Newspaper Page Text
f, THE BAIiilB DAILY TIMES. AUGUST f!t 1906. POST CARDS Just received, a lot of Postal Cards of Barre. We have the Leather Cards and - Aluminum Pin Trays with Barre Views. Also Post Card Albums. Barre Book Store, CARROLL W. JHARTiN, Proprietor. Gordon Block, 1 40 No. Main St. v'- r l, f S -. J, .r... .t ..... ... ..... j NOTICE W find wo have an overstock of Cnrrlaires. V e mo trim jr. t fell b;i l.i m e of stock sit hmgaiii prices. a liave n eouiiuere lino ot all kinur ol velih-lrs mid harness. If you will give us ft call you will purchase. . Will exchango for hay. H. F. CUTXER'S STABLE, Telephone 131-2 , Pear cf City Hotel. - - - - Barre. Vermont. TRY A Tip Top Cigar! Made from the best and finest tobacco. No better five-cent Cigar made. MARRION'S CORNER CIGAR STORE. Pipe and Tobicco, Mileages on All Roads. WOOD Tbe place to buy Wood. A large stock of all kinds at t!ie following prices: Block Wood, per cord $2.75 Li mo Wood, per load...; 2.00 Chair Wood, per load 8.60 Hard and Soft Wood Slabs... 1.75 Furnace and Shed Wood. I am prepared to do all kinds of moT ing and jobbing at reasonable rates. Coarse and fine Sand for sale in any quantity. Coarse Sand for ce menting at my Sand bank on Farwell itreet. L. J. BOLSTER, Telephone 323-3. 283 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont. FARMING TOOLS! "76" and the Green Mountain Plows, Corn Planters, Harrows, Rakes, Mowing Machines and a full line of Farm Tools, including repair parts, and Plow Points for .almost all makes of plows. Geo. A. Wales, So, Barre, Vt. ELECTRIC WIRING ' ELECTRIC HEATERS. , U ELECTRIC ftXTURES. g ELECIR1C SUPPLIES. 1 STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., 5 H. O. BKSNXTT, 3 Jf r. ft. MCHOLS. f U m Rortu' Wain Street, Barre. Vermont. jj I O.C.Russell Plumbing and Keating. AD kindi of 'modern Plumbing Fix ture) in itock. All work gusrsnteed. Telephone 15-3. IS BASEJIENT OF, WORTHEH BLOCK. jj When You Get Standish's 1 FrankTorts and Bolognas u You may know they 2 are fresh every day. 2 ft. Home-made by ' W. O. STANDISH. 2 BLOCKADED Every Household in Barre Should Know How to Resist It. The hack aches because the kidneys are blockaded. Help the kidneys with their work. The back will ache no more. I-ots of 'proof that Doan's Kidney Pill do this. It's the best proof, for it comes from citizens of Barre. Jlrs. T. 1). Strout of 13? Seminary street, Barre, Vt., soys: '"My kidneys were affected for about (ive years, caus ing me a great deal of pain in the small of my back. T would have such sharp twinges shoot through me when I at tempted to stoop or lift anything-that I had to rest until the attack passed oil'. I was so nervous' I could not sleep nights, but tossed and turned continually. I was so impreMed by what t read about Doan's Kidney Tills curing others . that I pot a box at E A. Prawn's drug store. Alter using it there was a noticeable ihange for the better in my condition and I kept on taking the remedy until the pains in my back disappeared, J could do my housework with ease and could Bleep "well nights. For backache and kidney trouble) "Doan's Kidney Pills are a most reliable medicine." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Jlilburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, liemember the name Doan's and tike no other. CONVENTION SEPT. 25. New York State Democrats to Meet in Buffalo. New York, Aug. 2. The Democratic state committee met at , the Hoffman house yesterday and voted to hold the next DeiuiKTatic state convention at Buffalo, September. 25. Before the 'meeting William 3. Con nors of Buffalo said; "That meeting of the Independence league Tuesday will not affect Mr. 1 learnt' chances with the leinilar state convention. We will go nfieud and nominate Hearst anyhow. The whole Buffalo delegation to the state convention will be instructed for Hearst. Nothing can prevent Hearst's mm iiiatkm." Normnn E. Mack of Buf falo spoke in the same way. Cord Mey er did not resign ns chairman of the committee and i!:c committee took no action ou the c) (itnship, . LUMBER Rough or Dressed of all kinds Dimension Timber. . Orders Filled Promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dry Sawdust, We solicit; an opportunity to quote price. SLOCUM LUMBER CO. Washington, Vt COAL, COAL We sell the best grades of Scranton, Lackawana and Lehigh Coals. Satis faction guaranteed. July prices: Teg, StoTO and Nut, Oi.ite, ...... 7.50 An extra frrsile Lehigh at JSC per ton higher. We noil and deliver 2000 pounds for a ton. D. M. MILES, 122 North Main Street, - Carre, Vt BE INQUISITIVE When jou buy CoaL this year. It is very important that you should know all about the different kind. We carry only the best, and can take care of you 'now before the rush. Egg, Stove and Nut ...... :..?7.70 Grate , 7,50 CALOER & RICHARDSON, 'Phone 43 4. Depot Square, - - - Barre, Vt COAL Stove, In and Nut, - ST 70. These are the lowest prices for July. Order now, MORSE & JACKSON, Telephone 137-21 266 North Main St., - Barre, Vt. GOLF SPRING HOUSE Is open for the Sum mer. Special Din ners served on Sun days and Holidays. A. S! COW LES, Prop. ICE CREAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Having put in a new apparatus for freezing Ice Cream, we are prepared to make Ice Cream for picnics, parties, etc., etc., in any quantity required. VERMONT fRUIT STORE, A. liiucliino, 1'iopi ic tor, Hale Block, tM No. Main St.. Barre THE BARRE DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906. DO YOU WANT THE EARTH for MHMirity't That's ns. Investments restricted to government and municipal liondM nnu first liens on valuable real estate. Life 'insurance and annuities. oTth year, doing business in 44 states. -The National Life Insurance Company of Vermont (mutual). Organized in 1S50. S. S. Ballard, General Agent. N. B. Ballard. Local Agent, Rooms 2 and 3, Miles Block, Barre, Vt. TALK OF THE TOWN, Old gold and silver wanted at re finers, prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's. For Sale. One baby carriage; on 8 oil stove, almost new. Apply at 94 Sum mer street, upstairs. , Stone-cutters' glasses, 20e per pair. Lenses, per pair, 5c. F. E. Burr & Co., 85 North Main street. Reynolds A, Son nre the local agents for the Pitkin Supply Co. and carry n large stock of Dallett Stone Working Tools. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Office of the City Treasurer, " Burre, Vt., July 10, 1906, All taxpayers of the City, of Barre are hereby notified that the city coun cil of this city have this day placed the tax bill for the. year;. 1908 iirmy hands for collection and are further no tified that said taxes must 'be paid at tills office on or before the 20th day of Ai.ust, 1900. If not paid on or before that date there will be added to the tax bill five per cent, together with the officer's fees for collection, namely, eight per cent on' tax bill, ten cents for the warrant and fifty cents officer's fees. Remember, August 20, 1000, is the lust date that you can pay your taxes 'this year without the conditions above enumerated. James Maekay, City Treasurer. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric. Bitter. He writes; "Two years ago kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I would never have' survived Imd I not taken Electric Bittern ; 'They tUii cuivd me of general debility." , 'Hm'ei cure ifor all stomach, liver nnd kidney .complaints, blood disease, headache, , dwzinesa , ami weakness or bodily decline. Prjce ' G()c. Guaranted by Bed Cross Pharmacy. ' I NOTICE. There are flocks of ' pigeons feeding on me and doing other damage. I hive caught a numlier of them. Owners 'may have the same by proving property Hiid pnying damage. Further notice; 'all pigeons feeding on me will be cuujrhl. Signed, Charles E. Ileraey, Fast street ext. NOTICE. The attention of users of city water is called to the regulation which allows the use of bosc only one hour a day. Any excess use. will lead to the cutting off of the, supply entirely. O. C. Russell, water superintendent. FACTS FROM FRANCE. Esperanto Is to be taught to the ca dets at the French military College of St. Cyr. In consequence of the increasing abuse of opium its sale In France har bor cities ba boen forbiddea. A boy of twelve in the custody of the Paris police told them that it is their business to find ont his name and ad dress. ;..( The French people are the greatest consumers of cheap wine Jn the world. It is used moro generally than milk In the UnltM States. Even the JlrUe chil dren drink It. The public chnots give It to the pupils. The servant insist on the dally allowance for wine.' ': . Yellow spectacles for, weal yc wore recommended by Dr. Mbtnls in a paper he read before the Academy of Medi cine ot Paris. The doctor declares that yellow Is very soothing to weak eyes and that for fifteen years he has pre scribed glasses of this color with ex cellent results. PITH AND POINT. Who has to suffer foe your fool netsi If you do wrong, sooner or Inter you'll get caught. ' ' Might mny make right, but It doesn't always make good. Next duy after you throw a thing away it becomes valuable. You have your weak spots. It Is not surprising Hint other people" have theirs. There are some people who ask for no greater distinction In life than to be asked In time of trouble "to break the news." Atchison Globe. ADVERTISING. A picture advertisement to get re turns must tell the story at a glance. Folks with money to spend ain't look ing for puzzle pictures. Any advertisement, like a man. must present a good first nppearnnce, but to get the returns there must be some thing more than mere appearance. Advertising Is like duck hunting you must advance carefully, shoot at the right time and with the right sort of ammunition in places where there la a possibility of icame. Exchange. Nerve. "You don't even dress ni decently, she cried. "I'm going home to papa." "All right," replied Iioollts. "You might sny to blm also that I need a new eult myself." , Tart. , fslellaHo told me I looked sweet enough to oat. BellaHi- doubtless meant you were well preserved. New York Sun. ' Alfred do Mnssct once said, "None laugh bettor and ofteuer than a voai an with flue teeth." WILL FULFILL ALL PLEDGES Komura Defends Japan on Mancnura SAYS THAT THE DOMESTIC Conditons Are Improving Problems Are Tariff, Finance and Trade New Cable to America .Opened at Tokio Yesterday. Victoria, B. C, Aug. 2. Baron Ko mura, recently appointed Japanese am bassador in Great Britain, arrived Tues day by the steamer Empress of Japan, en route to London via Quebec, whence he Will sail by the Empress of Ireland on August 0. The baron said: '.'':"" "The pledges adopted by Japan regard ing Manchuria will be carried out in every particular as soon as the term of occupation by the military forces lias expired." . . ' ; "In Japan," Baron Komura added, conditions are fast improving. The coun try has recovered from the effecis of the war. Although taxes have been in creased, the outlook is good. In the arrangement of the post-bellum economic conditions on which the country has en tered, there are four questions to be solved by the government and nation. They me: . "First, bow to revise the customs tar iff. , "Second, how to make Jnpan a great agricultural country. "Third, how to make Japan a factor in the commercial warfare in neighbor ing countries, whose doors were thrown ojen to the world's competition. "Fourth, how to finance the post bellum undertakings." ' As for the stories-of the proposed nationalization of all Jnpanese indus tries, as 8Ufiested in a recent desputch front! Washington, Baron Kemnri .said he had heard nothing of itliis, and thought il-most improbable, i i m m JAPAN-AMERICA CABLE OPEN. First Message From Tokio Is Printed Herewith. , Tokio, Aug. 2. A new telegraph ca ble, via Don in, which establishes direct communication between Japan and the t'nitrd States, was opened to the pub lic yesterday, this being the first mes siiyc transmitted over, , THE HALL OF FAME. James Cobb and Jennie Korn wer teeently wedded at Hobart, Okla. The klug of Portugal is said' to-be an enthusiastic and able amateur painter. Camille Saint-SuflTis, the" ' famous French composer, i to visit America next winter for a professional tour. Henry Broadhnrsfa only tailor for some years after the commencement of his parliamentary life was his wife. The delegates of the United States to the International wireless telegraph conference In Berlin in September will be General James Allen, Bear Admiral II. N. Manney and John I. Waterbury. Major General O. O. Howard of the Fiilon army and ; Lieutenant General Stephen I). Ieo of the Confederate forces are talking of writing a Joint history of the civil war. The men were classmates tit West .Point. The rich carpet manufacturer, Alex ander Smith Cochran of Youkers, N. Y., hai purchased the Martin farm, near hit city, and w-lll improve the property and erect on it a complete sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis. ' ' ' When Lord Cunton was appointed Tlceroy of India, the post recently va cated, he completed one of the dreams of his school days. From the time he first knew the government house, Cal cutta, was a facsimile of his ancestral home, Kedleston Hall, near Derby, he desired to occupy It as governor gen eral of India. Edward Iveson Goldsmith bears the treble distinction of being the oldest native citizen of Lynn, Mass., the old est veteran of the civil war now living In the Bay State and one of the young est looking men of his age in the world. Ho has just celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday and does not look a day over sixty-fire. ' M, T. Freeman of Crawford county, Pa., one of the original Fremont Pe publicans, Is now In his eighty-first year. When the campaign of 3850 was at its height he made a compact that he would not slmvo until Fremont nhotild be elected. He kept his vow, for since that time no raswr has touch ed his face, though he hns never allow ed his beard to reach Inordinate length. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Mnie. Bernhardt will spend the sum mer at her chateau on the F'ronch coast, near Trouville. D, L. Don has been engaged to sup port Montgomery andtone next sen sou In "The Bed Mill." Thompson & Dundy will next spason present Edward Abelcs In a dramatiza tion of "Brewster's Millions." "L'Alglon" and "Hamlet" are Bern hardt favorite male roles. She plaj-s "L'Alglon" ns a sort of toy "Hamlet.", nichnrd Carle writes bis own lyrics for his comic operas and proves himself to be a verse maker of much facility. Walter D. Nealnnd has been re-engaged for next season by John P. Slo cum as mansgar of "The Yankee Con mil." Charles Frotmian has obtained the American rights for a new version of "Brigadier Gentrd." by Sir A. Oman Doyle. . ' Charlotte Hunt, the charming leading lady of the Bowdoin Pijtisre theater, Boston, hits been on the stage since she was four years of ae. niSTOmC DAEK DAYS ONE THAT BROUGHT TERROR TO THE PEOPLE OF MEW ENGLAND.' , It W FrMr( May 10, 1780, and la Jinny Commuiilllri It Was ThonBAt That the Dr of Jodsmrnt Was at Hand A Vrave Legislator.' Friday, May 10, 17S0, has become generally known, in 'history as the "dark day," and, although It baa been traced to natural cauaes, its coming brought terror to many communities whose in habitants, thiuking the day of Judg ment at band, made haste to settle Uielr affairs as best they might before the trump should sound. A Boston woman Iq the tumult of her fears sent a messenger to Bev. Mattier Byles, traditiou says, to inquire the cause of such an alarming occurrence. The minister claimed no special infor mation as to the unusual visitation and replied that ho was "as much in the dark about It as any of his parishion ers." -- , ' Tho darkness came on between 10 and 11 o'clock and speedily had become so dense that canCles were lighted In the houses, and men on tbe streets could navigate only with lanterns. The birds, having sung their evening eongs, disappeared, fowls retired to roost, and cocks crowed, apparently deeming it the darkness just before dawn. In the Connecticut legislature some of tbe more timorous members, unable to see one .another's faces, sought an adjournment, but u certaiaMr, Daven port gained undying fame when he arose and said: ; ' "Mr, Speaker, it is cither the day of Judgment or It la not. If it is not, there is no need of adjourning. If it Is, I de sire to bo fouud doing my duty. I move that candles be brought and that wo proceed to business." The area of the phenomenon extend ed from Falmouth, now Portland, Me., as far west as Albany, N. Y., and from the northernmost settlements of New Hampshire south along the aeacoast to New Jersey. It varied In intensity, the darkness being greatest, according to one writer, Dr. Samuel Tenney of Exeter, N. II., In the county of Essex, in.that state. ; , , , , , I Although Ilersehel asserts that no adequate explanation of the occurrence has been fouud, other scientists have accounted for tbe pheuomenon upon the supposition that fires lu the dense forests of York county, Me., and also In New Hampshire, which had been raging for two or three weeks with un precedented stubbornness and extent, sent up enormous clouds of smoke and vapors, which, held in suspension over the earth at about the height of . the highest hilltops, prevented the sun'a' rays from peuetratiug. For several days previous to this ."black Friday" the air had been full of smoke and vapor and the sun and moon were atmormally red. The clouds were of unusual colors, aud it waa observed that green objects took on a deeper green, verging iuto asure, and that all objects usually white were tinged with yellow, "Objects appeared to cast fhade In every direction, and there were sev eral coruscatious in the atmosphere, not unlike the aurora borealis, but no uncommon appearances of electric fire," says one writer. The vapors were decidedly noxious, for after the atmosphere finally cleared it was found that many small birds had been suf focated. Bain descending in some lo cations was found to be black as ink, and upon the surface of rivers and oth er bodies of water appeared a scum which had the odor of burnt leaves. This undoubtedly proves the theory of Uie forest fires. The darkness lasted all of Friday, and it is recorded that when tbe time for ' real darkness had come it was such as literally could be .cut with a kuife, equaling, the Egyptian article of old. One writer observed that a sheet of white paper held a foot from the eye was no more visible than a piece of the blackest velvet. A poem supposed to have been writ ten about that time is In part as fol lows: Of month of May, the nineteenth day. In seventeen hundred oisrhty. Day turned to night a doleful sight! And caused transactions weighty. Th whlppoorwlll sung notes most shrlli. Doves to their cotes retreated, 'And all the fowls, excepting owls, Upon their roosta were seated. The herds and flncks sood still as stocks Or to thiir folds were hying, Men young and old dured not to scold At wives and children crying. The day of doom mot thought was come Throughout New Kngland's borders; The people, scared, felt unprepared To obey the dreadful orders. ' ' Philosophy, with curious eye, W'hllfl viewing tlia phenomenon. Like all tli rest, freely confessed It was ft most uncommon one. Soon It camn out, to ease all doubt. In space of half a minute. Though dark-trie day, full ot dismay, . No miracle was In it. In New Hampshire, the woods on fire. Sent smoke up dense and smothering, Bpread round th sky a ennopy O'er nil the Yankee brtthren. rlth one consent they did repent And promise reformation; But, danger o'er, Just as before. Their sins regained possession. History hns recorded three other net ably dark days in the United States. It Is of record that Oct. 21, 1710, was so dark that "candles had to be lighted so that people might eat their dinners." Aug. 0, 1732, was another, the cause of which Is supposed to --have been a forest fire In Canada. On Oct. If), 1702, It Is said that citizens of Detroit were In darkness at midday, and It Is sup posed the cause also was a great forest fi re, Chicago Kecord 1 1 'era Id. Ills Ambition. Father My son, do you know that most of the rich men of today began poor? Small Son Yes, sir. Father And yet, Instead of saving your jien nies, you upend them. KiiHtll Son Yes, sir. When I start out I want to begin poor. For Wedding Gifts! ! i Gold Band Rings, Diamond and other precious Stone Rings. Silverware, a large variety, the best quality and latest patterns. Hawkes Cut Glass. Clocks in gold and marbleized. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. F. E BURR & CO., I Telephone 10-2 1. 85 North Main St., Barre, tt Pictttt es I Pictures ! Pictures I Another lot of about 200 Pictures, 16x20 size. Fancy shaped-frames, finished in gold,, and ebony and gold, for only 98c each. Other sizes from 30c to $4.50 each. SEE TMEM IN OUR WINDOW. A. W. Badger & Funeral Directors. Fttkrwce, tl Euttra Ave. . The Best Ambulance in the WE DO BUSINESS Three packages of Egg-O-See for . .... Two packages of Force for , Two cans of Blueberries for . Three cans of Baked Benns for , . Eight cakes of United States Mail Soap for . Six cakes of Swift's Toilet Soap for................ ... Six packages of Swift's or. Armour Washing Powder for Seven cakes of Armour's Lighthouse, Soap for , CHESSER ' Telephone 232-13 323 North Main Street Souvenir Post Card Exhibit Beginning today, we are showing the largest and finest line of Souvenir Post Cards ever seen in this city, comprising Foreign, American, Vermont and . Local Views. Also the finest line of Comics and Pho- ' tographic Post Cards. Paperweights, View Booklets and Post Card Albums. You are invited to call and inspect whether you purchase or not. Also a fine line of Jewelry, Station ery and Photographic Supplies. 0. -J. DODGE. - - There is Nothing Better Than Good Pore Ice Cream Easily Digested, Cooling and Nourishing. We have it it in every quantity plate, quart or gallon. v L. B. DODGE, J Kettfa Avenue, - An Advertisement in the will bring 6 .. ....... i x lyjiewiiieis itenieo, I ri 1 1 Office Desks Typewritcr-Dcsks Copyin. Presses, CopyinE Bath J and the Modern Duo icator. Hertficrranh .'.i..,-i... . : xv .7 , Typewriter Riboons, Carbons, in fact anythine for the gratme office ou save express charges which you w ould otherwise have to div if you bou2ht from the wholesale houses. We sell at the same prices as they. mrr a-r--- T"1W " i - '-?" fi"-" -LL.-.V 'iVirrm i?ri .. ... . . . ' BARRE GRANITE Averill Btfiliincv. K 1 I 8 Go. , Motse Block. Licensed Embalmer. -1 Telephone ul!sHose,-M7-2!:Storc,j4!7-Ii r City at the Shortest NoSice. FOR CASH ONLY ...... ...25a , . . ... . '. . .23c ..J.'... ...85c .....25c ...j ..25c .... 25c ,.,j......25c 25c - : I .' - - I: L BIRD, Cash Market and Grocery 170 North Main Street, - Jost Off Mala Street. 1 rimes sure results. 11 11 1 mm ri ioifl anfl- txciMffea i Sold at Low Prices. ' TheFox Typewriters. The typewriter that combines the features which have made the regu lar models of the Fox famous for I easy running qualities ai)d durabil jty with perfect visib t writing. The idea! in typewritirjf building. lertect visible writing;.; i' Our wil. P linjness to place this machine on free trial fcfr ten days ought to con- I vince you the machinHs worthy V. of your careful consideration. I PURCHASING AGEKCY. . ... S . 1