Newspaper Page Text
TSVR B ABKE DAILY TIMES.. JULY JlO, IUOG. TANNEHILL KNOCKED OUT THE- B0N-ACC0RDS . OUTPOINTED IIV1. .,.11... mi : ! BV Naur. anl ail otlmr d I "Comfort. f JtuSUensH'tn til riyiwj,mii. huTfic CatarrletsrH Hv isittint. rollef In There is One Soda Cracker ma tl on. hoot .iro, (. 1. HntA Co.. LowU Maaa, and Only I One. Had Game All, Won Up To 8th Inning FINAL SCORE WAS 8 10 5 St. Louis Snatched Seemingly Sure Vic tory from. Boston Yesterday, Making It Two 1 Straight. . . .Pt. Lou!, .Inly M.-l5ostnn -had tlie game all von yesterday, a it did Sat-, tirday, and then lost in tin; hist end to St. I.otil: Tannehlll had been ing Rood ball tip to' the eighth inning, when, the local let loose on him mid drove htm out of the box, Young suc ceeding, him, , There were, jmore ojit at the time, and la-fore the side .was re- , tired fiv scores hod been made, leaving the swre 8 to 5, The" local played a ragged flolrlififlf game, hut their .lucky , streak of hitting in the eighth more than made up. v Saturdays American League Scares. ; M St. Leuis-St. lotiia'fi, Boston 5. At Detroit Philadelphia. 8, Detroit 2. At Cleveland New York 6, Cleveland 'Yesterday's American League Scorea. . At St, lioiii St. Irftuia' , Itottton 5, At ChicagoChicago 5, Washington 3. ' ' ' V American League Standing. . Won Iwt Pet.. Philadelphia, .'.: as.- .(Kite New York 83 - 33 . ,t8 Cleveland .,- 50 37 ; .575 ChH-apo .......... 48 ' 42 .m Detroit. 45 43 ..Ml St. Louis 4t - 44 .W) Wasldngton 33 S4 .379 Ronton ,1 84 ? .264 . 'Saturday's National Liague Scoies.v At Boston---(Idea go ! 8, Boston 0. j Af ybl)adljtliAT'4UbijrK !), Phils t dolphu 3. i f wAt Brktyn--JirooXlyn S, St. EouJ At New York New' York 5, Cincin nati 1. SUMMER DRINKS We manufacture all kinds of Soft Drinks, Only pure filtered water and the best fruit syrups used. ' If you have not tried our goods order a sample case. Cooling and refreshing. Special attention is given to picnic orders. AH goods delivered. ' M.J.McGOWAN .Telephone 118-2 ;, 107 South Main Street. . Barre. Vt. WANTED . Al the Aerill Mills Barley and India Wheat Will pay cash or exchange Flour and Feed. THE AVER1LL MILLS 33 South Main Ftrt and Depot Suuare, Barre, - - . Vermont. Circular Breathing; 18 A Voice Method Which devflopn MARVELOUS Tone Quality and Magnetic Pcwcr Taught only in , New EnglanJ by GEORGE II. WILDER Stvdlos 9 School St., Montpelier, Vt. Thonc 555 1 1 if YOU SING, CM I ME UP Voices txjuuinei Tree, , Satisfaction, cr Hotiey Back National League Stand:r.g. , 'ln aij Chiensro ........... fit ... iii I'ittttlmrflr . . .,.. r. ' 31 New York Sfi 3 -J I'l.ihKb'Iphia 42 4 (..'itirinnnti 41 51 P,r..oklvt ,.,.. 37 ' ft-i St. I,i'mi 55 If) . HimIwj B'J 0 !'t. .'ntfi t.(.Vi .1.: i .4M .446 .4.0 )'i BRYAN RECEIVED AGAIN. Irish Club of London the Hosts To Visit the Continent This Week. London, duly ,'t0.Mr. and Mrs, Will Iain J. l!iynn were tho rucI at n. re ccplifm jniM by the IriMii club at l,on. don Nnturdii.v eveniiifr. U'lioy wero wet coined in Iffhulf of the. jneiriln'rH by T. P. O't'oimor. ; Mr, )ryn .replied briefly, tliiiiikiiiff the imniibfi of the ibib and duelling on the important purf jdsyed by the JnMi in building np th t'nited Stuti'iH, Mr. mid Mr. Jlryun' awim puttii'd ly l,"d, Wetmore, M..F, I)iudiin, Mrs, Dinilap find Minn Durihip of Chi chjjo, left London Saturday night for Holland. They will viifc Amsterdam and The Hague and will go to Cologne today, where Mr. and Mrs, Bryan will join their daughter and then po up the Rhine, through .Switzerland and to Ven-ii-e, r"loreiic, Kotne and Naples, buiwchh hcly, waking abort 'atnpa and reaching Pari between Aiik'UKt 10 and IS. They will then go to Madrid, Oenmla. and tiibrtiltur, whence they will auii for home. : ' AUSABLE CHASM EXCURSION, . Grand Outing and Boat Ride and Visit to Ausable Chasm. - A grarnl" outiiifr,' exeuraion and lmat ride t Auaable .'iiawin and return has lMon arrangiHl liy the Central Vermont Railway for Friday, Aug. 3d, from. Ilurre, Montpelier, Watrrbiiry, Kichninnd and duiu tion and all intermediate ntjiliona via the Central Vermont to Har rington and Steamer Chatraujray to Port Kent and theme by railroad to the ehasni. Knund trip ticket will be ,ld at , greatly reitui'fd rait-. Ulie fare for the round trip from Hnrrr, .Montpelier, Wntwhury nnd all station this aide of V'.nf duwtion will Iir only $1,50, Spec, iiil traina will ho rmi leaving Ibirre t 7.10 a. m., Afontpeliefat 7.30; Middle- lues at 7.45 and Waterbury at 7.55. Ko- turmnj? will arrive at ISarre at B.45. ' Tirki'U good only for continuous puv agc 'sin truini named Aug. .id. '"' ' '" ''. GLEANINGS. About 4,4(X') utags are killed annually bn tb 8pottlh uiocis. Stamps bare Juat been designed and printed In firreeo to eoininemorate tba Olympic gnities of VMA. - Tbe foundations of the Bourse, buihl lng at Amsterdam have jrlren way and the building i threatened with ruin and has been rinsed. It cost $4,000,000 and was completed but recently. A Chinese gentleman who took bis on back to be educated In Japan ratbtr than tho fnltml StaS-a erjilalned bin action by saying that tbla country la "too annoying to the Cblneae." In order that tratllc. may not be di verted from th ntilwaya In Manchuria the jHpnnrae, it is aald, have rebuilt the river bridges destroyed during the war, so that they are too low for the Chlneso freight boats to pass under them. The Emprexa Kugenie baa Jyit given to the 8wln canton of Thurgnu the cnatlo of Arenenberg, where Napoleon III, pnsmed mcveral years of bis youth. Iti the castle ant the Kmprexs Joseph Ine'a harp, Queen Hortense barpsb chord and a camp bedstead of Napo leon 111, ; THINGS THEATRICAL. No other peraou on tho stage carries anytbiug like tb amount of insurance maintained by Harah Iternbardt. Mine, Iteruhardt bus twelve policies. .Miss (lertrud Qulnlnn has been re engaged by Henry W. Savage for the eautem "CoIIg Widow" company. She will b seen In the rol of Flora Wiggins, which he originated. Ona of the most stirring numbers In the new Ilerbert-Doty-Kerker musical comedy, "The- Social Whirl," la a boot black chorus, lu the courao of which the shoes of ten attractive young wom en are properly ahlned, E, 11. Bothern and 'Julia ' Marlowe have arranged to give a series of spe cial performances, the proceeds of which will be used for endowing a chair of dennintlc art at the t.eorgo Washington university, Washington. Itldtt Johnson Young, 'who wrote "Urown of Harvard." 1 o native of Italttiuore. Her tlrnt connection with the singe was ber Appearance there In an amateur performance of Louise Mot ley's melodrama, "A Woman of War." Chines l'on)n. Chinese coffins are made of timber eight Inches to ten Inches thlcK. It li calculated, therefore, that over 8,000,. 000 feet of lumber Is utiSicJ yearly for coillns in chlnu. lCqnln Mhr Indicator. When a borne atnmlR with bla tall tee ward the direction which the wind It blowing rain or snow w ill follow In tba next few hours. Thr i!thr. "With you to ahar my lot," h vowpd, "t II rllmb to rtisty lii-Uhts." Alat k! His rllnihlng has not mmlo her prouJ, JTilT he Is but a steeplejack. Judge. . (onHIrllim Inflnrnp. Creen-Has Juggshy's wife any In fluence over bim ? Ilrown She bi when he Isn't tinder tho Influence of Hcjuor. I'ctrolt Trib une. TliiH rr k ot Troobtr. . All tnun must have their "pck of woe;" No Mrslti man's tpvi It, But lota of inarrl)1 men w know Muot hni their hinik of It. - Houston l ost. MUTUAL Life Insurance Company BOSTON -ASSETS- January 1, 1906, $36,974,906.44 LIABILITIES- y?$:33;0jd37Q.86- SURPLUS- $3,956,635.58 DIVIDNEDS t , To Policyholders, 1905, $899,236.47 ALL DIVIDENDS PAYABLE ANNVALLY. - :y: : 1 IN The Assets lncreased...V.;:,.:.,;.;;::..t.......,;.'..;$5,223,530.38 The Surplus Increased.,........, .'.'..J;,.,......;; 473,857,10 The Income increased....'........ ,. 1,615,492.40 The Outstanding Insurance increased.;. ...... .39,241,743.00 The Death Gaims and Motua! Endowments paid to Policyholders amounted to. ...... ......... 4,333,262.29 The Total Payments to "Policyholders j Including the Year's Addition to the Reserves amounted to. ..10,239,376.52 At the close of the year the Outstanding Insurance aggregated over Three Hundred and Ninety-Five Millions BROKERAGE BUSINESS " ACCEPTED. . : Reliable Agents Wanted for New Hampshire 4 4 and Vermont to Whom Liberal Contracts. Will '. ' Be Given. Apply to : ' CHAS. E. MERRILL, General Agent -' for New Hiunpshira nd Vermont. 223-22t,.THE KENNARD, MANCHESTER, N. H. ; PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Sire. Flske la to produce a new drama of New York life neit season. . :' Farab Bernlmnlt'e ' gowns cost ber f2r,000 a year, It Is ald-by her pre agent. " - ' ' '.' " '! DaTld Warfleld of "The Music Mas ter" fame la now In Europe taking a well deserved reaf. Miss Florence Huntington, formerly well known la Brooklyn social circles, baa been engaged for the roI of Jano Wtthcrspoon in the western "College Widow" company. Henry Cooto, who la now singing one of the student captain rolee in "The Student Kbig." baa been signed for the principal tenor role of Tom Wagner In "The Prince of rilacn" next season. Miss Evelyn Yangban, the clever young b-ndlug woman, has been en gaged by H. W, Savage to play the role of June Wltberspoon, "the college, widow," next season In bla enatern "College Widow" company. EDITORIAL FLINGS. Tho girl who follow the president advice and keeps ber eyes ou the etars will be likely to stumble unload she has a Ann hold on some young man's arm. -Chicago Trliine. , A gont appear to be a pretty wise nnlmnl, after all: You will notice that be merely cats the cans and never touches the stufT that baa been inside of them.Topcka Journal. "Nature Is greater than I," eaya Al fred Austin. Not in all respeeta. Na ture, with all ber powers, could never achieve some of Mr. Austin's poetry. Louisville Courier Journal. 1 OU, yen, let's have the dally weather forecasts stamped ou lettem to be de livered on the rural free delivery routes. There's tuitbtog too good for the farmers, especially now that the congressional elections are coming on. - Boston Herald. (iooit Advice. Let us then b m snd doing; Ken If you enn't strike your gait; Throw sway the ra you're chewing Ami but ft home run wtitlu you wrUt. American Spectator. Sonnnl. ; "Do, you regard that man's argu ments as aoundV" "Yes," answered 'Senator Sorghum. "That and nutblng else." Washington Star. J905 i'-r'rtfi.C !i ENGLISH ETCHINGS. . To prohibit tbe"throwlng of orange jaad banana peel In tbe streets the lo k-al government. .committee f thejn dan cotmfy .fouucll propoes to orng Jonvnrd a ntnv bv'law. f A Indon florit found tfiat a new and flue Rambler rose did not sell well under the uame of tbe Amelia Jen kins, ao be changed tbe name to tbe Lady Cay. Now It Is going like hot rnkea. A. committee, appointed by the Brit ish parliament to Investigate the tramp problem In England estimates that In senson of depression there are 80,000 tramps in tbat country and that tbcre are never leas tban half that nnrafcer. A London firm baa organised a eys teni of scelug London lu etx days for $10.f, including & midday meal every day. The tourist will have an oppor tunlty to UiHcct everything, "whether of picturesque or hlatoric" Interest," in tb capital and Its suburbs. ' ; Disappointed at not winning a prize at echoed, n girl of Grimsby, Eugland, went to a shop and obtained three palra of boots "on approval." She pawned the -hoota and with the pro ceeds bought some books, which ahe triumphantly exhibited at home as school prlxeu. Ksrlr Street l.lnn. ' New York was the first city In the Uulted States to adopt public street lighting. In ims an ordinance was passed by tho city whereby every sev enth bouse was required to hang out of the second story window a lantern on a pole for the benefit of pedestrians. "STATE LINES., " "' , . - Tliera try 1,250 rural libraries la Js'orth Carolina. Minnesota Is larger than all New England and a much larger proportion Of tbe laud is tillnble, For a number of years Georgia has led In the production of peaches for the eastern market. Tbe stata has nearly e.OOO.OOO trees. The enormous material wealth of tbe state of Kew York 1 in no wny perhaps more clearly marked than la the fact that tbe total n mount of estate html ncd buildings exempted from tasatioa ia larger than the totnl as sessed vrealtU of twenty five of ths j fa:ty.-at.o cut of tho eouutry. , Hardwick Soccer Players Were Too Strong FINAL SCORE WAS 4 TO 1 Eraser, McKentie and Ewen Were Stara . for Winners and A. Frecland, R. Stewart and A. Walker for . Barre. . In one of the fattest, cleanest games of association football that has been sen mi the lix-al ground this neuron, the Ibirdwick team defeated the Won accordst Saturday afternoon, 4 to 1. From .the kick-off it was evident to the spectators that in the . Hardwick team the lion-accords hud met thtir inatch. There ws a fair-sixed crowd of loyal rooter out to cheer on the teams. Hardwick scored first through ,' Kraser, the Bon-aeeords soon after tieing the score on a penalty kick by William m, McKemde ttooted the ball between the. posts for , Hardwick' second goal. Aftr this, during the remainder of the half, the ball .was kept in UardwickV territory, although the Jtoti-aecoi'da were unable to . finish at the goal. At half time the eeore v as 3 to 1 in favor, of Hardwick. .Eraser scored soon after the .re-start and McKenzie put Hardwick' .score up to 4 by a simple goal, the goal keeper having advanced too fur up the Held. Williamson of the fiirVe lioys played a plucky game in the second halt, hav ing injured his leg earlier in the game. The ffttturea of the game were the individual work of Eraser, , .McKenzie and Ewen of Hardwick, and A. Eree land, H. Stewart and A. Walker for the Bona. The line-up. was: BOV-ACXiORns 11AKDWIC K J. ; Kreidirttd. ' foal "i J. (Smith f'.t: 'Williamson; back . . .1. Here A. Walker,' hack .......... 1). (lark ;.- Walker, half back A." Smith Tt'J Stewart, half baek.'...V. llohertson I. Kolwrtnon, half back,. W, Thompson' I," Hughe, forward ......... .(!. Ewen .1.' Amlerwm, forward' ...,W. McKenzie T. ( lark, forward . v , . . ... . . . .C. Eraser J.. Crnig, forward ,..(,. .McTennn A.1 Ereeland. forward ......... .It. Ewen . 'Itcfciee, Williata Oawpon. . GR0T0N. Mr, and Mrs. Ia S. Blanchard Knt Friday at Groton l'oml. J. B. Put ton tf Montjielifr w'as in town Thursday ami Friday, . d. W. Whitel.ill and Miss ElizalkHh James were at Harnet Tond Friday. Mrs. I). N. "Kiehardson oi JHverport, Ia. is at Mount Medad for the suuinier. Br H. N. l'!atman attended the Fat Men's banquet-at Plymouth, N". H., Fri day. . ,, F. D White has engaged with L. (!. and C. II. W elch and commenced work the 21st. Mrs. B. F. Heath returned from Bright look hospital, St. ' Joiinhury, Thursday. L. C. and C. H. Welch are inMallinst a hot water system in the residence of T. H, Hall. Mr. Weeks of the C, (S. Hatchery St, Johnshuiy in at Darling's pond for a few days, E. I). Ricker and family with C. It. Hendry and family are camping at Har vey's pond." . ,'i:.. IV Sherry and C. 11. WehA have iinpi'oved t he looks of their residence by a coat of psint. 1 A 'large ' number from this place at tended the suneral of Mrs. N'uthan Bick er at Hyegate Thursday, Ishbc Welch has finished work on the Montplier creamery and is at present with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,. A. ti. Welch. M. V. B. Vance, who has been visitiiur relatives in town for an indefinite period! left, for bis borne in Northampton, Mass., Saturday.. The Granite CHv Inilenemlenta ere scheduled to play here Saturday, They laiieri ro put in an appearance and the Juniors dicim ft game by default, to 0. Horace Ixnke of Los Angeles, Oal., who hax been at E. IX Heath's, went to Manchester, N. H.;. Thursday where he will visit before going to his home in California, ' The Northern Dramatic Company of Marshfleld presented "l'j Vermont Way"' in Colliiiii l'lnrk opera hotme Thursday evening to a good sued and appreciative audience. i ' A large number went to Groton Pond Saturday. Among them were G. H. I'ilUbuiy and family, Hohert Renfrew, Clyde t'ofbrin, E. T." Clark and family, IX ti. C. Cowan, Clms. Adams, Miss .Sadie Taylor anil George Taylor, Ireslt air children sent out by the ttoston Traveler, have been in the home of E. V. Hsnchett for the past month. They returned to their home in lkston Satur day, - The Man in the Street. Village Constable villager who has lieen knocked down by prt'sing motor cyclist)- You didn't see the number, but could you swear to the man? Villager I did; but 1 don't think 'e 'card me. Tit-Bit. ' David Greig 80 Maple Avenue, Barre. Vt. Piano Forte and Organ Tuner , With Wilder Musto House and Studio. Montpelier, Vt. Phone 5,"iC -It Montpelier. ronillveljr able to rfo Mrt-claM work. Ht if,ictlon (iiiiantrert. A potal cift to Mr. treig will bring lifui tu j our Itoiue. . T .rn i! You do not Cracker until It J ft A I nee 1 To taste Unecda Biscuit is to fall in love with them. You never forget that first taste, and you renew it every time you eat Uneeda Biscuit F0 In a dust tight, . , ft) moisture proof package. . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I K:.; , it Its. SCORE OF 79 WON MATCH Was Turned In, by F. E. Aus tin Last Week IN GOLF TOURNAMENT B. B. Bailey Was , Seeond in Weekly Tournament With a Net ef 81'i '"I and L R. Hutchinson Third, .; ,! ; . -with 82,.' t . ... .,, .'..-,.. t; . ,.. . . Tlie, weekly match of the Barre golf club for the Maekay medal was won last week by E. E. Austin, who turned in a grons score of '92, which 13 handicap gave him a net of 79. B. B. Bailey of Montpelier was second with fcll-i and L. R. Hutchinson third with The scores: ; Gros rindcp. Net F. E. Austin . ,'. , . . . 02 lit 7!l B. B. Bailey ...... 8ti 4 j Sl'-i I.. K. Hi'itrliinsnn .. AS S2V, F. Burgess 87 S'-ij ' MU, das.i Maekay. a..... US ; 2 " $t Jas. Kbind . tt2 H '" St Alex. Milne 83 4'i e'i Ja lleid . '; ll 5 John Daniel .,' 92 7 ,S3 W m. Marr 07 12 85 fohn Averilt , 89 3 86 IX V. Smith ...... 00 4 S T. C. Vetera' C7 U ' sU, F. Nichols . . 89 2 S7 " F. A. HoMland 00 2 ' ss John Mercer ft HH Wm. Mackie 101 js ss das. Mohimer ..... 08 9 SO Jvhn Beid ,,.,,...100 , 9, , 01 George Booth ...... 10G 1 . 15 91 W. F. Harris 115 . Is 07 , MADE NEW RECORD. . , Turner Made St. Johnsbury Golf Course in 80. $t, Johnsbury, July .80. -The Bethle hem golf club played the return match with the Old Fine goir club at the St. Johnsbury link Saturday. The feature was the line playing of Crl II. Turner, captniu of the Old Fine team, who made each round of nino holes in 40 etrokes. Hii thus 'established a new record for the course The Hummary: Old Pine-F. 11. Brooks n,'C. 11 Turner 4, C. A. Sihlev 4, (icorge Builev 5, E. 5. Bailcv 0, K.'M. Taft 4, A. G. Sprsctie 12, W, .. Peck 0: total,-20. Bethlehem W. F. Garby 1, A. Powell 0, W. Savors I), C. England 0, E. English ( ' ' ; ..4 l- 1 W.WVWU. At your f nx orronunHy, con Vour about taking Ayer's Sarsapsrilla. As!; !:i n if L: h .s nr.ything better for weak ness, debility, nervousness. If be U-.s, t.iHn i;. If rr t, M.Vj Ayer's Sarsefa-IIa Get well, that's what you ere after. ?J;-;,!;,,t7;.;.rj;';Mt J. ciWrVV". THE N.-D. PHELPS-COMPAHY Hardware, Plumbing and Heating, Stoves an j . Ranges, Quarry and Mill Supplies, Wire and Manilla Rope, Valves, Steam Fittings, Engin? and Boiler Trimmings. THE N. D. 136 North Main Street, ii ' ' know that Soda you know mm mscuit V, Bank 0, A-Guthrie' 0, II. P. Fish total, 2. . ., , EKWAN0K 51, MOHAWK 4. Home Team of 24 Players Scores Easy ,. .;' ' Victory.' , - Manchester,' July 30. In tlie opening teiiin match of the season here the Ekwsnnk country club's golfers easily l)CHt the Mohawk golf club's team of 24 men Saturday afternoon on the Ek wanok links, by 51 points to 4 points. ROCKEFELLER HOME AGAIN. Likes America . Better Than France Answers No Standard Oil Questions. ' New Yiirk',' July 30. Tohn' IX Rocke eller wu a 1 iassiiper on bosinl the .-teameit Amerika which 'arrived at New York from Hnnilutrg. Saturday. , 'Mr. nnd Mil. Reginald V'anderbilt vcie also passenger n tlie Amejikft. ., , r . No attempts were made to serve any legal papers on Mr, Rockefeller in, con nection with the legul proceeiiinp against, him at Eindlay, O., when' he left the Amerikti 'at' Holoken'.' Jlr. Rouke-felh'l-'greeted a group of newspajier me witlr a Hinile, but in reply to questions, said he had nothing to say 'about- the warrant which was issued at Eindlay for his arrest on ft charge of violating the Valentine, anti-truf-t law. "I cannot talk alMsitL that now," he said. Mr. Rockefeller made the same reply to a question whether there was any truth in a report that he had takeu no activt part in the affairs of the Standard Oil company for 12 years. When askcd how he liked France he said he could not compare it to America at all. After posing for his photograph at the request of a reportr and greeting several friends Mr. Kockefellev, accompanied by Mrs. Rockefeller and hi son, left the steam ship dock in an automobile. SAGE FORTUNE TO CHARITY. His Widow to Distribute the Millions la Aid of Various Worthy Objects. New York,' July 30. Russell Sage's fortune, estimated at from $70,000,000 to, it is now said, 1ms been left virtually- to charity. : Those cIoms to Mrs, Sage, to whom practically tho entire estate was bequeathed, declare with' seeming authority that the mil lions will be distributed' in aid -of worthy objects, nud in accordance with an under standing reached by the financier and his wife long ago. As Mr. Sage's life wrs jriven up to the accumulation 'of riches so the years of Mrs. Sage hare' been de voted to a study of philanthropy, and wiiat he gathered she is - expected to scatter with a lavish band.- Unlei the estate should be tied up by a contest, which now appears improbable, Mr. Sage will, it is siiiil, begin at once to make contemplated gifts. As the Twigs Are Bent. Knicker Into how many branches ii the government divided?" ) Rocker A big stick and two twk'V Brooklyn Life. 'i'i- n,a',-y causes ot nervousness, but poorb'.oc J beads the list. The doctors call it anemu. i nc cioca lacKs red corpuscles j'1. . ,1. '"WHW. 'K PHELPS CO., Phone 29-3.' SNanaN