Newspaper Page Text
TIIE BARBE DAILY TIMES, SEPT. 5, 1S0G. I i Positive A soda cracker should be the rnost nutri tious and wholesome of all foods made from wheat Comprative But ordinary soda crackers absorb moist ure, collect dust and become stale and soggy long before they reach your table. There is however, one Superlative soda cracker at once so pure, so clean, so crisp and nourishing that it stands alone in its supreme excellence the name is Onoeda Biscuit In a dust tight, (gjjp moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Vh--: . 'The 'Times Daily Short Story. .....''.' ... i I A Detective's Storu i lOrigina!. "We never kuow how a ease is go ing to turn out," snhl the detective. "Sometimes we waste sympathy on people, aul sometimes we don't give them sympathy that they deserve. "Some years nuo a young fellow (we will call him Llghtbody Lttflitlwdy's a good name for the sort of fellow he was) west to New York and got a po rtion in a banking house. They said he was smart as chain lightning. At any rate, he cUmbed right up in the estimation of his employers, and soon he became their right hand man. But while they thought he was attending exclusively to their interests he was attending exclusively to his own. He was la everything where money Is to be made or lost, though where be got the capital to work with no loily knew. "The fellow bit off more than he could chew and to save himself used his employers' funds, and about the same time Air. Llghtbody disappeared. "A year or two after his disappear ance It. was reported to his former employers that he was living In a Central American Ftatc, aud I was em ployed to go down and bring him back. The Job was a delicate one, Hlnee tbere was no extradition tratty with the state in which he had made his home. , . "Kurnltihed with all the evidence I would need, including photographs, I Railed for Central America and on reaching my destination found that Mr. Llghtbody wa3 at the capital and a prime favorite with tho government. He had got Home valuable concessions that were likely to make him rich. Ho had won the heart of the daughter of one of the prominent citizens, who was considered a very lovely girl. "Of course I had letters to first class people In my pocket, for I knew lM?fora starting that my man was cntllnjr a heavy ewath socially. I waited, for some Important function to let me In on an equality, with the man-1 was after. A ball was given to -which. I was. invited, nud, getting myfelf up iu the latest style . of evening "dress, I Joined the throng. Of course Light body was there, and so was his g'.rl. During the early part of the enter tainment he was In ouch demand and was so devoted to his fiancee that I didn't oveu make his acquaintance. I saw them together frequently, and it was plainly a case of genuine love a both sides. I pitied the girl; but. as I have said, I had made up my mjnd to attend to business and let sentiment alone. 'Shortly before the ball broke up 1 Joined a party of men In the, supper roJin who were drinking; champagae and. smoking cig.ireiles. Llghtbody was nmonf! the -number. I made an jrOOl 'OOl good? Dad blood to good blood ; poor how this applies to Aver s fcarsapanlM, and how it applies to you I Could envthin? be more fair?. W hwe no erot ! W publish .O.ArC., "TT- lifT If' " T r BAR OUT WORLD. Jesuits Under Close Guard in Quadrivium I to Elect General of Society. 5 Rome, Sept. 5. All the delegates to the Congregation of the Company of J 111 celebrated ma yesterday' morn ing, some in the chapel of I lie college dedicated to St. John Bcrehmnnn, and,f.i in snccial chapel tit different rooms of the college. They then bmik f;il, alter 'which tne bell rung an nuiiuiii,' the beginning f the qundiivi- i- nli.etinn of a treneral of the no- fict'v to succeed the late l ather Martin, tl' all the delegate retired to the (1,.nrs pet aside for them, where they "m a rat bam 1.3EH6 0 0 C ft I Stiff Muscles r.".' .M.J'n wv relieved fjulckly relieved 25c. 6f)d SOc. J 1 M 11 I, ; a ' cuort to intrrntinte myself into ms favor and had some success. But he seemed anxious to get away, and I saw him 8oou after dancing with his girl. When the affair .broke up I stood on the veranda, keeping my carriage standing while I waited for Llghtbody. Presently he lame out with his fiancee and her mother, put them in a carriage, and they were driven away. Light body returned to the house, went In side, got his hat, came out, lighted a cigarette and was going down the steps when I stopped him and asked which way he was going.' When he re plied I told him that I was goiug the same way and would be happy to take him in my carriage. He accepted tho invitation, and we got In and were driven away. We had not gone far before I said to him: " 'Mr. ,' calling him by his real mime, 'how would you like to go to New York on the steamer with me?' "He divined the situation at once, lie made no reply for some time, then said:.'; "' , " 'There's no extradition treaty le tweeu the United States and this coun try, and I could put you to some trouble, but I'll go with you provided you wou't give me away here and give me time to arrange my affairs. What do you say to that? " 'All I want is you, I don't want to peach on you. . The eteaiuer sails to morrow night Can' you be ready?' ' "'Yes.': ,; . . ' "The next day the fellow gave out that he had been called to New York on some Important financial business and said good by to his girl, promising to he back s:on. The next evening we sailed, arriving in New York in due time. "I wondered bow his girl would feel when She heard that he was aq em bezzler and had gone from her to state's prison. And here's where my refrain ing from telling her conies I14. The affair for wh'.ch he was wanted in volved several people besides himself, and he was (be only one not to blame. The others were his friends and had families, He drew suspicion away from-Them by flight. On his return he presented his schemes in Central Amer ica to the losers "and agreed to take them In. .'.This he did without Inform ing on the renl culprits. The losers, finding that far more money was to be made from hla concessions than they had lost, accepted his terms, gave him funds, and .n two weeks he was ba'r: on the Isttinsns more of a high flnancb : flier than ,. Itefore, His coucesslo; turned out to be very valuable ai l made him nnd his associates rich. He married the girl and became a. per manent resident of Central- America. There he ;lj greatly respected," but 'n the fluted states he Is Mill regarded Rij et;;Iiez!er. He never throw the blame where It belonged. , "How do 1 know that he was inn cent? Well, that would involve' a breac'j of trust, on my pirt. . My 'profession never admits of telling secret js." FRANK I CHENEY. Good blood, good health; bad blood, bad health; there you have Why not help nature just a - little ind change tho bad to the blood to rich blood! Ask your doctor . 11 1 1 .nil will remain four days without any com munication with the outside world ex cept under serious circumstances, when the vicar gives special permission for the rules to lie relaxed. Whilc'in a papal conclave laymen are admitted as doctor, chemists; "etc., in a (piudriviiim they are all Jesuits, even the barber being a Jesuit novice. The whole personnel of the college is for bidden to give' out even tho moat insig nificant particulars of what is -transpiring in the quadrivium,' under threat of immediate' dismissal. To such an extent are precautions takpn that "each lay servant i overlooked by a Jesuit servant. CALL MONEY THIRTY PER CENT. The Stock Market Prop's a Point or More. "New York, Kepi. .1.-- At ':2"i p." 111. y-erdu,v, money on call was .quoted at. .t-i Mi ..II-.,, IH 1- n llllll.'l ,1 .1-, I I 1 1 fiuoial'ly tiliV(ted by tire rapid iho in nmiiey and the active shares declined a point or more. THE VOTE INBARRE Clement Had a Majority of 258 PAPE RAN AHEAD TICKET S. H. Jackson Elected City Representa tive by a Majority of 18 Over Mackenzie The Vote, for Senators, Clement, carried liar re City by a big majority, although somewhat lens than four years ago. . Pape ran considerably ahead of hi ticket, receiving a splendid endorsement from his fellow citizens. Wards 'five and four were the banner wards' for Clement, while ward two was more favorable to Proctor. VOTE FOR GOVERNOR IN BARRE. The vote for governor iu Burre was as 'follows: . J. u 5 18 H 18 6 Ward 1 Word 2 Ward .1 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward (5 . OS) .155 .m . :ir . "J7 . 5 a ist 13S IDS r.'6 115 JOtf Totals 490 837 22 ' 67 5 Clement's majority in IJnrre is there fore 838 vole, Complete returns from Barre City on the lieutenant governorship show "that l. .y- -., C- ' " V ; S. IIOI.LISTER JA( KMiV " representative Elsct Ci. 11. Pape carried his home city by a fine vote of tOS to 4if. The vote by wards was as follows: ' ' Pape Piout v Ward 1 . ...... ..... . . . 1 OS M Ward 2 ,,..151 '140 Ward 3 .... 20!) U4 Ward 4 133 3H Wur.l 5 Ill 25 Ward 6 lit 3h Totals OOS "'"; 4 40 BARRE'S VOTE FOR SENATORS. The vote, of Bane City for senator wus a follows; ' n e p: r w I if: c. rs ( - , c ?s r- rt 5 n r t- -! O 0 r? c 05 C. or f) I - n c- I r: n 1- o 1- e-i t "3 r- 1 c- 31 I m x c i- -r 1- cc r- e-H r - n t 1.. 0 I r 1 h w c: i o J . -t? TS "3 ts S W S5 3 . X ft U ' VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVE. f-i. llollb,ter dnrkon was elected' rep re.-entative of the City of Havre on the second ballot by a majority of l(i vote. The result was as follows by wards: , , Jackson Mackenzie Odfjers Ward 1 ...... 14!) 95 3 Ward 2 ...... 1st : '103 7 Ward 3 152 144 J I Ward 4 72 - 1'.'3 7 Ward .' 47 !Hi 4 Vard 0 ..... . fit) 72 , 3 Totals .... OSt 033 25 Jackson's majority l(i. ROBINSON IN BERLIN. Elected Representative on the First Ballet. Berlin, Sept. 4. ,it. (!. 1'ohiiison was (beted rcpiescntnteia on the lirsl ballut, the vote beiiip; luS to 54 for )niley. Cabitt Choice, ('nl)ot, .wept: : 4 - Y 4. 'hs If. Au-tiii, llepublicau, wn4 'le'tyd reprcbtutaLiNC, receiving 15(5 votes to 46 for Lafayette Myers. There v ere 11 scattering. , ' Seaver Won in Wtlliamstown. Tle Republican '.candidate ''(or repre .venttitlve, Seaver; carried Wtlliamstown, having 141 votes to 74 votes for Poole, Democratic, and 16 sctatering. Bancroft in Barre Town. Frank C. ' Bancroft Wax today elected representative for the Town of Barre by a macMity of lot out of a total of 505 votes cast. East Montpelier. The vote for representative was F. W. Cohunl, rep., 1 :(); R. C. Collins, dem., 2S; C. M Clark, fusion, 42.," Winch Runs Strong in Barre Town. In Barre Town Maynard Winch, Re publican csndidarte ..for , side judge, ran considerably ahead of his party, get ting 275 votes while Wells secured 231. The vote for senator in Barre Town was as follows Holland,'. 258 1 Moody, 244; Moscley, 244; Melcher, 167; Steward 167; Mayo, 160. MORE BANK ARRESTS. Others to Be Held for the Hippie Failure in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, I'a., Sept. 5. District Attorney Bell yesterday continued his investigation into the affainf of the Real Katttte trust company, Which failed lust week. He has decided upon a post-.. jmnenient of the trial of fowrU;en. whole sale ice dealers to give him more tim. '"I am now making an investigation of vhe affairs of the Real Estate trust company with a view of determining what persons aia criminally responsible for the. looting of the institution," said he. "1 feel tiiat in the intereat. (f jus tice 1 . must" give the examination my cUvc personal and uninterrupted atten tion until I uliall have made a .complete dirtcoverv of all the evidence of criminal ity." . ' The sditteiuent; is warranted that, one or tno and perivapa three arrests will be made toda.v. ") cannot men lion any names at this time," aaid Mr. Bell.. "1 think, iu view of what ha developed." that the public can pick out the men who may have hud a hand in the deals.-' I1 SLEEPER STABBED 22 TIMES. Btfthet Attacked in Sleep Mia Accused ' 1 Denies Charge ' . Patercon. -NY J., Sept. 5.---With twenty-two lnU wounds on his head and face, tiintave Muller, a butcher, who ha, a store at Fourth avenue and East Eighteenth street, it now -lyinj; in a critical condition in the 'general hos pital. 1 -. v When Frederick Danpert. w ho U ae eliwcd of having: inflicted Midler's in juries, was arraigned in court yesterday mi.ruinr, he fell to the floor in a faint. The assault was committed early on Monday inominjr in Mailer's store, where Danert had been .leepin three niphti. Muller cay he was eakene.l by someone hittiuj; him 011 the head, but he was not able to recognize his as sailant. Danger t denies the acensution. ROOT TO SEE 'QDAKE RUIIIS. Kivwtsrv nf st. S-irt fnr Valnar.J.n ! , ,. ; . From Santiago. Santiago, Chili, Sect. 5. Seeietary Hoot and his pai t v, ammip.tnied bv For eign .Mintsteu liuncti, the American minister, Mr, Hicks, and the reception committee, left . Santiago , yesterday morning for Valparaiso, to inspect llie rutin c.iused l,y the c!iitliKake At the reception of the American legation Monday night by the Amcricun miniMer, Mr, Ihrks, in honor of .Mr. Boot, which wan attended by President Kieseo and the iliplonuitiv "coip, in ad dition to nnmeronn representatives of the American and British colonies, many distinguished Chilians paid marked and kindlv attentions to the nr. DEVASTATED BY FLOODS. Whole ViUarjcj in India Swept Inhabi tants Flee. , Lahoi'!', Tmlirt, Sept. 5. Flood ,iaye d"vast.itcd'. Inrae section f P.o.'iaj- 'dil. trict.; villager har,.been obiij. ernteil, giertt mem of foid crops have been destroyed, and tie iiidiyo crop is ruined. '1'lieie is nine feet of water on the low hi'iir lamls, giving the conn try for miles the appearance if 1111 open sen. The Inhabitant have sought ref uye in tlie hills and are depending for subsistence on raids made on the half ripe v heat fields situated on higher ground. eari Weakness . Tlie action of the heart de pends upon the heart nerves and muscles. When from any cause they become weak or ex hausted, and fail to furnish sufficient power, the heart flut ters, palpitates, skips beats; and in its effort to keep up its work, causes pain and distress, such as i-mothcrino- snclis. r short breath, fainting, pain around heart, arm arid shoul ders. The. circulation is im peded, and the entire system suffers from lack of nourish ment. Dr. Miles Heart Cure makes . a heart strong and vigorous by strenfi-thening- these nerves and muscles. "t bad palpitation ana pnln around' my lieuit, nml the. ilneinrn s.iiil It W:i liictinil.le. I don't believe It now. for niter tnklng nix bottles of Dr. Miles' lleort C'u'e.thren bottles of I he N'ervlim anil three boxes of the Nervo nnd l.lver I'llls 1 Bin entirely cured, anrl feel bettor then t have for five verH, and It in nil iin to tliese remedies. I went you to know th.t your inedicipen urd inn. It relieved mo from tlm first done, nml T kept rlRht on till thij pain In my cheyf wc. gone, nnd 1 kept ' on fcillntt better even nfler t (put tikintj it.'' JOIUV II. SI1KRMAN. , iJekhr.K, Wi.-h. Dr. IVIIes' Heart Curs Is al.i by your clrujjqiot, who vlll jmarante thst tHo first bottl will benetit. If It fails he will refund your monty. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad H IN LOCAL MARKETS Butter Continues Scarce and High EGGS CONTINUE FIRM Dressed Pork and Veal Easy Potatoes 50 to 60 Cents per Bushel Large Offerings of Fowls and Prices Weak. 1 Barre, Vt., Sept. 5, 1000. Butter continues scarce and high. K;;gs are. Arm. Dressed 'pork and easy. We quote wholesale prices as follows: Dressed Pork Easy at fie. Fancy Veals Plenty at Sc. Native .Lambs Off Te, Hffi l2e. YearlingH 0(a 10c. Fowls Large offering at 14fril5e. ; Broilers 17((i1Sc. Butter Firm and scarce, dairy 23(ff' 34c; creamery 25(5 26c. Eggs Good demand at 24(T' 25c. . Kative Beef Cow a b'i.&tic; choice steers &( ;-6Vic . '. Poiatoes-i-50fi; 00c per busliei.' Kipe Tomatoes S(S 4c per pound. RICKER'S ST, J0HNSBURY MARKET Beef Lower Hogs a Fourth Cent Off , Lambs Wanted. St, 'Johnsbury, Sept. 5. Beef is louer and hogs are one-fourth cent lower, (lood calves and In nibs are wanted. The receipts at, ' W. A. Kicker's market for the week ending Sept, .1 were: Poultry 2,001) pounds, 8(t.9c. .. Lambs 900, 4ffe, , Hugs 3D0, C(a :,'-,;. Cattle fin, 'Cu 4e. " Cavc4ia,:2(i 5V'e. " MUch Cows 2.", $25(5 50. NORWEGIAN MAKES NORTHWEST PASSAGE. Cable Announces the Arrival of Ex- plorers on the Ship Gjoa at Behr ing Strait. Xew York, Sept. 5. A Hpccial cable from (,'hiitiaiin say: The Norwegian judar expedition on the ship Cjoii ha reached Behring sLruit, having thu acconiplilied the noitliwest psa;e. Captain Roland Amnndeu.-who co:n mumted the polar expedition on the fijot, left Norway in June. H)o? to try the northwest passage. He etabli-hed bin first be in Leopold hnrljor, where he made absolute magnetic observations durins HH14. Tn tlie niimuier of 1905 he eriab!ihed .his recoctl bae mi King William iMnud. where, the lntter re I ported that he had tointed the true magnetic pole ami found near It the j monument net up by Sir John Franklin 1 j " . 111 11 m .. lire wnc uni? suiter quarter at, King point, near the mouth of the Mackenzie river, nnd Captain Amiuideu left there Auut K! for a trip overland to announce hii Kicees. lie traveled by dr2 sleds and reached ! Frt F.j;lert, Eaile City, Alskn. on De cember-S, whence t he news of the disj eovery was sent to tlie world. He announced at the time that he would return to the Cjoa in the j-pring by the way i f Behring strait and nes. making jjiedetie observations on the way. The (ijim set out early in the cummer " for the 1,000-mile trip to the trait. , . ARGUE OVER ROCKEFELLER. Rival Attorneys Debate on the Legality , '. f,' Indictment. T!n.v,0.r Sepl. .".- A lienrinjr on motion io oiwish (he inforniiitimi filed ' 11 trii in -t. .Inliii D. Rockefeller ns the re j sjionsilile licad of tlie Standard oil com- pfiny uy t 'roecitior uavm was iicbim yetfrilay in lrolmte .Iiuljre Knnker'e court. Vivyil I'. Kline reprc-entetl the 8tnn-' tlaiil oil, and the pist of lii Hriimeat us Unit tlie St.'indrtrd oil company could lie criminlllly prosecuted only un der on indictment found by a rejfulnrly conntitnteil grand jury. Prosecutur Da vid nml his partner, George IF. I'lielpn, nrjued in support of the information. Jmlirc HihiTvcj- reserved his def ision, A trial Vvill fidlovv should the court sus tain the information. L0N3 PRESIDED. roliticil Meftieg at Norway,' Me., Is Atidreswd by Speaker Cannon. Xortvny, Vp.( Sept. 5. .losepii G. ( mourn, s,ie.ik -r of thfl mitiomil House of nepi eseii 1! iv es, who mnde the prin cipal nd les nt the Republican rally here cptei'ilny iificiiioon, was . uccompnn.icj t t'ol. Frnreis Keefe of Aiijjiista and .lolm 1 Swfl-ey of ( anion. I'or'.nei' Secretary of the Navy .lidin I). I.oiijr of llinsiham, Mass., who has been piniu;f the summer at his birth at nnc! field, presjiled, MORE BIG LINERS. Hamburg-American Company to Build Great Steamships. llaiubiii!.', Sept. 5. The llnmburjr Amerienii fleaniship company yesterday annouuee: 11 plan to fssoe $,,.000,00!) new ctipital, making n total of $;!(!, iMiU.oon. Au ollicial Ktntement explains that the increase is necessary to build new steamer nml my the Amcrika nnd the . Kniseriti Aupuste A ictmia have hitherto been unable to fake more thin) half the piisrenerx asUint; for aecom modatiou. The compiiny intends to build others of the same type and establish 11 regular weekly nery'ice to New York of that class, of vessels.' . (trt, tletlh nml rmfiM t to t trothrr tni 'lill.l. MB, WINsI.OW'S WIOTHINO SYIit'l', fot clip. pen teeilun.T, HoReiiM tl,e (PIiim, reilucen liitPimuidilon, llV"t all pum.iiiid cures wmil citli';. I'rtlectly sum in iil t.-ascu tVe wtmp. fny to every uiolher tvliotiuuu milTeritiir child lifi nt let vonr prejudice, nor .be prelndire ot others, Blnnd between you and your i;i.ti r ng oldld anil the rellei tlmt will be e'.ire- yen .imiiliiteiy n ci- to follow the t nf tliiu iiMiiii3iitn.UUULl used. ri-Wo aae a tulU Every Farmer Knows That the DE LAVAL are in a class by themselves as the best separators. But many have the mistaken idea, which competitors help to magnify, that they are "expensive" and that something "cheaper" will do in their stead". The Fact Are That the De Laval Cream Separators are not only the best but at the same time by far the cheapest in proportion to the actual capacity and the actual life of the machine. These are simple facts easily capable of proof to any buyer who will take the trouble to get at them and who need only apply to the nearest DE LAVAL afrent or send for a catalogue to do so. The De Laval Separator C6. i 'e i NEW ENGLAND AGENTS: STODDARD MFG. CO. RUTLAND, VT. BAILEY MAY ENTER RACE Belives Bryan Will Not Get The Nomination OPPOSES OWNERSHIP So Do AU the Southern ' Democratic Leader3 Friends Advise Texas Sen ator to- Become a Can didate AVastiinjitnn, f-ot. 4. Senator Bailey of Texan "t believpil her io Iiavo en tfted the field for tlip Democratic presi iWitinl tKimitiittion int!M)S. ; ' Tlie' s.enii tor Htnrted for Texn after tho Bryan ppperii, luit turned back in Ktntuekv,. mul Monday' nipht was again in tliis city. Subsequently be left for New York and announced that be would have a statement on Mr. Bryan's speech. Mr. Bailey lias never been considered a eminent ownership man. Politi cian here think that he believes that J.i'yanV'jnvprnnient ownership attitude has weakened him, and think he is et tiiifr himself in Misitim to contest the Humiliation with him. They nre waiting lor what the Texnit may say with great interest. IN FINISH FIGHT. , , Jerome to Confer With Party Leaders to Foil Any Crooked Work. New York, Sept. .W District Attorney Teri mie left for Albany yw-terday after: noon to meet a number of protuinnnt Demociats at the Ten Kyck laxt evening ansl j(o over, the , stiite situation in nil uiiolVicinl nmnner in advance of the bij meetine in ' ldl Kcllow' 'hall today, at which Mr.. Jerome nnd "other prominent Democrat! are to upeak, . It - it said that a numler of up-tnte" lchder will meet Mr. Jerome. The meeting cNpeeted to' f:ive the boom-of Mr.- .Jerome' candidacy the ofliciu! M.imp if .the democratic party all over the htiiie. The principal object of the meeting i to arotisw the atate Democracy no as to prevent any possible "crooked work" at. the coming: state con vention. A candidate for chairman of the state convention will probably -be stippcsted. The object, of the confer ence i- declared to be: "To take whatever action seems most effective in the present emergency to pre out the completion of the corrupt deal which i contemplated, involving the mIp of the Democratic name and oi 'gnnixat ion. ' It must be a tight to the finish for the preset at ion of Demo cratic principle and Democratic honor." Beside Mr. Jerome, Mayor J. X. Ad am of Bulfalo, D. ("ady Derrick and Kduatd M. Sliepard of Brooklyn, are to speak. ' It ii snd t,1l'ay that if nominated for governor, district Attorney Jerome pro pocs to nmke an automobile epecch innkinj; tour of the shite, vi-.itin; every city and town of any respectable aize. IDENTIFIED AS SAILOR., Murdered Man Came to Boston from Nova Scotia. Bnslon, .Sept. 4, The man who watt found murdered on the commonweall h flats in South V ston curly Sunday morning with four bullet wounds in his body, whs lMt tiijrht. positively iden tified as William J. Welsh, whose home is supposed to be iu Cuycboio county, V, S. He was a fisherman mid sailed from Gloucester. In a despatch which Chief Inspector Watts, received from Port Mtiljirnve in that country last liijjht, ii was hlalel that Welsh was supposed to bt nt work on a schooner lio-.e master i Cnpt. Winn. dipt. Winn is said to have been tin uncle of the murdered man. He sailed to the jji'hiiiI banks from Glou cester nml ibe last heard of Wc!-di by his relatives in N'ova Scolut was' that he was slill on board that craft.' That, was some months nj;o. Welsh was 40 years old nod unmar ried. While in Bosion he frequented the rooms of soiietie-- that look after liCamca when they axis in port. 6ENERAL OFFICES! 74 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. V- SOtDIERS KILL FOUR POLES. Boy Shot While Trying to Escape Pur. suers by Swinramg. Warsaw, Ko.'sinn Poland. S'tpt. ' Soldiers Monday night killel four citi .tim and made wholesale at '.eti 111 dif ferent parts of the town. A boy who was bein;r pu sued by an!- diets jumped into the Vistula and wa shot and killed while trying to wim away. f St. PeteiHburp, Nept.'S.-Tho situation in the Shtisha, Jcvenshir, and other ijis t rids of Southeastern Caucasus, wheio Tartar-Armenian hostilities arc in full way, has (frown so striotis that the v ice roy has supcrseedod lien. tiolochtkapofV, liovernor-gencral of Kli7.a';cthrd pt i v;nce, by On. Bajjer, whose liamc a I'oupled with H hat of t!en. ..likhiuioT in connection with the bcrbaroiw method1 by which order was n storu-l in the Cau casus alter the revolt of last, winter. While parliament was in session atten tion wais repeatedly called to (leu. Bauer's inhumanity by tin? inounVr from the Caucasus. TROUBLE FOR ST0ESSEL. Russian General Is Likely to Face An other Trial. St. Peter-bur.'. Sept. 5.-By order of the emperor, unless Lieut. -Gen. Stoessel, the former commander of Port Arthur: l.icut-lSen. Fofk. who commanded the j'oiirth Kast Siberian Division at Port Arthur, and C-en. Keiss, chief of staff of t.t at! of ticn. Sloesel, are either unani mously acquitted or are punished by the Flopp coinmifision, entrusted w ith the tn teti(tion of the surrender of Port Ar thur, the three oliicera mentioned will be tiied by the newly appointed suprefno coiirt-tnartial. COUP PLANNNED? Arrests in Arizona Point to n Attempt to Organize Mexicans for Raid. - Tucson, Aria., Sept...r.;Collis. Hum bert, a frenchman, and Leonardo N'illia renl ami Bruno Treyino, Mexieatis, were arrested yesterday at Mowrr and Pata gonia mining camps by iinniictation in spectors. , . ' '' It is charged that the men are at tcmptitig to organize a forcepf. Mexi can miners 'to ntiack' Xoaales, Sonora, and capture the custom house, nnd the aiM'oal rtf the ruiales..'. ;, ; ; '. Letters found on' the pii-'oners show that their plans were directed by Mexi can revolutionist leaders at St. Louis. The letters also indicated that the revo lutionists have organization in 40' pities, and that they will become active as soon as'they' aims. . PRESIDENT LEAVES OCT. 1. Will Go to Washington and Three Days Later Visit Pennsylvania. Oyster Bay, Sept. 5. president Boose clt will leave Siignmoie Hill for Wash ington October 1. Three days later he will make a flying trip to llarrisbuix and Y"ork, Pa., where he will deliver BpeechcR. The date of hi departure from Oyster Bav was announced vctcrdav. Baker's Extracts j Cnm?LY WITH ALL FOOD LAWS " J There are on the market many 'concoctions labeled "Extracts" of j which this cannot be said in fact 'many of them do not contain a I particle of the fruit whose name ! they bear. Knowing this dirTer !encc, which dt you prefer? ( BAKER EXTRACT COMPANY 1 fc) 1 J