Newspaper Page Text
THE BAKHE DAILY TI31ES, SEPT. -3, iHUb. Pcptiron Pills-1 7''nt;;f ,!. fMp4 U' titrv nmj In?, in. tnr u MtwuM'li n-, awi v surtwt, rvsiful. Hood's Pills tas- tn Diwivftirt. l.y . ln4.viv ir rrvl f J. Vo ;.. L.i,el. It iuU'yv McmU If Good THREE DEAD IN BATTLE. . lumbers of the Pennsylvania, Conatabu Ury Shot Down in Riot. " PunvMitv ncy. Pa., Sept.: 4. --Two members of t'm state i'iift,iilulitry dead, op.e dyillJJ, llltd tvr others wounded is tho result of a riot with Italians at 3 hire nee. seven miloa from hero. One cf the Italians in dead, another Is alight J,v vtaumlcl. and two mo under arrest, white the bouse in which the rioters li.tuicoh-d tioiuolves is a wrock from dynamite used by tlic troop to dislodge the rioter.-,. The thud: Private rTotii! Henry of- Philadelphia, htt through the beat t. Private l-rum-is Vnhriniror of Consho liwken, IhkIv riddled with bullets, and iectied iuit, Wt'vi thn hotists fort was (". ro . Uuldontitird llaliuu shot through the llt-ilil. . " , I hi's seriously wounded: ., Private Homer C. Chmnher of Roches- tor, Pa., idiot through tho head nrttl body, Lavisv: rive wound, mostly buckshot. The less seriously wounded: Private William A. Mullen of Harris- line, l!.t through do right foot. In'oiijj' Felitky, ed Iwelve, son of n rioter, shut through the lejr. Sejjreant Joseph lo;an of Dubois, who vas at itr-t Yepoi ted among the injured and w!iom attempt to make an led to the battle, was not hint. Mnlte.t put a ff' buksliot tbrough hi jiniu f,:t. Cliintilvrs . rewivrd five si.tit, thr in hU vhfet, and two on the i M of hi" hrd. wa iv.ujjltt ly hi- wnttvlw nd nt lo t'ie i.uxpitnt. Wstcrday morning it w,.i x;,tt,l that h wa rting well, KitMooU hciotixly injtired. fiUvt-ti Mnie trooper were sent to tl'.f St'('l l.oj: t went t I'lorentv Sunday after r. to rtriet an Italian chnrpn) wiilt I'lm-ter. - . ' litead ?f rapttirinji tbt n Ioir!! tried nr;rt turt others who were tiytitii:, lie went intn the houe where the tnen Imnrded and an ltnliitit tried !.! liim with fttietto. nd he lmttis hi wy frwui the hmie he wa tired tipon. He tttrntvl ttnd emptied his revolver into the doorway . then nut. 1?e!p w ntuntnoned froin the ntate etssutt jhttlrtry headpiai ter- here and the tropers were sent to his aid. As they noprouhed the hmi they were ivd up on fivm linot everv window, t'ritaH; lleitry (ell ded with bullet throncH the 1. it. The other r(reted, lutt Chamber and Mullen ruhe( up t lit'ttif! lik their rtimrade, not krowin be w dead. Mullen ptrt a ( bmt shot thuugh hi liUi foot. SOUTH BAR RE. Key Ppebarm ha jrmte to Mooer, New " York, t ?iil friends and rela tive. t.e tjf Adsms baa Btiiched filiinjj bi ilo. Jjee IXinnhue went fa NmrUtiekl tun day a short visit. ;. .ku --4Kb- - j.eav '- Ja . ill i ii a 1 llrl r 1 t -j a a m 1 1 b a t 1 b. J N '! Pv.k k I, f f I ft 1 JO : WV..r Spices That , avor With the use of the smallest amount of spice. That's the kind we keep. Ever) spice is tested for strength and Purity. .We have Allspice, Nutmeg, Mace, White Pepper, Black Pepper, GingerCinnamon, Cloves and Pimento. Try Oar Pure Spice when Preserving and Pickling. E. A. DROWN, Prescription Druggist, 48 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l DanK. 3 Insect Powder That Kills U you nt satisfying Insect Powder you must purchase the kind mSe from the hif epeneJ btjJs of t specie of cbamo tttle jjrr.wn in Pahiu'Ja. This powder w jrror-er a.nJ of jrejtcr kJ3sr-g power than any other. The brand we hane'e h thn lir.i and we irv it to e reliab'e, have ut rrt-cived a new kt r;f.t from the importers. It costs ou no more than ether i:;eci pow ders nJ being rorser it goes much fanher. 5c oz. lie 1-4 lb. j 4 J C. H. Kendrick & Co., 54 North Main Street, Barre, U. ' PHARMACtSTS M11mM Bckt, SIA and Rti. ' Your Prescription 1 .cks half its va!ue wltea ;nxr d.fiti are used, and it nuy fce asS of ks vi!i.e if it is care.".e5'y ii?en$-A In fact it May Do You Harm I Va your precr.y?on where joa de --e ts.sftsei by cctnyetrr't, :.ce:vfi phirn.aci:.. ra-'iiM 'be te vl ies r,te yo-a bring yoar prescripikKs to At Kcoi tKUbo Iil Grit Bloci WHITE SOX HAVE A FALL Superceded By New York Highlanders. IN AMERICAN LEAGUE t Chicago Nationals Are Far nd Away j th Leaders ia Their Rare I Double-heaaera in Both ! - Leagues. t ' Hy dropping two pnues yesterday id Cleveland, th Chicago White Sox fell from their hijjli position iu the Atncri can leajjuc and the New York liighlml ers now firt hy virtue, of a win and a tie with rhiiadeiphia. TK Oiioago ("tilw are piist all danger In the National lenpte, and it now remains to see what American league club will land on top for the pt -season game. Yesterday'a American League Scores. At IViston -Huston 3, Wasltingtcn 1; Vaiiiinton 6, IWton S. At New York New York -4, Phila delphia 3$ Nevr Yftrk 3, Philadelphia 3. At Cleveland Cleveland; 10, Chicago 3; Cleveland 4, Chieajft 3, At IVtroit-tt, Louis 5, Detroit 3; St, tMi 5, Petvcdt 0. American League Standiag. Won Ixt Pet. New York , II 4 (hir.1l!0 VI 4 1 ..VJ5 Philadelphia . . . ... . tu 52 .533 Cleveland ........ i; 3:1 . ,551 St. Louis ,.. 63 57 .' V ,.V23 IVtroit f.t C9 .4T3 Waxltinjrtoti ......47 74 l!oton : a 83 ,a-.'t Y'eaterday'i National League Scores. At New York New York 4. Boston 0; New York 3, lkton 3 lt inninx). At Philadelphia Brooklyn K, . Phila delphia. 0; Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia 0, At Pittbui!fI'ittlmrs 3, St, Louis I? Pittsburg 7. St. Ixuw 1. At Cineiimati t'hicai 7, Cincin nati 0; t hii )f 5, Cincinnati 2. National League Standing,. ' Woo l.ot IVt, fbicao S3 : 32 .748 Pittsbiirsr ........ Ml 4J New York . 77 4:1 ,42 Philadelphia ......... 55 rS . .447 Cincinnati 63 74 .413 Brooklyn ......... 49 7 .412 St. Louis , . . 79 . ' ' 68 !Wtou ........... 40 SS .32(1 Jntos Ketcham will ell at auction sale all hi houselndd roods and personal property at No. tl Patterson street, on Sept, Mh, at 1 p. rti. See L-uje bill next I ween. A j-- X ., k. saaaw. 'W sr s'.sre pot cr.Jy ot jeti-.j fte Yoa rtlAKMAUi, B.a,rr. Vtrmest I " I '1 I mi ;m-mm, i i nn . jm. fAfiYil'l 1 H I It I f I I i ; i i! xivtmwfm ..x aanaaaaaBB 1 LOCAL EVENTS IN GOLF George Booth Won . Weekly Tournament HAD A NET SCORE OF 80 J. T. Averill Was Second and F. E. ' Austin Third "Clerks" Won the Match from "Stoncutteis" Yesterday. The, winner of the weekly tournament of the Barra polf t.ub lilst werk was ;oori,i9 Booth, with a. net score of o. I. "f. Averill Has t-econd With M and Y. II. Austin third with S3. The scorei were as follows: Croa Ilndcp, Net Cooi-jre Bcoth ,.....: 15 so .1. T. Averill ...... 84 3. St F. K. Austin 0:1 . 1t hit 1 K. tiutchinson . . 84 i. X. Tilden 8J .1. ti. More yt F. W. Nlcholi' . ... t-S B. K Bailey 1). W. Smith ...... t2 T. C. Peters ....... ' Johu Daniel 04 da. Keid .i t .las. Mortimer OS .las. Mackay ...... 03 Alet. Milne" o -Tas. Phind Ittj i . 2 Mi t KS :, i R4 r.'-j 5 9 SO t 4'-j 01j 8 05 U 104 W. Mavkie , , 11: H. t:. Woodruff No card. W. F. Harris No card. N. 1. Ikillard ...... No card. Last week tie for tbiid place went to O. X. Tilden. "CLERKS- WON MATCH. Defeated the StonecutteIS, in Golf ... I Yesterday.'. -' 1, A jolf watch between the '"Smne eutters" and the 4,Cbrk-wa played vn the Iwal link yesterday afternoon, the latter winning 12 to 10. The lowest ro. score of the day was made by John Daniel. The mult ; . CLERKS STONTCTTTF-RS Peters t PHth 0 lValcarno ...... 3 Mackie (t W. Smith .... 2 Mortimer . . .. . 1 Hutchinson 2 A. Milne 1 IX Perrv 0 Jas. Reid 3 Mathews ...... 0 ' A. Stewart .... 3 .1. Nichols .... 3 Jack Reid ..... 0 U. Smith 0 J, lXtnitrls .... 2 Total 12 Total .....1. 10 NOTICE, Barre. Vt., Aujfut 20. 1 90S. The asessor have completed the quadrennial ppraixl of real ette in the city of Bane, and filed the m me airstrdini; to law with the city clerk. The time limited by law for the hear ing and filing of. appeal from the ap praisal of assessor for the year UM; ten Jay from the twenty eighth (.JS'.h) f Ai!;u!, 1306. , WILLIAMS' CARBOLIC SALVE WITH ARNICA AND WITCH HAZEL Tlse l-et sab in the world for ets, bruixe., n!.-ets, alt rbeutn, tetter, chapped bandx, and all skin eniptk-nx. ll 1. guaranteed l SiO ati-factuit or money retnncie). Prior 23e by drii.irit. 't ilium" Mfji. C., Plop., tleveliicd, W. Sold bv C. H. Kendikk & Co. SUMMER DRINKS We manufacture all kinds of Soft Drinks. Only pure filtered water and the best fruit syrups used. If you have not tried our goods order a sample case. Cooling and refreshing. Special attention is given to picnic orders. All goods delivered. M.J.McGOWAN Telephone 113-2 10? S;sti Mi ttvX -Birrt, VL WANTED I wih a competent Church Organist and a Tenor Singer for one of. the finest churches in Burlington, Vt. Steady engagement to the right ones. Apply to WILDER Music TtAciriR, HONTPELTER, VT. DurlngHolWeaHer iDiaiaeff from Delicious, refreshing, strengthening, and al ways healthful, SAN FORD'S GINGER makes life worth living for ail who suffer from poor stomachs, weak bowels, and tired nerves. For cramps, colds, pains, and is indispensable. (-.."';' '! - 1 c w4nrk or OVli TRAPK MARK on the . per, testyou grt a ch;. wt.rt sub, taut. Fatty yr b citird rHt, f TOr. nd strentth. A drttoous cnmSiuttas Ginger. Aro?tif, and FTench Brdv. Sold iiy irujg1u a4 grocer ere; y w tcre. CHELSEA. Miw Hawl and Myotte Riby, who iitt been visiting in East Proih field, n-1 timed home 1 bursdar. Miss paro-lia Cobiint of Bririinston is in town for two weeks, tl.e giie-t of her parent. Mr, and Mr. Munroe O. Cobum 00 Vershiie .ttwt. ( t iir former townsfolk, Ceo. II. lUeon and wife, who sold their farm on the Uest l.ilj iat aprtne atd moved to West Perliu, were nUitinc old home friend it town thr Hirst, of the week. Prank Luce of Clinton, Mas.. has Kvn the sues of his mother, Mrs. Hiram I wee, of Me. V.r. Lttee ratr.e in i; a stomo'iile. , .... . Hale K. Itlu retume-,1 Thtirlat ftttttt M.-rajsi-ber. wkerp business bad en Ij.ited lis atletitiyit U-x several days, Mrs. FseJ Ijiivy of Lowell. Mass, w !n has jut rvmroe! from a European trip it! her l.-iKband. is i-itng her -i-teri., Mrs. E. K. lkkenson arsd Mr. 1. P. Peters, There was a beartttst at the hotel W ri - jwday twf.ire Hon. C. N. Ijitbrop, a,v: probate j'tde at lika Mrs. Alton I Tbowipson aa adjudei . insane and an Urder ts-n.-d for hvr lemtnal to the state pttal for the 'insane at Waterbitry to uhtih ia-titutia she was taken on !; Tbiirsday by Sheriff I Sir. d Mr. Wi'ibsrr P. bprd 'f j Fane City wete m-eot pie&u of Sir. and , Mrs. P. lVaey on the NNet UuL State Attntrer M. M. Wilson of lUa :do!h in toan We-Jwsday lt.ikir; after the interest of the state in the "niofr.po insane paur and went fn.nt here to Mrarford to prosetrtte t'v. . "' Mrs, p;en lbjoi Perry is ecjoying the !tVinj8aW&-l pleaatue of . ecterta.iiiic; ' as her s t for a sltort ttrae her toother, i Mrs, Lyman lilts of Versbire, bo i jti.oukh ia lier !:4rd year. i won-ierf .illy "i pr-noJ loth in nnd aud Univ. i X F. Fiber-f MUford. X. 11., has len spemlit! few days re-eBty with fiond ia tun. Mr. Fisher ocs one ;C the Is; i-i-t henneries in the stale and has in brs ejr.pjoy ottr former geninl ti-w nsnaN. Ceo. E. llatrh. Atiur E. Pitts of K.t Protikfteld ii fa ' uij. tbe fall term of !:0"i ta th-1 tl.arb's Button distrn-t. j M Sa?y and iv-rt Emery ret ant ,e to tbeir borne in Newport the firt of tk week after spending txveral days ,iSS frieihU in town. Marshall Carper-ter a4 ife wen! last wek to WVwdtock t visit friend 't Mi. Carjvnter --rv r loie. ' tSts P. Coram ana wife rettirne-d ' WeJrte.tay eei.ts:c irm Hurtinjrton, tHeie t'.ey fi the t'.tt tf the ek. ."i'liey .a.5o Use jourth-y by nUnvibt. Dust in PrMday. wju went to Han-.i-vef, N. i!.. a eifk ajew f-'r an opera jtB at the Mary Hitt'teoek hpstai. was !' op-rated itnon Tes,iv evenirt" 1 n his hv w tnt-nUteJ r-ixbr tssan before. I "''fee c;rt!--n vas -.h.i.-essfj and he is $t'vw:forta!! and 4.4ing well. rnnetal of Lotetta Morn. T'e f:-erl f UreMa Fva. .i4-i-, S-r cf V-. ae i !', I.e.r;e F. xl iri-. ta le d at t.'t x e at 4 Pmie at C o'.'vk,;jiT af'eTn-.B. tie Purest and West of Warming Stomachics ' !.-. K.t te o;f.-is:. l':.e tt r,5 v ' ;i t ti oi'tiit. lie rViws ! were Ksaisy r,d beaut :ful. there keieg a , J .. fts-wv t'e painsT; fw. '. i A I-s t , ( ,.4.; ,. ait.! I V . I . I'.lltVtt rj V!... Vj.J luu'is; "!. - et. Vr. a- 5 X't. I: t . Co rgv ard J i.v ; a-'( r. t 7. o J V's. K. I . ljt 1 1--. Mr. ac -. W , K tst-'-i: Ua 5trt. Mr, asl Mrs. A. A. Motna: a-tes, J V,.,... f -K r. J i5o K.t :i'e; Vr. v I ' Xl-H. I w i : a f t r. tn- y.r. a-! r I. I " k f"1-- 3 . ro.4, J. t V. y.; , 1 t-. I r i V i 'it late i . a.- ,.. r s; , - c s, Mrs .1. taw si-i t,-ee, tr. v.- ' t V'li. '5-. v j, -, ?" ,i i V-k Tr I si I' I jt-i- i . --..a a-. r,-ee t r.--? ay , v .!-' Jet..s I jrs. tr. i M;--. j In. ten.f, V . i tt ' .1-- ,,: W .(sssef . Vj. t-T'i 3nCS. Jl.s . rL Y.i. aa-l n 'tpeies. XJr. iM 5 . . Nje Vr. a-, t M . D.I ty, Si;, jisft Jij't. ta Cww. LABOR DAY ATHLETICS Rain Dampens Ardor of Cel ebration AT BASE BALL GROUNDS MontpoCier Won Ball Game Easily from Barre Results of the Vari ous Sporting Events Of the Day. Tha weather clerk put a damper 011 the llnr day apott held umier the aitspiors of the Barro-Montptlier base ball aasoeiatkm at the Intercity 'ground yesterday afternoon. On!y between too and three hundred people braved the wet t-o attend and the lit of poit wa.s ouly partially carried out. The Mont pelier Land gave very enjoyi-ble en cert In tho grandstand duriti'r the after noon. The baelafl game bet wren pkk ed ti? tetniia front this city and 'Mont pelir was the firt thing-'mt the 110 pramme. In this the Pnrre. representa tnea were an eisy mark for the Capitol eityltes. Tbe game ran only seven in ninrw and ended with the ecorV 17 to 5 i 1 favor of the latter team, - Hsber piirhed four' hminjn for the HaiT' team and wt tmKhed tip for nine sate hua. Peid nitched U-e 1-j-I three imilni; and allowed ix bits. Hull pitch ed for Motitpelkr atu! allowed seen bit but they were scattered anil were not o fatal as tho winner' biuplea. Following this game the next contest was the runnina of base, wlmh vas wan by I-oslie Wright in 1G second. E. L. MeLeod was seootid with oiv ftfth of a second slower time. lit throwing the letall William Ifesf jrva a the winner, Diakitig a throw of 332 feet im-hes; Henry Catlto ietond, disthee m4 feet S im-hes. 1 'The fat wan" raoe, in which only one tf the three men feo ran cotiW tip tie scale at 200 potinda, was won by t red .Huntington and Dennis Dineeu was acond. - - 'din Hidden won the boy's race and William far ho was neeond, Leslie Wright made the best distance ia the kop, skip and jump contest. His dis tance was :s feet 1 inch. W. E. Ander son mas aecond with 3. feet T inches. The last event was the catchins of the fread pi. A little pig that would Veitfh atwut twenty-five pounds w brought onto the diamond and although bo had been well greased, it tok but a very few minutes for hia capture, Henry Carbo beinj; the stuwsful one ia holding bi' of the fifty or more lioys who am.ed after the unfortunate ani mal. ' - Tho line p of the laebaT teams was a follows: BARKE MOSTPtXlFi Ay era, c. and r, f , . . . ,Trennant L f. Keid. 3 b. d p', .llenwai, r. f. Smith, a. a, .IluntinVn, 2 b. Nute. 1 h.... ............ teber. t b. WrigHt. c. f Wakefi4d. c. Stewart, 2 !, and . ......... . .Hull, p. SlieriT. I. f ,E-tee, a. a. M lxn. 1. f. and e,, . . . . .Carlm, v. f. Iib, "p. aad 2 b . liene, 3 b. Tanlnj; .......... I 231567 Karre 10 10 2 0 15 Montpetier .....2 J U S 2 117 Hits, Barre 7, Montpolier 15: errora, JUrre 4. Montjlrer 3; struck out, by Ki-her !, by Reid 5. by Hull T; base on bolls, ,,ff 11-her 4. off Hull 3: umpire. William W i-bait. , . Well Worth Tryirj. . W. II. Brown, the popular iennewat Usrnev of Ptt-:.M. U savs: "Next to a tension, the best thing to get j, lir. Km.s a New Lite PiiU. He wnte: "thev- keep nty family in splendid health. Quick core ftr Headache, Con stipattoa and Bi,,!ione. 2,"e. t.uar anteed. at Red Cross Pharmarv. PICKETS SCRSOCSD PIER." Wana Reception Piepise Strike Break ers ia Saa Fraaosce. San Francisco, Sept. 4. It is ntmored bei-e that a body of strike breakers, numbering several hundred, has arrive.) at ttekland pier awaiung transportatioa to this city. The striking car mea are on tie alert and the ferry building is surrounded with Ykets. SIX KILLED 15 FCXERAL. Display of Red Bsisgs Battle With Cossacks. Warsaw, Ruitl Polnrsd. Sept. 4. The display . r.f a rei flag at Kndagn wkska. near fere, at tlte fui-ul of a workman ki!'l by Co'sasks W to K-hting between Cossack and tie work-ti-.i-n and ot Her taking p.sst in the prv ti. T !e tiwp bnl volley, ts!! inc nix and w outv.iieg twenty -two p.-t- .-f s. BEKLIX. Mr. and Mrs. WiPiam XVaa started for tJ;eir hme MwMav. after visiting thrtr davtglf.ter a rvo'tt -t. re&rl aid like S'ts ;aiJ. i f .r I'.c.r h"ti-e Wev'.net'.ar a'-er s--.!,ig the st:i--i -r at f, I T,t i t ivrc. ' Fin Cha" field r-.a.J plT ia Jstior f ftir f-wrui. FrMa Mav t'"J.s;'. J-o 14 tn l'i'irn t- ?ser !1 4 e. ". Art'-.T fj-.J.'l a--i 'Are y,., :! t:-r e t I .re fv 1" a ; tj,, (:n -j-f'v.' .'" ra l.-.n perr,:;, ker 1 :!ir. 1"ie d-wrv'a res.e are mtt f.v Have '.t t ' j.r'v t traiiall ae J in i y t. 't-ara ia PiitSadr-ltia, Jier spetti.e.j; rear here ar.J leirg ? a grw; to Itew. bat hf U j-iieta Uv. k ia t'e ra- --i r. 1 .-.,- .;-il p ; i,- v i f r V . , j0 Week. !,. p , t i '. J - - i j,, 'eo,- if ;' S it I y v A )y - 5 1e t'.'e use! year. y ... y .-j v i a- 5 P v - i.L i Fe.e.t, ? is esvRne-el tin ta -t'it-t' ilssl 2"..j la ttrckra fccoew FASTEST GAME OF SEASON In Which Neither Side Could M Win Victory BUT RANGERS SCORED Their Tally Was Made After Whistle Was Blown, .According to the Decision of Referee "Williamson. In one of the speediest, snappiest game of the season neither the Hangers nor , the t.reen Mowntaina were able to score at the local proumls Sa'urday af ternoon. This would have been the de ciding game of the teague series had the fi'reen Mountains won, for then they would have been one point ahead of Hardwick. On the other hand, had the Kanjier won Saturday they would have had a chance to tie Hardwick for fiist poaitiolt. ' With tboM , conditions in mind, the loyal rooters espeeted a warm panie, and -the large crowd that gathered at the grounds was not disappointed. Hoth teams played a fat. clean game, the Ranger shoeing great improvement in the game over that which they have been putting up lie-fore this xri-on. Wlien the referee's whistle blew for half time and neither hide had scored, the cheer rang loud and long over the field. The second half proved to le even more exciting than tho first; time and again the tireena rubbed the ball up to the. Ranger goal, only to t repulsed by the clever goal tending ef McKerron.' At the very hint niin;e, foul was called on one of the (.. n Mountain players, just outside the pen alty line. As the ball was kick4, the referee blew hi whistle for the nd of the half, but the ball. Ttfiiig struct and true, went jiisf under the bar. For a few momenta great excitement prevailed on the rie-li. the adherent of the Ftaug era claiming that the goal had been scored before time was called, and the supporters of the Greoj, Mountain claiming that the white blew before the liall went through the goal, llef eree Williamson decided! however, that there was no goal 8td declared the game a draw. This ties tie tireen Mountain and the Hardwick club for firt posi tion in the b-agu and a decisive game will I played t decide the champion ship. The lineup was: " . . RAXfiKRS' tiRKEN MOUNTAIN'S McKerron, goal .". MctJregor Seott. be Rut Nichol, a k Neil -lobntn. half hark .. ..... Birnie McIjkI, half liack ... Wight J.wA.say, half tuck ' . .' Booth "Ilsompson, forward Ingram Kiddie, forward ........... .... . Jopp Ihiguid, forward Pttroett Hrue, forward . . . Kessocfc Itevidwto, forward ........... lwon Keferee. Williamson; linesmen, Elrk-k and IXenny. Standing of Vermont Football League. Won I.ot Lnavv a To plav Points ;reen Mta. 2 2 O il H'dwiek ,4 2 2 (1 ! lion a.-e'd .3 3 1 1 7 Ranserw ..3 3 1 1 S'thneid .2 t Of n 4 I Two point are counted for a win and I one for a diaw. Northtjeld has dropped out of ties leacue. 1 BANKRUPTCY C0C8T. Heatings in a Number of Cases at Montpelier. In bankrs-.ptev court Saturday ntora it!T O. .1. Smith n.t T1vi,i n'M , jrre were discharge,! from bankruptcv jThe Coal it. tt, li Mtchaet David of Iiarre was cotitintiel for one week, as wa the Cnal meeting f the of I. f. Coffin ot- j,- si i CUreuce S. Martin of ,.t Mont 1 The fiiul am-ttnit of Stanley f. Wilstvn. trustee of the bankrupt e-'tate ot A. .. Ai:rJ of Montpelier, wa ,p b wed and tie trustee diharge. The Cnal meeting of creditors in the e-es of Addve K. Cohieigh of Norlhfteld and I-onard Hunt ley of Waterburr were rsnntinuetl until SeptewWr 15 and thtKe of A. X. ..ivy of Parr. Fits! A. Wales wv ;tvi Atsgfrti jcjtrrefla' of Will tan-to n were vvnttnued until Seite- SIX BARXS BURSID. Fite Cassed by Explosion of Gasoline, I Caases $10,000 Less, I Sept.'l.-Fir eanW W the I'!" i v large boms s.ltv lur., on a f-rw ia ir Haven re' ; rent !y pn ttaed by Tbowa, M),uH ps-re mapying tW farm f,lr lh tmJ m by strenwvus work they sHid ! T.e puinp we sittute-t that t've j -y ea:ht fire and the 4rn wat t"': I: "Ulirga con season s rrtvn. Several k,,, if Vrr,rished Id fa?a-" It'1 ere also vlestrovel. ? ; The Satues spread" U tHe ron fvr. ' me tn m to rlos Cat cf Thask. We wM to rster.,1 r thanks to alt e, lt JU..X V'lV" ba Sick- fo, t . ,H,r ana - Mr. ami Mr, o. p. M t! I fatuilv. most woQcifa! tomlcs for derelopiag the jgwe aai sootitog the nerves evet of fe4 to the American pea- la Tc or Tallets, 35 !!Qts' C' H. Keadrkk & Co. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.50&,3.00Shoc3 BEST IH THI WORLD W.LOouglas $4 Gilt Edgo liss. caiwoioeeqaaiiw aiany pneay To r W. 1 Douftias Jotw btna Howj. 1 tft mcis Gttutylrt In thn nounirf Sena fyr (MtaU?Q 8H0E8 FOE EVEBYBOIi X AI AU tiled. , Mvn't 8r.o-. 83 to SI. SO. Boys' mxt, 3 . tol.a. WoiMO'l I4.00 to tl.fio ; M:sa- A ChtldraK'a 8h,. ta.S6 to Jl.6o Trv W. V. Oouglaa Woman's, Mlsw, anj Children hoe: or ntyle, fit and wear they rueel other maltet. If 1 couiil Uke you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass.,and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever yo. flea, you can obtain W. i Dougiaa ahoea. Hi nam and price is stamped on tae bottom, which protects you against high price and tafcartoe ahoea. Takt no tubtti, tat. Ask your dealer toe W.L. Douglas shoe and Insist ur-wi havfnff them. fart Cer ittU used ; ( mil aof wmr 6ran. Write tor Bltistrmted Ceialef-ot Fall Stylet. W. L LHHAtLAi. BrockWo, Mau, " CABOT. Kev. F, K. Currier and fan.ily return ed foni their cottage at Joe pfjnd hee they have been for tlte past rooath. Frel Beekler of Parre are vvitisig at Martha Pitkford's. ., Mi-s (ora I.ani-e returnol ye.terdar Irom Portsmouth, N. 11., where the haa le-n visiting her brother, Dr. Lance. Ed. Weltster atvi family of Slant lies, ter are visiting at Harvey Rogers'. - Howard ("arj' has been 'apjtoint ed administrator of the late (eo. Car penter'a estate, and H. i. Rogers an! Drvia Pitt commissioner. The log cabin that was crettef on the common for Old Home Week was takea down yesterday. This is the last thing teat was left to mark Old Home Week. Joe Lasrendre and Hary Walbridm are shitigiing .'lis. Putnam's house. State's Attorney Jackson was in town Friday holding an inquest ordered by the selectmen and held before justice of the peace Fisuer concern: sir the bttniing of t ha. Foster's etigar house Sunday night lasJL The aclwvol housse at the West hill bi leen thoroughlv repaired, new wiiidwi and new veutiiatkin. , The Union Telephone Com pa rv hare installed a teleplw-ne ia Moses Iiauif' hr at the lower village. Justin L Stone of Lower Cabot h rented a bouse of Mr. 8. S. 5!elan artCt U moving. J. M. Fisher, administrator of the es tate of Sarah d. lkiker, offers the house at the lower village of said estate fur sale. Henry DavLissiu lias come to live aitli his sisfer, "Mr. F., S Ford. Miss flattie Robins of MaraUfield a at 15. IvtgojV dedrg house work. 1. fiilrtiait, 'onuerly tf Cabot ttoar of Pt-rlin Fa!l X. H., is ia town visiting, 10 baihs for one ceni I have just received word that a 25c. cake of bathed a baby 250 times and there was a sraaf piece of soa? left. Laundry soap is mors cost'y than this. Anyone can sfi'ord to use SPIM Soap, for its cost is low and its quality high, and qua'ity and economy ap peal to both rich and poor alike, A box of SPIM Ointment Creata (good for all skin irrita tions) will last an ordinary i!y more than a year, ftai S. S5e. iim ertsa-C. Wfc jt rw ros m drwasu o puJJ rr tl. V mttui ( now- 'r an.r '- T3 aweaa an ttramil Mr that. 1 KNOX'S GELATINE tie purest aad tsS jeUtsne in the wor.a. :t t-r al! --'t-r-'. ..'- a ra , l , mar taM a m " rTi v fPHI 0. , ;w iiMt eswr! kmtea. ' For Sale by Sowden & Lyea. Bane, Vc WANTED MEHnrlllMii Bailey and India Wheat Will pay cash o." exchange Flour and Feed. THE AVERILL MILLS it South Main Street an Depot eare. Barre, - - - Vermont. iCarriep id Sip Painter Wanfsd Wf To Bjr Owt tha Ees Lo1 SSup ia fa City ef Bns. VU On acccant of faili; heih, I 'il to dijpoje of mr stock f ?rn' CUT !an4 business. Xa betrer !i:wn m tls J Sure cf. Vermont Snup tr.nre ' wri-ht sfcop. Afp'y I GEORGE W. UNC Ul H.U 5 :-: irre V ''