Newspaper Page Text
THE JJAMIE DAILY TIMES. AUGUST 2. 1906. Shirt Waist " Specials 98c . Our entire line of Arnold Batistes, Figured Muslins and Lace Stripe .Organdies in both plain and pretty little floral designs. So cool and neat for summer afternoon gowns, just the matcriarfor that comfortable oriental wrapthe kimona, or dressing sacquc. And too, they make such neat, pretty little dresses for girls. The colors in them have nearly all been tested and they launder nicely. They range in price from 12 l-2c to 15c a yard, 27 to 30 inches wide. ALL AT A YARD It may seem foolish to make such a price reduction, but it's only another move of ours to make a "clean-sweep," for we shall soon need the room. T." 1 THE BflUBF ins co. SUITS Values op to $15.00 at $6.93 THE BARRE DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1908. Weather Predictions. Fiiir toniglit; slightly warmer in the western portion, cooler, in eastern Maine; Friday fair, slightly warmer, except jn eastern jMaine. , GOING A1 Vacation time is at hand and all who can arc off seeking rest and recreation. No living man, or woman, can rest, or play, or work in ill-fitting shoes. See that you are properly footclad. Start away right by putting your feet into a pair of shoes that are made to easily and exact ly fit feet. That is the kind we sell. : :'i Representatives of the best makes in the best leathers and most of the best styles. On lines, which are broken in sizes and widths, at specially tempting prices. i TALK OF THE TOWN ! Have you seen the .post' tard' exhibit at Bode.'a store I itto adv. of cards in today's Times? u I', Au-stm sells stone cutters' glasses, all kinds and prices. From 20c to 52.00 each. Home-made cooking for sale every Tuesday and Saturday,- beginning Satur day, August 4, at i8 Merchant street, upstairs. Madam Laplant, the clairvoyant and fortune teller, has arrived in town -and is located in the Biu.ell block at room 4, over the bowling alley. The Ida Read W. C. T U. unites with the Eat Harre W. C. T. V, in a picnic at Benjamin's Falls, Friday, Aug, 3. Take the 9:45 car. All como and bring your lunch. , Mis Delia Decotean. of St. Johnbury, who has been viHitinjr.tond-i in Leban on, N. H., will now spend a week in Barre at her brother's, Henry. Decoteau, Notice C. I V, Delegates. A nepcial meeting of the Central Labor union of liarre and vicinity will W Mil on Saturday. Aup. 4th, at 7.:i6 o'rWk. wlifti all delegate will be evpected to make their report. Jas. Mutch, Sec'y. 1 GRANITEVTiLE. BARRE SHOE CO. 131 North Maine Street Telephone 432-4. Barre, Vt. United Shoe Stores Co. Barre, Hardwick, Burlington, St Albans A l the Presbyterian church the Rev. W. H. MacCallura from Canada w ill preach in the morning at 10::iO in Kng I lish and Gaelic at 3 in the sfternoon, i and English at seven p. m. EAST BARRE. 1 There will be a social dance in the opera house on Saturday, August 4. ; Dancing from 8 till 12. Gijbertwm's orchestra. Bill 50 cents. NOTICE. Therj will be a special meeting Polishers' Branch of the C. C. f. A., Carpenters'- ball, Thursday evening 7 o'clock. Important bunions., V. Clark, Xvc. Attention! What? Who? Everybody that enjoys a meal of Fish that is fresh. Not necessary to go to the lake or sea shore to et it. Come to us, as our invoice is exceptionally good this week. Large, fancy Penobscot Salmon. If this does not ap peal to you try a slice of our Halibut Steak or Sword Fish. We also have Hadd., Cod, Lake and Sea Trout, Pike, Perch, Mackerel, large and small, of extra quality. Send in your order and we will do our test to fill them at your satisfaction. Mi There will be a- special communication of firajiite lodge, So. 35, F. A. M., Friday evening at T:3o. Wink, M. M. degree. I'er order of a regular 'L::,. There will be C meeting of "Jlinwutha lodge ' s," No. 20, L O. O. F., on Thur's dav eveninrr. Anmist. a .( i .-!( ,stn,.i- If tr .1, , r . ' p : xi. u . v. lurn, noma sirana VINCITIA LODGE, No. 10, K. of P. THE CITY FISH MARKET, Heath & Batefaelder, Props. - - - Tel. JO 2 Castle Hall la Blan cbard Block. Regular meetings on Tuesday evening at 8:00. READ THIS. wmam An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. I HIERCURY i gpwnmsf pt the Fire Ont "' f " 7 1 1 I ELECTRIC 1 :3 I AND USE THE IRON 1 Then Watch It Qo DOWN I '- i I Consolidated Lighting Co., Mcntpelisr, Phone, 3244 mmmmamJi Owner joinf; out of town wanti to sell equity in a Rood piece tif real estate, well located Consists of a two-tenement bonne and barn. Doxirabln a a home or investment. Only a ftrnall amount of money required now $ loo; or peihap less. This is your chance to buy a good borne or make an in vestment. No reasonable oiler will be refused. Might consider taking a build in,'? lot,, not too expensive, . ; For. full particulars inquire of the D. A. PERRY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Rooms 8 and 9 Gordon Block, Barre, Yt, SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS and CEDAR SHINGLES For Sale at Moscow Mills, East Ca!aisVt, A. DWINELL & BON. PROPRIETORS. MILEAGES Rented, Bought and Sold, C.H.KENDRICK, 54 N. Main St. Telephon 136-21 TALK OF THE TOWN. local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. The City Ilakery leads for a large variety. Spring Iamb and freidi green peas to day at Tassie Bros. The pluunibers writ hold tlieir regular meeting this evening. L, L. Turner went to Burlington today for a. several weeks stay. George 'N. Tilden went to Xorthfield thin morning on business. Children wash dresses at two-thirds the original price at Abbott's. There i no waiting at Miers' barber shop. Four first-elans barbers, ? A first class electric niaasage at Miers' barber shop, the only one in town. Mrs. L. M. Averill went to Koekland, Me., today for a few weeks' visit with friends. Try a cocoanut oil shampoo at Miers' barber shop; good for the scalp; soma thing new. II. C. Uhibker and Dr.' E. B. .Wlilt aker went to Waterbury this morning on business. Miss F.laek has returned, after spending a three weeks' vacation in Bos ton and Quiney, Mass. Miss Mabel Martin of Watertown, N. Y., who is viaiting in Northlield, spent yesterday in this city. , An ecpeciall desirable farm near Barre City is otierea in Ferry s advertisement in "lor sale column. All kinds of kerosene and pasfdenc srovos at cut prie at C. V. Averill & Oo.'a. See advertisement. , Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Morrison and fam ily enjoyed a carriage drive to Washing ton anu vicinity yesterday. Special price on refrigerators, lawn mowers, ic ereain freezers arid Wring ers pt The, X, D. Phelpu Co. Mrs- W't ITadden, who has bee visit ing fiiends in the city, left this mora ing for, isew Haven, Cimn. 1 . : Mrs. Charles Robins went to Tennanfs Harbor,' Me., today for a month's. visit at the home of her parents. . .;-t, Joseph Mott and Lillian Bassett, of Xorth Banifor. X. Y., are visiting rida; tives in this city and vicinity. Mioe Eva Houston, Eva Smith and Beatrice Kent returned last night from a ten days' outing at Iligligate. Mr. W. S. Davis of White River Junc tion is visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bobbins. Mrs. D. Y. Mi-Donald of Ferry street lias returned, with children, from ttick, V. Q., where they were called to attend her brother's funeral. There will be a regular meeting of Sanctuary Granit City, Ko 32, 8. of A., Thuii la. evening at o'clock in F. of A. Iial.'. Installation of oftiec.s, T1k ember of the Guild of the Church f the Good Shepherd arc re quested to meet in the vestrv of the church this evening at 7,30 o'clock. Mrs. Erva M. Sargent and Miss Isa belle Martin of JKoutli Itoyalton, who have Ikh'ii guests at the home of J. M. Ferry, returned yesterday to South Roy alton. ' ; The Fore-ler team of Maple. Leaf Camp will have an outdoor rehearsl Thursday evening at 6..10 o'clock. All members are requested to be preaent.1 Per order, C. F, -tit' Dr. Joe W. Jackson on yesterday at tended the regular meetiiigif the county pension--board, at which applications for .iiK-rease. in jx-nsion uudervthe. httt pensiijii act vvere received. ) Those wlai arp inttfndm, trt go (m (be W. C. T. V., picnic Friday will please take the 10.15 car instead" of the M.", so that the friends coming from Et Banc may be accommodated. City Treasurer Mai-kay lins aent out the tax notices for the' year. If the tae are not paid on or 'in-fore August 20 live per cent will be added to the tax and additional fees for collection. Companion Court, Granite City, No. 757. I. O. F., will bold a regular meeting in Foresters' hull in the Worthed block". Friday, Aug. 3rd, at 7.30 p. in. A full attendance is requested an there is busi ness of importance, B. js., Minnie Bruce. . The funeral of the son of Mr. and Mrs, lames O'Mara of Innian, N. Y., who wa the youngest hrotlicr of Mrs. Wes. ' ton alker of this city, was held ves-i ,,....1.... i " i i . . III iH T 1IIM1I ni. ,H1UV H CIIIUCU 111 1111111111. and the interment was in the Biushlon cemetery. . There were four arrests by the Morit- pclier police department during July: one for intoxication, one for breach of the peace, one for lurecny nnd one for violating; a city ordinance regardin" the lumping of rubbisb. Lnst venr there were to arrest in Jtilv. A. A. SMSTi .... . FOLLOW THE PflOKSSC?,' And attend our Great August Sale ; On Summer Goods, Washable Vests ' At About Half Price. t ' Large - lot of $1.75 and $2.00 Vests in white- and mixed goods, all this sea son's goods, to close at 98c Large lot $2.50 and 3.00 high grade washable Vests, the nobbiest pat terns on the market to go at Elite" Shoe Sale. Our complete line of Elite Russet Shoes and , Oxford as well as many other lines of up-to-date $3.50 and 14.00 Shoes to close at $2.98 Extraordinary Sweeping Sale en Medium Priced Shoes, Our complete line of . $2.50 and $3.00 Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen in Patent Leather, Velouc Calf and Vici Kid to close at only : SI.98. Boys', -Misses' and Chil dren's Sltoes at -2? ne-r j; L-eittj difirpunt. Prices ii'irdm 23d tof r i" $1.47 Underwear! Uoderwear! At Reduced Prices, , Our complete line of 50c Underwear in plain and fancy Balbriggan, Jerseys and Ribbed Goods only 39c On Wednesday, Ana. Sib, the Siiha- tion Army will hold a picnic: for their SiiinbiV school and nnv other mxtr ehil- dren thnl wish to go. ('apt, mid ' Mr. I'luiHe have arranged for a special car to take the children from the Siilvsitinn Army hall at il.Ht) n. m. to Benjamin I'alN, leturninK at i p. in. There will (ie some one to look after the children, eepini thiun out of mischief nnd to wee that no barm eoinea to them. Children not iittendiiiL' Sunday school are exnect- cd to report to the captain on or before Monday, Aug. (II h so that nrrnnwiiient an be made for them. Thi will be a hanee for the inior children of lhirie who have not hud a afreet car ride or an outini; ot any kind to enjov themsi'lve4 for one day villi plenty to cat and a lod time in the woodx. Soft Bosom Shirt Ssla, About 25 dozen $1.25 and $1.50 Soft Bosom Shirts 89c, 30 dozen 75c Soft Bosom Shirts 49c Come to us for your Watches. We can save ,you money. A.A.SOTUBRO. Men' Outfitters, Miles Granite Bicck, - . Barre, Vt, ' HALF: PRICE SALE . FRIDAY; MOR1IIN8 WE BEGIN OUR HALF PRICE SALE Our center counter is filled with desirable mer chandise that we have marked at half the regular prices. You will find many bargains among these goods we have laid out for this sale. Shirt Waist Suits, Children's Dresses, Petticoats, materials by the yard, and many articles we will not take space to mention here. Come early Friday morning and select some genuine bargains. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 123-2. Currier Building, Barre, Vt UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. 8 GREAT MID SUMMER CLEARANCE Is Now Going . On at Our Store. Big reduction in prices of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes. Don't miss this opportudity to buy first-class merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Come in. Union Clothing Store, Everything Men and Boys Wear. Telephone 126-2. .Old Skating Rink Budding, 0pp. Depot Square. AKYaKOD OJHHI013 . KOINA AKVdKOD O)HHI013 KOIilfl Dt. Gi een's Headache Ftiend I "Ttc Kiai That Cores." Over 10,000 Boxes Sold in Barre " on a guarantee "No Cure, No Pay" and never yet a box returned. , i D. F. DAVIS, "The Druggist," i i i Barre, Vermont. g 262 North Main St, - - - naMriiiniiiiiii 1 - ..... THE GREATEST OF ALL GREAT CLEARANCE SALES is now going on at the Blue Store in Bolster's brick block and it will continue until Monday night, August 20th. This vast clearance rf , goods at a mere fraction of wholesale cost, including the splendid selections of Clothing and Furnishing Goods for' men, youths and boys, presenting a large opportunity for exceptional money savings to families of economic thrift, such as has never before been experi enced in this city. - , Spring and Summer Merchandise of every description must be disposed of. Get the location of our store firmly fiyed in your mind, then we can talk to you to good advantage. The Blue Store is in Bols ter's brick block, next door to Barre Savings Bank and Trust Co. THOMAS BRADY, (Successor to Segcl & Brady,) Telephone' .27-21.- Bolster Block, U8 Main St. SUMMER STOVES . Prices cut 'during August on all kinds of Kerosene and Gasoline Stoves as follows: 1 No. 813 Perfection Kerosene, -burner, fromS8.50to No 812 " "2 No. 811 " ' - 1 No. 20 Senate " 2 No 20 Senate " 3 Ideal " 2 No. 46.3 Quick Meal Gasoline 3 No. 462 " " ;; 2 No. 46H Sun Vapor ' " . 3 No. 45B " " , " . 2 6.50 to 4.50 to 7.00 to 9.00 to 1 90 to 8.00 to 6.00 to 8 00 to 6. 00 to U5 4 95 3.15 3.75 8.75 1-52 6.35 4-70 6.15 4.65 These arc real bargains, get what you want before it is gone. C. W. Averill & Co., Telephone 439-3 81 North Main Street Stone Sheds and Land for Sale Near the Puritan Shed," south of and adjoining the Quarry Railroad. Price right. Also a strip of land on same railroad, 30 rods long and fronting Quarry St., suitable for shops or stock yard. " " : : ENQUIRE OF J. Telephone 3 i -3. U M. AVERILL. Opposite City Park, Barre. Vermont