Newspaper Page Text
THE JBA1U1K DAILY TIDIES. OCT. li , mm. WON'T SHIELD ROCKEFELLER Throv ayjay f ho fsox of MEAT LAW VIRGINIAS'S OFFERING TO JEW EflGLAIlE 91 . ri'-rt lr Catarristss, 1 ,,.? iinnl m neons ibrSi .-r-!..-! . A SUCCESS as far as baby is concerned, and get for him instead a cake of tadhtittMM anq JW'.'t! ruelbach . the wizard; j. Didn't Allow White Sox a Clean Crack ! WOMAN IS SHOT. A Myiacuou3 Atlair at Mew Bedroitl ." Yesceiday. ! . Now Bediord, .Oct. 1 L.-:-A. woman wiu ' luis. ii'it, been identitrvd, uml who tub- . Lonily! to give tlio police sViv in lormutiou, iiri probably fatally ,!.! early yc-iicvijay moiiiing under an ouk tree -on the old Hawthorne street g.-li 'links. '' ) : Although a niiui who heard the shut reached - the scene witltiil, u vcryfiiu ; minute nilenvmd, tho woman's assail- ; ant had disappeared and up to noun cflort to locate, him had been unmail- j ' ' . ': "' ' j i'he vutim m a Poituguev woman, , ti)ii.'it 'Ml years old.- Mie is now at tit. ; Luke's iiobpitul. mid was operated tin! vcterday iiiuming by J)r, W. N. Swift, j three bullet wounds' were found, two i her body nnd one in her bead, i COST 138.71 A YEAS. For Soldier's" Care in House at Ben . "'''r nington. Bennington, Oct. 11. Tho biennial re port ot trustees of the Vermont soldiers' home shows that for the two your- ending June no last 75 inmates have been added to the membership, and SI inmates have died. Si nee the insti tution as opened in May, S8R, 592 veterans have ' become members of the institution. 1 ho per capita cost ..per jear has been jff.Jtf.71. The trustees ask the irjj-latnre to a ppropriate $24, UOO for the eoniMi" biennial term. ,. '1 he hjJiitiujr sniMni hat ,ipenetl,aiul if you are ci)iit' fisted .whew to go-,it eots you money and you get no game. Www ant to post you where you ean oh Uin the best groeeries the mrkrt ean produee", and it eosts you nothing to Invesiipile uiul very little if you buy, considering the quulity and the price we u ik, M. J. McGOWAN, Toltpliono 118.2 a J 07 So. Main St., Banc, Vt A Pleasant Subject it always wovthy of investigation. Snp poe you intend to cotnuieiiee house keeping. What more natural to diBcuss than The Subject of Bread. It' really 'the food-' of all foods. Our bakery will provide and deliver it dailv at you door. It' chefiper than baking it nt home, dive it a trial end see. Tfi City Bakery, Bcmis & Caron, eSUoJainSI. Tel 12-11 Parrs, Vi Store. The Fur season opens. All kinds of Fuis fur sale. Furs remodeled, repaired atxi rcdveJ. Old Furs taken in excha:ii:e. Israel Schwartz 52 Sato Sfc, - Monfpolior, Vt. , Tho Si'? a of tin Baar. k U i! REPAIRED AND REMODELED IN EVERY STYLE Satisfaction Guaranteed. AIssj Ready-mads Fur Garments & Ladies' & Gentleman's Fur Coats Sold :.t Reasonahk Prices. Call and convince Yourself. ' ' ' ( STEKOLCH!D h MELLMAN, lariictirtii Furrier, cornsr Main and gla Mia'. Mnntprlier. taxaaca t&rots H'Jejf' bwru. WmB Montpelier WAS ALA0ST A SHUT OUT j ,ubs Batted Both White and Owen Hard and Landed Second Game of the Series by the Score of 7 to 1. ( hicago, Oct. 11.-- 'I'he magniiieent pitching ot liuelbaeli enabled tne t'hi eago tubs to turn the tables on the nilo hox in the woi ld'i ehanipiorit-hip series at the American league ground yesterday afternoon, tint lor an error Jnelbmli would have had tho hox shut out. Am it wins the Cubs won as they wished by the feore ol 7 to J. '1 he losers did not get a fo crack off the great ' pi teller nud nw lirnt bae only through the kindness of their opponent. White started to pitch tor the Ameri cans, but after four rum had been tat Jicd 'off , Id in, he gave way to Owen, who fared but little better. Tho waring started in the second in ning', Tho. Sox rooter went wild when Chance struck out, but quietd dovn when Steiuieldt made the first of the three bits of the day, Tinker followed with a safe bunt and Kvers bit to Ibeil. who threw wildly to second, enabling Nteinfeldt to score and Tinker to get to third. White passed Kling purposely, tilling the base. Huelbach bunted and was thrown out by Ihbell, but -Tinker went home on tho play, llolfinan sin gled and Kvcrs scored, but Kling wafj out at the plate when he tried U score on the play. , . : The Cubs got another in the third inning on a fielder's choice to Chance, n stolen base and another appropriated when Sullivan threw tow to meeond. Steinfeldt's "second Kingle scored the manager. , ; V , It was ill the fifth that the Sox scored their only run. IJonohue got a pa from Ruclbach, but wa forcetl out by Jughcrty. Hiu'Jbach made a wild pitcli and IXmgherty went to eeond. Sul livan put up a foul for Kling but Tanne liilt rapped it Tinker, alkivving Dougher- y u get in with a wore. Dwen, who bad replaced lute, was an eRy out. ; The. Sox got through ith fourth and fifth jW'ithotvt. lettinif their opponents Kcor", but the .latter added one in the oixtli. Steinfldt xingled but was forced by Tinker. Kvern singled, sending Tink er to second. Sullivan threw poorly to Jtohe to catch Tinker and the latter ncored, while Kvera went to third. Kling fanned and Ruclbach was the third out, Rohe to first. The last scoring of the day cam in the eighth. Chance started with a sin gle. ' Steinfeldt wn out on a grounder to Owen. Chance then utole and, came homo on Tinker'n hit. Tinker nko stole. .Tannehill got Kverg biit Tinker M'ored on a wild pitch. Kuelbacli t thrown out bv Owen. MONTREAL EXCURSION. Round Trip Over Central Vermont Only $2, Going October 1. v The Central Vermont railway bait ar ranged a special low-rate excursion to Montreal and return for Tuesday, Octo lr' 1 0, from Williaiuitown, South Harre, Harre, Montpelier, Middlesex, .Water bury,, .North Duximry, iJolton, etes J'ht fare will lie $'2 for the round trip, and tickets will be good going on the 12:01, H:41 a. in., and 3:10 and r:3i p. m. trains out of Hurre; Ticket guod to return to arrive back at btartiiig point October IS. Through coaches to Montreal on all trains. No stop-over privilege. . , . , . . . . ? CURRENT COMMENT. ' " Since $1,000,000 TcortU'of old Iron baa been found In the mud on the canal zone Americans ean better understand the capacity of that territory to absorb money. Omaha I'.oo. Wheat, corn, potatoes and cotton aeed are more plentiful mid cheaper than for several years, nnd but for the currency famine the ucceisaries of. life would be within the reach of fill. Washing ton Tost ' The nfter vacation crop of typhoid is being gathered. If those, who ludulga In outings would be n careful of sources of disenae as they are when nt home, there, would be less typhoid de velopment hi the autmnu. Troy Rec ord. ;- Because of the number of homicides In the United States n atalisticlan con cludes that It Is dangerous to be alive. However, considering the number of ccmhinndment3 that are broken, It Is equally dangerous to be dead. Louis ville Courier-Journal. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. , During the last ten years the single product of sisal fiber has yielded lu Yucatan tho enormous sum of 207,000, 000 Mexican silver dollars. About 0,000 Iron miners la Lorraine, more than half of the whole number employed In that region on the border of Germany and France, are using acetylene lamps In their work. There Is n strong feeling In Austria and Germany against co-operative stores. At a recent meeting In Vienna a speaker predicted the ruin of the mercantile class unless aomelhlng was done to check the movement. The manufacture of tantalum, one of the hardest metals known, Into sheets nurl bars Is now, It Is said, being prac ticed In Germany by tho squirtlug process, tho material In Its original powdered form being mixed with wa ter and gum trngaennth and then suc cessfully forced Into rods and shapes as desired. Crnnstatft. The strongest fortress In European Russia is CronRtndt. It Is the Russian naval depot of the Baltic su. j Should a sudden impulse j seize you to embrace the op portunity which we offer to get a ifst class Range for j $25.00, you can rest assured that you will not regret it. jThe appended items should excite your impetuosity. . ' A 9-20 Steel Rang;e with higlt closet and water front, $40.00 An 8-20 Steel Ran2c - 35.00 An 8.i 20 RanCe . - - 32.00 A 9J 22 Range - . - 40.00 A 9-20 Range - - - - . 32-50 All the above Guaranteed. THE N. D. T PHELPS CO., Flumoins; and Reatinr, 188 No. MalnSC SAYS BEHRING METHO D SPREAD TUBERCULOSIS New Serum Treatment Declared Abso lute Failure Before Consumption Experts. New York, Oct. II. A copyright cable from Pari to the Herald says that at a meeting of the internatioiiul ant i -tuberculosis .society Tuesday at which Dr. Miuin Lancereaux presided, before an essentially medical audience,- Or. Bern hcim demonstrated what he declared to be the absolute failure of Dr. Retiring' experiment, tie said he had examined the patients treated bv the tulase serum in the clinic of l)r.: Kehl at Strassbdrg. The injections wiire very painful, and of no benefit to the patients,' 'Autopsrea in some cates showed that new; centres of tuberculosis in the heart, pericardium, lung and kidneys had developed during the treatment. . , . . , -, . . .. . Dr. Ilernheim urged that lie, be al lowed to arrange a public debate with l)r, Uehriiig Iwtore. a scientific society, saying it would be easy to demonstrate that Dr. Behring made promisfs impos sible of fulfilment and that the result of his experiments were nij. BIGGEST CORN CROP EVER. Indicated Yield by Government Report . , - la 3,780,000 Bushels. Washington, Oct. It The government crop report issued today gives the con dition of corn on Oct. 1 as 9(1.1, as com pared with on Sept. 1. K!t.2, on Oct. I, W)3, and 8.1.9 on Oct. 1, 1004. '1 he crop is now and will be about 2,780,000, Odd, ooo bushels, the largest ni the country's bsitivry. Condition of "pring wheat on Oct. 1 wa Htf.5 as compard with Wl.O last year. "The condition of oats was as com pared with H2.4 last year. The average yield per acre of spring wheat, subject to revision when the fi nal estimate is made in December, is l.:,7 bushels. The indicated crop is 246. 409,000 bushels. against 0(1 ,2 3 7, 000 bushels last month. Preliminary returns indicate an oat crop of alsuit 05,1.'j2il0o0 bushels, or an avtrage of -D1.3 per acre, as compared with ;it bushels as finally estimated in jyoa. . . .- SEVERAL HURT. Overland Limited Cars Are Thrown from The Track by Broken Rail. , Topeka, Kan., Oct. IV Seven persons were injured seriously, and many, more slightly in a wreck lat night, two miles east of Mamwegu on the L'nion Pacific lailroaii. Four cars on the Overland lim ited, west-bound, were thrown from the truck by a broken rail, ami the wreckage was strewn over a distance of a quaretr of a mile. The train was late ami was running at high speed. The engine, tender, baugage and mail cars, together with tliw hnioker, did not leave t he track. Most of the injured are residents of this state. CROKER'S LIBEL SUIT. He Gets Leave to Serve the "London Magaiine." ; Dublin, Oct. 11. Leave was granted yesterday to serve a writ out of th" jurisdiction of the Dublin courts in tho libel suit which Richard Croker has brought against the London Magazine for publishing an article upon New Yovk IHilitics in which Mr, Croker's methods are compared with those of Boss Tweed. M0SELEY SAILS FOR AMERICA. Coming to Complete Arrangements for Visit of British Teachers. Liverpool, Oct. 11. Alfred Moseley; head of the National educational com mission, sailed for New York on the Baltic yesterday to complete arrange ments for the visit to the I'nited States under his auspices of teachers from all parts of the L'nited Kingdom. Suspect Firebug., Urattleboro, Oct. II. The loss by fire on the house of Enoch Larson of Oentreville, burned Tuesday, will be $2,500. The insurance is $a,5()0. There is a. suspicion among the townspeople that a flrelmrg is at work. Marsters Vacation Tours. All Expanses Included. Psrsoiisllv conducted Nino Tv Tnur 1 (!. J'OINT COMFOHT. BA1 TIMORK, WASHlKUTON. l'Hn,Alt.l.rHtA and .SEW YoKK. Leitvet BoMon Saturday. October 7th at 8 V. M. by .H. A M. 1. uj palatial stm!r "Ontario." Hat from Boston . $30.00 ( I'-i'TCrma- !t pxpinis. ) LOW RATE TOl KS TO FLORIDA. Iflnir Huston Nov. 8 nrt loe. a, u and 28; from Nw York the following clnys u Clyde Line Htesmsrs. One wsy and round trip rluc.tli.ns to all poluM In FlcrlUa. Bend for i lneiiii'lws to GEORGE E. MARSTERS, 2 Washington (Street, Hystou, Mats. Ohio Court Orders His Pre vious Testimony Admitted LAWYERS IN A WRANGLE Lawyers in Wrangle Standard's Attor neys Strenuously Object to Bringing Forth Evidence Says He's ; Not the President. Tindlay, Ohio, Oct. 11. After a sharp legal argument of ll'j hours, the testi mony given by John D. Rockefeller in IS'.IH before' the supreme court of tho state was admitted as evidence in the trial here of the Standard oil company of Ohio, charged with conspiracy against trade,., .- , ... ,,,,., -. In admitting the evidence. Judge Ban ker said it was simply to enlighten tho jury as' to conditions prior to the period covered In' the present suit, and not to prove any net during the past three years covered by the suit. Before the jury was brought int court attorneys tor the prosecution and defense held a preliminary argument touching the competency of admitting the testimony of Mr. Rockefeller given in the previous trial. . Mr. Phelps, for the prosecution, maintained that this evidence by , Mr. Rockefeller was the very essence of the case in trial. In objecting V. P. Kline, for the Stan dard, said be would not concede even the authenticity of the statements. Mr. Phelps' retorted that Mr. Rockefeller was then, as now, president of the de fendant company. 'Mr. Rockelellcr has not been shown to be, and in tact is not president of this defendant company," asserted At torney Troupe for the defense. "Tho statements lie j then made J year before the cause oi actiod. Mr. Phelps replied: "A corporation has no face except a false face. Itj is a mantle that covers the individuals in it, so that the head of the company, when he speaks that is the language of the- corporation itself." Reiterating I hat the evidence was not authenticated in ' proper way to be accepted !W evidence, Mr. Kline fol lowed with the second objection that the president. of no corporation could, by bis utterances, bind the corpora tion. ,.!-:' CAR SHORTAGE SERIOUS. Traffic Managers Alarmed at CongesUon of Freight Chicago," Oct. '11. The congestion of freight traffic has increased so fant within the last few days that railway officials fear thev are oon to lie face to face 'with a blockade. Conditions oh the eastern roads, which have not only to handhv the business which they orig inate but have the crops of the west pouring upon them for export, are nat urally the worst, but those on the vet era lines are vapidly becoming seri ous, ' With the approach of winter the movement of coal .has swiftly grown heavier, aggravating the congested con ditions which already existed, and traf fic men say that they do not know what they will r(o for cars when the year's enormous crop of corn is ready for market, as it wilt lie now in a short time. EXPLOSION KILLS TWO. One Man Burned to Death by Molton x ', . Metal. Oueago, (Vt. 11 Two men' ar dead and rive others injured as the result of an explosion of a blat furnace in the plant of thtf Illinois Steel "Company in south Chicago last night. One of the men was burned to death instantly by the. molton metal, and the other died in t!ie hospital early today. All of the injured will recover. The cause of the explosion has not yet been determined. TO CLOSE a ACKING HOUSE. Building Commissioner Learns That His Orders Are Not Obeyed. Chicago, Oct. 11. Building Commis sioner Hartrcn yesterday ordered the police to close all buildings at the pack ing plant of Nelson, Morris A Co. found to ! in a dangerous condition. Some time ago the commissioner or dered that certain changes be made in twenty-eight buildings connected with the plant, in order , to conform to the building ordinances. was informed that the changes had not. been made, ' NEW YORK EXCURSION. Second of Season Over Central Vermont Will Be Run October 22. The Central Vermont railway's sec ond fall excursion to New York will be run Monday, October 22, by rail to New London and from there by steamer diester W. Chapin to New York. The fare for the round trip will be $6.00 from Williamstown, South Barre, Bane and Montpelier and all points along the line. Train leaves Bane at 11:35 a. m. Thickets good returning until October 2!Hh. , SNOW AND COLD. Record Weather for October in St.Louisj Heavy Snow Fell at South Bend. Chicago, Oct. it Various points throughout. Ohio report record breaking cold went her. It whs the coldest October day . ever recorded in St. Uniis, the temperature being 3 decrees. Four inches of snow fell at South Bend, Ind., today. Low Rate Sunday Excursion. The Central 'Vermont railway will run a low rate, excursion Sunday, October 14th, between principal stations, coming north on paper train leaving White Riv er Junction at 7:50 a. m., returning on evening train leaving St. Albans at 6:25 p. m. , Use it for his daily bath, and when he is rinsed off, dry every fold of his skin with a soft towel Should any irritations appear from scalding or chafing put on just the least bit of SPIM Ointment-Cream, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing your baby could not be made cleaner or more comfortable externally. SPIM is just aa good for the grown- . taps as it is for the baby. 'V Splm Soap, 25c. gpim Oinlmsnt-Crsam, 60e. Of yorsrocer,orilnie8ti"t or postpaid by mil. If not Hlif1U for any niuwul, your mom-y burk. 1 hw Splm gooUa rt euaranterd by ChM. M. Knoi, manor of KNOX'S CELAT1NE - the purest and best gelatine In the world. Sold by all flrstlBM grocers. . Snid pxt.l tut (Mir Fines o.klr.. "Wn-h I. tlla lu yonf tab' nr win prlM from V " SPIM CO. (Ck. Km. et rwri) Johnstown, N.I. For Sale by Sowden & Lyon, Barre, Vt STOLEN PROPERTY RECOVERED, Victim of Robbery Captures Thief and Takes Him to Lockup. Saxtons River, Oct. ' 11. Jack HeM ner, a youth 17 years old, who says his home is in Newark, N. J., nnd who has traveled to some extent with dif ferent" circuses. Is in the lockup here, charged with stealing two watches, one diamond, stickpin, a diamond ring, two opal rings and a 32-i-alibre . revolver from 5, P. Alexander. When the theft was discovered .Mr. Alexander at once telephoned to the officials in the neigh boring towns nnd offered a reward of $50 lor the capture of Hessner, While hurrying about the village the victim accidentally ran into the thief going around a street corner, captured him, took him to the lockup, and found ull the stolen property on his person. H. W. SPAFF0RD A CANDIDATE. Rutland Man Seeks Position on State ' " "' Railroad Commission. . .Rutland, Oiii ll.Ilenry W. SpatTord of this city ha announced - his candi dacy for member on the board of state railroad commissioners, vice H. S. Bing ham of Bennington, whos term ex pires this year. Mr. Spafford has had a forty-live years career in railroading on the old Bennington St Rutland rail road.. He iK'gan as station agent and wis general freight and passenprr agent when the road passed into the hands-of the Rutland railroad company..; - ' JUDGE'S HOUSE DYNAMITED. Attempt to Assassinate M. Yoder, Che halia, Wash., Attorney. Chehalis, Wash., Oct. 11. An attempt to assassinate Judge M. Yoder, a well known attorney, by blowing his house up with dynamite, was made Tuesday night. Although painfullv bruiseil, neither the judge nor his wife received any other serious injury. The lawyer received several threatening letters dur ing the trial of a divorce case, but no attention was paid to them. D0WIE LOSES MEXICAN CONCESSION Terma of the Compact Not Lived Up to The Government Takes Action. Mexico City, Mex.. CM. 11 Apostle Dowie no longer holds title to the 10, 000 acre concession from the Mexican government. It i believed that the II,. 000,000 he is trying to raise for Zion is really to re-establish bis claim to the hands in Mexico, r The terms of the concession were that Dowie, and. his followers would erect homes, cultivate the soil and organize a colony of industrious, law-abiding persous. The government offered the lands on easy payments at $10 an acre but the terms of the compact have not been complied with and the govern ment has declared the concession for feited. 85 YEARS FOR MURDER. Aged Cripple Who Shot Landlord Con victed in Paterson. Paterson, N. .1., Oct. 1 1 Michael Fer nisnns, the old cripple peddler, who Rhot and killed his landlord, Virgil C. Mennell, on May 8 last, at 184 Oliver street, was found guilty today of murder in the sec ond degree, lie was immediately sen encpd by Judge Pitney to twenty-five years in state prison. . Formalins acted as his own lawyer, and made a speech saying that all' he wanted wa "fairness and justice." Men mil was shot beeause he had given the man notice to leave his house, as other tenants had complained of his presence. AST0R HEIRS INSANE. Biother and Sister, Descendants of First John Jacob, ia art Asylum. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 11 A sher iff's jury and Dr. Samuel R. Lyon of Bloomingdale Asylum, District Attorney Addison J. Young, and John J, Brown, commissioner in lunacy, today dscided that Peter de Not.ebeck and his sister, Gahrielle de Notebeck, are insane. They are the great-grandchildren of John Jacob Astor. Their mother, Cecilia de Notebeck, died insane last August and left a lerge fortune. Peter and tiabrielle each inherited about $250,000. There is another sister, Eugenia de Note beck. BRAKEMAN KILLED. Rutland Railroad Employee Struck by a Low Bridge. Burlington, Oct. 11. Frank ('. Ken nedy, aged 23 years, a luakeman .em ployed on the Rutland railroad, was instantly killed early yesterday, being hit on the head by a low bridge be tween the Middlebnry and Salisbury sta tions. A wife anil daughter survive. The body was brought, linri for burial. For four years Mr. Kennedy had been in the employ of the road and was jivpula-r. Aany Packers Asking Forj Inspectors APPROPRIATION GOING Government to Economize Four Men for Each Plant the Average Civil Service to Be Extended to Revenue Deputies. Washington, Oct. 11. Secretary W'it stm announces that government meat in spection unusr the new rules has been applied to 479 packing houses. This ia a decided increase over the figures of a week ago. The law is working 1 who great success, according to (Secre tary Wilson, and the department is not encounteriiiK the difficulty predicted by the opponents of the legislation. The j demand lor inspectors is so great that the. department officers are giving special consideration to the problem of cutting down the expenses of inspection as much as possible. Secretary Wilson said that, two thousand men, ho will cost the department $2,500,000 annually, are al ready in the. field engaged in inspec tion work. As the total appropriation i ,$3,000,000, the department finds it necessary to economize. J-'our inspec tors to one house ig now the average, and the men find themselves hard work. ed but the department may soon be able to systematize things so that two or three men tan take care of a single house. KILLED ELEVEN. Boxers' Attack Repulsed by Yaraen Sol diery Headed by German Officer. V ictoria, B. (.'., Oct. 11. Fresh out breaks of boxers are reported in North China in districts west, of I'ckiu, ac cording to mail advices received here. Mr. Stephenson, a missionary at Tsouin psieu, Sophingchna, -writes that boxers have been drilling in the hills near there for mouths, and recently attacked Tsou incen. . ' The boxers rushed into the city shout -ing "Kill the foreigners!" The" foreign community, two missionaries and four women, escaped to the maiiist rate's va- men. A German army lieutenant, trav- cling in the district, put himself a, the head of " the yanien soldiery, of whom 10 had lilies, us well as he and his servant, ' The lieutenant and his small baud went to a temple in : the early morning, and there were attacked by the boxers, of whom 11 were, killed and many wounded and 42 taken pris oners. CO-EDUCATION IS DOOMED. Aim Is to Build Up Two Affiliated Uni . -, t - , versities. - - -. Chicago, 111., Oct. 11. Co-education at the university of Chicago has been alsd- j ished. It official death warrant has been signed by the fatuity and hence forth as fa-t as the plans can be ma tued the men and women are to 1' gradually separated until complete seg regation has ultimately Iwen secured. The final aim is to build up two affili ated universities, one for women, tin; other for men. ' "University life here need to be more secluded and freer from the publicit v which is now its greatest failing." lared Dean MacClintock. Chorus Girl Killed. Chicago, III., Oct. 11. Miss Violence McDonald, 26 years old. a member of the chorus in the "Blue Moon" company, now playing at a downtown theatre, was killed early yesterday by falling out of a fourth-story window fn the Windsor Clifton hotel. She was sitting on the window sill and loft her balance. Mis McDonald was known on the stage as Florence Raymoud. Her home was in Brooklyn, N. Y. C BAU, the Photogfaphety WILL OPEN OCTOBER 15th. . . A PICTURE FRAME DEPARTMENT ACROSS THE STREET FROM HIS CURRIER BUILDING STUDIO, DIRECTLY OVER FRED KLWS JEWELRY STORE, DEPOT SQ. Such a department will be appreciated in Barre- Here will be an oppor tunity to select, literally at your own door, anything and eveiyiiiing in the way of Portrait Frames, whether large or small ; or you can have a frame made to order at reasonable notice, and make your own selection from a hundred and fifty sampl?s of the newest and choicest picture frame mould ings in the market. Crayons and Enlargements In Colors or Without. Mr. Rau will make a specialty of large Portraiture. Whether you are interested just now or not, simply look at the beautiful work displayed on the walls of this new frame store, then talk it over with C. BAU, The Photographer, Barre, Vt. When you take Medicine you do so because you want to get well quick ly. Bring your : PRESCRIPTIONS to our Pharmacy, and we will help you 'all we can. Your medicine will contain exactly what your doctor directs, and it will be compounded from purest and best fresh drugs by an experienced, registered grad uate pharmacist. Our prices arc reasonable, even below the average. D. P. DAVIS, "The Druggist," 262 North Main St., - - . Barre. Venno-;! Plant iron -.made from spinach .n r : other greeiit, grown -in the red w "'mid the green fields of Virginia'"- only one of many vegetable ingrodieir that. xn to oiakc perfect.' the great t of all known remedies for eonstipatio This is the discovery of a great, VJ-- (.'iuian physician and named in his bom i Virginia Velvets." One at night, O. K next morning. r .Tliey never gripe , r weaken, but stimulate, strengthen ami sustain. Different from all other rem-V edies, they both cleanse and strengtheiif the system. Not a "cure-all," but ul cure for all forms of . constipation and liver troubles cleansing the system,! feedinir the nerves, building up the body. I An ideal tonic, a laxative" that never fails. Don't get into the habit of taking drugs which at best give only tempo rary relief. Take "Virginia Velvets." Unlike all other pills and potions for constipation, the ofteiicr you take "Vir ginia Velvets" the less you have to -Ase. It is Siot necessary to go on. using tUcm forever, and in increasing doses. Ask your druggist first. If he won't accommodate you, we will. Full sized package, in handsome watch shape bot tles, sent to any address postpaid on receipt of price, 2" cents. Chase Manufacturing company, 625 Macon street, Brooklyn, X, Y. KILLED BY ROPE. Russian Terrorists Hanged at Dodi, PoK and Strike Is Spreading Fast' Dodzi, Poland, Oct. ,1 1. Five terror ists, sentenced to death by drumhead court martial, were hanged yesterday. The employees of the street railroads, tl,e 'h"0, teachers and the newspaper employees have joined, the men in all the factories who went on strike Tues day against trials by drumhead' court martial. ' ',';' At. Benrtzin Tuesday five Socialists were tried by drumhead court martial and shot for armed resistance to ar rest. ! ' .WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. " Have you neglected your kidneys! Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder! Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent a desire to ' pus urine? if so, Williams' Kidney Pills will curtf you. Sample free. By mail 50e. ' 'Williams Mfg. Co., proprietors, Cleveland,, Ohio. Sold by C. H. Kendrick & Co. - The Best in the Market We buy direct and in larger ouanti- 4 I m 4l.i rt vt r. k ak 1h i 1 i " " ' ""-, 'rr, an de-'Jff"1 U)e l,est at the lowest pries for good fruit. If we ask yon more for grapes or other fruit than others advertise them for it is because they are better and worth more than half rijni or partly de cayed fruit. Good fruit is cheapest in the end. . Our fruits are always good New England Fruit Company, A- DIVERS!, Prop. Cor. No. Main and Merchant Sts, Barra. m nsi jffBWtjW'W'y'ywiiui i