Newspaper Page Text
JBAERE DAI PRICE, ONE CENT. VOL. IX NO. HC. HAKRE, VT.. TUESDAY, SEFTEMHER 5, 1905. THE If V TIMES SIGNATURES TO TREATY CHILD WAS MURDERED. Will Be Affixed Late Afternoon This BY THE PEACE ENVOYS New York Woman Is Under Arrest oa the Charge. Xew York, .Sept. A confessed ac complice in the murder of her two-year-old daughter whose mutilated body was subsequently bathed and neatly clad in ils best clothes and then tossed into the oi'n door of a West Side tenement house, Agnes Ityland, aged 23 years, was locked tip by the police last night. Gustave Denser, a pluniber, with whom the woman lived as housektiper, is also under arrest. 1 he mother told the po lice that Denser killed her baby girl Ger trude, because she "was in the way" and that she helped to dispose of the body. The janitor ot the tenement yesterday DEATH PLUNGE jHOLIDAY TOAUJSIC FOR LABOR Orchestra Played While Train Left the Track. Rain Yesterday. The Forma! Close of Most Bloody War morning stumpled over the body as, Returning Excursionists From Old Home Powerful Address by Rev. F. A. I aic uwi v ac j wra pix-d in a newspaper, it lav in a cor- , ,,.,,-., w, ir11 Pereivefl in Modern Times Was Not Ac- ner if a dark stairway. Physicians Celebration in a Wreck Early 1 Which Was Well Received campanied by Any Flourishes. found a fatal wound on the temple, while the face bore tune stab wounds ap patently made bv a penknife Later in tlie day, the body was identi fied bv the janitress of a tenement on West 45th street ami home of the Hy Twtnnntti v IT K..i.t r. The cere- laud woman, liie arrest ot the mother This Morning Many Were Injured. ii.;iii of men, in the pio-es of creating wealth, is better than special privileges f.'r a few men. followed by large public It is on ideal that relate more to the manner of making money, lei to the manner of spending money. Tki, I lielieve, was tlie real meaning of tlie recent prote-t by Congregational minister ajiunt the acceptance ol the .Rockefeller "gift. Twenty-five years ago Was Somewhat Marred By lt. good that the monev would do. It it iiad been merely a question of the prop er ("pending of tlie money, there would have lieen no complaint, nor did tuey dispute the man's legal title to the mon ey he had given away. It was the moral title that was caned in question, ii he had no moral light to the $100,000 he could transfer no moral right, and it seemed to some a feartul thing tor Poole the mission, board to accept a sum of monev, to which Us moral title was doubtful to hv the least. The moral title was regarded with sns- ioioti because- of the manner in which the money had been made. Had it been made jiMlyt- Had it been made lion- stly! Jn the production ot the tor- tune, from winch the Miiu.mio came, SOCIETY BELLE KILLED. GAAES WERE POSTPONED NEW ALTAR CONSECRATED By Rt. Rev. J. S. Michaud and Others ON YESTERDAY MORNING. Arrangements for Next Saturday. Tlie Labor Dav celebration in this had honor been sacrificed, had brother hood been despi-ed! Tlii new ideal we I.....I TI.m... nna M.n ist t iAU.. n t.n I,rt 11 tiriutslnp ami Vi ,1 IT h il'lll ' .f I .. .1 ti-aa (i'irTin.1 lutt cite. 1 peace treaty between ..u i-..-. IT 7 Vi .T- 'm " ; ' . - disregard at our peril. For the same a will take Place a e toi ne. , - - JU,u i -. Ces, as the weather eondi ions wou.a l(,asun tUere ftre sme Imitate to Ihe conierenee nun Z i .V.T. . . ..if' " " ' V: " V.' i allow and the scant 250 people who Had ,Aye to the remarkable Scotchman, Car- th lem been the scene w 10 was atuaeuve aim roousi, uuu uu o ciock mis morning, xt, imuacu. U"'ui , . , .i 1, a. f ,i. ,,. nf d!Zt.c battle last- a profusion of light curly hair, and blue an embankment, killing Mis Grace the courage to go to Caledonia park ,.i , ? , , he :ho a. d ree O f -" 1 4 CiVJII, H'Ji n: v i. in; nn - I VUf I J Li 1 nwil y v -invic i""i '-' I 20 their venture, for the Labor Day corn- money is admirable indeed, but how did he make his monev t Those who have Charlton, Mass., Sept. 5. A special mony of sinning the Japan and Russi this auernoon, the navy yard whi of the memorable i v.,4- f.... in r. tie Wliereieven va ijettLtrii ly utaui uunut the plenipotentiaries of the two empires nV'ht because Denser, who has three tress of Springfield, and injuring v .(!!- tl,if intiirps to t ie 00- Chll.lieu Ol ins own, ooieeicu w ii ouier .. u, f,,lk- (a ll, cit.inlmn !:. ,1 ,.,,, cn tl, ument which ends the bloodiest war oi P ,i ceased houses, not worthy to be called bouses, modem times. I ti . aJ r.t ...,... i fn,n.r..,v I ..,,! .. v:i, ..- I where his wase-earners live with then After bidding each other good-bye tne oressin u in u peii.emi., u. t m,. ' V la,"uS """" wv,wvr' families re disposed to shake their conference will adjourn sine , . i tniji.. i,l,' i lijfrhA ciiifes 1 r.t.t' t tv.! 4 Jtii'Af iitA.eeiiient. I amusement stands were put m hpaJs. Wa9 he just, to say nothing Japanese to return at once 10 nicau r- - r-o .v. readiness and the retreshment booths 0f his beincr cenerous, to those who lau to complete preparations ior umu - - rr - .' .7." T .. " 'IT T:.. r.oene.l ,,.. ml with Gilbertson's ored with him? parture tomorrow worn uig. .""t" . 'Ci V. ' - ;.fi "I .ff:? ;.,v from . ,f ;MM i nflv!lin For we have at last reached that per party after signing tlie treaty win i Christ church, where they will celebrate a special thanksgiving sen-ice to com lnsion of peace. It will be the first of its kind ever held in this country. The festa evensong wiU l. nin,T h tlifl rector, the f.ev, i. v , LITTLE GIRL KILLED. that the victims suffered mostly from I orchestra of five pieces in the pavilion bruises and lacerations iod in the evolution of society Frank Kay of Fittsfield was the only Mob Tried to Get at Motorman and piously injured. Kay received a vivu ":u iv "l serious wound 011 the left leg and body tausea ueatn. RnJ proi,ably a fractured knee. New York, Sept. 5. In attempting THREE KILLED IN WRECK. hen the crowd found plenty to keep them tbe si;rniicant question is not:' -How busv and amused. does a man sind his money';", but The committee was creatlv disap- "How docs be make it?" Has he been . , x... . -i . I fair to coiniietition! Has he been just it .1,- .., n nH,n,h,n n,i n. short U wnge-eai ners 1 Has he employed of the small Attendance and the short time in which to run off the sports after the rain they decided to postpone the Important Ceremony at St. Monica's Church, in Which a Handsome Addition to the Church Was Used. 'tliA vMtftd choir of the church, I to inflict banishment on a motorman lat iius Mil u iuuuc mj j y,""v .... . . V. I . ... - ... c,,:,,,,!- aftr. Lrk nt tim ehoir of St. Nicholas cathe- otherwise would have escaped with a . - ROon whel1 they will be run off as ',...1 ntm,ii,r thpri. will f. ti.,i.f i.n.uoa t Dip Hot. that uenvei inn. was advertised on the bills. Ihe union urai 01 -ew iuik. .-v.v . : 1"" -- - ---- , . . ., , . ,,.. ... .;,,. It, ;r.l f ;l,tr 1 r 1 a trt fo Aira.l e rtenr 1 1 hnrona U'ara I HI 1,1 tT (ilirT. I rtrir Ilia CPrrtnil BPI'lllin Ul I wtiri uvajiu 11.5 utn iiai .nur ie a cnoins 01 neuii v .,... v v r-.. .....,.rv. - . 1... . ,,.,, '.,,, A,i assener train on iueic umcinn nuem un.iai.ivii . (j- methods that raise or lower commercial tamlards; Is the nation blessed by his personal success? Or ftre the free institutions placed in perm xes, justice iu the making of money, not charity in the spending of money,, is the new ideal. Aud if tin's shall mean, as it appar ently does mean, a reduct ion--of wealth for the few and an enlargement of wealth for the manv there is no class of society r.i : :ti i. a i oriil nlior-l.wl ...I;... aL.'u iwirl a linr.t fiohfr. Ill tU -at.lMitifl rm j. ne services win ie iw ubi". u p -0.. voV w...,... . i.,. . i, .1 i t n )iirn.'itionall,i;u.;.fl fi,a ,r.K I Tiiriinnn rmitf was wrecked near! deal of attention. At two oclock the character. The victim of the accident was Anna Brush," Col., today. Three persons were address by the Rev. F. A. Poole was The first work to be done by the en- Scnriiishock, two years old. voys this afternoon was the reading of J father and mother and anot! . 1 - : f uMtfia nf th tiro- 1 w-oa liin. !..! nernaa th. 8 ior eom nuiavii vi- . - - - . - . .. 1 I . tnj4-.4l... tocol of last Tuesday's session, at whicn a crowded north-bound car rolled the maw LIVE? LOST. I), , , democracy has come. The de the peace agreement was reached. Alter girl under the fender where sJ.e lay e s io8, ' '.J f T " mocracv of wealth is coming. And to the protocol has been approved ana upn. eryinu but aparently uninjured, r e- Superior Was ed the final engrossed copies of the fre the motorman could step from thel1"'" . V v treaty must be read and compared. i.nis platform and lilt the lender me crowa vill take time, and the actual sifrrutifr 01 ,nilde a rush tor Mm and m tue seramnie ld7 With her SU-e InjuVed. A freight fiven in the vi.ion Mr Poole took . y e -- -?lZ ra'1 h,t rear of the passenger. p0 ir -ill not be the gainer ,, . V, . , .,. :...;,. injinwHio Political democracy has come. Jidu- Serious in Years. Duluth, Minn., Sept. 5. The stories IU LI1C B1LU11CI .i;iiwi, 4j'.vv ppreeiation by liearty nppla Rev. Poole's Address. I it appears also, and only less clearly, After statin? that different persons that we are approaching an era -whose the treaty will therefore not take place I he was forced a?amst the controller, of gi.jpwreek and loss of life that are I niiMt have (iiflerent opinions as to what watchwords are fairness and humanity. iiirnincr 11 arouna ami puumg a iuu vu.- iM,nnninr to come to snore prove ui iha Etra-ino- fntnr in the his- It is an era in which the great productive the gale which swept over Lake superior I ol v 0f man, the speaker declared his enterprises of mankind are to be carried S- I c..i J.-. c.n.l.... ;l.f ,i . n j liil ...... 1, .... . . I .. -i.t. : i. 1 l! n .1 .nlla until after 4 o'clock. I rent on. RUSSIANS WERE RECEIVED. Instantly the car shot forward a. dH I Saturday, until Sunday night, was the . t. 4h .tril-inr fnek in 1 on with iustice toward all and malice tance of 20 feet and the child s tody most destructive to life aud shipping in I, uttltr.rv i. , ,h- ni the toward none an era, indeed, which is Japanese Held a Reception at Ports mouth Last Evening. semHmr.r u ih cjtuiii-iL a ucnocu w i ...e ,..p. . - d. mm n ith nrivi. 1 iiirt. 1 tii. sniemmi ut' ii u. uuc wji.c - , . n . r.ft 1- I-1 eil-, Ul PLUC, VIUS i.u (,.. -j - , have gone down. From 8 to 0 itves ij,eg ti,e other with none property for is growing louder and grander as the are believed to have been lost. The jevr ejuctttion for the few, conduct days go by; that not a dollar shall be iientMirt v lnsa will reach nearlv S500. ,c ..m--.:... r - i .. v.y. f, iti.i.1a in rrniimpiw nr indnstrv that is 11. r 11 00 U. was ground to pieces. The sight , of the vonrs. . people to their own. He then spoke of to witness a closer approximation to manned wwy aauea mrj io me moo lne gci,ooner Pretoria with live oi Hm. .,.., tv,PI. Prp two classes, the democracy of wealtl and the motorman was drasged trom the t!ie crew of ten nien vag lost, and the a gmall body o noljlos anii a lar?e )0d.y And the peat herald of this golden Portsmouth. N". II.. Sept. 5. The Jap- i:, .,.), " t,,torfrul -a disarmed nnese mission held a reception in the Ln(I llis umf orm torn oix. Reserves had ball room of the hotel last nigui. n a inicult time dispersing the crowd. was an esceeuiuaiv , marked by the most friendly exchanges between the Russians and Japanese Governor Mc.Lane and his staff, Rear Admiral Mead and the naval omcers in the harbor, the newspaper correspon dents and all the hotel guests were pies nt. In the midst of the gaiety Mr. itte ,llmittP,l ..tiehle at the Lome I .!.! f thU !. died Si.ndav and Baron JJe J.osen, Bccompanita . f wi forliss. in the east- f ti, f SI.Armnn Chamberlain. I , ' t u ;.. i' Tf. i. .intiSfH-ant to men that the trreat the baroness, and 101 owea oy wit t the town yesterday after- where he had made his home for several , m,mla);' ' bulk of those who protested against the -S1.U1 BU11C. Clliinu vi. c I -!.,., Kt- Mil nn Ilia throat With ft rjmr. i-aor. Tla lin.l luian en'lf fnr BhOllt ft I , o r.,,n 41. .4 T.. I'ndl-oful f rrlft- WBld BtllitentS Of ROCIOI- . .1. T 1 1 IllMl. VVm. . I ...,. .3. 11V l.M. fc.v v... v..i -w . r xiaj . 1 f I 1 1 1 ll'ill 11 "11 L litL ilt! 13 ll"l - v... .v ..-. .... .. Insist, first littered in their tmritv the osry: that in the White House there re- CUT HIS THROAT. . WILLIAM CLARK. Plate UllUH v5 1 K'V v 1 I t t The speaker traced briefly the prog- not made honestly, justly, humanely, ress from that period until now, wnen wuu uue leaaiu iu u tB..v v. ' we have the public school system, the and the brotherhood of man. universal ballot and all those measures Aim even as me iuhi.s "i Swanton Younz Man Succeeded in Kill- Former Well-known Barre Man Died Lf Jcuislation whose aim has been the the sword, the chief instruments of the inu Himself. Sundav Nieht. 1 complete emancipation ot tne masses. w'F " ' f""V' A ' mg nimseii. aunaay nigni. i . , . fPflt- and the platform speech, rather than Swanton, Sept. 5. Roy Corliss, aged William Clark, a former well-known re- urcs WOrthv of mention, the slowness the deed of violence, the boycott, or the "'b'lnf the movement m the era ot prepara-1 sinue, i ioner, rrea toniss, m uiu cast- jt the iiome oi euerman v.iiamoenau, i art of the town yesterday after- where he had made his home for several noon The new altar of St. Monica's church was consecrated vesterdav morning by F.t. Rev. Bishop J. S. .Michaud of Bur lington, assisted by Rev, J. P. O'Neil of Noi thheld, Rev. J. A. Lynch of Wat eibuv, I'.ev, J. F. Gillis of Kurlinirton, Rev i:. F. Cray and Rev. P. JL Mc Ivenna. The sermon was followed by a solemn "high mass on the newly conse crated altar. The celebrant was Rev. Lynch J the deacon. Rev. O'Neil; the sub-deacon, Rev. Cray; master of cere monies, Rev. Gillis. " The consecration ceremony lasted for three hours. The altar was built in Carrare, Italy. It was designed by an Italian professor of art and is built in Gothic style of pure alabaster white Carrare "marble. It is 23 feet and 9 inches from tlie base of the altar to the tip of the an gel's uplifted hand and the front eleva tion is 15 feet 0 inches wide. The table of the altar is one solid piece of marble 11 feet bv 4Vi feet. The lower step ading up to th leading is 22 feet long. The centerpiece is an engraving taken from Da Vinci's famous painting of the ast Supper. On either side of the cen terpiece are two likenesses ot the tour anaelisls, on the Uospel side those of Matthew and Mark and on the Epistle side those of Luke and John. On the Gospel side of the front elevatioa of ti e altar we find two statues, ona ot M. John the Baptist and next to it, one of St. Anne, mother of the Virgin. On the Epistle side are statues ot bt. rat rick, apostle to Ireland, and of St. Mon ica, patron saint of the church. These statues are all ot pure white marine and were cut especially for this altar. The four columns supporting the marble table are ot Algerian onyx imported from Algiers. They are in the design of Corinthian capitols. The altar, which consists oi aw sep arate pieces, was set up under the direc tion of Joseph Ii, Sanguinetti. It is ono of the finest altars iu the diocese. Confirmation of Class. At St. Monica's church Sunday morn- inff, Rt. Rev. Bishop Michaud of Burling ton celebrated mass at 8 o'clock and gave first holy communion to 75 children. He also presided at the parish mass at 10.30 and in the evening delivered a sermon on temperance. BALL TEAM TOASTED. their respects to the hosts. I ne greet- y r .. recently employed month ins and exchanges between the er while foes were cordial. M. Witte. after he withdrew from line, finding that he was becoming the center of a throng who desired to be presented, quietly left the ball' room. Supper was served and there were many baiuias" and toasts to President Roose velt and peace. v AT LIDZIAPUDZE. ' " by the St, Albans street railway and two He recently returned from a stay in p, inci,,es of democracy, but it was only sides a president, himself a student of t!ie weeks ago received a heavy shock from Cuba. The funeral was held this morn- 40 xmn &0 thilt 8jaVery was abolished sociology, who is frankly and manifest tie a live wire from the effects of which jg from Mr. Chamberlain's residence m 'Wls r(?,,u)jlic which we count the ly, it may not be always wisely or con- he had not recovered, ne was uiiame there beitiflr a lareo number or relatives , tl. nrt.h. - The sistentir. but, tramuy ana maiiue.suv, . . r ... J J It ! , ,ot ,a I i . . . l . J Tr-n.,1- W.I. I . .' ".. . . . ... 11 . !. .t il,. nt ...r.n . tknk to retain ioou uuu m is -u('itoi '"-iaua menus in ain-iiuimee. nauN ""- I pains in political democracv and the ex-1 on me mue ui me iuusk- ucn, pecame o ucsjujuuein umi, no wn. ...a , Ktr OI Hrre aiieuueu, ami iiii;. iwiwn i tension 01 the educational privilege nave line ieai iL-uur-1 uiu univii t;-.v. tf. .l. ,r .. '11 . 1 .. .. I I . . 1 . . .. .1 ,. i. Anl.i I a, tiling A inc. , Alut five his father heard to search the he went down cellar and found his son h. inrf in hi.mii with his throat cut Japanese Said to Be Continuing Battle I Health Officer Dr. S. II. Dunbar was sum Preparations. moned but could do nothing to save tlie 1 1 ; i 11a Hhi-iiir. nn Juiuziapuue, -uaneimria, cepi. a, ue - . . , in, japanese are coDunning preparauonsior wa9 BeVered and it.!ieuey oi juontpetier sang, xiie ilci- i jjppjj ovv untii recently, and even now iiimseu a sumem, ui "" i-Mcuit, o'clock in the afternoon nicnt was in the Elmwood cemetery inl.w- flre i.ir0 orea, myen over to des- those twice defeated at the polls and a weak voice and began this city. notism. ignorance, oppression and fear- differing from the president of the I nit- house for his son. At last The deceased was 07 years of age. i .wtitT-tinn Rmnli -unnrler tlmt. re- ed States in many of his principles and I " l AT AGE OF 64 YEARS. troops the peace agreement. The terms of peace are the subject of discussion everywhere. In the Russian army the prevailing spirit is one of -satisfaction, and even ol lively rejoicing, though general confidence is expressed that the Russian troops would be vie toriou if they had to right another bat THE FIRST BUSINESS. Grand Army Encampment at Denver Be-' gins Work. Denver, Colo., Sept. 5. The first offi cial business of the 3tUU annual encamp ment of the Grand Army ot the Kepub- formers are impatient! The advance is policies, is quite as frankly and quite l.v fit nnd starts as manifestly on the side of the masses Tim ni'diLnnf ia lho o.rft ft fml mm n t inn . 1 Ot mCIl . . . ir.,,aiiK. tiiia fniMtr in ho trnp "And it is more than an signnicaiu Mrs. jane m.ggs mea aunaay orn.nS l'aiarmZr. (bserve the if you will permit me to say it, though wi orvj..,. distinctive earns of lafxir, the recogni- miicn or my iue, uaimny mtow xr .T,,no Ttriirrra now! fil rears, died tinn f labor's nartnershin in the pro- lion would seem to lead me otherwise " . . 6" ' 15 ,. , ' . .. .. . . . S .. . ii I U :,. . . ,lol. nicniilieriTlt a I 111V eiety have more m funeral was held today. Burial in the in the profits of production. patiiy, not to u e classes .mi, u. u.e i :i ..... ,..4.,. Tim ,lii,-nitv nf ihnr is nniireeinte, . 1 masses Ot my leuow -nieti. lit--uil vt'iiit-vri . i ii... .-j.;. v. - , , . , , . Not so long ago the idle rub formed a me pen is iiiigiu-i iiwu me tt, Kb envieil- todiiv there is no sword, and all that the sword lepre ia M-hieh u vnnri. .lesi.i'sed. It is the sent. There it no power in the wide 1 . ' . . . ,. , I t. .... ..t..,i;.5! . ;i,h. n th.. . .... .. r. tnttli onnuhlM rit ile fionst ration I rat up I'tuui v mwuuiuij .hh-imui.ii;, on .... nezeKian BUtterworin naa oeen u m " " t t.,...,nt ile. -lenr. envinein.T the . . . i man WHO wsv9 lhjl aujn, wnn.uu hiipi-'-"""m T - CT several WeeKS. "hin nr l,rwn. U ft narasite Mho mieks fitiitemeut of the truth. Wo,.,-,,,. r t c.n k ut P.ut- tu htinA nf iit shmui ori?anitn. The "it lias won a vonu oi snue an V IJiHllt;. 1 1.-.3 wa tv-.vwi, . .. i,t .i;,,:.lrtil na wall OS CUrtWul I i it . i l hp viiiii unit: un i i vr '.a t t v v -.. t r , vunitow ninrninff .iimtimi nt woo t n nn.i n nn r una 11 i u ir iu ntc i "'i.'" -j ",eI,t- ' f ih.e Tm Vieirl other veins'and arteries being cut. He " ', bid blen Z re 'it ion o trade! unions, tee - self have studied the evolution of so S at ' Port smou h Th" Russian ad- P survived by his parents and a sister, . The body was taken tablishment of the 8-hour day, the re- Und the facts of soc.a lite that I signed at- toitsmouin. ioim-mb "u. tfi old. ......... t... .... .,. i ,ia,,i,tr I .t,winn rhil.l KiKoe nn.l tho riirht found liivselt inevitably and even : vance posts report that the Japanese V ''A V'c v'T, .r'Xr u ' 1 7 ",1 Z rmnnktuiv oivh.2 of mv heart sv c ra .-rtrtr iiifh r isinlii.ti(fi WITH n i - - I iul o. nut5tJ i 111 j,,mv i - kic '"- - w - i PROMINENT AUTHOR DEAD. ... - . t I o-i.i v. . - 1 1 ...,v f I ft I I ,iiAL'lgn I 1I I . I t till llli ft I I IIP nnv be' ,3 npTtUVord, ofan ft 'ffl'i.Tto" met tcrw the auUiorTdied ar r todayat attitude toward Vent personal fortunes bll-sh,; it ha. been a world of suffer- Ambient "mSile?! JTv U sfm mf of BoSTon the residence of his brother 'here. He is significant. It was only a short time ? 6iM a Roldipr I am rlmgrinpd, but a fof jimior viee-commander-iu-chiof to fill peace." f tn!CZath of Comma.uier-inChief 't Uors of the Youth's Com- Three thousand Japanese, who on Aug. yvilmon W. Blackmnr. The council also pauioii. zii ueseeimeu i.u roil, ucniwuies, urt'u nnnroved the work Ot Its executive com ite the island of Sakhalin, and sixty ;Vtee nerformed durins the interim since iii"'" iwi uiKt.ii '" v j the last encampment, ana uiureu w MARSHALL FIELD MARRIED. of Alexandrovsk, set fire to a grass cov vered steppe. The conflagration took on serious proportions. A NEW AGREEMENT. T ,4cA f. T7 on. S.m tin Car. ir(Tn tii-rn ( i WAS lielil tlUS lUOl Iling. ADOUL ten inousanu. men in... there was a big parade ot veterans. J'.irmingham, ept. -ine rost 10 tlav says' that information has reached the foreign ollice from different sources NEW COMMISSIONER. to the effect that a secret treaty is in aivrtiintia- Tha thiitv-ninth encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic which is on here has attracted over one, hundred thousand msiuus iu m. r-- i r,( r i,;,.,,,,,, ,i ivrri niii xnr (,. liminary parade of naval and military 'V i-V i V . ?,lr V. I Theld this morning, ton, of Chicago, occurred at noon to- Millionaire Chicago Merchant Wedded in London at Noon. London. Sept. 5. The wedding of IVVntiaTio; if one has J Gov. Bell Has Aped W. H. DuBois Fireman Is Going to Denver for Benefit . . , . ' i l. i..-.. n I I ftf Honlfh oiru.nixr nepn KiiTiie(i. neiweeii -a tr tr rnviin- i w. .v.v, sia and Germany. Only the most mea- to Succeed H. K. Darling. i..l v.i ill tnr u...n.l -- in,. that, it heffan to be reaarded as iniusuee nuu uniwnra mm mnu a m From 1870 to 1895 he was one of the an offense for a man to leave a tortune ' umauiiy io man, u, i noiu ui i. to his heirs, without public bequests. uawn oi nuioiv io me piesein uav r.itriat Inw leeonm a rroi . lias ueeii onu oi irui;iesinK mini: .... w..-.. - ... C. ' 1 , , .. i !i : . . 1 il.., and vet at the very time ot all this inent tow am a spicmua goai, ana i i .,-..oH). nn,l nvnr en there proceeds a goal ot progress, toward w men tne w uoi . . . -i- . .i : , .: - r n. I .l-u.-, f ii.n id tho ivv.-ifiit mini. Tlft cool, calm, penetrating uihi-iishou ot me i s." ' h.v.v . e---i - utility and social value of these great ot you and not ot me, not ot tins rieu fortunes. The old question: "What man nor ot that poor man, out aiwaj 1 of the human race. i ',in 4,A Jitomnnf nf innroni.itr 'lt a nroLTiMs that we may le Marshall Field, the millionaire merchant wealth a man will risk bis health and sure will not cease. In truth it gathets t, ti.,rt i Trirwmiif fitnninch 1 fare iunoast. and v.e may ceieorate and, some insist, a dvspeptic soul. this Labor Day this one holiday of the To achieve independence is of course day whose meaning is prophetic and not a worthy ambition, and bv industry hi-toric-xwe may celebrate this Labor and prudence we all should make the Day and do it heartily and nopeiuiiy the advance of tho people of their own. The question: "What doth it profit!" The committee which had charge of is also bcinc put to those who inherit tbe day's celebration was composed ot " 1 . ... . ... .1.. ii-. .i? .1. "....! T iitii.n the meat fortunes. The wealth is otten- me omcers oi m vc.n.a. . A...,. .!.., i.i.i,;, it ti,n President, P. F. McCarthy; Secretary Flmer P. Williams, the driver nf thp it i-n. I Alev'r Ironside. Assistant Secretary Pet . - - - I UIJOT IMAUIl. V .n.-. ...... v w - - day at St. Margaret's, Westminster. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only about "0 persons being present. DRIVER WILLIAMS RETIRES. . i t I I- iiitr r.. ?er particulars can lie learned regarding St Johns bury, Sept. n , chemical of the fire department, finished that natural, wholesome development of er Alexander, Treasurer A.J. .Allen, am: i.a rntirr nnr. hi ihi-is l l iiuvh lit- i iiiiti 1 1 tiii ul ii uu'-ivn. i.v, i j. i cni..wjn i . i . a vu ,t - - ...... , i.'. work at ; the fire station Saturday night maniv chnractor which comes in the way D. A. Cook, chairman of the goneral tt. I-!.-, t?.... r:.-. . i . . . , i i ii ... I a i!ha .T.tiHoa Smart-.. (Minimum I 1 I tB 1 l, llltlil V HIl lUlinil!t 1,1 V H lltl I t 1 . 1 . ..,.. i ,4 it r nritllA M T r n If T ril'ntl'll I I'llNIHIlLLt'. IIIIU UUHH.J .i.Mii...t ... vj. . - . - - - - - - - - . ijtH I tlt'WlL: llfU i If IU Wl'lM "-"J nmu - . vpimwl (rn to show that the agreement Dtulinsr of Chelsea has resigned as a ... . i ti i,:ii, . '.n ..1. Tl.A ( il. I ni.mKitr 1 f .A Vial. 1 1 111 11 TV flllll UlinniUll. 1 ... ..." . . I J"i. .ll.i.v.. w , - o - , . is most, siguiiienui. j i i-'-ih't' w -4 I biter will bo on to Denver tor his health. I ;.. of the rctreshmeni committee, tated, refers solely to the treaty be- ot which commission lie is -J A9 ,-et there has been no new driver The-e is an emergence of a new ideal, who had charge of the diffarent games fill the I i. ..ii i ;..iri wnnl. U that I and booths were as loiiows: Union n, Lith nf nrodlictive industry should laliel booth, John Anderson, C. C. Bams ,.,i 4a one that, it, would not be to till the vacancy and nas uesiMiuiieu u. - .. I . .. . .. . . . ...t .. ,in t r s.i.ninr. tirl-pt. i w(.m .Ta- " . '. - , . , u, .-, , , , . i:. ,..i. u ni.i rwtihnte.i in tie niaKius ramer man "en, u. i. ' -.. : c i.n..i a,.... ,iai'. Ainmiiiii I iv I i, i n v,i rT ill ,n rn. .,1 . v Liu .. i i ... ... - . surprising u "' ,": Tl. ' 17" Vr, .',.1 rhair. All stores in the city will be open this after it has been made; that justice and should follow as a result of this new ready a member of the board, as chair- evening. the opportunities of justice for the great Continued on Fourth Tage. Intercity Ball Players Guests of Local - Supporters. The champion Intercity ball team was toasted at the City Hotel Saturday evening by a party of Bane and Mont- pel ler men, on an occasion which was verv enjoyable. Covers were laid for sixty people. All the ball players were present with the exception of Coombs, who was injured in the game isaturaay afternoon. Coombs wanted to attend, but the doctor would not hear to it. Fred B. Mudwtt, the Simeon Ford of Barre after-dinner speakers, was toast master, and kept the ball arolling all the time. The speakers included: O. H. Pape, X. D. Phelps. J. W. Dillon, S. H. Jackson and J. P. Marr of this city, W. A. Lord, L. II. Greene, 15. B. Bailey and C. L. Keenan oi Montpelier and Manager Arthur Daley, Capt. Dor- man, Lett Fielder SSIiaughnessy and "Ruth" Ashmore of the team, the last named being introduced as the only fe male member of tho team. At any rate. Ashmore showed that it was not his maiden attempt. I lie various Giants have lett lor their lomes or for places, uhere they "wilt visit. Cant. Dorman will spend a few days in Bo-tun before returning to his dental practice at Fayette, Iowa. Grant will return to the Lynn,.uass. team, loouiu is to be the guest" of Connie Mack of the Philadelphia for a short time and will then return to his home in West Kennehnnk, Maine, to await the open in? of Colby college. Ashmore goes to Indianapolis" for a short time, and later will go to Decatur, III. Mankard will spend the time be tore the openincr of the Harvard Medical school at his home in Waltham, Mass. "Burns", the unknown, will be in Chi cago for a few days before resuming his college work. Hiuitk goes to his home in South Carolina until the opening of college. Morev, the only Veruionter on the team, will be at Rupert, this state, until the opening; of Deloit college, Beloit, Wisconsin, Eaton will take a rest ot his home in Taunton, Mass. Shanglt nessv wil do a tew urns in New York before goinsr to South Carolina where he wil be the iruest of a foot ball team. Uniac will be for a few days in Ran lolph, Mass. and will then go' to Brock ton, Mass, to get ready for the opening of Dartmouth 'Medical' college. Appf i- ous will do tiie Blue Grass country ' e- fore going to his borne in Alabama. Bessie Gibson Died Sunday. Bessie, the three years and six nw.i'hs old daughter of Mr and Mr, James t ib son died Sunday after an illness w il IE typhoid fever. 'The funeral, was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the house on South Main street . Rev. F. A. Poole officiating. Interment in the Hope cemetery. .secret agreement.