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9i& Stills frkitV :' Vimes. juxe Y2,7nu. L A MM SALE Is on with a rush, -with the promise of being the most satisfactory Silk sale we have ever known. And why shouldn't you share in these offerings, when you save the price you pay, nearly, on each yard? At 39c At 48c At 69c 50c. 59c, 69c and 75c values 75c, K7c and $1.00 values $1.00 and $1.25 values' One Piece Black Taffeta Silk, Twenty-Seven inches Wide, This Sale, 69c Per Yard. BOLERO JACKETS " - ' Excellent Assortment at Popular Prices, v We are showing a most exquisite line oLBolero Jackets in the latest styles lawn and lace. Special values -at $ 1.50. Others at $1.98, ' $2.25,: $2.50 up to $6.00. i . The newest .fabric brought out by the Arnold Print Works, in beautiful shades of greys with hair line stripes and polka dots. Just handsome for a light Shirt Waist Suit. 25c per yard. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Are Absolutely Correct Phone 408-11 THE HOMER FITTS COMPANY Barre, Vermont THE BARRE DAILY. TIMES TUESDAY, JUNE 12..1906. The fitting qualities of the Emerson Shoe is a point which can not be overestimated and one last, the Orthopedic, a medium straight last, is such a splendid example of w hat a last should be which fits from the moment it is tried on that our customers who 'have tried it say: " No need to show me any more. This Shoe is just what I have been looktnj for." Bluchcr and Lace styles in Kid and Ko pcl Calf, Irish and low cuts, $3.50 the pair. Sold exclusively by Barre Shoe Co 131 North Main St., 9 'Barre, Vermont. United Shoe Stores Company Barre, Hardwick, Buflingion, St. Albans. GIUNITEVIUE. T, YV". Ro.rlvc of Kat Harre was in tnun e-.tejd.y on btisinejH. ."'.'. I The Coi-eMer tem of the 51. W. of ! A., I anij) ,s:iy2, wiil drill this even- injf. .Ml wrolw'is re requested to 1ms ; present . -' ' j K. .1. Woodbury lias repaired and i painted nil his tenement in this vioin ( tvy and they nrt now ready for rentiil. j Mie Emm jleitey. Rose Heney, An . ni Heney and Annie. Mmm of Montpel ier hpent Sunday inr at the home jot Mr. and 5lr. A. L. Foster. The June Carnival will open Thursday evening with an excellent entertainment, ' the programme of which will le an nounced tomorrow evening through the.e. column. Ice cream and cake will be .served in the bnnijuet room Thursday and Friday evening, and the umtnl re- ! frtvbment stands will le in evidence. ; The admiiott is only 10 eent. Season ' ticket 25 cent. uitU chance on the door jiriw of $5 in gold. Datxing each even ing to music furnished by Walker'g or- ; elte-dra and an excellent time ! -Mired for all. . - -- Weather Pre(ltctlotlS.", : Inir and continued' cool tonight . nd .'rliitday.. Light uortheily winds'. ' TALK OF THE TOWN. j ' "j . in -n ' ! Local, Happenings Tersely Told for But? ! ' Readers. j pansy plants at Emslie'. i Auction sale in tho .Pavilion tonight t .V-wnt oriental ailks for kimonos at Abbott's. . i Ladies' 'wliilo imitdin suits at Ferry's for only fi'jx. Hummocks, llio moat complete line in i the. cit y, :it the Frank JlcU'horter. Co. '. More. j, dennii! Hovce and little daughter jire ; tho' guests of Mr. and Mrs. (iuy lVvjc ;nd other relatives in tli'm i(v. ; ! -. I V i J'nrle L. Wutenitnn- of the university of Vermont was in town from lhirlingf I Um over night, returning today. - A meeting of the Itarrc Hangers will . br held Tuv.-tiky in the Pavilion at 7.'JO i p. ni. Per i order l'renident. . F. A. hn lon' and Win. Miers were in Cultot yesterday where they puieh;ieii a tine puir of four year old filliea. t Charles A. Whittier left this monmin (for Pittsburg Pa., aftct A" short vitit'.in j (his vity with his father, Nat Whittier. Mitts Nina F. Converse, bookkeeper iin the Barre. National bank, left venter I day for Huston to upend abort men. . t ion. 7 " Jfrs. Olixer I.eM?ranec left this morn ing for the Adirondack where she v ill spend the summer on account of her health. . Tickets furs the San Fraucinco movin;! pictures go on iale tonight. 'J'hia per formance is for the benefit of the ushers of tho opera house " Kcgular; review of the T O. T. 51. Wedne.Hilay, June 13, at 7 tharp in For esters hall. , Officers and guard please lie present for practice. , (Williaor Loiiergan eluKn4 i.Mihis hoijie in, lSitrlington yesterday i att?r.nnoit jfter,ji several, -weeks' vi-it t4tii hmne of 'is. iitcr ilis. T., K. Jlrtusel, it .i The Ladies' AW society of the t'resbv terlal ehurehjsvill hold a nale of work in the veatry of their church Friday June Ti, afternoon and evening. Further no- Itice wilt be given later. - ' j V. Voungson has Iwd a telephone plac- jed at his greenhouse on Upland avenue. and will be pleased to receive your pa tronage for pit, eut flowers and vec ! table, iu their season. Telephone nuin- jber :;n-t.. , -. . The neutral umpire at the ball game i between timldflrd and 5Iontpdipr at ln Itenity park yesterday afternoon was (Higgins, the former Brown university Spacer who has signed to catch for the i ihirlincton team in the Northern league. ) llijieins is now in the medical depart -; ment of the university of Vermont. ; i There will lie- a regular meeting of j Plight Star T!eltekah lodge. No. In, on Wednesday evening, June J3th, at 7.30 ; o'clock. The degree will be conferred jnjam t lare nnmlier of candidates. He 'freflirnents will ' "be ' served after the iwork. A large attendance is desireL tThe oflii-ers are Yeouettted to I present j at 7 o'clock wharji. Mrs. F. W. Jackson, i Vu-e tirand. ,. TALK OF THE TOWN. ;, J.Usck. C-iit.hose at Abbott's. .". ' Fancy colored lawn, Go per yard, lit The Viuighua Store. White dresee for the infants, children and mioses at Periy's. The Ladies' and l'astori' union will meet Thursday, June 14, at p. m. Trunks, bags and suit cases for your vacation at the Frank JJcWhorter Co. Store. - Mr. and Mrs. Oeorpe N. Tilden return ed last niht from a few days' visit w ith relatives in Noithtiehl. - , The auction sale at the Pavilion of j the large lot of household goods will j continue evenings- until sold. j Mrs. Oliver Lesperance left this morn ing for the Adiroudacks for her health. She expect to be away all summer. Her brother Addie Blondtii, accompanied her and will remain with' her. ... The Alumni ball on Wednesday even ing' will be the most enjoyable oeension of its kind this year. A delightful con cert programme has been arranged for the. early part of the evening. For the ball (iilbertsou's orchestra of seven pieces is sure to render excellent music. Henry Clark of lhtrre Town, arrested Sunday on the charge of having received stolen property from , William Hughes and .Mark L)egnuu; wh onfesed to breaking into W. It. 51iles's store at Oraniteville, was released '' yesterday. State's Attorney Jackson thought that there was not enough evidence ogainst him to warrant a trial."- , Angus 5leAuIay who is out on an or ganizing trip for Um Quarry Workers' union, has organized a union of 50 mem ber at Milford, N. II. The charter was sent yesterday. Three strikes have re cently Iwen fettled at Raymond, Rock land. Sites, California, and a settlement is expected at Sonora, Cal. The Kxeter and 1'orterville branches in that, state will take the same settlement as Rock land, which is $,'t for a day . of eight hours. . -, . ; A base ball game full of featuresvis promised at Intercity park Saturday af ternoon when the ehainpious of the rail road men. the Jlontpelier 4- Wells River R. R., will stack up against the whole sale granite men of the, city. Ruelbach, the second utid.Loa Criger, Jr., will if ficiatfjtas -the eailroad battery and Cy A'liung Jird will be the firing end for the .wholesalers, with the receiving end yet 'tp- lie announced. There will lie no rail road; rebates mid no nolishrd markers given ayay bv cither team. The admisl sion will be 25 cents and tho proceeds will go into the Intercity treasury for a fact. . " DON'T SPEND YOUR TIME LEARNING TO DISCRIMINATE When Green's Milk Bread is so good and handy this hot weather. Customers say there is none like it. Sponged with milk is one reason, three loaves for 25c is another and made twice a day is sure to have it fresh, and fresh Bread is the best. Try Green's Bread, which can he purchased at any of the grocery stores in the city or from the cart, and you will find it superior to any. VINCITIA LODGE, No. 10, K. of P. Castlt Rail in Blan ch ard Block. Regular meetings on Tuesday evening at 8:00. ' M. J. GREEN, 369 North Main Street A meeting of the . iiiiu.''iiH'ut i-oinmittee of Cbn (tordon, No. 1?. will he held iu yAKjt iedav evening. tiers -are reqiietS ;l6Z5iXcjidUr.Ii.. ?.,r ... -iii.- There will be a regular ier-ii meeting of Hiawatha IxKlge, - No. 20, I. O. O. F., on Thur- day evenine, June ltth, at 7::iO o'clock. The. first degree will be conferred upon three candidate. If. W. ( lark, N. O. ! tvillf ttiirtr tittiA Tfmftlala nnrl J friends gathered at the home of Mr. J. O. Beekley, 25 Branch street, last j evening to remind her of her 36th birth iday. She was presented numerous gifts from her many friends. During the even ing various giimes were played. fee jrream and cake was served, and the i company broke rip at a late hour, wish ing Mrs Beekley many happy returns. j ..... ' The annual prize speaking of ,4hv Spaul-liiig high ftchool will occur 1 his evening lrom K to 10:30 and the annual Class lay e.eicies of the graduating clns will bp held Thursday aftin.m fmni 2 to oVIk, loth of therf'ev!tls !ing held in the opera house. In ve v of the. fact that the noise occasioned l,y teHmf .pairing oer tle pneient in ery notiieaUli' and more or lerri n,sonvt'.f J iiUKoomv, me. sciuvii,, v'tm:iiniMiliert rpie,-.t. lat ,fli wb .would ordinal"' ily have occuion to drive past the opera lmuc during the hours 'mentioned will drive around the park instead. Compli ance with this request will be appreci ated not only by the senkers but by the Urge audiences that will attend these exercises, - GROTON. emimeWeWemiM;weeuu I Typewriters Rented, Sold and Exchanged I ;. ; : - ' ? r-. I I Office Desks Sold at Lew Prices. 1 i S Typewriter l)ek. Copying Vreme.. Copying lint lis and (he modern , Duplicator , fleet ognipli. Stenojjri'plicr Note-Ioks, . Tvjiewriter .Ribbons, ; R Ctb'ii-in fact everything for a -rSiiite nflice, . y,MJ n.p epre m all X g"d when you buy of us and you buy tit . very low price. : ; V. B. Ladd was in town Saturday and Sunday, I. M. Eicker went to Ixim ell Thursday on 'business trip. Arthur Hlodgett of Newbury was in town several day last week. Victor Page went to Barre Friday on a visit to his wife and relatives. Miss Calhoun is visiting her brother, Rev, H. A. Calhoun, at the Baptist par sonage. George and Kalhryn Hatch of New bury spent Sundav with their father, I)r. O. B. Hatch. ' (ieorge H. Fiilsbtiry went to Burling ton Friday to visit son, Wilson. He w ill visit in St. Albans and Montpelier before his return. Forty-three tickets were sold at this station Saturday for the circus at Mont pelier. Herman Webber of Newbury Center returned home Saturday, after a week's visit w ith his sister. M". Fred J). White. Mrs, A. B. Carpenter and !. !. Welch went to Hanover Saturday to spend Sunday with her husband, who is in the ho-pita! there. Miss Kva Heath returned from Cot tage hospital, Woodsville, . H., on Wednesday, where she underwent a sho- futtfut riiwratiim fur a nn.n.lirif ia The lister are engaged in taking the , quadrennini appraisal of the real estate. ! , H. J. Kemp is clerking in the store j of Ie S. Blanchard during the absence ! of A. B. Carpenter, who is in the bos- j pital at Hanover. -' Mrs.. .Charles Carpenter of Franklin Fall, T. H., is visiting her mother,! Mvv,Anj;via Hosmcr, and other rela-j tVfV i ) - j ;,.V lsr. an,d )iprein(Ue audience lis- j tened ta the IH-tuio by' Hon. Frank; I'lurnley on V enezuela in the Metiiodist : church ar- Friday evening. j liev. A. J. Hough preached a memo- i rial sermon to the Chid Fellows and Be-1 Is-kahs Sunday moruiHg. At the close t he orders " rna relied to the cemetery, j w here they decorated the graves of their j members. ! Next Sunday morning children's day j wiil be observed by appropriate exer-1 cises at the Methodist church. In the! evening Bee. II. A. Calhoun will deliv- ' er the baivaluureitte wrmoil to the grud- Hitting class of the high school. The cls numbers lie"thi year: C. WHUlo ; I'illsbnry, llnrrioon I). Corrtilli, Misses j I K. Maude Hood, Nettie P. Page and M. j I Pearl Keenan. . i SHIRT WAIST SUITS THE SARATOGA MAKE. White Muslin Suits for $2.00, $2.75, $3.00 . and $4.98. Colored Suits for $1.75, $1-87, $2 00, $2.75 and $3.25 each.. They are good -styles and well made. Come in and see them. NEW SILK PETTICOATS " NEW WHITE WAISTS,Sliort Sleeves, At $5.00 Each. Ai $2.25 and $2.50 Each, ''' ' . 1 - .... ..... - v. . VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier BuiJdsng, Barre, Vt I UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. New Summer Models! i Wt have just received a beautiful assortment of Children's Wash Suits in the latest approved styles and colors, made iii Blouse, .Russian and Norfolk effects. ; Prices to suit everybody 50c to $1. 50. We are also showing this week one of the most elaborate as sortments of Men's Fancy Worsted Suits at 18.50 and 00. All new and up-to-date Spring styles .."Men's, Boy's' and Children's Straw and Crash Hats at from 10c to J53.00.. ' Special. We have the best and most up-to-date: line of. Men's Two-piece Outing Suits to be found in the city. Prices from 15.00 to $12.00. J Union Clothing Store, Everything Men and Boys Wear. Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Rink Building, Opp. Depot Square. ej o o o H a CD O O a a o n f o H JUIYdKOD 0HIH1013 KOIilfl MHVdJlOD OHIHI013 KOIHfl oooooooo oooooooo ooooocoooo 8 8 The new "Gun Metal o A good leather! 6 8 8 splendid leather for all the year round. ... Its close, firm surface will not scuff or peel. It looks Q equally well polished or with the v original dull metal finish. If you x would lfkc somc really good Ox- q fords or Shoes, and as handsome A as good, ask for "Queen Quality." We recommend O the Gun Metal Pump for dress or street wear. O O PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, n 157 North Main St C S. ANDREWS, PropV. r QOCDOOOOO oo ooooooooooocooo The D lue Store's Latest Arrivals , We have received a large line of Spring and Summer Goods during the past two weeks, and more are arriving daily, consisrinj of A tntngs mat are new ana ttp-to-aaie in . . MEN'S AND YOUTHS' SUITS, At fancy Top Dress and ..Wot king Shirts, fancy and pUin Hosiery, Straw Hats, Caps and Dress Gloves. Also a new line of Outing Trousers, made with belt straps, in ery nobby patterns, at as low prices as you wiil find anywhere. You are invited to come and ex amine our stock before placing your orders. Respectfully yours, THOMAS BRADY, (Successor to Segcl & Brad,y) Bolster Block, HS Main St., - - Barre, Vermcnt. FREE ELeaRic signs free ' The Best Advertising v, ; Medium On Earth! THE CONSOLIDATED LIGHTING GO. Will Tell You All About It. Telephone 324-4, Montpelier, Vt. THE FOX TYPEWRITERS. At lnt the VWI.Ip Typewriter. "Tim oim! of the- old an.I the Ul of Hie new." A Tyjnn riter that, nmUitie the fontm which have umde tin' regular inoiK'l of Hie VOX Xiniioun for o,t-ty. runiiina runlitie - and ihiru'liility m ith eifeil iVilde writing. The iileiit in Typew titinsr Imild in IVrfei-t visilile uiitin. All of the writing h visible all of the time and the writing line i in the direct line of viin of the ojierator. Our illin.iiiien'. to place thi nicliiiic ou frep trial 'without clinijje to tutvone for ten ditys ought to convince you that the machine is worthy of Vour cnret'ul consideration. Kindly cign the attached acrnuipnnyiu 'uwipoii if 2 wish free trial. . S BARRE GRANITE PURCHASING AGENCY, Avcrill Balldtag, - Barre, Vermont, j ; To Barre Granite PurchMing Agency, Barre, Vt. i (ientlemcn: You niay end tin one Visible J-'ox T.vjmw liter without ft. any eoct to im on free trial for ten unvn. It is diiiinctlv understood fi .. - i- .... ..i.t; . - i. .. 1 iiinit.i milium .tin hi MOCH(lP rHO!C HnU Will promptly BglCf J ; to return um within ten dnvi. Vourt trulv. Smith Cumiiigs' is certainly the place to buy Flour, for they keep the bett on the market at the lowest prices. They are agents for Pillsbury's, Cer esota, Pennant, Silver Leaf and Snowrlake. . SMITH & GUMIN6S, 305 Ncrtli Main Street, Barre, Vermont- 'I. .Vi ' 1 t . VI, ' ill -r-iv , ' EDDY - REFRIGERATORS When jou buy an EDDY you have the lusr. Kote rfg the slate shelves. Wc also I have the Wmri; Mointain i, line at a ver' low price. i . pC, V. AVERILL & GO,, An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. "Sanford" Corn ant "Longfellow" Corn! The season is late and it stands you in hand to get the EARLIEST AND BEST SEED procurable. Our SANFORD CORK i cwn West on contract with " F.srly Flint" Seed grown in Connecticut. Much of the "Sanford" sold in this section is bought "'on tuck" in Chicago, when it is wanted to distribute ' in the Sprirg. Just examine the Seed shown you and also ours. IT SPEAK; FOR 'VSl'M' Telephone 31-3. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park, Barre. VcraioaU