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THE BABUE DAILY TIMES, SEPT. 29, VJOo. 5 Saturday Specials, Sept. 30 BARGAIN IN LADIES' SKIRTS AT $2.00. Ladies' Skirts made of serge, trimmed with plaits and but tons, with stitching around bottom. This is a brand new Skirt for Fall and intended to sell for $3.00. We are going to offer this lot for only $2.00 each. The colors are navy blue and black. ANOTHER CHANCE TO BUY CORSETS. $1.00 Corsets for 69c Fifty pairs of Corsets, including I. N., C. B., Thompson's, Somerset Dress Reform and Leda. We have added to the lot we sold so many of last Saturday, so that we have nearly all sizes. PERRY & CAMP. 71 and 75 Main Street,, - - - Barre, Vermont M ' 1 . . . j 13 r . . J'j ft 'ilk: ns Chairs! They Arc Handy of Morris Chairs are the best made. To have around when one is tired or sick. Even when you are in good health they are a luxury. Our new line Thev are elegantly g- 1 wavt? m 1 w iiiv v. w v a w I upholstered and will last a lifetime. Prices vary and you I can find what will please you. One Morris Chair we are showing is a polished quartered oak frame with imitation leather cushions at $7.50. It's a beauty. With our Chairs we are showing the finest stock of Fall Furniture in the H . . , . . city. Lall and see it. Jur prices are always ngni. B. W. HOOKER & CO., Up-To-Date furniture Dealers, 14 and 16 North Main St. New Elacchard Block. Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. Night and Svniij CiHs-B. V. Eocktr. Fo. 17 Park tt. L. L Cole. Ro. i Bolster Art. The Satisfaction Of FEELING FITTED Will be your experience if you get one of our New fall Suits. You will see lots of style and the best of tailoring in them. . Every garment is made of the best materials and in the cleverest tailoring skill. We can Suit you at $10.00 or $15.00 or give you Suit luxury at $20.00 or $25.00. Suits at all prices from $7.50 up to $25.00. I MOORE, & OWENS, S22 North Main 'St.,. - - Barre, Vermont, Canning Season ! Just irrivtJ. best vet. Peaches in peck fcttkets, each 50c Peaches ia half bushel baskets, each $ 1 .00 Sickle Pears, per peck 80c Green an J Red Peppers, per pound 5e Pickling Onions, per pound I Oc Cranberries, per quart 15c Ripe Cucumbers and Green Tomatoes. " Eating and Pie Apple. Expecting Concord acd Delaware Grapes. ' fresh Lot of Salted Peanuts, - - - 1 5 Cents Per Pound. MERCHANT & FRASER, Telephone i 3MJ- 6 Elm Street, Barre. Vt. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. 5 v. "'ft : n ..,..,.11-V i iii i- ;Blue Crockery for Old Time's Sake! We have just received a shipment of Old-fashioned & Blue Crockery, which we are ?0fg selling at reasonable prices. fi ' 10c each or $1.20 per doz. j SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. C. N. KENYON & CO.'S BARGAIN STORE, ,t .'. et...t "TVlenhone I2i-iz Barrf- VrrmnnK & 1E5-18 norm bwui juctu - - ' & TALK OF THE TOWN. Lnilics' golf sweater at Vaughan's. Central Lubor Union meets tonight. YVooltex garment on sale only at Fitts'. Special yuluiM in fur-lined coats at Abbott'. 1). A. Ten v went to Slarsbik-M today on business. Special burain in skirts for $2.00 at Perry's on Saturday. Pierre P.enoit of Tabitill, Conn., viaiting C. L. Demers. The Tourit elub will meet Momlay with Mrs. F. 1). Ladd. A sou was born yesterday' afternoon to Mr. and Mis. C. II. Allen," Jr. There will be a meeting of the Masonic fair committee on Monday evening. Special mixture of 40-cent chocolates for 20 cents per pound at Keudrkk's. There -will be a rehearsal of the Pres byterian choir this evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. II. A. Morrill of Strafford ia viniting with Dr. and Mrs. O. 2s. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Kegel went to Burlington today to visit over Sunday. Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. Evening Prayer and sermon tonight 7 o'clock. Clifford L. Bassett of Richmond was in the city last night to attend the Mason's meeting. It's time for your fall suit. Come see the best in the land for the money. Moore &. Owens. The Sterling sweaters and wescuts for men and bov are the best. McWhorter is agent in Barre. Mr. and Siva. Robert Fraser went to St. Jolinsbury today to attend the funer al of the late C. P. Davie. The Goddard seminary and North Barre football elevens will meet on the seminary campus tomorrow afternoon. Tutti al teatro Sabato sera 30 Settem bre la Vecchia Filodrammatica dara un bellissimo dramnia. ed una farsa a Bene ticenza. Be sure and look at our winter under wear for ladies, misses and children be fore vou buy elsewhere. eaie Jt Knight. Mis Grace McSorley went to St. Al bans this morning for few weeks' stay, fter which she expects to tro to New oik to live. $1.00 corsets for fi9c at Perry's on Saturday. P. X., C. B. Thompson, Soni- set Dress Reform and Leda corset or 6'Je er pair. Manufacturers having iin-t-class ran- loin stock monuments for sale can dis Hise of them for cah. Address Avenll iranile Co., Barre, Vt. There will be a meeting of the com mittee of the Uuoitinc Association at le postotlice block, on Saturday, Sept W, 0 p. m. C. Bmnie, See. Georre W. Cram and wife of Provi lence, R. I., are visiting their sister and brother, Mrs. Oorae Bigelow and George V. Hunt, Si Prosict street. Ainiiertura deli'onera house Sabato 10. c. in. con trrande recita ttatln uomin ata Vecchia Filodrammatica. h a more di un povero pittore, ossia La Vergine Sneeial for Saturdav. Home made chocolates and boil bons $2()c box. Mo lasses kisses. 15c lb. Delicious butter scotch, 13c lb, at Barre Candy Kitchen The Telegram plant was sold at auc tion yesterday afternoon tor the bene fit of the mortgagees. I. L. Bobbins was the purchaser. Mr. Robbing bought the plant to sell again, ana it will ue sola in whole or in part. Mr. and Mrs. B. If. Pierce of Worces ter, Mass., have been visiting at the home of Abrain Mann, making the trip to Barre by automobile. They, with Mrs, Mann, left yesterday afternoon for Bur liniitoii and Charlotte, going bv motor power. James A. Ahern'g mare "Annie A. took the blue ribbon for best gentleman driver nt the Washington fair yesterday being shown by tred Slayton, at tue N'orthfiehl fair the mare took, second money in the same class. Up to dat she has taken four 'firsts and one se cond. The annual harvest supper given I the. ladies of the Universalis church last evening yvas a pronounced success m every way, I he attendance w-a good, $31 being taken at the door, the supiier yvas excellent ana rne entertain ment was pleasinsr throughout An anron sale w-as held during the cveniiv Mrs. F. K. Burr being in charge of tl table. The Bane Raneers football team which poes to Xorthfichl tomorrow, yvill be composed of the following players Goal. Cunningham: oacks, &eott Wright; half backs. Pernio, MeLeod and Duff: forwards, W ill, Burnett, JHcIntos Kessock and Lindsay: reserves, MeKen zie and A. Birnie. Members will meet at the depot at 11.45 a. m. Per order A, Wishart, president. The formation of the parade cent en nial day at Slontpelier is announced by A. G. Katon, marshal, as follows: L. b. troops, batallion First Vermont regi ment, Norwich University eadets, battal ion from St. Michael's school, Montpelier high school and Montpelier seminary, Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias, Red -Men Modern Woodmen, Knights Templars, Patriarchs Militant and Wash ington county veterans. Six bands will be in the parade and a detachment of police in lead. The W. C. T. U. has been fortunate in securing the services of Miss Florence H. Walker, instructor of vocal music at Goddard seminary, to sing at tho Silver Medal Contest, to be held IKt. drd, at the Universalist church. Miss Walker is a pupil of Sliss Elizabeth Reed of Bofton. She possese a voice of rare quality and range. Her notes are re markably rien, viurani ana smuum, aim under admirable control. Her solo win add much to the evenings entertainment of pleasure and profit. The latest fall styles in hats at $1.50, $2 00 and $2.50, and the late&t fall footwear at $3.50 and $4.00 are shown bv A. A. Smith and Brother. They have also a large lot of stiff hats yvhich they are closing out at 05c. The President suspender sale at 39c is causing a sensa tion in suspender selling in this city and vicinity. No one should overlook their special lot of suitings, which they are making up to measure, fit guaran teed, at only $12.95. Seeing is believing. Read their advertisement on the 4th page. - - A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO JUST ABOUT NOW very lady is planning for the newest and best things for her Fall wardrobe. What FACTS are you going to consider in making out your list of the things you will need for Fall and early Winter wear? The nobby Mixed or Covert Coat should be one of the first things to consider. These garments come in a weight of cloths which makes them desirable for a Fall Coat and are as heavy as many use for Winter wear. The long Jacket Suit is another item which should be written in large letters. The Fur-lined Coat will be the craze for cold weather. At 5.00 a Ladies' 45-inch Coat made of grey and white and brown and white mixed good, partially loose, with strap back, the new full sleeve plaited into a neat cull. At $8.50 a very popular Mixed Coat, 5 inches long, medium plain back, dou ble breast front with collar, plain full leeve put into a 4-inch cuff. At $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 a line f Mixed Cloth Coats made in a variety f styles, such as the medium titted dait back, the Empire and the loose strapped back, finished tvith broadcloth or velvet pipings, with cuffs and collars to match. These are the swell Coats for early Fall wear. From $7.50 to $15.00 we can give you a line of Covert Coats made up in the best of style and of a quality of goods yvhich we will guarantee. Daylig'M LADIES' COATS. LADIES' SUITS. Our line of 45-inch Jacket Suits at $12.50 are reported to be the best seen at the price. These Suits are made cf a good quality wool Venetian cloth. Jackets are finished with taffeta silk and silk braid. Skirt of coat is very full. Nine-gore plaited skirt. Colors are blue and black. At $15.00 we are showing a special value in a Broadcloth Suit. Colors are blue, brown and black. Made in the best of style. Coat is 45 inches long and skirt to coat is very full, finished with taffeta silk and braid. Very full seven-gore plaited skirt. Compare this Suit with many $18.00 or $20.00 Suits. We can show you the better Suits in mixed cloths, cheviots and broad clotliSj colors bh-.o, brown and black, in a variety of styles to please all. Our special flne-tjtiality Broadcloth and Cheviot Suit at $22.50 should be seen for one to appreciate it value. TWO THINGS CERTAIN. One is Vt Lwais' Fur-lined Coat ar mating a craze. The other is that lau-r customers will find that some oth er party has ben ahead of them in their selections. Furs are not like cloths. They cannot be made. As soon as th demand exceeds the supply then up goes the price. At $16 50 we are showing a good quality Cheviot Coat with squirrel lin ing and astrachan collars, sleeves lined with good quality sateen with wadding between. Compare this with $18.00 and $20.00 Coats you have seen. At $27.50 we can give you a line of Coats made of good quality heavy ker sey, lined with blended lynx and blended squirrel, blended lynx and blended rat collars. Other Coats in the best quality cloths with blended rat linings, blended otter, blended squirrel and beaver collars from $45.00 to $80.00. o Mr TALK OF THE TOWN. New fall neckwear at Moore & Oyvens', Central Labor fnion meets tonight. White yvaisting at Vaughan's on Sat urday. See our line of furs, all new. Veale & Knight. A big line of children's coats on dis play at Fitts', See Abbott's special broadcloth suits in 45-inch coats at io.uu. Co to McWhorter s for the Dutchess working trousers, $1.00 to $1.00. A big skirt sale at Perry's on Satur dav. A well-made skirt for only $2.00. The largest and best assortment of household goods o-" the season at City Auction rooms. SutunJuy nignt. Mrs. Georgiana Morse has sold through the D. A. Ferry Real F.state agency a house and lot on Hill street to local parties who buy for investment. One extension table, 6 dining chairs (good as new), combination lied couch, mantle bed, one heater, all the (lining and kitchen utensils, one full dinner et. one sewing machine are among the iirticles which will be sold at City Auc tion rooms Saturday night. Your Price is Here ! About how much would you like to pay for your Fall and Winter Suit? Name your price and we'll show you a Suit that will more than meet your expectations. Whether rigid economy compels you to make the most of a $10.00 Suit, or a handsome income justifies the wearing of a lux urious $25.00 outfit, we'll give you the best your money can buy. We insure you satisfaction at any price. Our Clothes are perfect. Our Suits show every mark of ex pert workmanship in all those little devices which cause garments to retain their style and originality and to look well to the very last day they are worn. Frank McWhorter, One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitter, Telephone Call 218-4. Blanchard Block. 20 and 22 North Main St. A Flesh and Blood Story. "Ruined Lives" is the title of tbe play, blazoned upon the bill boards as the at-1 traction at the opera house for next Tuesday. It is a comedy drama. Its ! story is a flesh and blood one, while its characters are human ones. And so cleverly has the author looked after the element of laughter that the entire un folding of a double murder is presented to the audience in a most hilarious com edy scene between a Dutch butcher boy, an Irish section foreman and a tough girl of the slangy sort. Among the play ers to be seen are Will Crimans, W. J. Shea, Harry Weston, Rita Harlan, Rose Levalle and" Mildred Hyland. An elabor ate staging yvill also be seen. Fresh Daily. BARRE CANDY KITCHEN FANCY CHICKEN WHEAT Work Shoes ! Made on comfortable, easy-fitting lasts, uppers of heavy, flexible calf skin, solid leather innersoles and counters, double sole and shank supporting the arch, thereby making it an easy Shoe on the foot. Every pair guarant eed to be worth the price and we live up to the guarantee. Bals, Eluchers and Congress. Sold at this store. The best you ever saw. Try our Mixed Poultry Cain. It is composed of five different grains. THE AVERILL MILLS, fa TELEPHONE 115-12. 23 SOUTH WAIN STREET, BARRE, VT. r steal v W. J. McLEAN, 200 North Main Street BOXING And Bag Punching are pleasant and healthy ex ercises. We have the finest Bags and Gloves that are made. Prices . are very reasonable. TheAVERiTMUSICColV allies at La Special sale on Nectar Canned Corn to clean up stock before new arrival. This is one of the best brands of Corn packed. Not the ordinary, cheap three-for-a-quarter kind, but a No. i Corn. This sale, three cans for - - - - - . 25c Fresh lot of Concord Grapes, fancy stock, per basket, 14c Fresh lot of Delaware Grapes, fancy stock, per basket, 16c Preserving Pears, per peck, - - - . 45c Nice Eating Apples, per peck, - - - . 25c Nice Sweet Apples, per peck, - - . - . 25c Oyster Crackers, three pounds for - - .' - . 25c Cranberries, per quart, - - - - - 10c Meat Department. Green Corn, per dozen ears, - - . - . 10c Fresh Native Fowls, per pound, - - . 16c Fresh Native Chickens, per pound, - . . 20c Best Boston Celery, per bunch, - - - 12 l-2c Fresh Providence River Oysters, per quart, - - 40c F. D. LADD, Leading Cash Grocer.