Newspaper Page Text
rflJS JIAJfJtJS -DAILY TIMES, JAJN. zaJSKHS. BLANK BOOKS We have- a full line of Blank Books for tie New Year. Also Loiter Files, Copyinj; I looks, Memorandum Books, In voice Books, Time Bopks, Statement Tads, Bill Heads, Diaries in fact every thing a person would need in this line. Borrc Book Store, CARROLL W. MARTIN, Proprietor, Gordon Block, 1 40 No. Main St. THE FOX ! MUTER Is the greatest "TOUGH" Writing Machine on the market. Light touch means DURABILITY. In this ; the FOX excels. We place - machineson free trial anywhere. Ribbons, Car bons, Typewriting Paper, Office Supplies, etc. Hec 1 tographs refilled at 75c each. Call or write to Barre Granite Pu rc hasi n a: Ace ncy , : Room 3, 4 and 5, ' Averill Building, : Barre, Vermont. PURE CIGAR CLIPPINGS Two and one-half ounces for 5c. Ever tried them? PLAYING CARDS B Have just received a lot of those Playing Cards. Two packs for 25 c. L MARRION, Pipes ted Tobacco, Corner Ggar Store, Barre. Mileages on All Roads. fa lit PENNY ARCADE, Scamplni Block. New Moving Pictuers, Athletic Machine, Batteries, PISTOL and RIFLE PRACTICE Coins in and See the New Pictures. Open Day and Evening SLEIGHS, HARNESS and ROBES If yon r tirvd ot ft cheap sU'lgli come t tuo nd let. me sell yuu CortlamiCart .t Cr- Co. BlHijh, pVAiantPfd woU, iron and taint, at a Just rwli; price. I 11 have in r-toek bu jpl hostei. fecimd-luuiil sleighs ami buxcM. H'lil.excuaogs sleighs lor luy. H. F. Cutler's Livery, Tel. 131-2. Kcar City Uotcl, Barre, Vt. Montpelier FUR STORE We have a laige stock of Fun for a!e at reasonable prices. We man ufacture garments to order. Furj remodeled and repaired at a low price. ISRAEL SCHWARTZ, g i&c Jign 01 ice uear. - oi state street. TO CUREJi COLD If you've lakca cold from the brefzes keen Try McArtLur's Syrap of Terebioc. Wliy have bunt-saccc and go around all best When ycu'il lc maJc fu;r!e by McArthur's Llnasient? tcn't u)fcr :o much Willi jevere head acht But KcAsthttt Uudicfce rondcrj quickly take. , . If yea want be a itrong as any rorilla Just fry KcAribut's tonic of SarsjparlU. EAST BARRE DRUG STORE, J. H. McArthur, M. D. Proprietor. I Insist on Getting Standish I FrnHorts and Bologna, Home-made by gjj S I V. O. ST AN DISH. I s 1 ' ' r-v- ' THE BARRE DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1803. WHO WANTS A FAIRLY" GOOD EGG? "Your insurance slioulil . l;e like e-gjra, above simpicion... ' If a man luis to din if hin insurance is good, he m mt bear in t!jinl that lie can try only once. We offer the l.est .insurance in the world. 57th year, doing business in 42 states. Tlie National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (mutual). Organized in 185'). S. S. Ballard, General Agent. N. D. B.allp.Td, Local Agent, Rooms 2 and 3, Miles' Block, Barre, Vt. TALK OF Jp TOWN. Clansmen will receive their old nnd new clue curd by calling at the clau office. ; Old gold and silver wanted at re finers' prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burt'a. Bernard Marshall, publie stenograph er, 12 State street, Montpelier, does prompt and efficient -work.. Any one interested in patents may find a thance to triple their money by culling at 74 Maple avenue. For. Sale. Cheap, a bay mare, 4 years old, sound and fearle.-a. Inquire of Dean Bassett, Prospect street, Barre. A special convocation of Granite Chapter, No. 26, R A. M., will be held at Masonic hall, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Work, Mark degree. ' ; The Altrurinn will meet with Mrs. C. A, Dodge, on the Montpelier road, Wednesday afternon at' 2.30 o'clock. Ladies take the 2.15 electric ear. The 'gentlemen of. the .Universalis! church are requested, to met in the ves try on Tuesday evening, dan. 23, at 7.S0 o'clock to complete arrangements for their supper. Notice to members of the Burns club: The Burn club will hold their annual celebration of the 'birth of Burns in Miles' h;;l! Thursday evening, danuury 5, commencing nt 8 o'clock sharp. The riiitetkea class of 'the BttptUt church nre invited to-spend a social evening nt the home of Mrs. Koilin Forbes on. Hill stret. Tuesday evening', .Jan.. 3, from 7.30 to 9.30. Every mem ber W urged to be present at this social and to invite a friend. The name of J. Ward Carver whenever it appears upon a prolamine is of suffi cient to the public that they will be well entertained. The committee in charge of the concert, the 31st iu the Congvcgntioual church, 'are most fortu nate in securing him as the reader. The Schumann (ladies') quartette will give one of their best selections, A Christian Em'eavor pocir.l will be given at the BaptUt chmeh, Friday evejiing. hiu. "(i. An informal social from T."i) to 8. Entertainment at 8. In connection with t.ho prepare! program I'veryocc present -will bu expected to fur a select. !oi of their own choosing. There will be home made candies for sale, proceeds of which will go, for pur chasing new hymn books. , An offering will aUo be taken for the same perfuse. Light refreshments will be served. You are cordially invited. F-duin J. lladley's Moving Pictures weve enjoyed by a large audience at the opera house last evening. Never wers moving pictures better produced nor bet ter received in Odioet. The pjogium was a new and varied one including many beautiful colored spectacular subject as wii as humorous and descriptive scene1, Especially worthy of mention was the f-peclaeular views of the Reign of Loui NIV, the benuly and spectacular effect of which have jieter been excelled by any moving pictures ever produced in Coiioet. The pictures were all clear and distii;ct, making a thoroughly enjoyable entertainment. Cohoes, N. Y., Republi can, Mar. 7, 1903. At Barre opera house Thursday evening, January 25. WASHINGTON. Trof. Cm Has,' finghig school will hold a box social and promenade on Satur day evening. The ladies are vepic.-ted to bring boxes, WEBSTERVILLE. An extra pair of trtuseis given free with every Miit ordered of me before FcL. lOlh. James Ceake, Web.-.terville. A Grim Ttagedy is daily enacted in thousands of homes as Death claims in each one another vic tim of consumption or pneumonia. But when coughs and colds are properly treated, the tragedy is averted. '. i. Huntley of Oaklandon, Ind., writes; "My vile had the consumption and three doctors gave her up. finally r!ip took Dr. King's New Discovery for- Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, which eured her, and today she is well and strong," It killa the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 by the Bed Cross riiaiinacy. Trial bottle tree. Green Cut Bona Foe Poultry. ' During froezlns weather we cut up n great many tons of green bone aud moat. There Is nothing bettor for poul try. Trice .53.00 per barrel of aoO pounds, at which price we prepay freights to almost any stntiou. At this price cash must accompany order. He rn it nt our rh;U by check, postal money order, express money order or regis tered letter. C. S. l'age, Hyde Park, Vt. ' - ' Dram. . Draoi once mo:uit neither more not less than a handful. Aticleut Mnnnncrlptii. The manuscripts of the fifteenth and sixteenth ocuturiea are In many cases clmost illegible on account of the fad ing of the i:i!;. At that time the'lamp t!ae',j inks pnr,o,t out of tno and chem ical inks b;:cauie popular. OHrIii of Chrixtntan Custom. Many of o.;r Chrlstmns cuKtoms are a mixture of DniMlcal and pagan ob servances. The- of the Christmas tree lias degeenrled from the German Druids. Dressing the houses and churches with green Is a relic of pagan worship In Home; so also is the send ing of presents to and fro. "Neighbor" was originally "nigh boor," or the nearest residing farmer. ADOPT FIVE ARTICLES Morocco Delegates Working On Contraband. WHEN THEY ADJOURNED France and Spain to Patrol the Land Frontiers Moroccan Customs Pa. trol en Sea Raises Chief Issue. Algeciras, Jan. 23. The international conference on Moroccan reforms - reas sembled at the town hall here yester day. .. . ; . The presiding officer, the Duke of Al modovar, Spanish minister for foreign affairs, read messages from the Bpautsh Senate and Chamber of Deputies, ex pressing hope for a successful issue of the conference. The Marquis Visconti Vcnosta, head of the Italian mission, replying in the name of the delegates, 'made a signifi cant reference to the international char acter of the agreement to be concluded here.' Thin was interpreted as referring to the Franco-German difficulty over the question of the international character of the agreement to be concluded here. This was interpreted as referring to the Franco-German difficulty over, the ques tion of the international control of Mo rocco. The conference adopted five of the sixteen articles in the report of the committee on contraband arms. Then as the sitting had lasted 2. hours, dis cussion of the remaining article went over until Wednesday, today being re served for the ceremonies attending-the feat day of King Alfonso. The discussion brought out a long dis course from fsidi Mohammend El Mok hrl, the second of the Moroccan dele gates. The draft of the report under discus sion, besides providing repressive laws by the powers, charges the repression of contraband along the coast. Before ei. ing a foreign ship they must notify , the legation of the country to which the ship belongs and pending action on the part of the legation at Tangier, the Mo roccan authorities shall in-tall a guar dian on board the ship. Cpon the lega tions approving the seizure, the contra band cargo will I condemned, the pro ceed going to the Moroccan treasury, while the distributed be tween the informers and the Moroccan treasury. The draft givei France exclusive con trol over contraband on -the Algerian frontier, and gives Spain exclusive con trol along the frontier of Spain's pos sessions in Morocco. The general principle of the plan is to leave the coast surveillance with the Moroccan cuhIoibs, but as the question of France administering tbe customs comes up later, the Franco-German con tention remains open. , , The Oldeut Knnnn, ' A French medical paper prints what Is believed to le the ohlest known med ical recipe. It is a tonic for the balr, and its date is 4000 D. C. It was pre pared for au Egyptian queen and re quired dogrs' paws and asses' hoofs to be boiled with dates in oil. Kecd Fen. Reed pens split at the end like qui! pens have been found In Egyptlat tombs dating probably 2,ii00 years be fore Christ. (ono Building. A thousand years hence all the stone bulldlnga now standing In Europe will have crumbled to dust. 80 perishable Is the materiel of which' they are. con structed that the process of decay is al ready evitlect In many famous build ing;. Neither marble uor brownstoue can withstand the action of the element. THE NEW WAY TO CURE DYSPEPSIA PEPSOIDS DESTROY DISEASE GERMS OF THE STOMACH. TRY A BOTTLE FREE. Pcpsoids cure the worst forms of Dys- pepsia and all other Acute or Chronic Stomach Disorders by repairing the worn- formula on bottle.) Pepsotds are sold at 50, aco. wtiLyou grasp ur t'eopie wiltl out lining of the stomach and destrovs cents a bottle 011 an absolute guarantee to weak stomachs are always in misery all disease germs. Dyspepsia once cured cure, or money refunded. We will send Pepsoids have made thousands of peojla in this way never returns. Pcpsoids is you, if you have not used Pepsoids before, happy by giving them what nature in not a patent medicine, but the successful a 50-ccnt bottle FREE; merely send us tended everyone should possess a strong prescription of Dr. Oidman who has your name and address, and you will re- ana neaunv stomacn, so as to enjoy the cured thousands of cases of Chronic ceive promptly a full sized bottle. You do best there is in life. Try Pepsoids to-day. Stomach Troubles, among them Caucer not obligate yourself to pay a cent. All we price only 50 cents a bottle at drugstore: of the Stomach. It cost more money tOaskafter Pepsoids have cured or greatly Or you may have a full sued bottle free by produce Pcpsoids than any similar prepa- benefitted you is, that you recommend' writing the Medical Department of The ration on the market, owing to the large Pepsoids to your friends. Every man Vio Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. -Sold and Recommended by E. A. Drown. Barre, Vt, and E. F. Leavitt, Plsinfiold,- Vt. 'N?! 77T7 0 5? , i J '' All five sides of the Quaker ovens are evenly heated in a way that insures perfect baking and econ omy in fuel. For Sale 81 Noith Main Street, - HOME CIDER MAKING. A Convenient Pree For, Turning Oat Few Gallon. : Thousands of bushels of apple3 go to waste every year that might be made luto eider or vinegar or boiled cider if the : people owning them only had a cider press. A homemade press like that the illustration shows will pay for itself every year, and wheu a few gallons of cider-are wanted any time during ' j winder It eau be liiade from the partly HOMEMADE CIDEB PKES. decayed or defective apples, cutting away the decayed parts. From ten to twelve gallons of elder may be made of an evening or rainy half day. says an Ohio Farmer correspondent in gtv Ing directiona as follows. Most of the material may be picked up around the farm, probably with the exception of the screw. A carpenter's bench iron screw should be used. A piauk '2 by 12 inches and 12 feet long is needed for the press frame. . Saw off two pieces four feet long and two pieces two feet long, cut a gain four inches from the end of each long piece aud half an inch deep and as wide as the thickness of the short pieces; then spike the four together. For the cheese crib get two hoops made of heavy hoop Iron, with holes punched about au Inch and a half apart, and them with staves about two feet long aud ta inch and a quarter wide, and with ismail nails or screws fasten the stave inside the hoops, leaving them a qur. ter of nu Inch apart and with a fak;a bottom to catch aud conduct the cider. A hole should be bored in the cover half an Inch deep for the end of the screw to work In; otherwise it might slip to oae side and bend or possibly break it. . Their Special Favorites. Sbe-I am bo fond of trees! The oak ts my favorite, It is so strong, so noble! Which d3 you llko the best? IT (promptly) Yew, Judge air at And 1 lOJlf Times Readers . Will Be Furnished r.Tijr-T-' 'nr Hight of tlieiwrin"nftndSixtv-X!n(i Cent we will furnSMi for a time Times Read ers with ft 14k Solid U0I1I, fully n-nrntntnil. fc'anntaln IVn, olltied barrel, nilihcr cap. screw e tion, beautiful delivery, worth 81 Ml Perfect satisfaction (fiiarsntced Yon will wonilor how you tver got along without It. Curry your Coupons to IUckort Jt Wolls, Barre, Vt.. SAVE THIS COTJPON. quantityof thepurestl'epsinandotherex"- pensive drugs each tablet contains, set -us (J - 'A, by Li. VY. ; - - AaV',".y - - ;. if WOMAN'S SYMPATHY. i Is Proverbial The Barta Women Are No Exception. Flow mnch we owe to the sympathetic side of wemandind I . When others suffer they cheerfully lend a helping hand, They tell you the means which brought relief to them that you may profit by their experience. Bead the testimony by this woman. . , Mrs. C. K. White of S5 West Street says: "Not 'constantly but far too ottort to be 'pleasant, for a number of years I had severe attacks of backache. It was sometimes difficult to sit down and Just as hard to rise, and despite the fact that I exhausted all my knowledge jf simple household remedies all the results I ever obtained were merely temporary. I was in pretty bad sbspe for some time, suffering both day and night, when I was induced to go to E. A. Drown'i drusr store for a box of Doan's Kidney Pills, I knew after a dose or two that they working directly upon the kidneys, and as I continued the treatement relief became more pos itive. When I finished It that particu lar attack disappeared- I found Doan's Kidney Pills so affective a remedy to kidney complaint that I am certain that any person annoyed with backache or any of the Incident ills which follow in the wake of either weakened or over taxed kidneys will find relief if not posi tive cure, If they take a course of the treatment." ; Sold for BO cents by all dealers. Fos-ter-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. "How's Your Stomach" is the way people in China say "Good Morning." The greeting of almost every' nation is an intmiry after health. The Chinese have the root of the matter. A strong stom ach is the foundation. Look after this organ and the general health cares for itself. Man is so consti tuted it cannot be otherwise. It is the mission of. to keep the stomach well, the liver active and the bowels regular. They dispel sickness and create health. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilious ness or Constipation cannot exist when Beecham'g PUIs arc used ac cording to directions. For over 50 years they have cured disordered stomachs, and arc now a world-famous remedy. They merit your confidence. Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 25c Ancient Inks. The nncient Inks closely resembled black paint, and on account of the large quantity of gum employed In their composition the letters stood up la relief ou the parchments as thougl trnbosfted. At any rate, you seem to be getting rid cf it on auction-sale principles : v going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years. J. O. Aver Co.. With a Solid Go!d Fountain Pen. or woman now has the opportunity possessing a strong aud healthy stojui a, LU, ' Batre, Vefmon Qi ' Sji n;B X.. ; ....' '. Ladies- end; "Gents'-: Watches ! We arc showing the largest variety of reliable Ladies' 1 -. txri.i u; 1 i,nn f ana vjenis a.ii;iic 11 uns vitumy at icss jauts uwu uu can buy them anywhere. y ' VVc arc Opticians. We not only fit the lense to the eye, but fit the frames to the face so the center of the lense will be in the center of the eye. Ti.12 Welch Repairing. F. E. BURR & CO., Telephone 10 21. 85 North Main St.,lBarre,'Vt. AFTER S NVOIC We find we have too many of some kinds of Rocking Chairs which wc will close out at a discount. ' , ALSO THE FOLLOWING SIDEBOARDS: Three Jolii 0 k Sidcbaaies, were One Solid Qaartmd Oak Sidtbeaid, One Solid Quartered Oak Sid t board, One Solid QuarUred Oak Suit board, A TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT ON A IX OF OUR COUCHES. FOB QUALITY AND PRICES SEE US. a tir o a nruD iv cr Morse Blocks North Main bt., Barre, Vermont. 1 Funeral Directors. Licensed Embalmers. Hesidence, !3 Eastern Avenue. Telephona Calls House, 189-21; store, 137-H. The Best Ambulance in the City at the Shortest Notice. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. DRY WOOD FOR SALE. Several hundred cords cf riry Block Wood. Also stove and four-foot Wood. SLOCUM BROS, fame 312-24, Eollo. Phone 30M 1, Barre. Voorj for S2 a Load Consisting of 25 cubic feet of mixed Soft and Hard Circle Wood and 25 cubic feet of Chair Wood. ARTHUR S. MARTIN, Telephone 104-3. . 43 Park Street. WOOD Tbe place to bar Wood. A large stock of all kinds t ttas following prices: Block Wood, per cord ............... . $2.75 Limb Wood, per load 2.00 Coatr Wood, per load. ...... . ........ 2.50 Hard sad Soft Wood Slabs 1 .75 Farnire sad Stone Shed Wood. I im prepared to do all kinds of moYlrjg n I olblDg st reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, (TolPpbODO, 323-3.) !83 North Main Street, Burs, Vermont OTHER PEOPLE SELL But not at my prices. What I save Inezpeuce my customers train, . . ORGANS To Rent Until Paid For. 11. A. GOULD, .". 56 Spaulding bt, Barre, Vt- O.C. Russell Plumbins and Heating. A,ll kinda ot modern . Plumbing Fix ture! in itock. All work gunanteed. ' Telephone 15-3. IU BASEMENT OF WORTIIEfi BLKK. ELECTRIC WIRING ELECTRIC HEATKRS. LLEC1RIC F1XIUKES. ELEC1RIC SjmitS. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., 2 It, O. MKKJCRTT, y t. W. MiUOI.S. 1? North Main 'Street. Barre, Vermont & HORSESHOING ! I om ready to do all kinds of Iiome slioeinj, from the heaviest to tlie liclit est, neatly and quickly. Hot.,.. w. t rented for all di.cnscs ,tml imperfect- n Mjal nna be coiivinocil, Lome and interfering tiorsw a specialty. C COTE, Prospect Street, . Barre, Vermont. ING; $13.50, nor. ....$1200 was $22.00 now . . . . 1750 was S 2 1,00, now was $35.00, no ....... u.ou ....... 29.50 BUSINESS CARDS. DRS. AiILLER & CLEAUNS, Physicians, and Surgeons. CalU promptly inswercd Irom-the Barre ' Emergency Hospital, corner Brook and Pleasant Street j. 'Phone 3 191. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCS, Telephona at OEm and at Eealdsnea, DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC rHTSICIASf. Ofllce In Room 85, Miles Bailding. Office bours. 0 a. m. to IS m. sad tots. a. lion- , df, iDssdsy , Thursday and Friday. ' Telephone Connection. DR. F. aM. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephona 133-21. Boom 7, Currier Block, Earre, Vermont. Merchant Tailoring Also Cleaning, Presing and Repairing. . MOORE & OWENS, 122 Herts IfUia St., . " Barre. Vtrmsal MRS. A. BEACH, EXPERIENCED KCREE. No. 102 South Mala Bt.i". Barre, Vermocl. Telephone Uill, 12-X H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. OHce In Wood Block, i Over Lsdd'a store. - Justice, notary and stenographer in offlca. , Dr. W. O. HUTCHINSON, Physician and Surgeon, WASHINOTOX, VT. Office Hours; 8 to 10 1. m, c to 7 p. m. Telephone Connections, STENOGRAPHY. BERNARD MARSHALL. Dictation, Circular 'Lctterj, Typewriting, Ad. Writing. ''OFFICE OF HEATON & THOMAS.' ' : Tel. 1311 U State St., Hon!feHr, Vt. WELCH & PAGE, All kUvlH of Electrical Work Done, , Wiring, (la VJplnir. Etc. WrHN- dealers In Kiwirical Hiinrtllss. Osnnxtnms l;!iil.iiifti mtVros, Kvi-iythlns Mo.'tu'H B ut t.'ji-fo-::-i'.. M'rn, I'Vloipf't i-..r( v worK (iWKi.t-.-l. . T'Ot nMr-Lrt U-U- Oflloe at Xo. 10 Din sirtt, Udrre, Vt. Scientific Horseshoeingl Spdy ciittinir, Km cuttliitt, mtstrter --p., ,-"i,.'p6, riutn,,,,,, tmu i.ii.,s-i;rill impileh vnrcd. 1mim1 mt. with iii;es. Tn-(.m. pftr.trs ami umiy uicdlcino tur sa:o. Tel. M9-4. J. A. MclEOD, Rcristered Horseshoer, Semicarr St.. Barre, Vt. II. L. SMITH, am ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. h ready to do all kinds of Civil' trclneerlEj; and Snrreylnj Work. OFFICE AKD RESIDENCE. S7 ELM STREET. IICLLED COHKjkXD HO.MISy. I aoi still he with Huiw-d Corn, Mush so Humln? Alsn hiiTtnr Slid Kcc. TuiuiS 'ma O. il. l-illeld. m Hill t,ruu kS W I'..