Newspaper Page Text
TUB iAitliifi DAILY TIMES, JCM 13, 1900. LADIES' WHITE : We have some interesting news to tell you about Muslin Dresses. First, it is the remarkably law prices. Second, it is the fact that these Dresses are entirely new, fresh and dainty-looking, made of good quality lawn, neat ly trimmed with valencienne laces. A complete Muslin Dress for $2.98, 3-25, 3.75, 4.50 and 5.50. . CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRESSES. Do not make a dress when you can buy such pretty Dresses for children from 6 to 14 years at $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25. 3. 75 and 4.50. Children's Muslin Dresses from one to five years from 50c to 3.50. Infants Lons Dresses from 35c, 50c, 62c, 75c, 98c, 1.25 up to 3.50 Infants' Short Dresses for 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 1-25 up to,4-00. PERRY II and 75 Mala Street, i i HOUSE That American quartered oak Princess Dresser for $15.00 is one of our leaders. Our dining-room assortment is at its best, with an Jj all quartered oak and polisheoL round top, pedestal base, K 2 claw foot Extension Table for $16.50 in the lead. The China Closet at $16 A Picture is always appreciated as a wedding gift. Call and look at our line. Are you using any Soap ? ; That's a queer question to ask, but we wonder if you are using the right kind of Soap that is, our Soap, the kind you get a premium with. Have you ever investigated our plan? B. W. HOOKER & GO '4 14 and 16 North Main St., A u The Emporium," -; 2 Ambulance Calls and Undertaking Promptly Attended To. 3 'A 1 ijlt d tit T (a!!i-B. W. Udit, It. Wk. vV . w A few Suggestions ! One-gallon can of Baldwin Apples for . . 35c ' One-qunrt ran of Ilalduiii Apple for 10c Phoenix, a summer drink, per bottle -, .15c , Salad Dressing, Yavht CM), per bottle . . i .10c ond 25c , Two cims of Salmon for ...................... .. 25c Four fans of Corn for . . ; . .'. .................. ." 25c 'Three cans of I'rus, best value, for, , ...25c Two largo Pineapples for 25c Just arrived, Old Holland. Java and Mocha Collee. Did yon ever try it! MERCHANT & FRASER, Telephone 9-11 6 Elm Street, Barre, Vt An Advertisement in the Times : will bring sure results. Rfcfa Ctt Glass NEW DESIGNS for r- v i. ii ., , ., X Ti 'fc. latest and richest cuttings honest goods. That's our ceived at special low prices. CN. KEN YON & CO.'S, CASil BARGAIN STORE, 185-187 North Main Street. (Telephone 113-u) Barre, Vermont. MUSLIN DRESSES (Si camp. Barrc, Vermont FURNISHING s Beds are made to sleep in, but often miss their k mark because they're squeaky. If you want a .good, sweet sleep, buy Beds here. Iron Beds from $3.50 to $20.00. Brass Beds from $22.00 to $38.00. , 50 is a sure seller at sight. - Barre, Vermont Granitcville, Vermont 17 Prk St. L L. Gde. No. i Bolster An. i p . vV V . T vv v Much Cut Glass is purchased fc Wedding Oil ts and the buy- fci crs as a rule wouldn't think of presenting a piece that was not strictly high-grade if they knew it. The finest grade in the very i at the -lowest prices for story on Cut Class. We invite your inspection. TALK OFJTHE TOWN. White, suits at Abbott's. The late.-t in embroidered parasols at Perrv's. Half price on covert 0I0U1 jackets at Abbott's. .: ! ,i :i i , , Auction Kale at the City Auction ItooiiH tonight. Lewis Colnmbe went to Rouses Point last liijiht to vUit relatives. Men' and bov' straw bats at the Frank McWhorler Co. Store. AlileaiffH bonirlit, wild ami rented. C. II. Keniliick & Co.. 54 Main street. Head what The N. D. Phelps Company says on the second page of this issue. Mrs. .T. Al. ltondV miction ale will continue afternoons until the poods are hold. . San Fram iseo iicture nd dancine at Dewey park Thursday tiijtht for one ad mission, H. W. Pratt went to West Stewarts- town, N. JI., today for a week's visit with friend. - ; r There will bn a regular mwMinjr of! the KriighU of Columbus this evening at 7 ::i0 o'clock. i The V. A. S. K. will meet in Whcehvk I block, JJarre, J'lmrnday, June 14. A full j attendance is desired. The deliciousnexs of Masentt's famous I ice cream is its best advertisement. Do- i livered to all parts of the cit v. . Miss .Shufelt, who lias Ik-cti visiting her sister, Mrs. !. A. Wilkinson, went to her home in Newport this morning- : . ' Remember the San Francisco movinc pictures at the opera house Thursday evening, ushers' -benefit. Tickets now on sale. I Hoard by the day or .week at the Otis Cafe; Pearl street.1 Table board, $3.50 per week. Meal tickets, $4.00. A. K. Stone, proprietor. Public dance Friday' evening at the Pavilion. Klectric fans have been1 in stalled and the Pavilion put in tine condition for the summer business. The Intercity baseball directors last pight awarded the score card privilegfl of the year to W. C, Washburn of Mont peliier and theliooth 'privilege to .1. T, Callahan of Barre. 'there were seven bids for both privileges. John Sullivan of Woodbiiry, ,viu ar! rested last night for being found in .An : remaining eiglit will be dresoeds lio intoxicated condition bv ttfticer" llaineb i hoes. .This will ' niean 1m it h an ,inU'r Suliivan pleaded guilty to a second of-jesting and laughable exhibition. John fense in eitv court this morning and paid , Kessick of Barre will also sing several a tine with' costs amounting to $23.04. J of bis comic songs, for which he is Arthur C. Tiklcn went to Burlington j "" Saturday evening' the committee last night to attend the Masonic week, j has) ,,;)hn K,,rr( ,,e ci,ampion Michael K Harrington, formerly of , f,utH.llt.r ((f Vermont and one of tl.e Northern hotel, has accepted posi- tm? ha uwu-r in the business, tion in the sales department of the ThU an ,,XH,,!(,)t ,,.,.( ity to see Swift beef company at New York city. ft tir,t.r,., ,.xhibition of bag punching The members of the Intercity ball i by a man thoroughly understanding the team are' expected to arrive in Ilarre S art. The articles will also be drawn this next Monday. An exhibition game with j evening. lteverly. Mass., will probably be played Paining will be enjoyed each evening for a starter next week, to get the men (to music furnished by Walker's or in shane for the twcuiiur of the season I chelra of three piisvs. Ice creum and next Saturdav. A well attended meeting of the V'er mont pet stock and jioultry associat ion was held hist evening in the store of the Barre shoe company. 'Discussions on practical -matters concerning the as. soeiatiolt and it , was decided to bold regular meetings once a month after S'ptfinlier 1st. - i .t t ' . 1 . i '.. : t t. ; . 1. v i anes ivm.p,. . ai ...s r , ill this eitv lor a few days from Piiuri and Burton miunrv at Manchester Kuapp has played in the Ihix and at first. Isie on the bull team of the schoil, which, he say. sun 16 out of lf jjames, Ipnyed thus fur this season, and have only to win from the Middlcbury hijfll school to 'rtin the championsliip of the state. Two pisketlnwiks w ere found in a closet of the Montpelier Wells Kiver depot at Montpelier yesterday afternoon. On va empty and the other contained a check for i'ri in the name of II. A, Wells of Mar-hllehl and a dojr license receipt in his name also. Mr. Wells says that there was about $U0 in money-in his wallet. Thi is supposed to have liecit the work of pickpockets on circus j day. , The speakers and a part of the audi ence w ere very much disturbed by , the late comers at the Barre opera house last evening. Oftent imes the effort; of j pllfled" ecbool Ct spellers seiems to be, speakers are destroyed by tinusiinl com- j "Spell It-Wrong Bud you'r right" motion, such as the shufllin of, feet, j koaUTiUe Courier-Journal. .,. the slam. nil.): of doors. ,lt, i. unfair H comBtsatfon to tbe to the participants and to audiences tori, . ,. , , m.. iople to enter a public entertainment j or ! mw aptlllng reform, Lit late. And if anv Bane people per- and It I that after ewbtlo It Will U sist thev should be rcpieste.) to remain luoposslblo to tell an educated from aa in the hall until an opportune time ar I oneducated mao by t! epelling.-r-rhll' rives for entrance. ftdelpUJa IWWWIWWIOIIMItlWIWWtMMWIWIWWIWIWWIWWWIWt ri -i j i r V'X m Q I as fine as vou ever saw. 15c per oz. ; two ozs. for 25c. g - .. . ' I D, F. DAVIS, "The Druggist," f I 262 North Main St, - - Barrc, Vermont. Imwmmwmmwwym!! iiiiiiiiw THE BEST ICE CREAM The only kind we make and the only kind you should fat, It is delightfully smooth, rich, easily digested and'satUfyinir and always uni form in quality. Produced from pure cream, granulated sugar and pure fruit flavors by up-to-date and sanitary methods and modern machinery. PERFECT T- BARRE CANDY KITCHEN TALK OFJTHE TOWN. . See 19c. niererline rilibons at Abbott's. Roller skating at Dewey park tonight. ! A new lot of colored shirt waist suits utr Perry's . : -v J 'you waiit a real ,'ood electric niai- saj;e, go to Miers' barU-r shop. 1 ' .1 .... t. .... t i New line of children'! vvaoli suit just received by the Frank McWhorter Co. Will the Socialist and sympathizers please meet at Socialist hall, (iranite street, Wednesday, June 13th, at 7 p. m. All persons having accounts with F. 11. llugera i, Co. plnae call at 174 North Main street, Quiiilen block, and nettle, (same. San Francisco pictures at Dewey park, Thursday', Friday and Saturday and Sat urday n'uvtinee. ' Prices including dnnc inj 2.1 eents. Matinees including roller sskates 10 cents, SHORT OF BUSINESS. Windsor County Court Will Adjourn ' Early. Wooditock, dune 13, The list of civil cases in Windsor county court was re duced to nearly nothing yesterday -and as only four indictments not yet made public "were returned by the grand jury the term of court will lie short, unless something new turns up. 1 he jury in the ease of the Winder iaHliht C'o. vs. S. N. Taylor, an action of trespass i begun niwi- i.uurnaya iciuiiiro vi-i-Sdict yesterday for the plainiitV of one iwnt daninges. . , . June Carnival at Graniteville. (Jraniteville, .Tune 1-5. An excellent timo planned" for all by member of foresters' team camp No. SliOli, (irnnite- ville. The June carnival will open to- morrow evening umier me auspices oi the forester team of camp No. iJ2, M. V, of. A., and the entertainmeni pro-j gramme will consist or me loiiowing: Poem. When 1'a lleeame a Woodman, by Itoswell Miles; solo, Ferd lloneo; solo, Miss Fa a Miles; prose, Miss Bertha It. McLean; solo, Walter ...11. Puine; statu ary and clog dancing, Milne brothers. A glance at the above programme will assure all that an excellent enterluiu tnent is forthcoming. Friday evening there will lie an exhi bition drill by the forester team. The first' eight men will Tie' dressed in the fg)lla Woodmen's uniform,' while the caKe win is- served in me nanqiiei nan and the usual refreshment stands will lie in evidence. Admission 10 cents, season tickets 2.1 cents, with a $5 gold piece as door prize. BIG BATTLESHIPS. Tlie American peojile delight la big t bin?, and they are pleased at tbe , spect of ,iavUl k greater battleship ,u ,.. .....,.,. Je. If the United States Is to go to work to build a battleship larger than the Dreadnought, then England may be ex peited to come back with a battleship larger tbnn the Ainerlcau battleship. Louisville Times. It Is a matter for congratulation that America Is to own tbe biggest battle ship afloat. This is true not for the mere sake of bonstiiig iut because It represents a wise policy and cxoeptlou al forethouglit.-Pbllndelphla lYess. -SPELLING REFORM. The spelling reform la not likely to mako ouch headway in Jorjab, Rode Hand cr Mlzzoory. CblcaRo Tribune. Tbe formula of the "new" and "lni- Just Received SMIt's Gtiocolates : the "Daintiest of Dainty jj Sweets' in neat and tas- i ty gift packages. 1 1 Pure Snruce Gum 1 - " from the Maine' woods, I ICE CREAM A. P. ABBOTT & CO.lA. P. ABBOTT & CO.A. P. ABBOTT & CO. The Bay light i:?Q irtt :'; JUNE, $AL& n i n 1 1, i- -iii' in' in . .1 And Values That You Cannot Get Past for Styles and Prices Are A No. I Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits This is the season of the year when Cotton Shirt Waist Suits arc in greater demand than uny other one article of a lady's wardrobe. In Percale, fiingham and Muslin Suits, in colors, we can give you it good as sortment from $1.25 to $3.98. Ask to. tea the special Muslin Suit in eolors at $2.98. This is the Waldorf Suit and is made as you would make it yourself. ' " . , At $4.50 is a Liuen-eolored Muslin Suit. Waist made with three box plaits down front, finished with French knots. Fine tucks down back, full sleeves with deep tucked cuffs; plaited gore skirt with three narrow tucks mound the bottom. At S4.75 is ,. , ., "T " VV"7 " Ji'w y"l fuller than other front, nne mifi OTip.lMilr incli h oik hHmi . each side, piped -with white, full sleeves , The Suits we are showing for $4.75 1 . with e'uht-inch tucked cutis. Very full j and $4.98 are of extra worth, Theyarei, Mlish-b .4UU4. .... plaited Rtired skirt, with two folds run- j made of pood ipiiility muslin and trim-1 Misses' Suits in botli white and colors ning down front, piped with white. j.uied with lace and muslin embroidery. I ia this dune Sale. There is variety in the above Shirt Waist Suits to he found only in largest city stores. Ao P. ABBOTT & CO. BALANCES FIRE LOSS. Rutland Real Valuation About Same as - .. Last Yearv Rutland, June IS. The board of as- lessors has finished the jrrand list for KMifv .showing! big .(rain in personal property since last year. The total val uation . is ' St.84T.lU7. . an increase ot $iu,r.27. The real estate valuation s i exacting it s for you, so you 11 practically the same. Although there;, . . ,., . Kii;n. ..i a v.iiin i liinlillniT flnrinrr t i vpur. inplHWMiit ! v- iwv . umuiiivw, - ' improvements just balanml the loss by the $.-)On,WH fire of February IS. There are 3.061 taxable polls, a pain of only it. : N0RTHF1ELD. Mr. and Mis Nelson Tyhr hit yes - l:.' x. ii.. ami Windsor. Thev win attend th 'wk ptn of Kli1;: iu somen nie, Mass., Thursday. Mr. ana Mrs. tyier win tie pone auout, a week. J. t Donahue has sold part of the land south of bis house on the corner of Central street and the public square to the town of Northtleld for the pur pose of building an addition to the vil lage ball. The .proposed addition will give ample room for- the engine room, jail and police headquarters on the first floor and will enlarge the hall on the second floor. The. entrance to the hall will le from the north. Just Received FRESH Native Asparagus, . Spinach, Cucumbers, Wax Beans, ' New Cabbage. Also - Turnips, Carrots, Beets, Onions,, Apples, Pineapples and Bananas. Give us your order for a fresh Leg of Lamb, short cut, 18 cents. Quick delivery. TASSIE BROTHERS, Successors to . Farker & Telephone 9-3. , 60 North Main St. SAND FOR SALE Coarse and fine, in any quantity. Coarse Sand for cementing at my sandbank on Farwell Street. L J. BOLSTER, - BARRE VT. CAMERAS AT COST To close out. All new, with latest improvements Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits Those who have seen the values we are showing in Colored and White Shirt j Waist Suits cannot resist the tempta tion to liny, At S8.98 is a Suit made of licrured muslin which is of unusual worth. This! A Suit at $6.98 is made of good quai ls the "I'niipie" brand and will eompnro J j(y jn,ii,i limm. mado in theliest of styhl with Suits shown ut $10.00. The. style ;iiml trj ilh ,,, onil inMsrtioI1 is all right. : , , . . , . n ) both long and short sleeves. One of the best Suits in the line is ' made of fine quality mercerized goods! At $7.50 is a very fine. -Plain Whihi in small check, with embroidered satin q11(ri Suit, made very full plaited skirl, ngure. aist mmic si uare tokc, oi made square roue, ot white white embroidered eufl ; full skirt v it li two deep tucks. The price is $8.75. ... . . In White Shirt Waist Suits th name "Monogram" or 'Tniuue" is enough guarantee as to stvle, quality or linish. 1 vou liuy a '.Monogram' Suit you are i sure to eel a skirt that is mini one to OUR CLOTHING IS We're " cranks," so some of the Clothing manufactur ers think. They say we are the worst people in the Cloth ing business, we're so infernally particular. When we're so our Clothing. , Turn it inside finish, the way the seams are sewed and what they are sewed with, how the padding's put in and all those apparently, un important details. Some Clothing looks mighty slick out side, but it doesn't stay so any lensrth of time. That's where lour pertinacity Kcores. Take a look at our perfectly tailored handsome Overcoats, our fine line of Rain Coats, j our complete line of Headwear and our smart and attractive i styles in all kinds of Toggery that good dressers want. If ! you do this you'll surely be Frank McWhorter Go. One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitters, Telephone Call 218-4. Blanchard Block. 20 and 22 North Main St PLANTS , EMSL1E. THE FLORIST, . Ttlcphone-8toie, 1!53-12; tireenUoue, SOl-11. OTIS BLOCK, I'RAKL STREET A GENUINE BARGAIN In Manicure Sets, consisting of one box of Rose Nail Powder, one piece Toilet Pumice, one genuine Orange Wood Stick and six Cloth Center Emery Boards for,10c. E. A. DROWN. - ' Prescription Druggist, 4 A No. Main St., Opp. Nntl BanK. Goo Good Salmon has been very scarce and high this year, but we have been able to get hold of some extra good trades. ', ' V Best Steak Salmon, tall cans, regular 15c kind, two cans for - - - . - - - - 25c Good Red Steak Salmon, flat cans, each, - 15c Good Red Columbia River Salmon, flat cans, each, 1 8c Premier Brand Fancy Red Salmon, something ex tra, per can, - - - - 20c Salt Salmon, whole fish, per pound, - - 9e Salt Salmon, cut, per pound, - - - - 10c Some good trades in Codfish in one and three pound packages. .Ten Pounds of Fresh Native Rhubarb For 10 Cents. F. D. LADD CO, Lcadfag Cash Grocers. Stores ! Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits j Peineniber that these Suits are rnadd of extra quality material and have skirt that will measure; from five to five, and one-half vards aiound the bottom. - i , ... . ,,, . 1iIaia wuUi i,.,.,. . , ''"'"' "l,T llll K(tl '""- n oUl(,,. .lea of White Miiit Wai-t Snitsiwe have the flue muslin, trimmed I with fine 'alencienncs lace and insertion, as well as the medium weight Suit, ' 1-1111 TIIIJI 11111h.M1l f.lllTf lirili 1IIKI-I- I., iii i.i. ii "tin - . r.-.. . . f . . I it . . : . II IS i '"" f-- the WORLD'S BEST get what you want, and by Pnms hrrmonA lonlr.nvpr out, look at the quality and convinced that the best is here Tomato Plants, Celery Plants and Flowing Plants of all kinds almon Trades! Meats and PfOTfcfont The AVERILL MUSIC CO: v.