of the day, and the one which called out the people, was the drills by Troop C, Fifteenth cav alry. Bent Her Double. "I knew no one for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mra. Annie Hunter of PittBburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although, 1 had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double and had to rest uiy hands on my kness when I walked. From this terrible afJuction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now 1 can waiic as straight as ever, lhey are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, aver and kidney disor ders. At the Red Cros Pharmacy and rarior JJrug & tore, ince sue. To Rent Until Paid For. Our annual sale of second-hand organs m now in progress, lhese organs have been thoroughly overhauled, and are in first-class condition, and each warranted for five years. We have the Mason & Hamlin, Estey, Shoninger, Taber, Ver mont, Oem, Bridgeport, Miller, and sev eral other makes, at prices ranging from $15 to $50; terms, $5 down and $2 per month. Stool and book -with each organ. Write at once for full descrip tion, and prices. McKannon Bros. &. Co., 45 Church street, Burlington, Vt. NEW STOCK KODAKS $5.00 to $20.00 BROWNIES $1.00 to $9.00 See the folding Brownie Cameras. Big value for a little money. They make good pictures, too. RED CROSS PHARMACY MILES' GRANITE BLOCK. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $ 1.00 Per Day Up Opposite Cra.rvd Central Station New York A f A f"To and TflT!" fjAuUAuL!?-I? liEit CENTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY COMPANY. Corrected to June 21, VM. rafser.ger Trains leave as follows : 12.01 Ridcight Diily. Boston, Spntgficld and w York tiit;ht express. ," iing caro Montpelipr Junctiou lo B'ton anil Sprmnfield. (Satunlav nijdit train han no coiiiu cnoii fur New i'oiU ) Connects at Montpelier ith train rari!ig hi 2 jO a. in for Montreal and the Weet. 4.00 a. m. Week days only for Wiilums- tUII). 7.55 I. m. Daily. Local for BurliDftou. St Alliar ami Montreal.. Kutis only a far as bt. aibaiih on tnindavs 8.35 a. m Wefk days only. Cmntcts at Mnteller Jnnetioa wnh mail train for Uoifton, spriitftHeld ami ,tw York. Par lor ear Moiitpt lier Junction to New Voik without change. JI.55 a. m. Daily Boston. SpHrefitld, Ntw York anil New London fast express. Buf fet parlor ear Montpelier .lunetion to Boutin Parlor car Alotitpelitr Junction to Springfield. 1.20 p. m. Week days only. For Williams town. 3.10 p. m. Week days only KUH train for Burlineton, St. AH ann, Caniliridtre Junc tion, Cigdennburif, Kicuford and Montreal. 4.15 p. ra. Week days only . . For Williims town. 5.30 p. m. Daily. Konfreal and Chicago fast Cipro. Connrt at Burlington with local train for Rutland. .4S p. m. Week daw only. Whi'e River Junction and Npw York. Vassengcr. hlet-pini! car Montpelier Junction to JSew York wiihout change, except Saturday. J. 05 p. m. Sunday only. White Fiver June tion and New Y'ork. Paffenper. Sleep ing ear Montpelier Junction to New York without change. Train reach Moutnelier about 20 minute after leaving Karre. G. C. JdNES. J. K. BF.NTLEY. General Manager. .ci. Paa. Agt. J. O. ADAMS. Agent. Barre. Vt. ONTPEL1EH WKI.L" K1VKR RAILHOAI. IXIMBIM'INU MARCH if, 1 Train leave Barre for Well Hiver, coimeet Dt at that ticint with train iroirir both north nd eouth, at 1.30 a. m., 12.30 aucl 3 Mi p. m. The uortn for Lltbon, Littleton. Kal)aiit and Lan- "attr, aiso wun Montreal eipre, and the 7.40 uid 3.00 train with Hi. JohneVnrv tram. Train leave Barre for Mont i-eher ai 1.3(1. ir itf) t. m., 12.30. 3.00. 4.1" od V20 p. ou. riEOTRH -.IHlelCT HAlLWat. Car leave quar ,u Barre lor Montpelier at 0 minute ot 41m 16 minute iat the hour. Leave Montpelier tor Kaire on the hour and half honr nnrii in p. m. C0MMlSSI0rERS' NOTICE. ESTATE OK ETIA THOMPSON. The und'iT(irned. havinir been annnlnted hv the Hon. l'robate Court lor the liistric.t of Wahiiiirton t'ommisHioneris to receive, examine and adiuet all claim and demand of all persons against the estate of Elta Thouipton, late of ine Town 01 narre, in i-aici j iistrict, ueceaseu, and all claims exhibited in offet thereto, hereby give notice that we will meet for the purposes aforesaid at the Barre Saving Bank JtlmstCo., In the City of Barre, In said lustrict, on the iOtb day of September and 20th day of January next. irom 1 o clock r. m. until s o ciock r. ju,,eacn ot raid ilarc, and that six month from the 20th day of July. A. U. liiOS, itt the time limited by said Court for said creditors to present their claims to us for examination and allowance. oated at City of Barre this 21et day of Julv, A. If. 1j05. FL1NKY M. CUTLER. I cu,misBi(,I1(lrf. CHA- NCKY M. WiLLEY, J touimissioiier. July 21. K8, Aug. ? FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS The Times will publish Wants, Lost and Found, For Sale, To Let, etc. short advertine ments t the rate of four line for twenty-five cent for the first insertion and five centi for each subsequent Insertion. FOR SALL FOR SALE Gasoline stove, in titst-clas Condition, at 10 l'ark Street, 100U3 F R SALE A Muskegon Rotarv Clo he Wanner, itood a new. Cost6.W. W ill sell for 84.0U. 47 l'ark Utreet, up stairs. 104tf FOR SALE Fifteen horse, worker and drivers. E. t. Leoiiard,26 toulh Main Street, Barre, 104t6 HOUSES FOR SALE-Two cottage house on Berlin Place, oft Berlin Street. Will sell for $1,200 each. Apply to B. caiuzzt, 15 Mill Street. 104U2 FOR SALE Modern house en French estate and only three minutes' walk from store, church, etc. Finished in red birch and brown ash. Contains nine rooms and bath, and la one or trie oesi numem house in the citv. w in sell at a sacritice. Enquire at Ferry's Real Es tate Agency. 102tf FOR 8 LE A six-room cottage with an ex tra lot, Kltuated on Long Street. Apply to Mrs. Lovie, "3 Long Street. lMltf FOR SALE 45-acre farm, four and one-half miles from Barre city, 20 rods from school. oo notise. fjarn win neea a uttie repairing, Large ar'Ple orchard. Just the place for mar ket gardening. Price, including this year's llAV rron. fcsfln Ofl. Terms jft.DO.Ofl down and baknee monthly as rent. Apply D. A. Perry lital Estate Agency. Wtf Full BALE House and lot In Moutnelier. very near the Seminary and close to electric marline. Oarden and lien house. House could be arranged for two small but convenient tene Bicnts with slitrht exoense. Good neighbor. iid and excellent locality in all respects. Nice and cool in summer and comfortable in winter. Owner i in California and wishes to sell at once. Call at 8 Center Street ami look it wer or adrtre A. M. Frankutu, 5 Center otreei, Aiontptiier. wtiti: FOR SALE Or trade for other nrmiertv. A farm located in N'ortbtield which contain &e acre. VV ill keep 70 head of cattle and teanii Will cut loo to 150 tons of hay. Enquire at the tj. m.. rerr rveai estate Agency. vm F'OR SALE An eight-acre place located be tween Barre and Williantstown. 4ood set of buildings and place is verv pteaoantly situated on main road. Price for immediate sale, $976. Inquire of the I. A. Perry Real Estate Agenov. Rooms 8 and 9, O or don Blocs. 93if FOR 8ALE Cheap, two small second-hand safes in good order, both np to date. Four combination lock, air chamber, fire and bur- f tar proof. Also one large safe, almost new. lust be sold at once. James Marion, Mont pelier, Vt. 82t8 FOR SALE Second hand doors and win dows. Apply to A. H. lluzzell, Pearl St. SOtf FOR SALE At great sacrifice, bouse of two tenements, near Ayers street. Apply to A. A. Smith. 77tf m i'ku, mini iitiicc, HHinrrrr. WHL'U nrt ii).ii,.U l' ill V. . .1 iM .1 Vi PttlTlr ruir a t n o'wkn. t u pru uyjtiu t-niiciy, u uu ired. Apply to 4, Mt, Vernon 1'Jace. off lord's AUfV. e-e tOK SALE Oue sot of double barn in mxl repair. Apply to J, 11. McArtliur, M, D., Eaet Barre, Vt- 6iif ft I iP IT. Ti i U l'VT.U J' i treet, near bridge. Apply to U. Pavid, Iwpot Square. fotf TO REST Suite of two oflice rooms in One. rler Block. Apply to E. 8. Currier. eutf F OR SALE Two safes, store fixtures, com putiue scale, oil tanks, etc. Albert A. Snr. gent Averiil Block. 25tf FOR SALE Nice, iofe hav, fwith coarse and flue. Orders may be left at'Howden & l.von' BKjre or with me at 21 Highland Avenue. O Carleton. lotf FOR SALE AT CASSIE FARM. Milk Our wagon delivers twice a day. Jiay Ilelivered promptly in liui.k Pasture 8 or 100 acres (old Mann farm), well watered, divided. Mostly all new fence. Ap ply George Cassie, East street. tf HULLED COKX AXD HOM1XY. 1 am still here with Hulled Corn and Hominy. Also Rntter and Fugs. Terms cash. o. II. Fitleld, 120 Hill street. lfifitf TO RENT. TO RENT On B and Batr.belrier Ptrert. two tenement with all modem conveniences, Also one it' age with tn rooir s. Apply to Jn Nicholson, 1? Wellington htreet. IdWf TO RENT l'p-stairi tenement of four rn.a and two large elosets at Hi Hall Street, off Street FiUnnion. Apply to Alex Mtbiesn, N. 5 Wendell Place. Rent low to deairt party. ami TO KENT FuruiKhed rooms. Or very de ilrsble, on first floor. Apply 8 Keith Ave nue. SHilf FOR RENT First-class tenement of roi a-s electric lighu, hot water, bath. 2d fl".r. i,r ner Map'e Ave ard Forsvth Place. Key down stairs. Enquire of E. F. Smith, la Wet St. S7tJ Tt RENT Seven room cottage n Sprirs; Street. Will sell if party waius it. 11 M. Houston, 53 Maple Avenue. 9,iS TO RENT-Tenement, No. fiSpaulil ing Street, Apply to Or. C. M. Scribner, So. tarre, ur tele pnone 305-2. 75(f TO RENT A tenement a No. 12 Elm Street. Also room for storage. C.M.Perry. 7ttf TO RENT Two latge front offics roowa, size 17 by '20. Also three tack r oms, all h Zanleoni block. Apply to C. Zanleoni. 2htf TO RE1 T One up-stair tenement on Branch street. Modern improvement limine newly painted outside, painted and papered i ide. V. 11. Pltkm. a63tf TO RENT Tenement. Apply to Henry Frer ler's office, Gtanit street. 93tf 1"jKNT At once, a fine teneirent of six rooms, or more II wanted with bath. Call ac Segels Sc Biady's t re. 118 North Main St. bit ' ' - p - v.. mu , '.'., , , 'II nun street. Inquire of W. J. McLean, 200 North u .. , - Tr UWT A -I AAn ,. .... TO BENT. Three Tenements on Patterson Street. Cme Tenement on Rranch Street. One Tenement on Orantte Street. One Tenement on Hill Street. 117tf04 Apply at Pbelr Rrorber'. TO RENT Firt-clas tenement Innulreor H. M. noutttou, 53 Maple Avei.ue. S2tf T RENT Fonr room, snitable for litlit house-keepii g. in our block. Eastman Bros. Bill TO RENT-Two front offices in the Eastmaa. block. Apply to Eastman Bros. 241tJ TO ItVK'T ..r, .sr. f tniw ..... . ...... ....,..,k ... w y: uioii 1 1(. Dr. C H Kent. Milts block. mit HELP. WANTED. WANTH Womau fir ceneral housewoi Ir. Call at last house ;n Elmwood Avenue, i ff rrospect street, lotta U'lVTVII O ... ..... 1,1ml j.n m IIIB - W. to drive six-horse team. Apply to I.itl e- john & Milne. I08t2 WANTED Fxrerenwd man in meat ami grocery biisines one who has had two or three years' expeiience in cutting meat preferred. Apply to H. J. Smith, 3tj7 North Main tt. 107tf W A VT K 1 1 Twin ftiwl ,..!, V 1., . . to solicit insurance and canvass. Silary ad vanced. Inquire at 16 Miles' Building between 8 and 9 A.M. tuete WANTED A blacksmith to so niitslda th city. 4od pay and permanent posiiioa. Call at 138 North Main Sueet, Miles Oraaite Bniid- mtt WANTED O in to work in dining-room. In. quire of Mis. Ge ri:e Noithron. 14 Oranii Street. 183t4 WANTED At once, chamber maid. at City hotel. loll WANTED At The Otis, woman to work by the hour. Enquire ot the matron. tif WANTED Saleslady. N'one but experieneed need apply. Apply at The Vaognau Store, itftif WANTED Capable girl for general hoese work. Apply at 10s South Main street. S7tf WATiTFD Stenographer and txxikkeeper. Apply to Cross Brothers, Nortbfleld. V. S5tl WANTED 4irl for genera) housework at IB Wellington Street. OOtf drive city team. Hughe?' Livery, rear City Hotel. 4tl WANTED Country boy to learn the drug business. Address 4lriiM'i(t " par Titovu Ottioe, Barre. sjtl WAN I ED A kitchen girl. Appty at th Orauite City Restaurant, Quiulen block. S2tt ANY Intelligent person may earn goo Income corresponding for newspaper; no can vassing! experience unnecessary. Send fo particulars. NORTHERN PRESS SYNDI CATE, LOCK PORT, Si. Y. 76t78 WANTED Experienced table girl at Gran ite City Restaurant. . t 63tl WORK WANTED. WANTED Position as letter cutter. Call telephone 409-4. after 4 o'clock, or addresa "Letterer," Times Oflice. lOStf WANTED Situation by young nisn with di ploma from commercial college. Desires po sition bs bookkeeper or stenographer. Knows typewriting and commercial corretponuence. Address Bookkeeper, 7 Cottage Street. 1Q012-. WORK WANTED Taking care of gardens, and lawns. Wm. Reavey, 343, North Main Street. Witt WANTED A woman wants work by day or hour. Apply at 843 North Main street. 87tf, WANTED harden to plough. Wort guar anteed. Telephone 316-21 or call at 26 perry Street. Barre City. 23tfr WANTED. WANTED Estimates to repair bouse, partly destroyed by fire and water; also to dig out cel lar and lay celiar wall. Apply at 101 Smith Street. Robert Merchant. !Xt3 WANTED Music scholars, beginners on pi ano. Enquire ate Merchant street , ((fit WANTED Partner in granite quarry busi ness, manufacturer preferred. First-class op. P2' V,lS.'.ty or 8"D1ef o with capital. Address "8., Tiu.e office. WANTED Active agents for Rtissian-.lan-anese War book; .rood salary, sample free Address Globe Co., T23 Chestnut Street, Phjia deipnla. ftt6 LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN OR STRA Y ED From John Stew art s pasture on Beckley Hill, a dark bay noise, seven years old, weighs about 1100. star on fore head, one hind leg white, halter on hoad. Find er, returning sauie to Jas. K. Coutts or lr. Jackson, wifl be suitably rewarded. Ht3 I.flST In Will ..,. i,. ... . brlndle and white Boston Terrier, Screw tail uiiw mm sea a. p. cowie, Wiin.mistowntiulf House. Suitable reward by applying to A. 8 Cowles, Williamstown Gulf House. I08t$ l.OKTi null K, ,.,.,,. .1 ... . .. . . ....j.,!.,! unit. uiKrR ana brown, around North Barre. Finder will ho uiiuoij rewaiueu ny applying to Mr. O. Ikrn etti, 2 Fos Street. s&tf F U SMAKRITS un piccolo cane da caecia eta 4 mesinei tlintorni 1 North Barre uero con mac. chie caire cbi 1'avesse vrovrts cousegnarls a O Donetti 28 Foss St,, che ric.evera una man-Clft- 86UT EGGS FOR HATCHING. FOR SALE-Ilire White Plymouth Rock eggs. Prire birds. Per setting, one dollar. I. V. Gale, Williamstown, Vt. Jot EGGS FOR HATCHING. Pekin Duck, Itt cent per setting. White Wyandotte. 50 cents per setting. Barred Plymouth Rocks, 60 cent per settln A. W. ALLEN, Sunnyside Farm. ' Telephone 114-3, or farmbouge 314-3. 2gc