Newspaper Page Text
'fit. riiJS liAItltK DA1L.Y TIMJES, JUNE 1!, 190i. V Spscial Sale of Blue Flame, E. Opposite GREAT SLAUGHTER IN FURNITURE My entire stock to close regardless of cost for CASH. Here are a few of the , . slaughtered prices: J32 50 Pluih Couhtt 32.00 Vdenr Coucbtj at ... . 28 00 Vtlour Couches at ... . $20.25 20.00 18.00 1700 16.00 6.0f 26 00 Velour Couches at. 24.00 Vtlour Couches at.... .... , . 50 Veloor Couches at.. ...... L. M. WILLIAMS, Household Furnisher Registered Cmbalmer, ' New TomasI Block, Corner North Main and Merchant Streets, Undertaker and Funeral Director. Ambulance Calls Promptly Attended to. ttestdenca 8 Jefferson Street. Telephone 421-12. store 40S-3. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. GEORGE D. WARREN, Office : . Page Brothers' Livery Stable. Residence: City Hotel. Tel. 106-4. , DR. C. H. KENT, Pentiit. MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Kesldencs. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, OSTEOPATHIC PHYBICIAil. Ofllce In Koom 6, Miles Bnlldlng. (mo Honri, a. m. to U m. and 1.30 to 4 p. m. Moo dTi 'fodaj'. Thursdajr and friday. Telephone Conneatloa. DR. F. M. LYNDE, Dentist. Telephone 183-21. ; Koom 7, Currier Block, Barre, Vermont. Dr.W. O. HUTCHINSON, - Physician and Surgeon,) V4BHISOTON, VT. v Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m, 5 to 7 p. m. , TtltphoM Conntctlou. ""'.'. ;H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office in Wood Block, . (mi Ladd's store. Justloe, notary and itenographer In office. Merchant Tailoring : Alio Cleaning, Pressing ; i and Repairing. MOORE & OWENS, i 122 Rotta BUlo St Brrt. Vtrmoat D. SICKLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 11 LRrtles' and Gentlemen'; Fur C'ont Repaired and Stored. . t,liri' mot flentlemeir (Junnent cleaned hy iteB u; l.reel tl tyf.. H.;mirii1(! neatly C ' Ur.l l-y uii'll rciv rr..iu.t Pi tt lit ion. Depot Hquare. Barre, Vt PETER BOMBARD. PAINTING, DECORATING, ; 'Paper' Hanging and Sin Paintinu. 1 Telephone aJ-4. 67 Broolt Street, Barre, Vermont JOHN C DODGE, House Paintine, Paper Harming. Ail work guaranteed. ,. Tel. 226-12. 160 South Main St. WILLIAM WELCH, All kinds of Klectrlcal Work Done, Wiring, Gas Piping, Kto. ' we are denlern In Klectrlcal Suppllee. ' Vimi ltliire -ft t'ombiuatH.H Bature. work guwww"' wrM. Ofll t No. 10 Elm fctreeta Barre, Vt Aim" Hf"rVW'pWrt i i iT4 -MitM' ' 1 I WJWa'm ' M Summer St., Burrs. '"H-f .fVmVT. 1l aUteaml tlnWai-e tded ( r: ;, ,!: , :' ,'!' --Vt ,."'.-. ', iJ --. r- Oil and Gasoline Stoves, White Mountain Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers. Agents for Por ter's Ready-made Screen Doors and Windows L,a'wn Mowers, , Garden Hose and Sprinklers.' .'-Also a full line of Hammocks. , A. PRINDLE, Telephone Connection. Depot Square, - Carre, Vt. $29,00 Flush Couches, drop ends at. 1 9 00 25 00 Velour Couches, drop eads at 1 7 00 24.00 Vtlour Couches, drop tods at 16.00 20.00 Vtlour Couches, drop tndsat H.SO 15.0 Velour Couches at.. ...... 13.00 , How to Propose. A Hiiidu father recently received the following letter asking for the hand of his daughters "Oar Sir: It. is with a flattering pcnmanHhip that 1 write to have communication with you about the prospective condition of your damsel offspring. ' For fnie -remote time to past, a secret passion has firing my bos om internally with loving for your daughter.- ,J have navigated every chan nel'. i ihc nmgoitfudf! of .iny extensive jurisdiction, to cruelly Htnothering the growing , lovc-knot that is being con structed in my within fide, but the humid lamp of affection still nourishes my love-sickened heart. Hoping that you will eoncorduntly corroborate in es pousing your female, progeny to my ten der bosom and thereby acquire me into your family circle. Your dutiful son-in-law." Calcutta Pioneer, America's Debt to England. A all the world knows, the English have been the domiuunt factor in the nuiking of the United States. They have given us their language, their literature and to a huge extent their traditions and habit of mind. Munsey's Magazine. NimsN I. ELECTRIC WIRING 1 SUPPLIES -Wc carry a full line of Electrical Supplies, ' have an expert work man and are prepared to do all kinds of Elec trical Wiring. Call and ' see us. EDSON BROTHERS liesliience Telephone, 112-3. Hunlms Telephone, 112-4, If one It busy call the other. BiuskoII Block, Pearl St., Barre, Vt BARRE STEAM LAUNDRY Laundercrs of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Shirt Waists, Lace Cur- '' tair.s, Family Work. rork un surpassed. Fully equipped Plant. 153 North Mala St. fm Delivery System HitKH lllc.l. I.V! riimr honed a ed, Hie. to Mi l i to :Wc: iiihii' Mi.tes l:ietl. women's ,hi lillilfeii'i. shuns"'l. e; hoes hipped. .Vie j women's ,hes tiiiipcd, :vi; win. ib iiiiiiicr ABOUT THE STATE. Items of Interest Gleaned From Oui i Exchanges. , , . ". fiene. the two-year-old dnnghter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A mcnt. of Jack sonville, who was terribly- bunifil by walking; into thu hot ashes of a hiush lire, died Juno 2,. alter ten days of sul Cling., i-': ; , ' ..;?' -.; 'J'lif. Rev. V, K, Coburn lias tendered iii reKi(riiatiou. to thu Jiajitist church at South Uoiiilondciry of which he hu been thi jmstor for five yeara, to acccjit a chII rcf-ently xt(!inled him by the Bap tist church nt Bcrnardtfton, Mass. B. F. Welden, of Ludlow, has fallen into lino with Standard Oil investiga tion and fuiid out a hundred dollar tor mnip that register the number of gal lons put into his tanks. Now he sug gests "that somebody "liet'p tabs'" on him by inventing a can with an indica tor to bIiow when a customer get live gallons. " i f.liarles H. AVoodlniry of St. Johns bury, has bcnn nppointed nidj-do-nmip on tin; xtafF of Jitioes Tanner of Wash ington,.!). C, comiiiander-in-chief of the United States Uraud Army of : the He public'.' ; Ho has Wn given tho. title of eolomd, and, his dutjos will consist prin cipally in getting back into the Crand Army the old veterans who have with drawn from the organization. Correspondence Is going on between one of the prominent buiueis men of White River Junetion and the proprietor of u blcachcry in I'rovidenco, It. f., re htlivo to the transference of its plant to White Itivcr Junction. Abundance of water and nearness to a, timber region are the chief things desired by tiie Jirm, and the Junction can '.meet these reqvii, The company employs a forced of two hundivHl workers. ' V Co. Y, lt Inf.. WN. O., at Northficld him btr tiuiiiter John and ' ' James Wood, twins who look so much, alike that when the captain or ofliccrs of the ! cotiipuuy think tm-y are talking to Jitn iiic tliny slmoHt Invariably discover that ;tliey arc talking with Johnny, and no i close U I lie resemblance , t hat persons j wlio have known the boys for a long time are not at all mre,to which one I tliey arc speaking.". ' hey const itute the j iiiowt- uniipiA trumpeters ,whivl! ny c.ovit j pany in New Knglitml, If. ti(t, the nun itrj hast in its ranks. .XVIiat is better j yet they are lust clans lrtiglc playeH. TflE CLEAN-UP. Ho! citizens, come shed your coats and vests, . Itoll tip your sleeves, wedge clothespins on your noses " Let a firm purpose animate your breasts , To make Chicago like a tied of rosea. iet out and take Your hoe or rake Clean, from the Western limits to . the lake. ;. 'J'tun on the hose and ply the ' soft Hliecrce, Invade the vacant lot, clean tip the alley, , LetV have a demm-ratie cleansing bee To which all good Chicagoaus may rally. .... Let's swab and mop, v ' All other business drop. . ., Clean, and still clean, without " , stay or stop. ' . , . ; Now is the time to clean the trash away, The rsffs, Imhips, tstttles, 'trusty cans and psrwr, ' ' ' ' Discarded bedsprings, mouldy 'straw and liny, . Spring cleaning is tilwut the proper caper. . , . .; W hile yon perspire, I'll sit and twang my lyre. All day fo urge you on and never tire. " Chicago Daily News. A Scarcity of Pigs in England. . For some time past pig have been seoce, and as a natural consequence, bacon and all hop product have leen rising in price. It is really extrnotdi- j nary, conhiuei ui iiyw pioiiiiu no aiiiiiial i the pig. that, producers "in this country cannot do more towards supplying the steady . and continually increaaing demand for pig . mentor :lt h a great reflection upon jthe enter- P prine of Jiritt-ih farmers to m!i(!ei- toat for this produce alone upwards of -6 1 8,- 4 000,1)00 is sent unread. 1 lie t.roccry. She's All to the Good. Jiacon Marriage does make a differ ence, after all. ' JKgbert How aof ' . ' 'Itefont a man marries, m hen he hears I his sweetheart, say: "Oo's 'my dnvy is no? he thinks she s all to the good. ' "(If course." . . . --,; "JJut after tho marriin.'o, when lie j hear tiie same girl. make the same re i mark to the baby, he calls it 'tommy ! rot, you know." Youkers Statesman. Literary, "I'm in a campaign for hog and hom iny," says tht! poet, Martin battles, "and hereafter American literature , tan tako care of iUelf. I'm sorry for- it, but 1 just can't fool with it no longer!'' Atlanta Count itution. Making Ends Meet. (It hti been pointed out thai the week end shows tendency to expand.) Illeiit be the fat" that east my lot In these expanding days, -When Life's fair puge no ugly blot , Hisplnys. mi jit may be trtia that' hustling inen tirow keener clay iy uny; Hut still there's leisure now and then . For play. Six- days of work our fathers used To need, if they would thrive; And wo have seen the tuhi reduced To live. And since the moment we can save. Arc growing mora and more, 'Twill surely be enough to slave Hut four. J Xny, if with honesty I speuk, that day 1 hope to greet When I slmll make my idle wcek Knds meet, London Otiilv News. Doesn't He? V east Yon any your wife does a' hit of unnecessary talking? : . u Ci finsoHUenk-Sure. ' ' ' "W ell, doit't you, toe.''". ' " '! "t eiliiiiilv: I tell her to shut up once I ill a while." Yuuket Statesman. ' THINGS THEATRICAL. Carlolta Niilson, now with Henry E. pixey, Is to be elevated to the. stellar ranks nct season by Walter Law.; renci), who in now reading a play sult ublo to her rexjuireinDuta. o' . v J. K. Hnekett 1 branching out as a manager, and It Is announced that be will star Thomas Q. Seabrooke next season in n comic piece by two Boston men entitled "The Alcalde." Henry K. Stanford, who first came to this country as a member of Sir lleury Irvlng's coiDpany nnd who now is play ing, the leading male part lu "Moniia Vanna," ha applied for naturalization papers.'. "."":' . WUUam B. Gray, the author of "The Volunteer Organist," and George Ha Kleton, author of ."M istreHS Nell," have collaborated on a dramatization of Paul Leicester Ford's etory "Wanted A Cbaperou." H. J. ; W. Dan, - a writer, recently made application for a, temporary In junction to restrain the Kirk La fibello estate from producing The Heir to tiie Hoorab" on the ground that It was a dramatisation of one of his stories. Ada Kebau Is slowly recovering from a second serious Illness which resulted, it Is sajd, from the attack of appen dicitis which he had last year. I'lans for her spring tour have been aban doned, and she has sailed for her home on the const of Ireland. SCIENCE SITTINGS. The high cirrus clouds are "believed to be formed of snowflakes. It the atmosphere did not warm the earth like a blanket'the. temperature everywhere would be 800 degrees be low zero.-' . ';'-"., :' " ,. ' A little Belgian girl who 1 not yet fifteen years old has patented a turn table that will enable vehicle that are moved nieehaulcally or by animal force to reverse their direction without actually turning. The highest kite ascent was lately made at.-, Linden berg, Prussia, 21,100 feet being reached, with six attached kites and 10,000 yards of wire. The temperature fell from 41 degrees at the surf ae (to 13 degrees: below zero. The .wfnd, eighteen, miles at tbq sur face,, was fifty-six miles an hour at the highest point. ; Wan-bee. The first watch ever made by ma chinery in the United States was made jit Rnshnrr. Mm., (n 183ft. uiuuu j ncr vc l wum Builds You Up mm YOURSEIF BEFORE TAKING Hi L A. Drown, Drusgist. EVERYBODY LIKES GOOD PIE 1 her i no loneer r jr c cose Tor poor pie on your table, a you fhonlil I'nllow the lead of housanils il um li-.i-ri Quick PuddingM a niting fw pies. Tr tb reci: D-Zcrta Choct late Cream Pie. l'repre psckag of Ii-Zert, Chocolate PmlihiiK according to ttlrectiuna on package, tliliiiK one-hall cup of soaar. I'ttt in crust which has tn tmkeil. Cover with meringue niKilt' with the wl. Mi's of two i'kic. Tin tuaaea twn lxrg pies or tints anmll mm. All the five HavorsI-tuon-TapltM-a, Vsnill, Oran(;e-Maeroon, Chocolate 'l Strawberry, can t' usetl In ihe same way, and bai anas, cu Foannt, etc, added as desired i-erta (.Jiik Hinlilliifr la also used as a cake filling' and for s tniililintf deiert. Klinply ild a iUrt of tnilk to cotiipnt of one paekneo, bilii- to a l)il, cool and wrv witli cream and mtgnr. tinier from your grocer. 10c per package. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $ 1,00 Per Day Vp Opposite Ground Centravl Station ew York BAGGAGESFREE Cor. tllHStr. nd Un.vrlty ri ft l ' Wll wn ";tY7-f ; r j THE NEW . "' ; ' SS '' A 99 n NEW YORK ' A Modern FIRK PROOF Hotel' dining r-n that i famous tor its ex.Tilent tooit ai;ci . r',... llHl.fE.L,, Irt- mooraio ;iriv. -tio t..t.T., JSc, SOt I.unciwa, 40c i nd our Famous tintr Dinners, 7St. ROOMS, $1.00 WITH PRIVATE BATH, $2.00 . WITH DETACHED BATH, fl.SO Quiet and Comfort t . Within . easy' walking fli .tun. e. of tho Great tprtment Store. Vn maker', two minnti-s; Si(ijrl-totnier', emht mimites.ete. Easy erH toall j mint of inWrest. AIwcIom to 1MIOLEBAU5 DISTRICT .. The Best Hotel Value in New York City CuiJ. Reek tl Ntw Twk Cits' teat FRF-E, raewat CfNTRAL VERMONT RAILWAY COMPANY. Corrected to October S. iwrt. Passenger Ttina leava Barre a followsi 12.01 Midnight Daily. Eoston. Springfield and New York niitht express. Weeping car Montpelier .function to Boston and hpritiKheld. (Sunday morning train has no connection 'or New York.) Connects at Moutpelior with train leaving at U.sua. m. tor Montreal and the West. 4.00 a. m. Wk days only lor WHIiairj town. .'".' 1.35 a. m Week days only. ConnrcU at Montpeller dunction with mail train tor Boston, Mringfleld and New York, and trains for Hurlitigtoa, ISU Albans and lu tcruieiilate station. ' 11.55 a. m. Daily. Boston. Springfield. New York and New London fast express, fate parlor ear Montpeller Junction to Boston. Parlor car. Mwiitpelier .lunction to Mprliigfleld. I.OS p. nt. Week dv only. For Williaaw town. S.10 p. rn. Week days only. Mail train for Burlington, Ht. Alhans, famhrtdg .Innc tion. Ogilenahurg. Hlchford and MomrntU, I'arlor car to Montreal Irom Montpeller Junction. 4.15 p. ra. Week days only. For Williams town. 5.30 p. m. Daily. Montreal and Chkajo fast eprrss. Connects at Bmlmgton with Iim-mI train tor Kutlnnd. t'lito parlor ear Montpeller Junction to Montreal and Pullman slee per to Chicago, train reach Montpeller about 20 initiates after leaving Hrre. .. . U, JtlNKS. 4eneral Manager.- J. K. HLMLF.V, lien. pass. AkIm ' ' Ht, Albanu, ?fc J. O. AUAMS. Ageut, Barre. Y l. Hotel Albert TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. I tbe Onlr Pollle Way ef HbtIbs '. Hi :-.: EeetlTe Cor. . if you ace w'oman or a man with lux uriant glossy hair, you may be sure nei ther has dandruff to amount to anything, jn nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe It to dandruff. Tbere are hundreds of prep arations that "claim" to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you that andr tl is the result of a germ burrowing; Into the aealp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and Its conse quent falling and baldness, can only be had by killing; the germ; and there la 110 other preparation that will destroy that perm bat Newbro's Herplclde. "Destroy the canoe, and you remove the effect." fold -by. leading-druggists. 8end lOe. In stamp for sample to The Herplclde Co., Eiclcert & Wells, Special Agents, ........ She ' Says. . A woman doesn't talk any more than a man she only says less. The IJo hemiaii. . . . . Are You Looking for a Home? Why Not Buy One That Will Pay for Itself. 1 have a two-tenement house in one of the best locations, three rods from electric 'ear tin and ten minutes to large lot of stonesheds. A'ways rented, never vacant Mow you can' own this home, have your own rent, and it will pay for itself. 1 will take a building lot, small cheap cottage pr farm in exchange and give you a- chance to pay balance in small monthly payments. How many times you have promised you wife that sometime you and she would own a home you could call your" own. Have you vet made the start, or are you still helping to fill the pockets of the land lord? This house is in first-class repair. Will not have to have a dollar paid out on it for eight or ten years. The price will be cheap, as it must lie sold at once. It will not remain on the market loiip at the price and terms I will give. For further particulars call at or ad dress i - - - 57 FRANKLIN ST., Telephone 223-13. Barre, Vermont: ' t THOSE WHO CARRY THEIR Fire Insurance Through this agency need not worry about the financial condi tion of the Companies in which they are insured. The losses incurred by these Companies at San Francisco will be honor ably adjusted and promptly paid, and their large interests in other places amply protected and safeguarded. !6G, HERBERT PAPE! Office Over Granite Savings Bank t Trust Co. FOR SALE OR TO RENT 150-acre cow farm for tale or rent, within one mile of dark quarries. Two houses on llatchelder street to rent. i " Ten good work farm horses for sale. Cardens wanted to plough, manure supplied, and all kinds of team work st short notice. Morrison &Burnham Telephone 139-11 59 So. Main Street, Barre, Vt. EGGS FOR HATCHING. FOGS I OR HATCHING. Keom Wlt-bred White Wyandotte and Barred Rocks. SO cents per setting. Cockerels for aula. A. W. ALLEN. SmiBydde Farm. Telephone 114-3. or farmhouse 3H-3. Mtflf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FtiR 8AI,K--On account of the owner's ' pur chasing a large property he wishes to Cisisise of the follow log s three cottage houses and one double tenement house. Property is all in good condition and is worth 91.unu.un more than It can be bought for at. thn present tinn. The propcrtv rem for . per uumth. Has an assessed value of S;i, and can be liought. If purchased t once, for Inquire of 1. A. Perrv Heal Palate Agency, Kooni a and fl, Itordou Block, Barre, Vt. Ttllf FOU HALK Thirty acres of land, only 4 1-2 miles from this city. Is on It. F. U. route, near school and in n good neighlsirhood. Land can be IsHtght for S HUM an sere. Jniiiiire of I. A, 1'errv Real Fstate Agency, Itoonu. 8 ami 9, Gor don IlliM-k. Bane, Y t. 7011' FOR HALK Wmnl lot nnd posture, only three Udli-s to saw-inill. Price ;C4,CO, In quire of I). A, Perry Uenl Kslate Agency, Rooms amUn, Gordon Bl( k, liarre. Vt, 'M 200 FARM BARGAINS Village, homes and country estates in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massa chusetts and Connecticut described in Cir 44. Send to Dept. 18 for free copy P. F. LELAND, 113 llevonshiro Street, - Boston. Mass FOB PALF.-Farui of s,X acres, In YVilliamsJ town, also stock anil tmd if wanted, laioated a mile and hall from ipiarrles, and near a goixl a market, us there Is In New F.ngland for products of tbe farm. Apply to Finest Kiddle, on premise. 40-tPJ FOR HALF fotlage of eight rooms on rranklin iliw-t. Also cottage of seven rooms on Merchant street. Prices low. Knsy pay menls. These bouses ar in the best li siileu tlalpart of the city and would make ginal homt-s or a giid paying Investment. Apply at l. A. l'eriv Iteal F.siate Agency, Rooms S and t, tiotdoit Blin k, Harre, Y't. 4211 IKlI'MC F SALK At Hi Hpiililding street. Steam heat, hot water, electric lii;hls, set talis, speaking tulH-s. elc. Also two lioiise lots, SK niidiiu. on Green street, si,t Kilstsi feet, and lour lots on Ablsilt menue, IjIkswismI, fsl x lu tret, nnuiln-red l.'si. I'd, l.VJ and 11. Impure of M . It. Ilaillev, Would trade killer for rcnliug property. Terms easy. 4..H FARM FOR 'HALE-11X1 acres, situated in town of Woicester, one-half mile from village, heeps 4U head of icattle and tram. B'lildlugs in lair condition.' Running water aw bouse inil htrn. Will Tell on ensv terms. Annlvor addicts U. L. McAiilay, Gramtevllle, Vu M FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Tbb Time will pabllBh Wants. Lost ind Pound, For Sale, To Let, etcshort advertise ment at the rate of four lines for $wenr.y-n cente for tbe flm inaorrion and flve oenti for eaca tabseqaent iusertiun. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. VOK AAI.K--fott.nife ut Xo. 9 Hull nireet. Contain lx mom. Hu 111 -room .ill piped, but tub not set. t food cellar, t onneett-d with sew. er. Lot S by 4S. Price only SLUM. 'oiixidcr ingf location this is barjrnin. Inquire, at F. H. fate 'HcaJ Estate Aeucy, lUtouu 11 and 12, Bolster Block, Karr. VE. Tlf FOR SALE IN TUT. F. ft. CATK REAL LisTATJK.AfifySCY, '. A cnttsire honse and liit gc lot to exchange for building lots.''.-. ., ,, , . ,4 .. . ; . 7t Stock, ftxtnre and' busines of an leetric ftirniHhtng More in the flity. Ktock-clean and up to date. Kniall capital required. 7Jtf House, barn, hen-liouwe and three acres of land on Beckley Htreet. just over the city line. Running water ut house and 1mm. Will ex change for a farm. Tltf Fann, 4 1-2 miles out. 'enntainlng WO acres. Cuts 40 ton of bay. I'lenty of wood, some soft daw timber and ui)d apple orchard. Running Wiiter at. house and bain, lhiildinga cotnfort able.' Irice fifim. . .:.,;v 71tf Farm of m acre adjoining".- f tit 40 ton of hay. Will paature six eo and whiter ten Cow and team. Apple orclmrd. New bouse of five rooms, lin i n comfortable. Price Sl,3l. 7Hf fottape and small bam on the Ward lions lns land otf l'rospcct street. Ixit lflOxlou. Trice Sl,M.W. 'She purchaser enn have nwne land at a very low price. . ftMf . Hotel at Brooklteld, all fiirnfelicd, Dara ami two acre of land. 1'rfce low. C'.tf Inquire for thn above nt the F. K. fato KeS Estate Ageney, Uolster Bluck, Mty. ; A J)l; TR AWE A place three niils 1mm Randolih village, eoitsistinc of hotise and par ilen. 'I he house i 'J4 x aa and ell IS i 2t. Five riKiins in main part and one In the ell, Ham JS x '.'4. A little repairing will make nice home Jor anv one that want a cheap placw. Sana will buy it If tnken rijrht off. Farm and ,villa property from Urn to Jii.iiOO can I fchownaiiy time. H. C .M'oudvortii, Real Estate .Agent, Rniidcilph, Vt. - . : ' . ,e8W FliR SALK--Modern ; home. Location Uie 'beat.. -'Five mimites' wallf Irani post office. Klectric light, furnace 'Ueat, open plumbing, hot and cold spring water, ljuiudry with set tnha. Finished in red birch, haufilwood and Georgia pine. Term moderate. ' fossossion given afu-r April 15th. Inijtiire of lr.' L. It, Martin at Wiles' (inuiiVfj Block or Fled L. Fage at I ity Hall. : . M Ft lit HALE-Hmall granite plant In good sized Venuont, town on line of railroad. Plant consists of built) MS, 22 X l, 15-h., p. motor Clayton air comjiressor. ize C x fi, polishing macmne, 4 pnettiuatie tools, 1 plug ttrllliiigTOa-chhie.- tools, etc. Seven men usually employed, la doing good trttsiness, Jor full particulrrs inquire of the I). A. FerrV lical Kstate Agency, Koonis and 9, Gordon Block. Barre, V t. 51t.f FOK SALE. " - "" -'- ; Klpht double tenement bouses (16 tenements.) Three cottage hon'"- tine four-tenement house). Kightv-flv building lot. All of the above real estate Is desirable prop erty and well situated in the heart of the City of Barre. For further inforuiatiwa inquire of John Trow or I A. lltelps. , , , - 3(tf FOR 8ALK House, I Kirn and about two and one-half acres of land, located near the electric and steam road between liarre and JMoutpelter, House Is nearly large enough for two tne utent. Ijind lavs well and is in a good state of cultivation. .Initt the place for tho man who want a nice borne and a little land. Price, Sl.tftt. 1 erms, ,S00 down and balance monthly, for full particular inouire of the l. A. l'erry Real Estate Agency, ltoonis S and S, -Gordon Block. Barre. Vt. Sitf FOR SALE--Best residence lot In the city at head of French street. View unobstructed clear to Washington street. Convenient to bothllneaof trollev. Good air. dry eil. No niling roiiftefl. Ree plan, Averill Granit to., Averill Building, Citv. lotf FOR SALE. FOU SALK--A desirable lot of bousehnld furniture at lTivaUi sale . at 16 Forsvth Place. ...... 7(1t:s FOR SALE A gmd working borae. to A. Flue, 97 Seminary street. Apply FOR SALK Baleil hay. No. '!. S12 a ton. De livered to customer in half-ton lots. Inquire of O. K. Holtister, IS Sheridan street. 741 f BARN Ft 'LI. OF HAY FOR HALF. At the J. YV. Gouldsbury place. Also standing grass on same place. Apply to J. V. Averill, Barre. Tel. 307-3. 74tf FOR HALK Best meat market proposition in Vermont, no fooliug. If we do not msko giMid we will settle. Address Reyiudils Heal P-state fo.. Burlington, Vt.; opposite the Van Ness. If you want to bay farm send UK! for catalogue and map of Vermont. (HtCJe.o.d FOR SALK A go-eart. nearly new, for sale cheap at lis Prospect street. By 'phone 214-X C.J. Martin. 7ati FOR SALK Two building lot t. comer of Pine and Reach strew. Inquire of Pat Covnc, 10 Mount street. ' ImX FOR SA LK '.'.1 horse power double cylinder, double drum friction hoisting engine, with boiler. Sire of cylinders, 7 x 10 inches. Prac tically new, having lcen used but six wi;eks. Will 'trade for stock. Hire of boiler, 4i x S4 inches. "M.," care Time, Barre, t. m FOR 8 VLK The irons for four derrick with gal. iron guys for three and 11-4 round iron for Uio other in tl!-font lent'th. Rings ami all irons are heavy, tlua mast was S leet the rest 00. YV 111 sell one or all fur 1 l-'J cents per ponnd on car here- One boiler. 7 feet. high. 40 incite in diameter, K iules '.' inch, Ti indie long. No rifting or base. Will test b'l C, YV. P. Price ('JS.0H. YV. H. Carpenter, Bellows Falls, l. toitf HORSE FOR StYLEApply to A. Tomasi. 60if FOK SALE A t once, cheap, a horse, harness, top bnggv, sleigh and role. Horse in tine con dition.' Inquire after P. M. at 157 North Bern iuary street. - KSit FOR sAf.l-- Work hcrse, neighing 14UU. Ap ply to 1. M. Mill s. . Cotf FOR SA1.E--Hand der-. icks tot sale or to let. Applv to i'honias BUikeney, Graniteville. Vt. ' fidfJl Ft)it HAl.t'.'-Good Iwo-ieneineiit bouse, Willi two ex tT lots, on Maph avenue, fon tains ton rooms, shed and two bath-to iiiis. Rents readi Iv at S "i.otl pel nioiith. Owner very anxious to sell by June 1st. Enquire cf 1. A. Petty Heal Eslate Agency, lUsun S and II Gordon Block, Barre, Vt. Mtf FOR SALK Good house, -with small barn, in Fast Harre. At: extra good home with some land. Price $t,i.'(Mi. Enquire of D. A. Perry Real l'uta Agency, Bane, Y t. GStf FOR SALKlue buslmss, with alsmt :i0 bins itf ice, gixsi watton, sled, one hursc, har ness and ail tools. I'rico (or everything only SVOOim. Enquire of 11, A. Ferry ltial Estate Agency, Rooms S and 9, Gordon Block, Barre, V t, &."(( FOR SALE- London rasplwrry plants, 4fl cent per tlown ; best red rasnln-rrier. in exist ence. Address A. K. -Ylitcheil. I'leasan Y lew Farm, 14. F D. No. 'i, Harre. 1'houe, ill l -'.'. WW FOR SAM A stone Wagon, nearly new, and in good order; one lumber wagon, -j Inch axle, irtMNl Isidy and new; two sers of woik harness, one nearly new. Address P. M. Crowley, YVeli slcrville. '.'7lf FOU SALR-s.His hoi'ie. young, sound and kind, weighing 1, ''-'.' pouuils. Call at 31 West street. - ' - V7tf FOR HALF.--flienn. a nice folding bed, wlt'n marble fop. one of Vcleh patent. Inquire ot M. Garvey, 4 t'eail street, . S5tf FOR SALE One pailor suite. 3 parlor rock ers, I leather eouch, 1 centct table, -i chamber suites, a (lining room chairs, 1 Stewart heater, 1 Magee range, 1 fco-cart. a yard of carpet and oilier articles too nuiueroui w mention. D. M. Hui ley, 14 Second street. '.VUtf Fpit SALE Nice, loose bay, both coarso and fine. rders may be left, at sowdeii Lyon's store or with me at HI Highland Avenue, o, Carlaton. '-SHE roil BALK AT CJ8HIK FARM, tlavl'eliyered proii.ptly in bulk, tat in lisj-acie futiu. first class buiiilim;.. Will cut lWtons of liny. I ota IK) acres In lots of .'. nr II' seres, tosiilli customers, I'asture no ai-ies pasturu faun witnuui. . biilldlngi odd Ytaiiu (nrm. Apiilv to t.eorg Cassie, East street ur Perry Bttl Lslatu Aieucj. Real Lotatu Acncj TO RENT TO KKNT-A small tenement d Three er four rooms. Kloctric lights, etc. Jncuire at Harry A. Scgel's, 17 YVasliingtun street. Tin! TO ItKNT'-Tcnementtif five rooins, to bj Hall etreet. . Applv 74tt TO RENT- Ihiwti stair Uneiuetit after July 1st at Hi Pleasant street. 7utC TO liFNT Furnished rooms. Electric, light, furnace beat nnd bath. Apply to J. Glass, : l)ix str;t, off brook street. '- . t!!W .. TO KKNX Tenement of seven room ami hath, corner Averill and i'lirk streets. Apply to V. W. Averill. , - . tisif 'J'O KKNT Small, house and two acres x land at South Barre. Apply to J. YV. Nichols Barre. . , "TO ' KEKT Sir-room cottage street. Inquire at US W est street. on llninel TKN'F.MKN f TO RENT -At No. t Park strew of rive rooms. Bath, hot water, electric tigln and gas. F. D. Buckley, r Sim "TO RENT -Aij offlc in Wood block. V. M Perry, Agent. Mil TO RKNTFive-room tenement, all modtrt improvements, on Pearl street. Ready May 1st.. Apply to A. II. Ituszvll, at bowling al leys. . .-..',.. .'. ' '.: .!. . JUS ' TO RENT-.-Fonr room, or more If disnedf balh-room. heat, and lights. Suitable for light housekeeidng for two people Hcsinible ! tion. Apply at 3 Currier street. 7tt TO BKXT Cottage, house off Hill strees Rent tlO.oo per mouth. Iiown-stairs leuetiteni on Foster street. Rent !MM per liionth. Two tenemenw of nine rooms each on Branch afreet, lfeut $U!.t each iter month. Apply to 11- A. Phelps, . . ..,'.: Vit To HENTTenenient; on North Seminary . Street., Also tenement. on Brooklyn street ex tension. Apply at 1'r. C. li. 'Kent's uface Miles'' Krauitu hnilding. : TO KF.NT--Fumilied room at lot Suuituer street.. YV. C. Mackic. ;-, - S-il TO ' RENT The granite house near P.' O, VUeaUm.'son liist Hill. Twn-mile from llarr City. Suitable for two families,, ench tenement having rminiug water. Grftucn o i Ui house. Apply to P, ). YVheatoa. Stftf TO RENT Furiiisln;d roams with board. Also table boarder wanted.- Apply to Mrs. John Milton, 12 Central street. : 4tt, ' STtRE TO RENT--Fitted :p for grocery, with show-cases, ranks,' etc. Suitable' for any bnsiness. Formerly occupied by Park & Ste litieiiSv -To beimited at reasvi-atile pnt-e. Ap ;dy to A- Tomasi, '"' ' I " , . t ditf TO KENT After April 1st, the rooms now occupied by State's , Attorney, 3, Hollister Jackson. K'sstnaatvlSroSv - - . ', ' 4iti TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms, witu or without board, jus duu!d. VT Jeucr soh atraes. ;; : ,'. it( TO RENT Tenement of six rooms and bktli on Branch street. lniiilre of the Barre Gran ite and tiiuarry Co., Koom 1 ami t, Blauchard Block. ' - , i ' SoJtf TO RKNT Ijirge hall week days, Siinday service and two evenings eacb week. L. At'. Averui. , llotr TO RENT Two front officer., formerly occu pied by It. O'Donnell. Eastman Bros. lB3tC TO KKKT Office room in the Blancharil Block. Inquire of Albert A. Sargent, Averill Block. . ISOtJ TO RENT Fnrnisned room witn steam hear and electrio lights. Inquire at O. N. Canton s, 'b Maple avenue. One parlor stove, also ona parlor lamp, for sale at O K. Canton's, Ma ple avenue. lauit TO RENT John McLean has a large store room at the rear of hi shoe store which be will rent at a reasonable price. lMtf HELP WANTED. WANTEO -At once, fiist-cUissj letterer and Carver at Beck & Beck's. . 761 f WANTED A stone cutter. Steadv Job to gHid man. Freeman. & YVatgatt, Barre. T.M f WANTED A steady man to pick up tools and grind bush hammer. Inquire at C. lli uucbi & Son's plant. JSIf WANTED--TWO or three tirst-class farm hands. Apply ateiUier Morrison tann or at thisoflice. . 74!f YVANTKD At once, one or two letterer. f .-Jf.i one carver who is willing to do letterunr part of tbe time, S.1.75. f 'nion shop. Steadv work year around. None but, good, sieaily men need apply. Twin Citv Griiiutn Works, C1 Rice Street, St. Paul. Minn. Tllld " WANTED Ladv or gentleinau of fair educa tion to travel for firm of Sav.ii capital, sal ary $l,t7a per year, payable weekly. Expenses advanced. Address Geo. t. lows, Bane, Vt. ' 74li HAMBERMAID YVANTED-Permanent sition. See Mis Toonii-y, housekeeper at Hie Pavilion, Montpeller, Y t. 7'JU YVANTEI) ljuindry help, waitresses ami kitchen girls wanted at once at Moulpelier House, Montpeller, Vt. 7211(1 WANTED A good, live, temperate agent to represent the Eastern Estate. Tea Co. In Harre and vicinity. Reference required. For partic ular address Eastern Estate Tea Co., llll Col lege Street, Burlington, V t. . ' 71to WANTED--letter cutter and polisher wanted at once by the George Struitou C(iuiiany. suit' WANTElu-Six carpenters " be ready to gu to work Monday utoiiiing at. Last Bairc. Applv u Henry Bissoii, rist Bari-e. ' iMf U'jtVf .'.!),.,t!fUltl I'iltinlilti e-ll'l for irciiprul bouscwofi;. No otlici need apply- Apply at IJ Hubliard street, Munipclier, or telephone 31-t'. Montpeller. C7lf MEN and Imys wmitcd learn pliiiiilung, plat- l tiTtjii, mn huiHity. i.iii'i mn si. . i, , - tarsliip flfiv dollits, easy paymenas; position j and union card (.iiar.inu sil: free catalogue, j Coyne Bros' Trade School, New York, Chicago, St. laruis. ikiiul'J WANTED ISO stone-cutters at NorthUeld on building work. ts.0at s.uv a-, day. K. B. Kill Giautta Co. Tl.C YVANTED Kit ginuitecnttei-s at once, Jo seph Canutes & Co., GiiiuiteviUe, t. '.'.'if YVANTED Man to work on farm. To good, steady, reliable man gisui wares will tsi pau. Apply to Alex Ogstoti, YYiihainstown. nf WANTED. HOARDERS WANTED At Mrs. Ale-c f ruicksiiank'e, 21 Howes I'iacc, opposiio Mapio avenue. '.;!(' WANTED-Ris'tncrs end bourdeta waiedc N Summer street, . Sltj WORK WANTED. WANTED--By young man, a chance to work In store or drive tiim. Hi also e::pi rteneetl as a conductor on rh-ctric ionit. Apply at No. Short street '(down taiisor at this atllce, rai t" YV'ANTED-Place for get, era! housework. Is first-class cisik. Good wages Wanted. Mrs, Nellie Curry (Coloied), in Cam of Box .'lli, Gran -ilevilic. VI. 7..tti WANTED A phue to assist III all-round cookiiic at sumitier resort. Aqily or write to Mr. Anna Jackson, W Branch street, Bartn, Y't. T.'ti LOST AND FOUND. I.')ST--Sa(urilay sftornnott, between llarr and Mompetivr. pocket-lmok with f 1'i.isi in bills and small change nntl papers, t inder will lie rewarded with ..' by bring jig it to Joseph C I'iiim, 13 Lew is slit-et. 7itil LOST-A silk tinibrelbi with initials M. $'. I'," on biinlle, i;iiherliii .Vlaln street or in some jitoti, , I iniler please leave at this ( -llc. ' - 7,il3 l,H.-sT--Nitvy blMtM'ult tor Isiy of pleasu rctlll'll to this otllce Fimb-r T.ilf I FOt Ml- Pair gobl tiov cd spccbfcles, which tor this sdvertiM,. 1 ineiit mid prm ill); piopei ly. ;,,, i 1 1 iS I'ltnmii pniiy wiib white hfe.t.f, T;,!, lent "lioil. AnsweiF to nr.nie "JtHstei.'- I'lmb-i ti'lephonv "I -. "I cull .,n A. G. Allies, 'I hoiitii Main trees... H sT - A tliiee.yenrs-oltt cheitinit o)f. aileton, Wii. I4U.U I Finder plrieio noihy iiauistown, t. Neb i (