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THE BAERE DAILY TIMES. DEC. 10. V3QG, Practical P resents A. P. ABBOTT k COMPANY A. P. ABBOTT & COMPANY A. P. ABBOTT k COMPANY A. P. ABBOTT k COMPANY A. P. ABBOTT k COMPANY for Gifts ! This store is filled with Christmas articles, which are desirable as gifts, owing to their practical use. It will be to your advantage to select while the assort ments are complete. Furs Our line comprises every thing that's good, from an extra zoai Fur Scarf at 98c to a choice $25 00 Fur Set, sets in Isabella Fox, Sable Fox, Opossum, Blended Mink, etc. We tin save you money on Furs. Ladies' Long Kimonos at $1.98, 2. 50 and 3,00. Ladies Short Kimonos at 7SC, 98c and $1.25. Twenty-five Per Cent DIs. count on Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren'! Coats. Commencing today we will give a dsscount of 25 per cent on the above This affords you an opportunity to purchase a Coat at little expense Handkerchiefs, in an endless variety, the best possible values to be Initial Handkerchiefs at 5c each. Ladies' All-pure Linen Handker chiefs at 5c each. Ladies AH pure Linen Handker chiefs at 10c, 2 for 23c and 25Ceach Ladies Embroidered Handker chiefs at 10c, 15c, 25, 35c and 50c. Gent's Initial Handkerchiefs at 10c, 25c and 50c. Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs at 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c. Towels at 1 5c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Umbrellas at 98c, $1.25, 1.50, 1. 75, 2. 50, 2. 75, 3. 50 and 4. 50. PERRY O. CAMP, 71 and 75 Ha!n Street, ('Phone 9-4) Barre, Vermont. Parlor hints I j SSI Here is the Best jj H ilwwL Gift a Man Can g jj WMm $iP Make to His Wife 'hTS.. ., , , - - ' "'- ' ' I jj . y- . 3 It is a gift that will please her, Mhifx I I F 1 1 It is a gift that will please her, that will be appreciated by the whole family and that will perform its duty of beautifying the home better and at less expense than any gift "we know about. Wc have the most interesting collection of parlor Chairs, Tables, Couches and Divans to suit all tastes and; purses ever shown by us for the inspection of Christ-' mas gift-seekers. If you are troubled with the propo sition of what to give, then come here and we will aid you to solve it. Christmas is the best of times for furnishing the house. ..' ' - ' Our Stars Will B3 Opsn Six Evenings Bsfora Christmas. B, IV. HOOKER 6 GO,, 14 and 16 North Main St., "The Emporium,' Barrc. Vermont Graniteville, Vermont & You Never Look We!! With Grimy Hands. AMONDINE Tie Mexican Soap Powder Makes your hands clean and leaves them as soft and pliant as a kid glove. For machinists and, tool sharpeners, polishers, plumbers and railroad men.' Ten cents a package or three packages for 25 cents. i D. F. DAVIS, "The Druggist," 262 North Main SU - - - ' Barre, Vermon, .. .hm i."." - J ht JL V .J ' XmmJ- IV . - . y .1.1 11 .J til t-i S- I i .' H. 'f 6 3 ; Only 13 Days to Christmas! FT. - ' We are going to make this store for the next thirteen days a place where you can; save on your Christmas shopping. The following are but a few of the many things that you are to see in this sale. You should not fail to attend this sale either Friday, Saturday or Monday. DOMESTICS One lot of White 7o Outlnga at So. Several pieces of our best Dark end Light lOo Outltigg now at 7 12. (Lea ttin cost prtus today.) Two pieces of Arnold Beiga tffeoti that were 19a now at 1 2 1 -2a. Two places of Fleeoe Down for Bath Kobes, our 25o quality, now at 17e. Six yardifor $1.00,. V WHITE WAISTINGS Whlw waigtlngj are going higher. Ton will hardly think It by these prices. All White WaistlQg that were S5o and 5(k. These are all of them imported noercwIwKi goods that bold their lustre ifter wasbloj;. four choioe this sale, 25e per yard. Seyeral styles In 25o Walstinss now at ISo. lOo Walstlngi now at 1 2 1 2a. HOSIERY Ten dozen ladles' Fast Dlaok Heavy Fleeced Hose, our beat 85a hose, In size nine only, now at 1 9o per pair or e!x pairs for $ 1. 00. (Odd lots of all of our 25o Ilose will be In this gale at same price.) UNDERWEAR One lot of odd sizss in Ladies' Camel's Hair Vests and Pants, the dollar grade. If yoor size, now at 75 o. Children's Double Fleeced Vests, Tacts end Drawers in all sizes at 2So each. (Large sizes nsnally sell at S5o and 40o.) On lot of Ladles' 23o Fleeced rants in small sizes now at 15a or two for 25c. (Half price.) HANDKERCHIEFS Imported direct and now we are (riving you tor a few days the advantage of these low prices. All-linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for So. HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' very sheer All-linen Handker chiefs with initial and wreath, ' hand em broldered, two for 25o. (Better than yoo. can match.) Ladies' 20o Swiss Embroidered Hand kerchiefs in new designs, perfect goods, at two for 25c. Gentlemen's All Tare Linen Hem stitched Initial Handkerchiefs at two for 23a. NECKWEAR These aro special values for this sale. One lot of SOo Neckwear at 25c. One lot of Swiss Embroidered 25o Col lars at 15c. One lot of 5o Embroidered Stocks, now at 1 So. In our 25o Xeckwear you will see sev eral COo values. RIBBONS Special prices on heavy Taffeta Kibbons for fancy work, .Nos. S and 7 for So; Nos. 12 and U for 10c; Nos. 22, 40 and 60 for ISo; Ko.80 for 19a, and No. 100 for 22e. This is oue of our best Ribbons and now sells at the price of the poorest grade. (You cannot afford to buy a poor quality. KNIT G00DS Ladles', Misses' and Children's Wool Mittens at lOo. . " Ladies' Golf Gloves, made of best yarn, at 2So. Children's Wool Sweaters in red, grey, navy or whits, good $1 25 values, at 98 o. Ladies' Wool Sweaters at $1.50 and $198. liables' Silk Bonnets in green, brown and navy: the 75c ones for 49c; the $1.00 and (1.19 ones for 75c: the $1.60 ones for 98o. All in perfect shape for gifts. Odd lot of best Germantown Yarn, reg ular price 12 l-2c, now C l-4o per skein. DRESS GOODS Two pieces of Navy and Black and White Wool Diess Goods, 54 inohes wide, in plaided effects, for separate skirts and whole costumes. Five yards for a lady's dress and three yards will make a dross -for a ten-year-old girl. This cloth would cost today to nrnks 1 1,00. that being the regular price. ! Now at 50o. Half price. One piece of $1.25 Grey Shadow Plaid, to clo$e at 69o. All wool. One pleoe of 54-Inch Grey Suiting, our $1 00 cloth, now at 69a. One piece of Plaid Cloaking, the $1.60 grade, to close at $1.00, All wool. Bonnet Black 27-inuh Taffeta, the best made, regular price $1.25, now $1.00. Our 50o Dress Goods bave 65 o and 75a values in them. Black Dress Goods make good gifts, as they are worn on all occasions. LINENS 02-incn All Pure Linen Bleached Dam ask, a good vaine at Goo, now at 49q. (Try to match it.) Flve-eiuhths All-linen Napkins, a good $1.50 or $1 Go value, now at $1.39. S8x 18 inch All-linen Glase Towels, now at two for 25c In Order to Glean Up Our Garment. Department For tba Christmas Trails Wa Are Offering the Following Values. LADIES' COATS At $6.50 area few Ladles' Mixed Cloth Coats in broken platds, A good style Coat. The former price was $10 00. At $5,50 are a few Ladies' Mixed Grey Coats, long, full ripple back style. The former price was $S 75. At $9 00 art five Coats in Medium Grey Cloths, trimmed with a plain cloth, piped with black velvet. Former price was $14 00,. At $9.00 is a Coat made of Medium Grr Goods, Herringbona weave. For mer print was $1150. '." At $10 0011 a lot of Sample Coats In Grey Mixed Cloths, good style Coats, such as we have sold for $15 00. At $12 98 area few Simple Coats in Broken and Invisible Plaids. The re;u lar price is $18.00. BLACK COATS At $6 93 are a few Black Coats, made of good quality Kersey, Former price, $10 00 At $10,00, 15.00, 18 00, 20 00 and 25.00 we can give you some extra values In plain Black Krsey and Broadcloth Coats, lined throughout, Xew Coats just received. . WM TAILORED SUITS 1 W are putting in this sale a few edd Salts in plain colors and invisible plaids Suits that have sold for $10.00. To close at $6 98 At $9 98 are a few Black Suits made of an all-wool cheviot, good style. For mer price was $34 00. We also hare few odd Suits we are offering at half psioe. j We have a few Sample Suits which we I are ofteriug at special pricos. DRESS SKIRTS We have some exta values in Ladies' Odd Skirts in colors and blaok. Former prices $3.50, $0.00, $0 50 and $0 73. To close at $3 98. A few odd Black Skirts in good style. Former price $7.50 and $7.75. To close at $4 98. SILK WAISTS One lot of odd Silk Waists in blue, brown, red and black Waists that have sold for $3.00 and $5.75. To close at only $2 98. We have knew line of Silk Waists in plain black and plaids which are the latest. PETTICOATS One lot of Ladies' Black Mercerized Petticoats, made very fall. Regular $1.25 value, for 98c. . One lot of odd colored Skirts at 59c. Former price $2.00 and $2 00. SHIRT WAIST SUITS We have Ova Velvet Shirt Waist Suits that have sold for $12.50, In this sale at $5 98. Some special values in odd Silk Shirt Waist Suits, mostly blacks. Former prloe $18.50 and $15 00, To closa at $9.98. We put into this sale what we have left of our Panama Shirt Waist Suits at about half the former price. $14 00 and $12.60 Suits for $6 98. All $10.00 Suits, $5.98. A few Mohair Suits in this sale at $2 98. A few Black Batiste Shirt Waist Suits in this olean-up sale at $4.98. Former price $9 00. We are also putting Into this sale what we have left of our Children's Wool Dresses at one-fourth off from regular price. CHILDREN'S COATS A few Children's Coats in 1, 3, 3 and 4 years, in medium colors. Former price $2.08. To close at $1.98. A few Children's mixed Coats in size 6 years. Former prioe $5 50 and $5.75. To close at $3.98. A few Children's Coats In broken plaids size 0 years. Price was $7 50 and $.-J.,"0. To close at $5. 98. ' A few Children's Kersey Coats In plain castor, marked from $3.75 to $4 98 to dose. v A few Children's Coats in plain colored Kerseys. Former price $10.00. To close at$7.98.; Oaa lot of odd Coats, sizes from 6 to IS years. To close at half the former price. These Coats we carried from last season. Every Day Frcci Now Until Christmas We Shall Mi Otter Goods Equal In Value to Above Specials. ' p i O A $ n AO . hTvTKlfT 9 m Oil 4jQ 9 aire V to A . . . fci CHRISTMAS CHINA g An Unrivaled Collection! UV flfi. Wlv croud of the collection of Fancy China thiocs we have now in and displayed for Holi- 5 " - l day selling. You do not have to pay any jobber s IV sur ff .1 j profit when buying China of us. We import oui n Chins direct from manufacturers. S 4 5 tour inspcvii"1 'a toiuiui in...,. .. j v ' buy or not.' M . - - C N. KENYQN & CO.'S g ici n a nr. aim TflUf V 1 UM North Main 5 licet. (Telephone iij-i) Barre, Vermont. TALK OF THE TOWN. ' Oirittmaa coats at Vausrhan's. Tretty line of now kimonos at Perry's, Holler skating today at Hals' pavil ion. Come to Th Vaughan Store for drr goods. Diric for 1007 at Kenyon A Co.'s JJargian Store. ( "J" Fernando Terras pcrit Sunday. villi friends in Richmond,, The (n year-old son of Donald Smith is reported seriouMy iil, " ' (i ft Teady for the roller skating mn qunra! at the l'aviliim. A Kimono would make a nioe present. Look at tliem at 1'erryV. Wanted, 300 jflrla to Imve llicir faos on postals at Boston Plioto Co. " A. B. Coffin went to Surtlifteld tliis ni'inung in the interests of the I. C. si'liool. , , (ieorg Lake returned to XdithflpM this morning after spending Sunday in the city, Louis Brogini and 0, Bottinrlli leave tonight for Itely whre thr-y Mill upend the winter. - ' Clyde Willey and M. W. Kendall of the fire department are confined to their rooms by illnc-sst. The largest and best assortment of fur-lined coats in the city at Moore & Owens'. Prices from $22 to $150. Unless you wnt that eolj, pet rM of it. It's easy if you take KenilricV's Cold Tablets. Cot but 25c and are guaran teed. If you want the best and most suit able gifts for man or boy, eome to a man's store to get them. Moore & Owens. The Frsnk McVVborter Co. have near, iy everything desirable in Fur Coals and Fur lined Coats. Also Fur Oats for ladies. '..-, - John Caleagni and Frank Abbintt are expeeted to arrive in the city tonight from Italy where they have been on an exended vicit. Samuel S'taey was arrested Inst even ing by Ollleer Carle on tho charge of in toxication. In city eouvt this morning Stacy pleaded guilty to a second of fenc5 and was flnud a grand ttl of $23.34, which lie had not paid this fore noon., 'i c ) Tho lire department wag railed out by a "till alarm at about one o'clock yentfrdy aftermwn for a toot chimney firo at tho double house tit 40 KuinmeV dtreet,, rieeuplcd by" Mrs. J. A. Hcntt and William Watt. The lire was quickly cvt higuishrd and n" fliiiiia;: re silted! This tva the fourth nlmiu to which the rompany within tlie pact three dy repondwl. TALK OF THE TOWN. Poller skating today at Hale' pavil ion. , Head the City Bakery's advertisement todtty. Bargains in Cloaks for the holidays at Perry'.. . C hristmas neekwear in fancy boxes st Vaughan's. ,- , t 4 Tidvet9 for the performance of 'Tli Unwritten Law" now on sale. i, ' j .... ,, - ' t Get your shoe nhined' at BuMell'l j bowling al!ey. Open Sunday until I noon. j Hand embroidered noveltie, jut the ' thing for Chriftmos gifts at Th Art ! Store. . liny , your watehe of Holme, the I Jevfeler. No wK'tMid quality goods in I our stock. , , ' j Just ' received a new lot of Smrveuir I Port Cardu in colors. Lfwal view. Ken- j yon &, Co.'a Bargain Ptore. j If you are Mill undecided what to giv him for Christina come in and let ut nhow you. Moore &. Owen. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid society of M. Monica's church will be held in the convent Tues day evening at 7 1;)0 o'clock. s Matt Haley says the item in the Time that he had gone to Tennessee M premature, lie in still in Bane and expects to be for some time to come. The Ladies' union of the Univerlit church will hold their annual bunine meeting at the church parlor, on Tues day afternoon, December 11, 'at 2 o'clock. It is desired that, every member will be present. Mrs. S. J. Jones. TALK OF THE TOWN. Mr, C. W. Steele is reported serious ly ill. Fifty-four eouples attended the dance at Woodman' hall Saturday night. W. 11. Coodfcllow went to South Royalton this morning to tunc, pianos. Meeting jf the clerk's union Wed nesday evening. , Annual election of of-tteers.-" " '" ' Jaise Ingrani left last night for AbenlWn. ' Scotland, where lie will upend the winter. " ... , ' BUY ill AN OVERCOAT OUR MOTTO : "QUALITY" A full stock of Fresh Fish from lake and sea. A barrel of Maine Clams. Oysters in shell and out. , Be, sure and get one of our Scotch-cured Finnan Haddies or Kippered Hearing. CITY FISH MARKET Heath & Batch c Id er. Tel- 10-2. 63 No. Main St Boneless ' Smoked Shoulders Our new specialty in pork products is the Green Mountain Brand Boneless Smoked Shoul ders. They are simply prime Just as good as ham, only sold at a cheaper ratej cured in the same way and in addition is sold without your paying; for the hone. They are tied up like a nice compact roast and are very easy to slice. Or, if you wish it, we will slice them for you. Just try one they're great SMITH &CUMINGS, Meats, Broderles and Fisl, 305 North Main St., Barrc, Vt. Why shouldn't the boy have a good Overcoat as well ai his father? He's out in all sorts of weather and he certainly needs the protection. We've a splendid showing of Boys' Over coats in all sizes and In all the latest styles. 'We've moderate priced Coats for $2 00, 2.50, 3.00 and $3.50. Handsome, stylish and comfortable. Then we have elaborate garments that we have never seen equaled at $4.00, 4 50, 5.00 or 7.50. Your Boy's Overcoat is here. . Bring him in and we'll soon show it to you. Frank" McWhorter Co. One Price Men's and Boys Outfitters, Telephone Call 218-4. Ilauciurd Block. 20 and 22 North Mala St VeSajie In Groceries, Meats and Provisions. ANI0S At 50 Per Cent Discount. We have too large a stock, and to reduce it will make the above discount. While it means loss to us, it means profit to you, Two cans Peaches for Two cans Pears for - ; Two cans Egg or Green Gage Plums for Four cans Corn for Falcon Jel, per package, 7c, four for I)c Zcrta Jelly, all flavors, 7c, four for One-pound can Iiockwood Cocoa for . 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 35c A GOOD TRADE IN MATCHES. One dozen packages Starlight Matches for -One dozen package;, 200 count per box, Quaker Matches for - One doz. packages, 500 count, Starlight Matches, 40c Portland Star Matches, large bunch, - - 8c 10c 15c The AVERILL MUSIC CO. F. D. LADD CO., Leading Cash Grocers. Meats and Provlsloas. a