Newspaper Page Text
IILE HAKHE DAILY .TIMES. SETT. o. W05. 7 F. B. CATE REAL ESTATE AGENCY We Arc Offering for Thirty Days Some South Barrc Property at a Bargain. Two-ter.cment house of eleven large rooms. Buildiugi in good repair. Large lot, two gardens, lot of fruit. Two minutes' walk from post-office and church. Price cut to $1600 for quick tale. This is decidedly a bargain. Two-tenement home and barn, with about five acres of land. Buildings in good repair. Location just out of South Barre village on the Williamstown road. Price $1500. $500 in cash, balance to suit purchaser. City Property. Th: seven-room cottage is located on the corner of Merchant and Sum mer Streets and is 145 feet on Summer Street and 50 feet on Merchant Street. Ample room for ano:her house. There are bath and electric lights. Can be used as two small tenements if desired. Note the location. Come in and get our price. Two-tenement house on Currier Park for $4000. Two-tenement house and barn on Summer Street. Price $4500. Farm Bargain. Farm in East Orange of 135 acres. Will keep ten cows and team. Two hundred sugar trees, evaporator, etc. Prici $1000. Rooms U and 12, Bolster Building, Barre, Vermont. (Telephone 135-2) I should be pleased to do busmen witn .. G L. BUGBEE, - ... Contractor and Builder. To Rent! - - SITUATED ON BATCHELDER STREET. Seven rooms, bath room and closet. Has sewer connection. Filtered spring water. Rent Only $12 Per Month. Balance of August free". WILL SELL FOR SMALL PAY MENT DOWN' and the balance in small monthly payments. Inquire of E. E. Silloway or H. W. Scott. INSURANCE Some agents say "The Best Companies," others "The Strongest," and still others "The Largest Companies." I simply say TOHN W. DILLON, Agent, Representing 465,490,1 17.39 assets as per annual statement of companies represented in this agency on January i, 1903. That tells the whole story. Call and investigate. No rislc too large, none too small. j Bottled Soda! Mineral Waters! I ft Sodas and Mineral Waters supplied for all occasions on short notice.' The purest and g best goods. Delivered anywhere in the city. I M. J. McGOWAN, g Telephone 118-2. Berkshire Typewriter Papers! NEW LINE JUST ARRIVED. These Papers are made expressly for typewriter work. They possess all the qualities Strength, Durability and Fi neness of Texture most essential to good work on the various writing machines now in use. Our prices arc right. IDEAL BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Hale'i Block, Next Door to People's Shoe 3ore. W. FRANK HARRIS. 1 Tenement! 107 South Main Street. 3 ABOUT THE STATE. Items of Interest Gleaned From Our Exchanges. The sales of souvenir postal cards in .-. jominunry during tlie month of .Aug Hot averaged throe hundred a day. Renr Admiral Oeor-e A. Converse, U. S. X., chief of the Iminau of navigation, left Washington August 24 on a brief visit to his native town of Norwich. John Mills, of Cabot, who was thrown from his wajmn Sunday, August 2D, and badly cut about the face, and one ankle sprained, U in a critical condition. Col. G. B. M. Harvey, of New Yoik, editor of North American Review and Harper's, has leen passing a week with his mother, Mrs. M. S. Harvey, in East Peaoham. The barn on the farm of John Carter, of Shellield, was burned recently. Chil dren playing with matches was the cause. Joseph Jiarber had about fifteen tons of hay in the barn, with no insur ante. The Lora Colby, Son & Co. of Alburg was petitionee into bankruptcy Friday 't being alleged that they committed an act of bankruptcy by preferring certain creditors. The petition is brought by David 8. Ilarvev, whose claims amount to $3,150. Plans are nearly completed for the publication of a new medical journal in Uurlington. The names of the pub lishers and other details are not ob tainable, but it is known that it will be a monthly publication by Burlington men and that the first number will ap pear some time the coming fall. The Rev. J. M. Frost, of St. Johns bury, has just presented to the Fair banks museum 150 reprints of postage stamps, mostly Japan and Heligoland. The stamps were a part of a collection which Mr. Frost formerly owned and which was one of the largest and most valuable collections in the state. Mrs. Minnie rowers was held for Chit tenden county court Friday by Judge Mower in city court on a charge of selling liijuor without a license. Rail was fixed at $300, which she furnished. The case against Mrs. Powers grew out of the shooting affair at the mouth of t..ii river, when "Jack" Powers was shot in the leg. Leg Broken by Flying Piece of Rock. A peculiar accident occurred to Alfred Stevens while at work as carpenter on the Benedict house at the Bethel quar ries. About twenty rods from where he was working a railroad gang was blast ing a cut for the new railroad with dy namite. Warning having been given, the blast was discharged, when a piece of rock blew toward Stevens, struck the ground, and bounding, hit one of his legs, breaking a bone. Traffic has been heavier this season at the Burlington railroad station than ever before in the history of the two railroads. From last Sunday to Thurs day, the month's end, $I.9S0.51 was re ceived at the railroad ticket office in return for Rutland railroad tickets ami mileages. The receipts of the Central Vermont railway were correspondingly large. The receipts from the tip-town oflices have also been larger thau ever before. The baggage car on the noon train going south, is often crowded to its capacity and sometimes the train is made 15 to 20' minutes late by the time required to handle the numerous pieces of baggage. , Y. M. C. A. DEVELOPMENTS. State Secretary Morrison Tells What He Is Doing. The report of State Secretary Morri son of the Young Men's Christian as sociation brings out some interesting facts concerning the work of the asso ciation throughout the state from March 1 to July 1. During this time general secretaries were supplied for the associations in Brattleboro, Rutland, St? Johnsbury and this city. These vacancies were filled as follows: To the 'Brattleboro associa tion, C. F. W. Cunningham, formerly assistant secretary of the Hartford, Mass., association and a graduate of the Springfield training school, was call ed. Arrangements were made by which W. S. Dillon continues with the St. Johnsbury association. Frank Leonard, for five years general secretary of the Sonthbridge, Mass., association, was made secretary in Rutland, while Byron Clark and Arthur Van Cor were given the charge of the local association. All the associations in the state are now provided with paid officers. - Since the first of April the state com mittee carried out the state convention at Rutland, a conference of Woman's au xiliaries in Rutland and of students and paid ollicers, institutes in Ludlow, Mont gomery Center, Riehford, Sheldon and Sw anton. In regard to the raising of funds for an association building in Bennington, the report states the. prospects are good for the securing of the $25,000 necessary for the work, $1,200 having been col lected turning the young men of tlie mem bership., 1 he camp tor boys at Silver Lake, ranklin, July 5 to 15, for boys of Mont pelier, St. Johnsbury and Franklin coun ty, was reviewed and the report stated that a sub-committee had been appointed to consider the wisdom of installing one Or more state camps for association boys. Bluntness Punished. A young lady, whose beauty is eua i her bluntness in conversation, was to visiting a house where other guests wore . assembled, among them the eldest son of a rich manufacturer. The talk turn ed on matrimonial squabbles. Said the eligible party: " I hold that tlie correct thing for the husband is to begin as he intends to go on. Say that the question H one of smoking". Almost immediately I would show rnv intentions by lighting a cigar and settling the question forever." "And I would knock the thing out of your mouth," cried the imperious beauty. "Do you know," rejoined the youna man, "I don't think you would be there." Detroit Tribune. COT n!3 HAIR BACK. Waa Perfectly Bald wWa He Started to Im Ntnbro'i Herplcide . Frederick Manuel!. Maryland block. Butte, Montana, bought a bottle of New tro'a Herplcide. April 6, ';, and began to tse It for entire baldness. The hair fol licles In bis scalp were not dead and In 20 days he had hair all over his head. On July 2 he writes, "and today my hair Is as thiols er.d luxuriant as any one could wish." Newbro's Herplcide works on an old principle and with a new d's covery destroy th eaue and you re move the effect. Herplcide destroy the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair, and finally baldnesa. so that with the cause pone the effect cannot remain. Stops falling' hair at once and a revr growth starts. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co., Detroit. Mich. Rickert Sc. Wells, Special Agents. Counsel's Mistake. "To prove that the liquid contained in the vial found in my client's posses sion is not 'knockout drops,' but abso lutely innocuous," taid the eloquent young advocate, '"he will drink it in your honor's presence." Rut the client, a soldier from the Presidio, did not respond to the sugges tion with anything like alacrity. And when ' Judge Fritz proposed that the attorney himself gulp the contents of the vials the proposal was ignored. So the case was continued until today in order to have the liquid subjected to chemical analysis. Charles tiolT was the soldier's name, and when arre-ted for disturbing the peace of his comrades in a Pacific street saloon the policeman found in his poc kets not only the suspected vial but also a brass' "knuckle duster." San Francisco Call. Reward of Courtesy. "How do you get so many subscrib ers?' asked the visitor to the office of the great magazine. "Just between you and me I'll tell you the secret. All the manuscripts sent in I keep. I answer the contribu tors, and tell them the stuff will be used as soon as available. That makes them subscribes for life." Indianapolis Star. Attacked by a Mob and beaten in a labor riot until covered with sore, a Chicago street car conduc tor applied Rucklen's Arnica Salve and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. J. Welch of Te konsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 23e at the Red Cross Pharmacy and Parlor Drug Store. ESTATE OF MARY CHOATE. STATE OF VERMONT. I In Probate Court, District of Washington, si. f held in Montpe1 ier, in ami for said District, go the 21st day of August. A. I). lii5. W ilbur F Shepard. Administrator of tne es tate of Mary Choate, late of the City of Barre, in said District, deceased, makes ap plication to taid t ourt, with the consent ami approbation in writing of the heirs of said deceased, residing in the State of Vermont, for license ro sell all of the real estate of said deceased, situated in Calais, in said Dis trict, to wit: About twenty-four acres of land, except the interest of the surviving hus band of said deceased tnrein, -representing that the sale thereof would 1 beneficial to the heirs of said deceased, and those interested in her estate, in order to convert saiu real estare into money. Whereupon, it 'is ordered by said Conrt. that said appiicatian be referred to a session there of, to be held at the l'robate Office, in said Montpelier, on the 7th day of September, A. I). l'JOa, for hearing and decision thereon : and it is further ordered, that all persons interested be notified hereof. b publication of notice of said applicailon and order thereon three weeks sue- cessivelv in the Barre Daily Times, a newspa- I'tii imuuBueu ai. i tie or Barre. in tms Mate, and which circulates in the neighborhood of those interested, before said time of hearing, that they may appear at said time and place, and, if they see cause, object theieto. By tlie Court. Attest, HIRAM CARLETOX, Judge. Toes. Aug. 22, 29, Sept. 6. CENTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY COMPANY, Corrected to August 10, 1905. Passenger Trains leave Barre as follows: J2.01 Midnight Daily. Boston. Springfield and .-.ew i, niv uii;u6 express, roeeping cars Montpelier Junction to Boston and Springfield. (Saturday night train has no loimrcuon mr iew ork.) connects at Montpelier with train leaving at 2.50 a. hi. for Montreal and the West, 4.00 a. m. Week days only for Williams town. 7.55 a. m. Daily, local for Burlington, St. Albans and Montreal. Elms only as far as St. Albans on Sundays. S.35 a. m Wk days only. Connects at Montpelier Junction with mail train for Boston. Siirinirtieid and New York. Par lor car Montpelier Junction to Jscw York without change. 11.55 a. m. Daily. Boston. Springfield. New York and New London fast express. Cafe parlor car Montpelier Junction to Boston. Parlor car Montpelier Junction to Springfield. 1.20 p. m. Week days only. For Williams town. 3.10 p. a. Week days only. Mail train for Burlington, St. Albans, Cambridge Junc tion, Ogdensburg, Riehfonl and Montreal. Parlor car to Montreal from Mantpelier Junction. 4.15 p. tn. Week days only. For Williams town. 5.30 p. m. Paily. Montreal and Chicago fast express. Connects at Burliceton with local train for Rutland. Cafe parlor ear Montpelier Junction to Montreal and Pullman sleeper to Chicago. 6.45 p. m. Week days only. White Fiver Junction and New York. Passenger. Sleeping ear Montpelier Junction to New York without change, except Saturday. 8 05 p. m. Sunday only. White Fiver June tion and New York. Passenger. Sleep ing car Montpelier Junction to New York without change. Trains reach Montpelier about 20 minutes after leaving iiarre. . C. JUNES, J. E. BEXTLEY, General Manager. (fen. Pass. Agt. J. O. ADAMS, Agent, Barre. Vt. HOKTPKLITCR WKLLS RIVER HAtLBOAD, COMMENCING MAKCS 20, 1906. Trains leave Barre for Wells River, connect .ng at that point with trains going both north and south, at 1.30 a. ni., 12.30 and 3.ou p. m. The 12.30 train connects with train for Boeton, and north for Lisbon, Littleton, Fabyans and Lan caster, also with Montr eal express, and the 7.30 and 3.00 trains with St. Johnsbury trains. Trains leave Barre for Montpelier at 7.30, 10.20 a. m 12.30, 3.00, .10and 5.20 p. m. EI.gCTRIO STREET RAILWAT. Cars leave square in Barre for Montpelier at id minutes of aud IS minutes past the hour. Leave Montpelier for Barre on the hour and half hour until 10 p. m. m 'in Is. Boston-Queenstown-Liverpool Fast Twin Screw Mail and Passenger Steam ers. J4.2SO tons ; a 0 feet long. Remarkable for steadiness. Rooms upper decks amidships; perfect ventilation. SAXONIA, Sept. 12, Oct. 10. Nov. 7, Pec. 5. lVERNIA.ept. 2(1, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Dec. 19. Plans, sailings, etc . the Cunard S. 8. Co., Ltd., 12fl State St., Boston, Mass., t.'has. P- Sumner, Accnt, or 8. 8. Ballard's Steamship Agency. Miles' Block, Bane or New Langdon Block, Montpelier. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grvnd Central Station Now York BAGGAGE&HEE FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Thi Timfs will tiniiiiih -mf. r.. round. For Sale, To Let. etc. short advertise nienlA at rh rttra f f.mi. lir,.. ......, ceuis for the Brst insertion and live cents for mot aunseijuent insertion. FOR SALE. FAUM FOK SALE 190 acres, situatfd in town of Worcester, one-half mile from village. Keeps thirty head of cattle and team. Build ups m fair condition. Kiincing water at house aud barn. Will take any reutatile in Barre or liranlteviile in part or full payment. Apply to 1). I. Mc A u lay, Oraniteville, or call at!). A. Perry's ileal Putate Agency. lwtf FOR RAT R fin Tn BPVTv. ..... hard wood floor down stain, jtaroeu. wilf rent i.mjuiiB uj v. n. ieneiSuo, Home FOR KAI.R CHRIV.l i:in.. ,,.. . - " v...nn',',l HtBtCI S good as new. Also other housenold articles. A milv ... A K , : . . . rvj uuc. v r tiBi eireei. 1K3 FOR RAf F (Ina nair h. ...... sledges, harness, sleigh, two stoves, m hens and other articles. Impure of A. E. Batcheider. 58 Merchant Street, fcaue, Vt. lfiti FOR 8AI.F A hnrflp MTpiaf.. i good condition, with two pairs oi harness. Ap ply to Dante Kai, 15 Foss Street, Barre. liJt6 FOR BALE-Twenty-five tons of K o. 1 hay at at- . voi mu-uuisr wugon, sj ; j pair sleds, $18; 1 dunjp cart, tl; 1 express wagun, S; 1 plow, $3; horse rake. 7; 2 barrows, ; weeder and land rollers, some pitcbfoiks, rakes, etc. One hundred cords stove wood, part in limb wood, which 1 will deliver at $t. It is a bar gain at this price. Good cultivator, $2.jfl. line sitting-room stove, 1 chamber set. A. K. Whit ney, Last Hill, R. F. 1. 1. Tel. 309-5. 140 6 FOR SALE A Mend-hand cider mill, all complete, eieeji'ing power and belt. In first class condition, t ,aclty of BOO gallons per day with man and ooy. Apply to C. W. Merrill, 30 Hill Street. 3tt6 TWO DERRICK BUCKS FOR SALE Ore 60 feet long and tl e other 48 feet. Anyone wanting to buy will pi. ase address H. It. Pike, Waterbuiy, Vt. 131U2 FOR SALE All my household Jnrnlture. in cluding kill hen ware, by private nale until Au gust Zl. K. (i. Perusse, U Cottage street. 131t4 FOK SALE i ne of the best two-tenement houses in the city. Contains 12 rooms, fin ished in the best of shape. Large corner lot and very pleasant location. About live min utes' walk from Citv Building. Easy terms. Price low. Inquire of the I). A. P-rry Real Es tate Agency, Koouis B ard 9 Guidon Mock. Barre, Vt. iMt FOR SALE Nearly new seven rconi cottage. Is wired for electric lights, has hot and cold water connections to sink and bath. Hard wood floors in part of rooms. Mice lot, afford ing good iiai den and room tor barn. Mot over five minutes' walk from City Building. Must be sold at once and is a harnain at the price. Inquire of the I). A. Perry Keal Estate Agency. Rooms 8 and 9 Gordon Biock. Bat re, Vt. IJOtf FOR SALE House of seven rooms on Maple Avenue. Inquire at 94 Maple Avenue. lisU2 FOR SALE Stonecutters' tools. Apply to Alex. Moiton, &8 Blackwell Street. 117112 FOR SALE Cottage house. f6 Merchant Slret. Sevra rooms, bath, electric lights, spring water. Price low. The I). A. perry Ileal Estate A gem'y. nitf FOR SALE An eight-acre place located be tween Barre and Williamstown. Good set of buildings and place is verv pleasantly situated on main road. Pi ice for iimiieoiate sale. $975. Inquire of the t. A. Perrv Real Estate Agency, Rooms g and 9, Gordon Block. 93tf FOR SALE At great sacrifice, house oi two tenements, near Ajeis street. Apply to A. A tiruitn. 77tf Fi R BALE. CHEAP Horse, harness, wagon and sleigh. Will sell horse separately, if de. sired. Apply to 4, Mt, Vernon Place, o'lf Lord's Alley, 7Btf FOR SALE Nice, loose bay, both coarse and fine. Orders may be left at'Sowden & Lyon's store or with me at 21 Highland Avenue. O Carleton. isfitf ELM TREE GARDENS. .VEGETABLES Specials now Xew Potatoes, Cabbage. Bweet l'eas and Bouquets. Hand in your orders for home-made Canned Corn, estra quality. Best Dairy Butter every Thursday. Special attention to telephone ordera. Call 300-22. FRANK WALLACE, - . .- South. Barre, Vt. A FEW LOADS OF CHOICE HOSRE HAY FOR SALE. Piompt delivery. A. W. ALLEN, Bunnyside Farm. Telephone 114-3, or farmhouse 314-3. ffletf FOR SALE AT CA88IE FARM. Milk Our wagon delivers twice a day. Hay Delivered promptly in bulk Pasture 95 or 100 acres (old Mann farm), well watered, divided. Mostly all new fence. Ap ply G eorge tassie, East street. 4tr HI LLED CORN AND HOMINY, I am still here with Hulled Corn, Musb and Hominy. Also Butter and Eggs. Terms cash. O. B. Fitleld, 120 Hill street. 156tf TO RENT. TO REN l Small tenement of four rooms, in block, with all modern conveniences. Low rent. Call at H. J. Smith's market, 307 North Main Street. H-ftf TO RENT Isnemenj of five rooms, at 30 . i vsij iir.t, joiiiliru mm pa- pereil. Apply to G. AV. Mann, 14 Wellington TO RENT A tenement at No. 12 Elru Street. Also rooms for storage purposes. C. M. Perrv, Agent, Mo. 71 Main Street. lis'tf TO RENT Down stairs tenement. Five rooms, buttery, water closet, bath room and wood shed. At 17 Academy Street. Apply to Clark Thorn. 1 ' TO RENT Desirable tenement of five rooms at 673 North Main Street. 11012 ROOM TO l!K'roitnl,lo f. ..i..,. maker's room. In C. W. Averill block. Apply TO RENT A tenement in the Miles grsnite buiiilinir. Also nice cottage on Brook Street. D. M. Miles, , i.jsttj FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO RENT At Sol iSpauldmg Street. Mrs. Quimby. 137tf TO RENT Office rooms in the Blanchard Block. Inquire of Alber t A. Satgcnt, Averlil Block. " uotf FOK RENT Store with two large display windows. Good room at back for handling meats. Rent low. Two tenements at corner of Main and Sec ond Streets, one for fS.iKl and one for 10.00. Inquire at No. 8 Gordon Block, Barre, Vt. laotf TO RENT Furnished room in Miles' granite block. Apply at Room 71. IJjtO TO RENT Tenements. Apply to Henry Frenler's oflice, Granite street. D3tf TO RENT A tenement centrally located, inst right for a email family. Enquire of M. Garvey, 46 Pearl Street. 129 tf Til tt!-'Vrl'a,.. Atim a. Uiil V,,r-h M-i Street. For limner particulars inquire at the store. I20tf w ..i...... i . n;ify uno .liu Jiuupi 1C. Also two large front connecting rooms, up two (lights. Call on L. M. Averill, uotf 'IVl lLx:rr .j.. .o.. k.o ....... . ... ' TO REM. TO RENT A tir-cla tenement at corner of Summer and Merchant .'reels. Klf 'Tiu l rhli anil bum. W HI i.e a ant lu i-i-ptcmher. Ping upper bell, 24 Merchant Street. 13516- TO RENT At 18 Highland Ave., tenement or seven rooms. Hot water, batn, electric light and furnace. - luauite at the houe of O. L. Cheever. J33 'lO Kr.Ni A k""0.. cjt-rtU sioiris.u, on Main street. Inquire of W. J. McLean, 20c Nona ajain street. 'iwnr TO RKNT Tenement for f 0 00 ner niuntK. Dr. C H. Kent, Miles' block. 3tif TO RENT Two laife front oflice roojra, sire 17 by I.. Also three back rooms, t in Zanleoni block. Apply to C. Zanleoni. 252tf HELP WANTED. WANTED At once, a stenographer. Apply to State's Attorney S. 11. Jackson. IWiJ WANTED Girl to do general housework al 20 Averill street. )44tf WANTED Active agents, for Russian-Jr. anese War Hook. Gis d salary. Sample free. Address G lobe Co., 723 Chestnut Street. Phil, adeiphia. 44t WASTED Experienced girl for housework. Apply at 4 Cliff Street. geneiaj iwr.3 W VT'TL it . . . . . ..-....-. .,tf, v-,'iojrvvrn uraugum. man. Flint Granite Company, Albany, N. 142W. WANTED Bright lady to represent manti-. facturer. Good salary, permanent position. Address M. R. Kearney, care Barre Time" Office. 14iia W ANTED At once, competent man to super inend senir trof vault ami monumetital work. Must be tnoro ighly capable anil able to reaii plans. Flii.1 tirauite Company, Albany. 11 14213 WANTED Three first-class carvers. Atnl at Mutch & Calder's. 14" SJEI, oman for general housework. A good, capable woman between tnirty ami forty preferred. Apply to IsRbelle Cordiner, R. F.D. 2. Barre, Vt., or at the house on Hill side Avenve. 140tf WANTED Clerk with some experience In store. Addret"B." Box D, Barre. Vt. ljljtf WANTED By a Western New York firm, a first-class all-around letterer. Address Pox. 426, Barre. Vt. . j,wta WAVTFII Fift li,., . - ...j giaiiii-ci tm rrs for vault and monumental work. Flint Gran ite tompanv, Aioany, M. y, laatf WANTPD A flruftuman 1., .L. ... . ,lln uoiivr IH. sfuetioi , wnh fair snowledge of mausolenm i,u.iui,iK I'miip, iiitiiitMiu i.raniie CO. I,i.'t6 WANTEll Thl'WI i,r four it,.n.nno.,. 1.. McMinn A Son. GIRLS WANTED Tj stitch overalls and iuin uu power macnines. Ktiaily work and good pay. Apply to tt. W. Carter & Sons, Le banon, M. H. l'Sjtia WANTED At once, an evnprif no! tat-.iA girl at the t ie!d reetaurant, Montpelier, Ver most. i-tt jiuioirnr-rpttr, one WHO Will ne kind to children. Address James Smith, Wood, bury. Vt. i,g U'lYTITIl. II..... ..i... . WA"TFIlA i,l.....l,. I..i . . .... . ...v -npnc inn; inuownr lor Karrp for rhu Ti-ollw I'ia.-L., io,a. ... . j . v. i. -.1 . , numri uinir every lady wants. Call at 7 French htreet. 12813. WANTED Three good quarrymen. Good wages Apply to E. Snow at the Langtteld quarry, opposite the Barre White quarry. liatf WANTED Young man to work on farm. Apply to Oeorge Cassie, East St., Barre, 126tf WANTED Two experienced granite carver. ti 00 a day. 8 hours. Railroad lare paid to Chi cago and if not satisfied at end of oue year we will pay railroad fare ba. k to Barre. Address Chas. n. Blake & Co., Cor. 7th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. 124t6 WANTED Gang of union stone cutters. Ap ply at Mutch & Calder's stone shed. 12itf WANTED A young girl in a small family. Call at 107 Washington Street. mil ANY intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; no can vassing; experience unnecessary. Bend foi particulars. NORTHERN PRESS bYNDI. CATE, LOCKPORT, , Y. 75178 WORK WANTED. WANTED Bosition to do general-work by Fin girl. Address Edward Erickson, R. K. IK, No. a, Brrre, Vt. 140t3 WANTED Position to do housework. A to 88 Brook Street. WASHINGS WANTED Inquire at 1C0 Hon th Main street. 135ta WORK WA NTED Taking care of garden and lawns. Wiu. Keavey, 343, North Wain Street. 90tf WANTED A woman wants work by day ft hoar. Apply at 343 North Main street. 87tf WANTED Gardens to plough. Work guar anteed. Telephone 315-21 or call at 26 Perry street, Barre City. 23U WANTED. W ANTED Assistant for local branch ofllca of manufacturing house. Salary $itj weekly Permanent position. Address Manager, Como Block, Chicago. 146tl WANTED A farm either to rent or on shares with 25 or 30 cows on it. Address Box m Barre, Vt. 13gu A?T.KD-A ,h"avy "one wagon, cpaoit 20 to 25 tons and six-inch tires. Must be In. good condition and bought ai reasonable price. Newport Granite Company. Albany, JJ. X. 136t3 Vi ANTED Light second-hand delivery wag. on. Address Scott Edwards. Fairmount Farm Bane. Vc. i (: BhARDEKS AND TABLE BOARDERS, WANTED at No. t Spauhling street. Mrs WANTED Small second-hand traveline- ilerrl.-lr nt.jutt r.,t, ...... ..... . " M ... . . , .,.. . i,,uo i,,,.,- ,,,, 0 run by hand power. Address J. O. Bilodean, Fast Barre, Vt. yiM LOST AND FOUND, LOST Between Benjamin's Kalis and Silver Street, on an electrio car, at about 5:30 u. ni Silturdav. a h.-ihy' poltl rm Btr...iiB.i ... . i.... - ribbon. Finder return tollmen Office. 140t'2 LOST Friday afternoon, between Homer Fitts' and Kendrick's drug store a package Finder please return to this office. 14ii ' fOST t.nlt rin u-itli 1,,..,.. . .... , circle. Finder return to this office anil be re. LOST A 45 film folding camera, Saturday evening or Sunday morning, between Cutler's livery stable and Granite Street, Finder will receive a liberal reward by returning same to ctiy nottHs l'stj L(isr-On Maple Avenue, sjiectaclea. Finder return to Times oflice. liigtf LOs-r-Mt. Bernard dog of fairly large sire. Has three white feet. Finder please .notify L . r lldrp!i BHodeau, East "" ' 122t.f LOST A nail- of ere i!3K..a in . . . .si-Ainpator purse, with old gold tr . inings on twocornei-s. Contained small sun "f S,Mn'y; 1?..cari1 receptacle catd bearing iame "Mrs. A Ward Slocnni." Finder wilf" be re warded for return of purse to this ortiee nstf J.uni luesday. a puppy hound, black 'body, and brown legs. Rewanf given by bringire t J. Sartorelli, 3 Granite Street. mi His Remedy. Althongh it caused' within his house A very serious schism, He Ktiil insisted flannel enkes Were good for rlieiiraatisra. Xew Orleans Times-Democrat.