Newspaper Page Text
THE BAIIHE DAILY TI51E-. JUKE' IS, 1900.". J ,.jr Pills Ironhe. iht WiMtfiiiTttHrilfw and brsin, ton tb tm''h, rtt'l dio.tin. and kivo sweet, re.rnl, natural leep. Uk-.vt$l. or by mail of u. n:u. ? it rut hurt ifl -lipr.p pul: puwir wgrTaniff; mist 10 ink. rnV ;. .rutfivsT or h'.ti. i. . Vo tJo., lmoll, JU Mad lr HoikI It' Good LOST CLAIM TO ; CHAMPIONSHIP, : .Continued front first page... with ;,-i,lil.ui iirsl run. Horry alsn tried the hunt route to Wyatt ami Again the. latter threw to Miina ami the same performance-was 'enacted, although no rmo scored. Mitcheilalso got the Shlna attack wlien Bickering hit the ball at Jiim and Vivian und Dutton trotted in. . Mighty t-htte with his clnh then drop ped -a sufe one vm' SShiim's head,, und Berry scored, Pickering and the batter pRSsingulong a base.. -There -was a con sultation then; and the Ahmtpetief play ers 'decided that the now A mould, have to be pntb.irk in the j.'rnmlt:ind. ' After tiiia hud been done, Hielow .made It's ftfoieuientiimed pretty .catch of Smith' fuul. But "Booth Mii'plcd and Pickering und Little rnsini the -plate.- Tildon struck out, and OImii, up for thc'iswimd lime In the same inning. Hied to Bishop. Bcsult : Six scores. ( ! As Monlpclier went out easily in t he eighth," it looked like a, bell-ringing time J or (ioddard. But the ninth was to come. It -came "and 'when ended Mont pelier had made; four scores and was one to the pood. This was the way it was done. ' ' ',' ' Montpelicr's Strong Finish.'"' Afler striking out Vairchild 'Booth weakened, tflviii; Shina a pn-. A wild pitch put the runner or (second null a single by Hull brought him -in. . . Wyatt bunted to I'ickfrrinjr, who threw, yards wide of 1ii-t, Boll binding on third and Wyatt 'on second. ' Thert Bigelow broke his' bat with a ptnifc -single, and Ball and .Wyatt tied the score.'1 Jlitehell's out, Little to Dutton. advanced Bigclow, niid the latter tried for third when the bull rolled away from Berry. The lat ter made tip by -a perfect throw to the bane and had the runner by two' feet, but in the collision -Pickering dropped the ball. This Was" fatal, for Benson came up with: a single, and Jehw scored what proved to be the winning tally. Bishop tttrtick out. '" " '' ttoddard had a fine chance to tie the gsnie in the name inning. With Picker ing out at first, Little got a life through the umpire's kindness and Hmith landed for a clean two-bagger, Sending Little to third. There be remained, however, a Booth struck out, and Tildon popped me to the short stop' The. scorer GODDAKD, .' ; ... - ' ab r (ilsen, 2 b, and r.J.. , 4 1 Vivian 1. f, ,...,... 4 I Ihitton, 1 b, ....... 5 1 Berry, e, ........... 5 1 h spo 11 1 0 2 8 0 14 Pickerinsr, 3 b. . 5 11 0 Little, r. f. and 2 b... 5 1 5 1 Smith, a. s. 5-0 2 1 Booth, p 5 0 12 Tilden, c, f . 5 0 0 0 Totals ...........43 13 27 ft ;- . MOXTPETJER. j. - . ab r h jto a r-hina, 3 b. ........ 3 1 0 (r o Biill, c. 3 1 1 1'4 1 Wvatt, p. 4 2 0 0 1 Blgelow, I h. ,. 5 2" 2 10 0 Mitchell, 3 b. . 4 1 ( 1 2 !enon, e. f. ....... 5 0 2 1 0' 0 Bihop, .. ........ 5 0 3 3 2 0 'ilco, r. f, ....... 4 0 0 . I 1 0 Fail-child, 1. f. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 38 J 7:7 T 4 ,T1' score bv innings: ' 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 -Monlpelier ...... 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 7 Ctxldard ....... .0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 6 Summary! Earned run, (ioddard; eae vitice hit. Ball; two-baM hit, Phker iug, Smith, Ifenivon; struck out, by Booth 14, by Wyatt 11; base on balls, by Booth 3, by Wyatt 1 ; bit bv pitcher, by Booth 2, by Wyatt 1; pawl ball, Ball 1, Berry 1; double play, Wilcox 'to Billow j stolen bases, Booth, Bige low, llenii; left on baaed, Montjielier 0, CJoddard 13; first base one errors, i.oddard 3, Montpelier 2; umpire, ljig pnBi time, of game, 2 hour. . LIKE FINDING MONEY D. F. Dstis, Druggist, OBerg Popular Medicine at Half Price. ' 1). V.- llavli, the druggist,, is making it offer that is jml like finding utniury, lot he i idling' regular jO-cent bottle if lv. Howard's cnlnbraled apefic ft lie cure of i'ontipatiou and dyspepsia nt half jirice. In addition to this large ttiscouiit he egree to return the money to any puu-howr whom the specific .does liot cure. . . It is quite umiitiul to be able to buy fifty -cent pieep for a quarter, but that it what this offer really mean, for it Is titily recently through the solicitation of 3niffgiti Davis that this nieilicine could te bought for Jes than fifty cents. He tnged the proprietors to allow him to Mi a -ertain amount. The result has instilled his god judgment, for the jtlo i,s been something remarkable. Anyone vnho surfers with headache, dyspepsia. Uiizinrs-, sour stomach, specks before tbo eyes or any liver trou ble, should take advantage of this op portunity, for Dr. Howard's specific will cure. Hut if by any chance it should l;ot, Y. F. Davis will return vour tnonev. This 9pac Is Controlled By Central Labor ITnlon or Barra and Vicinity Attention, All Union Men! Also Their Wives and Daughters I You are requested when making your purchases to remember the Union I. able and demand it on all goods you purchase from jouf dealer. ' t Union Hade Clothing bearing the Union Lahle can be had of the "following- Clothing stores: Thomas Brady, 1'. H. Rogers & Co., Moore k Owens, A. A. Smith k 15ro..and the Union Clothing Co. Mane Genuine Without the Union libel Peptiron BOSTON TAKES - : A GAME Defeated Detroit 7 to 5 Yesterday TANNEHILL THE PITCHER Chicago Katiouals Keep on Winning the Games, and the New Yorks Also Take One from Cm ' cinnatL The' former champions of-the Amer ican league tiohmlly walked 'aujy hh a bull game yesterday afternoon and Detroit was the team that was robbed of the game. , The score was 7 to -S. The victory was largely due to IheTnie pitching of Jesse Tamiehil) of the aggregation and directly duo, to the heavy slugging of. .the Botonians. They made thirteen safe' swats. The High landers, of New York continued ' their championship form by shutting out Chi cago, .3 to 0, while Philadelphia stepped up to second place over t'lcveland by do fenting St. T.oui; although the bitter did the heavier hitting. Washington helped to lob I'levcland of second place by 'defeating them. The relative standing of the lenders in the N'ational league was not changed vesterdny, as Chicago won from Brook lyn, Pittsburg ended even with Phila delphia and New. York tdmt out Cincin nati, 1 ,to 0. Boston, the tail-end. bunch, lost to St. Ixiuis 8 to I. Yesterday's American League Score. At Del roit Boston 7, Detroit 5. , .At Chicago New York 3, Chicago 0. At St. Louis Philadelphia 5, St. Lou is 1. .At leveljnd Washington 6, Clce land 4. -. - v 'i, American League Standing. Won. lost Tct. New York ,10 17 .038 Philadelphia ...... 28 18 " .fiOO Cleveland ...."-'fi 17 .004 lVtroit 24 20 .S45 8t. Iuis 24 24 .500 Chicago ...... 20 24 .453 Washington , . . ... 17 29 ' .369 Boston It 34 .291 Yesterday't National League Scores. At Boston St. Iiuis S, 'Boston 1. At New York New York 1, Cincin nati 0. . .'.- At Philadelphia Pittsburg 3, Pbila delphia 3. . At P.rooklyn Chicago 8, Brooklyn 3. National League Standing. Won. Lost. ret .692 .852 .640 .533 .442 .400 .364 .363 Chicago . . . Pittsburg . . , New York . , Philadelphia St. louis . Brooklyn . .". Cincinnati . , Boston ..... 36 30 32 28 23 " 20 20 '13 16 Iti IS 24 2; 30 ' 3.1 36 BASE BALL AT GROTOIf. Wells River High School Defeated Groton Juniors. ' (Jroton, June 12. Saturday the .Jun iors crossed hat with the Wells Kiver high school on the loral field and were defeated 12 to 10. The game was inter esting to watch from the start, as it abounded with harp fielding and good batting, tlray for Wells Kiver,' Boss, IVmald and A. LVnnio for the Juniors each got tw-hase hits. Fortune and Buck executed a fine double, play for Wells Kiver.. Dennis pitched an excel lent gnnn4, sttjking out eight men. Gray struck out three and Vandyke one for Wells Biver. They also issued five free passes o first base, while IVnnis 'did not pas a man. The line;p follows: WELLS RIVER flKOTON '. .c, Boss ....3 b., Gamble . , . . p., N. Dennis . . .c. f., llonced .1. f., Kenfrew 2 b.. Vilon ...r. i., Carpenter , . .. ., A. Dennio ;ray. r. 1. and p.". . Bigelow, a. a. ..... Fortune. I. f. ....... Buck, 2 b. Vandyke, r. f. and p Munell, 3 b Wallace,' c. f. ...... Jackson, 1 b. ...... Duncan, e .1 b., I'ilUbury Batteries: For Wells Kiver, Vandyke, (iray and Duncan for tlroton,' Dotmi and Ro CURTIS JETT CONFESSES. Rennrtril in Wivf Tnl.1 tfhnla Ctn..t r.1 1 I " . aw.m ..... W.W. V, Cockrill Murder Plot. ; Ixington, Ky., June 12. A spe'ia from Winchester, K v., reports that Cur tis .Ml, uow iu the Cyiithinna jail await ing his Mtcond trial on a charge ol assasninating James Cwkrill of Jackson in Jackeon. Ky., three years ngo, has made a full confession telling of the assassinalkiiis nf Dr. B. N. Cox, James Cockull, and James B. Ms renin. Among other -things Jett Is said to liave con- tiiinod Hie statement of B. J. Lwen, tbej star witness in the Msivum casf who.i he saiil, told the truth in the trial frffinj ,i... .:...i ,n ..i :. ..i t ' 1 1 y- i nil .1,-1,, ,n H to have decline. 1 that Thomas White, bn was 'e1itnd with complicity ' in the MaHnatkii of Marriim, admitted that the testimony of a plot to kill Mar cum was true. REBATE CASES DISMISSED. Action Taken by the Federal Court at Kansas City. ,4 , . Kan-a City, June 12. In the I'nited Stales district court here yesterday the caws against the Chicago A Milton and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way, chnrped with granting relmtes on export shipments, and againxt D. K. Kresky, a Kansas City freight broker, charged with conspiracy to obtain re bate for shippers, were dismissed at the suggestion of A. S. Van Valken-. bingh, the district attorney. - ' - BRYAN FOURTH OF JULY ORATOR. He Is to Speak to the Americans In 1 :t London. J-omlon, June 12. William J. Bryan has ais-epted an invitstioit to' make a M"ecb here at the American relebrafion t'f the fourth-of Jolv. . . - Catarrh from childhood " TTfl t t ' . Cured by Hypmei, the Onjy Medicine for icatarrn that fflicker !& Wells Are Willing to tuararttee. The popularity and growth of Hyo inei are uniipio in the annals of medi cine. 'The demand for the Jlyomei out lit and the extra bottles in Bnrre has been something phenomenal, and Kickert & Wells say that they have never sold any other remedy which gave such uni versal sat I, faction and itiadt so many remarkable cures. The fact that llyoniei cures catarrh' in the only natural and sensible way-that is, through breathing medicated. !r, not by taking drugs into the -stomach- no doubt has helped in the introduction of the treatment. -.There is certainly no other remedy for catarrhal diseases that is so effectual as Hyomei and its dis covery has realized iu part Pasteur' prophecy, , '"We shall one day rid the world of all diseases that arc caused by gernis'i - ;, ? .1. j.- .. ,iThe: w?rst and mtt chrdaic cases' of catarrh readily yield to the use of Hyo mei.. People: who have stltTVVed from childhood have been cured by this iem edy.i .' .;.!, ; S. .. Nugent, treastuer f the American ' Union : Insurance Cri.: "ett York city, tvritea: "Hyomei baa com pletely cured niy' 'daughter 'of catarrh, from which ahe had been anffering for years. ... ;t',.ii.,;1:.(',t."!; nianyl-emarkable results have at tended the tune- of Hyomei kmongst the customers of liickert"' WellsHhut they feel -jiisuliod" in' usiiigthti Vtrongest pos sible language ' in speaking of its vir tues, and when ?u read that they sell it under an absolute guarantee to re fund, the inonoy if it does pot cure, you will see that they fully believe' in ' its curative powers. A complete ouitit cots onl one tfollar. extra bottles 50 cents. TWO OFFICERS OF . MUTUAL LIFE INDICTED Former Vice President of Insurance of Foigery and Per- '. . " of Forger yand Per jury. ial grand jury yesterday Afternoon jn chargee of -forgery and perjury." f , t ' Dr. (idlette is indicted. boihtliere being live indictments for forgery, ' . Mr. "C.ranniss is charged with forgery and making false statement. -., - The perjury at against tiillette is al leged to be for making false statements in the grand jury room. - '.. BIG LINER ASHORE. Has 1,000 Passengers Aboard Her Was Bound for Philadelphia. (ape May. N. J., June 12. The steamer Westeriikind, with 1,000 pas sengers, bound to Philadelphia, from Liverpool, struck on Homer' shoals, four mile on Cape May, alxmt 10:15 yester day, and is bard aground. She was boarded at 41 o'clock by the skiff of the Pennsylvania pilot boat Philadelphia. There is no aea or wind. She ia too far from shore te see her distress signals, Life-saving crewa have gone to her in their yawls. BETTER CIGARS FOR LESS MONEY This Is the Reason Why C. H. Kendriek & Co. Sell Wadsworth Bros. Oucos. '"In the la-.t few months, said Mr. Kendriek of C. H. Kendriek A Co.. drug gists, -we have gained a wonderful sale for Wadsworth Bros.' Chieos." Thce cigars give better value for the money than any other we have ever seen. Their pride in giving their customers the bet of goods for the least money made them wll the Chieos to. those who were smoking ten of fifteen-cent goods. Chk-os have a long Havana 'filler, burn freely with a pleasant fragrance and are a mild and enjoyable smoke that pleases the? morit fastidious. "It is; only about once in a hundred time,". ,.Mr. Kendriek continued, "that. we fined a .igajre5iul to its manufacturer's cbiims, but 'f in t hiws we found one even better, one that fully continued what Wadsworth Bros, asserted, a letter cigar for leas inotiej-. It sell for five cent straight, and as we said before, we. recommend it to all who want a good cigar, no matter at what price. MARSTTRS VACATION TOURS Thirty Day Tour of the Pacific Coast COLORADO. CALIFORNIA and the Yellowntone National Park. - leaving New Knelaitd MOVItAY, .ICI.V nl. h ne-tal train of I'ullmsa l-U. r tIpln'g ( ars sail IXmr. IVrsonallT eMi iltwt'd, Kvery (Itttall Itivt-clstk. Most .' trsctive itniersrv eer ulllnert. Hcmt for itlHSirati-it ctrciilar to cu. K. Martr, Tickets and Tt-nrs, No. IBS Wwalilngtun M., BUm. SUMMER DRINKS We manufacture all kinds of Soft Drinks. Only pure filtered water and the best fruit syrups used. If you have not tried our goods order a sample case. Cooling ana refreshing. Special attention is given to picnic orders. All goods delivered. M.J.McG0WAN 'Telephone 118-2 107 Scuta Wain Street, Barn, Vt. New , Yoi-k JiipK if i.-i-Dr.1' 'Ut .K. tfilfctte arid' HtMiCrf! A.; '':irii-i, former vice presidents of ihe M;iti.iT iffe' ihjiur ance eompanv, were indicted bV the spec THREE DEAD, 30 INJURED in Jersey Train Wreck Yester day Afternoon, ATLANTIC CITY FLYER Goes Through Open Switch Some ,of the Wounded Wilt Die The Engine of the Express Plunged Into Box Cars. Red Bank, N. !.T June 12. The Jer sey Central Atlantic City flyer, which reaches New York at 11.30, went through an open switch south of vlie Katontown station about 10:20 yester day,' throwing the engine niid two. cars down a ten-foot embankment. ' The fireman and two passengers were instantly killed' arid it ia said over thirty badly injured. ' ' The 'engine turned over ,in the ditch and was smashed, and the 'smoker was torn up in a mass of kindling wood. Doctor and the coroner were telephon ed for from. Bed Bank and. vicinity and came promptly in automobiles. The fireman' body has-been recovered, bit the two dead passengers are still under the wrecked ears. When news of the wreck reached KlizalM'th a Kfial train, liearing dtx: tors, nurse- and railroad officials, was started for Fatontoww immediately. Most of the passengers on the train, which left Atlantic City at 8.30 o'clock, were New Yorkers, who were retnrnintr i? the city after spending Sunday at the shore. The train was due at Liber ty street, New York, at 11:40 a. m. . An open switch caused the disaster. The engine of 'the express plunged at top speed into several box cars whica stood 'on he switch, reared bigh in the air: tufneil and fell into the. ditch.4 1 Tlie Var immediately rKhilid the !e-! pin was telescoped. All 'of the 'other cars left the rails; - The killed and inM jured were in " the ear that was tele seoped. ,, : -'' ''' FOOLISH FATHER'S ACT; Upsets Canoe by Trying to Sail With Umbrella Two Boys Drown. t . Rochester, June 12. Noab Wright took bis on Arthur and his ehum, Eisner Scherntershorn, to ;eieee Valley Park for an outing Sunday. The boys were ahout aeventoen years old. Wright hired a canoe from one of the boat houses. After addling about for a tine he tired of the work, and seiri:' n ti n-j brella attempted to sail tbe-eaa-ie, The boys protested, but Wright per sisted unfit a gust of wind overturned the craft. Wright Was saved, but both boy were drowned. His son's ' fast words were Fatber, it is your fault.", STRIKERS FIRE FIFTY SHOTS. Attack Check House of Cos! Company in Dillonvale, O." , Dillonvale, (., June 12. An attack, presumably by strikers, was made early yesterday on the check house of the M. A. Banna. Coal Company, at Hilhmvah". when fifty skits were fired from a hill two hundred feet distant. There were four watchmen in the building, but no sue was injured.-' Superintendent Hornickle of the Han na Company asserts that the shooting yesterday was to frighten the fifty men who had intended going into the mine yesterday morning. Mtike breakers will begin work on Thursday. i NO NEW TRIAL. Recorder GoS, Denies Plea of Patrick, Execution in a Week. ; , New York, June 14. Recorder ' fioff hHiiib-d 'down a decision yesterday after noon denying the motion for a new1 trial fir AlheirVT. Patrick, who awaits de'Ath for' the mtitder of W." M. Rice." ThN Means'' that Patrick will lie executed 'at Sing Sing within one week. The Longwortha in Parliament. London,' June 12. Ambassador Reid took Congressman Nicholas Iangwu1b to the Distinguished Strangers Usllery of the House of Common yesterday af ternoon to hear the debate on the edu cation bill. Mrs. Longworth, accompan- iisl by Mrs. Keid, made a tour of the I shopping districts. " ' Chicago Chesterfield to His Son.- !l thiuk you ought to know what you're aUint, , ' You have some little seuse, if yon i don't show it ; 1 really mean you have and there's no j doubt ..!. - You know it'. - .i.p. " " You're nearly twenty now, or that's my guess; Qf greater wisdom I make no profes sion, ' Since you've attained thai age of more or.-resa. - - .,- Discretion. - ' . ' j j For if I A'ul profess to know ft lot-!, More than yuu do. you'd frnwn, and j that would grieve me i .-'J ! And furthermore I know that you would nut . ' I . Believe me. I have refrained from giving you advice, i j im-iiijj ,i, irni t?i inriniw i Wherefore I know you think J am a nice i ! Old fellow. ! -- - . ! 1 1 make it pleasant for you when you're here ' "'"-'. i And if 1 think you're wrong, make no . correction, I i That is one way of gaining your insre j ; Affection. ! I - ! ! But what if I should rag you all the' j . time? j ' totir confidence in me would soon be I , shaken, ' , You'tl shim me like a pestilence, or I'm ! .. Mistaken. . ., ... . I V ., , jn ! An4 so I will but. turn aside,' aud.wink'f 1 And your regard will not tow even .cwdish, '' ' -f'.'k "''' , j For, f 'don't say however iiiucb I tbiuU j ' . You're foolish. ' ' ''""' Clticagw i.itily-"5w.' ' BRYAN HEARS OF HIS BOOM "This Is Too Sudden," Says -the Nebraskan HE SEEAS ASTONISHED By the Report of His - Popularity " He Recovers, However, and Then ! Talks Interestingly of Politics. Berlin,' June 12. "This is too sudden, said, WiJIiuiu J. Bryan, witii a luug,i wfteutim-ivas lolil ot the adoption :iiy recent , Jstte Democrntie conventions ol rewlutjon favoring his no.iiiuHtioit for the presidency , of fho I'nited ..Status in lJ0i. . .VThis is the first announcement of thls- ncWs to me,"; Mr. Bryan con--tinned. ,""1 have been (ill" the main enra--van route for some time, and baie Iweft absorbed ; in. w hat I have been seeing awl doing.'' i Mr. Bryan hu'l been moving so rapidly since he left Vienna on Fri day, thai letters. and telegrams for him did not, reach him until today. As to the possibility of his nomination. , he hud hi lie to say. declaring it is too early to speak of that ijuestion but taking up the subject of the political requirement of the day, lie iwiid: '"Before leaving home" I tried to d'w tinguih betweno - Democracy and what can properly lie called Stn-ialismi Demo crncy recognize cotuM'tition ai legiti mate and tnes to protect the competi tive principle from attack. , Socialism sees competition as an evil to be elimin ated by public ownership and operation of all means tf production and distribu tion.' While this distinction between Democracy and Socialism should not be overlwked the Democratic platform must .of projjrens and reform, and not merely of oppoeitiott to Republican' poli cies tea. Sj'wiiiftie ideas. In our fight for the alvwlute. elimination of private nion oKilies anil tor the regulation of eir Kiratiohs Jn gem-ral, it is necessary that the pirfy shall be free from any suspi cion of alliance with the corporate m teret that have been dominating Anier; ieati ' politic. To this end campaign contrlliirt Mint must b limited to those who have the public interest to advance, l trust that , public sentiment, will re quire all parties keep their tsicks open so that beieaficr no party will be under private obligations to shield cor porate offender. Alluding to conditions in the meat in dustry, Mr.. Bryan said "The beef trust, is not different iu character and methods from other trusts The inevitable ten- urncy ot a private monopoly is to in- -crease the price of a product and to kiw- er t quality. -Why siioul.I anyone rs pect anything else from a trust than tlie lowering of quality when a monopoly is established. Observe, 1 have used the words private monojoly, not public. In a private monopoly, a private interest is set up against thoM of the whole peo ple, (finite a different irinciple (opies into o (aeration when the interest of -all is alone in view." . Herman Kidder, of the New York Staat Zcitung and Mr. Bryan had a long talk yesterday m the political sit uation in ll I'nited States. Mr. Bryan will leave for St. Petersburg today -.nd from there will visit Swmieu and Nor way. He will arrive in England ea;-!y in July and will then visit Francs, Haiy and Switzerland He exjiects to sil on the. steamship Princess Irene from f.ih raltar on Aug. 20 and to arrive in New York on Aug. 29. . "Drapery." It is expected in the drapery trade that, ii'g to. the San Francisco disas ter, i ' one in future will devote more atteni'ioii to thew choice of pajamas. Punch. THEY FIND IN UR1C-0 A PER- . MANENT CURE Cli.i e-.. Rheumatic Sufferer Rejoice in Receiving Such Splendid Results Fron Urico. If a convention could lie held of all the Rheii- i niatic iiflVr"rs who huve licen ciirvd rnniplrte Iv v tlit u of 1 ii-t, Uiert .mlil tt Mir.h a njoicliig to eonvlitcp evtry slteinic. Hint tht-r lias st Ust lfli fomid the trufj nuntain" of healftt. and vet this would I a (lrriUcrl rr nir. fr I'ric-Ot not '"cure-nil", hut simply a rim for Rheumatism and tthetiinstism 'inly. F.vwy sufferer from Hlirnnmil-in hn Wxiun hi be rid if the leeplr oiKhni, the nerve binding. miiM'le twiatoig tmurn of tn. should lay ssule all ulhcr forms of treatment, (el a bottle f t ric (land start rejoiclne on hi soir toheaiih. It matter little hnwhm one has suffered friim the tnntUle nnr hnw inene the iiiflering. I tie-d still cur it. 4'nre it pletvly, cure it ermaiirntly and curt tt toataT enred. Muscular, Artiralsr ami Inflammatory Kheiimiitism yield at ome to itiil miitlily henl i"(t K'nt. Iiruig;ita and phaiclxni errry her re gUiilv reennitnenditis; I ric-O for Kheitniatistn lwnse they know its wonileiful curative prniertie cannot t ai;craUMl. . I'rtc-tl acts directly upon the blood, muscle and kldncvs. It nentraliara the uric and rheu matic acid poison, and drtvea it from the tWoi. lbs Hed " riiantijwy l lb Hume of I'ric-H" in Bsrre snd they eell tt and uumntre il for Vif and SI. I, l a bottle. We knn yo co be rured by I'rte-tt and il von will only' try Olie bottle you will thank tis limn the Iwltoin of your heart for ba,ing made joit cquamtml villi this marvelous teniedy. Ism't ilelar. Ixm't put it off. Try it snd try It todny, - Ak them alxmt it and learn from them the umnv cures I ric-O has effected right lierf in vour own t"n. If yuu sleslre, ym ran test and try it free nf rbarx-e by sendinit your name and ad. drrs to the Smith lrtit Jyr:uee, N. ,. and axkitig for a sample fiee. FINE ICE CREAM VV'c have opened an Ice Cream Parlor in connection with our Fruit Store, where the finest Ice Creams are served. Try our Strawberry Ice Cream, made from real fruit. We albo w holesale and retail Ice Cream, and all orders of a gallon and more delivered. , W'e deliver Fruit free at your homes. NEW ENGLAND FRUIT COMPANY Cor. Xe. Main and Merchant Sis. LM 2, A Uttle Precaution Now may . Save a Lot of Trouble Later Remember, "An Ounce ol Prevention is Worth K Pound of Cure." "Weak Lungs are a constant source of danger and one cannot be too care ful during; this trying- winter weather. People are altogether too prone to negr lect what they term a "little com. This cold Is very often the forerunner of death. From a "little cold" it de velops Into a blgr one, and then follow serious complications. A cough starts Jn the throat. ICo particular attention Is paid to this, but It groes on slowly but surely setting In its deadly work. The cough gradually descends until It fastens Itself upon the lung.", and then for the first time the victim be grimrto re-Hltae his danger,- Unless en ergetic action Is .taken, this cough will develop into consumption. Cod Liver ( il has Ion? been recog nized bv medical nuthoritls as the most -efficient remedy Jn Throat and Lung difficulties.- ;In,Magee's Emul. sion you get the purest Norwegian Cod Liver OH combined with Extract of Malt. There fs no ina-redient In Ma- gee's Emulsion that Is not of benefit NO WINE NO WHISKEY-JUST FOOD. Insist upon the genuine take no substitute. E. A. DROWX, DHUGGIST, 15AIiRE,'VT. HIS ALASKA DIGGINGS NET HIM 51,000,000 "Swift Water BiU" Gates Largest Pro ducer in the Tanana District ' This Year. Seattle, . Wash., June 12. "Swift Water Bill" Cates is the largest single producer -of gold in the Tauana district of Alaska this year. He tilf come out with $l,(KiOJHio"in dust, and has $HMi, 000 mote' Mocked out. The. Fairbanks Banking Company, which has handled the major portion ol the dust this season, has issued a state ment to the effect that the gold pro duction In the Tanana district for l(J(o will approximate $12,000(00, divided Ms follows: , Clear Creek, $6,500,000; Fairlwnks Creek, $3,300,000; Ime, $l,500,t00; KsUier, $N00,0o0;- Gold Stream and Pedro. :i0fl,0t)0j .Delta district, includ ing Tenderfoot, f 100,000; Kantisiina, $200,01X1; other smaller streams, like Alder, Vault, Cilmore and Fox, $100. ooO. ;''.-.-;..-.. CHEMIST4TO AID BR0TJWER. Professor Retained to Take Part in the '..- Analysis of Vital Organs. Toms River, K.J 4., June 12. 'Dr. l"rank Brouwer, who is confined iu the county jail .here, on the charge of poison ing his wife, will now be represented at , the. chemical analysis, of tba .vital organs of the supposed victim. This analysis is now being-made by S. . A. Centh of Philadelphia, and yesterday Justice Charles K. Ib'ndrickson and Pros-' ecu tor' T.'J." Brown signed an 'order' per mitting lrof. Marshall of the university of Pennsylvania to take irt. , - Bronchitis yott will be ready to follow his advice. old, standard, family cough medicine. it in just these cases. w, , iii . I I,, The Month of Weddings! - The time is most here wHen you must buy that Weddihg Present. Be sure and see our line before purchasing. We have a large variety of Silver ware, including the latest designs and best quality. We also have a large line of Cut Glass and Ster ling Silver. We are pleased to show you our goods', whether you buy or not. OJ. DODGE, - - 170 lie Main Street. Nail Notions! Ask to sec our 10c and 50c complete ani . ( bets. ou will want one at the price we selling them for. E. A. DROWN, : ' Prescription Druggist, 48 No. Main St., Or,. N..t .r l,-IBBfS'aawajfcaaa LAWN MOWERS, S3.00-S7.50 REFRIGERATORS, LAWN RAKES, THE N. D PHELPS COMPANY ' 136 Norlh Main Street, Barre, il ' El J u m to the svstem. It nets almost Imme. dlately and Its results are certain. Restores Vitality and Strength, Miss NelUe Nolan ot Syracuse N. T., writes: "i have- been a long- and patient sufferer from a luriff difficulty; have tak- a great amount of medicine anil been under the .care of several physicians, all of which Anaily failed to benefit me. I had lost two tist.ers and one brother from the dread disease of Consumption, anil when the doctors g-ave me up, 1 thought I should follow them by the ravages of tits aumo disease. I was terribly reduced in weight, scarcely weighing 100 pounds, r took Mngee'H Emulsion and at once begun to experience n-llef. gained strwiglh an.l now weiirh 3-"n pounds. No other medicine could have done an much fT my lutiRs t am sure, and I can recommend it without hesitation." ., Start taking Magee's Emulsion to day. Pon't wait until to-morrow, as that never comes. . Don't wait until your cold has developed Into that dread disease. Consumption. Mairee's Emulsion will hfelp you as surely at the Bun will rice on the morrow. ESTIMATE OF. CROPS. Spring'Wheat Condition, 93; Winter, ' 83; Oats, 86; Barley, 63 5-10. Washington, June 12. The estimat ing board of Hie Department of Agricul ture yesterday issued the following crop rejHirt: Spring Wheat Condition, 03; acre age, 17,89.OO0. Winter Wlwat---Condition, 83 on June 1. Oats Condition, SO; acreage, 27,t7S 00". ' Barley Condition, 03 3-10; acreage, iy3.(M)0"moii! than -last year. l The indicated spring -w heat crop from the goverilment figures is 208,61700. bushels; winter wheat, 414,722,000; to tal, '713,33'j.OOO, as against 5.V, last retir, final. Tlie tndicated1 oats crop is 893,9a9,O0t bushels, as against U3, 21ti,t.K)0 actual last year. FIND NO GRAFT IN B. & 0. Commerce Commissioners Examine Offi cials in Washington. Washington. June 12. Further testi mony with respect to the ownership by officials of railroads of coal, and oil stock and proieriiew was taken by the Interstate ("ommerce Commission yes terday Two witnesses were examined t harles K. Ways of Baltimore, assistant to the freight traffic manager, and L. R. Brockenbrough of Pittsburg, general freight agent, both- of tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. , - , Mr, Ways. said that be owned 4'. shares of lerchants' Coal Company strs'k, which he paid for. '' ' lr. Brockenbrough said be owned fifty shares of I'rsina Coal Company stock, given to hint by a friend. No evi dence of graft was brought out. The next time you meet your doctor, ask him hit opinion ot Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral in case of bronchitis. Then when you hare hard cold in the chest Doctors very generally endorse this They know all about it. Tbey prescribe h,x no -rt w. rb;u ; cimco., fn-Tgq of nil i-n- w1-'tln. ' Tnw. f. Mw, anicure price we are $1 0.00 to $1 8 00 GARDEN HOSE. -s" x y