Newspaper Page Text
VSi. ?ArX- TUffa. jus? . two. BO CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Payment of ton cent entitles borrow er to a book for ten days.- Beyond 'ten flays, ,cot one cent a day. Iho fif teenth borrower of any book given lie book fret. llecord of burrowing known only to our Librarian. The lntost popn liir Docks of the dny Books pcopic are reading and talking about unci bet .standard Fiction and History included in this library, it is the most, popular of all Circulating Library plana. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W. BURT1JI, Proprietor. Gordon Block, 140 No. Main St TRY A Tip Top Cigar! Made from the best and finest tobacco. No better live-cent Cigar made. MARRION'S CORNER CIGAR STORE. Pipei and Tobacco. Mileages on All Roads. 75 NEW CARRIAGES F"titv-fi!iw CarrtE junt received, enn Mutiujt of Hurrey, I'mioonls, Hoad Wagons, firotcrY Kxniesa and Farm Wnuiid. We own these WK"tis Ht a rKlit trir and lill wll them accordingly. W iwilteU your liiMiieclion before miivhuiiiiiK elsewhere. Kememuer we also Ural In Second-hand tSirrlanes, Ymu can Luy one ot these at your own pi W. H. T. CUTLER S STABLE, Telephone 131-2 Pear of Gty Hotel, - - - Barre. Vermont. WOOD The place to buy Wood. . A large tock of all kinds ot the following prices: Block Wood, per cord. ,?2.7J Limb Wood, per load. . r . A . .. . .-. 2.00 Chair Wood, per load ,....2.50 Hard and Soft Wood Slab J.7S l''uniaee and Shed Wood. I am prepared to do all kinds of mov ing and jobbing at reasonable rates. L. J. BOLSTER, - ' Telephone S23-3. 283 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. 50 Second-Hand Stoves , For Immediate Sale. ROOFS PAINTED, TINNED Or Ironed. ' Plumbing done. B. G. DURKEE, 360 North Mala 5t - - Barre, Vt 4 ct vrrnir urmrKir 9 ELECTRIC HEATERS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, ELECTRIC SUPFUES. V SI AINUAKU CLLL I LU., ft tl. O. BKXKKTT, W. NICHOLS. 1?9 Pot in Main Street, Barre, Vermont. REMOVAL or the convenience of my customers I have removed my S FUR SHOP to the first floor over W'heatlev's store. Entrance through the store or ly the ! stairway. , j i Mm Ready lo Take Furs for Repairing, j ; Remodeling or Redyeing ai low Prices. j and will also store them free of charge, I. STEKOLCHICK. Cuier Rain and Slate StrteU, Montpelier, Vt O.C.Russell I Plumbing and Heating. All kinds ot modern pfumbing Fix iur in stock. Ali work gutranteed. Telepb6ue IB-3. IS BASES1ERT OF WORTHED BLOCK. When You Get Standish's jj Frankforts and Bolognas 2 You may know they I are fresh every day. If" " TT ---made by AN DISH. 2 f,...,., .i,. I it i,.J-.i..i;..,-.:....;f.:.g BELMONT ALCANDER, Ky Ateamler, by Alcantara., by '(George Wilkeri. Alianlaia's dam in Alini Slater. Aliaiiilcv's tlam. 0iiair;i, is Jiy AImUiIIiiIi lfincu, dam J-aiiy (aliia. llcliuont Akmnler'a dnin, tjidy Timnuut, 8:1. ty.lty -KoreaC -Jlelmnnt. Bel mont Alcamlur will niake tha-Meawin "f I9HB at I'nfUiij Hold, NcUrm l)ownji, IM-opr., l!iiii(toliU. I- ee V mc tor dwoptive fjr eular. ' HORSES Have mat recciveil n lot of iilee. horne. Komtt Hoii HiHU'licii nan veililiis .twin 2'jtw to ;iloo pounds. AlAoltave a tfood MMriitifnl of Work Ilii i nrs and Farm Hajtiuia at prices that are. llllt. - -. LORD BROS.. Berlin. Mull udtirH, Xoute 3 Not thticld. I'li'jue ia-sj FARMING TOOLS! "76" and the . Green Mountain Plows, Corn Planters, Harrows, Rakes, Mowing Machines and a full line of Farm Tools, including repair parts, and Plow Points for almost' all makes of plows. Geo. A. Wales, So. Barre, VI, ANEW HflRSF MR V '.!' VII ! .'"JtS'W lit Al f AIIH AM Nr. ' J'o matter whut-kind. ' Kven h I'l.tlfi Improved. DR. A. C. DANIELS' RENOVATOR POWDERS make blood, add flfwli, art "on kidnev. Twn weeks treatment, flOe.. Rt imv drugjjlst or ly mail. lioRor Hoireilook treo If you luentiou tliia paper. - lU.i..lAMKIS.17J Milk Kt..1iMtm. Maw. Where D; D.'s Are Scarce. The thcoloivnl doctonrtci of nil the (.rruiun wniveriitie together do tiot nniount to twenty in a year. -The In dependent. DeuB Ex Machina. , So many persoijfi nowadays ninke f;ods of their motor car that we are not surprised to r'iid that an offer hns leen made to the proprietor of a Dundee chyrcli with a view to turning it into a farujiP. -l'lincl). ; COAL, COAL We sell tic best grades of Scranton, Lackw ana and Lehigh Coals. Satis faction guaranteed. June prices: K(j(r, Rtovf and Nnt, . (irate, - - - 7.40 An extra trade U.-liigh at 25c per ton Higher. We M'll and deliver 301)0 jwundi for a ton. D. M. MILES, 122 North Main Street, - Barre, Vt It's Necessary to Look Both Ways! tSomebody with a properly-poibed thought-generator lm enid that "look in" both ways is necessary, in order to go one way straight." It's well to look both at the quality and the price in buying Coal. Our Coal is of the best quality and costs no more than any other. : CALDER & RICHARDSON, ' 'I'hone 45-4. Depot Square, Barre, Vt. COAL Stove, Egg and Nut, - $7.60. These are the lowest prices for the season. Order now. MORSE & JACKSON, Telephone 266 North Main St., - Barre, Vt. GULF-SPRING HOUSE Is open for jhe Sum mer. Special Din ners served on Stm : days and Holidays. A. S. COW 'LES, Prop. Spotted Jacket AND MELROSE ; 5c Cigars. Both extra good Cigars for the money. Have you tried them? Full line of Pipes and Smoker's Articles at P.N.Wheeler's THE BARRE DAILY TIMES TUESDAY, JUKE 12, 1906. A WOMAN WITH 1,000 HUSBANDS tins no need of j's insttrutice. Awortling to law" of . chniicej ; siiji -..never could be come entirely- widow vOne , Uurband well -iiurHt giv'a-.vroiuanr the, average blc of 1,000 husband. 57th year, do itvj business in 41 states. Tlte Kational Life lnsuiance Company of Vermont (mutual-). Orguuized in 1S50. 8. S. Ballard, General Agent. M.- B. nallard. Local Agent, Kooms 2 and 3, Miles Dlock, 15arre, Vt. ' TALK OFJTIjlE TOWN. folfer will want one of those golf jackets from, the Frank Mc horter Co. .Store. .; . - (Jo to the Hull imore lunch room for a llr-it-class lunch, i'red Jaynes, pro prielor. Old gold and silver wanted at re finer, prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's. Hay for sale, delivered in bulk, in quire of C. VV. Ferry, Gordon block. Telephone 110-13. For iale. One baby carriage; one oil stove, almost new. Apply at 01 Sum mer street, upstairs. 8tone-cuf tersi' glasses, 20c per pair, Lcnae, per pair, 5e. F. li. llurr & Co., 85 North Main street. A regular meeting of Queen of the Forest, Circlet H5T, wtll be litdd Ttuwdav, the IStb. at 7.80 o'clock. Han Francisco moving pictures et the opern hotifte Thursday night, for benefit for the ushers of the house. '. i-. . ; ' - . Host Co. No. 2 "nil! meet at station No. 2, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Im portant, election of captain. .There will be a meeting of the clerks' union tm Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Important business to come up. There will be a 'meeting of the Glen tigie club in Mile' hall, Tueday even ing tit 7.;;. A full attendance f de sired. ; AH persons having accounts with F. H. Kogers & Co. pleae call at 174 North Main street, Qtunlcn block, and settle same. : t1 " The I Jdies' ' Aki W the Con- i givgntioital church will meet at ' the church Wednesday afternoon ,4t, 2.r0 o'clock,.1 . 1 ..: -.; "' t ,,.( :. To Rent. At corner of Merchant' and Summer street, a down-tairs tenement of live room. Electric lights and bath. Apply at 2t Merchant street. ' ( ' Denver, the Pewheron stallion that is owned by W. V. Belville, will stand for service thia eaon at the owner's place at (iraniteville, every afternoon. The four rooms occupied by Mrs. J. M. Uond in the Averill bhw?k wilt be vacated June 15th and will be for rent, Suitable for offices or millinery parlors. A child's lace collar was found on Main treet. June 3. Owner can have same by calling at Mis Walker's jewel ry store and paying for this advertise ment. ' A good time to stop paying rent is when you can buy a god home, well lo cated, on easy monthly payment j Read Pery's Real Estate ad in For' Sale column. ,. ' . i Tall at the F. B. fate Tveul Estate agency, Itolster bloek and inquire about a bouse for sale that rent Jor Ti pee tnoutlu taxes about $11; no water rentj rice 1,S00. '; - The t'entval Vermont .. Tet Stock as MK'iation will meet at the People' shoe utore Tumday. evening at 1 :W o'clock! The meeting will lie addressed by prac tical men -on poultry subjects. . : Contractors, attention! The Harrison Granite company respectfully , invites your bids on a 'building to be .erected) on Smith meadow.' Plan and upecilW cation may lie Seen at their olliee. , -- . , . ( Twenty ixr cent net on an investment of $1,000. Thia is what you cify get b.v buying a certain piece of real. etate alj, the I). A. Perry Real Estate agenevi j rir oe niniuiri'o niter ttiin week Call and get particulars. 1X it now. ' The graduates v'tKpslihJiug !l liigl school will have their iTipusil Imniuctji t tin dining rrwiin ' Ot isin; L'tmgfatltUii ehkM'lt. J hiiv-;ila.y.tiUWi Juw.aiU Sinning at S..'i() oVdn k. Krl'oils are be ing put forth to rnuke this the largest j and nio-t enjoyable in the history ; of the association. The ticket for the lituiqucl are u cenis eacn. . . . Deadly Serpent feites are as common in India ns are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the hitter, however, there is a sure, remedy Elect rie Hitters, .the grent restorative medicine, of which S. A. Prown of lieiineltstille, S. ('., says: "They re stored my wife to perfect health after years of suffering with dyfqiepsia and a chronically torpid, liver." F-lectrie Hit ters cure chills and fever, malaria, bil iousness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by the Red (,'roHS Phariuacv.. j'rieo. SQc, . ," : 1 "-. - , -,.'( .(; COMING SOON. I A carload of Spruce Clapboard is soon to arrive st Plainlield. Parties ' desiring Uo iim eplalsinrds this season I nhoiihl watch this sluice for dale of hi-. S-4-rital mid lm on hand lo Imv. A. Dwinell & Sou, Fast Calais, VI. ' NOTICE. All job work (hat has been in. my shop more limn three months that is not called for before July 1st, will then be nold to pay repair bill. A. C. DAY. NOTICE. To the Citizens of Barre: 1 have opened a general horseshoeing shop opposite the old Fork factory. I ninke a specialty of ndusting and bal ancing feet. Respectfully, Rl'DOf.PIl HI! ITT. Public Notice. The trustees of Clan Gordon, No, 12, have lately lieen advised that- different parties from Monlpelier and Dane have been holding picnics, etc., on . Caledonia park (Marvin farm) without permission from the proper quarter or paying rent. We would therefore warn the public that trespassers on' CnlcflonV 'wil be prose cuted, (SigHl'dV' i i'-'s ' : ': ', Trtislees dl- (Tan: tiordoui No, 1. Trustees of Ciili'ilonin 'iarb. ' " ' MAN AND HIS WAYS. "Scientists hate always contended that the odor of gasolene is fatal to Jersey's chief product,- the mosquito. This is something the anti-automobile legiwhi ture should keep in mind when doing their best to drive the cr off New Jer sey. roads and raise an impenetrable bar rier to visiting motorists. .Motor World. "What's the irfattcr. dear?" her moth er asked, seeing the trouble in the young wife's face.- . ....- She had just received a telegram and set with the yellow paper crumpled in her lap. - - - - "It's from Douglas," tthe replied, ''Htif anything happened to hiinf I hope he hasn't been in a railroad acci dent?" , ' "No. lie says he's well and will be home tomorrow"; but he only uses seveii words when he might have put in three more." I hicago Record-Herald. Never mind if you have heard a story a dozen times before. Listen as if you were interested, and .laugh heartily when the time conies and you will make a friend forever. Sonierville Journal. ' Perryville 'is standing around' gassing with wonder and astonishment on its new fire hose and hose carriage. Balti more Sun. -,- ' ', '"'' . - The Next Attraction. Coming to the ititrre opera house on Thursday evening. June 14, are moving pictures' of the great San Francisco di saster. These pictures, which were ex hibited in the Columbia theatre in Puis ton all last week, filled that playhouse at it was never filled before, and so fascinating in their vivid realism were tthey thai many went time and time again. The pictures first 'show the beautiful city of the tiolden Hate in all its splen dor before the awful catastrophe, one pictures depicting the scenes in the city when President Roosevelt was a guest. The busy thoroughfares with their bus tle and excitement; Chinatown, perhaps the most famed portion of the city, is also sliown on the canvass; other in teresting points pictured before the di saster are the Cliff house, the splendid mansions in the aristocratic portion of the, city", the office buildings on Market street and the 'Frisco tenderloin. .'; All these neenes of gaiety give way to rleepst gloom as these tame places are 'inquired in flames nf in smourinflj ruins. , It gives a faithful, portray al,' t tlje dynamiting of the tail olfiee, IniiuJ ings, the frenzied populace fleeing for shelter, the homeless victims in the parks and the public squares, the famous bread line, where the holo and the millionaire met on common ground, and other equal ly interesting and sad scenes. A an added feature, the management has secured the famous Furopean nmsic hall - singer. Mile. Fougere, fresh from her London and Paris triumphs, who will sing the songs which have made lier name a household word on the other side of the pond. The singing of Mile. Fougere alone is worth going to hear, aside from the 'Frisco moving pictures. GRANITEVILLE. A handsome kitchen-cabinet is one of the principal prizes to be secured at the Juno Carnival, June 14,-15, 16, and is guaranteed for' five years. This is an excellent chance to secure both a hand some and useful' article. The suit, of clothes is displayed at the Globe Cloth ing store, Parre and the ladies' or gent's silk umbrella at-Miles' store, (iranite ville. ' - - Notice. Willsrd O. Smith, who during thirty years' abnenee from this place has re paired sewing-machines of all kinds in central New York for factories and fam ilies, will repair machines at your homes, making an old machine run as well as when new or no pay. Address hereafter No. 28 West street at (lie resi dence of Chas. 1). Carpenter. THE WRITERS. ' Jerome K. "Jerome ha . the middle name ot Klapka. . v ; Kipling was christened Rudyard be cause tils father proposed to his mother on the hike of that name. , ,' ' . H. G. Wells In his youth often wrote 8,000 words a day, but now, ho eon- j fines himself to 1,000 .words-300,000 words a year two books. ? Mark'vnm? Is very fontt of collect ing odd obituary poetry and has a scrapbook. which be prizes very highly, containing 3H)0 specimens. - Tbo memoirs of General Kuropatkln, a work covering tbo Russo-Japanese war,, are .being puldlsted Ui Moscow under the direction of the author. The most rctnnrknble thing about the career of Jnstiu McCarthy "Is -the tre mendous auiount of Work he has been able to accomplish. Novelist. Journal ist, historian, politician and party lead er, bo has found time- to travel widely nncl to cultivate delightful social tela tiotis with most of the lending literary, artistic a political people of his time. , , CHURCH AND CLERGY.' ' Tho Church of Kngland has un In conic of $75,000,000 a year. There are within, the United States, today lOD.ooS religious organization, with SO.Ml.'WIl members, an average of 100 member to a church. Tho Methcdint church on John street, a few doors eust of Nassau, New York city, was iho first Methodist church in America. It was of wood nnd stood somewhat buck from tho street, It was built in the year 1701. In a recent speech at Taunton. Eng land, tho bishop of Hath and Wells said It wn a slu for a man of leisure to take the Lord's day for pleasure, but a hardworking- man who never had a chance for recreation except on that day did no wrong to take if then. POLITICAL. . A politician In landing a job Is very much like a woman In landing n hus band, lie puts In all his work before he gets the Job and forgets to keep up appearances after he has It. Atchison Globe. - We have no word to say against pol itics. Only it need not absorb us com ptatoly; Those who nre Interested In other thiat; and who nwike, a decent living by tin rd work can give too much time to polltlcs-that Is, loo much for their own itood. Imllamuiulis News. NIGHTS OF UNREST No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for the Sufferer from Kidrley Troubles, No peacefnr tho kidney sufferer ' Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back,' Twinges of backache, bother you all day, . . Dull aching breaks your rest at night, - Urinary disorders add to your misery. Get at the cause cure tho kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure,' They're for the kidneys only Have made many cures in Rune. F." A. jieeile of East Barre, Vt., says: "i was bothered w ith' a constant lame ness across my back and -kidneys. I was very restless at night and when I awoke mornings I felt more tired than when I went to bed. I saw Doan's Kid ney Pills highly recommended for such troubles and went to E. A. Drown's drug store for a box. They proved to be just what I needed. It, was not long before the. lameness left my back and I could sleep well nights. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me, and I shall always be glad to tell people of my experience with this remedy." ' ' ' - - For sale by all dealers.- Price - 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo; New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name Doan's- and take no other. '.-.. . : LIGHTNING'S WORK. Killed. Two Horses in Shaftsbury on Saturday. Rennington, June 11, Reports receiv ed here yesterday are to the effect that the electrical storm that raged in this section Haturday afternoon was one of the most severe this season, -: In Shaftsbury the lightning struck the end of a harrow pole, with which Mr. Istoekwell had been harrowing and which he was trying to get to shelter, Roth horses attached to it were killed, the .harrow was splintered and the driver severely injured. In the village of Pownal, where the storm seems to have been worst, the damage is estimated at from $.100 to $500... Another severe storm, w hich last ed 1ou.t an hour, occurred yesterday af ternoon. 'j Just previous the mercury registered- fiver ill) in the shade.. THE UNION MAN'S MONEY. hsatd Kerer R Spent For Prodaeta of Infalr Labor,. Experience has shown the organized movement of labor that the working masses, beluf the vast army of con sumers of all the products of labor, can; by organising their purchasing power to promote the tnje of the prod ucts of union and fair labor and to re strict tho sale of the product of non union and unfair labor exert quite as effectual an influence and control over conditions of employment as by en deavoring to control the supply of labor at the factory door, says Shoo Workers' JournaL '. The employer Is to business for prof it, and if his market i sufficiently re stricted through the demands of organ ised workers for union label goods he will be compelled to give due recogni tion to the just demands of bis em ployees or to go out of busluesa. The union label is a concrete expres sion of the desire of unionists that oth er unionists and all sympathizers shall be able to discriminate between, the un fair products of the penitentiary, the nonunlonlsts, the tenement house and pest hole and the product of -workers engaged iu the same movement and sharing the same hopes and aspirations as themselves. The growth of the un ion label movement In recent years Is evidenced by the fact that so many of the national trades unions have adopt ed union label devices adapted to their respective trades, and this growth Is accelerated by support received from associations of philanthropic persons who see In the union label moveiueut a rational attempt of labor to better Its conditions without resortins to costly strikes. The wage earner Joins the union to better his condition, to defend his In terests, to maintain or increase his wages and expects other unionists to support his cause; hence, It is the plaiu duty of every member of organ ized labor to exercise due csre that the wages received as a result of effort nnd sacrifice are not squandered upon the products of unfair labor in other industries. "lie that is not with us is against ns" Is a safo muxim to follow, and n member who expends a single penny upon the product of 'unfair" labor has not only wronged his fellow workers, but has done positive injury to his own cause nnd Interests. The only way tho members can be sure they nre uot spending their wages upon their ene mies is to insist that all goods pur chased by them shall benr a union la bel, nnd their duty extends further to the extent of Influencing their friends .to purchase and tradesmen to hnndle and sell none but goods bearing the nnlon label of the respective trades union. ' Reductions In wages are checked, ad ranees secured, hours of labor short ened, conditions of labor Improved and many other beneficent results obtained by persistent agitation upon Union la bel lines. Nearly all the trades have their union label in the field The one thing needed is the wnole souled co operation of the workers and their L sympathisers In purchasing only goods bearing the trademarks of organized labor, with which effort many of the abuse they now suffer will speedily vanish. Mlrn'a Flora. It Is ssld that no country In the. world shows so great a tnrlety of plant life ns Mexico. . Tlie Hlilnorern.. The rhinoceros Is tlio thickest skin ned. o,u a draped, its hldo being tough enough to resist the claw'rf of a lion or tiger, the blows of a sword or the balls of ait old fashioned musket For Juno Wiigs! ' Gold Band Rings, Diamond; and other precious ' V : .Stone: KinSs. Silverware, a large variety, the . best quality and latest patterns. ' Hawkcs Lut Glass. Clocks in gold'arid marbleized. fINE WATCH REPAIRING. , K f burK CO., ' Telephone io-si.' - - .- J iiuiaji x line ., v . Elastic Felt Mattress, .-" - - Pure White Felt A. 7. . Badger fc Co., Motse Block, Funeral Directors. Ll caused Embalmer. . ' Kelleoc. S Eastern Avenue. Telephone Cal House. m-3t Store, 1W-U TJie Best Ambulance in the VE DO BUSINESS Compare credit' prices with those of cash. Special for tius week Twenty pounds of Native Rhubarb for 2Sc. ' ; ' CREDIT SYSTEM. CASH PRICES. Fresh-made Pork Sausage, per lb.. . 12c j Fresh made Pork Sausage, per lb..T..8C Pig Pork Chops, per lb... 14 ami 15e j Pig Pork Chops, per lb. 13c Pig" Pork Roasts, pel' lb. ,...12c to 14c j Pig Pork Roasts, per lb. ....10c to 12c Home-cured Bacon,, per lb. 14c j Home-cured Bacon, per lb. 12c One-fourth barrel Henkel's , Bread, j One-fourth barrel Henkel's Bread Flour ,M..,.$1.45 Five-pound can Mocha and Java Cof fee $100 These are only a few of our many cash prices. Do they interest you? If so give us a call. CHESSER fa BIRD, Telephone 332-12 ...'... .-'.. ' 323 North Main Street. , Meats and Groceries THERE No better Fire Insurance in the world than a Vermont Mutual policy. Prompt and satisfying settlement in every case and rates the lowest. KEEP THINKING ABOUT IT. R. G. ROBINSON, AGENT, Office Wood Block. Fhone P A NT? Tomato Plants, Celery Plants MT J-raTi.N A WJ 3nd Flowing Plants of all kinds EMSOE, THE FLORIST, Telephone-Store, JK-12; Greenhouse, 201-11. OTIS BLOCK, FEARL 6TREST T T. I $1.00 to $3.50. Shaving Cues and $ "the best in the world."';; mettques. A complete line of : k -- .... .. D. F. DAVIS, I 262 North Main St., " s An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. Your Order. ForJeBjtoam, Please! We have Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry, or, if you prefer. Strawberries and real Cream. : '-Ls'-bTdodge Keith Avenue, - - r jttst 0ff MalQ Slfcet. North Main St. Birw, Vt. MATTRESSES Another Carload of Purs White Cotton Top Mattresses For Only $3.00 Each. Rattan Fibre Mattresses, white cotton top and bottom, - 5. 00 and bottom - - 6.00 ,- ' - - '..' '.--;- 8.00 12.00 City at the Shortest Notice. FOR CASH ONLY Flour $1.35 Five-pound can Mocha and Java Cof fee 65c IS 29-3 BARRE, VERMONT m m : MI'S TOILET I 1 Is just as important as wo- j man's. Man's principal a .unci necessities arc nis SHAVING REQUISITES. We have the best assort- .I . . r 1 - - ment or tliese roods in I the citv. Warranted Raws from x Brushes. Shull's Perfent R7nr simm. i Soaps, Powders, Face Washes and Cos- I these goods. ' I m "The Druggist," " - Barre. Vermont