Newspaper Page Text
THE BACKE DAILY TIMES, JUNE 12, J 'JOG. BARRE DAILY TIMES'?; Fhd Er'try WkiaT JUternim. fetac-Mlm bt Yur. $3: Oat KtbZS cts 1 SiajU Copy. 1 cent, j Funk L LsatleT. rnblUatr. . KotereU at the foBtoffirw at Barre u sceoo . ClaM Matter. .1 TUESDAY, JURE 12, 1906. J-- -- The averaw dailv circulation of the j Barre Daiiy Times for tha week tndieg Saturday was t ! 4,115 copies, Ui largest paid circulation of any daily paper ia this section, I ' ' " " Among the things nipped hy the frn.t ', was ,jv. Bell's corn. j " ' j We wager that The Fphjaf of I',w'tor . grinned yesterday. J j Editor John,!! of Randolph Undcd ; on bis, feet in tba Orange county sens-! Worship fiiiht, ami the republican voters J . v ill make no mistake if thvy, send him to Jloiitwlier next full. We are surprised that London should J P" fastened. Tin cer-j make wh a "fuhs and featU-rV oicrfn'y epoeh, one in hhh the people; n,l hi bride. Little won-)8 '".ir.g to separate the right from i dr that the Lonanurths seem a little bored by the attention paid them. Kven if the bside is the daughter of the Pres- ident of the Vnited States there is no j for the' tremendous curiosity dis-; . played by the Britishers, any more than j there was of Americans over their mar-j -ring. ' TUTS XEW LIGHT ON CASE. To the newspaper reading public who hate been following the conduct of the j Tuokrt- "tiiul in' Massachusetts' a ' uew j ' phae is put on the ease by the -article , in the Boston News Bureau, as reprint ed in The Times today. Thm public, which has been acting as a jury in and of itself, was dependent upon the pres 1o give them the evidence that cainjwor y0U. jtcbison' Globe. to the court, tin such evident that ! . cam to them a great part if the public j was forced to believe that there was J grave doubt of the young man's guilt. According to the Boston News Bureau, however, a great part of the evidence, and a most damaging part, never reach ed the newspaper readers, for the reason that it was unprintable in a decent jour nal. In fact, the court attendants did not hear a portion of the testimony, for it was decided by agreement of the counsel that it should not lie read, but should go direct to the jury room. What this evidence is perhaps will never be "made public, and it is well that it be - x ,,:.!. L. : . i . i : the case the jury composed of the news- j paper reading public will take a differ-! ent view of the conviction of the unfor - tunate young , niaa who received the .i .iL i . ' . : ii4-ui.o ivaiiajr so inuiiiiii;. ; "WE, ARE IV AS ErOCH." j Aa if Tiis defense of the Standard! oil trust were, not enough to give him fame, Chancellor .lames R. Day of Syra- cUiie university now comes out with ! a wordyes, several words in favor of i the beef trust which is being broiled and the-President' griddle. Chancellor Pay i declares, that "this is an epoch we are in"; ." and , it certainly is, but not in the same way that the Syracuse man 'states. He says: ( "Nothing is right, everything is wrong. Everybody seems to be on the verge of being drawn into the tilth of slime, of defamation, or the deadly firedamp of suspicion." Chancel- jor my does an injustice to the epoch wntcu no iini'n viifi ni9 jirewrnce; ne fovget San Francisco and the sjilendid outpouring of material sympathy in" its time' of 'need.' Is the epoch bad and are the people rotten at heart when they i. -it. t . r DO YOU GOOK WITH GAS? IF NOT, WHY NOT? GAS RANGED FREE To the first one hundred persons order ing Gas in the month of June we will give the free use of a Gas Range. , ; Call at our office at once and place your , order and get a RANGE FREE. Peoples Lighting, Heating and Power Co. Open Monday and Saturday Evenings. 213 North Maia St. Tel. 26-2J. Barre. Vermont well ?k'!uVncf 1 liijt r.erhoou i : death of the !(" V"ii!iu:ii MeKiidpy in Oianll.r. Day, own state he Kj m,Ht h"8 f""tlpn- ' , the nation rie and extol bio . virtues : a a man and a citizen T - j j be two jUTf instances puked- out at random, but they t.iow : tlie prrvrl i, . ., . . . ) that where there is virtue, where tiiere . ' . ' . , . praine and credit, fhey show finally, in i contrast with some other matter of ' more recent occurrence, t Fx t. where there t is reason for condemnation the people, of nation are tis qukk- to roiiJenm and to plaee the idioms. Whether tlioe condemned lie the Uef trust, the oil tru-4, the iuiuram grafters or the fjov-1 eminent embezzlers, ttiey are all being j uncovered in thfc uncovering epoch. Let ; Cnancellor Day pie hpecirie iiUm-es ' wherein person or- things have lieen a n 'into vho deadly firedamp of mh-; PV when attereveaU did not prove I t drawing wu correctly done. e cnii siiow one- ue where unjust "charges were broiuht. the g eminent . lean produce ten case where the u i the ron. JINGLES jVND JESTS. Queen of Today, flutter of frills and luces As light as the air that e breathe, (O'er all most bewitching of faces; luer an most oewiu-mng oi laces; j ' An akle, silk-arched, uiideinoath, A chaperon, wine in Iier duty, A hammock, a nook and a moon Behold the American beauty, . A maidca new-bum with the dime! ludjp'. Right to Work. Ever occur to vou tliat vou are tailed upon every day to do a lot of unneces sary work, in adition to thAt you are compelled to do to earn' a living! 8o ! monv nu j fKlflt' 4Kav liai-A t-ioht In ' Vncll. ' You buy some outlnr clothes, lU-Blicn your house, "To lt," Tou bid goodby to city woes. And this Is what you set; Tha chincer la the Brass, Tn brown bug In the bed, The snake In the glass. The swelling In the bead. New York Press. Still More Dlffletalt, Did you ever .notice how awkwari the average woman is iu driving A Lorse?" "' -. ' "Ves. Strange, too, for a lot of tbem are pretty graceful at managing a mul of a husband." Detroit Free Press. She Sho.ian'f Have Tom. aiay i ana your ager aio mm oaiu, ma i 1 Z the 1 1 Mft"hy, I'- t j,, i'" aj w . maid with eyes of blue. I m twenty-three," saw tne blue i maid. And the bad man said "Sklddoo!" Cleveland 1'laln Dealer. .-' . . ' Lovealclc. "lou ghould hustle more," she said. "Be earnest and ambitious to acquire a fortune. You can't make auytbing by sitting still." "I can make love," be simpered. rtlladelphia Tress. . Why, Oh, Way? Why ia It folks alt this way In The car we miss. While In the car we catch at last We'rejammedlikethis? Catholic Standard and Times. Evealaft Thiaga I p. "Jajgers seems to be down pretty low." . . "Yes; a dan usually does get down low whose only Idea is a bleb old time." Philadelphia Ledger. The Saddeat. ' Of atl sad words TVHh which we're hit The worst are. "Dear ' Sir Please remit," Milwaukee Sentinel. iffrtfrtnfsi I June is the " Negligee" month. Here arc Shirts that will add to yourcom fort, every day. There is no check to the populari ty of the plaid. For a novel pattern see our scroll designs soft pleats with embroidery on center, pan-r els and cuffs, also three color effects on white grounds, scarfs of one col or. We get samples of all the new ideas as soon as they are made. ' Special prices .on all soiled goods to clean -jip. WE CLEAH. rRESS AND RET All CLOTHIKG. ' Madaea. Spaniel Where did you acqulrs your j taste for art? j Pug When 1 wag rjuite young I one ; bit aa art student Life. Plain Ra(b. Wben we want aflvlce that's helpfuU We must buy It, all agree. We get nothing good for nothing That's not good-for-nothing. See? Catholic Standard and Times. CbIU of the Sewly nick, "Was he Iw.rn with a silver auoon in . .. ,.,, vitu a surer aniie in ins mouui. smart !. Aaothi e Trraloa. Little beds of! flowers. Little coats of paint. Make a pleasant cottage Out of one that ain't. , ' Minneapolis Journal A Ce4 Deal Samrseaa. Landlady Fhstk i good brain food. Boarder I'll bava brain fever if I ! stay here rnucb longer. New Xasrlt ! Tress. - As Spoke. A briquette la a little brick. But let this notion soak , Into your mem'ryt a croquette la cot a little croak. Judge. ' A Good Flgttrc. Howell That girl Is a picture. Powell The picture bas frame. Detroit Free Tress. good Pictorial Perils, (". , I bought myself a camera; , Lrnhappy ta the, end. .,, ' f w , Each time I took a portrait I lost another; friend. ,-,..- J Jialtimora Sun, r r ; 174 Main Street,' Batre, Vt. N0R1HFIELD. Mi- Florence Cahu of Moiii)olier viNitwi her . aunt, ilirs Alien Clancy, oer Muid.iy. - Everett TallKit. who has been visiting his parent, Mr. and Mr. James H. Tal Isd. fur the last ten days, leaves 'to morrow for Rutland, where he will vWt relatives before returning to New York city. . -- - '.., thildren's day was appropriately ob served iu the different churches in the village on Sunday, with exercises by the children, consisting of instrmmmtal and vocal music and recitations. Mrs. -Fred llreene left yesterday for Burlington in company with her moth er, where they will reside in the, future. Mr. tiivcne. recently purchased the Hunt. Icy steam laundry business iu that city,, where he went a week ago. Mis Maude Hones is wailing with her cousin, , Phil K Howes, in Mont-pclier.- . - "Mrs. Dwight Howe visited in Roxbury yesterday. Miss Myra Judd of Iowa i making a short .-visit with her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Cunhtnan, On Central street. Fred M. Kempton, who has been in Montfieliec during the past month, has returned to town. He will complete, the new liouse beint; built by - Edward -Me-;i:il1in while here. The graduating elates of lth the high and graded schools enjoyed a cl-s ride to Berlin pond Saturday, Miss Winifred FJlis lias returned to her home iu Roxiniry. John Cross is a visitor in town for a - few- days. - All's. Henry W, tlrser has returned from s ' visit in Granville. ' Frank Dutton is moving from the Hombton house on Elm street into the Kidder bouse on Main street. - "'.,. "Mrs. ; Nellie' TiTden was in Barre -on Saturday at George Tilden's. lr. and Mr. Joseph J.Vnny returned from their wedding trip to Montreal Saturday evening. .1. WV Crady of Barre was in town Sunday.'' .- " .-;' . "'-": Mark Bogties is moving from the Ful ler house on North Main street to the houie vacated by Frank Dutton on Elm street, Mra. Joseph Lavolette of Barre visit ed her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Nicholas Flood, over Sunday. - Edgar Taplin of South Ryegate visited his brolher, Linwotxl Taplin, clerk , in the notional ' bank,, Saturday and Kun- day.i -'l ' ., i tnr ;- s;, f Mrs. Oeorge Sanborn, who has been ill at her home on Central ' street for the i 'pa t two weeks is much improved.' l'rof. t S. ( srleton was a butsines visitor in Montpelier yesterday. WV A, Shaw, who has lieen ill with the grip for the last ten days, is much better. - .lrof. E. A. Winslow, aited by How aid Sharpe and Neal Richmond, is mak ing a survey near the village hall in order to establish the exact lines of the property owned by the vilage. It it understood that the village trustees are to roaka several improvements at the hatl. They are alio considering the proposition of erecting a new building for a city jail. THINGS THEATRICAL, Blanche Deyo has scored a bit In The Social Whirl." The mother of James K. Hackett has witnessed every stage performance her son has given siaee be became a star. Thomas K. SJien's season in tragic repertory has lieen so successful that Nixon and Zimmerman bave extended It so as to Include other cities in bis tour this spring. James K. Hackett la a son of James H. Hackett, knun as 'Falstatr Hack ett and one of the greatest of the old time actors. He was a personal friend of President Lincoln. Paul Kester. the author of "Friend Qannah'' for Annie Russell, Is the les see of a Jblstorlc castle Iu England, where he writes all bis plays. Never theless be Is an American by birth. Charles Cberry, who plays the hero of "Cousin Louisa," was selected to be the leading man with Maxine Elliott when she first became star, and be has filled the position for the past three seasons. " Nellie McCoy of "The Earl and the Girl" company Is well known as an et ceedlngly sgllc dancer. . Miss McCoy tspends considerable of ber time, trying to Invent new dancing steps' Originali ty in this line Is necessary. GOWN GOSSIP, Tha newest shirt waist Is a very mannish affair, except that it has balf sleeves. . ' ' '-v Everything Is princess or empire when It comes to gowns. . The girdled waist is a rarity. The most popular gown is made of soft silk, veiling, chiffon, cloth, lace and other fine materials. A favorite skirt decorstJon Is that ot applied bauds to simulate wide tucks. These often give the appearance of a triple skirt and are very well suited to tall wmneu. .A. new devotion to the embroidered monogram on the left sleeve bas shown Itself. Last year the idea was tolerat ed, but this year the most exclusive shirt makers are pushing It. A survey of sprlug fashions satisfies the observer that the ouly real Issue" of importance la the waist line. Get that right, and the gown Is sure to be cor rect. The waist Is high and spparently untrstumeled, whether the gown be princess or not. New York Post CURIOUS CULLINGS, Patent medicine manufacturers flour ish In South Africa, where a medical call' In the city costs $5, while in the country the charges are almost pro hibitive. A New South Wales farmer went out the other day and tied his small dog to a fpnee. On bis return be found a large carpet snake attached io the end of the leash and no slsna of the dog. Miss Florence I. Nicholson, secretary of a London children's dinner fund, said the other day. "It Is a common thing in the slums of Bethnsl Green to see n baby sucking a whelk' steeped In ln'" - ' ,- .V, ; A public school magnslmv contains this courteous announcement: "The editor will be very pleased to hear of the deaths of any of the old boys." No drifitit the old boys wilf oblige tlie edi tor from tinia to time. GLEANINGS. Persia has a papulation of 9,00,000. witb an area ot ejIWWO square miles. Chemical fire engines are used In Sydney, Australia, and tbey are likely to be used, largely hereafter to check fcusa fires during the summer months. For years the crowded provinces of China have been disgorging their sur plus population into Mancburia, where homes or land could be bad at prices usually below the cheapest government land In America. New Zealand, with a populatioa of between &K),0Ciq snd 900,000, spends 3)0,000 , year on old age pensions. In Denmark the annual cost Is about 2lii,000 per annum.-"- spread over a population of about 2,500,000. ; A great colonial exposition will be opened In Marseilles this spring and continued throughout the summer. It will mark the first attempt to'organ lze a comprehensive manifestation of French colonial work and la arousing much interest ' Qseer Tlbetaa Cualom. Every Tibetan family U compelled to devote Its first born male child to a monastic life. ; Soon after birth the child is taken to a Buddhist monastery to be thenceforth brought up and train ed In priestly mysteries. - . T..e... v.- Tennessee i the Volunteer State, the name being acquired during the Seminole war, when' a large number of volunteers went forward from Tennes see to take part in the struggle. A Coatly Pad. One of the most ettravagaot of wo man's fads, on record was that of a Frenchwoman, the Marquise de la Hocbe-Fonteille, who, It Is said, had bcr bed decorated With orchids. These were changed .three times a week at a weekly cost of nearly $1,000, ' ';: - - White of aa Kcav-" i' A package or envelope sealed with white of egg eannpt be steamod open. Golden j& j& A 10c Cigar in a 5-cent size. Not a long smoke, but very satisfying. . 5c AU DeaJera. 'O.C TAILOR & CO., Props, Burlington, Vt. , EASY AND SAFE TO USE INEXPENSIVE. KILLS LICE ON AIL UVE STOCK. 0I8INFECT8. CLEANSES. PURIFIES. It has to many met that M la a nsoetilty on ivtry faro. CURES MANGE, SCAB, ' RINGWORM, SCRATCHES Destroys AU Disease Germs onivc away rues roa sua T C. H. KENORICK & CO., Barre, Vt SEND FOR FREE BOOKLETS FOX FATON, Mar. ' J. K. HOUAN, hrsiiient Mgr. THURSDAY, JUNE 14 Thm Original and Genuine San Francisco Moving Pictures! Exactly the Same as Presented - in New York and Boston. Ruin! Desolation! Death! Flighting the Flame., Dynamiting Bnildings, Shooting the Lootora, Bread Line, Doctors at Work, Camp at Presidio, In addition to the San Franciwro Views Moving Pictures never shown be fore will be presented. Children, Adults, - - 10c 25 and 35c , , .'USHERS'. BENEFIT.. Tii kf ( TiicmI.i) at Ili'd l'rs rtiarmary Oomo to lis . n For Ladies' Belts, Silk and Taffeta Gloves, Ribbons,, Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits, Kimonos and Wash Petticoats. A large assortment to select from. SPECIALS White Shirt Waist Suits, - $2.25, $2.98, $3.25 up Colored Shirt Waist Suits, 1.00, T50, 1.98 up 8c Colored Figured Lawn, per yard, - - - 6c 17c Fancy Black Lawn, per yard, 12 l-2c 19c Fancy Lace Stripe White Goods, per yard, 12 l-2c 12 l-2c Bath Towels, large size, each, - - r 10c 12 l2c Hemstitched Huck Towels, each, - 10c JUST RECEIVED Ten Dozen Lawn Waists, trimmed with fine cm broidery and lace, collars to match. These are $1.50 Waists and are now on sale for only $1.19 each. . wm Time is Jiere for us to commence to clear the Ready-made Department of its stock. Up to now we have had special price days, but from now on every day will be a special price day, and it the style, quality and workmanship that we offer you for the money,asked for it has anything to do with it, we'll have a Record Breaker Sale. Every Suit new this season and direct from the best makers of the land. Suits now Suits were: TIIE PERLEY E. POPE GO,, Montpelier P. E. POPE, Manager. 1 eaiifu i Of delicious aroma and savor, due to perfec tion of goods, expert cooking and cleanliness of process, greets the fortunate diner upon our Canned Vegetables. It's too early for reason-, able prices in new produce, and besides being more expensive it's not easy to prepare such inviting dishes as our cans turn out. TRY THESE FOR YOUR DINNER Asparagus, a S-pound can for '..,..'... 35c A.paragu Tip, a small can for ..,',.. 25c Own Lima Beans, a 2-pound can for ....... . . .12c and 15c Small Refttgt String Beans, 2-pouud can for. . '. :10c and 15c Siimdafh, 2-pound can .for ......12c and 15c l'pac, S-jwind can for .... .12c and 15c Corn, jwr an I0e 18c and 15c llot, 3-ponpd can for .12c Hurt ifultural Beans, 2-pound can for ,12c Ited Kidney Beans, per ran , ......12c M. 1 i I i 1 i i i i i SOWOEN mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmi DEWEY PARK j& THEATRE TONIGHT and , The Genuine Original Production in Moving Pictures of X The SAN FRANCISCO IIORRORi Prices, - - 20 and 30c S. A T- a ' a i inn uiy BAKERY jj WARNING Learn 9 tint alvvavs wtiat theu I be surSand secure Benils & fe ' J onmij & 66 North Main Street, Tel, en $7.98 to $19.50 15.00 to 30.00 X H i i i i I i i i i I I i i it LYON All the Week. I Matinee Prine : t anrl I fin v. t ,o discriminate. Tl,inRS are ,i droit's at the City liakery. ! : ,-. ,' ? CARON, 1 2.1 r t; ; . X I X - ", Jtirre, vermuni. u "1