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8 THE BAILEE DAILY TIMES. SEPT. 30, UtVa. UAOTY AND PMKl 4. Our Garment Department has won a reputation for having the RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES, Quality, style and value will be found exactly as repre sented, and in no case are they misrepresented to crowd a sale. On these grounds we believe we merit a share of your patronage. SUITS The latest models in Tailored Suits may be seen here. A special is a $15.00 Cheviot Suit with velvet and braid trimmings. COATS New in design, perfect in work manship and right in price. A leader is a Mixture in the newest style, nicely tailored, velvet 'trimmings, at $8.50. fUR LINED COATS We have made a special of these and are showing a big line at prices we don't believe can be matched else where. Ask to see our $18.00 value. FURS We have a tremendous line of Furs, every one carefully selected. A popu lar priced line of Mink, Fox, Beaver, Stone Martin and Opossum. We make a special of a $5.00 Scarf. WAISTS Popular priced Waists are the ones we are strong on this year. A special is one at $1.39. Good as some $2.00 ones and better than others. CHILDREN'S DRESSES To see our line will make the mother of every Miss glad. The biggest line we have ever shown. RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. TELEPHONE 408-11 NO. MAIN ST., BARRE, VT. evness in footwear ! All the Latest and Best Ideas That the Shoe maker's Art Affords Are Found in " ELVA" Shoes For Women. Low Top Seven-button Boots in patent leather and gun metal calf, welt soles of oak tanned leather, drop toe, for $3,50 per pair. Patent Leather Lace Boots, swing last, extension sole, drop toe, for $3.50 and $4.00 per pair. Blucher Cut Boots, kid or gun metal calf, light and medium-weight soles, for $3.00 per pair. : Barre Shoe Co., 131 North Main St., - - - Barre, Vermont. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1905. Weather Prediction. Partly cloudy tonight; somewhat warmer m western Connecticut and Last em Maine. Sunday cloudy. ote These Prices. fancy fresh Concord Grapes, large Invoice, 1 3c each or two baskets for 25c fancy Delaware Grapes, per basfcer ........ 1 6c fancy Preierviog Fears, per peck 40c apt CoJ Cranberries, per quart 1 Oc fancy Bananas and Oranfes low prices, too. Bargains in cut Meats Saturday night Fancy Kew White Clover Honey, per box . . 20c Fancy Western Ramp or Sirloin Steak, per lb 23c Best Western Round Steak, per pound 16c Fancy Western Beet Roasts, per pound 1 2 to 1 8c Fancy Spring Chickens, per pound 20c Fancy Hind Legs of Lamb, per pound ...... 20c WILLARD & DIX, Telephone 21 5-4. 115 South Main Street, Barre, Vt. THE LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST CLOTHING STORE IS TOWN. 9 Harry A. Segel. Myman D. Segel's Estate Thomas Brady, jjj NOW WE HAVE A 1 Fall Display of Clothing f THAT STANDS UNRIVALED. 2 For man and boy for every occasion, for every figure -we and appearance. Come in and see the Suits at these prices: $6 SUITS $9 SUITS $10 SUITS $12 SUITS $15 SUITS AT AT AT AT AT $4.9S $5.98 $8.98 $9.90 $12.00 TALK OFTHE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. Embroidered collars, 10c at Abbott's. Children's new coats at Veale & Knight's. There will be a series dance in Hale's Pavilion this evening. See the black broadcloth skirt for only $2.50 at Vaughan'a. William LeClair went to Burlington this morning on a visit . McWhorter's line of suits and odd trousers for boys 13 complete. Dr. and Mrs. J. Henry Jackson went to Burlington this morning for a visit over Sunday. Miss Lilla Dver of Concord, N. H., is visiting Mis Mary E. White for a tew weeks. Aluss Dyer tonnerly resided in tins city. A single can of LAWRENCE Paint will cover 300 square feet, two coats a fact you can prove by getting a can at E. A. Prindle s. Manufacturers having first-class ran dom stock monuments for sale can dis pose of them for cash. Address Averill Granite Co., Iiarre, t. Mrs. John Davis, who lias been visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. White for a week, went to her home in Deerhekl, JN. 1L, today. Mr. Russell, who is visiting at Geo. W. Hunt's, is a leader in the Anti-saloon League and an organizer in the Loyal Legion of ashington, V. C The Ideal Book and Stationery store has secured the exclusive sale for Barre of the Carter, Rice & Co.'s Malta Linen writing tablets. These tablets sell for ten cents although' they are worth double the price. A break in the city water pipe, where it goes through the brook at the corner of Pearl and bummer streets, was dm covered this morning and the brook is being uncovered so that repairs in the pipe can be made. Miss Grace Worthen of this city, who entered the Boston Normal School of Physical Culture this fall, passed the best physical test of any scholar that haa ever entered the school and she also lifted the heaviest weight. One extension table, 6 dining chairs (good as new), combination bed couch mantle bed, one heater, all the dining and kitchen utensils, one full dinner setj one sewing machine are among the articles which will be sold at City Auc tion rooms Saturday night. TALK OFJTHE TOWN. Mis Mary Owen returned today from a two wi'i-k-t' vaiitti'in at Jtli!t'hcm, N. II. Nil.-s South w.n-tli of Wet Fairlce U visiting at C. S. Wallace's fur a few diiys. Mis. A lire Purvee went to Burlington vestii,l,iv fur a few days visit with friends. The Ladifs of Chin Gordon wil hold their animal fair in Half's Pavilion Oct. I'J, 2u. and -. J. M. Boutwell and rmrtv of friends went on an automobile trip to the Ely mines yesterday. j Angelo Scampini and his Mster, Miss Mary Scampini went to Boston today for a week's visit. Mrs. Ilattie B. Minard has just re ceived a nfw line of full hats. Call and see them at 26 Elm street. Hughes' livery has moved today to its new stables on Merchant street, near Summer. Telephone 11(5-21. Fred Breyea, Jr., entertained his schoolmates at a corn roast at his home on Trow Hill last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bussed and sister from Washington, D. C, also Mrs. Briggs of .orthheld, are visiting their cousins, Mrs. Geo. W. Hunt and Mr. Geo. Cram. To lit of churches represented in the Silver Medal prize speaking contest, the Methodist chureh should be added. Ver non Wells is the speaker from that church. Segel (i Bradv received a large line of medium weight hunting coats, driving coats, working coats in leather, corduroy, duck, canvass, sheep skin lined and tin lined, all waterproof, at very low prices. C. Li. Gurrer returned tins morning from a six weeks' western trip, during which he visited Lanclaive, vis., St Joe, Mich, and Rochester, Minnesota. Mr. Currier savs that he likes the West pretty well, but prefers Vermont with the weather like the present. He will remain in Barre several weeks before going to Brooklyn. Companion Court, Granite City held a public whist party in their hall in the Worthen block, lhursday evening, Sept 23. Prizes were given and were won as follows: First, Atloe Marriani and Emma Bergeron with a seore of 71 6-10, and the booby by O. B. Carpenter and Mrs. Kobert Jnglis, score 42. Kctresh- mcnt were served and a general good time enjoyed. Next Sunday is known in the Salva tion Army as "Memorial Sunday" all over the United States, in loving memory of all those who have fought the fight and won, and have heard the glad "Well done", and have gone into eternal rest. Special memorial services in the S. A. hall next Sunday afternoon and evening. All will be welcome. On Tuesday, Oct. 3rd Major Barter, our divisional officer, will give us a special visit and will con duct a very special meeting at 7 p. in. on Depot Square, and the meeting in the hall. AH our mends should kindly note this and make tip their minds to be present. Do not forget - the date, Oct. 3rd. . 1 Higher grades at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 are beauties. 2 5 tt i -C i:-: j .t. i..r.. 1 2 We nave swept asiac years 01 trauuiuns ami uic wuuucuui growth of this Clothing Store is the best argument in favor of its worth. Our Clothing combines style and utility with rJ tllC 1UVYC31 p U331U1U LU VUWI-W. wuiv .j - . 2 in the newest fabrics, the correct patterns and the perfection of fit, linked to prices that we positively guarantee matchless tor the garments represented, vve are at your scrviuc. Segefs & Brady, M Main Street, Bolster's Brick Block. Barre, Vt, ifZ GET THE HAUIT AND TKADK AX BH.Cilil.8 M niiiui D. if SATURDAY CANDY. full weight and better than most forty-cent kinds. Only RED CROSS PHARMACY. A M f 1 A, w Furs We can show you an up-to-date line for this season. All we ask is for you to see them and be convinced that you get the best of val ues at this store. Vcalc & Knight Currier Building, Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our thanks to all who so kindly aided us durinjr our bere avement and alo for the beautiful flow ers at the funeral. Peter Park and family. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. FOUND Between D. L. Wood' and James Horn's, a purse containing a stuull amount of mouey. Owner cn have name by proving prop erty and paving for this advertisement. Misa Ina Wood, iiarre, Vt., K. F. I. No. a. loot! UNION MADE All the latest styles for Fall and Winter now in stock. Buy the best, RALS TON HEALTH." Sold only by the People's Shoe Store C. S. ANDREWS, Prop., 1 57 North Main St., Barre, Vt. eivJarejiv.icedof iGSfonONEltt? ROBERTS, 124 No. Main St., Barre. Fall and Winter Korn-Made Clothing! As vou no doubt know, we are the sole dis pensers of Korn-Made" Clothes in this vicinity. Our tables are now full and ready for your in spection. The many good points about our Clothes are so sell-evident that it is as easy for you to observe them as it is for us to describe them. The materials principally used in our gar ments are Worsteds, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Serges and Thtbets, in both plain and fancy effects. The prices range from $5.0() to $22.00. Top Coats. Our Top Coats for Fill are cut with a boxy effect and are very stylish in appearance. Prices $5.00 to $12.00. . Our Single and Double breasted Overcoats, like this cut, are garments which are in great vogue among young and middle-aged men. They have gained popularity be cause they are satisfactory in every sense of th e word. Prices for these are $5.00 to $20.00. Excellent patterns in fancy plaids, etc. Also Blacks and Oxford Greys. K , I i - . ' ' I'' " - ' ' 1 ' 1 r t "J Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Rink Building, 0pp. Depot Square. 'ixvdKOO oxihioid noma Special Inducements Offered to Trade at Our Store! Fresh Cranberries, per quart... 10c Useful Cooking Utensils given with Washington Baking Pow der, per pound..., 50c Beautiful Plates given with Granite City Biking Powder, a can, 20c Don't fail to secure a set of Cups and Saucers given tree with Special Offer Coffee, per pound.... , 35c J Wieele Stick Coupons redeemed. 2 Bring your Babbitt's Soap Cards and get eight cakes tor...... 25c PARK & STEPHEN, I Telephone 12-4. 66 North Main St., Barre, Vt. 3 5 a 1 15c 15c FOR SATURDAY, Salted Peanuts that are new and crisp for only 15c per pound at E. A. DROWN'S, 48 North Akin Street. 15c 15c We Make a Specialty Of Salt Pork, Lard, Sausage and our own Dried Beef. HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? SMITH & CUMINGS, Telephone 232-5. 305 North Main Street. ioncord Orepes Telephone 3 1 -3. Fresh cut, ripe, No. I in every way, just ar rived, two baskets, 25c. iOKers Shredded iocoenu Fresh goods direct from factory, equal those you pay fancy prices for. Only 5c per package, full 1-4 pouai. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park, Barre. Vermont