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i, acw!wi&-,isfrJiiKw '" THE JJAKKE OAILY T13T1DS, JAJt. L'IS. imHi. d:cs ' its ' presence ' known hy many signs, glandular tumors, tuncncs m the neck, cutaneous ercptions, Ja- catarrh and wasting diseases. Kobd'sSarsapariDa Effects permanent cures. HOUSE THE STORM CENTRE Will Me Up Rate Bill And Statehood. ACTION ON- THE F0RAER Its Final Form to Be Fixed by the Senate Insurgents Still Hope to Defeat . Statehood Keasure, ' .' .' Washington, Jan. 23, Interest will centre in the House this : week.- The committee on interstate and foreign com merce will bring out its "railroad rate" bill and the "committee" on territories will lay before the body the joint state hood bill and ask for immediate action upon it. In the final nnulysis the action the House will take on these two measures is of small importance for the reason, as hus been explained many times, it in the Senate that is to determine what law shall finally come out of the legis lative hopper, but the publie is interest ed in the fate of the two bills because of the peculiar situation that has exirt--d in the House the last few weeks. Yes terday's programme provided that the joint statehood bill shall be taken up Wednesday and voted on not later than .Saturday. ; Speaker Cannon and his lieutenants feel that they have votes enough to pass the bill or. they would not permit it to wine out of romniittee. On the other hand, the so-called insurgents, the Republican members who are opposed to the admission of Arizona and Oklahoma, cighter jointly or singly , at this time, declare they will be able to defeat the bill by combining with the Democrats. Whatever may happen, it is true beyond ijuestion that the House is at heart against the joint bill. As for railroad rata legislation it has been a foregone conclusion these many weeks that the House would pass under whip and spur any reasonable bill reported by the com mittee. CRISIS IIT STATEHOOD FIGHT. Hamilton Bill to Come Eefore House To morrowOpponents Defiant. Washington, Jan. 23. The House com mittee on territories completed consider ation of the Hamilton bill to admit Ok lahoma and Indian Territory as one, Ari zona and New Mexico as another state, and by a unanimous vote of the Repub licans ordered the bill favorably report ed. The Democrats are united against the bill, opposing the admission of Arizona and New Mexico, and will submit a mi nority report. ' ' 1 ' The reports will be submitted to the . House today and the bill will be taken tip for consideration tomorrow. WADE IS ACQUITTED. Ensign Is Not Guilty of Being Respon sible for Explosion. Washington, t). C, Jan. 2.1. Ensign Charles Tl Wade,' charged with respon sibility for the explosion on the gun boat Iieimington in Kan Diego harbor, C'al, some Months ago, has bi-cn ac quitted by the court martial iu Ids case. CLARKSON TO GO. Wot Slated for Reappointment Strana han Is. Washington, Jan. 23.- The . l'resident has decided not to reappoint, James S. Clarkson Surveyor of the l'oi t of New York. .' Nevada X. Stranahau will', be reap pointed Collector of Customs.- .:. LETTERS FULL OF GRATITUDE For Father John's Medicine Come From AH Quarters. "It is with a heart full of gratitude that I tell what Father John's Medicine has done for me. 1 had a terrible cough and was so weak that the family physi cian gave me up, giving me but three days to live. It was then that I began to take Father John's Medicine. Any person who saw me then would hardly know me now, I am so well, and the credit belongs to Father John's Medicine. My little brother drinks the medicine like water and thrives on it." (Signed) Mary A. K. Keynolds, 2410 117th street, Chicago, 111. ''For two years I suffered with lung troubles of a severe nature, Becoming alarmed st my condition, 1 thought it was time to put a stop to my cough. I tried wsveraf medicines, but the cough kept get ting worse. I was warned sev eral times tt be careful, t was begin ning to be discouraged. Finally I de; eided to try Father John's Medicine. My cold became better and I felt hotter in every way. After the use of three but ties I w& completely cured." (Sign ed) Wm. F-alm, Jr., Ohoes, N. Y. STAFFORD ON THE JEW Vermont Mao Spoke at Mass Meeting in Washington, D. C. WITH FOUR CONGRESSMEN Protesting Against Recent. Masascres of the Jews in Russia Judge Stafford's ' Speech in Full Is Here Given.. At a mass meeting held in Washing ton, D. C, o Sunday hight to protest against the recent massacre of Jews in Russia, Judge Wendell P. Stafford of Vermont, now a justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, was one of the speakers, with Senators Tell er and Patterson of Colorado and Ken resent atives McCall of Massachusetts and Littlefield of Maine. Judge Staf ford's speech .was as follows:' The event's' which have called tip to gether stand by themselves. There is nothing Jo equal them in the records of the race. To find anything worthy of comparioon you must pass by St. liar tholomew and the inquisition and go back to the dispersion, the captivity or the bondage iu Egypt. . They constitute one of the highest mountain peaks of Human wickedness, nen we have lain in our graves a thousand years it will still loom dark against the horizon. The eye that gazes across the centuries will be nrrested by it as the colossal crime in human history. We are standing in its hadow, and we are awed by its very magnitudo as if we stood in the presence of a malignity that knows no Douniis. The world is used to slaughter. It has grown callous to carnage. It can even exult in battle, where man meets man and rights to a finish, lint it has never groyn used to murder, and the blood of a hundred thousand murders turns it pale. ' Cities, have been, sacked before; child hood has teen trodden under heel," wom anhood has been violated, and homes have been laid desolate, before. These terrors follow in the train of "glorious war," and nations have learned to ex pect them a a part of the great price that must be paid for victory and peace, lint Russia's six hundred desolated vil lages and towns were not- in the track of war. They were at peace. They were under the protection of the civil power. mere is notNng new m riots ana m mobs. But eye-witnesses declare the world is compelled to believe that these mobs did their work under the eve of Cossack and police. The guns of the state were trained not on tne rioters, but on their victims. Russia is in revolution. An empire struggling to keep ita Beat cannot be expected to maintain the order of tran quil time. But, for the most part, these towns and cities were never in revolt. The, murderer thousands were unoffending and defenseless. Neither slayer nor slain had lifted hand against the men in powe. The great body of Russian Hebrews did indeed long to he free; they had made known their de sire for a free constitution. That was their only crime that atid the fact that they were Jews. Race hatred is a'i old as the race. But why this sudden and unexampled fury against ft helpless people! Why this uprising, as if at a signal, in a hundred communities at once? There is only one possible answer. The spite and vengeance of a discredited autocracy is being visited upon them because they alone among the lovers of freedom are powerless to resUt. I'pon them it is cay to turn the tide f old prejudice and superstitious hate. Let the rapac ity of the people be gtuttcd ont of their own substance then it may forget to turn against the powers that lie. I)es perste diseases demand desperate rem edies. Russian typranny driven to the wall is striving to drown the revolution in ft deluge of Hebrew blood. In Odessa, where eight thousand Jews were mur dered, Baron Kaulbars was in comman-i of sixty thousnnl troops and refused to interfere. A thousand students armed themselves for the defence of the Jews. Then the garrison did interfere, yes, sur rounded the students and held them pris oners until the massacre was over. Race hatred! A Russian to hate a Jew! Out of the wall of his vast ca thodral he carves the figures of his twelve apostles and everyone ft Jew. He enters and prostrates himself before the picture of a Hebrew child in the arms of a Hebrew mother. He mutters a creed that declares a Jew to be the Son of Cod, the Savior of the world then goes out and kills the first Jew he meets because lie is a, Jew. H is irony to move the laughters of devils and the tears of the just. The Hebrew race deserves the admiration of the world for great and peculiar virtues; but if it wcro black as prejudice can paint it, its sorrows would deserve our sympathy today. - In southern Russia and just across her borders six million Jews have made their homes, one-half of all that dwell upon the globe. Were those who have died already offenders above the rest, or is the massacre to go on till all shall perish or be scattered to the winds! Are the rulers of Russia responsible for thexe outrages? Shall we shut our eyes to all the past quarter of a cen tury has brought to light? This charge is not made against the shepherds of a free people. It is made against a despotism thqt dreams it can impose upon the twentieth century the forms and fetters of the twelfth against a caste that gives up nothing of its feu dal claims except iu obedience to the dagger or the bomb a land that puts its ruffians in oflice end its heroes in prison a laud that sends the flower of its young manhood to grow gray in Si berian dungeons for cherishing those opinions which every man in this audi ence would dio to maintain, and flogs women naked in the public square if they betray sympathy with their broth ers by a whispered word. Such are the governors to whom Israel must look for protection. That is the upper millstone. Underneath lies the (hill and heavy miss of Ruia peasan. try, blind, brutish, superstitious de based and degraded by a thousand years of opprchsiou the ninety millions who! awakened fury may yet sweep crar and LETTER TO TIES READERS Rickert & Wells Guarantee Hyomei to Cure Catarrh or It Costs Nothing. Editor of liarre Daily Times: In view of the prevalence of catarrhal troubles at this season of the year, we want u ten your readers that we nave never sold anything that cave more sat isfaction than Hyomei, when used in catarrhal troubles! You get immediate relief from the treatment, and consistent use will prove to every sufferer, as it nas to many ot our customers, the vir tue of this preparation. Personally we are interested In llyo mei, for it is made and sold on honor, ,nd we do not want your money unless you are uenented and satisfied. There is no stomach dosing in con nection with Hyomei. It is a thoroueh ly local treatment for a local disease, and its soothing, healing medication goes direct to the spot where it is needed. The complete Hyomei outfit consists of a pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, and the" price is only $1, while additional bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. Wo positively guarantee a cure when Hyomei is used in accordance with directions, or we win refund your money. This certainly 8liovs our faith and belief in the virtues of Hyomei. Yours very truly, Rickert & Wells, Red Cross Phar macy, Barre, Vt, Cossack from the earth. There is the nether millstone. And between the two Russian liberty IH intelligence and as piration of the new Hussi may be ground to powder. That is the plan. There are calamities so great that they melt ai races into one family. "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." So does an assault like this upon the rights of man. It melts down every barrier that divides us. We are no long, er Russia or American, Jew or Chris tian; we are only men, and we must eith er deny our manhood or we must speak. Governments may still be bound by other ties, but the people in a moment like this are bound by no ties except the ties of kindness and justice which God himself ordained when he niade of one blood all nations of the earth to serve him. What good will our denunciation do? What does Russia care for the opinion of mankind? Sir, the time ha gone by when any man or monarch could defy the united power of the world. The cords of mutual dependence are too many and too strong. Let every community in Christendom do what we propose to do tonight, and Russia even Russia would lie able to read the writing on the wall. Ixt im asumo that the rest of the world will do its duty, but if all the rent should hold their peace, let us do ours. Sir, as I said in the beginning, this is a crime that future ages will take note of. The men of afur times will have their own opinion of it. They will not judge it by what we say of it, but they will judge us very largely by the way we treat it The glorious, liberty loving future will know how to damn such a deed as this without our prompt ing. But when the student Of history shall turn the pages of the past to learn what; part our country took, will he not ask such questions as these? "England, Germany, Italy, France thee sent from their capitals a cry of protest. Had the great free nation of the west no word for an hour like that? Then, as now, from the bank of the Potomac soared the sublime monument to the father of his country i then a now the sacred sepulcher at Mount Vernon was visited by pilgrims without number; on every sine lay tne old battlefields ol freedOiit; and there at the capital were gathered from forty states the representatives of a free and mighty people. Was there no voice from the grave of Washington? Was America heartless or afraid to speak?" Sir, it is not the Jews of Moscow and Odessa, it is we and our children who huve the most at stake in the answer to-that question. This is the place, and this is the hour to an swer it. PERSIAN REVOLT. Determined Effort to Live Under a Con stitution-. St. Petersburg, Jan. 2. A constitu tional government for Persia, according to advices ironi jeiieran received here, is to be the outcome of the sudden exo dus of a thousand merchants and Mullah priests from the Persian capital as a protest against the Shah's government, the insurgents proceeded to the vil lage of Shah-Abd-fbAzini, where the Shah presided over n representative as sembly elecU-d by the Mullahs mer chants and landowners. The assembly will be "-called the "House of Jutk" and exercise adminis trative and legislative powers. The equality of al before the law will be proclaimed. It is expected that the assembly will demand the dismissal of M. J. Naus, the Belgian minister of customs and posts, ana me i.eigian employes oi t lie cus toms. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. K. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25c. FRENCH TROOPS IN BATTLE. Fight Three Hours With Chinese Invad ers in Tonquin. Marseilles, Jan. 23. The Chinese mail, which arrived here yesterday, brought an account of the invasion of Tonouin, French lndo-China, by Chinese regulars, who encountered a French force number ing 400 men, of whom J 30 were Euro peans. A three-hours battle ensued, resulting in the defeat of the Chinese, who lost 300 killed and 300 wounded. The French lout sixteen men of tho Foreign Legion and twenty-nine Annamites killed. EDWARD FIVE YEARS KING. England Celebrating the Fifth Anniver sary of His Accession. London, Jan. 23. The fifth anniver sary of the accession of King Edward was being eelebrstml yesterday through out tii United Kingdom with salutes, flag flying, and bell ringing. The king and queen, who are novr at Windsor Castle, attended yesterduy morning the annual memorial service in honor of Queen Victoria, which was held in the Iiogmore Mausoleum. TWO DEAD, SCORE HURT In Trolley Crash Near Port land, Me. HEAD-ON COLLISION Passengers Piled in Heaps When the Cars Were Sunk Into Each Other Others May Die. Portland, Me., Jan. 23. Two men are dead and nearly a score of persons in jured as the result of a head-on colli sion between two electric cars on the Westbrook division of the Portland Street Railway company - yesterday. Both inotormen made an effort to prevent the accident but the headway was too great. The cars came together with an awful crash. , The passengers were piled in heaps when the cars were sunk into one another by the shock. Leighton was alive when taken out of the wreck, but died soon after. He was sixteen years old, and employed as a, clerk in the store of Cook, Everett & Pennell, Portland. Ferley Roberts died in the Maine General hospital. All the ambulances of the city were hurried to the escene of the wreck. Phy sicians dressed the injuries of those only slightly hurt, while the more serious were hurried to the Maine General hos pital. Some of the injured are considered critically hurt. It is "feared that Motorman Crockett of the South Wyndhairr car is fatally injured. He was jammed through the broken door of his car, and fearfully bruised. Compound fracture of the thigh is one of his most serious in juries, . . , Conductor McBride. was statiding in the rear vestibule when the crash came. lie was thrown out of the door and struck on his back on frown ground. Those most seriously hurt were tak en into the residence 'of Melvin Ham blet, near the place of the eellision. Three ambulances were sent from Port land and Westbrook. Dr. H. H. Brock of Portland and Dr. C. W. Foster of Woodfords were early at the scene. SENATE GREETS DEPEW. He Slaps Piatt on the Back and Appears in Good Health. Washington, Jan. 23. Senator Depew who reached Washington Sunday night, appeared in the Senate yesterday morn ing and was heartily greeted by his colleagues. He arrived promptly on time, participated in the prayer, and slapped Senator Piatt on the back in cordial fashion. A score of senators shook hands with him. He seemed hi fairly good health, hat it was apparent that he wag ex t remedy nervous. ; Yesterday is the first time Senators Piatt and Denew hare both been in their seats since the open ing of the session. CHELSEA. Dr. Frank H. Godfrey returned from Boston Saturday eveniiig, where he had been as a representative of the Vermont board of medical registration to attend a meeting of delegates from the state boards for the different states of New England. At the E. D. Barnes auction sale on Saturday afternoon of household prop erty, all goods found a ready safo at good prices. - B. H. Adams, Jr., in company with James Kendall of Srafford, attended the monthly acution sale of burses at the Johnson stables at ,Vet Lebanon, N. II., Saturday. At a special communication of George Washington Lodge, No. 51, F. and A. M., held Thursday evening, work on the F. C. and M. M. degrees was exempli fied. 1 Walter Williams, who has been clerk ing for Ordway, Holmes & Co. for sev eral months, has finished work for them and returned to his home in Randolph Center, George M. Davis, who is canvassing in Washington county, spent a few clave with his mother, Mrs. M. V. B. Davis, last week. The benefit social and promenade giv en at the town hall Friday evening un der the auspices of the ladies' ten pin club for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Camp bell, who recently lost their homo and contents by fire, was a, decided success, from which was realized about twenty dollars in money, over thirty dollars' worth of provisions, an extension table, a barrel of crockery, a largo quantity of furniture, clothing, tinware and other valuable household utensils. Slight Mistake. "You evidently believe in advertising your business," remarked the facetious bystander. "Vot you mean by dose, liuht" queried the member of the little German band. "You are always blowing your own horn," said the f.'b. iu explanation. "Dot vos where you don't know somcdings, meppy, replied the wind jammer. "Pis vos a porrowed puglc, al reaty." Chicago News. LET THE EAGLE SCREAM. King of Birds Looks Well on the Label of the King of Cigars. , i- It is not often that the cigar store has a lot of eagles, but ('. H. Kcndrick A. Co. when they received their stock of Wads worth Bros.' Chico cigars found that a handsome eagle decorated the box. It is very appropriate, they say, to have the King of Birds on the label of the King of Cigars. This is one that pleasns all who love a good smoke, yet it sells for only 5c. 8tuoker who used to pay ten to fifteen cents for cigars now puff up the Chlcos, and are better ' pleased and titied. Try a Chico and you w ill thank C. If. Kendrick & Co. fbf recommending the cigar. DR, J, t EflillS Atlanta, ' Ga., Physician Addresses the People, of Barie on a Matter of Health. "To Whom l;.May Concern: Of late, there has been a. good deal of discussion in regard to advertised medicine, their value and power to cure,; "r, I want to say to the people of , Barre that I believe the most, valuable cod liver oil preparation, the best body builder, health' restorer, and , strength creator, known, .to medicine today is IIKII. ' v While Vinol does not contain the svs tern-clogging oil of old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions, it, actually does contain an the curative, medicinal pnn ciples of the cod's liver in a hiehly con ccntrated form, and it is delicious to taice. I advise Vinol in my practice, and una ii nas no equal, tor healing cougns colds, bronchial troubles' and sore lunt's, I have used Vinol in many cases of indigestion, mal-assimilation, and for patients who were anaemic and run down with splendid results. I ; have found Vinol to be a boon to the aged, as it aids the enfeebled system to' sus tain life; it is a real body-builder, and thus prolongs life. i i I believe Vinol to be well worthy of any honest phtiician's endorsement." Our local druggists, Rickert fc Wells, sell Vinol to the peopla of Barre on a positive guarantee; if" it fails to' give satisfaction trie entire purchase money w m De rerunuca. 10th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs. Horace N. Farnham of East Montpelier Entertained 125. An informal and delightful affair was participated in by 125 people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace N. Farn ham at Flast Montpelier last evening, when the tenth wedding anniversary of the host and hostews was celebrated. Mrs. Farnham was a partner in the ee cret, but to Mr. Farnham the gathering Ot tneir mend was an entire surprise, and he clearly showed that he was taken unawares. His first act was to quia his ife concerning her guilty knowledge of the secret, and then the party settled down for the good time which was an ticipated' and which was fully had. A dainty supper was served and it was a late hour when the guests departed. Some of them declared they had already invited themselves to the tweutkth an niversary and others carried the invita tion even farther along than that, to which Mr. and Mrs. Farnham gave ready assent. Over thirty of those present last even ing were in attendance st the wedding, which took place in the same bouse ten years ago last night. The ceremony was periormecl by the Hev. IU Fanis wortb of Manchester, N. H., and the Rev. J. O. Sherburne, now of Bradford. Mrs. Farnham's name was Inora Stev ens, the daughter of the late Thomas Stevens of East Montpelier. Mr. and Mrs. Farnham firnt went to Williams town to live, and on the death of the latter' father, went to East Mont pelier to carry on the Stevens home place. Woman! Woman! "She is literally starving." -' 'Well. I can cet her into an. KlJerlv Ladies' Home." . . "But., my friend, she would much sooner starve than admit that she's an elderly lady." Minneapolis Tribune. How's This? We offsr One Fundrt 4 Dollars Reward for an v esse of catarrti that ewmot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure, r, ,T. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. We, thenndenHgriMt, have known F, .1. Che nsvtor th lat 14 years, and believe him per fnettv. hooorablo In all business transact! us and flnincisliy st.l to carry oat any obligatious made by his Arm. Waldo, Kisxsx a Makvix, Wholr-Mie Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken intrnallv -Hn directly upon th blood and mucous tuff arts oi the sjsifm. Testimonial arnt Jree. Fries "5 cents per lnttl. Sold bv ail Driiirirlsta. a r amity hub ivi GOBatipA-lian. FLORIDA TOURS Jan. 26th; Feb. 5, 15 and 23rd. $35.35 and H-S5. rovers ti t Jacksonville and ' retnra from fiprlnaOeld, Worensttr or Krtim, with limit oi it pionUts. o,!e wavraes 18 V0 acd SM.S... WASHISCT0N TOURS ' Jan. BStk; Feb. 9 and 83rd, Mar. 9 and 23rd; April 6, It and 27th. ?5.0 covers eipsaaes for tout ot a rk, lidt trips and stopover. . CALIFORNIA TOURS January 16 tnd February 80th, InclndtDf Orand Csnyoo. of Arizona, fndsal tours of , days, KTerjthing Sena for descriptive circulars to . GKO. t. U8TEIi9, ' ' M W hint ton Ht., Baston, MaJS. . OUR BUSINESS IS We should like to write your FIRE INSURANCE for you. We have fifteen strong fire in surance companies for you to choose from. Call and see us at our office over the Granite Savings Bank and Trust Company. S5S252 G, HERBERT PAPE! INSURANCE N. J. ROBERTS, A v ,;. 124 Ha. Kala St., Bsrre. 300 PERISH ON WARSHIP Brazilian Aattleship Sunk By Explosion. - ONLY ONE OFFICER SAVED Famed as Admiral Mello's Flagship During the Great Naval Mutiny . in New York Harbor in " 1892, Rio Janeiro,, - Jan. 23. The Brazilian turret -ship Atjnidabnu - has been sunk at Port Jacarepagua, south of Ro Janeiro, as the result of an explos ion on board. It, is reported that 300 of her . crew perished, and that only one officer was saved. v . . ,, , The Aquidaban was a steel sueauiea battleship of 4.950 tons. She was 280 fot o,l ao fp,t beam, and had a speed of ten knots. She, was built in England in leba, at, a cost, o and reconstructed in Stettin, Germany, in 1895. Her armament consisted of four 88-inch, four 4-inch, and ten 1 inch rapid fire guns, with five torpedo tubes. Her. complement waa 388. men. Her armor consisted of a belt 7 feet 7 to 11 inches thick. The turrets and redoubt were encased m 10-inch plates, ; Th Annirlcilian una one of the foreizn battleships that took part in the me morable demonstration ia New York l.uvU.r in 1Kfin in hnnor of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, when the three Spanish caravels, representing Columbus' ships, were brought from Cadi)!. The battleship was the flagship of Ad miral iMcilo, who led tiie great rrazn ia.n n.-ivnl mutinv and held control of the harbor of Rio Janeiro for some days. WILL BUILD GRANITE BANK. National White River Bank at Bethel to Change Quarters. j Bethel, Jan. 23. Bethel's boom is again indicated by an important land deal on Main street. Last year a new school house was erected, and this last deal gives the mercury of business a much , higher , lift. One minute's walk j north of the depot on the east side of' the street the . National White River bank will in the spring establish their new home, the building will be a mouel bankim institution, made wholly, or in part, of Bethel white granite, the site . lias for a number of decades been occu- ' pied by the barn of. Ephraim Weston and a barn on the "Kittridze" place. It gives the bank an average depth of 90 feet and "a frontage of 42 feet. . The present location, opposite the old depot or freight house, has been occu pied by a brick structure fot over fifty years, where the business of surround ing towns -has been transacted. The in stitution is one of the strongest in the state, holding nothing but live paper. It is capitalized for $100,000. The Hons. W, C. B. Stickney, president, and Ed ward A. Davis, cashier, are at its head. PLANTS. The Ivy leaved lettuce onens its leaves and flowers at 8 o'clock in the ! morning and generally closes again i fcy 4. The hops used In the manufacture of ! malt liquors are the flowers of the plant botauieaUy designated as Humn-1 tua lupuius. The namo of the century plant is talsleadlng. It blooms not once In a century, but once la ten or twelve years, then dies. The common lotus was the most - cred flower of the Egyptians. Its rep resentation is everywhere found on their monuments. , A Maarallae Woman, A Frenchwoman who from h ftp ftnrt- ness for man's work drmcaei! n and was employed for years ns a wag- uu-r oecame to noteu anioug her fel lows for her strength that she was known as "Bros de Fer." Sh best boxer In her district, and none of -the men would venture a bout with hep. The Preferred. DumleyVWhat they call preferred stock Is the stock that pays dividends. Isn't It? Wisenmn-Not at nil; but t& stock that does pay dividends is a ways preferred Exchange. Mid - W inter Drown's Compound Syrup of Hypophosphltcs, Drown's Beef, Wine and Iron. '1 -he are syStem-builders. They will help carry you thru, J, ch-ngeablc weathe. w.thout sickness. Buy a bottle today. , , keep you from being: sick tomorrow. . E. A.. DROWN,- 40 No. Main St.. opp. UoVl Ir If You Want a Cheap Extract Vitch IM BUY THE BEST and ,.rn t,,r v Water costs you no mor, th.-i, it d ,, CU.'X water that makes Witch )h''z V. yt ' J 1 " on the product. ert th. n ,1 . It ,, w- ii and 50c. ' c rn D. F. DAVIS, "Th3 Offish!," WlilSKEYOR FOOD WiiiohDaYcaTakB? Some Interesting Remarks on the Sub- v. ; , Ject. ; ! "To be Or not to be; "! That is , the question. ! To be strong and healthy or to be weak and sickly; which do you prefer! Health is a gem of priceless value and with health, strength can be acquired. Strong men and women are the nation's pride and are responsible for the prop er development of future generation-!. To become, strong one must nave loti of good healthy flesh from which to develop niiixi'le. Person leading sedentary lives anil those employed, in factories, mills, etc., do not have the natural strength which is possesyd by those whose occupations keep theni out of doors. Inactivity and confinement indoor cause a relaxation of tho muscles and consequently strength does not develop. What shall be done for these people! Many turn to stimulants and get tem porary relief, but the effect is not kit ing. Others take the various remeiliej which are offered, but these are worse than nothing. Mot of them contain a large percentage of alcohol, and while they may produce an exhilarating effect at "the start, their use works untold in jury. They slowly but surely disar range the system and when their use is discontinued, the reaction sets in which leaves the victim in a condition where it is necessary to use energetic measures. An examination of the tissues of the body will disclose the fact that the al cohol which is. being taken into the system inflames and consumes them, in stead of healing and building them up. What shall tie taken when your sys tem is run down and your vitality is low? Obviously what is needed is a food that produces fat and repairs the wasted tissues; something that enriches the blood and increase circulation; a builder, not a destroyer. Such a food is.Magee's (Malt) Emul sion. It is a combination of pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil with syrupy, dias tasic, non-alcoholic Malt and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. The oil is fat and makes fat in the body. The malt, according to physicians, is th highest form of food known, and the Hypophosphites are a tonic. You thus get a food, a medicine and a tonic com bined. If you are run down Magee's (Malt) Emulsion will build you up just as surely ns the 6un will rise on the mor row. It guards you against colds, grip and pneumonia by putting your system in shape to withstand the ravages of winter weather. It builds Up steadily and holds all it gains for you. Beware of the wine preparations of cod liver oil. They contain no oil and consequently cannot produce the fat which is desired, and the alcohol in them tears down instead of building up the tissues. . Remember Magee's (Malt) Emulsion is non-alcoholic; it contains no wine, re whiskey; it is a food and food alone. It may be, procured of E, A. Drown, Drug gist, 48 North Main street, Barre, Vt BURTON GETS HIS MILEAGE. Subterfuge Resorted to for Benefit of Convicted Kansas Senator. Washington, Jan. 23. One of the most remarkable procedures in the history of the Senate occurred yesterday in order to avoid a technicality which prevented Senator Burton of Kansas from draw ing his mileage for the present session. In order to have bis requisition hon ored it is necessary for some official of the Senate to take oath that he had seen the senator in the chamber; but since the indictment and conviction of the Kansas senator he has not appeared in the chamber. The senator, who was into the cloak room, was asked to step into the cham ber for a moment in order that he might be seen by some official, but an employ ee engaged him in conversation in the cloak room near the entrance to the chamber, and the attention of ofliciuls previously having been directed towsrd this door, he vn seen from the cham ber. , It was then certified that Senator Burton was in attendance, and his mile age was paid to him. A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 80-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. Ws also guaranteer a 25-eent bottle to proTS satisfactory or money refunded. BrnraoM Phabjsacv, E. A. rmow.v, O II. KRNDiiicK Jk Co, 0. r. Davis, f.; . Vwo"T,f. . . J.A Hoaroin, w. H. Mil tsV. Co, McAiLiMKahKos, V lj 'J0". J.A.ClMMISO, J, W. l'AUMKVtKli, , i .. . ... . . ' , , ' l" ' f" t oiny trie t-- t I V 1 262 IU7i & mm iiiii iisii mmmm,hmiJiKm Tonics ! 4 )