Newspaper Page Text
THE BAItltE DAILY TIMES. SEPT. 00. PJ05. Post Cards! Come in and look at our line of Post Cards. The comics are sure to suit. We also have a nice line of local ones as well as views from different parts of the world. They are going fast. Barrc Book Store, CARROLL W. KARTIX Proprietor. Gordon Block, 140 No. Main St. TO im ""TAILOR Dun't wait until the smkoii is over before or dnrtng your New Buit. To get all the didtino tloii ol goml di'Msing you have your new apparel at the right time Let us make you a it which will till Bit the requirement of fashion and fabric at a very moderate cost. The cut atul fit will HiiHtuin our reiut:ition as bi(;li gnule tailors. J. .W. GRADY, Telephone 11-13 ROOKS 5 and 6, BLANCHARD BLOCK. BARRE. 100 GENUINE BRIAR PIPES UITM tlFD OITC In cases. We are going to sell them for $1.00 each while they last. Take a look at them in our window. E. MARRION, Pipes and Tobacco, Corner Ggar Store, Barre. Mileages on All Roads. Btrcli Beer, Ginger Ale And Soda Water Of all kinds. If you want the best Soda Water in the city just send your order to Barney & Langlois, 34 Granite Street, and it will be delivered promptly. Tel. 36-11. Docs the Tall Weather Make You Cough ? COME TO THE East Barre Drug Store For the next month we will sell nearly all our Cough . Syrups at a discount of ten per cent from former prices. J. M. McARTHUR, M. D., Prop. CLINTON N. FIELD 3J Per Cent Bonds Of the City of New York and other High Grade Investmenti yielding from 3 to 5 per cent. 35 Nassaa Street, - New York. Carriages and Harness! -1 .... '-O : -, . ; '.. , 1 y V , K , ,1 I ' .... --fy , v j i'ii.i i..Jh-iniif.n. 11 1 i.. n , 4 ih. u.Kiii itmftitmmmmHim We are closing balance of season's stock at a large discount. If you want a bargain call and etj thoin. - H. F. Cutler's Livery, Telephone 131-2. Rear of City Hotel, - - - Barre, Vermont, HERBERT J. HOOD. REFAIR SHOP. "Near Benedict's shop on Summer street. All to-lmls of saws filed, shears and knives sliarp 'ned, razors honed, umbrellas repaired, agate ;and tinware mended, wash tubs hooped, chairs reneated, boots and shoes repaired. All work warranted. Dr. W. O. HUTCHINSON, Physician and Sergeon, WASHINGTON, VT. 'Office Hours: 8 to io a. m, s to 7 p. m. Telephone Connections. A. THE BARI& DAILY TIMES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1905. IT IS JUDICIOUS to Rpeiul a certain amount annually for the tieeurhig of an equally certain and much larger iim at death or in advanced aae. 5utli year, doing business in 42 !-t!tt'!. Tlie National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (mutual). Organized In 1850. S. S. Ballard, General Agent. N. B. Ballard, Loeal Agent, Eooins 2 and 3, Miles' Block, Barre, Vt. TALK OF THE "TOWN. Oyster stews at the Eureka restau rant. Something new in cliildY sweaters at MeWhoi terV. Table boarders and roomer wanted at Hotel Northern. Odd Ladies' fair will be held in Miles' hall, Dec. 7th, 8th, 9th. The Tourist club will meet Monday with Mrs. F. D. Ladd. There will be a meeting of the Masonic fair committee on Monday evening. The Uuion Restaurant serves meat dinners from 10 to 2 each day for 20c. Notice the D. A. Terry Real Estate Agency's advertisements in the For Sale column. We clothe the little man in the smart est children's clothing made. Moore &. Owens. Old gold and ailver wanted at re finers' prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr'n. Seed cucumbers for sweet pickles for sale. About 25 bushel- left. A. C. Shepard. Telephone 404-11, We are selling best quality stone cut ters' glasses at 20c. Lenses of white glass at 5c per pair. F. E. Burr. Tutti al teatro Sabato sera 30 Settern bre la Veechia Filodrammatiea dara un bellissimo drammn, ed una farsa a Bene iicen.a. Wanted, maple wood in exchange for a watch, clock or anything in a jewelry store. F. E. Burr, 83 North Main Street, Barre, Vt. Suite of two front rooms with private bath in the Miles granite building for rent Oct. 1st, al30 Bix-rooni tenement & three-room office suite. There will be a meeting of the com mittee of the Quoiting Association at the postoflice block, on Saturday, Sept. 30, 6 p. m. C. Binnie, Sec. Appjertura dell'opera house Sabato 30, c. m. con grande reeita dalla nomin ata Veechia Filodrammatiea. L'amore di un povero pittore, ossia La Vergine. With ashes and smoke, with litter and grime, She waged unceasing strife. A gas range stands in her kitchen now, She leads a peaceful life. "Ruined Lives" will be seen next week at the Bane opera house on Oct. 3. It was produced m Boston early in May and received a most Battering consider ation from the press. It is a sensa tional drama. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pres byterian church will hold a fair at Hale's Pavilion, Nov. 23, 24 and 25. The ladies will call on members and friends of the church to solicit articles for the various booths. Now that I am better from rheuma tism I, will make new work. Sewed or pegged French kip shoes. Warranted good fit or no sale. All kinds of fine work and repairing. Anyone suffering with rheumatism, I would recommend them to try Mr. Charlia Stone's O'Pep- Eer Oil. I have used it and fiad it the est remedy I ever tried. It can be had at my shop. Moses Charbonneau, under Phelps' hardware store, Gordon block, Barre, Vt. A grand concert under the auspices of Clan Gordon. No. 12, will be held in the Barre opera house Saturday, October 7th, when Miss Tina Crawford, the famous Scottish contralto, and Miss Agnes Hyde, reader and impersonator, will appear for the second time in Barre. These ladies are artists, indeed, and should draw a full house. Many were disappointed that they did not hear Misses Crawford and Ilyde when they appeared here last winter, so remember the date, and procure your tickets early as they have been on sale by the amusement committee for the past week and are going fast. , Attacked by a Mob and beaten in a labor riot until covered with sores, a Chicago street car conduc tor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. J. Welch of Te konsha, Mich., "and flud it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25o at the Red Cross Pharmacy and Parlor Drug Store. CONTEST AMONG CHURCHES. Four Denominations in Prize Speaking Contest. The W. C. T. U. Silver Medal Contest will be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 3, at the univeraaust ciiurcu. 101 lowing churches will be represented in the contest: Baptist, Catholic, Congre gationalist and Universalist. PROGRAM. Music. The Going of the White Swan Anon Arthur Wallace. The Last Word Van; Dyke Bessie Brown. How the Church Was Built at Kehoe's Bar. Bennett Vernon Wells. Music. The Other Wise Man.. .Van Dyke Blanche Houston. A Debt of Honor. .Dromgoolo Howard allies. Absalom Willis Bertha Nason. Music. Reading .... . . Selected Gladys Fletcher. The musical numbers will be given by some of the best artists in the city. The speakers are being trained by Ir vin Lewis Totter of the Emerson Col lege of Oratory. Admission 25 cents, students, 15 cents. NONTPELIER'S CENTENNIAL. Special Train Service on Central for Big Event, October 4. The 100th anniversary of the found ing of the seat of government of Ver mont at Montpelier will be appropriately celebrated at the state capital Oct. 4. The city government of Montpelier and speoial committees will join with state ollicials and officers of the Legislative Reunion Association to make the affair worthy of the occasion. The programme will be arranged will full reference to the historic character of the event. Mu sic will be furnished by the finest bands in the state, including the famous mounted band from Fort Ethan Allen, the Sherman Military band from Bur lington, the Vergennes, St. Johnsbury and Montpelier Military bands, besides a fife and drum corps. In order to enable all to attend this big centennial celebration, the Central Vermont railway will issue round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates, and will run special trains. Round trip rates from Williamstown 45c, South Barre 30c, Burre 20c. Trains will run as follows: . Leave Williamstown at 7:20 a. m. and 12:30, 2:30, 4:55 and 6:30 p. in.; leave South Barre at 7:35 a. m., 12:45, 2:45, 5:10 and 6:45 p. m.; leave Bane at 12:01, 7:55, 8:35 and 11:55 a. m,, 1:00, 3:10, 5:30, 6:45 and 7:00 p. m.; arriving at Montpelier at 12:30, 8:20 and 8:50 a. 111., 1:25, 3:30; 5:55, 7:05 and 7:25 p. m. Returning, leave Montpelier at 3:15, 8:50, 9:20 and 10:30 a. m., and 12:55, 3:55, 5:10, 6:20, 7:25 and 9:45 p. m.; leave Barre at 3:35, 9:05, 9:40 and ll:UO a. m., 1:20, 4:15, 5:30, 7:40, 7:45 and 10.05 p. m.; leave South Barre at 4:20 and 11:15 a. m., 1:35, 4:30, 5:45 and 10:20 p. m.j arriving at Wil liamstown at 4:40 and 11:30 a. m., 1:55, 4:55, 6:00 and 10:35 p. m. .tickets will be good going and re turning on regular and special trains named above, October 4th, 1905. Notice to Washington County Veterans. Captain Eaton has arranged to have the Washington County Veterans Associa tion join the column in the parade at Montpelier, Oct. 4, at a point that will give them only halt the route to cover. All veterans are requested to meet at G. A. R. hall in Montpelier at 11 o'clock a. m., uct. 4. wear white gloves and carry canes. By a vote of the Associa tion Sons of Veterans in Washington county are eligible to membership and all these who are members are invited to participate. Matthew Shannon, of St. Albans, who is about thirty years old, went to Gou- verneur, Is, 1., last Mondav with a horse, returning home Wednesday. This is the first time Mr., buannon bas ever been out of the state of Vermont, and he reports a very pleasant time although he missed a train at Rouses Point both going and coming. AN OPPORTUNITY. We want a wMe-awake man in this locality to actively rep resent us in promoting the sales of the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine. This machine is backed by fifty eight years of success ; some of the early machines built by this company are giving faithful ser vice to-day. We can offer exceptional in ducements to some one in this locality who can command a horse and wagon and devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men will find our proposition a money maker, cap able of development into a per manent and profitable business. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. Wheeler & Wilson f Co., Factory and Head Office, BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT, 0. S. A. " If s Your Own Fault" if you have "that tired feeling" in the morning when you can buy the kind of Mattress we sell at these prices: A Pure White Cotton Top Mattress (no shoddy) ...$3.00 A Pure White Cotton Top and Bottom Mattress (African Fibre Center.... 5.00 A Pare White Cotton Felt Mattress ... 8.00 The Best White Cotton Felt Mattress.,.12.00 Silk Floss Mattress (somethinj new). ..12. 00 We euarantee quality and price on these poods and would like yoa to see them before purchasing:. A. W. BADGER & CO., Funeral Directors, Licensed Fmbalmers. MORSE BLOCK, BARRE, VT. Telephone Calls House, 1 ;-z 1 ; Store, 1 37-11, v Residence. 23 Eastern Avenue. The Best Ambulance inlthe City at the Shortest Notice. Dodge's Ice Cream Parlor Is the place where you get the finest Ice Cream by the plate, quart or gallon, wholesale and retail. After Sept. S we will close every evening, excepting Mondays and Saturdays, at 6 Granite City Creamery, i Worthea Block, - DECIDE YOURSELF. The Opportunity Is Here, Backed By Barre Testimony. Don"t take our word for It. I)on"t depend on a stranger's statement. Rnd Barre endersement. R-xd the statements of Barre citizens And decide for yourself. here ts one case of it: Alvln F. Smith, retired, address 19 West Street, says : "I was Interview ed by a gentleman in the winter of 1897 about my experience with and opinion of Doan'e Kidney rills, a pre paration for which I had gone to E. A. Drown's drug store and of which I took a course of the treatment I be lieve I was born with a weak back and ss I grew older, at least every year, I was subject . to art attack of backache which compelled me to take to my bed. Doan's Kidney Pills stop ped that annual occurrence and they have been the means of stopping: other attacks since. When I look back over the 82 years of my life and think what I might have escaped had I known about the value of Doan's Kidney Pills, it makes me wonder that people, when they know of a remedy which acts up to representation, will not avail them selves of a positive means of prevent ing kidney complaint or any of Its con sequences. Often I could neither lift any weight nor stoop without suffering; and added to this, there was a difficul ty with the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills absolutely stopped a very severe attack. I have recommended them to many friends and acquaint ances since the remedy came to my no tice, and I know of a great many who have taken a course of the treatment and received undoubted benefit." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. EAST BARRE. A dance will be given at the opera house hall Saturday evening, Sept. 30, under the auspices of Gauthier'g orches tra. Dancing from 8 to 12. Admission 35 cents. Ladies' and gentlemen's solid gold watches at F. E. Burr t Co.'s. Paroid Roofing Chosen for U. S. Govern ment work. Conceded to be the best permanent Roofing on tne market. For any style roof. Sold and guaranteed by K. A. LANE, Tel. 315-12. 24. Dewtj St., Barre. W. F. DAVIS Watchmaker And Jeweler. Repairing and Engraving. Call and see me. 161 North Main St., Barre, Vt. H. LEVIN, HERCHAKT TAILOR. ' Suiti made to order. Dying, Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing. Furs Repaired. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Depot Square, - - Barre, Vt THE UNION RESTAURANT Will serve Heat Dinners at 20c from 10 1. m. to 6 p. m. Heats, Soaps and Oysters served from i a. m. until 12 p. m. The best In the city for the money. Under Kendrick's Drug Store, Bane. MONTPELIER DYE HOUSE All Kinds of Work. Out of Town Trade Solicited. 91 Main Street, Montpelier Jt. Keith Avenue. Ladies' and Gents' Watches! We are showing the largest variety of reliable Ladies' and Gents' Watches in this vicinity at less prices than you can buy them anywhere. We are Opticians. We not only fit the lense to the eye, but fit the frames to the face so the center of the lense will be in the center of the eye. Fine Watch Repairing. F. E. BURR & CO., Telephone io 21. IF YOU iard You Should Rest Easy WORK HARD To do this you need good resting place, so Just Try One of My Sleepy Delights ! Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses, all Iron Bed Couches and Couch Covers. Drop in and see them. It will pay you. We can save you money. L M. Williams, Household Furnisher, Registered Cmbalmer, New Tomasi Block, : Cor, No. Maia and Merchant Streets. Undertaker and Funeral Director. Ambulance Calls Promptly Attended to. Residence, 28 Jefferson Street. Telephone 212-lii. Store, 40S -2. Cot Flowers and Floral Designs Nice Boston Ferns. Our store will be closed at noon from July 1 to October i, except on funeral occasions. Orders will be received at the Greenhouse when store is closed. EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, Telephone Store. 152-12; Greenhou. 201-11. OTIS BLOCK, PEAFL STREFI. GOAL Nut, Stove and Egg, . $7.80 Grate, ....... 7.60 We sell and deliver 2000 pounds for a tort. D. M. MILES, 122 North Main SU Barre, Vermont. COAL Nat, Stove and Egg Coal, per ton, $7.80 Grate Coal, per ton, - - 7.60 Morse (EL JacKson's Coal nU Wood Office, Tel 137-21, 2ii No. Main St., Morse B!xk. Goal, Wood, Coke! We guarantee to give you the best of good at the regular prices. Eg?. Stove and Nut Coal $7.80 Grate Coal 7.60 Otto Coke 6.50 CALDER & RICHARDSON, Telephone 45-4. Depot Square, Barre, Vermont. WOOD The place to buy Wood. A large stock of all kinds at the following price : Block Wood, per cord $2.73 Limb Wood, per load 2.00 Chair Wood, per load 2.5 0 Hard and Soft Wood Slabs 1 .75 furnace and Stone Shed Wood. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of morlng and Jobbing at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, (Telephone, 523-3.) 283 North Mam Street, ,- - Bure, Vermont 1 ELECTRIC WIRING ELECTRIC HEATERS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC SUFFLIES. 8 STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., B.9. BRWSnSTT, F. W. MCHOL. 1?? North Haln Street. Barre, Vermont. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. C. H., KENT, Demist MILE8' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Besldenct DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 133-21. Boom 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office In Rnnm ft un ciui bourn. S a. m t. 7, Z . .. Ti" "nt- ' dar,Today,Thurar;ndFriday.P' Mo Telephone Connection. 85 North Main St., Barre, Vt. - a Specialty ! O.C.Russell Plumbing and Heating. All kinds of modern Plumbing Fix turei in jtock. All work gturanteed. Telephone 1S-3. IN BASLXIST OF WORTHEN BLOCI. S Insist on Getting Standish i FranHotts and Bologna, Home-made by W. O. STANDISH. Merchant Tailoring Also Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. MOORE Sc OWENS, J 122 Forth Slain St, - Barre. VermoL- FOR SALE Curbing and Underpinning, de livered on the ground at short notice, j ' . i M. Langefeli Granite Co. MRS. H. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED NUESE. No. 102 South Main St., Barre, Vermont Telephone Call, 12-2. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney.! Office In Wood Block, V Over Ladd s etore. Justice, notary and stenographer in office. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. C. 8. Meakr, 40 Jpfrnrson 8t., my ae-oiii will be gM to t urnU Hair Good,,, wi, fro i , Piece, WchM, Pto., If not in gtock. at abor till luT , 7 ,"'ter atore. fcbankiw the pnblic for thoir liberal patrons ire m tisi pant amUoliclting a otitZ WELCH & PAGE, I All kind- of Electrical Work Done, i Wirttnr, Gas Piping, Etc. J We are n,.lerin Electrical Supplier 1 - Combination fixtures. Kverytbii.u Modern aud t'p-to-Sv.' , t Hum employed anU work guaranteed. Telephone B-12. Office at No. 10 Elm atreet, Barre, Vt Scientific Horseshoeing! l Ms Jn,Zr.d- 'eet treated; V lrot,,r- Pacera and genu, men's drivers a specialty. Veter l'.ary Uiedicine for sale. Tel. 19-4. J. A. McLEOD, Registered Herswhew. Seminary St.. Barre, HENRY FRENIER & S0S UNDEBTAKEBS, tendlS pli' ,,sht clls Prompt lf tended to. No. 16 Granite St., Barre, Besldence np stairs. Tel. 13-5. H. L SMITH, CIVIL LNGLMES AND SURVEY I? ready to do all kinds of Civil "einetrinj- and Sumyinf Work. OFFICE m RESIDENCE. 57 ELM STF