Standard Quality Always.
You get the very finest tea the world pro
duces, fresh from the gardens, in the Sealed
Lead Packets
Have You Tried It?
30c, 40c, 50c, 60c and 70c Per Lb AT YOUR GROCER'S.
I 'The Times' Daily Short Story. I
Out of Dartmoor
i , ,
Copyright, 15KB, by Ruby Dougl&s.
Convict No. fiSOO, whot?e uame was
James Sbellinyne, was working on the
moor farm with others when the fog
came up. It came rolling across the
, wide moor like a billow of smoke
lrora a cannon's mouth. One minute
there was sunshine over all, with the
horizon live miles away; in another the
guards were calling out to each other
nnd hustling the convicts into liue, and
no man's eyes could penetrate that fog
a distanoo of ten feet. Sbelburne drop
ped his spade and ran. He wn grab
bed at by oilier convicts, fired at by
guards, and he ran against and knock
d over two or three men, but he es
capedthat is, he got away from the
buu-h of prisoners herded together like
to many cattle while the guards sent to
the prison for re-euforcemcnts to march
them in.
There have been few escapes from
Dartmoor. No man ever got away
from there unless aided by the fog. A
fog was what James Suelburne had
waited and hoped and prayed for for
five years. For four years he had been
Immured behind the stone wajls. He
had doue his best to gain the confi
dence of the prison officials, and be
had accomplished it. If he softly raved
and cursed at night, tempted to suicide
hundred times over, none of the
warders suspected it By day be was
patient, respectful and uncomplaining.
And so it came to pass that when toe
spring muster roll w,s made up of the
men who were to work on the farpis
outside the gates the warden said:
"Put down 6800. He la one of the
most trusty of the lot. He wouldn't
leave us if he could."
The convict ran blindly. He fell at
iiivery few yards, but Ue arose to speed
n again. -Presently be came to a bigh-
. way. A wagon was passing and Its
driver shouting warnings to those who
might be coming from the opposite di
rection. Bbelburne slipped behind and climb
ed in. There were a lot of empty bags
from the morning marketing, and he
covered himself up as well as he could.
The prison bell sounded, and the driv
er uttered a shout, but the fog held.
A Dartmoor fog may last ten minutes
er two hours. After an hour of steady
jogging the team turned off the main
road. Then Shelbume softly slipped
to the ground, broke his way through
the hedge and was running across a
, meadow when he came upon a cot
tage. A childish voice called out: ,
"You are one of the bad men from
the prison, but you needn't be afraid
'of me. I won't hurt you."
. A girl of seven or eight years was
neated on the doorstep not ten feet
away. He had overlooked her. She
sat humped up like an old woman, and
there was an okl look to her face. She
had her hands clasped around her knees
W bin d
tbeformuiaofn!l our prTratlong
Entering th mansion, we fiud its
mistress weeping silently but copiously
Into ft delicate handkerchief.
"May we inquire the occasion of your
sorrow?" we ask gently.
"Just to think!" she wniN. "Myself
and my daughters left absolutely nloue
and unprotected!"
"What? Your husband and your
sons surely they" - -
We pause, fearing that we have blun
dered upon sortie mighty catastrophe.
"My biudinnd," she weeps,, "'is In
prison for merging Home trust: my old
est son I.i doing ninety dnys for reck
less outomobiling. nnd now word has
come that my other son has been sent
to Jail for some college prank cr other!"
Sighing because of the relentless hand
of the law,', which smites without re
gard to the number of gentle hearts It
crushes, we tiptoe away nnd leave the
woman In her. grief.-Judge.
Varnish For Glims.
A varnish for glass is made by dis
solving pulverized gum trugaoanth In
the whites of eggs well beaten. Apply
with a brush very carefully. '
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever
T. Folix Oourtud' Orlentnl
Cream or Magloal Ooautifler.
Ttcmflw Tn. Ptmplw,
recklfit. Moth Vsitrhoi.
aoti vfry bitm,'it
f-u b?mt r. and tl.
If ftM ctM.flfTWq. It I
of hi ypmi, anrt
mreu ursmrflii
riini, f)r. i i.
ftuvm mid in k
Iflif nf In haul-
tn (a h'Imim
t Ai y-wi mi
1 rteommftrirS
fSoorn oil's rresm f" l'rt htnfl "( 'i Un
(Tnwu !- 1" tbtuinlHi.utiJ..ii"'l F-Jr-P.
ItiilT-HOTfaHSi Prop., 3 GfJl Jones Street, Hew Yort
-iyf s&7
iiml wa weaving to and iro, uutl as ue
continued to look at her ulie asked:
"Io yu know Low folks look when
they are dead?"
"Yes, little girl," he replied as he
advanced and sat down beside her.
"What la your name? Are tbero folks
In the house?"
"I am Nancy." she said. "Father
went way, way off a year ago, and
mother is In there on the bed."
"And is your mother ill?"
"Does that moan sick? No, she isn't,
but she's been awful rfuiet this morn
ing. I can't wake her np, and that's
the reason I haven't had any break
fast. She ain't dead, la she?"
"tiod forbid! Let ua go inside and
see her."
"What is it when folks die?" she
aaUed as she led the way into a bed
room. "They never apeak again," be an
swered as he looked into the fare of
a woman lyinar dead.
'Tfwr little girl!" he aaid as he bent
down and kiaseii her.
"Won't mother jpeak no more?"
"And I'll have to go and live with
Aunt 5nrah at the Beeches?"
"Well, then. I'll go, but I don't want
to, for Aunt Sarah don't like me very
well. Yon come from where they shut
np the bad men, bnt yen. don't seem to
be bad."
"Not to very bad, I hope.' Linen to
me. I have a wife and little girl, way,
way off. I have not seen them for
years. I want to get to them. Will
you help me?"
"Why, of course I will," she replied.
"They muat he longing to see you.. If
you are hungry yon may eat all yon
want to. Do you want to go home id
those ugly clothes?"
"Gol forbid! My little girl would
run away from me la fear."
"Then you can take some clothes
that father left. Have you got any
"Not a farthing."
"Aunt Jarah aent us 10 the other
day. You shall have half of it."
The convict picked ber up and kissed
her, and when she saw tenrs In his
even she brushed them away with her
hand nnd said:
"If yon was a bad man you wouldn't
cry. Yes, you shall see your wife and
little girl again."
"And If the men come after me?"
"I won't tell."
Au hour later convict No. fifW left
t!ie bouse hi enother garb, with a pack
age of food under his arm and a five
pound ' note in h!s pocket. He shed
(tear again as lie kissed the little old
face "held up to his. and the child re
turned his kiss nnd said; ,
"Tell your little girl that Nancy sends
her love. Maybe .mother will apeak
again. ,1 must go and see. If she
don't speak by noon then I must go to
the squire's honse and tell them she Is
tlencl. Yes, say that Nancy sends her
love." , M. QUAD.
Ask your doctor to name some of the results of
constipation. His long list will begin with ick
headacbe, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad
skin. Then ask him if he would recommend
your using Ayer's Pills for constipation. Just one
pill at bedtime, a few times, that's all. -
wrttt I W publish JC.IttC:
Vowmll. kin
David Harum,
It is held that plays derived from
MK'i'ossfiil books appeal to two diisrs
of people, one being the readers of the
book w ho go to Sep it. in play -shape out
of curiosity, arid be other, the regu
lar theatregoer who makes it. a point
In see everything that bold out prom
ise of jjorul entertainment., if (his is i,
it is easy to understand that the iliam
alizeil version of "iMvid Harum," which
in to lie made known at, the opera bouse
next Saturday evrnintr, have proven im
mensely attractive, rrtainly the hook
has bad H tremendous sale the pub
lishei , claim oer halt K million copies
and should all of lis readers want
to nee it in itstplay form, it sueces
could not . help but. be enormous.
The opening scene of the play is an
exterior. On one siile i Aunt Polly's
houne with its t.rellii covered veranda
ami obi-fashioned big barn, in this act.
lliii inn sells the balk horse to Deacon
Perkins-i-the Imixe that "would stand
without hitchin"." 1 lie second act shows
llnnim in the ofliee back of the count
ing room of (lie bank, and the .third act
is laid in the sitting room of Aunt
Polly' house, The kindly side of Har
mn's character is shown in this ml,
and in it he tells the story of his visit
to the circus with Billy I'. ( ulloni. Mr.
i Hurry Proivns" rending of the lines in
I this scene is ai'id to be exceptionally
' good. '
Mr. (.aim personally superintended the
I petting up of the product ion and paid
j niiH'li attention to its cast. The dism
iatifNtioti is the work of U. and M. W.
I Hitchcock and they have accomplished
much in transplanting the story nnd
character sketches to (lie stfige.
The plav is now in its third rem
it success has been extraordinary,
comedy produced in recent years
' hrtf Bpitioarhfil pi tho uintlri ot
uhii i. v. It fnltouK tlir hook vci v cIom.
I . . t tit . tt "
Iv, it h o!f;,n ml vlKtl'ohn, Us wrmi
rt'll( incidppi ur tlivcrl hia nml il. H
full of lmm luimof, insrril til A im Hl
i ,.m,, v i,
. doubt edly
liiloscipnv, i w Pirt v w ill im-
illrnrt a xvi v lnv't? nui
1 em-c
Of Clemenccau Programme Death Pen
alty la to Be Ended Civil Law to
Be Part Substitute for
Courts-Martial.: .
Taris. Nov. 1. The cabinet has d
cidVd to include in ita parliamentary
programme the purchase of the Wei-tern
railroad and a bill providing for the
abolition of the death penalty. War
Mini-ler Picquart's plan for the reform
of courts-martial amounts to their entire
suppression, f-ub-d.ituthig therefor ciil
procedure in the case of oilenses punish
able by common law,' while disciplinary
courts will deal with infractions of dis
cipline. Minister of Public Work Bar
t) ou'n project, for the revision of t he
mining Jaw contemplates the taking over
by the state of all mine and the par
ticipation of the miners in the profit.
As a result of intimations eoniinjj
from very high clerical quarters that
Catholics propose to carry off religious
objects from the churches before tho
application of the separation law, the
government has cnt a circular" to mil
the prefects of police in Fiance pointing
that they will lie held personally respon
sible in the event of the disappearance
of such objects, and that their private
property may be distrained for the al
ue thereof.
Method f niabtina; Wrom. In
convenient t l.ruKtinns.
In Persia there Is the strange custom
known as "bast." It simply means fliaj
any one having a grievance by taking
refuge en the premises of a .nobiemtiu
may demand that the nobleman tk?
up his cause as though the bastee wer
one of bis own household.
There seems to be no limit to the cus
tom, for the petty criminal often take
refuge, or bast, in a mosque, where he
Is safe if his friends are allowed, to
feed him. If the police want him they
uat starr him out. ,
Tbera was a man who sat for eight
years In one of the legations here pa
tiently awaiting a settlement of- a
small claim that he had against the
Tersian government. , Ministers came
and went, but he stayed on. At lust
his claim was paid, and he died cele
brating his Tlctery!
few legatieus would have the cour
age to put a man out, as It would bring
down no small amount of opprobrium
npen them.
The other day every shop In the
great barssr in Teheran closed, and be
tween S.riOrt and fl.OOft men-merchants,
artisans and some priests went Into
the Knglish legation and Informed the
acting minister that they were there
to remain until the English govern
ment took np -their ease with the Per
sian government
Fortunately the grounds are large,
but at best great damage must be done
to the beautiful gardens by the 5,(XK)
and more men camping on them,
. A snort uuie njco inesn propic wouuit
have gone to the Russian legation, but
today it is passed by , and forgotten.
while the streets surrounding the Brit
ish legation are filled with crowds who
do not hesitate to say that England can
have the country if she wants it
The whole city seems to be' On:
strike. Only the malls, ' btiteher : and
baker have not leen interfered wlthi .
Half a ton of bread dally Is required
to feed those within the legation com
pound. AU day long the Koran Is read
and Allah Is appealed to for help. In
dependent. Ob l.rKced Girl Da 11 err.
In a combination concert garden and
dance hall near the entrance to rros
peet park, Brooklyn, may be seen near
ly every night a girl with one leg danc
Infj merrily. vprthe . polished floor.
Miners to Share In
Profits Realized
IjgL ' "that sends in the largest- C
Pfcf -QV ' ' number f words from the
j'' 12 letters contained in - y
All you have to' do
name and
it to Advertising; Department, C. D. BOSS & SON, New London, Conn., U.S.A. ,
You will find Boss Trade Marks on end of every package of Boss Crackers and your grocer
will give you one with every pound of Bulk Crackers. Watch
k . , newspapers for winners each week.
f. D. Ladd & Co.,
C. i:. Black, South Royalton. Vt.
fsprngue & stprague, Ka-t llundolph, Vt.
I. V. Barnes, ISandotph, Vt.
Panton It Royal, Randolph. N't.
i V. V. Kdson, Randolph, Vt
i Charles Thurston, Randolph, Vt.
j Randolph Fruit Co,. Randolph, Vt.
A. C. Well, Randolph Center, t. ,
U". Kargo, Randolph ( enter, t.
K. Shaw, Stowe, Vt.
j j
Smith k Rasicr. Stowe, Vt.
.1. A. Statt'oe, Stowe, Vt.
F. fi. Ikmrdman, Stoe, Vt.
Her dexterity with a crutch J almost j
marvelous, and there is never a break
ia. ber perfect time wiihf the music. i
Waltfies, twosteps and other round I
dances are indulged in,' and the' girl'
never lacks for partners, lu . fact;
many who have danced with her say ,
ahe is lighter ou her feet than most 1
girls with a full set of limbs.
The girl Is pretty and, for that sort
of place, rery ladylike. In many re
spects she Is a mystery, as few know
her name or history and why she re
tains ber love for dancing despite ber
handlaip.New York Press.
j . Z.: .. -'
is to write your list of words on one side of
address plainly enclosing
For Sale by the Following Grocers
& Fraser, Smith & Cuminss, J. H. Griffin, Dix
M. AlIiMer Rro-.. i;H-t Banc, Vt. '
Kied i'ei riu, l'lainiicld, t.
V.. D. Hart let t." fliiinfield, t.
t:. C. Ward, Micld!es.-v, Vt,
S, V. Kellogg, .Middlesex. Yt.
tiigilere I'.ro-.., AVebst erville, Vt.
H. I.. Ahliotr, Worcester. Vt.
K. K. iillelte, Worcester. t.
H, K. Burnham, South Woodbury, Vt.
W. If. Mites, Granitevilie, Vt.
K. S. Aldrieh, t.raniteville, Vt.
R. S.' Fuller, Cambridge .let, 't.
Willey Bros,, Cambridge Jet., Vt.
The Booty Mounts Into the Thousands
Banks Stop the Sending of
Shipments of Money as a
St, Petersburg, Nov. 1, Ki-jlit of the
identilifd participant! in tint robbery,
October 27. of Cashier Hermann of the
custom bouse, according to the papers
litre, went condemned to lie transported
Tuesday niM. to Cron-imlt for execu
tion. Several women have been arrested
on (uispicioii of complicity in the crime,
but. no trace ha been found of the
mysterious female who decamped with
the cash. Then police are now vtoikin
on the theory that rhe was a man in
disguise, ' ..i ;
It is learned that the robbers tir.l, in
tended to attack a s-hipnient. ot l.'J."u.
U00 from the stale bunk (Moher IT. bill
they were toreed to abandon their plan
bcf-aiise the HIM hoi il ies w el e ttunied,
tin account of the da user of lolibciv,
t lie slate bank has refused to uinlert ;ike
shipment of money to .evctal prov
inces, I'he past fort uiuht's record of iintntr
tnt tubheries t hi otijihoot the . Cuipiie
shows that 2M-! erinic of flint nature
wore committed, nnd that the totnl
booiy seenrcil w a 4 ' t,':!. (M)O, exclusive
of lat wcekV roliberv.
I., I', 'i haver, who for some time ha
published the Kssev ndicate papers
at I-,'ae. d unction, will m;d,c his home
luul taatdem-e iticru in the 1'uluiu.
MARK, and mail
n. n.
w. i
limy, Cambiidire
IJriswold, I aiiiln id
.let., Vt.
;e -let.. Vt.
I'ei ley 4: M evens, Cx ni'indue
Mark Stevens, Ciiinbi id-je .let
let., t.
.. I'. 1 lickci man. South liovali on.
M.otl, A Cudev. rvthel, t..
S. ,,-Snrgeiit. Iletbcl. Vt,
Fildv &- .(;icutchai!. Stowe,- Vt.
K. I.Kide. Willtanisiown. t.
IV Itrorkway, A illiftinslowii,
lilrtdi-n. Roxbury, 't.
K. Atkins, Waterbury, Vt.
j All diseases and
I ffeotioi-Ls of tKo
Positively cleared away
Thousands of wretched people are
wuiun ui nit 1'iauu wncn in nine cases
manifestation m the rtm which can be
oucn misery cow Cleared away as
Ai JbMntD not a matter of improvement only but a clearing ol
absolutely and quickly, too. . .
' r. Vi v )"'
v ', .
.-v t u, r .'.i'
(Ca of bam my MtriKey, Cleared iiy and
We yoich for this--sxfosolxlely.
It has been proven to us beyond the possibility of doubt that a new medicament
known as D. D. D. clears up tha worst skin affections quicklv. Jt work seems aston
ishing, amazine;, almost miraculous. (It is a snecitic formula which, because o( its
discovery by Dr. Decator Dennis, is knov r. '"V. D. D.' '). Its actual record sounds
iiko a story or magic, win tnara is no room
indisputable in every respect, have been r
among tnera trie one caso shown here of
in 'Jl days. The results are not only conn
nearly two years since tha disease was lie .
annearod since, .
ICich onn of the known skin affaction?. :. i,r.-si:ie in naturo. and all af them have
yielded to "D. D D." " Tha prep.-.ration i-- '-e t r. ed by most of the tkinsperin'i.-ts.
It is compounded for druggists soHy hy the I. D. V. Co., ",0 Dearborn fct,, Cbiraifo.
It is utilized by every familv pby-.ici.Tj who has t.-djen the trouble to iner,;io.it
the work it is accomplishing. It is used in the Cook County jr--pnal, Chicago C
Jt will clear aw i- any parasitic bro,--k in the .skin in from S dc.vi to tiO d.iys' tires.
'Vir.it tho undersigned and sea proofs that w ii! make vou a haopier hiinl,n. 11.00
buvs the prebcriution -already made up iu ucalnj toMi:, wuh auibcntic U'oel oo
tacli. ,, ' '
a sheet' of paoer.
Barrc, Vermont
Y. (". I.limb. Waleibtuy. Yt,
' U. S. Healy. ANaterhu'rv. Vt.
.1, A. (.ilmore. Waterbui y ' Ceriler, t.
:(;eoiue L. Riav. North 'Mont nelier. L
Vt. . C. P. Dudley, Fast Montp.-lier, Vt.
"ill. K. Paine! Northiield. Vt.
fl)eiii-on A Fisher, So, Northiield.
N I,
Melvin Rayninre Co..
i Frank 1,. Start o
j Thome Tiros, 4 ( o,,
'(.'. A. M.ush, Ctliel.
.lplVer.onx ille,
. K. btiickland, Xoith Du.xbury, V.
In a hurry. I vouch for it.
miserable -imaRininjr they have a bad pois-
out oi tan it is purely a local
cleared away in a hurry.
surely as tha sun shines above.
Kot merely
tt all awaj
entlrr cured In 21 dnyt.
Fully proven to as.)
Jcr doubt about it whatever; full rroof.
d ions regnrdirtg hundreds of cases
(Saramv Minkey), w ho was cured
it permanent: in this enso it is now
ui the skin, and no taint of it has
jF'i, fjt e'."s.''n --" . .'
ivw ' mMx , v.-.
dm. ' -"" r'i; ...... MtStmL
. ' ' ."t':la -7
,-ar vv r jtj ' .'.,:
am " r ts A Kjk. w.isk"