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THE JJAI-RJE DALLY TlMEb, OCT. 10, IVOo . Peptiron Pills Imnlr l1Ki fWri tho rterv t)d bruin, tone Mie tviiiiK'n, am cie-Mnm. ana sup i, savnrai ti. Jur. ortl. lJruiiw by njadof u. Hood's Pills Th best laxative - eatnartie Afur-rfinnT pill; purely -etaM; easy to lake, sisy to operate. '.' I'r-iuristK or m; ; - '. J. Ho4 Co.. Lowell. II Mad by Hood It Good. BARREL FACTORY BURNS. Two firemen Overcome Property Loss Of $35,000. Boston, Oct. 10. The tig barrel man ufacturing establishment of Goepper Brothers on Ninth street, East Cain bridge, burst into flames at 1:15 yes terday afternoon, endangering the lives of sixty workmen and threatening scores of nearby tenement house. The whole city department, summoned by a general alarm, aided by apparatus from fc-oiner-ville, fought the flames, which were final ly subdued after causing a loss of $34, 500. . - Locomotive were hurried over from the Boston & Maine yards to draw away several trains of freight ears laden ith valuable merchandise, which were stand ing on the side tracks adjacent to the burning building. Two firemen, Thomas Minneaugh of Ladder 2 and Charles Leddy oi Engine 3, were badly overcome in fighting the flames, and are now in a critical con dition. Several of the workmen, par tially overcome in escaping from the blazing factory, were cared for in nearby bouse. BAD NOVA SCOTIA FIRE. Forests Aflame from Cape Sable as Far as Port Mouton. Halifax, N S., Oct. 10. Immense for est fires were reported yesterday from Cape Sable to Port Mouton by a steam er which arrived during the night from Yarmouth. The flames are fanned by heavy westerly winds, it is said, and al ready heavy damage has been caused in the large timber tracts of that region and unless the wind changes soon the losses are expected to mount unusually high. , SUMMER HOTEL FIRE. Monadnock House at Colebrook Gutted Yesterday Morning. 'Colebrfk, X. H., Oct. 10. The Mon adnock House, a four-story wooden hotel structure in this town, was damaged to the extent of $6,000 by fire early yes terday. Several guests were obliged to leave the building hastily, but no one was injured. The central part of the main building was burned out. The fire started in n store room in the basement from an unknown cause. Conclusive Evidence. Mrs. Gad Did your husband enjoy himself in Paris? Mrs. Fad "Well, he brought me home a $30,000 necklace. Brooklyn Life. Your Money Back IF CAL-CURA FAILS. If you have an aching back, brick dust sedi ment, or inflammation and pain in Madder or kidneys, get a tattle of Cal-cura Solvent, Dr. David Kennedy's latest medicine. Its effect Is marvelous; so uniformly successful that we offer you your money back if it d.ies not help you. Cal-cura Solvent dissolves stone, gravel and uric acid in kidneys and bladder. If it did not have this power, we could not afford to sell it on a guarantee like this. We are warranted in doing this, for it has a record of cures In nine out of every ten cases. It is not a patent medicine; it is a prescription from the hands of that skilled physician and surgeon, Dr. David Kennedy, and used in his private practicewith uniform success. Write The Cal-cura Co., Kingston, N. Y,, (or a free treatment bottle, E. A. Drown, Bane, Vt. How Good ThatTastes" is the verdict of every member of the family when you serve for dessert , Zerta Quick Pudding Qutchest of Quick Desserts Ko labor required. All ingredients in the package. Just add milk, bring to a boil, cool and serve. Result ; the most delicious dessert you ever tasted. Five choice flavors Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate, Strawberry and Orange. All grocers, 10c. ORDER TO-DAY. BARRE OPERA HOUSE FOX & KATOX, Mgrs.. 3. K. HOBAN, Resident Mgr. Wednesday Evening, Oct. 1 1 JuusWM PRESENTS' RE 570 II IN OFWIEUR, Prices, - - 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Tickets on sale at the Box Office Monday from 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. STfLL SELLING on the principle that one serves best himself who serves his customers best. H. A. GOULD, Spaufding St., Barrc, Vt- NEW Y0RKS TOOK FIRST Defeated Philadelphia For World's Championship. BY SCORE OF THREE TO 0 Great Christy Mathewson Was an Enig ma for the Athletic Four Scat tered Raps Off Him Plank Hit Hard. Philadelphia, Oct: 10. The New York Nationals defeated Hie Philadelphia Americans in the first game for the world's base ball championship yesterday afternoon, shutting them out, 3 to 0, before a crowd estimated at 26,000 peo ple, the largest base ball attendance ever known in this city. The New Yoik victory was due largely to the great Christy 'Mathewson, who pitched a superb game, allowing the Athletics only four scattered hits and being steady at all times. Mathewson was quite badly hurt in the fifth inning by a swift ly batted ball, but pluekily resumed playing, after having been carried to the bench. The crowd began to gather as early as 9 o'clock in the morning, and by the time the game started every bit of available room was taken, there being an immense overflow crowd out m the field. The crowd was largely with the homo team, but Xew York also had its rooters. Plank was sent to the firing line by the Athletics. He was touched up for ten hits, gave two passes and struck out five men. The heavy hitters of the Xew Yorks bunched their hits. The Giants came within an-nee of scoring in the first inning when- Plunk hit Hresnahan in the leg, Bresnalian was forced bv Browne and Donlin was out on an easy fly. But McOann doubled into the light field crowd, and Browne landed on third. Plunk steadied how ever, and struck out Mertes. It also looked bad for the home team in the second inning, when with one down, Davis beat out a hunt and Gilbert did the same. The two Giants then did a double steal. Mathewson fanned, and Blank purposely gave a pass to Bresna han. Browne hit to it. Cross and was out at first. Hartsel made the Athletics' first hit off Matty in the fourth, but was forced Matty started off Xew York's fifth ith a single to center but he was forced on Bresnahan's grounder to M. Cross, who also took Browne's fly, Donlin smashed the ball into left for a base, and Bresnalian scored the first run. Don lin hud made second on the plav. Me Gann got a pass and then Mertes hit into the crowd. Kurd jumped for it but could not hold it, Donlin scoring, Dahlcn Hied to Hartsel. In the sixth Derlin Hied to Lord, and Gilbert singled. He was out trying to steal. M, Cross ended the inning by making a sensational one-handed stop off Mathewson. Shreck made the Athletics second hit, a double, in the same inning, but there was nothing more. Murphy doubled in the eighth, the third hit, and died on second. The ninth was productive : of a run for the visitors. Gilbert made his third hit of the game, and was sent along by Mathewson's sacrifice. Bresnalian singled, and Gilbert scored. Browne and Murphy were easy outs. For Philadel phia Davis pot the fourth hit made by liis side, a double, but went no further than second base. FAVORITES LOST THE GAM. Boston Nationals Defeated the Ameri cans, 5 to 2, Yesterday. Boston, Oct, 10. The two Boston ball teams met yesterday afternoon for the first game in the city championship series, and nearly 30,000 peoplo saw the favorites, the Americans, go down to defeat before the Nationals by the score of 5 to 2. The latter outplayed and outbatted their rivals. Willis had all the advantage over Dineen. allowing but seven hits, to nine by Collins' pitcher. Up to the ninth inning Willis had given but. four hits. Tenney's tribe broke the ice in the first inning. Batty worked Dineen for a pass and then Tenney banged a beauty down the third base line, scoring Batty. The Nationals singled twice in the sec ond inning, but a double play broke up the combination. In the fifth Moran doubled for the Nationals, and Se.lbaoh did for the ex Champions, but the runners got no furth er. Dolau made another run for the despised tribe in the sixth, making a hit, going to third on Btirkett's error, and coming home on Delehanty's sin gle. Burkclt tripled in the seventh and came in 'on Grimshnw'a hit. It looked like more scores for Collins' men, as Selbach singled. But Willis settled down and struck" out Ferris. Criger fouled nut and Willis tossed over Dineen's at tempt. The victory was put beyond question in the ninth, when Dineen dropped Yol verton's pop. Cannell followed it with a single, liaymer popped to Grimshaw. Moran tripled, scoring Wolverton and Cannell. On Willis' fly to Burkett Moran scored. Batty fouled to Criger. Three of the ex-Champs singled in succession in the ninth, Grimshaw, Selbach and Ferris. Then Criger hit to Tenney, and Grimshaw scored on the out. Freeman ftied out and Parent ilied to Cannell. Third National League Victory. St. Louis, Oct, 10. The local National League team w-on the first of the inter league post-season series yesterday in the seventh inning on two bases on balls, an error and three singles. Attendance, 1 ,00. Score bv innings: 123456780 Nationals 0 0000040 04 Americans 00100000 01 Batteries, Taylor and Grady, Howell snd Spencer; hits, by Nationals 6, by Americans 3; errors, Nationals 4, Amer icans 1. MAYOR OF FRANKFORT KY. Tells What Vinol Is Doing in the South, "To Whom It May Concern: Eor the benefit of the people of Barre permit me to say a few words in the columns of the Times endorsing the peerless merits of that modern cod liver oil prep aration, Vinol. "For years I suffered from indiges tion, stomach trouble, and general ner vous debility. I had spent lots of money with different doctors and tried all kinds of medicines, but without any benefit whatever. "Some of the city officials and prom inent citizens here called my attention to what V,inol had accomplished for them and induced me to give it a trial. I must confess that it certainly worked wonders for me. It was delicious to take and did not upset my stomach like old-fashioned cod liver oil and emul sion; it gave me a hearty appetite, cured my stomach trouble and strength ened and invigorated my entire system. I wish every sick person in Barre would try this great cod liver oil preparation, Vinol." J. S. Darnell, Mayor of Frank fort, fcy. Mr. Wells of Rickert & Wells, our local druggists, says: "The above let ter is perfectly genuine and we endorse all Mayor Darnell says. We guarantee Vinol to increase the appetite, cure stomach troubles, renew the vitality of the aged, build up the run down, tired and debilitated, make the weak strong, cure chronic coughs, colds and build up the convalescent, or we will return to the purchaser every dollar paid for it." Rickert & Wells, Druggists. STRUCK ON HER HEAD. Rutland Girl Jumped from Moving Elec - trie Car. Rutland, Oct. 10. Ina, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. George H. Baker of Park street, was painfully injured yesterday by jumping from a moving trolley cur at the corner of Fast Washington and South Main streets. The child was on her way to school and the car would have stopped for her at, the north crosswalk, but she jumped off at the south walk while the trolley was still well under way. She struck on her head and was picked up unconscious. The conductor of the cur tried to prevent the girl jumping, but his warning was too late. Under medical treatment she soon regained her senses. A RUTLAND MARRIAGE. Rutland News City Editor Kirk and Jane Christie Temple. , Rutland, Oct. 10. George Leavitt Kirk, city editor of The Rutland Even ing News, and Miss Jane Christie, daugh ter of J. C. Temple, president of the Temple Brothers Granite mid Marble Woiks, were married this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's par ents on fnimmor street by Rev. George Gil more, pastor of the Congregational church. The bridesmail was Miss Mary W. Temple, sister of the bride, and Sam uel B. Kirk, the groom's brother, was best man. The ushers were J. Raymond Temple of Rutland, and John N.' Paige of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk will reside at 41 Williams street. . Why He Believes. Pat De yea belave in ghosts, Moike? Mike Oi do. Oi don't think thur's a ghost of a chance av me iver be coniin' Prisidinfc av Amerikey. Star of Hope (Sing Sing rPison). 7.lJ ,!.' "" - W THE DANGER TO THE CHILD May be real or the snake may be a harm less one, but there Is danger that menaces every child's life If the mother is defi cient In womanly health and functional vitality. Thousands of women have borne their sufferings and kept their troubles to themselves from motives of delicacy and foflbls childhood has paid for it. Dr. Pierce, forty years ago, consulted .Nature, and found that she had provided remedies In abundancs for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments and weak nesses. He found that non-alcoholic glyceric extract of Golden Seal root, Blue Cohosh root, Unicorn root, Black Cohojh root and Lady's Slipper root, combined In Just the right proportions, gave such surprising results that this compound soon became a standard fa Toriu of his in the treatment of such cases. In a little tints the demand for it became so great that he determined to put It up and provide for Its genvral sals so that the multitudes nosding It could readily supply thsmselves. This Is now known all over the civil ized world as Dr. Pierce' Favorite Pre scription, and Its unparalleled record of hundreds of thousands of cures, in ths last forty years, Justifies all that can be said of it. It is rton-alcoholic, non-narcotic. It U taj and rellabl for any woman, of any age and In any condition, to use. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets only one or two a day will regulate and cleanse and invlgorata a fonl, bad Stomach, tor pid Liver, or sluggish Bowels. Dr. Pierce's Common Sous Medical Adviser will be sent fres, paper-bound, for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 81 stamps. Over 1000 pages and illustrated. Address Dr. Ii. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. , ItSk - h " $600,000 IN PAPER Item h Mutual's Printing and Stationery Awarded. HUGHES "WANT3 TO KNOW" Book Store Connects With the Home Office The Equitable and New York Life Are Outdistanced. New York, Oct. 10. When Chief Inquisitor Hughes resumes his investiga tion of the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany's affairs today, he will direct his inquiry with a view to disclosing the true relationship between President Me Curdy's concern and the stationery es tablishment of Lysander W. Lawrence at 40 Nassau street, occupying the north west corner of the big home building. This establishment, witch is known variously as the "MeC'tirdy book shop," and the "book store to the Mutual," im mediately adjoins Cie company's supply department. A short passageway and a, swinging door connects the two. This arrangement, providing such ad mirable means of intercommunication between the shop of Mr. Lawrence and the supply depot of the Mutual, is easily explained when it is understood that it is through the Lawrence book store that the greater part of the vast amount of printing work aud stationery required by the company is contracted for and secured. Just why Lysander W. Lawrence, stationer, should have a virtual monopoly of the Mutual's business, occupying a choice corner of the Mutual's home build ing, is a matter concerning which Mr. Hughes and the members of the legis lative investigating committee desire in formation. The item of $.1,134,838.76, covering in the company's report for 1004 printing, stationery, postusre and advertising, has already come in for some question, but Auditor Prellor told little that would show light UKn the matter. Mr. Hughes, therefore, will call ,ipon Mr. Lawrence himself. One of Mr. Hughes' questions will be put with the object of ascertaining whether Mr. Lawrence or any of his as sociates ar related to officers of the Mutual. Every purchase by the Mutual of stationery will be questioned, and the cost to the company of each article in question will be carefully examined. And an indication of the profit to the Lawrence concern from its connection with the Mutual that company repots tnat it paid last, year lor printing and stationery alone, $001,101.21. Tho Equit able, which lias no book store, paid for its printing and stationery in the same period $275,000.20. The New York Life, which, like the Equitable, is without a book shop annex, paid $420,."98.S3 for its printing and kindred supplies. A comparison of the amount of bust ness done last vear by each of the com panics comprising the "big three" does not show any appreciable difference to account for the excessive expenditure by the Mutual for its printing and sta tionery, nor would any of the officers of the .Mutual seen yesterday by a Globe reporter, explain the disparity. TRAINS IN A CRASH. Accident Near Carthage and Engineer Badly Hurt. Syracuse, N. Y., Oct, 10. A special trorn atertown to the Herald says: While rounding a curve on the Rome, Watertqwn & Ogdensburg division of the New York Central railroad half a mile west of Carthage yesterday morn ing, Utica passenger train No. 401 ran into the rear of east-bound treight ro, 483. The debris blocked the tracks three hours. Passengers were shaken up, but none seriously hurt. Engineer William Bell 01 Ltica jumped and was badly injured Fireman J. A. Hall of Watertown, who also jumped, escaped with slight bruises VOTE TO DISCONTINUE. Burlington Law Library Will Cease to Exist After 35 Years of Being. Burlington, Oct. 10. The members of the Burlington Law Library Association an organization winch has been 111 ex isteiice 33 years, met yesterday after noon and voted to wind up the associa tion's affair. The members voted to dis continue the library, to pay off the in debtedness and sell the books. The money left will le divided among the members in proportion to the amounts they have put in. The library consists of about 1,000 volumes of state reports and some federal reports. They are gen erally considered as valuable. CROWE WARNS CAPTORS. On Way to Omaha He Tells Detectives to "Look. Out." Ogden, Utah, Oct. 10. Pat Crowe, al leged kidnapper, spent two hours here Sunday night on his way to Omaha, lie was handcuffed to a detective, and accompanied by two Omaha newspaper men. Crowe has warned his captors that they had beter "look out" for him. He is well supplied with money, which the police failed to find when they searched him. . , How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Mall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Che ney lor the last 13 vears. and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and rinnncially able to tarry out any obligations made by his firm, Waldo, Kinva-& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly ujon the blwd and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Frice 75 cents per bottle. Hold bv all Druggists. Take Hall's family 1'ilfs for constipation. easily wmmm A Little Precaution Now may Remember. -An Ounce Pound Weak Lungs are a constant source of danger and one cannot be too care ful during this trying winter 'l'her' People are altogether too prone to neg leot what they term a "little cold. This cold Is very often the "'""f of death. From a "little cold It de velops into a big one, and then follow serious complications. A cough staiw in the throat. No particular attention in paid to this, but it goes on slowl but surely getting in Its deadly worK. The cough gradually descends until u fastens itself upon the lungs, ana then for the first time the victim be gins to realize his danger. Unless en ergetic action is taken, this cough win develop Into consumption. Cod Liver Oil has long been recog nized by medical authorities as the most efficient remedy in Throat and Lung difficulties. In Magee's Emis sion you get the purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil combined with Extract of mh Tknu 1. rn Inirredlpnt In Ma gee's' Emulsion that is not of benefit NO WINE-NO WHISKEY JUST FOOD. Insist upon tho genuinetaice no suosuiuie. E. A. DKOWX, DRUGGIST, liARKK, VT. WAR CLOUD OVER CHICAGO Strikes Expected From a New - Alliance. HANDLERS AND TEAMSTERS Combine for "Offensive and Defensive" Action All Who Take Part in Transfer of Freight In cluded. Chicago, Oct, 10. Sympathetic strikes in the future will probably be more prev alent in Chicago through an alliam be tween the teamsters and the railway freight handlers. The first sleps to form a merger of these unions for "otlen-hc and defensive action" were taken Sun day. The name of the new federation is the Shipping Trades' Alliance. It aims to embrace all organised wotkers whose occupations bring them into con tact in' any way with the transfer oi freight. President P. J. Fknner cl the international Freight Handler' as sociation appeared before the Truck Drivers' local and explained the pur K)se of the Shipping Trades' Alliance. The teamsters regarded the plan to join forces with much favor. A committee was appointed to confer with the freight handlers concerning the policy of the new federation. ARGUMENTS FOR PACKERS, The Hearing on Indictments Open in Chicago Chicago, Oct. 10. Arguments auain the indictment of the packer charged with conspiracy to monopolize the meat trade of the country began yesterday before Federal Judge Humphrey. John S. Miller, counsel for the defendants, opened the arguments, using the demur rer filed last Friday as a basis. WORST IN YEARS. Car Famine Looking More and Mote Serious in West. Chicago, 111., Oct, 10.-It is a ones tion now of cars and engines to move the business in iipht Th nitrn.j. j not have to go out for tonnage, it comes uiisuuciieu, aim is pressing ;rom all directions. The movement is heavy jn all directions, especially m the Mkiuri river territory. From present, mWa turns there is a serious time ahead this winter, as there is no immediate pros, peet of a lot-tit) in the he,. .-....:.. .... of merchandise or coarse frei.,!,t. j nn coin crop Has been iinisl,,., n is beginning to he fed and a little' new i, seeking market,, but the quantity of old held back is small and receipts are Jmlit, so that its Ios grain traffic in the deliveries at Clma -, ,,,.-, ,, Ja,t Wk were. 6,Mfi,Ooo bushels, a decrease of 55.1,000 bileU or 8.2 per cent over last ve- It U 29 lve the average 'for ti e past live years. c 1 r All eastern roads Lave more touM.-e than cars and eneinc f i....n.. situation is the worst in recent vears and in the vieuntv of i',,ir,.i , ... T ' ... t., ,hB pain for the seaboard even at the recent advance ia r' ' j iuige quantify cf sola to iro out ler 1st of January, or after 11 ,, lake navigation.- Even now s! , are unable to ret. i,.u: ,.. .l'ers the Beabrdtofin-ocg Merehandma l-aBU :.. x... '"6"enier.ts. i, mi t " " 'V", l 7 "! there aH"'v ""l ,,c,,lt th 'oads can IN MEMORY OF CHILD. Head of Harvester Trust to Bui!. Work. men's Houses. Chicago, III.. Oct in a child's svmpaUy tf io to he created by Crn-s m J? akj,,t millionaire head of the Har'v i -7ni"k' The child, was his " houses for the men wlS&t Save 5 Lot of Trouble Uter-, of prevention Worth of Cure. to the svstem. It acts almost Imme diately and Its results are certain. Restores Vitality and Strength. Miss Nellie Nolan of Syracuse, n, v gufferrr from a lung difficulty; have tnkin a great amount of medicine ami ilt.lx under the. care of several physicians, ail same disease. I was terribly reduced in weight, scarcely weighing HO pounds f took Stagee'a Emulsion and at once began tj experience relief, gained strength and now weigh J.' pounds. No other medicine oiiiild have done n much for my lmtrs ( am sure, and I can recommend it without hesitation." day. Don't wait until fo-morrow, as that never conies. Don't wait until vour cold has developed Into that dread disease, Consumption. Magee's v. o,m U.-11! rlsA nn thi mnrrnn. ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE SHOCK AT MONTELEONE Calabria Inhabitants Thrown Into Panic by Strong Tremor at 10 O'clock Sunday Night. Mouteleone, Calabria, Italy, Oct. 10. A-strong earthquake shock was felt here at 10 o'clock Sunday night, and caused a panic among the inhabitants, who are still suffering from the tenor and privation resulting from the last cata-trophe. WITH MANY FLOWERS. Enthusiastic Receptions for Miss Alice Roosevelt. Tokio, Oct. 10. Miss Ailee Roosevelt was giu'ii an enthusiastic reception at Nikko. Nearly all of the prominect families were represented at the station to receive her. During the ionrnep l received greetings of welcome at the principal stations, ai t isunomiya she was met by the governor and delegates from the Ladies' Patriotic League, who presented flowers. Count Incur will give a garden party today, Oct. 10, at hi artistic residence in honor of E. H. Xfarriman, president of the Southern Pacifio F.ailroad com pany. The guests upon the occasion will .include the leading society people and business men of the city. FRANCE REBUFFS CASTRO. Oveitures Made by VeneiaeU RejecttS by the French Minister. Paris, Ot. 10. It was announced here yesterday that President Castro of Verse ?ueia had made advances to the Fremh minister looking to a settlement of the diplomatic misunderstanding which lias existed between the two countries as well as of th differences existing be tween his government and the French Cable Company, The overtures were refused by the French minister, however, because' he did not consider them sufficient. RIVALS TO COUNT WITTE, Muravieff and Ignatieff Want Presidency of New Russian Cabinet. St. Petersburg, Of. 10. Two rivals to Couut Witte, the Itusaian peace envoy, are announced us candidates for the pres idency oi' the new cabinet. These claimants are M. Muravieff, for nicr minister of justice and now ambas sador to Home, who was originally ap pointed as Jlusaia's ranking plenipotea ;iary to the Portsmouth conference, but later was succeeded by Count Witte. and Count Ignatieff, former minister of the interior, who was one of Count title's predecessor in office. LAST WEE OF EXPOSITION. Lewis and Clark Show Has Been Success ful. Portland, Ore, (t. 10. This .wee will mark the close of the Lewis ami Hark Exposition after a successful car eer not anticipated by even the most en thusiastic supporters "of the project, lie lore the closing day is over the fair will have recorded an attendance of practi cally Soioo persons, which consider ing the fact that the combined popula tion of the old Oregon territory is hard ly equal to that number, is almost ph nomenal. ' substantial DERRICK STICKS r. ... . . carry a lull assortment In stocs con stantly, vve have just received a full cargo of tWO Oregon sticks from Puget Sound by ahip, from 60 feet by 10 inches to 124 feet uy 32 inches diameter. Will sell by oai If 8 u 8ln!,e stick8 d. guarantee oar sticits In every respeot. Prices to compete with rail shipments. We also ship by rail and would be pleased K quote prices at any time. BOSTON oilGoTMAST CO. Office and Dock, 116 Condor Street, - . Et Boston,