Newspaper Page Text
8 THE BiilliE DAILY TIMES. JAK. 23, 1906. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES , TUESDAY, JAIJUARY 23, 1900. n-P-nf3 9m I t:i W .: M CIS' Is FOR THE "WHITE CARNIVAL" The "White Carnival "has started off with a rush just what we expected, Such values as those "specials" in Skirts for $1.00 and such exquisite things in the better gradeshow can one help but enthuse? IN THIS AD. WE FEATURE TABLE LINEH. At 50c worth 60c per yard, two pieces new, pretty patterns, 72 inches wide and a fine cloth, At 50c worth 60c a yard, one piece half bleached pure Linen Damask, extra heavy quality, 64 inches wide. At $1.00 A silver bleached, round-thread, pure linen Damask. The best wearing cloth at any price we can show you. Napkins to match. At 75c Worth at least 1.?0 per yard, over 200 yards of a pure Linen Damask, 72 inches wide, in some of the newest, prettiest patterns shewn today- They come in 2, 2 1-2 and 3 yard lengths and the quality were it to be bought today would be worth 21.25 a yard. At $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1175 and $2.00 a Yard are special values in Shamrock Damask With, napkins to match. '.-.' t .-. ' .. -' A Big Special 1000 yards of brown linen absorbent Crash,';17 ' inches wide, usually sells for 10c per yard. This Sale, 7c Per Yard, TELEPHONE -: ". -; -: OfM 3F8 ' ' ' FITTC ': ' ' NO; 'MAIN ST.,, v;- 408-1 t f:-; 1 J Jm 1.1 i ,' 1 1 " :' o - ; BARRE, VTV; : Weather Prediction. .. Rain and colili-r "tonight. Wednesday fair in south, simiv mxl colder followed by -leaiii;g in north portiofl. j Ik Worth C Sole Shoe! USillGil- FOR MEN - A positive relief from foot-torments. Relieves the spine from jar. The patent insole, which is made of a special felt, covered with soft calfskin, conforms immediately to each particular foot, just as a mattress conforms to the curves oi the body. On this cushion the foot rests coolly and comfortably. These Shoes differ from other hon estly built Shoes only in that they have the best constructed cushion sole, which gives them no peculiarities except their extreme comfort. Barre Shoe Co., 131 North Main St., - - Bun, Vermont. - I At Merchant & Frasers Three Bottles Aramonti for.... ....... 25: Smii Lenox Soap for.... 25c Seven Oak Leaf Soap for 25c Eight Swlf ft Soap for Six Fackajej Srtffi Powder 25c 25 c Six Packages Swift's Pride or Borax Soap 25c Large 1 oz. Bottle Sawyer's Blnlne for. 12c Large 16 oz. Bottle God Value Bluine. . 1 0c Ten pounds Sal Soda for 25c Fire jotmns. balk. LaonJry Starch for.. 25c Wash Tubs, ill sizes; Wash Boards, glass tnd brsss; Brooms, Mop Handies and Clothes Baskets. - Merchant & Fraser, Telephone 9-11 ' 6 Elm Street, Barre, Vt II mill WIM Ml II lim 1111 IIIHWIHWHIillMlillHI. 6 ir.., '; m? (,W.IAl mm- ' WE WEIGH OUT More delicious candy in a day than many stores do in a month. The superiority of our Confectionery i.vf f! has made firm friends for us amone young and old and many people will walk blocks to net some of iMascott's Candy. And is really worth the trouble. Just try some of our candy and see if it doesn't taste like more. BARRE CANDY KITCHEN TALK 0FJHE TOWN. Unrgains in nice furs at Perry's. Low prices, - "Peerless" sale of muslin underwear at Yaugban . , Outing night robes and pajamas at ;uciv noriera. Men's' stiff bosom shirt at McWhor- lor , sue to 11.50. Don't fail to read the advertisement ot tna reopies Mioe Store. There will be a regular meeting of I queen of the Forest Circle Tuesday even- j nig at u..jv anarp. i Don't miss the clearance sale at the ji'eoples fhoe btore if iu need of foot ; wear of any description. i The rhilachrista, class will meet with .Mis Lena. Howes, North Main street ; Tuesday evening, at 7.30 sharp. j The Presbyterian choir will meet for rehearsal lueviay evening instead of Wednesday. All try and be present. There will be a meeting of the clerks' union Wednesday evening. All clerks bear in mind that February due are jiiiiituie ui. mis meeting. Valentines. If you will just step in yon will find a table laden with the best assortment of valentines e have ever shown. C. N. Kenyon Si Co.'s Bargain oiure. No window display of valentines, but it ...... .:u J..... .. , ... ' , .1 ;vii win jutv girp m-iafl we win snow you a tine display at riffht prices. C. A. Kenyon & C. s Bargain Store. . there will be a repitar meeting of the Iriijiiois Tribe of Ked Men on Tuesdar venins;. The matter of a celebration on teb. nd will be discussed and large attendance is desired. St. John's Court. C. 0. F will hold a wiiisi party in K. of f. ball. Scsm pint block, on Thursday evening, Jan. -Cth. Plajinpr will i-epin at 8:15 Bharp. After anie there will be dancing until miuuigjii. ..umission luc. is me. rune io oraer tor spring planUnp. A postal addressed to Alex Matmeson, tity, will be uromntlv an swrrcd. le represents a flrt class firm. carrying complete stock of nursery goods, tavorite, bardy Carolina poplars, cents. S Wendell Tlace. Elm street extension. iihii . mmmW nffrl ' Sm&0 mmW Strictiy Fresh Eggs, per do7.en, - A No. 1 Cold Storage Eggs, per dozen, - -A No. T Cold Storage Eggs by the case, per dozen, -Sausage, made fresh every clay from home-salted corn- fed pigs, per pound, - - . 20c 19C 10c n. J. Smith's City Market, Telephone 37-2. 367 North Main St., Barre, Vt. . , , . i aa3fjyTrmmwi in n n 1 11 1 1 1 n 1 1 mn m mn - "" 1 ' Ir "' t'""IJ l """" " - " , Tr- : ' "BaaB T1 s ELECTRIC . LIGHT Beautifies the Home J2 No Vork No Worry . It's Clean Csn't Explode No Fumes - - Just Light No Soot - - Csn't Smoke Consolidated Lighting Company, rhono 49-2, Elm St., Barre. Phono 824-4. Montpollor. Closing out sale. The balance lot untrimmed felt lint 121.. of trimmed hat regardless of cost: One 'i rent i lot iintrimmed felt hats, from 25 cent. to 73 cenia, were from $1.00 to S2.50: I lot of beaver hats, from 50 eents to J.-O. Braids, wings, fancy feathers and everything in the millinery line to ciose our. wrs. j. ..i. jjond, 83 North Main street. , T y 1 1 n f . - I Stated conclave of Kt. Al denmr Commanderv Tbursdav eveninft at 7:30. Practice for inspection, opening in full f ....... t II t-. ' i . ij iuiui. .ah jr . jynignis are r eaii(Ktp.l .n 1 VINCITIA LODGE, No. 10, K. of P. Castle Hall in Plan chard Block. Regular meetings on Tuesday evening at 7:30. ..-C'-fm TwY) f" f, 1 ' UJ t Omriite City Co nip, Xo. SdSfi, M. V. of A., will' give iu . omnia! nocinl nnd dunce to members nnd their fninilies Friday evening, .Inn. (ith, in their hull. Scnmpini building. The committees tire making every eSfoit. Io nmko tliin Uu-ir most intrrextiiiK doiiiR. and every Wood imin end family, nUo best pirU. arc ex peeted oil that" nlvdil. Pro'jHelie enn didiilea will be woleoiiic. WooilmenV TALK 0F1HE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. Specials in table linens at FittsV Keduction in wool underwear at Perry's. Trunks, bags and suit 'cases at Mc norter s. . Sale of samplesl of muslin underwear at vaugiian s. Ladie' day for roller r.kating; at the raviuon touay and Friday, Velveteen shirt waist suits now $7.50. Were $13.50.. At Abbott's. A union store card has been placed i no l aron & jiemis bakery. Dan Barber bepan work this morning a tiers in urownt nrug store. Agencies for the Guim and Clolw Wernick sectional bookcases at B. V Hooker & Co.'s. 1 : -.-;-'' The Athena club will meet with Mrs, Jwcholas Veale. Liberty street, on Tues aay evening at 7.:so. . , t . A new idea has appeared in a com bination bust and shirt -wakt extend er. On sale at Fitts'. There will be a meeting of the school commissioners nt the usual placfe this Kening at ( ociock sliarp. . J. Mcljean has a very attractive display window containing: all the latest styles in the Dorothy liodd shoes for muica. There were 21 less births in Montne Her last year thau the year before, tbe numoer uemg in. ut the parents iou were born in the I'nited Stales ind 115 m foreign countries. Xo one has as yet stood up to be counted in the race for mayor of Mont pelicr, !!. S. Gutchell having positively refused to have his name used. Mavor Cony may be renominated. The Y. M. C, basket ball team will line up agaiast Norwich university at North - field tonight ss follows: Sheriff and Heid, guards; Hust, center; Smith and Jvnapp, lorwams; Mercer, sub. r.nna concert ana oance at armory hall, Montpelier, tonight. Admission to concert 25 cents; per couple, including concert, dance, etc, $1.00. Special car to t-arre arter tno iance. Uancing to con tinue to 2 o'clock a. m. McDonald. Cutler , Co., of this city have been sued by Jane F. Fowiie, ad ministratrix oi the estate of her bus band, who was killed at the company's quarry last summer, the (amount of the suit being $5,000. Th dainti(T claims negligence on the part U the company Howlie was crushed beneath a car of grout which was being moved. M. M. Gordon of this eitv is attorne? for Alexander Wilson who on yesterday was released from the county jail after a fifteen days sentence for intoxication, only to be arrested af.ain Jor assaulting Uuef of l'olice llutclnnson of Aorth- fi'dd. A hearinc was held yesterday af' ternoon and U'ilson waived examination, hemp bound over to county court. Thk is not Wilson's first appearance in court by any means. 6 SL2 j WEST T0PSHAM. -Ktiifcne Fellows was In CoHnth Friday on pleaMire. Mr, and Mrs. Georcc II. Rico were in Barre Tuesday. Mrs. C. II. Hipht was in Barre, several days last week. G. K. Church was in Bradford Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Luther Tillotson is very . sick with pneumonic. Rev. Mr. Dexter returned from Lowell. Mas., Wednesday. . James Chalmers of Jsewburr was at home over Sunday. Herb. Warren of Voodville, N. II., was in town Jrulav. Mrs. W. E. Nove spent the week in Bane visiting friends. . . W. W. Koycs was in Barre and Mont pelier Monday on business. Mits Mary Chalmers of Corinth was t home Thursday, returning on Friday. Gov, C. J, Bell installed the officers of Waits lliver grange Thursday even ing. Mr. Andrew Mantin was in Barre Friday and Saturday. W. G. Jack son was m Harre Saturdny on busi-nc.. Severn! from this phiee attended the auction sale of Mrs. l.ilinnn Hutchinson Thursday. Mis. W". F. Poole of Montpelier is helping to csro for her mother, Mrs. Charles Poole. Mrs. William Thaver of Bane visited her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. C. Toole, several days lust week, Fred Bowe slipped on the ice while coming from his home, striking mr hi side ami nreaKing one nu and injuring him internally. ' For Spring. Buy early and you get the test patterns and styles to select from. Our new line is ready for your inspection. Prices -!frora 75c to $6.00 a pair. . 'N0RTHFIELD. Fred M. Kcmptoif xvni to Barre yes terday. " L. J. Robin. on of llanciwk was a business -visitor in town on Saturday. J). W. Dorsife,: the tor.tiaelor on the Brown public library was in town yes terday. . : Henry L. Kenyon spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Wijlard Alien, at , Monlpelier.- , ..-.. ; Miss Elsie Burroughs of Bradford was the guest of friends in this village on riday and Saturday. , , , Geo. Emerson of the firm of Emerson : Bros., went to Springfield, Mass., Thurs day on business for the firm. Chief of , Police John Hutchinson re- ( turned on Friday night from a short vacation at his home in. Chiremont, K. H. . - , . . . r The initatory banquet of the Dela Kappi P;d fraternity will take nlnee on. next Saturday nio-l.t in the . mrlnr. of i 3gOTtiBa the LTniycrsulist church, ' Hal. ey Ed.gerton of Dartmouth eol- lepc, Hanover, N, . II., spent Saturday I ana .rMinaay witti lis- parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Edgerton. , Alex Eddie, D. D. G. P. and James Giflin, :. J. W., went to West Randolph . Saturday night to install the rifliee.n of the Encampment of the I. O. O. F. of Burlington. The smoke stack for the new he&tinp ' plant at .Norwich university was raised MM mml VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Curr'r Building, Barre, Vt. w H O U - Two ittempts previous to this has been made ; 5 been ! called by the trustees in accordance with the vote taken at the annual meeting to 55 renort on ihf rnhnJ-.I pnat nf nam " electric light plant for the village. . A dispatch was received here on Sun day that William Garvev. Jr.. son of William Garvey of this town, had both o legs cut otf in a railroad accident in MissourL Xone of the particulars have . S been received. I H UWIOH CLOTHING COMPANY. UW10N CLOTHING COMPANY. ig : He ltd I IJlIsi uff uii 01 1 1 : on Friday after much difficulty attempts previous to tins which were unsuccessfuL A special village meetim? ' has 5 j o u 5& On Thursday night Co, F basket ball ; H team will play the Barre Y. M. C. at the Armory here. In the last two years the Barre team have defeated the liome 'o team and it is expected hat the game S will hf fdjifc nnrl in.iriri I Guy II. Watson, of St. Albans, in the employ of the Central Vt. B. R.,, as a civil engineer, and a member of the class of '02, Norwich university, was in town .vaturdav to attend the banquet of wieh universiiT. ; Tonight orwich university ba.ket ball team will play the Fall River Signal Corps of Fall River, Mass. This will make the third game by the home team who have improved very much durinc ttie past ten days, especially in the team work, me visiting team las for the past three years held the military cham pionship of New England and it is ex pected that the game will be very fast J i . X ' ana interesting. - Patrick Murphy waa arrested on Fri day by Officer Moody on a complaint for being intoxicated on tho 13Ui. Moody while waiting for the court officers to return from dinner allowed Murphy to go into a grocery- store. .The prisoner immediately made hij escape through i-ne oacK noor in we basement. A search was made for Murphy who was not to be found. About two o'clock Murphy returned to uie poice neaaquarrers and when asked vrhy he made his escape,said that be cot Hungry waiting for the Hi- cers and went home to get some dinner, He received the usual $5 and costs. EAST BARRE. Orcar Thompson 1 -considered by .his physician to be much improved at this writing. Dr. Sprague, assisted bv Dr. McAr- thur, performed an operation Sunday morning on Oscar Boyee. The patient is doing well. There will be. a special meetintr of Wuchosen Tribe, Xo. 19, I. O. R. M., Fri day evening at 7 o'clock sharp. AH chiefs take notice. After the prayer service on Wednes day eveuina there will lie a business meeting of the church, which all mem bers are requested to attend. Mrs. Fowiie went to Heaton hospital Saturday to have a very critical opera tion performed. It i hoped that the result will be fully restored health. Mrs. Jetsen and son from 'Boston hsve been the guests of Mrs. W, C. Nye for several days, Mr. Xye has been admin istrator of their estate for a number of years, and the coming of age of the son necessitated the settlement of the estate. Take advantage of this opportunity to buy' your Mens and Boys' Clothing ....... and Furnishings at the r Great Winter Gearance Safe now in progress at the Union Clothing Company's Store, You can save from 20 to 25 cents on the dollar. Everything in this sale was manufactured by first-class firms to be sold for this Winter sea son. No old stock. Only up-to-date goods. Money refunded if the customer is not satisfied. All goods shown with pleasure. Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Rink 8011.112?. 0pp. Depot Square. AMVdKOD OfilHIOlD KOIKfl 'AKVdKOS OmiUOlD KOIiill Clearance Sale of Jm "SB "is s 5 Before invoicing our large stock wc wish to re duce it to the lowest possible mark, and, right in the face of the advance in the price of leather, "shall make a deep cut for the Ten Days, Beginning Saturday, Jan. 20th Here's your, opportunity to save money on any Shoe or Rubber in our store. Nothing is reserved in this sale. Even Rubber Goods, which are always sold at almost no profit, go at the same discount One-Tenth Off the Regalar Price. Isn't this worth saving? Look us over and see. We have all styles in Men's, Women's, Misses and Children's Shoes for which there is a demand. ..Now is the tim; for men to get their heavy Rubber Overs and Felt Boots to finish out the Winter. Our brands are the best made "Mishawaka," "Bali Band," " Goodyear Glove." Men's, Women's and Children's Rubber Boots are included in this sale. Remember the time January 20th, continu ing ten days. , " Discount Ten cents on the dollar. ' GRANITEVILLE. The Ladies' AM society tf the Prp.hv- terian chinch w ill meet with' Airs. (Jeoige Suitor next Wediiocin v afternoon ut two o'eliH-k. KmrJSEfmiST,msneMEaxsamM wives jiIoubo brinjj ciike. Card of Thanks. Wc de-ire to cviu'ei mn- heartfelt (hunks to nil the fiiend niul lie h.'liliorn fur their kindness nnd nymjnthy in our heicuveinent. Al-o for the lic.iiitiful floral nfferiiij;.! for the funenil. Mi. end Mr, .'red I. Htibcick, Mr. and Mr'. O. V. Shrplee. , 4 ONE THE ONLY "Dorothy Dodd" 'ar sity Boots dis p 1 a y the smartest shoe, fashions of the season. W hile they have the low top mannish effect, yet the dainty femin ine outlines and perfect fit have not been sacrificed to secure it- It is the one mannish shoe that will accurately fit he ftemlnine foot. $i. 50 per pair. PEOPLES SHOE STORE JOESfi IgLEAN, .'eleiihona .24-3. 200 Ho. Main St., Barre, Vt. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. C. S. ADREWS, Proprietor. Rale's Block, - - - Barre, Vermont sae5B3oa!Wg52s L.5 m J :i m uid wftii ilia (is.: As Good as a Govcnnient Bond. Writes Both Assessment and Paid Up Policies. Call, riion or Write and Get Ratos. WANTED, 1 000 OVERCOATS Cloaks nd Dresscj to Color. Fir-t-class Work, Reasonable Prices. MONTPELIER DYE HOUSE, fl KaiB 5t HsBtpcller, Vt. R. G. R03INSON, AGENT, omce Wooq Block. TUoue 29-3 bakre.vep.most FIRE. LITE, ACCIDENT nnd PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Agoney - . PAGE'S POULTRY FOOD 3c a pound, ac in lots of 40 pounds, 2.75 for 100 pounds. Ground Clover, $1. 13 for 50 pounds. Mica Crystal Grits, 75c for 100 pounds. Telephone 31-3. "POCK SALT and Turks I sland Salt, iust OURE CANDIES We have no 10c Dcr arnvea and genuine imported. Also Wor cester Packing and .Coarse Fine Salt. Pure Salt Petre. Ash Meat Tubs. . m .sy-,,v,cl rrrtnAc . V,,,. m ia 1 , . C J'UUUU .i4h 11,1 vt. A JllVt II11C fjl pure goods that are made by three well known manufacturers. 7RUiT Florida Oranges, Navel Oranges Luscious Pears, New Figs, Dates, Nuts, Fancy Apples, Malaga Grapes, Lemons, etc. All fresh and nice. Prices ripht. Barre; Vermont o r o H o o a o o L. M. AVERILL, Opposite Qty 'Park, ' 'iriT'ps- -asps