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THE BAKEE DAILY TIMES. OCT. 11, 1906. i BLANKETS. Get the " BEACON." at F its COMFORTERS Get the Laminated Down Waste Value up to $2.00- 89" c. " If you want a pretty waist go to Fitts," Have you ever heard this remark? ' .. ' It's a peculiar thing, but our Waist Department has had very little advertising space the past season, and Ave have had the most satisfactory season this department has ever known. Every customer has been an advertisement for us. Such Vemarks as the above. This is a general clean-up and includes broken sizes of different lines, all more or less mussed, but with a little laundering are as good as shown to-day for fall and winter wear. Small sizes limited in number, so come earlv. ' ii Dress Goods. If it's quality if it's style you'll find them in this department. 13 Pieces we have just opened of the most striking plaids, prettiest mixtures and new est weaves we have shown. Beautiful trimmings to match. Underwear. Every quality and style called for in Underwear we have tried to get for this department. While: prices have advanced we have "stuck" to our standard of quality in every instance. Mentor and Luzerne makes. There are none better, few as good, Pretty interesting 'iraes we are having in the Garment Department now. Yoa'd better Join the crowds. We're on tbe last days cf the Sewing Machine Giub ER FITTS CO. $2 and you're a member. Join at once. S H O 5 FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Shoes that are made with all the snap and individuality that characterizes our Shoes for grown-ups. Shoes that fit, because they are made on anatomical lasts that support the foot without crowding the tender bones and muscles. Shoes that wear because only the best of upper stock and sole leather are used in them. Williams, .Hoyt, VemD, Ths Educators, " Names that are everywhere. recog nized as synonymous with honest, progressive shoemaking. In all leathers and sizes, from baby's to Misses'. SOLD ONLY BY THE 131 North Main Street. Telephone 432-4. Bafre'; Vt. i ; - United Shoe Stores Co. Barre, Hardwick, Burlington, St. Albans. EAST BARRE. THE 'BARRE DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1908. Weather Prediction. Ruin or snow in northorri portion aril politer, except in New Hampshire anil Vermont, tonight. Friday fair, except min or xnow in northern and eastern Maine. Colder on the roast. Liyht to variable . winds,- becoming westerly. MERCHANTS r LIGHT YOUR WINDOWS EVERY NIGHT Wc will turn your lights on, at dusk and'off at 9.30 or 10.00 o'clock, for a fixed sum per month. Let Your Goods Talk to the Public While You Rest. all Consolidated Lighting Company, Phone 324-4, about it. Thw will n Mfial diuieR in the nneru house on Katunhiv (,..- i- Gilbmsoii' oroho-l ra. jiuiiciiij. from $ till 12. Jiill 50 cenH. There will bo a fpccinl iiiiimiii)iciit Idii of Granite loilire, So. XI. V. & A. M.i I'riiiny evrnint nt 7 oVIrn-k. Work M. M. iini-c, iVr or 'er V. M. I , TV .11 There will be n reg ular meeting of Court Kranite Cily, N'o. n, r. of A., oii Thursday fiveilini' at T;;iO oVIook. An advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. There will be a regular " J-- meeting of Hiawatha loilpe, fhW No. 20, f. 0. O. !"., ou Thurv dny (veiling, Oct. Uth, at 7 o'clock. The initiatory degree will be conferred. II. V. ( link, noble giuud. .Vi'.- A meeliti; of the Clan (Jirtdon u inurement coin mittee will lie held on Tliinsidiiy evening, October II, at :3tt o'clock sharp, Janien A rick, secretary. TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely Told for Busy .' Readers... .. $(5.50 dress tkirt at Yauglian's for $3.08. Clarence Kendiick has returned from r.oxton. Bargains in ranges at the D. Phelps Company. The store of Enialie, the florit, is open all iay now John A. Stevenson of St. Jolmsbury i in the city on busineKS. f'liiTord Teake has pone to Underbill for a week's vacation. A few ic blanks to close at two for Ce. Averill music company. Ibainerd & Armstrong embroidery book for .J007 at The Art Store. : Angus Smith of Cabot ia vi.itin; at (bo homo of 1J. 1). Ladd, 41 I'ark Btreet. Dr. V". C. (joodrivh went to Syracuse, N'. Y., ' today on .a. few days' bu,inej trip. ? Come to the Pavilion tonight and find out why I'arthinia Longs is m very short. Come one, come nil, to Hale's Pavilion and we the Belles of Uiackville. Oc tober Uth. T. Rossi arrived .in the eit-y yesterday from Italy, where tie has ln;en on two month' trip. " A reirnlnr ineelimr nf tlio Hnrfe RaA- lgf-v will be held hi their pavilion Thurs j day at 7:00 p. m. " ' Come to llale'n Pavilion this evening and cee the ix fuuny end ladies in tne lilies or iSlacKville. Lining satin, 30 inc)i wide, in black and white, the kind that will wear, S1.25, at eale & Kniglit . '. F, P.ichardson ha a tenement to rent at .10" , Summer street. Jujit, man dnd wife 'yry much' preferred, ' 'The best remedy for cold, Our home made hore-hound candy. You are sure it is pure at the Jiarre Candy Kitchen. Iix & Coleman sold over 70 pounds of their famous Duumore coffee yes t may. which means ovet 70 cilstoilier are pleaded. 1 ' ' Miss Esther Mmlgett, who recently went from Jtarre to Boston to reside, i now attending the Cambridge' cum rrfrcial college. Tic sure and attend the Clan Gordon fair, which opens this evening. Will 1h open Friday and Saturday afternoon Mid evening ulo. ' John Wanamaker says: "The SUn dard rotary sewing machine is really the tinet of 'all made." So do 700,000 UMr; so does Kilts', 'Phe officer and, teachers of the Sun day school of the Church of the flood Shepherd are rei)ueted to meet this evening at J-.ZO o'clock at 27 Maple (J rove. John W. tiordon returned yesterday from a week's buinet trip to Boston and New York. While in the latter metropolis he attended the Vanderbilt autonid)ilo race. , Crand demonstration of the Dunmorc rotlee at Dix S Coleman's all of this week. The public is invited to call and try . enp and lie convinced that we are selling the best" to be had. There will be a pecial meeting of the Knights of Columbus Friday evening Rt 7 o'clock. The ' second degree lie exemplified. Kefreshments will be (served lifter the meeting. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jloyt of Graniteville, JMissoiui, -.were pleaicd Ur learn that a girl liaby welh5 iiig niiie pounds was leceytly Imiiii to thern anil tth mother ud" c(uld yai doing well Jt this writing.' Are you going to the Clan Cordon fair this evening? Why. yes, to see the Uiackville maidens of course. The lat est hit of the season is a duet by Birdie I!linerhaset and Kuphemiii Thunder cloud at I lute's Pavilion this eetiing. Cflpt. A. F. Dodge went to Waterhury this morning to attend a reunion of the old company II. 10th Vermont regiment. in wliifli lie enlisted in lsiii lite emu pnnv a organized in Wateiburv. Con lain Dodge enlisted in the eompauv as corpoial. 'Che member of I'une council. Knights of ( oliimbus, have been invited to attend vesper services in Monlpelier, Thursday evening, October It. The party will leave ilnrre on the 0:1. p. in. car. Tim Kcv. 1). J. O'Snllivan of St. 'Albans will di'ljvcr A lecture. We have seemed a, lot of Indies ami itiir-ies' skirts, comprising broadcloth, irfTges and mixed .-is, tiinniicdv with plaits, straps ami but tons. The usual price ol these skirls tuut lie .f..,7. and $4.00. Your choice of the lot on Sat urday for f'J.flH nt; Perry's. When you pay AO cents' fur a pound of candy, consider its i)imlily. Two persons at lea-d make protit on it. bring mg the wholesale price down to nlmnf tc to fie per pound. Pure sugir sells for more than that. There you eat pa ratine, st arch'and glucose. You know the kind WK make. Pane candy kitchen. - lis Lydia Miniui and Mose Cometta were united in marriage yesterday af ternoon by Justice of the Peace James Mackay. The ceremony was performed nt the home of Leabaldo liimsi at 15 Koss street, and was witnessed by a large number of the friends of the con tracting parties. The bride arrived in this y yesterday from Arogno. Swit zerland. The groom is a resident of tlurre, and they will aiakc their home here. A. A. SMITH O Fall - - Merchaiidis At Cut Prices. Factory Stock of Flannel ette Shirts at about one half the regular price. About 40 dozen Flannel ette Working Shirts in light, medium and dark gray colors, regular; 75c quality, to go in this sale at 39c At a Saving of About 20 Per Cent An extraordinary large purchase direct from the mill makes it possible for us to sell you double breast and double back Shifts with double seated prawexs, in natural wool and camel's hair that are positively worth $1.25, at only 1 -tr ill " 89c Lot extra heavy fleece lined Underwear with double breasted Shirts, to goat 47c Lot Jersey ribbed fleece lined Underwear, reduc ed from 50c to 43c Shoes and Rubbers Lot; 43. 50 and $4.00 Shoes, all styles, $2.98 Lpi,. $3.5,0 and ?3.00 Shoes , for Ladies and Gents,. - - $1.98 Children's Shoes at from - 23c to $1.47 Men's Rubber Boots re duced from $3.50 to only - - $2.98 Men's Rubbers re duced from 85c to 73 per pair. Ladies' Rubbers in low style and storm 49c Hats! liatsL Hats! The nobbiest Hats for Fall are shown by us in large assortments. A.A.SMITH & BRO. Man' Ontnttari, Miles Granite Block, Barre, Vt. isses' and Children's Garments. Real values tell ! We can give you some excep tional good values in Misses and Children's Coats at medium prices. We would like you to seethe pretty styles we can show and be convinced that our prices are right. Winter Underwear of all kinds here. Blankets and Puffs at all prices. VEALE & KNIGHT, Telephone 1 23-2. Currier Building, Barr, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY, UNION CtOTHING COMPANY. 4 3 o 5S o w a X H O d OPENING FALL SALE AND Exposition of ths New Modes for f ha Ssascn at Hand. . Saturday, October 6th, will mark the opening of Fall and Win ter business At this time our complete showing of Fall models will be on parade for inspection- For those wanting the more exclusive fabrics it is advisable to make selections early in the season, and wc invite the interest of those who desire the widest range of selection. ; The prominent feature in Business Suits is the form fitting back with flared skirts. In some styles this is pronounced, and in others only moderately so. The same style prevails in Overcoats. Business coats are mod erately long. In Overcoats one may wear a style 45 or 50 inches long, or some length between the two, and any of them will be correct. . We have a very wide range of fabrics this season, as well as the correct new styles, and we may say that we have never shown an assortment more pleasing in every, respect, than ve now present for your consideration. Sincerity Suits from - - - - $10.00 to $22.00 Sincerity Overcoats from - - 10.00 to 22.00 Other Suits from t . - . 5.00 to 22.00 Other Overcoats from - 5-00 to 25.00 Give us a call. . ., ' Union Clothing Store One Price Clothiers Telephone 126-2. Old Skating Kink Building:. 0pp. Depot Sqtsire, o 3 o t o H a a o o E5 o s 1 a as o t o H w o o o S3 O o a AHTdKOD OHIHI013 K0IMQ 'AiVdK0D OMIHI013 HOIKO it OOOOO oooooooo oooooooooo CLARICE." I o Fits. Wears. Pleases, o It is said "There is nothing new under the sun," f Q but wc are happy to announce to the ladies of Barre & Sand vicinity that we feel ourselves extremely fortunate O in securing aM' nevvf woman's" shoe the "Clarice." O W have, the evcltisive sale of this famntis shoe fnr O o o o Barre. All leathers.,'; ' , ' $3.00 the Pair. PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE O 157 North Main Street. C. S. ANDREWS, PropV. We Keep the Clothes That art Worth Coming After at prices that nobody objects to- There are two classes of suits We call the first "Young Men' Specials" wholly new in cut, with no end of ginger in the lines and a go about them that no other clothes have. These models express the very latest thought of fashion, and will be worn wherever well-dressed young men gather- The second: Conservative Business Suits for the solid men of the community in a great variety of dark" rich patterns for men who want their clothes to be exactly right, without the slightest detail to attract undue attention. Both classes of suits come at different prices, $5.00 to $1 8-00. We also have a complete line of Men's, Boys' Children's and Women's Underwear, Sweaters, Hosiery, Shoes, etc? THE BLUE STORE THOMAS BRADY, (Successor to Segel & Brady,) Telephone 27-2f. Bolster Block, 1 8 Main St. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. . mm m 1 $ Made of white clay, same as stoneware j jf and glazed. Prjces right. Now time to buy before first "frost, now overdue. b mm vmmm Strictly pure and extra strength, no adulteration, no artificial coloring. Also Creen Peppers, Tomatoes, etc. Pure Mixed Whole Spices for pickling and pure Ground Spices. Telephone 31-3. L..M. AVERILL, Opposite City Patk, Barre. Vermont.