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TIJE PJULY TTMES. HAftCH 13. 6 Ladles' Home Journal Patterns Prices I o SViOVS Ladies Home Journal Pa turns AND tINEI ) COATS Our policy of a "clean stock for all .seasons" makes it imperative that the few Winter Coats must go even though at a big loss. ' If interested you can buy a Coat now probably for less than can be bought even at wholesale again for years to come., , , , ' We may not have your size but it will pay you to investigate. 1 COON COAT nicely striped up, size 40, value $60.00, for - $37.50 4 ELECTRIC, SEAL COATS, sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, values $30.00 19.00 . ,. 5 FUR DRIVING COATS, Black Dog and Russian Calf, " up to 32.50 1 9.50 , V 5 FUR LINED COATS, special values at $27.50 for 19.50 ' 6 FUR LINED COATS, values up to $45.00, for - - 29.50 Anything We May Have Left in Fur Neck Pieces or Muffs at Very, VERY Low Prices Eldrodge Sewing MscMces, $21.95 rSTTS - Efdrsdge Sewing Machines, $2150 I THE BARRE DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1906. Weather Prediction. . . Cloudy, probably with scattered ligfit snots-, and slowly rising temperature to flight and Wednesday. Light variable winds. . Here's that everlasting Shoe puzzle again. ' "Shall I buy a pair of those highly advertized shoes; doesen'tthe cost of all that expensive advertising come OUT OF THE SHOE?" 1 "Shall I buy the same kind I did last time even if they did prove to be pretty poor bargains?" V Wff rsmfrrfn1Ivsii(T- - .... . gest that the solution is in our possession at this store, a crisp, fresh,, dependable pair of the LUDGATE SHOE FOR MEN. Made to suit you from the moment you first put them on until they arc dis carded for a new pair. It lit Barrc Shoe Co., 131 North Ham St., Banc, Vermont. NORTHERN SHOE COn Burlington, Vt. HARD WICK SHOE CO Hardvrlck. Vt. TALK OFJHE TOWN Waldorf white waists at Abbott's. Some more of those 79c wrappers at Perry's. A complete line of 27-ineh taffeta silks at .Hi Could -V. to South Ryegatc today on l. Sir. George went to Burlington today for a iiit with friends. Mrs. B. A. Eastman went to West Fairlee today to visit relatives. Clinton Heath went to Hartford, Conn., today for a few days' visit. i Net'licea shirts, new patterns, just re ceived at the Frank McWhortcr Co. , store. ' Mr. and Mr. W. E. Raskins went to Wells River today, there they will stay for several weeks. j Miss Agnes William returned last night from a two weeks' visit with rela tives ia New York. j George H. Pratt, who has been visit ing at the home f Frank Morgan, went :to White Rive,' Juuction today. j Albert Hahow, Mrs. Ardin Ordway and William Ilslvosa returned last even ing from Hartford, Conn., where they were called by the death of their brother, Charles Halvosa. j The Congregational Ladies' Aid' so ciety will meet at the church parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2.30. U dies having table cloths belonging to th society are requested to return tbem that afterftoon. I MM Segcl & Brady's THE ENTIRE STOCK. TO BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE TO SATISFY CREDITORS A big cut in prices. Our fine-made and ready-to-wear Clothing and Furnishings, Shoes and Rubber Goods for men, boys and children. Doors were thrown open Saturday, March 3d, for the great Bankrupt Sale. Nearly fifteen thou sand dollars worth of the finest, latest and most desirable kinds of Fall, Winter and Spring Merchandise, ready-to-wear for men, boys andchildren is to be sacrificed in price at once from 25, 35 to 50 per cent on the dollar from the regular retail prices and former values, f This sale will last from 30 to 60 days, according to how these mighty under prices will last. VVe have arranged the stock for easy handling and marked prices for quick sales, as the stock must be sold out at once to turn the same into read v cash to satisfy our creditors, and our customers will reap a rich harvest by faking advantage of these big bargains of the worthy kind. Come at once to this Bankrupt Sale. All goods are marked in plain figures and one price to all. Respectfully yours, SEGEL & BRADY, Barre, Vermont. A MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure MS HQ SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, freo from alum or phe phatlo acid ROYAL 8 A KINO POW0ER CO., NEW YORK. Bolster Block, if 8 Main St., E I' OX EATON. Mffrs. J. E. JIOBA.V, Kesi.lent Mgr. THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH. Mr. L. R. Willarn Offers HENRYHORTON IN THE LAUGHING COMEDY SUCCESS OF NEW YORK TALK OFJFHE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy ' Readers. ; New muslin waists tt Abbott's. Max Raiside is on the sick list today. New spring suits (jus beautiful) at Fitts'. Bane in a Nutshell. See it at the Barre Book Store. , John Mitchell went to Burlington this morning on business. Dr. C. F. Camp was in Xbrtbfield last night in consultation on a case. H. R. Dole of Pike, X. H., is in the city on a business visit. The Methodist choir will nieet for re-, hearsal tbU week on Wednesday even ing. Mrs. Abram Mann, who has been seri ously ill, is now reported to be on the -Miss Belle Chandler of the telephone office is confined to her home with ill illness. There will be a meeting of the clerks' union on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. ' 1 W. A. Blake and son, Carl, of North -field are visiting at the home of B. P. WilJey. Tickets for the performance of "Eben Holden" now ou sale at the Bed Cross Pharmacy. I. C. Ellis and Edward Weseott of Xorthficld were in the city on business yesterday. . - Born, early this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nut of Hill street, a nine pound son. ' y , The Philomathiaus will meet with Mrs. N. D. Phelps Tuesday evening at 7.15 sharp. Rejrular review of the L. 0. T. M., (Wednesday, March 14, at 7 p. m., For esters' hall. j Dan Morse went to New York yss 'tcrday to purchase goods for Abbott' Daylight store. J The Athena club will meet with Mrs. G. L. Bates, 7 Orange street, Tuesday evening at 7.30. The closing out sale of footwear in Perry & Camp's shoe store is meeting with great success. John Connick left hut night for Bos ton to attend the automobile show which is being held this week. Nathan eff left this noon for Leo minster, MabS., where he has secured a position. Mrs. Sell will join him there nest week. Come to the 8. A. bMl on Wednesday, the 14th. at 7.30 p. m., and hear the straight talk on "Salvation" body welcome. Miss Flora Carmiclutel of Ont., is visiting her niece, Mrs. Arthur Pierce. After a short visit sne win en ter the Heaton hospital at Montpelior to train for a nurse. ; ".Stop, Paddy, doht kill Uiui like that, htop I tell ye." Micky Cassidy is not the man to vnmuiit murder a vou' will see if you come to the Siege of Limerick Saturday, March 17th. "Over the Tea Cuds" will have a Do mestic Science social at the home of Mrs. A. D. Morse, Thursday aftarnoou, March 15th. The committee in charge would like to ee all members present. Mnnajrer A. W. Daley of last year's Intercity ball team with Eddie Burns, the popular pitcher of the same pennant i winners, isji.r iiirnu in vuu mm aftcruewn. Burns is attending a jew days in Montpelior. A sugar social was held in the veMry of tho Uuhersalist chuich last even ing, and aliout 150 persons availed them selves of the opportunity of trying new maple syrup on snow. i.eorjf tcicimra on made the sugar which was used and presided at the etipur pun. A four-hoi'e stone team bcloupinp to Waiver Smith met with a mishap while cossing the car track in front of the Blaiirlmrd block this noon. A nut on (he axle broke, lettinpr the wheel conin olF and causitiir the loud to land on thu jiavfinent. Blocks and jacks were pro cured and the wagon righted after de laying the electric car service for some time. ' Howe's moving jiictures are always wclcomcl in lUrre with u, full house and lufit cvcniiiif was no exception to the rule. Kvcrv cut was taken and many mor." could hnve been sold if the house had hud a larger capacity. Few pictures which were given the lit time this nonuliir entertainment wm here were ic- pcflted, and alnioKt everything was new and hizhlv interesting. As people went out after the Inst, picture the remark was often heard, "They get better every year." There certainly can not bo. much Lnprovejvent over l,it evening's exhibition. A. A. SiVIST THE ins Event of the Season! Cloth give a Every Toronto, WIRE YOUR HOUSE FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT NOW TTT 1 1" 1 II HI lllll I TITTTTH . ji ! "iip ip Yes, Whan You CLEAN HOUSE We'll Tell You, CONSOLIDATED LIGIITK6 CO., Pbn 334-4 MONTPEtiEB. : : : Vermont A story of old York State life, dramatized from Irvine Bachc 1- lors famous novel by Edward E. .. Rose. Supported by MISS LOUISE KAROENBURGH. Your Measure Taken By An Expert. We beg to announce that we hive made arrangements with Mr. H. B. Sturte vant, the expert tai lor, who has proved his ability as a fitter of Clothes with us in the past, to be at our store on the fol lowing dates: Saturday, March 17 Monday; March 1 9 Tuesday, March 20 to take orders for Spring and Summer Suits for immediate or future delivery. Mr. Sturtevant car ries this season the finest line of Wool ens and Worsteds for men's Wear that has ever been shown in this city. Values are unapproachable, and perfect fit and satis faction guaranteed. Remember the dates and be present March . 17, 19 and 20, Sat urday, Monday and Tuesday next. Si - The latest, most convenient and desirable can be seen in our window. Your choice fr. ; .,' this assortment at only 98c. , BLAD'S LEUTINA PRUNELLA for $!03 and $1.2 ; New Laces and Himburgs. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Bu3ding, Barre, Boys' jersey sweaters at the Frank McWhorter . Co. store. Special convocation of Granite , chapter, No. 26, R. A. M., Tuesduy . evening at seven o'clock. Dewee. Card of Thanks. -r There will ba a regu lar meeting of Iroquois Tribe, R. M., this even ing at seven o'clock. Work, chief degree. VirrCITlA LODGE, No, 10, K. of P. We wish to extend our hear' 't thanks to the neighbors and friends their sympathy and kindness during t sickness and death of our husband ai ' brother, and also for the many Hoi, tributes, ' . V Jirs. If. J. Carey and family, . Tatrick Carey, . f Thomas Carey. $ FOR 8AI.E Furniture, must be sold before March 26. nn ctxik siove, wool stove. Llnunjf clmirs. Ofrts niait -ess. uiaittng. car- .ti, uiic uLii etc., will he sld at a greo one i Oce KariirK ne leaving tuwu. (.all at last bullae ou M'wioa street. Sptti WANTKD-i cottspe, with barn, by -mit family, at ouce. Auilrei-s l'M.- L." Tliuwt TO RENT-Hous and b n scrfg of lai rt( witu good cluuOHto kip poultry and dof;r deum; one ba f mile ol Pe ple' TeKphouu lutjuire of E. I). Waterman, ' xuHi Jbarre. - SWtli DR. GEORGE D, WARREN, VETERINARY SUR5FQM. Laatie iiau in Bian- chard Block. Eecular meetings on Tuesday ; vjmcc: rase uromcrs Jivery ataDie. evening at 7:30. , j Residence: City Hotel. Tel. 106-4. UNION CLOTHING COXPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. "lis Up" to Oar Money-saying and Worry-saying Ways and You'll Know Where You're Going H o O ! ! Pi It's a Safe Deal For You! We're already in the closest touch with the most wide-awake tailors in the country and they make it a "go." Our tailors are In the very heart of the world's fashion center next to all that's right and new in styles and we're in a position to know "what's what." The workmanship is of the HIGHEST order, while the cutters are the most skillful known to the trade. The immense business we do and the tailors we work for DEMAND it Let us make your Easter Suit. Perfect fit and excellent workmanship euarantced. . .Lawson . .Diincla , . .Anon. The Only Company Presenting; This Boautlfnl Play. Prices, 35c. 50c, 75c and $1.00 Tide s Tuesday at Ktd Cross Pharmacy , Programme for Muoical. The following is the programme for a musical at tlu' Young Men's club rooms V.'ediiVvd.iY evening, .March 14, ut S o'clock, everybody being invited. March "Paul Kemo," ... Orchestra Violin solo, ."Aire Vurie," Mr. Harris Sor.g, "As You Like It,". Mr. Oliver Reading Selected Mr. 1). A. Perry tntro Acta, "Apple. Blossoms,". .Koberts Orchestra Cello, solo, "2nd Concerto," Sohuuian Overture, SPA . Kela Bela MUSS G.aili8 BlOCk, BaM, Vt, . . Orchestra A.A.SMITH & BRO. Men's Outfitters, Union Clothing Store, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Telephone 126-2. ' Old Skating Rink Building, 0pp. Depot Square. AMYdK03 ONIHIOTD KOLHQ n o H o o K St a H o a n f o H AKVdWOO OKIHIOTD NOIKfl 0 o I o xfords! Oxfords !l O 0 We arc equipped for the early calls with a' liberal facturers. Gun Metal, Kid with patent tips, Kid with Kid tips and Patent Colt in heavy and light soles. "Doris," per pair, . - $2.00 and $2.50 " Bernalda," per pair, - - 1.50 and 1.75 Y " Welcome," per pair, - - - - 1 .25 O See the Styles on Exhibition in Our Show Window. X PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, & C S. ANDREWS, PropV. g OD'OOOQ OO-O QOOOODOO LENTEN SERVICE A nice handling of nice goods, is the c Lenten service" retjutred of the merchant by the customer. Two Lenten points we particularly emphasize good methods, good 'goods. It's an old custom of ours to search all markels in every direction, "from Labrador to Finland" to secure the VERY BEST ; then we need SAY little, the silent palates give the dtsircd impression far more differently than could words. ' Choose from these: Split Sabrador Herring, per pound, - , . Round Labrador Herring, per pound,- -Irish Mackerel, per pound, -Box Cod (3 lbs.) ... Cake Cod (3 lbs.) steak - - - ' -Cake Cod, per pound, - - Blood Red Salmon, (all rail) per pound, - SOWOEN & I 6c 1 6c I 15c I 25c J 50c I 15- 9 10c 1 YON iarauLgiB.ieal WANTED, 1000 OVERCOATS C!osk snd Dresses to Color. .First-class Work, Reasonable Prices MONTPELER DYE HOUSE, ' l mia SU KoBtpeller, Vt. Canada Green Peas For planting or cookinp-. You had better buy now while they are in stock. Axes, "Centennial," All handled, at 90 These Axes we hav ,erom IS to 25 ccenti each, ivi h wedee. Armours Leaf lard t sold for many years and they give satisfaction. Fresh mpply ju In. I ear 1 vedge. Ill IIIUUI U LUUI UUI U poric I and best Hams at prices to please AMUR'S CORNED BEEF, slaughtered, Ixn and tender. Wi I smc the belt of trade. Trice always right. Barre, Vermont 1 Telephone 31-3. L. M. AVERILL, ; - Opposite City Park,