Newspaper Page Text
THE BATLim DAILY TIMES. JULY BO, iskjk. NTERESTED In anything that is seasonable and especially if it is greatly reduced in price. We are receiving New Fall Goods already, and it is imperative that Ave should move our summer stuff to make room. Little Straw fczcs and Napoleon Hats for children. These arc stylish, cool and comfortable. Until today they have sold for 1.00 and 87c. About three dozen are left and they ate going for 69c each. White Suits with Eton Jackets, what we have left go in at ridiculously low prices, : Eight of them, values up to 4.50, go at $2.98, White Linen Suits with Bolero Jackets made up with lots of style. Jackets prettily trimmed. They were priced at 25.98, 6.98, $7. 50 and $12.50, now $4.50, 5.25, 6.50 and 1 0.00 a suit. , Skirts in pretty greys, colored mohairs, and black panamas. These are values . up to f9. 00, all on one rack and priced at $5.00. Skirts. One rack full of round length circular and gored skirts, in good, reliable materials. Some of these sold as high as 17.00, now at one price, $3.98. " ' Ve Are Showing Some of the Newest Creations in Fall Suits. Ftas u THE HOMER Fins COMPANY Vermont GOING AWAY? I Vacation time is at hand and all who can are off seeking rest and recreation. No living man,"or woman, can rest, or play, or work in ill-fitting shoes. See that you are properly footclad. Start away right by putting your feet into a pair of shoes that are made to ' easily and exact ly 'fit' feet. ''''-r--;: ' ; - : That is the kind we sell. Representatives of the best makes in the best leathers and most of the best styles. On lines, which are broken in sizes and widths, at specially tempting prices. BARRESH0E GO. 131 North Maine Street. Telephone 432-4. Barre, Vt. United Shoe Stores Co. Barre, Hardwick, Eurlington, St. Albans TALK OF THE TOWN Mercerized petticoats for 50o at The Ytiitjrhan Store. Another mnrkdown on ladies' white waists at Abbott's. . Have you men the post turd exhibit at Dodge's storet See adr. of curd in today's Times? ;, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. I'erry went to Oreenstjoro pond Saturday fur a two j week outing. I L. P. Austin eells .utotie cutters' I glases, all kind nnd prices. From E0c ! to $2.00 each. j MU Margaret Wood jwent to Ijire ! tnont, X. It., todny to eiul n two fc' i vacation with her sister, Mia. .larenc; I Cole. j Carlos E. Clark of Lyndonville, wh 'has been visiting his son, II. C. Ciiuk, for the past two weeks, returned, to bis ! home this morning. The regular monthly 'meeting of the j ladies' aid oeiety of the Vresbj terian j church will be held at the home of Mr. Peter Thora, Wednesday afternoon ! at two o'clock. " ' , 1 Children', images' and women's ten 1 nis oxfords, black and tan, for sale at j the Barre shoe company's store at 45, ; 50 and 55 cents. Also boys' and men's ) sneakers at 50, 55 and 60 cents. SOUTH BARRE. Chancy Kelton and party arrived Wed nesday night at 11. 1J. Arbuckle's in a Pope-Hartford touring car of thirty horse power, from New York city. After a short visit Mr. Kelton took Mr. Ar- : buckle, wife and mother on a ride : through East and Xorth Montpelier, and Calais. Saturday the partv left on a tour through the northern part of the state and will return to South Ttnrre. on ; their wav home. Mr. Kelton in a manu facturer of presses, there being more than a hundred of his make destroyed in !the San Francisco earthquake and tire. TAKE SOME HOME r To your wife and family if they can't come in and refresh themselves with some of our rich and delicious ICE CREAM Will send it to your home for parties, receptions or company dinners, or put it up in neat paper boxes to take home to those who will appre ciate is when it comes from MASCOTT'S. The BARRE CANDY. KITCHEN Notice to tocal 481, C. & J. A special meeting Is called on Mon day, July 30. Important business. Ev ery member must be present. I'at ol der 481, 1). J. Boyee, business agent, : NOTICE. The attention of iisnrft f city, wnter is called to the reflation, which aJlow the use of hose only one-hour a day. Any excess use will lead to the cutting off of the supply entirely. O. t. Kussell, water superintendent. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES MONDAY, JULY 30, 1906. Weather Predictions. ' Fair tonight, showers in Maine. Tues day fair; light westerly winds. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. i : i There will be- a speciut communication of (Jranite l'lge. No. 35, F. & A. M., Tuesday evening at 7:30. Work, F. O. degree, JVr or der W. M. ' VINC1TIA LODGE, No. 10, Z. of P. Castle Hall in Blan cbard Block. Regular meetings on Tuesday evening at" 8:00. i " , The, " I I 1W I I i PlERCURY 1 1 1 !wmmmtmam pt the Fire Out I m II 0e" I U P I is Tnr I m II i i i ri rnm n 1 1 i 1 i I ill 1 1 i 1 1 1 I h I n AND USE THE IRON j '. Then Watch It Qo DOWN ! I V j I 1 I Consolidated Lighting Co., Montpelier, Phone, 3244 ".I fi Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnrrliln lieretnfore evistinL- be tween O. N. Muri'liiot and W. 1'. Jlnrtlmi-r nn Marruli Mmtinier, i thl clay tlinnolveil liv niutnul content. The l)uiues will Iw cimtinueil I by U. . AlarciHil. - W. V. MOKTIMKK. Itarre, .July 3d, 1900. n."t3 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS and CEDAR SHINGLES KorSnleat Moscow Mills, East Calais, W A. DWINELL it SON. PBOPIIIETORS MILEAGES Rented, Bought and Sold, C.ILKENDRICK, 54 N. Main St. Tckphon 136-21 TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. That magazine,, offer is at Abbott's. C. M. Wi.lev visited friends i;i Xorth- lield yesterday. New wide ja tent leather belts, only 10c, at Vaulian's. , Sorinsr In nib and freh crreen peas to- 4 e- day tit Trtssie Bros. ' Two-piece suits at 25 per cent off at Frank MeWhorter Co. - T)r r:poi-tm r. Stdller will be at the City Hotel August 1 tyid i. 'Miss EIHe Dunbar is taking a two week' -vacation from the FHU tore. Arthur McNeil resumes -work at A. P, Abbott's this morning after a two week' vacation. . (Iinrles Lonergan went to hia home in Burlington this morning ; for ft two weeks' vacation. , - - F. O. Kent and W. D. Smith spent Sunday at Hi'Khfiate with friendH who are eaniing there. , ' Mr. and MrH. A. A. Kargent went to Ludlow lay to spend a vacation at the home of hia parents. ' Mr. and Mrs?. .lames F, Smith return ed yesterday from a two we?ki' otitinj; ac liigligute springs. Come to the new Crystal Lnncii Kcont, now open. 'J'rv the famous Uno beer on draught. T. M. Iiily, Baph Iaveley left on lait evening for Kew York, where lie goes to enter I'ar ber's Business college. , " yarold Robhina went this morning to Boston for a two weeks' visit with his brother, Lewis Robbing. Mrs. J. R. Patterson' aikf family left thiB morning on an extruded viwt with relatives in Leeds, P. An cspeeiall desirable farm near Barre City in offered in Perry'i advertisement in "for sale" column. I.ThevRfV'.AV. C- Maclntyr left .;tliUj morning ( tor hi home in Ontario, m V wpend. a ..month's vacation. ( i , i Special price on refrigerators, lawn mowers, ice cream freezers and wring ers at The X. I). Phelps Co. . Mrs; M. A. Doran and Miss N, Terrio of Boston-are visiting at Mrj, O. Granger's on Sutuuier street. M ins Carol Richie went to Brandon Saturday night lor a few days' visit at the home of Mi. Mae Oram." L. J. Douglas of Montpelier, 'eho Buf fered a severe sunstroke nearly two weeks ago is again able to lx out. Meeting of Painters' union Tuesday evening. Businet of importance, lit all be present. Per order, President. A. C. Moore of tlw firm of Moore & Owens returned today to his duties in the Ktore after a two weeks' vacatiou. Pietro Comis and Mis Lucia Kassi were married Saturday afternoon at the city hall by City Clerk Jamo Mackay. dames R. McKinie went to Benniaj; ton tihiay where he will superintend tiie setting up of the Ex'Governor MlCui loitgh vault. Mrs. F.. 1. Andrews of f.os Anycles. Cab, went to Woodsvilie, X. U.." this morning after a short viit with friends in uu city. Mrs. Xnney .1. Rnmson of Cambridge, Ma.ii.,' and Mrs. Carrie (ir.wes of Frank lin, Muss., are spending a few days at tlte Morrison farm, ... Flon Barret began a two weeks' va cation from Rogers' store this morning, lie went this afternoon to Ballaston, Y,, to iit relatives. . . Mi"ji Stella Bhtnehard resumcil her work as cashier in the Fittstorr today after, a jtwo weeks' vacfljkiu pjnt ,at her dome in Randolph. Miss Grace Franklin of Lyndonville, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hsher, returned to this city from a few days' visit in Richmond. ,1. (. Morrison of Cambridge, Mass., is visiting nt the Morrison farm, and George ( lose, the well-known candy manufacturer of the same city, is stop ping at the Morrison farm toUage. The Rev. and Mrs. R. F. I.owe return ed Saturday night from a three wi-iks' vacation spent, at Jsitlery Point. .Maine, where they have a cottage, ' on 1 Mr. Lowe occupied his pulpit at thi Method ist church yesterday. The reason, that Eddie Loughlin iiai not arrived- to join the Intercity ball team is that he i now engaged in com I. work in Massachusetts and cannot get away' until August 1. At that time he will begin bis vacation and will come -to Bane. In bankruptcy court- Saturday the cases (if T. W. Lagan of Montpclicr and Joseph Wood & Co., of Rune were con tinued to this week, and the Tina! dis charge meeting in the case of L. Mather of Calais was held. No objection was made to the discharge. Harry M-Gihl)iicy a brakecan on the M. and'.W. R. It., broke his left Icl' vhile shifting in the local fi-dg-it yard Snt 'unlay: He was Tiding on a -nr which was backing up to the butler car when in some wav his leg was eani'iit between a 1kx and flic car, breiikhij; it fust above the ankle, lie was taken in a carriage to hjs home near the Muriu farm. Kewiiml W. Jones of Newton, treasurer of the Jones Bros.' company of this city, is seeking election as a member of the governor's council in Massachusetts as a Republican. Mr, Jones has been promi nent in (Militics in his state for several jenrs, having been a member of tiK Re publican ward and city committees, the lioartl ot health for l.i yours aiht - tor eight Years of the 1 Uth congressional district committee. IS BURNS A QUITTER? I' i V Continued from first page. bat iu the tenth. Gardner -fanned; Wiggs w-as put Out at first and Tift, who took Francis' place, fouled out to Pnnielis, who made a great catch, run ning clear to the rope which runs out frriin tbe hlcacher. Tim-Champs won in this .manner; - aton singled and L'niac attempted to sacrifice him, but the ball rolled just out of the reach of Wiggs and Ibizclton got it. He tossed it to Puttee, who was covering the suck, and Puttee dropped it. Burns hit a slow one to Wiggs, who attempted to field out Eaton at third, but was too late, and the bases were full with no one out, (Great excitement.) Wil liams vvs the next man up and he knocked a clean one by the third base man that was good for two runs, but one was enough to win the game. , The score: INTERCITY, ab r bh po a e Williams, 3 b. ..... 4 0 1 5 8 0 Daniels, 1. f. ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 Elliott, 2 b. ........ 4 (112 4 0 McMahon, r.'f. ..... 3 0 13 1 o Davis, f. ......... 4 0 ' 1 3 0 0 Ashmore, 1 b. 3 0 1 11 1 0 Eaton, e. . ..... . . , . 4115 0 0 Uiuhc, . g. , .,401 1 2.0 Bums, ju 4f 0 1 0 5 0 Totals 34 2 9 30 16 0 BURLINGTON. " ! ab r Lh po a e Francis, 1. f. ...... , 4 0 1 0 0 0 Palteo, 2 b. 3 0 1 0 3 0 llnrde, s. s. ........ 3 0 0 1 3 0 llazclton, 1 b 2 1 0 13 0 0 Hays, c. f. 1 0 0 1 0 0 Higgins, i: , A 0 1 1 0 Beach, 3 b, 4 0 1 1 0 0 Gardner, r. f, 4 0 0 3 0 0 Wiggs, p. .......... 4 0 0 0 5 0 Tift, 1. f. ...,1001 0 0 Totals ,.,.,.....30 1 -4 27 12 0 Score by innings: 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 010 Intercity 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Burlington ...0 0O00010O01 Summary; Earned runs, Intercity 1; bases on balls, off Burns 6. off WigK8 2; struck out, by Burns 5, by Wiggs 6; stolen bases, Ashmore, Williams; first base on errors, Burlington 1; sacri fice hits. Ashmore, Williams, Hat's; um pire, Cotter; time, 1 hour 45 minutes; attendance, 1,200. .).' i ' ' Notes on the Game. Is Burns a (juittert All we want is a twptare umpire, Burlington,. ! Xot a. man dared to attempt to steal secAhd n Eaton Saturday, Two singles in th first and two in the seventh, were all the Burlington slug .gem coubj get off Bobby; It was the some old story with the mighty Wiggs when It comes to a par ticuarly hard hle to pull out of. Nothing but the gasps- of a half drowned man will describe the sounds that came from the prand stand during the. ninth and tenth innings. For tbe first time this season the bleachers took on real life. There was something doing over there every min ute though iisths encounters might be dispensed with. Of course Francis thought the umpire was to blame because he struck out three times running and then did the schoollwiy trick of throwing his bat at him. Umpire Cotter was equal to the occasion, and told Officer llamel to inarch him off the grounds. The following ''Song of the Bleachers" was composed in on and three-ninths seconds and gung all the afternoon SatJ urday: "Good bye, Jinimie, It is hard to see you leave; Your frierid will surely miss you, , Jinimie jW iggs, for you they'll grieve. So farewell, Jimmie, The ball- players, they are fly; They have a picture of your finish, . ,Jiini)iie, Wiggs, good bye." . Muie. by J. E. Walsh, Words by 31. E. Nute. -:! Ottawa Scored a Shut Out. Ottawa, July r.O. Ottawa shut out Rutland, j to 0, in a featureless game Saturday. The score and summary: OTTAWA. ftb r bh po a e . . . 3 10 0 1 3 O'Brien, a. . .... Dornmn, 2 b 4 Ray, e. f 4 Sluiuglinessy, 1, f. , . 3 Hildehranil, n . 2 Kennedy, 3 b. ..... , 2 Martell! c 2 (lay ton, 1 b 3 0 0 12 1 0 Sanger, r. f , 3 () 0 1 0 (I 2 1 0 12 0 10 0 0 1 0 ,4 0 2 . 1 1 0 0 0 1 1' 1 I a l o 1 Totals Ilruee, 1. f Carney, r. f..i... Dctiniugcr, e. f. . , llagley, 1 h . v, . ; Shcari, 2 1. Collins, s. s Simon, 3 h. . Duff, c ! . Goodc, p. ...... .2(1 5 5 24 12 4 RUTLAND. ab r bh po a e ....... 4 0 0 I 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 3 11 1 10 0 3 0 0 8 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 13 11 3 0 0 3 1 0 2 II II 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 Totals 27 0 4 21 11 3 Innings 1 2 3 4 5 fi H Ottawa .0 1 3 0 0 o 1 5 Earned runs. Ottawa 3j stu-ritice hits. Shorn; Mrnck Out, b,v Hihlcbrand tl, by lindile 1; tirst base on balls, off llilde brand 1. (ioodc 5; bit by pitcher, Mar tell; doubU' play, Ibiy to Kennedy; left on buses, Ottawa. 4, Rutland 5; wild pitch, (ioodeji time, 1:20; umpire, lias sett. ' - Northern League Standing. Won Lost Burlington 14 li Ottawa , . . It 8 llsrrc-Mont nelier , . 10 10 Rutland 11 11 Pet. .7011 .570 .500 .500 Game Today. Burlington ut Rutland. ,ow Prices. In all our Shirt Waist Suits. We have marked them at prices that will move them quickly. Now is the time to get a bargain. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Carre, Vt UNION CLOTHING "COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. GREAT MID SUMMER CLEARANG SALE !s Now Going On at Our Store. . Big reduction in prices of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes. Don't miss this opportudity to buy first-class merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Come in. Union Clothing Store, Everything Men and Boys Wear. f Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Rink Building, 0pp. Depot Square. 'AKYdKOD 0MH1013 I0IHQ 'ANVdKOD 0KIHI013 N0IM0 1 Dr Greenes Headache Friend I " The Kind That Cures." ' 'yf Over 10,000 Boxes Sold in Barre 1 ' ; on a guarantee "No Cure, No Pay"and never yet a box returned. - D. F. DAVIS, "The Druggist," 1 262 North Main St., 1 Barre, Vermont' g July Cleaning-Up Sale July cleaning up sale is still going on at the Blue Store, Bol ster's Brick Block. we don't care to bother you telling a long story at w hat low prices we are selling and what great bargains we are giving this month in Men's and Boys' Furnishings and Shoes, but we do wish to say that the most important accomplishment we have secured has been the good will of our customers. This we have gained by representing goods as they are, selling goods exactly as advertised, having one price to everyone. The courteous atten tion of our salespeople. weare selling many apods af a discpunt from 20 to.2S per tent from the regular price- Tremendous bargains in every department. Odd Coats and Men's and Boys' Suits, many of them at half price. Our assortment's always the largest. Our price absolutely the lowest THOMAS BRADY, (Successor to Segel &c Brady.) Telephone 2J7-2J. Bolster Block, H8 Main St. CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY nn lie lul t any time-at our tot. Store will 1 elowd t noon from July 1 to -OUobtr. Urdm will be revived at tli Gremlinum whf n tturtt to cIommI. EMSLIE, THE TLORIST, ttlrphon-Stttf, 1K-12; tiitenlioniie, L'01-ll. OTIS BLOCK. PEARt STREET I FOR MOWING MACHINES We have a full line of Mowing Machine Sec-1 tions to fi; any machine. We also have the rivets; OILS We haVe 011 for a11 kincls Df machines in v u anv auantitv. C. W. Averill & Co.; Telephone 439-3 81 North Main Street : Do You Hoed Any of f he Following? Get our nriccs on a f l Kpsomand Globular Salts Hand iiellows andMiai auantitv viz.: Brimstone. Suliiluir Lime. Blue Vitrol. Burr Death. Saltlwrf. Unruv Alum i.., ...j... j r . , c ic i n i- c i t r-ut -j i- ,Vf. n . ; ; , ' 1 r ' puwucren ror last tnree mentoiful , Sal Soda, Cooking Soda, 1 ar Chloride Lime, Babbitt s Potash, Flax Seed, Max Seed Meal, Canary.Rane Ind Hemn Seed vJ. rln :ers tor same, lanclefoot and t'oison I'ly l'aper, Kosin, White and Yellow Shellac. OiiV VrtretM r,... Kt-....ti c' .' TciepEoac 31-3. L. M. AVERILL. Opposite City Patk, Barre. Vcriuoat.