Newspaper Page Text
111 KAIiKE DAILY TIMES, JULY SO. JiKJ'J. BARRE DAILY TIMES ttb&Ui litrf Wetsfet AfteraM. . Ci-(, 1 at. jfrMS L Liefxr, Publisher. ; 'mmniMtsmmmm. .vummummm mum uvmmt , ,,, 3t 1f J)V-f ti lift' )(l:p!t kUf! ia.i,, fx a Inf. LAb ( Mltk umni KOKSAY, JULY tO, 3 V0. t err,y daily mctdst-oa of tl F-jrj f)ijr 'J for tb cck ndig Saturday 4,1 50 copies, t.f Isvett piid cu pi1tiws any doily f p io ti M-'tiuo- , 'li J'-ji ie ha toy ti.'O no. f.If II.H.t J'MpP J.rfWf 4..pCf!"i tllCif criiwi)t "-Hij'i'o whit itst ,.-lt l'i(!jf ' (J d'.'UM .of it. No Hiiyf ! '.it' wjcjh t.i it-ink tl..t lot t.'.e ffl'(! y. j!;Olt My fcuat 'JlleW j ltppv. J.'i.w n lie In1 vijiIi II if Muv't of fr'u Wlo'.e m lit htwht if flurte' pos-t.-nV-e d't- t j;m fi-t- (tin Huiioiptou's, M grl our )iii.; t il' (uy n'l Jo' w " o it's about time Hi foM-ijdi ro respon dent rijM i.'Jj' iiif i fri'i." rff-j li nUmt tbe itifwrtJiif, utile piiW-S IjJug really Import id .uut-itiitfX them hup- J)('U. Do you want to be a better man t We'll make you look it antl t".c nothing more awe-impiring than meas ure, seizors, chalk, good cloth and your ihape. If you hae your own ideas of dress, here's the nJIl to carry out your New Fall Samples now here. See new Cap; in window. we aiks, ma am 1 74 M&in Sfrf et, Barrc, Vt. A- 'ivy. Vhl' .J :" Ao ?r'ii',.i;,f jiii.iii Viiui v' -',Jh"ii vliy t !! i nw.b .'ity vt My V in hw-uimi h" liu id 1 ta.t !-r u:!; !-(j!i;'i fi!' J'-t ii u fla'f i.kf WiUi'i.', it' tl- f-,'1' li He LI It 111 Jfil ( we t'f the JilHI- ;-j;iid ii-aai tA wihwvl, tHc 1rB)J jn't IimUiJ ilnwu ui"'i. Itifi'v.d, li? i (''iojilrH-'i ffty wliii, yoA a ihf rt of ii-, 'J'lif f;jit'J ii-uy n-'l d'-u i.i! )umi nj (.-Ion !y tiiv Mtjiiiuary work il 1U ruut ny iii"!r tl 81) tlif bRk-I' Olfl.iJi'i I'd Ji'M-k i lie m'inlij'x r'urtn. ii::t ' lit-ai-t l!it Vie iii ji aM(i-i ) h'fk t.d i th ii fi'f ji) Hlijtf liiifti uiokf no Iifl-i-: jth llse juW. fMiifiaif i1 t.'ie ihmh (.njn-aitJi ti'f f,.it; 'u a K'ai) 1 dctuw;4i lm,u; lie ium-H' fliwosm e 1 J !!-) 1 W lU'If fift"i )ii WfHk. Tilf -liii' iy ut nVf lie niHf) J.'J )'i i rH(rtft. It io tin? iniuiV tU rn. t'l n';,-iy- limt inhkt! Lin,, i .A'.iin, f.ifiwfij; j Dot ift--iily (!.' work of t'nj tiiii-ti'i4 atcl t'if uii-.i,.,,d. Any Miain imot uiI ii'.iut a farm atter a f l,ut jt tk-i- tj-mm wk 1 ;u K 1rut twi-i-vf , ti,- hujii1 m t iiihjii-''- lm !- ' -f iil'y, .Mny t t'i fai(iii'Mi of wuuhiX air ' u II hJi-m' d, jii'!,r!ry torn tli ftainfaiii ' .f (jMriUHj. Njuiti, iii'H l tlnu ;ar -in alfi ju 5i(j M-hy-l of ?x ! 'vii'n lolb jn j!iiwti mi4 ii' at fait- ami vtc!i "itnatf t at tht. -TJ. ilrtilk t tiip inert in jrtiijJri; Jit tsi ft ( mot I to'Uy it tunv lUf fjnn. '!.' l-TJj-Jlt til of t!i'' fclalK i IT)" J.iljli'v I (;liiJMKli l if fatiilfld, BHil in ul 'Hi eijM of 5w i'!nl'iren Minv iw ; . , , , , . rawing IX'O', u' rvmiui, . . .. , .. ' vt-rmvx. Vn'tuoiit J''?t attn, it row- hrft for the Ji'juor taw m that .-ily, ; ' , , , t . , t ... UiaU. S, nmml furmm s j tig'it to vote ajjaiiwt fui-i;n, mi thj ,j lir Utim Hfi.i iliy r Mki to ' Itu)! Kg i)iy Mv !fsiH M! KK-u or i.uki nwi.-a u, .am men plant by illi lia Unmn pm- 'i he lyit yUlnt "f J',ni,',n .ui,-W,!rf " n,'vf'," ;t"'-J J'vv m Uiiun' to l,l v,lie. for l ij.m(l to ("II von fr W t,ri... i!!i!'-v th"w : ' -ut 4-jmi it v Drift. 0 it is nii'l. H wiiiilil j ti'jt n- niKdi liijHM'Sf riy tin-nit 'u ,.,,.i, i,ai ...,n, ..nun (,,,,,. ,i (1f ...,ii,1 i.iii,i.... if .v ,i,.u i otlir wi( (urn over in bint arav la' not ti li f x- , tni eyini,iliv fur ii.tfufi:l mi. travagtw. ' , ' I v.- ? ' . J ft " tmfoihii.atMr t,. irn U.t 484 l '' "f u,t! f1'1 thiii ''' !" , , , j tiM-n ofipo fiM (liiii"1 tul,iW , H " ',t'"( IVhut't tJi tnntfw villi ill I'.ifM'X t t)i jti !', but then' r 1 if ! ' ,. I'-jim't v f )"inoi-tiit only five of tji j fcrent f 4y)i if lie liaJ fjwnl fin; rxilimi'p livt .iok fi liy farm ,)c'p . mhw in ViTiiiont, Jt rtlnf' i JINGLES AND JESTS.' EVERY Yon earn above your actual thould be at work earning money for you. It k the cumulative power of money that makes (he world wealthy. Make a start now by .opening an account with us. 3 1-2 Per Cent interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit. Waltinir. ' l! lt-4 ati.i I'.-) fcii'1 i:ii! 'I he iriom oroiw! at ftiah) -i sold ti.e limj vi,1, y t put on ' glow, An4 JitH fc drratn4 t his fate. ,' g'j he Ilise'TwJ tita il i, waited, 1 And h wH.(l anij nn"rl Ills tint. ! An.ianlH tsiiro4 f.m hat, tit A , Ai4 .U't and flrnrrd liis hat. I M 51 wui.kf fck'ntlnol. h ' ltpardiir 'Wtlta. "yni!iij Oiiili'y any !"' Kolujf to tjuit liis rVj'jllsliw non amt work with a will li'fift-r." itmt'a Irf-.ati li wna kft out of lilt rich utiole'a." riiUiidlpIil I'ti . why, iMdar T.'if rnln drij paliTd (ilnatljr m tti dilrpliii( wliKlow ixt!i. "Clll, fllij.," timy mi, lJIl:!ln!, 4ut iW5' Jt In th- raJn?" Isohf mlan Mavulne. ' ' The Peoples Ntfl Bank m e, W. ME1CHER, President, F N. BilALEY, Vice President. 0. P. TOWN, Cashier. In After Vra, . Mm. . NnKKMliyIlow w-ll I refnorri tKT tlt nij-'lit you jinioH(il to mp, II?n ry. Vint iiUt''t llk a fuel, ' .VajttiKliy Ainif-arnm c are iiot'o! wnyt l'cifiifl, my ilour. IK'trolt Trlb' iui, : f " ' jr "Tiiy 'don't Imvo oiiicli baseball Iti L'tnh." "Wonder wliy not?" "(i en ml nmtlu'M nr too plentiful, I t'poac."-ritllnir8 I'ot. IF NOT, WHY NOT? AS -RANGES . Jt1 REE To the first, one hundred persons order ing Gas in the month of June we will give the free use of a Gas Range. Call at our office at once and place your order and get a RANGE FREE. Peoples Lighting, Heating antl Power Co. Open Monday and Saturday Kvenings. 2 1 3 North Main St. Td, 126 2J. Barrc, Vermont AN OLD BANK A STRONG BANK 3 1-2 Per Cent INTEREST Paid on Savings Deposits Deposit Your Money WiLh Granite SAVINGS BANK AD TRUST COMPANY, BARRE, VERMONT. Wc mutt All our tummer goods to be c'oted out have room for fall goods. IS White Shirt Waist Suits to doc J-) it 4 11 . "'.'..'. g 4 4 4 II 44 I One lot odd sizes White Lawn Waists, said at 9Sc, U9 and 1.25, to clo?e at Better values, in good essortment, to close 2t 36 Wakts that we sold at ? 1.93. now - Better ones at the same reduction. All our Ladies' and Children's Costs, Skirts, Hats, Colored Two Piece Suits, Children's Dresses, etc., to be closed out- Co&t -not considered. - 'Ladies'; Long White Silk Gloves. ' $1.50 $!. 98 S2.9S 75c 98c $1.25 'ajahcui Store I'Um i rvtv of i. faajMnrcira, . t, Th cl-ovt'O ( klDJf of I r-r:a, tan LliM'-u lu so Arabian for li'iis ciiil rtiiBJij roM-f i"'l f'it iifar J l.fM year. . GLEANINGS. (au til lilr. In !; j;.ijjf of 1 U ji jpiayed by tJii tiiit-kn. uairi'H of il"ir ditlcitim ! i-ivfii to tiio varlou "tbr," tlw Uiwt forunat, that of the bigtiftt nu)br, toeing called Yea uji or Afipro-d!t.?. Tfc Wtr 1,11 r. gvt-ral ant-dmcui of nr&tor Y.Y. Lv tl very curlou wuliarity of ihmsiiug all 4ay etui ut evening clo U, th lr..tlimoro, aud fcy tractluu Hit atn, drawirig tti flwCT.wtSrly nmJi r atfr. T!t'r Is no moro elcjfu fact 1 th hiktoryof Cf tkan Uil oddity of tlie water lily. Aboat 4, t!r are killed annually ; VB the tv-otth liiOfjrs. ; Suitbjrw tare just ta d"ijrad and printed In Grf to comacnKfrate the j Olympic gt-iu-! of I'M. j Ttrtf fomdatku of the Bourt tooild-! Idjt at Aimsto-dsm have glvetj way and j tire Luii'lii.s is tliresternd wi;U ruia and baa- twn t-!oL It crt fOOO.OOC aud wj -on;i!-tJ t.f.t r-i iit!y. j A Ctilnww gpiitleiBaii wko.trfok bt ) aong ,ba-k to !. tsdwated la Japan j ratber than th I'nltPd States xplalDd j blu action by Kayis.g tbat t! country la "tw annoying to tie Cltiuefso' ; la otiIpi- that traffic may not be di-! verted from tlm rati 'y la MaiKimrla Uj ,Tpetjj'', It 1 aM. have rebuUt tU river bridge deatroyed during the war, tlit tUey ar too low for the Chf!Hf'j f;-'.;U boata to pai uu-lcr the Emprfs EtiscniG liaa Jut given rtr.t tloiil Empornr. Kuliial .Klifio, tb first mofrnl 'm jnror of CUlita. wi r-allwl tti Murder ! to tb Sw-taa eumon of Tburgsu the er. from tb tTagf-di lit bi own ! caatle of A roiienijr, T.Jjf-re Xapoleon family, . j III. paHl several yeimt of bis youth. la the caatlo are tne tmpresia Joseph TJ rir' Month. The fly'a eatlisfj upparutua la really a Bwker of very bi'-go proportion wbeti (CoiiPri with tbe Iks of tbo auloiul. If tho iiwjth of a uma were of the aaioe priprt.uate alzo ua that of tbo By, hU htd iiukl li.tve to be eulareed atwut two feet ou each ai! to aeoto UjOduto bia llpa and teeth. In all tbe t itle of Arabia, evpn at the preaetit day, dried lust, truijj on thread ua dried apple iisod formerly to x? trefitcd in tht i-outitry, nre ex hmciI tut ma fl aa article of food. Sro'a C'rwii. When Nero made bin artistic tour as a mid actor through the title of Crct.ce, nitna than 4uo erowua were bestowed upon him, and when he re turned to Home he decreed htoiaelf a triumph aud entered the city with tlife crowua Iwrtia la solemn procea WKcU Ilusrb The witch baxel in all part of Great Brit a In In l oniddered aa a umgle. plant. In runny local traditions It 1 alluded to nst pny)iig a part lu charms and In cantation. ,. , t... .,,!i '; " ' Spldrwrt.' i'f .: '. The Virginia splderwort la apparent ly unable to endure a high tempera ture. During the day It U wilted and dejected. A the oveulnif ooiues tut It revives, All Its leaves nssumo a lively t appearance, and the plant appears to and cujoy Its llft until tbo morning iiht iiftaln return. j. lae bnrp. Qtiwn Horteuse' harpsi chord and a camp bedstead of Napo leon III. THINGS THEATRICAL. No other person on tlis stape carries anything like the nruou&t of luxurance malntnlBed by Sarah Bernhardt. Mme, Bcrtiliardt has twelv policies. j Ml O'ertrnde Qulnlon has been re- i enguged by Henry W. Savage for the j eastyu 'College Widow" company. She will -bo een In the role of Flora ! Wljrglus, which she originated. j One of the most stirring numbers In the new Herhert-Doty-Ketker musical comedy, "The Social Whirl," is a boot black chorus, lu tbe course of which the shoes of ten attractive young wom en are properly shlned. E. H. Hothern and Julia ' Marlowe have arranged to give a aeries Of spe cial performance, the proceeds of which will be used for endowlna- a j chair of dramatic art at the George Washington university, Washington. " j Itlda Johnson Young, " who wrote J "Brown of Harvard," 4s a native of ; Baltimore. Her first connection with ! the statre was her appearance there la ' an amateur rcrformauc of Louise Mob loy's melodrama, "A Woman of War." j The Perley E. Pope Go.'s Store There always is when we make an extra effort to get people out. The public has learned to know the importance attached to every statement we make and profit by it. True, wc arc here to sell goods at a profit, but wc don't always Sometimes we get caught with too many goods at the end of the season, when the cost doesn't figure with us, wc make a sure selling price and never yet has it gone back on us. To keep things alive and help clear stock we will sell . All $ 7.50 to f 10.00 Eton Wash Suits, al! new, for $3.98 AH 15.00 Eton Wash Suits for - - - 8.98 Alt 20.00, 22. 50 and 25.00 Eton Wash Suits for 1 2.50 100 S-00 to 8.00 Skirts, all perfect style. Mohair and Pa"nama, only - - " " " '" 3.98 Silk Eton Suits at 1-3 off, and White Wash Parasols at the following big discounts,: 11.25 and 1. 50 Parasol - - $.98 $2.00 and 12.50 Parasols - - 1.69 $100 and 13.50 Parasols 1.98 $3 75 and 15.00 Parasols - - :2.98 As good numbers as we have had thjs season. 100 pairs Irish Point Curtains for ' - - $1.69 SPECIAL UNTIL SOLD 100 $2.50 to J3.00 Wgists . 20 $1.25 and 11.50 Suede Leather and Calf Bags, $1.98 .69 Remember we sell the best of Hosiery, Under wear, Neckwear, Gloves, Ribbons and Under Muslins. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. The best place to shop if you want what you pay for PERLEY Th Vt'atr Fntnp, The water pump of today Is an Im provement on an Invention which first came Into ue In the year UH;j 11. C. I HI Ian toll.. Tha cloth of the old Kjrypfians was so good that, although it lots been useil for thousand of years as wrapping of the in u mm lea, the Arabs of today can weiir It. It. is all of linen, tho ancient Egyptian Considering wool unclean. Tbe Snow Klnir. Gustarn Adolpbus was the snow klnif. frost the fncf that his domlulcms were termed the Know Kingdom. t'rnni and Heraldry, In heraldry nino different varieties of the crown are recounted as IiisIkuIii of rank the oriental, tho triumphal or lmpei'lul, the diadem, the obsldlonnl crown, tho civic, the crown vallory, the mural crown, tho tiaval and the crown celestial. Th Dldtt. The digit, a Hebrew measure ot length, was a little over nine-tenths ot an Inch. It was taken from the second Joint of tho right forefinger. Tansies, ever since Fliakespeare's time and perhaps for ages before, have been symbolic of thoughts or remem brance. Two or Ihrt-o poets, ltiO years earlier than Kliakcsppnre, mention the flower as having this symbolism. IlurUlr'a Mlrrnrr tlonnnipiit. Buckle tlevoled m arly twenty yearn to tho collection of tniiterlitl for hli "History of civilization." ll wrote only a portion of the Introduction, which remain a great monument to bis literary ami philosophical teachings'. If the work bad been finished on the same scale ns begun, 100 volumes would Dot have sutlieed, , Mrs. Fiske Is to produce a new drama of New York life wxt ason. Barah Bernhnrdt' gown cost her f2T,000 a year, It la sald-by her press agent, David Warfield ot "The Music Mas ter" fame Is now In Europe taking ft well deserved rest. Miss Florence Huntington, formerly well known In Brooklyn social circles, bus been engaged for the role of Jauo Wit herspoon in the western "College Widow" company. Henry Coote, who Is now singing ono of the student captain roles In "The Student King,'! has been signal for the principal tenor role of Tom Wagner In "The I'rluce of J,ilscnM next season. Miss Evelyn Vanghan, the clever young leading woman, has been en gaged by H. W, Savage to play the role of Jane Wltherspoon, "the college widow," next season In his eastern "College Widow" company. "' EDITORIAL FLINGS. The girl who follows th president's advice and keeps her eyes on tho star will be likely to stntuhle unless she has a firm hold on some young man'a arm. Chicago Tribune, A goat appears to be a pretty wise animal, after all. You will notice that be merely cuts the cans aud never touches the stuU that has been Inside of them.-Topeku Journal, "Nature Is greater than I," says Al fred Austin. Not In alt respects. Na ture, with all her powers, could never achieve some of Mr. Austin' poetry. Louisville Courier-Journal. Oh, yes, let'hnve the dally weather forecasts stamped ou letters to be k llvered on the rural free delivery routes. There's nothing too good for the fanners, especially now that the congressional elections are coming on. Boston Herald. - four t.ravrd Clever, In some parts of Ireland the presen tatton of a four leaf clover by a youni man to a young woman is considered equivalent to "popping the question." c Dim on Li I Ul L UUii IS V P. E. POPE, Manager. ontpelier A Ti T iU fSa T A T A O t! iRi iSi Sa ,T Ti A A T 1.T4 JS T ,T T JU 5 An Honest Beef, Wine and Iron! An honest Beef, Wine and Iron is one made of an honest amount of ingredients. It contains the necessary amount of iron to strengthen the blood. It contains a sufficient quantity of finest quality extract of beefc and the wine contained in it is well aged, mellow and of fine flavor. That describes our Beef,, Wine and Iron. We take extra care in making it and it is impossible to make better. It's a preparation that will make one strong and vigorous. Full Pint Bottles. 50c I 1 1 54 North Main Street, Barre, Vt. PHARMACISTS Mileagei Bought, Sold and Rested. I J Jt V 2 V KfWtfWSfWWV WS? V WSfK? Kf V H Kf ; C H. Kendrick & Co., ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TIMES ! THE CITY BAKERY I Try Our Blueberry Pies 0 - 5 'MALT BREAD. It is the best Bread in town aid 2 will do you good. I BEMIS&CARON, 66 North Main Street, Tel. 12-1 1. Barre, Verm. ' Uat-isi!!!.