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Tjte vAjnin hY WW'?' SInV uor. THE BARRE DAILY TIMES If you could buy a suit-The newest out of New York for 35 to 40 per cent Jess than the regular prices you'd be interested at once wouldn't you? You can do just that ,. ' .t : " We have secured of a large suit manufacturer of New .York City, his line of sample suits at such prices that wc can sell them at even less than their former wholesale cost. A price fully 3 per cent less than they would be sold regularly. Every one man-tailored, made up in pretty greys, beautiful shades of chiffon broad cloth, fine cheviots arid of worsted in the new shades of brown. , In stile the new Prince Chaps, the new blouse and the fitted coat An Opportunity You Seldom Have So Eatly in the Season. $22.50, 23.50, 25.00 and 27.50 Suits, all new Fall styles, - - $15.00 $35.00 Suits Prince Chap Coat, new brown, for - - ' - $22.50 $18.00 Suits, short Prince Chap Coat, shadow plad, for - - $12.50 1 $25.00 Suits, Prince Chap Coat, blue cheviot, for -. - - - $16.50 $27.50 Suits, Prince Chap Coat, grey worsted, for - - - $17.50 ' $35.00 Suits, long Prince Chap Coats, light grey worsted, for - $25.00 $38.00 Suits, new Blouse Paris Vest, color London smoke, for - $25.00 $30.00 Suits, fitted Coat with new Paris Vest, for - $22.50 . $32.50 Suits, new-Blouse, color London smoke, for - - - $20.00 Many Others to Select From. -lots ol -TUt ' UflMFR TITTQ pfl La Mode , Jew Skirts IOl nUtftLII ril 10 bu. Petticoats TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1906. Boys' and Girls' ft piles In the matter of excellent School Shoes we are exceptionally well prepared to fill your needs. . Boys' Shoes in all the best wearing leath ers, with soles that are made to stand trouble, $1.00 to $3.00, according to size. Girls' Shoes in vici kiu and calf, spring and safety heels, $1.25 to $2 00. Everything in Children's sizes, 85c to $2.00. BARRE SHOE CO. 131 North Maine Street. Telephone 432-4. Barre,Vt. United Shoe Stores Co.Barrc, Hardwick, Eurlicgtoa, St. Albans m ror me Datn, or any :rf ' other purpose. i I i I i Good Values ' for . I - Small Prices. I t; n 99 S Barre, Vermont. TALK OF THE TOWN. The city school in MontpHier ppfwd tortny. ' -' , ' j Band ronwt in Montpelier fjtifs Ida? -night at 8 o'clock. , j O. H. Hale ffiit to Shelliurne today j to attend the fair this week, ( -1. Hatch of Bntdon " i ' itig ! friends in the city for two weeks. Mr.' And JIr. W, If. Paine went to f'nirlee Saturday night for an extend ,ed viwt, - ' ; ."'.'.'' I C'hrles McQueen resumed work t F. I F. Burr's store thin morning niter a two eks vacation spent in Boston. Mr. F. A. Warner of Washington lia gone to Bostpon to visit relative until her return with full and winterinillint'rv. A regular meeting of Lumper. Boxer and Derriekmens' inion will be held in ; Carpenters' hall Werlnedny evening, jiSept. .", at 7.:s). Businex of importance. Let all he present. I'cr order of Prei I dent. ' ! The regular monthly nieetinsr of the I Altar Chapter of the (liurch of the. Good Shepherd will be held in the vestry of jthe church thin evening at 8 o'clock. All i tl. members are requested to be pie lent. v (lilbertson'a orchestra pave n dance yesterday afternoon and evening at lVw-ey park which wa Jargely attend e.t by young people from both ritie. The park win brilliantly lighted during the evening. , Those parents who intend to enter children as beginners in the city achnols ; are requested to send or bring cards with ithe children' names in full the street land number ami the date and, place of ! birth. Thin will aid the teacher great ly as a large attendance M looked for. Malinger Arthur W. Daley of the Ottawa base b:ill team in the Northern league returned to Montpelier yesterday and is now agitating for a, Imwling league, lie wants to g'1. Barm 'Mont IMiicr and other cities interested in the league before the season opens, lie pro- iioses to get both the Apulia cluii ot Monfpelier mid the Vim-it ia. flub of MMnttt pelicr and the Vincitia club of Weather Predictions- Fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly cooler tonight; frosts in northwestern part of state. ' ' TALK 0F1HE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy Readers. Xew raincoats at Vaughnn's. 3. 4th anniversary sale at Abbott's. ' Read the City bakery's advertisement. Alex Bird went to Boston, last night on a visit. All golf sticks 75c each to close. Aver ill music company. W. U.. llndley has returned from a visit '''Down JCast". Victor Lovely reports liaving seen a fli ck of wild geese going south Satur day. I'eter" Enislie' began work this morn ii!? as clerk in . A. W. Badger & Co.' store. If vow have a fire, place burn Cannel coal. Sold by I). ,M. Miles, 122 North Main 'street.'-. '- . Tickets for the opening performance by the "May Hillman Company" go on sale tonight. . Ask to ee.' the nevt coffee and tea percolator for .10 cents at Kenvon'3 cash bargain store. -.The city schools Open tomorrow. Par ents are requested not to aend pupils who have not readied live years of age, ficorge Kent, Arthur Wallace and Wal ter IV' ui well left Monday tor Albany, N. V., to enter the Albany Business college. If you want a fuel for the fireplace ask J). M. Miles, 122 North Main street I and he will tell you the best thing on i the market. ' The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Edward,, on Mer- cmint, street weunesnay atternoon at ).::( o'clock. . Every school loy calling at our store will be presented with a lapel button with the injure of his school building on same. E. H.'Rogers & Co. , w ; ,( At, the meet ing of the Board, of Civil Authority Saturday evening 4) mnv names were added to the voting list, making 107 added for tha three nights. A regluar meeting of Blight Star Be bkah lodge, Xo. is, Wednesday evening, Si pt. 5th, at 7.30. All otticers and mem Iwis are rtHpiested to be present as there will lie practice. Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Aid rich and fam ih, also Dr. J (ayes and sister, Mrs. John mil of Montreal, returned from Spring field, Mass., Saturday night, after a tour or nearly three weeks through the prin cipal cities of the New England states in their automobiles. The friends of Miss HOlen M. Quimby, who whs formerly a student in the "spa uhling grammar school here, will lie interested to learn that it was her good fortune to lie a winner of one. of the tvo prizes awarded by the Bay Patn ft'stilute for Scholarship. This insti tute is for training vpiing ladies and Gentlemen in a business course and is located at Springtield, Mass. . May Hillman, supported by an ex ceptionally strong company will play a three night engagement at the opera house, commencing Thursday, Sept. 6, with the usual matinee," in a repertoire of popular suece-ises artistically staged. Miss llilhitari as a star is so well known that it is unnesesfwtry to enter into de tail regarding her ability. The vaude ville members are high class, polite, and pleasing. Tickets Tuesday night. The fent of .Tack Coombs, who while pitching for Philadelphia agsinst Boston Saturday, won a victory after 24 in nings, the longest ball game ever known, is still being discussed. The Boston Herald says of this former Barre .Montpeher star: ''It was a treat in deed to watch the delivery of young Ccombs. He had plenty of confidence and. never showed the least sign of 1 e. ing affected by the siege that he was called upon to undergo. His work in the Inst four inninas of the game was simp ly great. Three hils were made off him during this period but not a man got past second." 3.1 D. f. DAVIS, "The Druggist, 262 North Main St, - - - i I '.y. MERCURY I : J i rmmmasxm pnt the rir Ont 1 - " I 1 1 L-J I PI PRTRin I I asslaaaiw IIIW III 1. - IB I j AND USE THE JROI I Then Watch It Go DOWN I I "V j 1 i . .11 I -1. ' 1 i.. ....... .wi I - TALK OF THE TOWN. New waists at Vaughan's. Soo Abbott's anniversary'' sale. E. S. Wliitcomb has gone to New York on a short business trip. J. Toiiclla of Milford, N. H., is visit ing friends in the city for a few days. Special sale of boys end girls' hose, two pairs for 23c, at Perry's on Sat urday. C. E. Barrows went to Vergennes Sun day called there by the Berious illness of his father. Mrs. W. F. Shcpard and Miss Maud Knright returned yesterday, from a short trip to New York. Miss Rose Troupe left this morning for Montreal, where she will spend a two weeks' vacation. Miss Belle and Barbara Cordiner spent Sunday with Miss Kathryn Harrington at her home in Klehmond. Cleorge Mitheson resumed work at Homer Pitts' store this morning after a two weeks' vacation spent in Boston. Mrs. S. A. Kelley returned to her home in Burlington this morning after a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. O. (!. Mas- COtt. .,.-.'.'. Perley E. Pope is off to New York af ter fall merchandise. He says if there is anything new under, the sun he'll have it. " ''. Mr. and Mrs, E. T, Arey and son, Vinel, returned today from an extend ed visit in Portland and Vinel Haven, Mc. Auction sale at No. 11' Patterson street Saturday at 1 i. m. All my house hold goods. Justus KetcniiBi. O. li. Hale, auctioneer. The Misses Lorena and Myvanury .Tones left Snturdav for their home in l iica, -V. Y., after a week's stay with liicir parent a, Mr. and Mm. II. 11. Jone, The Justus. Ketchum household jroods will lie sold at auction sale halurday at No. 11 Patterson street, Sale at 1 p. m. See large posters.- O. H. Hale, auc tioneer, Samuel Wneeler was arrested yester day by Chief Brown for intoxication. In city court this morning Wheeler pleaded guilty and paid a line with costs amount ing to $12.84. . The regular meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America will be held on Wednesday, Sept, 5th, at 7.30 p. m., In K, of.C. iiall. There is to lie adoption wfc. ; Per (derk. ' 'The'Ladies Vnion of the Unlversalist church will hold a business meeting in the c.hiifch parlors tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Let nil those interested in church business be present. An act of, vandalism was per petrated at Elniwood cemetery last week when a frame containing a picture of a little girl was atolen and the picture left on tha ground. A vae was also taken from tlie same grave. The Indies' Miwdonsry society of the Congregational church will hold a, meet ing at. 2.30 tomorrow afternoon. The Mifcjefct will be "Conditions in Vermont." Miss Mathewson will give a report from the Silver Bay conference. Alex McLean and Martin Carroll, who claimed to have come from Brownville, were arrested Saturday night by Officer llumel for intoxication, to which charge lioth pleaded guilty in city court yester day morning and took the alternative sentences of fifteen days in jail. The check list that was used in Mont pelier today contains 1,310 names. At the six meetings of the board of civil authority which have been held during the past two weeks about 250 names have been added to the check list but the net gain is very small. Tbe eae of Ered Belware, who was arrested on a charge of breach of the peace, was tried yesterday in the city court room before a jury who brought in a verdict of guilty and a tine of f 10 with eots of $.S0.S waa imposed. He took an appeal to county court. J. H. Dunbar, Socialist candidate for representative in Congress from the sec ond Vermont district, spoke from the lend stand in the city park last evenins prior to the Republican band concert. Mr. Dunbar is a fluent speaker and had I o have a ready tongue to keep up with the mfnstret band across the park and the impatience of the people who came out to hear the Mont pelier Military Land, lie was introduced by William If-ncs of. the local Socialist branch and he spoke for about three-quarter of an hour. im Black Petticoats fit for a queen for style, fit and quality. See them in our window. Prices, 98c $1.25, $1.50 to $2.50 each. One lot of Out Size Petticoats only $1.50 each. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 1 23-2. Currier Building, Barre, VU UNION CLOTHING COMPANY, UNION CLOTHING COMPANT. SCHOOL BEGINNING Wednesday, Sept. 5, '06 Will bring us lack to School Footwear. We have a large line of them in the different leathers that stand the roughing, made with heavy soles especially for school wear on lasts that will not crowd or deform the feet. Care taken that you get a per fect fit, which insures long wear and comfort. Cash rebates given with every purchase. W, J. fMEAN, Telephone 424-3. 200 Sorlh Main Street, !arr, Vermont MILEAGES Rented, Bought and Sold. C.II. KENDRICK, 54 N. Main St. Tckphcn 136-21 The two horse attached to a Ward ice cart ran away on North Main treet early today, aweepinif up two team in their trip. D. W. Hooker 4 Co., delivery team mh !andilip in ...-r font of their tore nrul the horse became frightened I'.v the rvimbliii" and started to run. The jp.naway w.n mnjdit in front of the fire Utntion, with only a slight damage to the harneiw. The ice team continued j down the street and ran directly into jthe team of .1. K. Ward which Mas hitch, led in front of )rown" druff store. The j ice team was then stopped, while the 'idnjile lioi'e war so badly tangled in the j I ni nesH that he couldn't run. The car ilia'no () lipped bottoniMde up and one jo: the thills wa-i broken. No one was 1 1 1'.irt in the aeemeuti. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. TO 1W.NT Small tenement In gmid condi tion, cliriip. PHiis renting Miiwmli ont urt of Hie rem In the liono. Apply to K, Carli n, II lliwhimid avenne. IMvif 'In UK NT A rutt.'ifcn mituliie for mn.ill i famllv, lient eld iM'rnnliitli. apply to Hunt. , Uriiiiile, In Kiik tr-t, llnne, Vt. HOtf ; LOST Hatnnlny, on Main street, near the ' fort ier bloek, a ladlen' plu'toeiapH pin, liirt iIipt-n. r inner win w renai neu ny retni n lliK to Feier I'rucnnla, 1.1 1'"M ftreet. It'll f3 TO BKNT Tenement of fix riMims nmi hulli In urri'r liiJUfe, .ii ":ist street, tnrnaee lieat, eleetrie llfjits. )ra, linrdwonil Ilmira. Knqtilr l ft. rt. t'm Her, au East htrcin. imt VINCITIA LODGE. No. 10, K. of P. Castle Hall in Blan chard Hlock. Kegiilaf nieeiiugs on Tuesday evening at 8:00. May Hillman Stock Company. On nevt Thursday nifiht dainty little Mis Hillman will open her enslavement here at the rpera house, in "Moo;ltide," with Mitf Hillman in a ntron' leading role, a character nhe portrays to perfec tion. May Hillmnn.wins her audience by reason of her great personal charms, a" well . by her attractive actios. She is exquisitely refined in her inter pretation and more than all, she U beau tiful, lew actrcsso have a fortunate natural endowment, of pood looka. Her face shows a profile which is almost fruitless, and the poise of her head ac centuates it eymniety of outline. A special charm of Mis Hillman is tlie sweetness and musical quality in her voice. GRANITEVILLE. WW "Sir. and Mrs. Lemuel Tinney of Qnin cy, Mass., are visiting at tllo home of Mr. and Mrs. Inn Mcleod.. All those wishing to join the ihinciiifj school fir the winter term are requested to bund their names to W. I), or James McDonald. IVrifessur Elmore of Mont- pelier will lie ine insirucior ami n guo.i time is nssiirca ior an. .no new mem ber will be taken in alter the Hist lesson. Dancing Icmohs every Saturday eveninj:. Mr. Aldtieh and family have returned from their automobile tour through Mas sachusetts. There will be a social dance at Miles' hall, Saturday rreninif. September 8, first class music and a Rood time as sured. Everybody cerdially invited. The regular busine meeting of the Indies' Aid society of th Presbyterian church will be held at 2 o'clock tomor tow afternoon at the home of Mrs, Mal colm McKinnoti. ' NEW A RRIVALS Wre are having New Arrivals in Clothing and Furnishings every day. We are now prepared to handle a much larger assortment than ever before- As our increasing business demanded more room we have enlarged our store to just twice its former size and are now all ready for the Fall and Winter trade. New Fall Suits at $5.00, $1 0.00, $ 1 2. 00 $1 4.00, $1 5.00 up to $22.00. ' We have added a special line of Tailoring Samples and are now prepared to take your measure for a Suit or Overcoat at any price from $1 3.50 to $35.00. Satisfaction and 6t guaranteed Give us a calb Union Clothing Store, One Price Clothiers ' Telephone 126-2. 014 Skating Rink Building:, 0pp. Depot Sqture. ; 'JLKTdKOD 0NIHI0T3 KOIMO iKVdKOO OillHIOTD K0IIJ3 BLASIUS MADE PIANOS For the musician and particulur people. Nearly four hundred sold In Barre. Mynmall expenses nuke It postohle for me to place one of These beautiful I'ianos in your home for even less uiouey than ia usually charged lor an ordinary instrument. Call and eee them. 56 Spaulding Street II. A. GOULD, - Barre, Vrt. BOY'S SCHOOL SUITS On Special Sale. This sale comes just in time for the reopening of the schools It is a very unusual opportunity for parents to outfit their boys for Very little mottey- It is a chance to buy fine, serviceable Suits at the lowest price ever named at this time of the year The styles are up to the minute, the workmanship is the best, the cloth will wear welL Many of these arc samples and odd suits from two very reliable man ufacturers, the reason for these extraordinary low prices at this time. The assortment includes 2-picce suits, 3-picce suits, Russian blouse suits, new suits for men and youths, Fall overcoats, cravene ts and rain coats, all new for this season, ready for your inspection. Remember the place, THE. BLUE STORE THOMAS BRADY, (Successor to Segel k Brady,) Telephone 2 1-21. Bolster Block, If 3 Main St E TQ) (V TQ A jr"TT'P oil o Jo ii JJIJi p ( i-V a,. 4.' , iv'- lBUl l"l J. " - ' ' 1 ) V i ..a.u'.iiiw; -J.lcr . rUi t f vf' v - .i.-"jal ,w m, in 1 1.11,11 ii iiii ii.ii. ii." i g iwhwihj ..i -y.'.wwi itm 11 iwJHjiw inn U'li.THIIMMtt 1 Al'NoTHE RIGHT SEASON IS AT HAND To paint your house inside and out. Our paint is not only the best, but purest, and is superior to any o'n the market. We can satisfy you on any shade. Awaiting your appreciated patronage, we are Kir yvj w "OOrTlNTO' n C. W. Avcrill & Co Telephone 439-3 81 North Main Street 4 1AI We have several of the most desirable Paints for same be they wood, tin or iron, also genuine imported Vene iy tian Red, and " Princes" Iron Paint for barns, etc. Prices always right. Midsummer is the time to buy pure Linseed Oil low. TeicpEoac 31-3. L. M. AVERILL, Opposite City Park, Baftc. Vermont