Newspaper Page Text
1JI HA11UL I'AILY TIMES, SEPT. 5,19(15. Schools Opened Today. Buy Your School Shoes of Us. Buy "Polliwog" School Shoes. J PERRY & CAMP, 71 and 75 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont- 1 J$ OUR MOTTO. DO 8 YOU NOT? " NOT HOW CHEAP BUT J HOW GOOD." 9 TALK OF THE TOWN. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. While our prices are second jg to none, it is the quality of K our Furniture and Floor Coverings that has made our & business what it is today." An example of this is our new Eleven-Piece Oak Chamber Suit, Spring and Mattress complete, for $27.00. It is in our ? show windows for your comparison. Make our store your headquarters when shopping. Bring your visiting friends i to see it. You know that it is the best equipped store in g Vermont. Don't be slow in making comparisons. B. W. HOOKER & CO., jjj Up-To-Date Furniture Dealers, 14 and 6 Nuth Main St. New Blacchard Elock. ft . - Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. 9 Kitht iti Utiii CaHs B. W. Et.kcr. 5o. 17 rark St. L L. Cole. fro. 6 Boijin Ave. aterproof Overcoats It doesn't seem just right to cal! these beautiful shaped gar ments " Raincoats." The name is used so indiscriminately in connection with flimsy, ill-fitting Coats that it doesn't at all de scribe the smart, rainproof, dressy Overcoats which we are selling this Fall. We shall be pleased to show you. Look at our new Rain Coats whether you have one to buy, or have just bought one elsewhere. W e should like to have you know the difference between our kind of garments and the other kind. Smartly tai lored Rain Coats ot Worsteds, Cheviots, Coverts, perfect at every point, $10.00 to $25.00. FranK McWhorter, One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitter, Telephone Call 218-4. BUodord Block. 20 and 22 North Main St. Boys' Suit Sale ! Seventy-five Boys' Suits, sizes from 9 to 16, to close at thirty per cent discount, which means a $5.00 Suit for $3.50, etc. These Suits range in price from $3.00 to $6.00. Also twenty Boys' Suits, sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6, to close at $1.00 each. MOORE & OWENS, 1 22 North Main St., Barre, Vermont. For Lunch or Picnics! Ocean Spray Crackers, somethicr aew, per box 5c Warraco Nabisco, per box 1 Uneeda Biscuits, per box ..5c Ginger Snaps, per box ' ;",";,1JC Butter Thins, per box 1 Oc and 15c A Number I Pie aid Eating: Apples, per peck Can D. Ham, per can 5canj 12 Can Chicken, per can . Z8c and 45c Can Lobster, per can Pears, Bananas and Grapes. MERCHANT & FRASER, Telephone J3J-II 6 Elm Street, Barre. Vt. 1 LAMPS A A ATAT4iTriTi?iiT4tA4i!f4?rT4 ? T ? ? S T i& T A i5i S & 9 ... & & ?4 Our Annual Gearance Sale of Lamps is now on. A discount of TWENTY PER CENT will be given on all our LAMPS ranging in price from $3.00 upwards. We have some beautiful designs, in- ; eluding TABLE, LIBRARY and HALL LAMPS. This sacrifice is given to make room fcr our new t stock. You are cordialjy invited to inspect these & poods, mil Wifluuw. & & C. N. KENYON & CO.'S 5 BARGAIN STORE. I 185-187 North Main Street. (Telephone i a 3-i a) Barre, Vermont. & See Abbott's anniversary sale. lira. Ella Pitkin sin-nt Friday in Xurth- See the new yokt's for dieos at Vanlian'o. Sule of iiivkvc;ir this pvening fur 10c at Yaiighan's. Xew full vahU by Friday's ejre9, only 0!H', at lilts'. A paint that i-avs LAWRENCE. Sold by E. A. l'rindle" Xiee Duolics or Rod Astraehnn apples wanted. II. L. Avcrill &. Co. Mis Ethel kmw of 1'lainnVld vis-it ed friends in tbe city last evening. O. H. Hale went to Slielbnrne today to attend the fair there this week. The Loyal Temperance Legion meet ing will be held Saturday, Sept. 9. Mrs. E. L. Church of North llartland is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Church. John N. McDonald has gone to Troy, N. Y., for a short visit with friends. George E. Fox went to l'lainfield this morning to spend the day with friends. Constable W. F. Cutler of South Barre has gone on the O. A. R. trip to Den- i ver. A. J. Skinner began work as meat cut ter at Smith & t'uruiuings' this morning. Master I'aul Cordon returned Satur day from a vinit with friends in White River. A. Colombo is expected to arrive in the city tonight from an extended visit in Italv. John Rishop, who hag been on a two months' viit to England, has returned to Barre. - Misses Winnie Kirk and Eva Roberts of Franklin, X. If., are visiting at A. M. Stafford s. Miss Josie Cram of Providence, R. I., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Whitney of Cbel- a are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Henry Hodgdon. Dana Church has returned home atter a months visu in west j-ainee aim North llartland, Xt. Mrs. Mary Eiickson lias returned from an extended trip to England, Germany, Denmark and 1 inland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marr returned yesterday from a business and peasure trip to Ely and We&t Fniree. James Curswell and William Ayers re turned Saturday night from a two weeks' vacation spent in Boston. McWhorter has ready-to-wear fall dress suits, Trince Albe-rt suits and tuxedo suits. All sizes in stock. Harold Robinson returned yesterday from bis home in Warren to resume bis studies in Spaulding High school. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson ar rived in town Saturday night from Mont real, where they have been visiting. School began this morning. Start the children right. Shoe them with our "Polliwog" school shoes. Perry & Camp. Miss Gertrude Goodrich of Hardwiek arrived in the citv yesterday for a visit at the home of her brother, II. A. Good rich. Percival Bennett left on the midnight train Sunday for Salem, Mass., where he will visit his brother, Lieut. Arthur lien nett. Among those who left on the G. A. R. excursion to Denver were John W. Aver ill and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lel'age of Barre. - Miss May Bell and brother, Clarence, who have been visiting m Barre, return edo C'oneoid, X. II., yesterday to attend school. Charles McDonald left yesterday noon for New York after a two weeks' visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McDonald. James Heaside, Philip Ellis and Walter Timmons went to Grange yesterday hunting. 1 hey are reported to have shot nine partridges. Rev. Charles C. Conner goes tonight to Brattleboro where he gives an address tomorrow evening before the Universalist State convention. Sirs. C. A. Brown and son returned yesterday from a month's visit in St, Albans and other places in the northern part of the state. Mrs. James Brown and daughters. Miss Agnes lligjrins ami Marguerite Brown left on the noon train lor a visit in Manchester, X. IT. James Hall returned last night to I5os- ton after a visit with relatives m the citv. Mrs. Hall will remain at the home of her parents for a while. n In order that the public may take ad vantage of the great clearance sale at A. A. Smith & Bros. store they will open this evening until 10 o'clock. The Tegular meeting of the council of the Ladies Aid society of St. Monica's church will be held Wednesday evening at T.JiO o'clock in the convent. Miss Lottie M. Bl.mchard of West Windsor, who has been visiting at her cousins, Airs. .Nellie a. j.ianenaro. s, ior the past two weeks, has returned home. Miss Josie Briggs, who has been visit ing at the home of C. S. Wallace, went to South Royalton today for a visit be fore going to her home in Sonierville, Mass. ,-Ikey and Abey," which comes to the opera house Saturday evening, is a new production this season. On Sept. IS, it will begin a week s engagement at tiie Globe Theatre, Boston. Anyone suffering with rheumatism, I would recommend them to try Mr. Charlie Stone's Pepper Oil. I have used it and find it the best remedy I ever tried. It can be had at my shop. Moss Chnibotineau. Xow that I am better from rheuma tism I will make new work. Sewed or pegged French kip shoes. Warranted good fit or no sale. All kinds of fine work and repairing. Under Phelps' Hardware store, Gordon's block. Moses Charbonncau. You are invited to the trolley party and corn roast, under the auspices of the Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. at Ben jamin Falls on Wednesday evening, Sept. 6th. The partv will leave City park at G.45 o'clock. Souvenir tickets good for t. fnrn nnd corn roast may be abtained I at the car, or children who will call on I you before. If stormy will be postponed until Friday evening. I hie Daylight ift Our Thirteenth Anniversary Sale Begins Tuesday, Sept. 5th, and Closes Saturday Night, Sept. 9th. This is the thirteenth time that we have favored our trade with the benefits of an Anni versary Sale. Each year we have made these sales of larger proportions and given greater values. This sale gives you an opportunity to start your Fall shopping right. It is school time and the children must be clothed. Here is a chance to make vour first -savin. ' a You can get heaps of information out of the New Idea Magazine that we are civincr FREE with this sale. This is the greatest shopping opportunity that we have ever offered. Tuesday, September 5th. Blanket Sale. Ore husdrtd pairj of Ten -quarter Grey Blankets. There it Blanket on the mar ket th: season that Kill for 39c. These are not that kind. These are heavy, perfect Blankets of the 75c quality. Sold this dayat 49c per pair. Not more than three pairs to a customer. Outing Sale. In addition to our Tuesday's Blanket sale we will tell seven yards of blue or pink striped Oatirg Flannel for 50c. The loc quality. Wednesday, September ,6th. Lace Curtain Sale. Twenty five pairs Nott'rgham Lace Cur:aics, z 1-2 yards long, :'n new pat terns. This day's sale, 49c per pair. Tweoty-five pairs Nottingham Lace Curtalcs, 3 yards long and very wide. They are our best $ 1. 3 J values and cheap at that. In this day's sale at 98c per pair. Twenty pairs Nottingham Lace Cur tains in cew Paris designs, one of our leaders at $2.25. Now in this one day's sale at $1,69 per pair. Free Magazines go with this sale. Thursday, September 7th. Linen Sale Two pieces 72-inch AlMinen Bleached Table Damask that you have always paid 75c for. This day's sale at 59c. Four pieces 72-inch AU-iinen Satin Darnask that has been selling at 1 1 .00 This day at 69c. One lot of Mercerized Napkins that were I.S This day at 98c One lot All Pure Linen Napkins that were $1.75. This day at $1.29. One lot All Pure Linen Napkins that sell as specials at $1.39. Th's day, 98c. One lot cf Barnsley Grass Bleached Crash that sells it 1 2 1-2C. This day, 9c. Free Magazine offer goes with this sale. Friday, September 8th. Fur Sale Our last season's Fur Sale at this time was a decided success. There are val ues here that will not last until noon. Twenty-five Black Corey Cluster Sca-fs with six tails. Would be cheap at 75c, usually sold at 98. (We do not recom mend this quality of furs.) For this sale this day at 39c each. Not more than two to a customer. Twenty-five Blended Muslrat Cluster Scarfs. These are very desirable for children's school wear. This day at $1.49 each. - Twenty very long Isabella Opossum Fur Scarfs.' You will see poorer ones ior $7.50. Now for this day at $4.98. Muffs to match, same price. Magazines with this day's sale. Saturday, September 9th. Repelinat Sale. Fifteen pieces of 57-inch Repellant iti colors of navy, brown, greys, black t&: Oxford. There is no cloth at 7tc fnrr wear and looks that is up to these cloths-. Thoe that are using these cloths know the strength of our statement. Consider ing the sharp advance in all wool goods,. you will harcly see how we can make the price so low even for one day. We will, be obliged to limit each sale to not over 1 5 yards. This day at 42c per yard. Magazine cards canceled as on other days. MRS. W. F. SHEPARD'S Anniversary Sale. To introduce my very large stock of Fall Millinery, and at the same time be in accord with the Anniversary Week of the Daylight Store, I will sell everything in the Millinery line, including new Readj-to-"wear Hats, at a special price. " Those that took advantage of our An niversary Sale last season should be first at this sale. As this is the largest line of Millinery in our city, these prices at this time ought to encourage early buying. MRS. W. F. SHEPARD. The Object of This Sale Is to get you into our store to see our New Fall Goods that we now have readv. It's the largest line of carefully selected Dry Goods in this city. Whether or not they are well bought and carefully priced is what we ask your judgment on. There is no Garment Department in the state better stocked for Fall business than ours. Our Dress Goods Department is what years of Boston experience has made it. Our special brands of Hosiery and Bennington and Munsing Underwear have a reputation all over the state for solid values. It's the kind you all want. " Ask your friends about our line of Neckwear, Belts, Gloves or Ribbons. They are our advertisers. - & TALK OF THE TOWN. Thirteenth anniversary sale at Ab bott's. , ; Sale of new flannelette vvaistings at Vaiigban's. A nice hanging lamp for sale. Apply at 61 Jlaple avenue. Just arrived from New York, a swell fall coat for only $5.93 at Fitts'. E. f. Whitcomb left yesterday on a sr.rt business trip to Mew York. Several couples from "this city attend ed the dance at the Gulf house last night. Fall stylo in John II. Stetson anil I.anwin & Hubbard hats are on sale at Me bolter's. Joseph Tondreau baa gone to the Shcrbrooke, P. Q. fair and 'will visit his mother before returning to Barre. Tbe police said it was "an inside job"' but tliev didn't arrest the painter he used LAWRENCE PAINT the job was "right." At E, A. Priudle's. A regular meeting of Hearts of Oak Lol;e. No. 477, Sons of St. George wi!l be beld tonight in Foresters' hall, at 7.30 sharp. , Irvin L. Totter has resigned his posi tion as instructor of literary interpret-: tion and dramatic art at Goddard sera- j inary, for a year' travel and study in Spain and Italy. The Tjidiea' Missionnrv society of the -..f,'.,l nl,.,,.l, .-;il mIt nHrh I V.UI;i 1 H1UII.H ..... Ull ' w Mrs. Charles Howe, Beck ley Hill, Wed nesday afternoon. Subject, "Japan" Members take the 1.45 car. Keep the date of Sept. 14th open for "The Lyman 11. Howe Moving Pic tures."' Every number will be . new. Mr. Howe will come with the only mov ing pictures of the Russo-Japanese war, which will interest all, from the young est to the oldest. 1 . . 9S : : 3 5 S Candy Extraordinary. ONLY 10c PER POUND. Never before bas there been tuch an assortment of Candy on exhibition' Twenty different kinds to select from. A!! for 1 Qc per pound. 9 i in Earre. 9J J These Candies are manufactured by one of the largest concerns in the United t States and are sold under their guarantee as to purity. Your inspection. ;g, S invited. " i 2 j Telephone 12-4. PARK & STEPHEN, 66 North Main St, Barre, Vt. I vSURE We have NEW EDISON and COLUMBIA RECORDS every week. You don't have to wait here. You get what you want. The AVERELL MUSIC CO.: Kea V alucs at La dcfJ 1 15c I 35c 1 Tanglefoot Fly Paper, eight double sheets for -Tanglefoot Fly Paper, per box, 25 double sheets for All pork products are higher, but we have a good bar gain on Cottolene. ' , Two pound pails of fresh Cottolene for - . 24c Four pound pails of fresh Cottolene for - . 45c Ten pound pails of fresh Cottolene for - - $1.00 We have an extra large lot of large, sound, ripe Banan as and to close them out quickly we make the price per doz en 20c or two dozen for - - - - . 35c Green Corn, fresh every morning, per dozen ears, - 10c Ten pounds large Sweet Potatoes for - . 25c Don't forget a loaf of Cream Bread. It always has real value. F, D. L ADD, Leading Cash Grocer. Meats and Provision.