Newspaper Page Text
TILE BA1UIE DAILY TIMES,.. JULY 30, 1906. post mm Just received, a lot of Postal Cards of Barre. We have the Leather Cards and Aluminum Pin Trays with .Barre Views. Also Post Card Albums. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W, .MARTIN, Proprietor, Gordon Block, 140 No. Main St. i.a NOTICE e find we liave nn overstock of Cjirrlnfres. We lire going to sell lmlmice of (twknt bargain joicen. We have a complete line of .ill kinds f viliiles and liaiHH'sm. It you will give lis - eMl you will purchase. Will exchange for liny. H. F. CUTLER S STABLE, Teleplioae I3X-2 ' , Fear ci City Hotel, - - - - Barre Vermont, . TRY A ' Tip Top Cigar! Made from the best and finest tobacco. No better five-cent Cigar made. MARRION'S CORNER CIGAR STORE. Pipes md Tobtcco, Mileages on All Roads. WOOD The place to buy Wood. A large stock of all kinds at the following prices: lilock Wood, per tord ?2.7J Lirao Wood, per load 2.00 Chair Wood, per load 3.S0 Hard and Soft Wood Slabs 1.78 Furnace and Shed Wood. I am prepared to do all kinds of mov ing and jobbing at reasonable rates. f Coarse and fine Sand for sale in any quantity. Coarse Sand for ce menting at my .Sand bank on Farwell street. ' - L. J. BOLSTER, 1 Telephone 323-3. 283 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. Spotted Jacket -AND- MELROSE 5c Cigars. Both extra good Cigars for the money. Have you tried them? Full line of Pipes and Smoker's Articles at P.N.Wheeler's ELECTRIC WIRING ELECTRIC HEATERS. h ELECTRIC FIXTURES, I STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. fi V B, O. HE.VMTT, 5! . 17. ML'HOI.i. j lt Kerth Main Street. Barre, Vermont. O.C.Russell I Plumbing and Heating. A Ml kinds of modern Plumbing Fix tures in itoeic. Ail work guaranteed. lelopuone J6-J. IB BASCKENI CF WCRTHES BLOCI. U When Vnl Hfr an.IVUV Franktcrts and Bolognas il f ou may know they 2 are fresh every day. j Home-made by 4- V. O. STANDISH. p PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH, Bjomstjerne JHornson, the Scandi navian author, began' his literary ca iwr by writing- hyumu. It was intend ed that he should fic-come a farmer. Cyrus Dnliiu, the Bouton sculptor, has rwoived n gold niedul awarded by the St. Iiouis fair judges for the most characteristic croup of American sculp tures nt the e.'iositioii. .Sir .Gilbert Purkcr, the novelist, likes to go from one room to another, writ ing a little in this iuh a tittle lu that, lie also has a weakness for changing chairs while composing. ; - "William Deau . Howells 13 almost cordial and brotherly man for any young writer to meet. Me takes a keen Interest in everybody's work and la full of helpful suggestions, A number of well known people. In London are having their portraits painted by the clever American artist, Mrs. Leslie Cotton, who has painted among others Prince Francis of Teck, the Earl of Clarendon, Lord Howard de Walden and Lady Snyvllle. A lip. . Fool others If you can, my friend; They'll do the same to J-ou. But never try to fool yourself, For that wpuld never do. Denver Post An t'nflnialied Conrne, "Does your son graduate this month?" -; . ' , . "Oh, no! He baa another year on the track team," Cleveland Plain Dealer. , . , LUMBER Rough or Dressed of all kinds Dimension Timber. Orders Filled Promptly. Satis faction Guaranteed. l.ry Sawdust, We solicit an opportunity to quote price. SLOCUM "LUMBER CO. Washington, Vt, . . FARMING TOOLS! "76" and the Green Mountain Plows, Corn Planters, Harrows j Rakes, Mowing Machines and a full line of Farm Tools, including repair parts, and Plow, Points for almost all makes of plows. ? Geo. A. Wales, So. Barre, Vt. COAL, COAL L We sell the best grades of Scranton, Lackawana and Lehigh Coals. Saris faction guaranteed. July prices: t'dt!, Stove snd Nut, Grate, . - - . 87.70 ".00 Aa extra grade Lehigh at 25c per ton higher. We ell and UeHver 2000 pounds for a tou. D. M. MILES,' 122 North Main Street, - Barre, Vt, BE INQUISITIVE When you buy Coal this year. It Is very Important that you should know all about the different kinds. We carry only the beat, and can take care of you now before the rush. Egg, Stove and Nut ....... .$7.70 Grate 7.90 CALDER & RICHARDSON. Thone 45-4. Depot Square, - - - Barre, Vt COAL, Stove, Egg and Kut, - $7.70. These are the lowest prices for July.' Order now. MORSE & JACKSON, " TVli'phoiie 137-21 266 North Main St., - Barre, Vt. GULF SPRING HOUSE Is open for the Sum mer. Special Din ners served on Sun days and Holidays. A.S.COWLEStProp. ICE CREAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Having put in a new apparatus for freezing Ice Cream, we are prepared to make Ice Cream for picnics, parties, etc., etc., in any quantity required. VERMONT FRUIT STORE, A. Giarlifno, I'foprtf tor, HUo Block, 15ft No. Main St.. Barre THE BARRE DAILY TIMES MONDAY, JULY 30, 1908. LIFE INSURANCE 1$ FULL OF $ ?. In$urnee i$ full of n$et$. Insurant i$ the $nl)$tuive of money to he made, and i$ evidem-e of -tlmt : '-money e$U in hand before it i$ made, if livinj; to make it ha$ anything' to do with it$ being made. 57th year doing uti!fiile$$ j 4i $tate?. ' . " The Kational Life Insurance Company of Vermont (mutual). Organized in 1850. S. S. Ballard, General Ajent. N. B. Ballard, Local Agent, Rooms 3 and 3, Miles Block, Barre, Vt. TALK 0FTHE TOWN. A drink for the brain, "The County Attorney," Drown's. Latest. Ask the man. Old gold and silver wanted at ' re finers, prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's. . For Bale. One baby carriage; ens oil stove, almost new. Apply at 94 Sum mer street, upstairs. Stone-cutters' glasses, 20c per pair. Lenses, per pair, 5c. i E. Burr & Co., 85 North Main street Reynolds & Son are the local agents for the Pitkin Supply Co. and carry a larrre stock of Dullett Stone Working Tools. Dyspepsia is America's cursed Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out .impurities, tones the stomach,' restores perfect, di gestion, normal weight, and good health. Itching,' bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Moan's Ointment. Chronic cases soon relieved, finally cured. Drug gist all sell it. Doan's Regulcts cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weak ening effect. Ask your druggist for tliem. 25 cents per box. For any pain, from top to toe, from any cause, Rpnlv Dr. .Thomas' Kelectric oil. Pain can't stav where it is ueJ. Only 82 Years Old. v "I am only 82 yeRrs old and don't expect even when I get to be real old to feel that way as )ong as I cart get Electric Bitters," sayslnj. E, H. Britn on of Dublin, .;a." Surely there's noth ing else keej) the old as yonn'g ahd makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medicine. Dyspepsia; torpid liver, inflamed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Hit ters a reasonable time. Gun ran teed: by the Hod ; Cross, Pharmacy.. Price 5c. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. V Office of the City Treasurer, Barre, Vt., July 10, 1906. All taxpayers of the City of Barre arn hereby notified that the city coun cil of this city have this day placed the tax bill for the year 1906 in my hands for collection and are further no tified that Mid taxes must be paid st this office on, or before the 2flth day of August, 1906. If not paid ou or before that date there will be added to the tax bill five per cent, together with the officer's fees for collection, namely, eight per cent on tax bill, ten cents for the warrant and f.fty cents officer's fees. P.ememljer, .August 20, 1906, is the last date that you can pay your taxes this year without the , conditions above enumerated. James Mackay, City Treasurer. NOTICE. Willard G. Smith, who during thirty years' absence from this place has re paired sewing-machines of all kinds in central New York for factories and fam ilies, will repair machines at your homes, making an old machine run as well as when new or no pay. Address hereafter No. 28 West street at the resi dence of C'bas. D. Carpenter. ." SCIENCE SIFTINGS, Lightning clouds are always near th ground. Tbey are roldonVat a. greater height than 2,000 feet. ' "! It is said that a French 'chemist has discovered a method of making cellu loid Incombustible. His method con sists of addlug percbloride of Irou to an ether-alcohol solution of celluloid. It bns long been known that smokers are not liable to certain diseases. It la now held that this is due to the pres ence In the tobacco of formaldehyde, one the strongest pf the disinfectants. The brightness of the corona or ring of light encircling the aim was meas ured by Charles Fabry during tbo last total eclipse. lie found the light of a point a twentieth degree from the sun's edge to be equivalent to about 720 eandiepower, or a little more than a fourth of the brightness of the full tnoou. The sky near the unecllpsed suo la 2,000 times as bright. A Strange rnntom, A strange custom prevails In Kam chotka, where a man who wishes to entertain a guest Invites him Into a cabin which Is heated to tut excessive temperature and then presses him with food until We is lu a mate of torpor. In stances of men dying at these orgies have been known. - Origin of Bunk Fire- The discovery bus been made tlmt recent great bush fires In New South Wales and Victoria were caused by phosphorous paste laid out to kill rab bits. As r,o:m as the mixture dried the sun's rays .set fire to It. PHOTO DON'TS. Don't wear black. It gives a bard, dense tone. Don't smile unless It comes naturally or the result will bo annoying. Don't expect to Ret a photograph that will please you if you are fatigued when sitting. . Don't be? afraid 'of wearing lace. Tbo line between flesh nnd dress will be f.oftened by It. , Don't take a full faced picture If the pose Is crooked or the eyes weak. Try three-quarter view. Don't cbnotte n lluy wheu the suu fchlne Is very bright or every Imperfec tion will be developed A well lighted rloudy day is best. KILLED BY FRENCH BULLET Lieutenant England Shot at Chefoo on Saturday OFFICER OF CHATTANOOGA The American Was Standing on the Bridge of His Vessel During Target Practice of Cruiser Dupetit . Thouais. Washington, July 30. Lieutenant Clarence England, navigating officer of the United States .cruiser Chattanooga, was killt'd at Chefoo,' China, at about noon Saturday, by a rifle bullet fired by a member of the crew of the French armored cruiser Dupetit Thouars, and died at 6 o'clock that evening. The Chattanooga, with Lieutenant England on the bridge, was proceeding from the harbor to the target range just outside and was passing the French . squadron, which was anchored near the American squadron and was engaged in small arms practice, ..The Chattanooga, after sevejal bullets had struck the side' of the ship, signaled to the Frenchman to cease firing, but before this was accom plished, Lieutenant England was struck in the buck, at the base of the spine, probably by a ricochet bullet, which left his body under the arm The crew of the Dupetit Thouars later continud the practice from the deck of the cruiser, their fire being directed at targets in the water, dill'ering from the Ameri can practice of landing men on a barren island at the entrance of the harbor. The French squadron at Chefoo consists of nine ships and the American of seven. - - . The navy department reeeiyeieabje gjaqil fot) Rear Admiral ,'J'jain, dad at (.'hefoo, Saturday, anmmmang wounding and death of Lieutenant. Eng land, as follows: 1 -' -: " "Lieutenant Clarence England serious ly, wounded while on the bridge of the Chattanooga leaving hartmr fot; !targct range by a bullet from French man-of-war engaged upon small-arms practice. "Lieutenant England died Saturday at 6 p. m., eight hours after being wound ed." ' The navy department has cabled the commanding oflicers to have the body of Lieutenant England sent home and the usual letter to the next of kin has been written to his fatlir, J. E. England, HQ'J Rock streeet, Little Rock. Ark. lieu tenant England was appointed'from Ar kansaa in 180 to the naval academy and became a lieutenant in 190'J. He had been on the Chattanooga since 1904. The naval oflicers nt. Washington lclieve that the shooting was entire! v acciden tal, and, it is expected that the French official will make ample apologies. Many naval officers have had experiences which show how such accidents could occur. . FACTS AND FANCIES. Jet Comb and Collars a Samaier Faner Colored Short Motor Hut. , Jet Is very fashionable this summer, especially for ornaments.' A charming high comb of the fpaulsh type Is inset with brilliants, and another attractive form Is a Jet dog collar crossed with bars of diamonds or pearls. . There Is a new motor hat that Is adorably light and small. Once fas- CarttD ft PARTY PRESS. tened on It would defy' the whole, of nana Andersen's cavern of winds." Ia shape It Is nothing more thau a very small cocked bnt, a tiny Napoleon shape. In chip with a soft glace rosetta nt each point. The most acutely Gib son Ian headdress rises unerushed In front of It, nnd the motor veil drapes over It neatly. Colored shoes, with stockings to match, have superseded black shoes. It would look ugly even tvllb a dark dress to wear black stockings and shoes. The little varnished shoo with paste buckles may be tolerated, but the stocking must be of som bright color The more varieties of trimming and the more varied the designs the smart er Is the little linen bolero stilt. Im itation Irish Inee renaissance brnid, embroidered motifs combined with net and Valenciennes lace are nsed on the ssmo garment. The little girl's dress seen In the picture is attractively carried out in white mull mid English embroidery. The full skirt is tucked between bands of the embroidery. And the Moused wslst litis bands and neck trimming of the same embroidery. JUDIC CIIOLLKT. CHELSEA. Mrs. Laura J. Hazliit, who lives in Vershirc street, is seriously ill with ery sipelas. ' . . Mrs. Ella Cleveland is entertaining ns her jfuesst Mrs. Helen Smith of West Fairlee. - Mrs. Alvah J. Little and son, Merton, of Post Mills are in town this week, the guest of friends. . Miss Julia H. Lincoln of Melrose, Mass., is a guest at the home of Moses George on Court street. . -. Miss Charlotte Haekett of South Roy al ton has been in town during the week, the guest of Mrs. Frank E. Bixby. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace C. Sanborn were in Braintrce recently to visit Mrs. San born aunt, Mrs. Pearl Campbell. Miss Agnes Stoddard of Brookfield and friend, Miss Ola Cunningham of Montpelicr, were guests o! , friends here recently. -. ' Mr. and Mrs. Morton E. Sargent of Manchester, Jf, H., are visiting the for mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Philip L. Sargent. - ; Miss Edith Magoon of Montpelicr is the guest of her aunt and cousin, Mrs. A.' B. Smith and Mrs. Hale K, Darling, respectively. Mr. and. Mrs Fred Annis of Williams town were in town the first of the week and were guests at B. Frank Smith's, on South Main street. School in district No, 1, taught by Miss Martha L. Noyes, ami the school in district No. 12, taught by Miss Gladys Ballon, closed Friday, July lath. Fred Grant fell from a ladder recently, tearing the ligaments from the bone in his right wrist severely. Dr. F'rank H. Godfrey dressed the injured member. Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Hayward are en tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Hay waul, son nnd daughter, of Kearney, Neb. Messrs. Hayward are brothersj Miss Ruth Quimby, who had been a guest at Ernest Young's on the west hill, for three weeks, returned to her home in Melrose, Mass., the first of the week. Chelsea brass band had been engaged to play at the Democratic county con vention to be held here August lt, also to play on August 4th at the Mary Howe concert at Strafford. l-'red Kurtsman and wife of Pasco, Wash., are in town visiting friends and relative., . Mrs. Kurtsman will be re-' meniliered as-Misa Braman, and is a cousin of Fred and W. W. Braman. W."E Blake of Manchester, N. IL, is taking a twq weeks' vacation from his work as an employee on the Boston '& Maine railroad, which he is spending in town, taking board at L. II. Bohonons. Hon G. Herbert Pupe of Barre "City, candidate for lieutenant governor on the fiminn ticket, will lu nresent nt ttio Horn. ocratic county, convention, Wednesday, August rst, ana wm aauress the con vention. William Chapin, who a few years since was a student at Chelsea academy, and who has recently graduated troin the medical department of the University of Miihi'an, is in town the guest of Prof, and Mrs, J. M. Comstoelt. W. W. Perkins, proprietor' of 'the Cltc'sra Mills, is developing into a hust ling salesman on side lines, having sold in jne day the first of the week two Empire cream separators and one EJison granhqiiione. , - . Leonard' Thompson is driving stage between Chelsea nnd Barre City this week for the proprietor, Frank E. Bixby, who is taking a short vacation, and in company with John B. Goodrich of South Royalton is buying stock for the Boston markets. Mrs. Wm. H. Hill, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Znc, and son, Regi nald, went last, week to Nashua, N. If., to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Rogers. . Miss Zoe will , stop at Concord on their return to enter a training school for nurses, which is conducted in con nection with the state hospital in that city. "AlKcrt Johnson of Montnelirr strayoj ovet to 'Woodsville, N. II., the fir't of t'le. ?ek and soon found himself up '.',iinti the' real article of t.iking the medicine dealt out in the justice court nt Wells River, where to nis pica of guilty of intoxication for the first time. He was sentenced to Chelsea jail for twenty days and arrived here Wednes day afternoon to commence his vacation at the expense of the state. The 20th anniversary of the muster ir.j; of No. 2S, H. E. K. Hall camp, Sons of Veterans, will be held at the town hall, Friday evening, August 3rd, from 8 to 11 ochick. which will be free to everybody, and nn invitation to attend is universal and cordially extended. Dur ing the first hour a reception will be held which will be followed by a pro Bromine of entertainment, after which light refreshments will bo served. Mrs. J. It. Pfiair nnd Miss Edith Sar ger, who are respectively a sister and cousin of Mrs, George A. Tracey, and who have been Visiting her, left for their home in Plattsburg, N. Y., last week, accompanied by Mrs. Tracey, who had sufficiently recovered from her recent severe illness to make the journey with out material fatigue. Mr. Tracey has received notice since her arrival, how-' ever, that she is again seriously iil and her condition causes her many friends here much ohi'm. At a meeting of the voters of t fim . 1 ,'.-;.. t V., 1 ( iUn t.iM-n 1, ne hall ......... ..... .v .... ........... 'Jhursdny evening, the following office were elected for the ensuing year: ?'o rs od- era tor, K. A. (orwiu; secretary, 11 l'.ivlu. f oi-n. II ,V Mfi tii'.iii i O. dentiai committee, E. A. (urwin, ). pril- Tracey, nnd W. C Holmes; chief e gineer, George A. Tracey; fiit assist engineer, Stanley C. Wilson; 2nd nssb en- nt st- o... ......I....... 'I' . l,....-K..,-rt ax of live per cent of the grand list of district was voted und a meeting of V'tlltllM tft'r, AM., .,-,. ftl.ltlllllllt' Uil ."I the the led for Tuesday evening, August 7th, Hie purpose of completing the orguni turn. for Woman on the Car. Jones Why did yon give that woman on the car' your cat and leave your wife standing? Browne Great Scott, man, that was our cook! Judge. Midsummer Magic. She -Did you ever try pulmitry? He Well, ".I've sat in the moonlight nnd held a girl's handl Vonkers Statesman. K-aaariMMMw.. i... ,. .... - - . ....-.t,imaKMi For Wedding Gifts! s Gotd Band Rings, Diamond and other precious Stone Rings. Silverware, a large-variety, the best quality and latest patterns. liawkes' Cut Glass. Clocks in gold and marbleized. HNE WATCH REPAIRING.' rV E. BURR & CO., Telephone 10-ai, 85 North Main St., Barre, Vt. Pictmes I Picttif es I Pieties ! Another lot of about 200 Pictures, 16x20 size. Fancy shaped frames, finished in gold, and ebony and gold, for only 98c each. Other sizes from 30c to $4.50 each. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. A. W. Badge & Funeral Directors, Residence, 21 Etstern Ave. The Best Ambulance in the E DO BUSINESS Three packages of Egg-O-See for 485c Two packages of Force for . . . .85e Two cans of Blueberries for 85c Three cans of Baked Beans for . .". , .-..S5c Eight cakes of United States Mail Soap for 25c Six cakes of Swift's Toilet Soap for.... 85e Six packages of Swift's or Armour's Washing Powder for ; ..85c . Seven cakes of Armour's Lighthouse Soap for 25s CHESSER f& BIRD, ' -, ,y' - ' ":1 Telephone 832-13 ' 323 North Main Street. Cash Market and Grocery Souvenir Post Card Exhibit Beginning today,. we. are showing the largest and finest line of Souvenir Post Cards ever seen in this city, comprising Foreign, American, Vermont and. Local Views. Also the finest line of Comics and Pho tographic Post Cards. Paperweights, View Booklets and Post Card Albums. You are invited to call and inspect whether you purchase or not. Also a fine line of Jewelry, Station ery and Photographic Supplies. 0. J. DODGE, - - There is Nothing Batter Than Good Pore Ice Cream Easily Digested, Cooling and Nourishing. , We have it . it in every . quantity plate, quart or gallon. L. B. DODGE, Keith Avence, - - Jast Off Mala Street. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. I Typewriters Rented, Sold and Exchanged : i I : . ;,. . I 1 Office Desks Sold at Low Prices. f . Typewriter Desks, Copying Presses, Copying Baths and the modern" Duplicator, Hectograph, Stenographer- Note-hooks, Typewriter '. Rio'ion' Carbons in fact everything for' a granite oflice. You save express on all goods when you buy of us and you buy at very low prices. THE FOX TYPEWRITERS. At last the Visible Typewriter, "The good of the old and the he t of the new." A Typewriter that combines the features which have mad the regular models of the FOX famous for easy running qualities and durability with perfect visible writing. The ideal in Typewriting" bujii. ing. Perfect risible writing. All of the writing is viable all of tiie tini and the writing line is in the direct line of vision of the operator n t for ten days ought to convince you that the machine is worthy ,f i0,. careful consideration. Kindly sign the attached accompanying coupon f you wish free trial. BARRE GRANITE PURCHASING AGENCY, Averill BaiWing, I To Barre Granite Purchasing Agency, Barre, Vt. ' Gentlemen:. You may send us one Visible Fox Typewriter tviUirt any cost to its on free trial lor ten days. It is distinctly iiMder i'. J we are under no obligations to purclni-e sflinij and vill promptly an.e to -return same witlmi ten days. Yours truly, nfo Co.. Motsc Block. licensed Embalmar. Telephone calls House,4 47-21; Store,' 447-1 1 Gty at the Shortest Notice. I FOR CASH ONLY 170 North Main Street, - Barre, Vc?mor'.