Newspaper Page Text
THE J! AH HE BATLY TIME. DEC. 11. 1!0G.- Peptiron Pills n, Urn?., ft, . n1 kral. tMH,lfc, !-., ),, ,t-,ln. Hood's Pills? tu- iA-wtu, It Mswie U.tx4 11' CoMr BASKET BALL AT 50ft WICH. Sisisoa Op'.ns lh.a Wnh dame t ffon, v,-t; r."U, Uff. n. -The .k.fc rKHt fla ;,1 X' .1 ',! i I'Xiierl t - inghfr .it t.'. At fu'-ri'. t t. rime ( it -i Hi f'r,ei' V of VTni'f . Th'' S':?el Ills ht n'A Wu w nolly eomph't'd. Mn- j .. . , , , , , , - 7,rrr ttiMer ha lsf fnn' )i trouble be- Van o -;?r7 of tt, I2r "W?ffT, ' Congress Tell of Visit to' bland mwIM $fm to been p;ff '! her?, became they were t mi Se to r- tune t!jf with otfo-r team la thi i section.' ' f.r';'t for lm r j no better than l-t yef. Among t he new men who will mak them rj Meed of Barrc, ea.rtain f.n Ifift yesr'A twin At ifoMer !. ,.! " pUyed- on "(WW fm of D.irre : ( of of Xfid iietowo, Con.'t frowt of Waffrtmry Wgl, KarU for tw r on X- I'. h mnrttei Urthh atirrtiri, Attrt'mg of X'ort-) EiVa ' finkb his Awl ti!f miik- a gri-st 1 1, J j. u'Uitn, "m And Hu i4 WeC;tA- f'a(J"t M'(ir'1. (nt rptfttn!l tb j , I it-am fr Hip l if, drr year, rMivl v'f . I n h'tru.T.ilU- iiU(hr(t ab'iiit fnonttif . Xot'. 2t I vMtml th Wwt rf t ah I sf.n f- l!:t'm to tdy jt Kim, fandiftg At pfio ernwing by j .f Jixir-i Jn. 1,-HarHwirWii high Arh.i-. dAf,. 1 1, -i..fu; -im, n, Co, it, Ir t.lirftw.t Ijm l.t. mni Vcb. 1. ij- w)) .fiifi p!v'l wyt .Jn, j ( .... , ,. tl Vi SH.Mrlft f.tndrinit), iiaftor), , " the intrrirt vt-luc i eonstrtHtA hfc. Jdiiubary dn. 3d, !; 8 toj tritabf tro. Hritwrlan.l. i ruli i t. Uip itl wftw !,!''liH:tt4j -.b,i(.f)t M(lar; pt Jmit! t.AU tbo! !!. C. If, ,t Monfi-Iipr: Kcb. 20 t 24,',., . . y ritf 'Mr ft i).rri dati;' Mswh t t(. trip to atrti ,MtiwbHtt. WOI? BY 1WDEPENOEHTS. 'Basket Ball Garo at Morthfield Satar- VmtSifiplil, lt.m SsMin1y MPtiiiitf a !ivj? game ftf 1kH til t'Kk jiliici" tictwcn t!w IrKlnpTiilcnt f ami th .Vf.rthfl"ld ! itti ' whd tfam t.hf! rcs'ilt waa In f,iv(.r cf tha tndfipwb-nt th xroia binst 40 to 21, Th" n w vpry !rt( rt intf from )h atAft -nyntt of both lm fivrlv, ,afrAii4 wsia cai!y tha star for th "lilfjh i'h'w4 team and ra.rkrf for f.ll ftllli'jll'!l !'llt. ' ' ' , M i. J lie li mo tip. x. r. iid. S. if. R. Jjifraiia . , tr.kiin Uofrra Haypf fV'hl, lifian ., Vaikcf (1ia.-.Maynapd M-Cariy I irnnt.-l 'ba r f t r, A st i'.aakata from th t. i"g-t, 8awvr, V inch, MiCarty, Parker H, Jirown Xlaynard ; ; R, Hie 4, FonU, Ufrana . lirown 3, Kef.-ra ftellv. tint. B' rniniitn halve, The iitt.efnilsMhm t'M roe wna played lteenj the Kni!s of W. Taul and the Minute . . . . .14 Mn reiiliin;( ltt favor of u former, (.core to WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. . . ... Have you mMn your kidney,? 1lAt you overworked vmir norvont ay- tern ami eail.e.l troobie with voilr kid- . 11 .11.. 1 i 1 HejH mio lnnQiiPi 1 io.vw jimi imutn .i kiini, nide, back, groin and bladder T Have you A flabby appearance of the ii.-e, eapecially umler the eyeaf Too freinient denire to M, urine! If o, W'illliinia' Kidney pill will cure you. faniplt? free. I'.y iria'l fi"e. Williama M ftp -Co., proptictoia. Cleveland,, Ohio. Hold by C, H. Kendiirk A, Co.. COLLISION AT NEWTORT, Three Engine Cripplod and Car Dam- -No Person Hutt : Newport, Dec, ll. Abnut o'clock Haturdiiy evening the Air Line: train from Xewtiorl to Montreal on th Caii iidian Pflciilc nil',, tan Into two en ine, running U4 a double header, Xo peraou. wa Injured but the (lifee en, jfinea wem crippled and all the car but th haatfai" car wna rintnaeed. After h delay d about five houra Another train wm made up. The Ai-eidetit waa due. It ! anppoeed, In A tnleiimlernf Adding of ordef. .. Cured Lung Trouble and Couah. I waa lined of lun trouble mid cciujjlt by l ather dulura Mwlieine, Wjfid, K. H, t'uly, ;:itl Wood Ave., Iteaditif, J'A. , Fit J V "M f 1 m .d.,w. -U I tfi'i'vt''- f NOT A I'AICNT MCDICINC We Haven't AUxe to Grind. Ours arc alt sharp and our work is already cut out for us. It is to have you try our war ranted axe at $1.00 if you ap preciate something f;ood. Our X Cut and Draj; Saw arc all right. Our Jiishop Hand Saws are unconditionally war ranted. , lilE H D. PHELPS CO, 13G N- Mj!n Street; Barrc. Vt. U , ti 13 urges full citizenship: For the People Rico Of PortO j I PRESIDENT IN AESSAGE: and of Progress Being Made -praise Local Governor And Government. Washington, H-I'rWt Roof-( velt sent a special metwage t Oegre ' !th' .ld road ly (.'yy to Kn j th - w A.wil'-oft ror.l from .4r"ifM) ! t, w Wf(mjPrf,1i)vf . .... ... .. j nut, terpivA nn Aniri''Afi fitt.!f!iip. 1 1 !') not tJiifiU t!ii inti. ivviMinhh- i m a a oaf ion and f o.i'n.-.f ly hop that im- i jmcdm j.rovit!.n will bp m;nl fori j ''iflin; fcf i Juan'.i. ' j j I ' ht :! r mtr jojiIa m a v-lf.lcj (tcali) tli( bi-an'v nd fr.-rtiiitv of V' rti- ! flkn, and tls' proyim that fcs kwi j niadn titidr it a liiii-a!.! t'ovcrnmpnt. pj'" hA'A j'it rfu f-n- .ri !" In f hf char- sHt cf our r'jirwrttativpa who hava fjtnifiitcrcd the tropin Wand which ram( iifidfr our fbi at a r'Hlt of the km with SfiMirj aii'f of ni oun of thct U thia mot- trtK? than of I'orto fUro. It wtitill be i'liji-wk'hl to widi a mora faithful, rnrt- cfiiclcnt and a wore rlilnt"ri"t"d juiblic tn-tth than tlmtl now bfiiiji' tcnilf fpij in 'tlia hiand of i I'oito I'.iio by t!iip in fontrol of tli insular gfivirnnant . .l . .I..:.A,. ..II 4, .1.1 , , ' -'- -o and one of tl- tiofal.lM feature m e ery ' town waa h. patkcririff of tm "'j1""' i hil.lrcn. I he work that hit been i in I'orto l.i-o for ed';rt,n I.a l-en notewot- hy. The main empha'., n N ! eminently w la and proper ),, U-en ; rmr. n,,o ,n. r-nirinty cuucauorii nut m ton to thta there i, a iiomhaI vhol . flirt tttrrifi i U tirii 1 u-if thr,v ltidnul ftnt i - " 1 ,"'t'l"'''"t hihi Hir-r n.xn e.-..Kii. r.vwy. rnori M nmde to aH, not only the ben-flU of , ,, ,M1.,-Iv .ned to the (rumen!.- ben elementary ediieallori to ail the Porto ; , , t)f f ' . I. u t . ,-,wer with J'ienna of. t!,e net eiieintion, but I"1"" "lr "i'-n win .erirm, ro i.rain ti M, i(.lf n rliiirni at nrpwrtf ulf, tt,t the Indu.trU!, .rirU.,r.I ; ' n u M Xlv el t-Uve i.nrf conimmdal A.;a.rtunitira of the la I IK.. '" '" ' Jl L , , I n I l,,l l. ...Hi ,L i.u.hl1" V" ppr boue m Appoint ne. . .: i ' Hilv.ii. aoe - It. waa evident at glance f Mn,., fM)ilt, Uom ,t mwi the Ihr. tciir;e, ),!!,, and t , ) UUnA ,, H .hottld nt ve forto Lh-hih were devoted to iny J, rhangetl at thi time, heir work, took prealt nd,;T. ma.hlnery of (ho eleKiona ia ad- in ii, aiid Mjeie (ndavoniii? in tram ...... . ...o ;,..i i. .i, t...r,- t.i..,.- itieir pnpii. not only tn mni.l. but tn what count a for far more than mind In cltlrendiip. that J. m character. f wa veiy much t nit U hy the en cellent. character both f the iiiHtilnr nollce and of the I'orto Pienn I'lidmetit. 'Il.ey are both of (hem boljc that re fleet credit upon tlic Amcrit-aii admin I'ttratioo of the ixhut l. 'I h iicular police arc utiilcr the hual pmt.o Pican loveniment. Th" Porto Pican regiment of troop must be appropriated for by the Com.'iiH, I ciitn'ttly bono that thi lewly will be kept, permanent. There thouhl certainly lie lump in the jland, ari l It I niif that ttie-ti! troopn nhouhl be t hemsclve native I'orto Pi'im. It would I from every thdmint a mi tjka not tt perpetuiita thin regiment, In travei'ing the hduntl even the moat riirory XIIIVCV leave the bt holder I ktrmk with the evident rapid growth in the culture both of the auynr enne and tobacco, The fruit lndutry l aNo growing. Litt year wua the moat pro permi year that the l-lnnd ha ever known before or ijiico thn Amei'h-an ws cttpAtlon. The total of export and Im port of the Hand wn forty-live million of iolnr n againt cit'hteen million In 1001.' ' 1' 1 1 i i the t'lrgmt in Uie Inland' hlHtory. I'tior to the American occupa tion the grc:itet (ratlu for any one year wa Unit ol JSIMi. Vlien it, rcaclteil nearly i twenty tin ee millloi ! .""r, therefore, tin trade that, there wn )"'"" .Vfr under in Of dolwr. jti. re wn ittntbht the was in the niit't pro- the Npatii!) iciiinie. j riicte vvere ?10,37.1 ton til' augur ex ported hi-f rear, of the value of $14. I ,:(! il; !f.:i,.i'...,lfi:i of tolwwo, and s,. Si)U,.12 ptitind of codec of the value of $;i,tNI,1i)'.'. t'liltirtiumt.dy, what ued to be I'orto Pico' prime crop cuff ee ha not aliured thi properity, It ha never recovered from the diatef of the hurricane, and moreover, the benefit of throwing open our market to it ha not ompentnted for the lo Inflicted bv the cloning of th market to it, Abroad. I call your attention to the aecompanrinu memorial on thi aubject, of flic Hoard of Trade of Nan duan, ami I earneHy hope that ome itiioU!i will be taken for the benefit ol the excellent and hijrh grade Porto IMcan CoU'ee, lit Htl.lllhiu tu delcgationa from the, Ittini'd of Triobi and Chamber of Com nierre of Smi .liuin, 1 aluo received del egation from the Porto IUcnu rcdera- tlon of Pnbor, and from the CntTee t.'row- era A'iiittiu. Theid la a mat lee to which I wish to cilll your aiieclul attention, and that in thn desirability of conferring full Am- crlcatt filii'iinhlp upon tho people of I'orto lUco. 1 tnoH curneHtly nope tluit thi ill iv done, I can not, aew how any harm can pn-ih1y tcmilt Innn It , and it, cema to be a rnater of tight and jiiKtlcc tn the people of I'orto Pico, They urn loyal, they are jifait to lie tumor out Hug, they nre matting input prngici along tln lialli ol onlcrlv lilicrtv. hun' ly we nhould ohow our nppicciation of them, our prttle tn w !.ni tliey nave done and our idcanurc in etfliiritig reeog nitlnn b'r what h thn lieen done, by ultip. I'ndi" the ie aditiiniifmt ion of th preaent governor nnd council, marked profit"'1 ha been made in the tliiKeult, maUcv of giautltitf to thtt people of the LIB MAY I PIECE OF BEEF Sabred Fcr Thres Year3 With Itching Humor-Doctor D!d Hi Good Cruiser Newark, U. S. ti. Man Cured in Three Vesks. SFEEDY CURE BY CUT1CURA REMEDIES "I n&wl with k-iiw.r for about tfcru j '-lira, JI an.! on. 1 ra,IIy sav a fcteir ud h ve tne tmedka that Chi tn rio jpyxi, j no I tried Cutieura f tui.n ?(,y limb hf j lowtlneknpxttotii i ankle tat rav M ft T.Wfl Of tyvf. rlJlif:i,- .. Cutkiin Sonp and -at. th Ointmrnt. I Soap every day nd .d abotit ri.t or Sf:ven bcs of OintHicnt. ' I wa tbfrfotighly cured of tba humor in thre wk ana bv.a t wn Aiicw;a wku it utrice. I uao fio other fVp t!-an iewjirKt Aew York, July , tiu . , ' "-T-a. ... rublish f jou h. n ' ' 1 " CUnCUMGROWSIIAIR Crusted Scalps Cleansed and Purified by Cutlcura Soap Atcd bf liffht dres.ine3 of CuUcnra, tiiRr(atfekinCur. Thw trcatmctit at i otic etop faiisnR hftir.rcmovfa cnv,v, fcc;lcs. uad daiidruif, dratroys hair para,siVs, nooUifrs irritated, Itching mrir.e, Atimolaf the hair foUickn, jMvacaa the ecftlpak in,Afifdii the tooU with rrirgy nd rourtohtriWit,, and nukes thhiurgww upon f -cet,wlle-(sorfift, hcjilthy ealp when All cl.? fails. Complete frxtcrnat and internal treat mtnt for t-vvry humor, from pimpln to ecrof ul a, frrmi irifaofy to coniA irig cf CutWra JViap, Ointment, and I'iila, rnay cow be hm of !1 dructfists for one dollar. A ainfjle aH is of un puflird.ent tfcure the mot distrpwin? ram. tru;,,. ,,'.) llmiwM,!. fill l'm4' ..." ..i4 i- a. fr '-,(. !'. f , A- .4 'nlMUMi. ajr'jSeaAM "itjrB Cum" asasisttatsam stwss idand the lnrjet rneatiire of c!f gov irnment that with My ! yvin at the jiiewnt tini'1. It would nave ucii a very ritm miifake in have gonn tw IidIa. II.4A .in liatij fctrtv ut,nti ,TI '"" V f. th, airertlon. Th I'orto have ....,.,. ... i.l- .,.. (n .11 ibeii .funieipAl' vemn,nta. the only VBr !,. - tulMB,i i, ;. KOyprmwnt Mnx t! a(. ;,f wmof. , (,n)T t or if,,,Hnt lMn,.jMit ol1,,.ia), wr ,iM Mv.r f.-r(,iw., ol ,',ret laroof of tj or iIK.,J1t,.w-e.-.11rh a to . ' .. , . 1 . . . ... nopri IM UMi l thu imnei ; .(. ,,,,,1. ,-irn.mMti.nee. It: h. (,,. ,, u w,lllU 1, ,i,- ...r. ' ' 'l'l.a-j ...Kaat.ii . nt .tiir tai!l t intitU, p(.ap. theinselvex, the governor and couro jl keeping only em-li iierviion aa li neeeufcary in order to itmura an orderly electioM. Any protmt A t(J ehw-toial fraud i aeti.lei in th court. Here a;rai.i it would not U. nafe to niaka any chxnpe in the prernt ayatetn. The i b-( ! ion t ! i year were abohit.dy or derly, iinncciimpanied by any dituib-ant-e; and no t'rot.t ha been made tU'int the management f (lie elcrtion' although three content are threatene.! where the majoiil h- were vary aniall and error w tluhned; the eontetv of course, to be acttled in the cotirt. In i jdoot. t.he povemor nd oumil are co i)uatitu with ali of the inwt enlijjlit-! cut! I un I miwt patriotic of the, jx'oplu of Porto biro In rducitt ing tlie citten of the b hinil in the print iplea of orderly liberty, ihev are prviiliny a irovarnmcnt baaed timm ' ee cit ieti idPrentwH, and the mutual roapect of all citizen ( that i, baet jiwm a riL'itl oU-ervaiue of tli principle of jutitt and honety. It baa not oeeii easy to jnt.ill into ino uiliida of people utiaccuotonied to the ex eicinc of lrewdmn. the two hnaie piinci pie of our American yte;i'; the princi ple that the maiortey ititift rule, nu tne principle that the minority ha rijjht which mut not Ie Iirc'iirded or trant- I ution. Yet real uroirre- ha ln-en niiidc In having thee prlui ifile accepted n elementary, a fuuniUt ion of huc- ccHnftil adf-L'oeiiitnctit. I truiiHinit. h-rwith the report of the governor of Porto Pico, aent to the pre- ident through t.he hwrct.ury of Mate. All the iiiNnliit' governnienta ahouhl be placed in one bureau, either in the pe. partuicnt, of War or the Depart men t of State. It i A niixtake not ao to Br- raiiuo our handling of thee inland at. Vlahington a to b" aide to take aa vanliiijt' of the extiericnce yiiined in one when dealing with the proMr-ma tliat from time to time nj-itin In another. In roncluiion let tne exiircsa my ad miration for the work dona by the Con Kier when It en.tctetl the law Under which the Inland i now Dcintr lmin IderiMl. After seeing the lalund per Miiuilly, and after live year ccriencc in connection with it ai...iinirtt.ration, it I but fair to thoae who deviaed thi law to ay that it would tie well-nigh ini)ioibh' o have deviaed Any other which in the actual working would have iiceomplitdied Iwtter renlt. TIIKODOKK JKXiSKVF.LT. .M!ii.ifi.;y nrr.ciAb tow hatf to jackkon II I K, KI,A I. envlnj Bmiten : Iee. , tn tl 27;.'mi. T, lr itnrt tmm New oik tollnwmg it My Civile l ine meiimer. Kaiua Irmu Pprlng II. 'iil, Mm..., r'!tt eliiM, one wav. $34. SO. PAenwten, ?.. tnterno'rllni.i, niiu ay, f 18.00, iiiTlnn, $aS.9!l. Itmmit trip ttckM SoM l mnnin. Tfiptu llnnale reriuetlon tn all other p"ini in J (or iii fc. I'itfiit encurtett to Aow Yoik, Write w call lr tiartielar. OEOnCJF. E. MABATKHA. , So waahtnf taiA Street, Moatoa, Mama. II i! I t Lio 1 II F' ''- ;A'-t4 BAIL FIXED AT $5,000 Minister's Son Held County Court For HE WAIVES EXAAUNATION Mrs. Ray, Wif ef Doctor, Vrjr Muck Wonted Over Affair A Case of Domeatic Un hap piness. i yi.t'rday lfor .hr-l.ic of thp j I'eaee A. X. Leonard in the cae of (Frank V. Turner arrested feunday for hxtin?' In. (Iiarlca W. Hay of tbi IpUee. t The rpjindcnt waived (lamination lend wa bound over to Wiodaor euo- ty Cfurt in the sum of f 5,0'X) and wa 2i hoora to oi.tnin Uil. T3 'trial probably w lib It held during the : prixtttt term. ! -J. G. Argent' of Ludlow appeared, for iTrnr, and Slate' Attorney E. JL Buck I prowited, ' .' . :- i l)r, Charted W. Ray, a well known (physician waa hot and jwrkn!y Injured hv Frank V. Turner hortly after mid- riijjiit Saturday ni;;ht. It appear that the affair wa the revult of jealousy between Ictor and MfB, Ray. It Appear that Sir, flay thought that hr hubaud w jiaying" too much Attention' to Mi Nina Elliaon, a maid employed in the famHy, while fictor Hay, it i alJ, waa jcalou of Turner, a young roan 19 year of whom he had employed for three year to care for hi borae. Turner, who wa fee4 aon of a former pastor ef the lniver!ilit church, now located at. Ma plrwood. Maldeti. Ma., hd attended hod white working In the Ray fam ily. ,'.' "' ' A the Ktory I told Doctor Piy came toward Mi E!lion' room. Sjra. Kay waa watching foj him and a quarrel ensued. liot.b, went to the kitclwn and Mr. Bar rang the bell ealting Turner from his room adjoining the stable. The doctor ordered him out lut he refused, to go. The men then clinched and Turner wa thrown to the floor. Mr. Ray pulled her hatband off the boy and the hitter regained hi feet. Doctor Ray n de mother rmih for Tur ner, who drew a , .revolver firing two !iot. One ust grawid the right ide, while the other entered the left aide, follow inf a mn Ie around the hotly for fifteen inche, Mtririff in the back. 'Med ical aid wa Mintmotied arid it i believ ed that Pioetor Hay will recover. Klliaon has ..returned te hr home in Pai1onvjl!e. . Mr. Ilay i tfreatly 'Agitated over the affair ami blame hersejf for aum nioninif young Turner. Doctor and Mr. Rav have been prom inent in the social life of the town. If, Y. CENTRAL INDICTED. Cruelty to Animal Shipped From Ver mont Charged. Iloiton, Dec. It Two Indictment returned lat week by tho Suffolk Grand Jury ware made public yeferdy by District Attorney John It.. Moran. Tv: New Voik ('cntrnl A lfudaon Tiivcr railroad company wa indicted for nllegea ,,. unneeea-uiry cruelty to cattle nhippcd over it line. In the Indictment acanu.t the New York Central there arc ten count in which thn corporation Is charged with cruelty of cow And calve shipped ovfr it line in July lat. twelve cow ami twcnty-'eVDi) calve, In a email box car, were forwarded by the Central Vermont railroad tu 1 Palmer, Man., and there turned over to the New York CentrAL Toe tlav wa exeeivetv not. several of the calve were tillable to stand, end a number of them died before the car readied Brighton and the atock waa un loaded. ' SAVE 1!0 CHIT-DRErf AT FIRE, Women Grope Through Smoke-filled Rooms, Fuling in Each Bed. Cliicajro, Dec. It. Fire which des troyed V ndttwoith Cottage of the Meth odist DcoeoncH ()rphaiiiie and Kp- worth Cliildrcu' Home in Uikc PlulT curly yoaterrtny, imperilled the live of 45 inmate and threw the children in the into a panic. The esunpe of thti sleeping in the burning building wa duo to the cool- headed heroiin of Mi Lucy Judon, the auperititertdent Mis Mary Spring er, fhe hoina mother, and Mi iSimer and Mi Mary Oehlbcrg. deaeonee who cuidt-d the frightened children to safety. Through the amokelllled loom they groved. fffling in each bed to make ure that it-wa empty, and then iiiado a rain attempt to nave the building with fire extinguiaUma. The blaze i supposed to have, been started bv ft defective flue. The loss i $0,000. , TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE IlTiOMO Quintna Tab let. Druggist refund money if it fail to cure. K. W. (JKOVK'S signature ia on each box. 2 So. ICE FAMINBJ IN NEWPORT. ' Supply Brought From Montreal Cut ting Will Begin Soon. Newport, Dec. 11. -The supply of Ice iu thi vllhigo is exhausted and it la lieccarr to bring what-la Ucd from Montreal, There are alHiut five inches of ice In I.ako Meinphremaaog. The hike usually freexea over tiefore Thanks giving lav but this, year did not, close over until iVcember 2. Iien tha ice reach a Ihlcknc of nine imhe or ten inches cutting will begin. Friday night the mercury rejjihtered St) degree aliovn snro, .Saturday night sa oegrcea neiuw, ana yenetxtay morn ing SS degrees brlow. 1 DOCTORS MISTAKES Are Ald often to be trorted six fset under grotiad. Eat taRy ttas's wc?sa call n tueir fABiiiy pfaysxians, taferiEa:. they Imajrtne, o&e from dyppei a, Another from heart disgust, fcaotier from lirer or kid ney disease, another from n -irons pros tration, another wtia F' hre aad there, and In this way they present Atike thnive and their es&yttmnir or over taty 4sevr. parate diwa.s, for ih;eh Int, anam:;? tfcem to be such. pr:nbe hi pill nd' potions. In reaUty, they tin ait orl j av"jm caased by orae Biersne disease. The'pSi ? an,iorsnt of the aw of tu-r;r..?7r'V'' cprSara!!T:eRt until larpe bii! are chide. JiHf crir.g r,at.eni ct no bet! wronx uestmer.t. bat prowAbiy wor-5; i f.'l i ' ' "1 1 rir,:ijii ;.'.! t ll' a.wc by;i.TA.i UlO E'.fc3Pai4,iiiT' f toni, ar.d tr.itiiiitinz comfort Instead of prolonged miiery. It has ben well iaid. that a d;ae known n fiaif carta." Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription f a scientific medicine, carefijlly devised by au experienced and akltlfut physician, and adapted to woman' delicate ytera. it it made of native American medicinal root and ja ...frfert'r harir.Tei njn jta e-j'-r " i in any r:,-ynvji us i,j'ryyf'. A powerful tonic "Fa vor.' Prescription" lnsprtA strength to the who! f y':m and to the r?rj dis tinctly famlnlne In partictilar, f or over worked, worn-out," ran-tiowTi." debili tated teacher, milliners, drmakers, "ihop-cir'is.'' hotie-keepers, nor:ne mother, and tx.t'm women gen erally, Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prcseriptson la the greatest earthly boon, being nn eonalcdA An appetiiing cordial And ro torative tonic A a soothing And trrigthenin nerv ine "Favorite PwcrSpt!onl uneqrialed And Is iTiVAluAtdo ia abaytnf And ub duing Bervons eK:tb!iity.. irriuWHty, nervoit eihacition, ncn-oos prostration, nenralfilA. hjretcria, psm, St. Vltus'a dance, and other diitreeslng, nervous aymptom commnnly attendant npon functional And organ! diea of tha uterus. H induces refreshing !ecp and relieve mental anxiety and despondency. rt. Pierce- Pleasant Pellet InviaorAto tha Vmch, liver And bowels. One to three a doe, E&aj to uke as candy. TRAIN AND TRACK. The first South American country to build railway we Chile, and that country now ha 3,000 mile of track. The legislature Of Washington At it latest session passed law making the maximum railroad fare for aduit 3 cents a mile and for children i cents. In MaaaAehnaett the illegal ale of street rallwAy transfers l made pun ishable by a fine not exceeding $50 or Imprisonment for not more than thirty day. . , To the tmlnttiated the various grades of railway uniform la London are be wildering. The London And North western Railway company Alone has bo fewer than 130 different forms of cape In lue at the present time, the varlons trlmmlcg. band or lettering f which Indicates th position of the weArtr. '. ' ' ' FR1EBLES OF FASHION. Taa.ela Smart Trloimirnr The Jap- Irla a Modish Flower. Tlje use of fringe has brought Into fashion tae!s, which were so much used a few years eg. They ft rut re appeared on the seaon'a evening coats as a finish to the hood, but now tbey are on Jackets and houee gowns In fact, everywhere that room can be found for them. ...... ,, A modish little walkluj suit for a young girt Is of Invisible plnld In black otat,'s dues or rtifs ssnos. and bottle green colorings. The skirt Is an all around kilted affair, exquisite ly fitted to the waistband, perfected, pressed and then allowed to flare. The Jacket is a llttha louger than hip length and fits loosely, though smoothly. It Is double breasted and has a small turn ove? mannish collar. The vents at the sides of the coat are rather deep, and the sleeve are the regulation coat aire. The Japanese Iris is a popular flower this year for embroidery and millinery. The lovely blue tone la very pretty when used on certain bats. The short skirt I worn with every style of cost, but the exaggerated short skirt Is "out," the regulation length being, If anything, too long this season. Tho beat looking walking skirt for town clears the ground by about an lncb and a half. The school dress pictured Is of blue serge. The box plaited nklrt nnd brc tclles are of this material, while the blouse Is of a harmonising plaid. Hem embroidery trims the collar, ruffs and bretelle. JUDIO C1IOLLET. A CARD. We, the undesigned, do hereby Agree to refund the money on a RO-ecnt bottle of Greene' Warranted Syrup ef Tar If It fails to cure your cough or cold. W also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove fatiatactory or money refunded. tSao raosa I'manAcv, ('. H. Kaanaiea A Co.,' V. A. A I NSW0RTH, W. H. Mti.a Co., I. 1 Howsko, J. W. l'AMKrlA. K. A. Pnoa-s, v. r. ivt, J. A. McAailiTB, Ale A i.i. i sir a Daoa., J. A. C'cvMiMa, p2iii mm. RENEW WAR ON JEWS D::perativ Attempt Aade In; Odessa GREAT A1ANY ARE BEATEN Attack Was Made in Oli Bataar Plot j Foiled By Interference of Cos Aacks, Who Were Called Out. Odessa, Dec. 11. The Black Hundred! made a tU'-p'-i ate attcr.ipt tody to re new the massacre of the Jew here. The attack waa made upon the He brews in the Old Bazaar. The Cossacks were called out. The Jew made a desperate red stance, and the plot wa foiled. Many of the Jew were brutally beaten by the mob, which attempted to fir the booth And etore. In mort in-; stance the fire were tfxting-.ii.ihed in ' time to prevent any awriou ws. DAMES A!SD DAUGHTERS. Miss Erma Shaw, daughter of the treasury secretary. 1 the only debu tante of the cabinet circle this year. Mrs. Wiiilan Zieglcr. widow of the patron of arctic explorers, will begin the publication of a magazine for the blind and will furnish the journal freo of charge to all blind people. Miss Nora Stanton Blateh, grand daughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, has been appointed a member of New Tortt city's staff of civii engineer la charge of the $ 101,000,000 Catsklll wa ter system. A woman angler, Miss J. M. Wheeler, who recently gained & silver medal for landing a huge skate weighing 127 pounds, has captured another monster of lit pounds at BallyCDtton, Ireland. It Is believed to be the largest fish ever canght by a woman In the British Isles. Mary Anderson de Navarro, who re cently issued her memoirs, has sent a copy of the book to the Commercial dob of Louisville, Ky., with the fol lowing note: "For the Commercial club of Louisville, with tho best wishes of Mary Anderson d Navarro, a loyal lover of Kentucky." Miss Phoebe W. Cousins of Bt Louis, who for the last twenty years has been Interested In woman's rights, tem perance and Mormon legislation before congress, 1 in Washington to take part In the campaign this winter for the restoration of the canteen to the army and beer to the soldiers" homes. Mme. Melba has had her name copy righted in the Unitod States. She did It because she found It was being made dreadfully common by application to all sorts of theatrical, pharmaceutical and other goods and preparatioas. Now manufacturers and dealers cannot use the name without getting the great singer's permission. . Tha Caterpillar. The female of one species of cater pillar tears off Cue fur from the ex tremity of her abdomen to make a soft bed for her eggs and to preserve them from the cold. Vet she never sees her young, for after she hns accomplished the task of layiug the eggs the cater pillar Invariably dies. Don't burden your mind as to what j-ou should buy for a Christmas Present. Buy a Musical Instru mcnt. which will be a pleasure to a friend a long time. Get a Talking Machine, Get a Violin, Get a Mandolin, If you are not satisfied with this, buy a ticket to Europe and get it from A. Giachino. A. GIACHINO, 155 North Main Street, ALL READY FOR CHRISTMAS ! Only just two weeks more to do your shopping. Come to our store for your Christmas wants. New goods for the holidays in all departments in Men's and Boy s Wear. No old shop worn or Ieft-oven from last year (as it is in most cases.) Our stock is all new and fresh, bought within a month or two, as you all know the fact. When you are out on a shop ping tour do not fail to call on us. 3. J. SEGEL a CO., Around the Comer on Depot Square, Barrs, VI, cid Bins Sicra Bnlldlng SEVENTY .rfr th c.-ifr Ctifcd istatei. Three (seattoiia aawt . .. . SCHENCK5 ; h ? far the n:rc -of E'.iatisass, I iver V Cnmpisint. Ir.d.jtioo.Cor,'tiriJ---ii, fstrk Hedchit. ;aitc!jc, Hearts rn, 4 Ftatulcncy. M5aria- etc t Sehenck'a Mandrake Pllla A "UmlteUvtC V restore health to the body, cttaroesa K to the ere set) ecaspiexjos, aad H buoysocy to the sjatita. Dr.l. Vr,Ul)M ' Abtoluuly Harmleaa iJ reoU a Vjos ci by mail n. i b. senses m. PhiUd(lrkU, Pa, WOMAN'S REALM. ; Only 500 women went to the polls ia Cfclcaso. but then there was nothing to vote for except a trustee of the State university. ;..' . .,', t - The fact that there are 200 women in Chicago earning a living teaching physical culture a against thirty or forty five years ago is only one of thi many proofs that , this Is a rapidly f rowing profession for women. Answering an assertion that If wo men had votes they would not usa thc.m, a correspondent of the London Mail gives these New Zealand figures from the electoral vote of 1905: Num ber of electors on roll men, 203,50"; women. 212,S7ft; number of voter who recorded vote man, 221,611; women, 175,040... ' '' A GoI Scprffrat Ion. nowell What would you do if a man called you a barefaced liar? Powell Fool him by raising whis kers. New Yof; Trcs. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.50&$3.G0 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD WlDoog!as$4Gilt Edp tin, cannolM equauod atany puca Jo Shoe imt Vf. L. DougUf' JoH. for Hou is tin BM.4 compiM i n th con at rf Smut for Catiiof SHOES FOB EVEHYB0DY AT ALL PEICES. Men', aaoes, S to SI 60. Boyw- tnoen. A3 tol.S6. Worcea'. baa. M OO to f l.BO. Kissea' AOhiiarsn'a Siio. ti 84 to Al.OO. Trv W. TU. DoukU. WoMien', Misa and Children's shoe; for style, Bt an 4 waar t hey excel other makes. If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they bold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, yon cao obtain W. L. Douglas .hoe. His name and prka I stamped en to bottom, which protect you against hih prlcea and inferior shoes. Take na tub til' tute. Ask your dealer for W.L. Uungla shoes and insist upon having them. fast Cnlor Fyrtet unras t mill not awor bransg. Writ tor Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles. W. L. IXKJULAij. Urotkton. Mass. 1 I FC3 CV3 mm X-MAS PRESENTS Get a Guitar, Get an Accordian, Get a Phonograph Record. Barrc, Vermont