Newspaper Page Text
THE BAERE DAILY TIMES, AUG UST 2. l'JOO. BARRE DAILY' TIMES Fui'uihed trery Weekday Afternoon. Jilwiptloos: One fur. $3; Cos Monla, 25 cU: Stable Copt- 1 t " - Fraak E. Untley. Publisher. Littered t the Postofhre at Karre u Second eiass Matter. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906. The average daily circulation of tha Rarra Daiiy Time for the week ending (Saturday ni 4,1 50 copies, the largest paid circulation of any daily paper in tbii section. It is yet to bo determined why a woman will get off an electric car back wards. " The inside of the boat is the proper place for the person man or woman who 'can't swim. A census nt the Washington county jail now would not show largo returns, with less tliftn half a dor.en inmate. Leslie M. Shaw is likely to get a better welcome - in Vermont than that accorded him in his own state of Iowa yesterday. While the special commission is in vestigating the state industrial school, it ought to discover why so many young fetors are escaping from the institution and close up the holes. Soon every child in the state will be happy; the Republican committee an nounces that it has distributed 50,000 pretty white campaign buttons and has not duplicated the order. ' President Roosevelt's donation of one dollar lo the Republican national cam paign fund doeH not indicate a lack of gratitude for past favors, for no one U asked to give more than one dollar to this particular fund. . ' , ' That Canada is benefitting largely by immigration from the United States is shown by the figures r f the last fiscal yiar. There were a total of 57,80ti from tliU side of the border, or one-third of the entire immigration to thf! Dominion. J ho figures are not large a immigration figures inn in the United States, but they show that there is something teripting in the newer sections of the country which is bound to dra increas ing numbers each year. VYrmont being a border state i a loser to a certain extent to Onula, but it is nothing compared to the outpouring to other utates. "WHELPS THAT SELL THEIR VOTES." tSome Vermont town is in line for a flagellation deferred or otherwise from tlie whip in Clement's hand. In his opening speech of the campaign at Ben nington last Saturday night he paid his compliments to the "miserable whe'p that sel's his vote," and then declared that there is a certain town whera there are 400 purchasable voters, adding the promise that when he got to that town he "would tell those voters what he thought of them." This is a broad ta le nient to mahe, and we trust that Mr. Clement earef.lly edited his own spe.h before going on the stand and delivor ing it bro.ilaido to a vast newspaper reading public both in Vermont and the nation at large. The town which num bera 400 pur diasable voters must need be one of the ';v,er places of the state, for riot many towns of Vermont lime a total voting strength of 400. What is the own that numbers 400 renal citizens? Is it Bane, Montpclier, Brat tlcboro, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, Rut land or Burlington? If Clement was accurate in Ik's statement, some Ver mont community is drinking the dregs of political degredstion, for in commun ities of the size of Vermont's towns, that would mean the prostitution of the civic virtue, it may be of one-quar-,tcr, a half, possibly two-thirds of the freemen. We are pleased that Clement knows of only one town which he is prepared to include in such a demean ing. Without trying to discount in the least the fusion candidate's efforts for the lie tterment of our civic standard, we would ask him to stick to his promise to "tell those voters what he thinks of them when he gets to the spotted town. ' A Peculiarity at tho Crow. Most birds cannot carry anything which their mouths are too small to contain. The crow is an exception at times. In Vermont, near Manchester, five crowa were seen to coma down Into an apple orchard. They came dally nd after a time the owner discovered that they were taking apples from a tree bearing the mellowest fruit. Each crow Jammed its closed bill Into an apple, raised its head and flew to a tall pine tree, where the fruit was eat cu. More remarkable atlll Is the fact that crows will sometimes carry turkey and ben eggs from a neat In tbo same manner. "Do you relieve In the bad luck of thirteen?" "Do I? I was refused by twelve girls, nnd tbe thirteenth took rue." Stray Stories, Too ntny depend upon It that ho Is a good man whose Intimate friends on all good. Lavatcr. v;. One can't believe all that's in the papers, but you're safe to believe all you read over our signature..;;:-":" Our business is run on modern lines. No old fashioned full page hot air. We simply give you the plain facts. We . are getting ready for our Summer sale. Prices arc to be slashed on all Summer goods. Suits at half price, etc. Watch this space every day during August. WE CLEAN. TRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. 1 74 Main Street, Barre, Vt. CHELSEA.' John Y. Cali rT of Washington was in town Monday. Arthur Slack and Mx. George II, Slick of Randolph Center were in town Tuesday, guests at Walter Dewey's. Wilbur Y. Hhepnrd of Barre city, with his wife and son, -were in town Tuesday as the guests of Mr. Adclia M. Whit ney. M s S. E. Titus and Miss Estelle M. Titus of Brooklyn, N. V., are among the late arrivals of summer boarders at the Orange County hotel. Miss Hat tie Dow, who has been n guest of Mis. Jennie Hobbin for sev eral days, returned to her home in Catn bridgeport, Mass., Monday morning. Miss Dow holds the position of clerk in the office of the tax commissioner in the state house nt IViston. F. W. Perry and wife of Burlington were in town Monday and Tuesday, ac companied by the Rev, i. G. Atkins and wife of Detroit, Mich, Tim party i on a carriage drive through Vermont, and left Tuesday noon for WomMoek. It will I of interest to many Chelsea people to know that tTie Rev. Mr. .Atkins occupies the wrnie pulpit in Detroit that our former Chelae hoy, the lute Rev. Dr. William H. Davis, ocvi.pied for 11 years. After leaving Detroit Dr. Davis prctehed at Newton, Mass., for several yean, and in this connotion it is of further interest to know that the Kev. Dr. Atkins is on his way to supply the pulpit at Newton, Mifs.,' next Sunday which the Rev. Dr. IvU occupied ro many ;vrs. . Wanted Action, , Bobby Mother, can I go out and play with the Jones boy? Mother No; fie doesn't go to church! Bobby Well, can I go out and punch him In the nose for not going to church? Boston Tost. Blessed nre the missionaries of cheer, fulness. Child. Your Summer Vacation will not be half complete with out a box of Golden Weddings The Monarch of 10 cent Ggars all Dealers. 0. C. TAYLOR & CO., Props., Burlingion, VI. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Berlin Street Grounds VERMONT LEAGUE RANGERS vs. GREEN MOUNTAIN Saturday, Aug. 4 Kick-off at 2.30 Admission 25c. LADIES FREE Sleuths of the Secret Service HEN kings and emperors go abroad plumed knights on dashing steeds surround them. When the president ef the United States goes out, unless It bo an occasion of greatest state, we see no men 011 horsebuck. In demo cratic simplicity Theodora Roosevelt travels from the White House to the "summer palace" at Oyster Bay. Ap parently he is unguarded, yet from un der the bat brims of the plain clothes men by his side peep the piercing eyes of secret service agents. In pockets of Innocent looking trousers lurk big pis tols. In sieeves of civilian cloth are bleeps ready to launch blows at sus picious persons who appronch too near the president. The chief of the re public Is really as carefully protected as many monnrehs, though the protec tion, is unostentatious. Occasionally the vigilance, of the president's bodyguard gets' it Into trou ble. On the president's latest arrival at Oyster Bay a secret service man struck a photographer who was tak ing an unauthorized snapshot of Mr. Roosevelt. The photographer swore out a warrant for tho guard's arrest, and when the defendant came up for a hearing half Long Island flocked to the trial It was to be a famous case. Great lawyers were expected to make memorable addresses, but the secret service man spoiled the show by plead ing guilty to a charge of assault and cheerfully paying a ten dollar hue. Guarding the president Is not, of course, the only or eve the chief duty of the secret service. Trailing and capturing counterfeiters and smug glers, running down moonshine stills, lolling foreign spies all are In its day's work. Counterfeiters are its particular enemies. Slickest of criminals are tha counterfeiters, and slickest of detec tives are the men who catch them. V iPICVHifiH r CHIEF WILK1E AVD HIS BOOfES (JAXLEtT. Pretty nearly erery Counterfeiter 'In the world has his "mug" in the unK-ret service rogues' gallery in Washington. At the head of this great detective system is John K. Wiikie. Mr. Willie used to be a reporter In Chicago. lie did his first Sherlock Holmslng In that capacity. A heavily Insured grocery store had been mysteriously burnod. Suspicion pointed to flts Wner, one Arhuckle. Arbuulile tprowdfan alibi, and the police were baffled. Wiikie wasn't. He poked around the ruins en til he found a tintype of 'Arhuckle with a Philadelphia address on Its back. He sent the picture to Philadelphia, where It was recogoizod as the photograph of James Moan, who had abandoned hit wife, and eloped with a seamstress. Armed with this exclusive informa tion, Wilkio went to Arhuckle; who thought that nil was discovered and confessed. Wilkio in JSSl became city editor of the Chicago Tribune and continued In newspaper work in Chicago until he wns selected by Secretary Gage In 1898 to command the government's de tectives. Mr. Wiikie has a great fund of stories showing the Ingenuity of "shovers of tho queer." Ono is this: Dressed like a , prosperous carpen ter, with n beam on his shoulder, the counterfeiter plods along the street In front of a promising show window tha beam gets the better of him; he lurches; he loses his balance crash! Through the plate glnss shoots the beam. Out conies the proprietor. "tffiy, you, pay for that window." "Boss, I cau't afford It." "The deuce you can't You look pros perous enough." "Boss, you can search roe. I ain't got t cent.'f And the fellow turns his pockets in ido out and Inadvertently drops a bank note, which he picks up quickly ind attempts to conceaL "Holy smoke! A $100 bill:" exclaims the owner of tho window. "Hut It ain't mine, boss." "All right. I'll have you arrested anyway. Come In here now, nnd" "Boss. I'll tell you what I'll do. IT) give you ?25 and call it siunre." Then the dealer, Joyous and well pleased, takes the counterfeit $100 note and gives the crook $73 In good money. But even with such original schemes as this the counterfeiter Is tripped up In the long run. Feminine-Distinction. "I would rather marry a sugar mag nate than be the wlfo of a coal presi dent." "Even If the coal president had moro money ?" "Yes, You see. siunr is more refined tLan con!." Baltimore American. r . ' 5 f - : ' , ' . ,' M J ' , ' t . -r ' j . H - ' . . . ' 1 , j - 'i i'T'T' - "I h v '' RffVL .. ' I AN OLD A STRONG 3 1-2 Per Cent INTEREST Paid on Savings Deposits Deposit Your Money With Granite SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, BARRE. VERMONT. JINGLES AND JESTS. Ilaninn Xatnre. The rath of duty tends, 'tis satd. To self approval. But A lot of people strive each day To find a shorter cut. New Orleans Times-Democrat Stuck on All Kinds. Redd Ever buy any thornless roses? GreeneOh. yes. I've been stuck ou those too. Yonkers Statesman, Uterrrr Hurr. It everybody told tho truth And Ananias had no chance, hat would the public do, tn aootlj, For oratory and romance? . , , ' Houston Post i i Ha (kltstng her) Ifa late and--!, V, -Hhe Better late, than never.? Worn. an's Home Companion. A Word to the tawlie. ,'Tis only proper to advise Borne youth about this town " , Thnt no man can expect to rise Vntil he settles down. "-Philadelphia Praia. OH Coat. , "His cost never seema to fit him." "No. They're all so badly worn." Brooklyn Life. Few of Is C an. "Thnutrh brtvlty'B the soul of wit,' " . Remsrltcd the busted yport, "I really cannot see a bit Of tun In being short." New York Times. ' lloneat Man. "Will you love me when I am old?" asked the kittenish damsel with the eorkscrew curls, the false frizxes, the suspiciously bright teeth and the large bank account. "Why, I love you now, don't IT" a.'ked the pluln, everyday, matter of fact, undiplomatic man who was trying to provide for his future. And, oh, brethren, the voiceless wind that drifts across the open polar sea was a hot wave compared to the at mosphere that surrounded him la a minute. Judge. ' Willing- to Compramlae, ' : , "Well, it's no use your klckin ," growled the cashier of the restaurant finally. "You et the food, an' orgulu' about it won't help" . . .. , ., , "That's, so," said the disgusted pa tron. "Let's forglva and forget. , "i:hr. . . ". ' '. t "I'll. forgive that miserable' meal "if you 11 forget that I hsd it." Philadel phia Press, Her Attractions. "I can't understand w hat there la eo attractive about Emily. She hasn't any accomplishments. All she does Is to talk a little and smile a great deal." "That's enough, isn't It?"-Cleveland Plain Denier. The f'ror.or'a Advice ' 5 ".Now, professor, suppose I should be attacked some night by a big, ruf fianly fellow. What would you advise me to do?" Holier rur (jer p.rk'ece aud like tho dooce." Pick-Id e-Up. run u"ry-H 'v.-y Ac .'v - ' -a vv f -i I'tf r;w II:.. . . ,T . L TAKE SOME HOME To your wife and family if they can't come in and refresh themselves with some of our rich and delicious ICE CREAM Will send it to jour home for parties, receptions or company dinners, or put it up in neat paper boxes to take home to those who will appre ciate is when it comes from MASCOTTS. ' 1 BARRE CANDY KITCHEN BANK BANK HE PROVED HIS RIGHT. It W Qntte a Ilonndaboot War, bnt H Got His Water. A western lawyer says that he was once la a court in Missouri when a yoittig man most fastidiously dressed sauntered Into the temple of justice. None of the officials of the court had ever seen him before, and as the pro ceedings were unimportant and some what tedious it chanced that the stranger attracted some attention. On his part he eyed the Judge narrowly, sltied up all the attorneys, drummed loudly on the bench In front of him and finally rose aud sauntered up to the bar, where he poured out for himself a glass of iced water. '.The.jndge 'presiding, a nervous and testy, old Tel low,' had himself observed the young inaa and by his frowns had given ; evidence of his disapproval. When the stranger bad boldly marched tip t tha bar and had taken the water It looked as- If the Judge would boil over with Indignation at this exhibition of temerity, amounting almost to con tempt. "Ihot water, sir," roared the Judge, "is for attorneys and other offi cials of this court" ; Whereupon the strange young man turned red and left the courtroom. But the court was to see more of him, for in about half an honr he returned, bear ing In his hand a roll" of parchment. The judge now glared at him in the most savage j'nauuer. bnt the young mnn flinched not " Finally, during a lull la the proceedings, the eccentric young person addressed the court: "Your honor!" "What Is it, sir?" "I wish, your honor, to submit to this honorable court my certificate of admission to practice In the supreme court and all other courts of this state." "Well, what of that?" growled his honor. "Simply this, your honor. Now that I have presented the proofs of my ad mission to the bar I would move the court that I be permitted to drink from the official pitcher." The young attorney got his water Llpplucott's Magazine. Hot to I. corn Foreian linue, One may begin tho attempts of free expression, aud thus an Independent use of the language, with a compara tively .small vocabulary. Conscientious reading and well conducted conversa tions will thotii quickly enlarge the vo rabulary nnd develop the facility of ex pression. But I cannot lay too much stress upon th$ fact thut tha free nnd exact rendering of one's owu thought In writing Is the most efficient exerclsa In acquiring a language. In mere con versation we ure upt to slip over diffi culties by permitting ourselves vague ness and Inaccuracies of expression which would sternly demand correc tionand correction, too, easily kept In mind when the written words look us In the face. To quic ken tife efficacy of this exercise requires, of course, a teacher able not only to pound gram matical rules into the head of the pu pil, but also to stir up in the study of the language a mentally active Inter est In tho subjects spoken or written j about Carl Schurz'a Iteuiinlscenees la ! M cC lute's. ' " , i Tbe Utricn, Instead of being a stupid bird the j ostrich Is one of the wisest and most j wary. About tho dwellings of white j settlers, who have neither the time nor the Inclination to disturb him, he becomes so tame that he unconcern edly mingles with the poultry and milk cons as if he, too, were domesticated. He Is always fearful of men on horse back, but Is not at all disturbed by the approach of people on foot unless they are followed by doits. These he great ly fears. On tbe pinlus he often asso ciates with the deer or the guanaco, and an alarm of any kind will send them rushing away together. I I" FRIDAY ..: ? ; "15 dozen Ladies Jersey Vests, 3 for25c 10 dozen Ladies' Jersey Vests, trimmed with 4-mch lace. while they last, 2 for 25c. i ' 15 dozen Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed with lace and fine c.n broidery, at the price they should not last one hour. Inday -ae price 42c. each. j SATURDAY HOSIERY Ladies' and Ladies' Fast Black Rib Top Hose for Ladies' Black Lace Hose, to close at Ladies', White Hose, all sizes, to close at Children's Hose, extra quality, to close at Children's White Hose, at only Children's White Lace Hose, to close at , Children's Tan Hose, to close at Children's Lace Tan Hose to close at . "' Not a pair of the above Hose sold for less than 15c, 17c or 19$ pr. Dnn'r m! our salt of White Waists at White Suits, $1 .50, $1.98, z6h 1 The Rain Gods j . Have -figured prominently in the weather so far and show a decided inclination to stick to it the season through. Makes Raincoats and Umbrellas a (con stant companion if you expect to keep dry much of the time. .If you buy them here you arc pretty.sure of the well-made fadeless kind that there's everlasting satisfaction in using.' ' f Umbrellas, - Raincoats, $3.98 to $20.00i If you get to thinking about them think pi us . and remember " Suits at Half Price. 7.00 to 10.00 Wash Suits 3.98 and a plenty of other things that make this store well worth finding. I PERLEY E. POPE P. E. POPE, Manager. TEe i Headache Cute That Doesn't Fail Cures every kind of headache. . Does it promptly and with no un pleasant after effect. - KENDRICK'S ANTI-AKE TABLETS is the remedy. If they fail, remember our guarantee. Money back if Q g Tablets not satisfactory slJ cents C H. Kendrick & Co., 54 North Main Street, Barre, Mileages Bought, We have just taken of nice Corned Beef prices, extra heavy Uods, lancy Rolls, Corned Beef Tongue, Vegetables. Wc can ht tor a king. Tassic BuwcsMirs to leicpnonc v-d. ft THE CITY Try Our Blueberry Pies MALT BREAD. It is will do you good. it ' - I BEMIS&CARON, I I 66 North Main Street, Tel. 12-11. Ba'rre.Vcrr SPECIAL Children's Hose 75c, 98c, $125, $1.39 up $2.25 up. - j 98c to $8.50 j CO,, Monplier Vt. PHARMACISTS Sold and Rented. out of the pickle a extra lot kinds, al rCady for sale, all Western Briscuits, Shoulder thick Forequarteii Rib and together with a full line of send you a boiled dinner Brothers l'arkcr A Tas&ie. 60 Norlh mn $lnct BAKERY 8 J1 the best " arc delicious. And DOUBLE LOAF Bread in town and '-. V. ' rlrl I ' I 1 m