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TllK llAUUi: DAILY TIM-Ka. OCT. 10, litvZ. TOR CO I ORT u 0ERWEAE1 Insures Health, Comfort and Satisfaction to the Wearer, We sell Mentor Underwear because we know it will please our customers more than any other kind. That pays us best in the end. Every Mentor Garment is guaranteed to fit perfectly! Sizes do not vary and the fabric never irritates the skin. That's where the comfort comes in. Mentor fabrics are very absorbent, carrying off excess perspiration and keeping the body heat uniform. They can be boiled without injury, making them free from all impurities. That is why they are healthful. Satisfaction is guaranteed or the garment can be re turned and your money refunded. We can show you Underwear for the infant, the boy, the girl and the woman. Prices no higher than others. Goods are of the best. Stylish Opera Wraps on Display in Garment Department. v V.w - h -m H4. TELEPHONE 408-11 HOMER FITTS NO. MAIN ST., BARRE, VT. TALK 0FTHE TOWN. Visit hH-oml floor at Vaughan's. Gloves, unlinod or liund for dress or for work, at MeWliorter's. I A ilrtiiiriiter whs lorn OctoIr 8th to Mr. mill Mr. William Sangxter. I Mis Maggie Smith and Mrs. Christie M I.".1 went to thoir hom in WalJen this altfriion for a visit. I The officers raided the Labelle livery ; stable yesterday, in search of wet goods, ' but tiieir ottotu were not rewarded w ith Mis Margaret Frnser, who is teaching at West Aewhury, returned to her school ' ye-terday after visiting; in this city for a tew uays. A mruiur meetins of the Jlarrc Rang er football club Mill le held in the club house tonight at 6:30 sharp. All members are . requested to be present There can be no question concerning me unusual excellence ot ' ifeaucaire . the comedy romance that wan such a leasant factor in Creston Clarke's tour last season and which will be presented in this city tomorrow evening at the opera house, with Mr. Clarke in the title role and m nil the glory of the elabor ate scenic investiture that characterized last season's triumphant tour. Creston Clarke has indeed found in this charming piavv me most suitable ottering lie has ever had to further his commendable starring interests and his return visit to this city in the near future is sure to prove an unusually pleasurable amuse ment event. ' , SOUTH BARRE. The Average Youngster - Will poke his toes through a pair of Shoes in no time. A Shoe to give long wear must be better than the one you ordinarily buy. The Williams Hoyt & Co's Shoes Are better than others because only the toughest sole leather is used and they are made on honor. Barre Shoe Company, J3I o. Main St., Barre, Yt. SS THE BARRE DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1905. Weather Prediction. Fair tonight. Wednesday increasing cloudiness, probably followed by rain in afternoon or night; light easWly to southerly winds. Golf Supplies at Cost ! i . . Forty cents buys Spaulding's Kempshall's, .Haskell's and Spaulding White Golf Balls. All Clubs and Sundries at cost prices. ;;W-V'--E. A, DROWN, 45 No. Main St., Opp, Nat'l BanK. 13 THE LARGEST AND HANDSOMESt CLOTHING STORE IN TOWN. S A Word to the Trade! WE ARE SOLD OUT. .r. '3 Marry A. Scgd. Hyman D. Segel's Estate Thomas Brady. i ? i is ' "No more Summer goods to offer by us. No old stock or back numbers Ij4 b hand now. We are now ready for Fall and Winter business. We have fg been to market twice within a month. Our stock is among the largest and most select of any in the state. We are now in a position to offer to the trade some extraordinary values in Men's, Boys' and Children's Ready-to-tjj Weir Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings and Rubber Goods, having bought all lines (gjl oJ merchandise in very large quantities in order to obtain the rock bottom mar ,f ket prices and give the benefit to the buying public. Early buyers will be ben igf cBted greatly, as ail lines of merchandise have advanced so greatly in the whole. ;e maikets that it is almost impossible to duplicate any goods now, unless at t advanced price from to to jj per cent. The merchant who has to buy tff his IVd stock now is obliged to pay the advanced price and is not in a position eo-oFer the low prices to his trade, May we serve you ? - I Segels & Brady, $ 118 Main Street, - . ' - Bolster's Brick Block. Barre, Vt. SET THE HA1IIT AND TRADE AT SEOEL9 & BRADY'S. TALK OFTHE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. Special this week, underwear, at Vaughah's. John Will has finished work at Marr & Gordon's. Elon Barrett went to Boston last nirrlif on the excursion. Special value in children's coats for $2.98 at Abbott'. W. II. Connor went to Boston last night on a business trip. Hughes' Livery, Merchant street, near Summer. Tlione 116-21. Select your overcoat at MeWliorter's. rri. . i T.i i . . . xiio largest asaonment in tne city. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Perry went to Bxston lust niglit for a few days' visit. Ask to see our line of 50c, 60c and 75c books. Ideal Book and Stationery Store. Charles Marr, accompanied by Mrs. Marr went to Copperfield last night on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Robair returned yesterday after a visit with friends in Burlington. ' Old gold and silver wanted at re finers' prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's. Kenneth Nicholson went to Sher brooke, V, Q., today for a few days' visit with friends. . . , . The shop stewards are requested to call at the Quarry Workers' union office and got their Journal. Use LAWRENCE Faints we'll GUARANTEE results. No other manu facturer does this. Call at E. A. Frin dle's. Mrs. W. A. Murray and son amf moth er, Mrs. Mary Farroll, l.-ft last night for Mt. Clement, Mich., to be gone for several weeks. George Mann and Clarence Wood went duck hunting over to Berlin Fond yester day and brought home five ducks and five bushels of butternuts. The amusement committee of the Odd Ladies will meet with Miss Beaside, 3 0 Kirk street, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. A full attendance is de sired. Miss Lu Wallace of this city, who is now in Washington, 1). C, has been en gaged to demonstrate the Standard Add ing Machine at the American Bankers association convention at the Raleigh hotel in Washington on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week, A delightful lecture, the charm and the value of which, in the case of that delivered by Mr. Jacob A. Riia at the College street church last evening, it is imposible to describe. A packed' house greeted Mr. Riis' first appearance in this city; aii'l their absorbing interest in the man and his presentation of "Tony's Hardships" was shown in their free ap plause, ready laughter and as ready sighs. Burlington, (Vt.) Free Ftms, Warning to Parents. Parents are requested to see to it that their boys do not mutilate or de stroy the signs on street corners, as the boys will be prosecuted if the de struction of signs is not stopped. By Order of City Council. Raymond Ashlinp, who is working at Montpelier, visited at his home in this village over Sunday. ' Mrs. Joseph Parker of Barre city visit ed at the home of her uncle, M. L. Lewis, over Sunday. Donald Smith has sent three horses to Groton Pond to work in the woods this fall and winter. Arthur La Barron has had a bank wall laid back of Ins house. M. L. -Lewis did the work. E. A. Laughlin is on the sick list. -'i'?'"'-- ' Kegular meeting of LTia Sjwi watha. Lodge, No. 20, L O. .-rtv o. F., on Thursday evening, October 12th, at 7 o'clock. The revision of the by-laws will be the business before the meeting. A full attendance is desired. II. W. Scott, Noble Grand. THE INSURANCE INVESTIGATION. Trustee of Mutual Life Tells of Contri butions. New York, Oct. 10. Robert Qlyphant, trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance company and chairman of the committee on expenditures, testified before the leg islative committee that eight payments of $25,000 each were made to him and that he had turned the funds over to one of the vice presidents of the com pany for "legal business." He had heard that contributions to the Republican na tional committee had been made and he supposed the money came from this fund. The committee heard this morning that George W. Perkins, vice president of the New York Life and weKLT of the firm of J. P. Morgan and company, had sailed for Europe on the steamer Bremen. His departure has occasioned great surprise. ' OVER A QUARTER DEFECTIVE. School Children at Essex Junction Are Tested. ' Essex Junction, Oct. 10. PrinciDal C. D. Howe of the high school has completed the examination of the pupils of the several grades for defective eyes and ears. Of the 191 children over seven years old which he examined he found 49 were detective in eyesight and eight in Hearing. Children's Garments A few specials in Children's Garments. See them in our window. The prices are $2.75, $3.50 and $5.00 each. LAD1ESI fURS, 98c, $1.38 and $2.25. ' BLANKETS. LARGE SIZE, 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50 Pair. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. torn-IVlade Clothing As you no doubt know, we are the sole dispensers of Korn-Mde" Clothes in this vicinity. Our tables ire now full and ready for your inspec tion. The materials principally used in our garments are Worsteds, Chev iots, Cassimeres, Serges and Thibets, in both plain and fancy effects. The prices range from $5.00 to $22 00. TOP COATS. Our Top Coats for Fall are cut with a boxy effect and are vety stylish in appearance. Prices $5.00 to $12.00. Our Single and Double-breasted OVERCOATS are garments which are in great vogue among young and middle-aged men. They have gained popularity because they are satisfactory in every sense of the word. Prices for these are $5 00 to $20.00. Excellent patterns in fancy plaids, etc. Also Blacks and Oxford Greys. Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Rink Building, Opp, Depot Square. AMYdROD OMIH101D KOIKfl '2LKY dKOO 0KIHI0T3 KOIilfl 2 A Lacay wno Knows 8 S Always recommends our Gibson Girl Shoe. She likes it because it has quality and stvle: because it is made to fif Sand be comfortable; because it will not crack and is a nice Shoe at slight cost. O Patent Colt, button and lace, -0 Kid and Gun Metal, button and lace. w 8 $3.00 and $3.50 2.50 and 3.00 PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, .: Norm Main m. C 5. ANDREWS, PropV. O O o O o o o Will Go to Supreme Court. Washington, Oct. 10. Further devel opmenta in the Corson Ciold Mininor com pany cne, an action for fraud in the sale of stock, in which the directors have have teen found guilty and liable, are at a standstill awaiting copies of the trial. Attorney David V. I'erkina, coun sel for Manassali Perkins, recently peti tioned the court, asking that the verdict be set aside, and there the matter tem porarily rests.. The ease undoubtedly win go to t lie supreme court, it coun sel for the defendant directors can find something on which to base a motion. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. TO KENT lenoment of nine rooiun, both hot nd cola water, at Jocfcey Hollow. The house la so arranged that itcould be made into two tenements, Ave room down and four tip stairs. Would accommodate two small families very nicely. Inquire of K. P. Olds, 17 Watliineton St. iTOtf FOUND Lady's (told watch on West Hlil roan, owner can on nam 'inoiupson at the John Tabor farm, Barre town. 176t2 fOR SALE Restaurant wt h about 60 table boarders for sale cheap, owing to poor health. Inquire at the F. B. ( ate Hcai Estate Agency, Rooms 11 and 12, Bolster Block, Barre, Vt. l"6tf FOR SALE OR TOUEST-Cottage house with barn and a large hen house. About one acre of land with lot of bearing frutt trees. Inquire of c. II. Kenereon, Home Bakery. Church Street. 17Gtf WDING$TATI0NTEKr N. J. ROBERTS, 124 No. Mala St., Barre. Our Specialties! Nice Home-cured Hams, Salt Pork ' and Pure. Leaf Lard. Prices right. SMITH & CUMINGS, Meats and Groceries. ' Telephone 232-5. 305 North Main Street. A a a i,t . .3. .? ? r ft ft ft r ft & Buy lour tig Lookies Now!! Only 10c Per Pound. Tour J 2 Ycm do not get the opportunity every day J.. Our Candy is just the thinff. Try Chocolate CrMm & Chips." Only 10c per pound. f ? PARK" & QTRPHRM l i Telephone 12-4. 66 North Main St.. RAm i All Kinds of Syringes! We cirry ail kinds of Syringei and they 've of the best qualify for the price. Our itock of family Bulb Syringes i the rno complete in the city. Prices range from 50c to $2.00, We also have an exceptional showing of Fountain Syringes. Thee come m different sizes and at a variety of prices 50c to $2.50. Of course the higher priced goods are of heavier rubber and will outwear the cheaper grades, but all are made of fresh, elastic rubber which insures long wear. All are guaranteed.' C. H. KcndricK & Co., 54 North Main Street, Barre, Vt. DRUGGISTS. it entenni el fixes Both Wedge andVankee patterns. ame we have sold for many years and which give satisfaction. Price, including No. I handle, 90 cents. lege s luehel las!( e, Bamboo Half Bushel Baskets. Shaker Wash Tubs, old growth, no knots, h W,Ilow Rattan and SPlint Cloth Baskets, all sizes. All kinds Wooden r Wr. P A.t. it- lu 1 ..j nn i c , . o o o H c o o o a a . o SS o o H . r-"- s ov cvn. iviason jars in an sizes. Ttclcplicme 3 1-3. L. m. AVERILL. Opposite City Park, Batr e. Vermont, i, y