Newspaper Page Text
THE r.ARRE DAILY TIMES. T3F.C. 13. 1903. Bofora End After XmasIlTHE MRR daily tmes Before n4 after ChrMttia yon. will find our Ue hest'uaiter !'r U that $ jtiod ia Stationery, rVhwe t'tir .-muts, Hiiich U now, it uil pay you vt'l to we tit preiy this;; Siave tot f,nit.i. Tir everything you would expect to find in a t-mkwry Store and mow. It would take too bujf to tell of their Wautv atsd vetu.i.a, 0 !"t -ai In and Ixik aronjid for yourvlf. There wUl be Betluoa about our prices to scare j ou. Barrc Book Store, CAKXOi.1 W. WART., rrefrktor, Gonlon Block, t40 No, Main St PURE CIGAR CLIPPINGS . Two and one-half ounces for 3c. Ever tried then ? PLAYING CARDS I Uve just received' lot - of those Playing Cards,, Two packs for 23 c MARRION, Pipes mi ToUec, Comer Cigar Store, Barrc. Mileages on All Roads. canipini q Scon sr - PENNY ARCADE. ScAxnplat Block. New Moving Pictures, Athletic Machine, Batteries, PISTOL and RIFLE PRACTICE Open Day and Evening, SLEIGHS, HARNESS ar,3 ECSES! J? yvw ; ni"i ; em t tte mm aeaoM. , siise ani 1 aaaaMa- Vaa.a-a-. MJa i?. ! H. f Gl.It's LKarv, uut at' Clsj eJ tU-te, ft, FOR SALE New atafewrd Oartoat aad pair ei e;aii ?cc f aak hi reMfc-Hi.. AS a-r ixtittaa ia- at'e. A HARE CFPOBTUNUY f tr Covds at Sock Far Msaiade el tk mo& we I tea it cask aa Mdtt wk e ea-1 teat vJT tSi (ia.'jl ra:e. - Csta aad $ wfed at vaoa. a 1.'.i tib vUnti It ILArth-u-, L D. PropncicHr. . . .i ... ... i . ' Mcntpelier FUR STORE W '. a !k-je stfxi cr F--i.-s .f ;. at masiib. yrwe. Wt ss ttjairtitr. $?wffi. i eriier, Fs TteooiMed 4 rsfJfei t t sew prtt isiuL $cm mi. Ta. $rpi4 Ssatk u $s.5 Sam.. , : ; . ... vX-.t as. Ti9wlaM IWhit Z Cct.;j JJt - Id.r;. Trrr-; ...... .i'i's 1 y-FF Jty 'FI ' IFj , F. (n i W f1J.AU A iaak4iA t-wwn WEDNESDAY, 5ECEKEEB 15, 1003. WHAT Witt MAKE YOUR SALARY fcitire-r! Sothinc, utile it" be eontimted and rti etloil tm tur i art lVr. 'iit ciiaix'l your ti'u;y; therefore -we' advi.-e iauruee ntnl the cMr ' eiTurt, Jti'h year, liousi" luim-s m 42 Mate. National Life Ituurauoe lompny of Vermont (.mutual. Orpin i red ia isjo, S, 8. l'-ttlUr.t, t;enetal Aireut. N. IX. 1'altard, Local Aftent, Rooms 3 ajed 3, Mi!' lUock, lUue, YL TALK OFTOE TOWN. Oyster stewa at tLt Eureka tlu raat. Mi Minute IVr-i. a nurse, k o,ire itj a A. A. Northrop, IMiea Faitk Chapuwa t Ferrisbur.? J vUttinj; friends in. the city for a Tkw days, Tfce Civic Federation of Wosa' chub cleared 130 from their rreecs- iuuiiug saio, A suit or overcoat for iSat boy will make a suitable preettk, Uo to Aie Whorter's. CUJ jrwld d aileer wanted at re finers' prioe ia axchaaga for good at r . &. r-urr . Madam C. CUmrow. f?!j!yvwnf land fh n-dr t she BuifU fcteek a IVi uxyt, xvoxa n. AW Fowijrw wisW to ttiud ; M. &h't tuy 4)tukia likt' up to w. t i Cipeat itvlxtotoa ia rvi-.v in ic?r I wiMiawry t Mws L. K. Townswsd, mi! j liay park-!, S3 Wbiittva tnh;t. ! . ; t u ... l.. ..: .1 uoi. at Bt ii.iv vet Fiu a rBdir nd dWJrtn'w .f o.tlcntrs w! tJ.iw Mce. CaU atd, covp.e Ntie ef e-vtm stand V irM p. Ja- '.e 5h'5f tot I'm itrt- M.4v.e aa es.'.aea.u tor LVv "", SI Ci. bits tv,"s Sv tie OniioM Wjui lo W tTa by lie L U, T. M. ut k-aw . 11. F. S"Vv, w.'l Ivm cU. ye;. w.'i v'l. a rv.. ii i 1 trVw'lie b 11 tell vol So N ov-t ! i-ve. t: if jvv vw"o I. v. i Otia, Fail Ut EarW . . ... I -a say was t Ta?t4 on t bSww IVe. tJ, I S'l riowt out vry j Wit.'s at eotst prrc. AVoui - j talt-evk aa-i Sard wvt be I V ria.! t'Ak. .r?.j sS,e I'-v!, .. I ' I tfct jo wi. ev'J !v4. t: 1 Vih ep f n 1 V 3. v-. . 1. t U. -i 3 ix e ' -1-a l tr!'i ia d , .t i-'i'io.i. i ; ! " v it 'd rv'v , ".r 'ri4'. t l"; ti. . M-t" Jt 0 ;iojt ie -t - j' .-1 iu,il a v x N -e tw t-i -w a t ... ... C ..v ii j T tv t vt ?'' t" tw i tie taatst. ea-j bea a kty ene t s-w ,t. V to b i; nt . e;ocy ia Cs.w-a H.e.e ID Fni.'a vf F-t .,. .W. !t.!'(d aasMusi ts'jv' Btstus$rNa ia Jv"rw a a : fecat eraoat. bfOHo'is bc t- tie tvi-t w .t a. at. . .u. two swm ad at ts reit iUi t i' Uv S tt 1 , L Fari -,'. kN x"5. t i .ira K twee t Vea wtia ! ,, w , i.r v-rt a vt V 'f j mvi!3 ata arser aea'tic taw Wx' t saxnr wea. pmwt a .itxwai tfJ aortea. - p A r.'ac;'U Fat ts it a (sitft. ta a ta wlire i saw smo i-oitJta o ji..i i r3 tW.Altoay sty.' t t i-xTir C'-eaf l- ?, Ici Aruc-a j tnt - ! ! F -. 'ii avl l4ii CrMa i'iir- ii, S'-'4S I ies!i.-frs wso 5.a"ie ft. res'?fem f'.'r sm n-i.&L-xj f tirftT . tt-iwc f .-t o.' . a r if I jpmewu, ptvte - t f te.Jla waii wortii lit. C. .A. j' a va4 ajfci wu: ie jhs Fi y j F.-d i Ur.-ir vi' l u f A4 i U'.i auc.u(& 1 fd nhe jt wiiwii, Ot (d .. Cvy ? A''-rf a ' f a?d A w'ij. -iy iay-, ami Jasac. s d.-w tl Sis4.4 iwc,d. .t is a .: i k Jyy to tatidJt : a.ira aa j r-ai v-u-i C S. bLy - ri:'w. ! Tt. aeasMsvAa ttua jpAj seat w- r c"w v r-e, -jx. a saay'ie f tAj,e e t it a F- .e ?e-T t l ,mjm.. imaHs ta waa: tataaii j. '.as ta nis. at saw sttsuM'e- of a3 r hr ry sc.-a U-m aad ' i'Aiqj (tseitFaa, i t. xiuw i'F-Bvm xwf aty j 4UfJ in naturfs IiiirioJ dcp in onr American forrt, iuar.vve.vrn as. Dr. I'lori-o louud a l;uiu:u!, b'lmins pi.iut th r.( ef wutcd pose woauortui.f rsu'aosoa jiwj'r!w as a et-.x.naca sad grneral Utiw. also aa an aitra;!v or buHxl pander ad liver taviorator, harir.j au wiHMjial aiSussy for all mucuos surt;tos upit whk-h it exerts a moss salutary, so.nhtBg assd heninig induesica. This st-ardv pla-it ii known to lxtaai!s as Itydrastt Cauadeni, bin ha wrrat local Eagiih nswes. te:r,g pnerally kuowa m Golden Sea!.. Dr. t ierce found the root of thw common Kirt plant to possess nedknnat prin ciplas of groat potency; wpciily whea cuwbiftei. in ju.t the right proportion, wttn Quoit's root, Black Cherr-bk, Sioc rwt, Mandrake rwot snd IvlooA- KKt, the properties of eac'd. betnj ex tiscied aad prewrrod ia ehnnioaily por Rtwrino ot proper etwngtiu j use of a crop 01 ajcottot ma preemr.j Thie eompouud Dr. Fierce naae4 i-them unJmpatrwi ia tny ciimat Ur any bis Go!da Medioal Ihtcever?, in i testh 0! tiase, eo Dr. PUrfe and ha honor of lb sturdy Uvie GoUa Sei as'.tMit coeit and pitarataftistt plivt. S few! ns4 w. tbt root of tedious a-xnsa of study aad esperi plant by the u.tWal prafr4oa at j pjeat. eawndis owr sewntl rears. tba , titat it focii be parrhaMl Wita tN usa oi clKk'aUy pare jtlycr ia tii open nsarketa for from fiiteea ! in, of just tie rjbt etreesa, and with eenw to twroty eeata a pouud. Th i laboratory apparatuj ana arpUaseee ns of mm torn of t.b.i kj awry j vpciaHy taveawd and dvipte4 fc carry yar in Dr. rime'n two kadSnt weds f on ibe deli'c: proceewa employed, Dr. etnee tor it entors iat fcotb "Ooidea ? IVrc f-al!y fouad that all ths'saedwl Medical Dtseovtrr aod aUa into Dr.t! nal prn)rlV r?5.idisj ia tJte sereral I': e roe's Favorite I'rwer.u-a as on of tatiro nisaioical rt coa'.d be tsors .their moet . ipomnt iBgredieataottas prfetr xcte and bttrpremd e'.wi t- rrio of ta roit K adraac troiu feris;eatatia than ii alsefcoi srai antil to-day it coouuaiuis opu aria ot ; tmnloved. a uosr asd a ta'd a poaud. Ms. hskce' 'a:ts. Dr. Fiertsf- believes that in oar cattv. foits ne fe b kend an abaadaac t " a.aabltt Ridki'aal p'anss iof th ot re any d.'twi?.jt and mem hil taa2i;e. if only wk u'.ti.n cm, tt AvSi a-xd lism h.w ?1 fi.-r sbt So p.-e tl:a. rsi-iiTJi1, he he' ve tbit ib-s vt','- elk" kts'.o'Q ie Se cr Kk , rt f ? tc.r k,-!s ba-,.)R re-iAl ii fv.ey -s k nd'r ts? t,u. syt'eiv a-d are e .i'nj.!v-i or wir- rci am i ;: todv hr 1 ysWnl fjiBCM Ci w.t1! t uv, j-v, ei.'tt u cve arere jf ss K-ve.j-to i-."se p'-t; -i re . saeai us or-l- r t. rf-s rt v ;tr saaaeat onjv, Ir. Fierce' tneauiea purvitf Te,-uk.:, are pcr. -t ; b4"nu -s'v. la o;:-v wor'.-. w'. tav't an? jH'eoi so ojr, ii p;-; v ftf1" js.e c"i:" B . 4ob-i tfey Wt no ta i e Ik- (! u ouwe wd to.c.'U 11 i. e a wl kd e-i so sp; rv:v iwofnsai of 'v-h. ar take a : tna booojabi aanaet ot cccA'ief to nte a"dt..e(r epMcwd tle wht titr ar Ui'f itiw tlit orco.K doraoo p"-od oi w.-. -.': aU a ben Sisl. u-a ti M.tyvi-s Dr. F.ree d cov bs? ere-i tftat (Vwi.Tp'j! r.twusa. cl. A tu book of astrfc-fa fm r"y"""'' .r'i-.;rt. is a et:r t a " cd . ':al pr-r ; s i.f-MMNit, nAbvat roeiliaj ia or ta- K I t-l p V4 Lkaa ta awiwl: x ermojra.Hhat is tHeeeaiea mrrsaia ed '.vii prvpe-tirt wi r o, e de aut cat. rzu anitfw.; aad a ISSIT iTaSO AtOVS. ,TV Y " as ;ter Dr. r.V -! i oa. i'w te f-e't Wteki ta.'. few ;R"irsor. r4"t "d PBr.aer. a r s Frvrni ,mijjr t.rT-:., CS'tCJlGOt 15 S2ATIir. fXi'.'t V:rr E t M-ti i - 's?i.iit.;i. d 4 ; J sa i t r e,i , H e t v ij,; . ce i a t - 4S "( I W tv a . " i t i . - - I e t X ' s. :.x-r ei o ia .' t i v :,ti.'F. . t - i a- I S.ff Stucmted tk AjusjjI. A t ' . i c ii 'j x " : Sol 'j. I . ' - t f !. ' d ' . V Si 1 t t i.' v t tl I. 'il i " .4." ... ii ' 1 f t i 3 1 l" I V 1 i i i S ' i. !!'" i i! t .4 l tl . i; 04 I -t I a j j.' t. f. 'f t r , If It V, . J jt., f . S - - - " ' F I - 1. ' " ' "id ' J 1 - I "F- 4 ws VMt "' . "'I'l'' kt-'A,'F' 'FFj T"V: ht.. ' . i ' 1. 1 -I " . : .""..'.( ; ' r & fi. it. na 1,.. i "L'ie ,so -4 i. 1 aite-w 1 ei w u u. P.. 3e:-' rt, t r-.3 'd t i 2 t r v . -'ie,i t j fa '. : 'tiXC i 'C - t i- I'attC'.. . ef . . u e bkAA Vi'i Cause of -g5 S3 ta era its ewi rtn wwCT piww ii f 131 a 2 HO k such u ta f? m p p w r ri m t, . . . . A t i i 4."! M . . : . !FF.FF'TRFFFFF?F.J- laboratory. ous, owr-woried r.nd broken dowi i woman couwius any aUvdtol. itiiern to a place oil li.ey are teisher patent mcUiciow nor sectvt ones filler, for evtry fcvttl el Dr. Fierce' world - fatiu'd raHticinf Wav'.r.j tlyf great laboratory at Buffalo, N. Y., bus prluto-t npoii iu. wrapper ail the ifigredieut entering into it conspojitiou. This it why to many nnptfjudioed physicians now prescribe Untii and recraairnd tbra fc their patieatt whea they would not think of WifVjt ts;e use of a se-crvt nostram. Il ey kr.ow what tby era cotapos?i of, ami that ti:e uvfdlents are t&oes en dr?ed by th most eu.ineat eie"iicJ auti,eii'is of all schools of pracuc. ALL RIGHTS TWlCttO. Tb txntt worklcg forainla or niak- it.i Dr. Fvree'i juedic'.Res wisboat tie j De;t;cs the gTyrecise, of itself, pe. I .vivi the property of freatlreaiisncisj tb rk-icy cf ti.s several raiiioiiiai iau eaipScjed.. wseteat akwbol Is I wwi known ta b cb;tcsmb;e to kat taetiioma to b esnpVvvd in ehrerSe ; Unsuif dwes. wbee , at beat, ewtt went a be t-t.nt4 twf a eataid erab'e perwd of t u e w trdt'T to eiit ! ti" c-it coa ?Vs atd prttsreti. Ihe esoi j n jroa i tc -traI ' rs" iev. ti-ei sr. tl aw ic- ts ; tiwaf uerd .ra;Wr aaJ tf"ar 1 5s s e;1; aravs aui s,,-: axess i e"" lM u ti.e'r raancj'fu'e, art w ,'V1 s .d f,. a& r.;t, c.ryast Dt. F roe's pr-pr.e'ajv r 4. '.is l-a l tiin?-i .ad ti'-d t ;oa" br bjs' r-Dc'v d r 1 tr.5- aho "jve;;- iwUae4. ia forf Dr. D-we's tr.ed.--.-a It task, cotSi: bices s'si-aer"! of tier t-i.i .v-t.-vr.n, evwnr isenMlr!.i a. Kmiua w -u w. ot (u. r.Vfa asi ataaaard neowai wort of a;: t d-l. f.;er; mkjj tl t ta t -e. jp.-rs-i-, 13 the teimt. ai b tewral i- f-rK.Wnt ::iett. into Dr. lVtc . fcedsnee and s.Lia ' what & fe . -."?5 aloat, e - a .. ? si aatj aj'i eurev wu; be teamed re to aav I s--ld4 by Dt. S. V. Fie?, ef Ss.5ax, N. Y. oa rvcv rt ol re-;ae tor aaat ; br Una e.t rua.jZ i-ain i.,. iwj F wm F"ets . ara .s.-r-ir e-:ry..d l i-i-r a- l.Ke ecw-MraW f V.roi. a- i -t tv$ 'a.e s.d tiva. ..-... w.. faci:st h sir .T'f r?v V -- t J.i! K. " "a." ; y It 1 Cv I w 4 s'wjj" t r i v- - f 1 e ' "i . h""v t srjn f. . . " a i t t v f . : i I t; Fa: d A..- i' - l ) K f i . S F - it S.'irl-bj.-.v : t" " W . J C. 1 C 1 : j w r " j , a !f;'(,";.t r wi .r t t l!..F t W V -f 4.' t I i F. ' " lj ti ji HA A' F I, ! - V A i , f 'i r i t f'" - -.- 1 L - i . et S ' r - x - '"; tu. e' . .. . . . ' V i - F . F. A 'J " F . j . . .: si . t . j t.F w i i i' ' F..'6'F F. W t - , j ,tfl ! i i t i V' wa."iwttf s iii..r r.ifi V .1 t f, FA F.H n FF 't. . (I - FFF ' F., A J . 1 i ' 2 4 i'i la Fit. a tias aiettea tA twacs t vrxr if a i Iwtr. C . -;-t: fi dx y svtri il tl S-'wj'v. "oiicvxiJ y-.x.'s t a:-."?i. ca.i i ackitt. ft5jsiteas aau'a. wsai. aMS u s. m.'iinijwi'lat'lwimlaii micxmxy n .1 f ta p 1 1 w r J n t i . Art VFh-vf f.. BERLIN. The pi-nd and ctrner and eat road .-oriier ud eat iad teacliere board at Mr. Stvitii-', and tbe pond teacher at C. St e Art's. Riehiiid Cluirthill ai Henry Ferrin ad their cattle dehorned. Dr. Charlie irver did, the dehomiBsr. t arrx Srsow is doing boue work for Henry Pemn a jew wekj. TUtre as a dur.oe at Will Seed's on L-"r!..;.y evietiiijj anj a lrgis a'owd at tended. ! - A larsre white owl flew oa the fence only a few feet from R- Churchill's dtsr. 'H the big suow atoita of Sunday, but co ti'd net be eaurht. Mrs. AnanU Ffia was stricken with i rok that left one wida priyted. i'hey have a ce fmru She ti:v. Ir. it.key wa called to H. S. Per rin's for his uvotker, who s t?k. Kef. Mr. Watt p.eee4 a aa ser iaoa. We are sl glaid to mm him back Mi. Abe Stewara is suilris wito a touch oi the rheiicatifra. SOUIH CABOT. D. Jf. IIjII w in Montpelicr and tiarro lt Monday en boainesit. Mr. lUrry Liu bet hxt cslshod her work for Mrs. I b'teTvoson acd'returaed h.a:e. , C, E. Scriboer was in St. Xilinsbury last Saturday, morning witit new s'erpk. Oria C'sxk wa home from Waldea 9T Sunday. Mies Flia Cosley ia ia Cabot working for Qtri Boyle. ' Reaavdy, the teacher here, took foorteon Cf ke Uctte oaea on a straw kit Sa.'.-.Uy to West Danville sad return, aod treated tiens to awts and eandy. Barlie tlaaaceate drove bia team. Is was a Lsprr crvi, &.Js Cwbejed .'a- sctjiH BABRS. EKwr;rta. Lo-hlis kas fiaMed wwk m t-ao Srtb uvk iaa. iii M L. Ltwu ad ii-. I-itj E. .jr wr te "irj oer i-.ouiy of . 4i Mrt ra U-a". Jlr. Ira ;.: of ;.-. X. k the tS Ot SXt C5 tut Mr. and Ji Ja v 1' V I Vfttt. Tli . hi -'! rs t Vr siJ r :4 NV.K as ta-e Jty, ka retatswji so ker heme. A txsiSer . rra tki tise attenW t ittv f IV s las' i'l.jiy -j'.;,' A xary e&-oyal Ura snu reported. wn.tUKsrcwy. - A It ! 'Kiif il.X lZ It C-t'J at tlef tows ha. I Wettaed.y a! '.sTxa aa l Dices ber U t ti tt't (nviki Ti,.'i . I te bo-in recre- jiia'y. KcasJt Sen. taaebed iMtatws aal ctber delseaes I , ,.vi ir -) 5 ! ?j A 'r !- a s- b L i . ueif si"--er, !?, I ;j -". .'t)wlrpa ..a. ti. U tea... Ai- a to c .-crt l cents. Aa Iaciiitst f tk Ta?. 1 ,."e--'.vx i ;-r.t . i 1 4 ia IJV , "o at k- s. ui. v. j-. t e ' v. i . -' s s't. t.!,,e ctLe Aa t V. I .. '. '. tl-tvr ij t . j .".'.. v .i. Brt ' -u i I --. ; j ton w u.v t&e aara tf ttwicf : a -a a, --as . v a: rs t- f ., rt . i t rf!ii. 1 r 9a "ti "iter ; oa ot ti rar.'. oi y Vt tli t HI? 111 A Vv.. f t s. t.aoe. siea a ecrat oj. ia sa .i jei ; saw fcs ksKowa . .' ! . A. . F, ...1, t, : Q W.F - i i a - " I tu e trewr ta keeps warm sad? t t -i v aid ifjJJ v- J. t ri ia i. f a ' t .e wb: S2 ' y a us' " "lie ihh.-o s ta5 i G.aiiai kts Oaae. ws a3w Pit weu, Wt taers- tt 't ft -i'f ,lt b A tsA. . Ska eawi aa ettaare ei Ui ' -: . r - A I - ' V it r T" 1 till m a tF sis .wc to taae 8-ss ?w Seotaec ecvi- ti rr. are,! uai Uo 8 .'.,at'i firmer as, ir wwre1 mi tj t.!Csft- -o "S"r vti w !e k j"f are &et-:e6A. tlkea W brc-tar 4; iiii ft-o Uh : ' A eweere iae fJ-wwi w ka ! J r-4 . Ai a f,- y . i ). ' AjiJ'h a itar. UMt-ti 12t-T, i 'kjcra es! J ?saBacw,. .w. aw a, WI t-uixji w?jr f yea wxk g.tjA-A ww rsJii ed Jb&amm tkir t " t-i"wu. ' af.y Hcflua fcds wa se - . . . c . AS liK-tso -if iSji "F "I 1. n Dt ! :rtoww; SLseaae. C A. ?oa. eJ .w"6 t ?3.-ntnu trfer. X. fait. oI fJtk4r5 Ifctarar;. 3.ra. C XL lane. tra.: vawFari. A. T ifck ti i S)aaaa ttsirwasdw 2-?."! t KStaaiti' t Braafti ceafaaus. !L H.J aas. asaArw; sew-iee, jj wsjfc. '.? i.,!Wjf t smteV.f. . .ltr-s(ii, ' A ' ''-. S V "A. ku Tt fMTF. tt V-Fi. ,. t-; Ih-.t e t. fa rantam 4 taa eaew ':":ftii Ktiksw&. P at'Tir'!rTM.?- asi j wt JM! ai as see! wevmMstr. it; rcraFtF'rt "f s-x' we. "i !flMt- i lea t . .FF'-rs w i .fifu Sij Af. -vi 'I i-"4..F. .id .Hit- ;i.aY fuwatl C-rassal I :"S . BARRE'S eweiry In Rings, Watches, Lockets, Pins and Chains. ' watches rji Reliable American Watches all sizes, Gold, Sil ver and Nickel. . CUT GLASS Hawkes Glass is the finest in the world. Look for the trade-mark on evsry piece. Avoid the cheap stamped glass with very Kttle cutting. JEWELRY Fine Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Piadnup Pins, Chains, Rings and Buttons. See all th pat terns of Carmen Bracelets here. SILVER Ice Pitchers, Tikers, Nut and Bon-bon Dishes, Tea Sets and Candelabrsjns. A large variety of pure Sterling Silver. AH the . best patterns of Tabkware. See the styles of Frencn Grey. ; FOUNTAIN PENS. Sterling and Waterman Idml. We recommend the Sterling, a worli-bcatsr, at $1.00. With, gold at A great variety of Goid Pens in cbaoy, pearl and silver handles. A pearl handle Gold Pen at SOc ClOCKS Gold, Marble, Ebanizcd aad Porcelain. JEWEL CASKHTS A s-pcchl ajsortnisnt of Jewel Caskets ia GcAi and French Gray LEATHKl GOODS. Ce i SJk Ua.bis. CHAFING DISHES Sstrsan kw dse ha; bacer of 0 3 asd cc: bo tsorr. .-v . s a ne -5J OUR GOODS An RED WARaVs TCD i s c I a m . Telephone 102 1. - S5 i IJI TIVl Sf",?lfffi,w,F?wa itch A. W. BADGER , Fwsaanal Ulare.eissw. The Best Araalaica ii the GHT YOUR BULBS t 5 '-:Nct -f b?' l-t rr wrjswe soil 9nae 4sa. 1 iw a else s.r t fsTviaa aw. taeeaotr ajva!. ti:-e. yarasjea essew-iwye A3-i C&csenn ateel hL-?-?- "S- f-r w-a fe r. sa mviaeskaw . . mtiw fit . .1 . . -x . . . p. at. 9a-FiATS, .-".ia to tt .. GISLIE, THE FLORIST, Jd&lm-&im. 132-12 : fewtsimiw.. sn-ll, . CISJ SL2CL FilL STSiJT. 9 3?W82Q32S-!&a&gS : , ELECTRIC WKEG ! ) ; t 1 standard Eii:aT;:c co, I m. seww, & a. w. jfutatoaa.. U te jfoesi aa feset. Yea, ff STa7.0R.FfiY. - ' aua, CSrmr Lws, Tfje-wfcaf, , r-W t A"' ru... fT2 Cf k RafLti. IIFJ WkVVt - Bii jj - - . a j IjB!rTnr Ess3T carter Eeaeaat Satsa '2ce JJ- rr-:s.-w.DR. C, H. KENT, Dessssi liXES'' 5a3CS d: l IT I . . . A S ( . J. AU S-aSMa. Sta-suKs-aaa. faesa? i-.h. .--navm.Tji. OLDEST : TA ... e .. DIAMONDS ; ' CLL EMRY ARTICLE AS EEPRESLNIO. BURR & CO. North Main St., Barre,ArL " ffi.fnt Parlor Furnifore See our Parlor Ssit we ofTer at $3 9. CO. This is a 5 -piece Sak with raahogaaizsd btrch farsanes, iipftolstrcd in Versra p'iish and t beauty the price. PAnior. cura in. M styles autd at rnc fccm 51. CO up to 5w GO eaciw & CO., JToret Ebd UcawaesA JCi&.alat-i. - Cty at tha Shortest.. Nc-tit. .V. 1 k i . . -'"y M- a-FAF ff. UiHisa ts. -wia, mua : . fa a fi cJ ZZ"" MRS. H. A. BEACH, H. Vv. SCOTT, Astsn "a Fee. j- wHXH & PAGJ . 42 t t Wj" J I. c-.i. WW 4ffci ieiMa.r w.-.uie 4- r.. t'i ?sew eeaswRF Uraw. sr-!-. i, "'I V . F - WV"t . j C fi i-. ; . ;t-1. i fi autrFi Df, i.aj . n- tli, Mi i v ;f .:-. L X VdZCD, ar T1. ! f-;" TJf ,T"-- r y . ' iA J.-.J 1 . . ... . , .. . I p, " jm Asz. 56,. t-;k iff 'e? : c kii a mt i' s a ri, j "ttwewwa .ju5p-eBtaks tost is t.le r I- -A 1 1 FJFr&rnF fjF(( ;i n Tcr Se 2.1 I M . , A.n ?r-.:rti. ? !ls. rn:r. f.5 :L" FI ''fKfC'iFFF"!', ''Vf f - T- , , f . -Ji 11 r ( 3 t,; ).. jf ' fX JF a! V H H et A fS, 3 5 . t f fF lFrtF ( F F ' . . ' 4 ' F tt .IFF V V V n F. J iJ,l , . F , M F , n . 4 J F , 4. J , ' i . w tiiAvr-x tc ii.i . . I I- 1," 'V 1. l I. ;f jr A -. mJT t t'- Hi Cr,i It,-r S o r. C- tliw- cmtjiwa. it. i'..iatF-.'iF:1F:ft j . : S ' 1 ii. - "i M . t (HlMtJi vf St 3 ,J.r.FU.. l. ! J .' Lai