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I r Cheaper, to Yes, it Is Cheaper. Why ? Because every one of the hundreds of Skirts we have in stock was made up when the material was at least twenty per cent less than the same quality at this time. ; ; THREE SPECIALS At $3.98, one with seven gores, nicely plaited - plum full of style it would sell at 1 5.00 easily. Others in Serges, TELEPHONE 408-11 First Quality IRybbsi That means the kind we sell, the Wales Goodyear and Mishawaka Ball Band. Owing to the prevailing high prices the market is flooded with second quality goods. Buying your Rubber Goods here assures you that you are getting the best and at the lowest possible prices. Note these prices on Hurons, a One buckle Shoe for wool boots and leggins: Youths', no heel.. ...... $.90 Youths', heel.. ".. 1.15 : Boys', unlined.... 1.25 Boys", lined and extra heavy..... 1.35 Men's, lined and unlined 1.50 Men's, wool-lined, rolled edge 1.75 Remember That These Ate First Quality Goods. We Carry No Otter. Barre Shoe Co., 131 North Main St., Cherub's Kisses! Only 7 cents per quart. Sweetest of all Molasses' Candy. See our window. E. A. DROWN. 43 Ho. Main St., I NOTICE Keep looking until you find 140 North Main Street, where you will find one of the finest lines of . Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Jewelry and Sterling Silver Novelties In the city and at the lowest price, goods considered. 1 All Goods EngravedlFree While Yot Wait. E. O. HOLMES, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, Gordon Block, - - ' Barre, Vermont. ELECTRIC LIGHT Beautifies the Home & NO Work - - It's Clean No Worry - Can't Explode Consolidated Lighting Company, Phone 49-2, Elm St.. Barre. Phone 324-4. Montpelier. "WANTED, 1000 OVERCOATS Cloaks and Dresses to Color. Virst-class Work, Reasonable Prices. MONTPELIER DYE HOUSE, 9t Maia St., Montpelier, Vt. Buy Skirts Ready lade At $ 5.00, a pretty quality of panama in blues and blacks, 9 gores, all accordeon plaited at bottom except front gore. At $5.00 this is a hummer. Mohairs, Worsted Mixtures and HOMER m IS Barre, Vermont. Opp. Nat'l BanK. i No fumes No Soot . . Just Light Can't Smoke PIG PORK, corn fed. No Sweeter or better Salt Pork to be bad. II pounds for $1.00. Special price for larger quantities. Telephone 31-3. !l At $6.98, is a cheviot, ex tra fine fully strapped, 7 gores and the most service ble Slcirta we show. Cheviot Serges. NO. MAIN ST., BARRE, VT. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1905. Weather Prediction. Fair tonight, warmer in Vermont and New Hampshire, cold in, eastern Maine. Saturday fair, followed by rain in south ern, portion, in afternoon, or night. TALK OF THE TOWN. Christinas cards and post cards at O. J. Dodge's. Walter. Junior went to Wells River today on business. ; Fur and fur-lined gloves and mittens at Moore & Owens'. . Dr. Clement and wife went to Troy, X. Y. today on & visit. Mr. and MY. Charles Jacques went to Palmer, Conu., today to visit rela tives. There will be a whist party in Odd Fellows' hall, Gordon block, on Satur day evening, Dec. 9. Furniture, dishes and all sorts of use ful articles solicited for the rummage sale. Bring them in today and tomor row morning. There will be a regular 'meeting of Canton Vinton, Xo. 9, this Friday, even. ing at 7.30 o'clock. Election of officers. Per order Commandant. SHOT WIFE AND MOTHER. Double Crime by a Pharmacist in Pres byterian Hospital, New York, Dec. S. Alfred P. Frelich, a pharmacist in the Tresbytwian hospi tal, shot and instantly killed his wife, Fannie, and licr mother, Mrs. Anna Hoe flung, in his home in Brooklyn yester day. After the shooting lie pocketed the levolver and stepping over In wiles liody, w alked out of the house. He gave i himself up to a policeman he met in the street and va locked up after refusing to make any statement. Frelich had met his wife while she was employed m a stenographer in the lios pital and thev were married about five years ago. They have one child and the ; bullets t hat ended the mother-in-law's life came near killing the baby , with j whom its grandmother was playing at' the time. j A doctor who examined the prisoner at the station house said he was suffer ing from nervous prostration, NIAGARA FALLS FUTURE. Monslgnor Laflamme Thinks They Will Last Several Years. . Ottawa, Dec. 8. The full report of Monsicnor Laflamme on his investiga- i tion of "Niagara Falls was piven out by the government yesterday. The com putations made as to the rate of retro cession of the falls, he says, show wide diverfjenre, K retrocession advances the limestone beds increase, and therefore the wearing away process will be slow er. Cnibau says that in rs,000 years Niagara will disappear and the great lakes with the exception of Lake On tario will drain into the Mississippi, but it is impossible to form anything like an accurate estimate as to the process of retrocession. Monsignor La ilamme's report says that Canadian wat ers are unlikely to suffer greatly from retrocession for many years. "There are," he adds, "few scientific problems in which the personal equation plays so great a part." GEN. PORTER GENEROUS. Asks No Reimbursement for His Search For Paul Jones' Body. New York, Dec, 8. -General Horace Porter, former American ambassador to France, has written a letter to Congress man Henry T. Rainey, requesting that the congressman abandon his proposed intention to move an appropriation by Congress to reimburse General Porter for the sums of money expended in the work of recovering the body of John Paul Jones. ITe suggests that" any amount which Congress may think due him bo added to the contemplated appropriation for ornamenting the crypt of the chapel at Annapolis, which has been made the permanent resting place of Admiral Jones' body. LASD. Nearly all Leaf Lard from corn fed pigs, ia bulk or in twenty, thirty and sixty pound ash tubs at lowest possible prices. L. AVERILL, TALK OF .THE-TO wW Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. Sw'iiil Christmas handkerchief sale at Abbott-. .Tnhii f'asnnl loft lu.t uight for Italy to pi'iid tho winter. llii )niiLiiiii!r to tints pianos. Women's worsted slippers on wool soles in assorted colors at V. J. Mc MeLean's. Saturday forenoon is not too late to leave your packages at the gas oflice for the Rum mage tSale. News has been received in this city from Italy of the death of Joseph Casani, formerly of this city. A great many things have been re- waved for the Rummage Sale, but more could be disposed of. Bo not forget to bring your contri butions to the Rummage Sale, Dee. 8 and 9, at the gas otliee The advertising scheme just about be- inj launched by B. W. Hooker & Co. U certainly a novelty. It will take, we venture to say. ; Mm Florence Hammond, who lias been book-keeper in Scott & Townsend's ,of fiee, has hushed work there and leaves today for her home in Zanemlle, Ohio, REV. I. C. SMART CALLED. A Burlington Congregational Church Af ter Pittsfield Man. liurlington, Dec 8. The College Street Congregational church last evening voted to call Rev. I. C. Smart of Pittsfield, Mass., as its pastor. The Rev. I. C. Smart is regarded as of the ablest preachers in western Massachusetts, and he is highly esteemed, both as a minister and as a citizen, as well as a man. He is about 45 years of age, being the son of the Rev. Dr. V. S. Smart, who for many tears was pastor of the Consrre gational church in Brandon, and who alno served a long pastorate in Albany, -N. i . lie is a graduate ot Amherst col lege, where he was orator of his class, and of Union Theological seminary. He was installed a3 pastor of his present ciiureh soon after completing ma course in the seminary, and his pastorate has continued there for twenty years with uninterrupted success. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. Dr. George w. Phillips Is to Leave a Rutland Church. Rutland, Dec. 8. The resignation of the Kev. Dr. George W. Phillips as pas tor of the local Congregational church, was accepted at a meeting of the church held last night, the vote standing 63 for and 33 against it. The date on which the resignation shall take effect was fixed by ballot at July 1, 1906. The society held a meeting immediately after that of the church and concurred with the action of the latter. VINCITIA LODGE, NO. 10, K. of P. Castle Ilall in Blan chard Block. Regular meetings on Tuesday evening at 7:30. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. WANTKIl A loan of t.n0 on rest estate worth 2,mk. For particulars jip!jr at 1). A, Perry Keal Rutate Agency. SS6W ROOMS To BENT Furniiibed, in the bent of location. F.lectrie iielits and lurnace heat. Apply t 31 Jefferson street. 2--518 SATURDAY CANDY full weight and better than most 40-cent kinds. Only RED CROSS PHARMACY LIFE IS SHORT And Now is the Time To Save Money. Buy your goods at the great CLOSING OUT SALE Now going on at A. Tomasi's store, where you can get goods at your own price. Come quick for the goods must go. A. TOMASI, . Tomasi Block, Cor, Maia and Merchant Sts., Barre. ASH MEAT TUBS, 20, 30, 60 and 200-pound, new, except once used. Prices low. Also heavy No. 1 twenty gallon Stone Jarr, A. A. bMlin w(SD0fl In investigating the great Reduction Sale on Cold Weather Goods now on at our store. Undervvearl Underwear! Large lot of Camel's Hair and Natural .Wool Un derwear. Shirts double breast and back, double- seated Drawers. Regular $1.25 grades to close at 89c Large lot Double-braested Fleece-lined Underwear to dose at 47c Cashmere and Woolen Hosiery Large lot of Heavy Wool en Socks, reduced from 50c, to close at - 39c Lot of heavy Socks, re duced from 35c to 23c Lot 25c Cashmere Hose to close at- - - J 5c Felt and Sheepskin Shoes A large lot of Felt and Sheepskin Shoes, with rubber, felt or leather soles, regular $2.50 or $3.00 grades, to dose at $f.98 ROBBER FO OTWEAR Lot $2.50 two buckle Arctics to dose at - - $1.98 Lot $ 1 .5 0 and $ 1 .75 one-backle Arctics to close at - $1.39 Lot $1.25 Cloth Top Robbers to close at - - 98c Lot $1.25 Leggins and Felts to close at - - S9c Gloves and Mittens At a Great' Reductico. Large lots of $1.25 and $1.50 Gloves and Kittens in all styles and weights to close at 89c Lot of 75c Gloves and Kittens to close at - - - 49c Far Lined Glovts and Mittens are shown by us in large as sortments at from $2.00 to $8.00. Flannel Shirts at a Bargain! Large lots of $1.50 Flannel Shirts, with and without col lars, in blue, gray, crimson and brown colors, to close at 98c. A. A. SMITH. & BRO, Men's Outfitters, Miles Granite Block, - - Barre, Vt. NEW RAISINS, Rice, Minute Tapi oca,Sago.also Bell's Poultry Seasoning, Sage, Thime, Spices and old-fashioned Porto Rico Molasses. Opposite m ! 11 ' t rtimni.nii nnl mim urnimni i r " i Christmas Towels!-.- The kinds you will be looking for later, are here now. The time to invest is when the assortment is good. We are offering exceptional values this season. Be sure and see our new line. Prices range as fol lows: 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c each. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. USI05 CLOTHING COMPANY. "Tilt CAT So has real Overcoat weather. You need an Overcoat now for warmth i well aa appearance. If you cr your boy need one come to t. Pricea for Men'a Overcoats, $5.00 to $20 00. Pricea for Boys Overcoats, $2.50 to $5 00. , Boys' and Children's Department In this department we we showing the largest aelection ever abown in Barre. See our Special School Suits at $2.00. . Shoe and Rubber Department We have nevr shown such large variety of Footwear as we are showing this season. All kinds of Rub ber Shoes for Men, Women, Boys and Children, Heavy Rubbers for the Workingman, Leggins, Felt Shoes, in fact everything in Footwear. Every pair of Rubbers staid with our guarantee. Come here for Rubber Goods. Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Rink Building, Opp. Depot Square. "iirrdOD OaiiHicra noma ooooooooo DOOOOOOOOOOOOO i Home of "Ball Dand" I 0 No store anywhere has a more complete stock of O 8 Overs and 1 Boots to keep feet from getting cold or wet Q than ours. Every conceivable thing in "Mishawaka" V O " Ball Band " Knit Boots. Socks and Overs in stock, and O 0 at prices that are right. Now is the time to protect your- O self from colds and possibly I mmrsMoi store, 5 O 157North Main St. C S. ANDREWS, PropV. O An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results; onael The Big, Best Chance! We now offer an excellent opportunity for economical, satisfactory Christmas buying that nobody can afford to miss. Come to us. THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELRY STORE, Depot Sqaare, Barre. FRED KING, Proprietor. ORDER EARLY WE HAVE A FULL LINE Of HOLIDAY GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. The first pick is always .the best pick, and the wise shopper is buying Christmas goods NOW and avoid the "last minute" rush. " " Be wise. Come now. Pick out what you want and we will take good care of it for you and deliver when you want it. D. F. DAVIS, "Tte Druggist," 262 North Main St., - - - . Barre, Vermont. LARGE SWEET APPLES, Fancy Eating Pears, Sweet Potatoes, Cran beiries. Oranges, New Dates, Pears to pickle or preserve. City Park, Currier Building, Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. CAME BACK" MJTYdKOD OJCIHIOID HOIMA pneumonia. Q M H for CHRISTMAS SALT SALMON, new, red and heavy. Boiled Gder Fieklcs, Tarns, Preserves, Marmalade, Ketchup, etc. They are sure to please you. Barre Vermont o p o H H a p o H W 3 o