Newspaper Page Text
If' A ;- THE BAItKE DAILY TIMES, DEC. 11. 3 'JUG. AKKh DAILY TIMES;; la a . , ; ; lF - ,n r for thf - I MfUvflOMJilJid b yu I- J !' ' A ITi mmm H ftjr V ' iW III I A 18 ILBiTVB BITX Ar - ... . n, n . I . -M Kill HJAaWV U " 1 Pi . I A nit? : . . m fnblisbed Eyery Weekday Afternoon. Subscriptions: One Year. $3; One Month, 25 ets: .'.' Single Copy, 1 cent. . Frank L Lanfiey, FaMishet. fcuusretl at the Poatnfflr at Barre aa Second Cities Matter. TUESDAY, DEC. The average daily circulation of the liarre Daily Time "for the week endiag Saturday was 4,205 soples, the largest paid eircutatlot sny daily paper in this section. of "Where j9 the man with a club to swing it over the heads of our legis lature at Mont.peli'ir! 't here's one thing that can't be charg ed up to the Central Vermont railroa J, and tSiat is yesterday's snow storm. Now ig the tima to sen the solid mem bers of , the general assembly come 'to the top, and we nil know thut, there is need of them. ... - ,J- . The "good old-faahioned winter" has lieeu giving us a bita thus far in Dec ember. First there's , a snow ami a blow, then a temperature that reduces us all to eold storage, and finally a cap per of a foot of snow. Senator Howland of Washington and Senator Johnson of Orange both sjioke and voted 'against the limiting bill re quiring;iliied foreign born res Wonts to take out licenses, ' but they were unable to overcome Vermont pre judice. THE XESrOR OF VERMONT JOC'R- , N'ALISM, : ' Ifis jonmalUtie ro-workers in Ver mont jnin in extrmlig congratulations to the reteran editor of the Burlington Free Trees, fleorge Grenville Benedict, who. on yesterday reached lila eightieth birthday, still hale ami hearty and vielding a trenchant pen. Starting his newspaper labors on the Burlington con temporary in' 1853 Editor Benedict has een hi journal ateadily proves with the utate, growing from small begin nings to the present large proportions, it being by far the largest journal of the state and ranking veil with similar ventures in place much, larger than Burlington. Editor Benedict ha also teen the rise of many newspaper ven ture in the more than half century of hi connection with the Free Tress. He ha witnessed the shipwreck of a con siderable number of them. Hi own pe riodical ha weathered the vicissitude of the profession until now It stands firmly, it niche in Vermont journalism assured. To thk end' Editor Benedict has been particularly ; fortunate in grouping about himself a capable force of editors and managers and to them he owes much of the present success of the Free Press. Ki fellow-journalists in Vermont certainly wish the veteran editor many more year of active work at the head of tho Queen City contemporary. Our new style Winter Business Suit is all ready to go with you anywhere, it will' be good company and attract good com pany. It will keep a stiff front and not shirk from the storms of life. It will cost you $20.00 and it's worth the money. Overcoats $5.00 to $25.00 WE CLEAN. PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING.. FUR COATS TO REKT. 147 Main Street, Barre, Vt. maummmammmmtmammmmKmmwmM ummmmm If you are going to send any money back to the "Old Coun try," or to any part of America, our rates and methods you will find satisfactory and convenient Banking Hours, 9 to 3. Monday Evening, 7 to 8, ::r----:' PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK JINGLES AND JESTS. I roontlsc the Change. ! Now comes perplexity complete. I Tbesa trust hav played a etartlini game. i When I have paid the price of meat ' I can't buy coal to cook trie fame. Washinston Star. giving evidence of tremendous stride. Never since the quanie were firt open ed for progressive business has there been a favorable in iication a now. The output is very much Turgor than for any other portion of time, and it prom ise to increase even more A Very Old Prorerb. , The proverb "Necessity is the moth er of Invention" can fcardly be traced to one independent source. The Idea was expressed by Fersius, the Roman satirist, about 60 A. D and is found in the precise form now quoted lu Richard Franck's "Northern Memoirs" (printed In London, 1G94) and In vari ous later English writers. Hot Her Fault. "Nora, I want you to keep that po liceman out of the kitchen." . "I know it Isn't good for-rtu, mem, but be Just won't 0 Into the pa-arlor." Chicago Record-Herald. There She niai. 8h si awinslna when I saw her. And her graeo quite charmed my ey. Elio was swinging back and forward On a car strap abort and high. Cleveland Plain Dealer. I aofflrlal. A certain fayr mayd named Llewellyn For tier mother began loudly yyellyn When a youn man placed Hys arm round her wayat Say, ay n't thya unraformed aepellynt -Chicago News. f Bconafderat Brute. "I don't know why Enpeck can't get along better with hla wife. He's al ways ready to take all the blame." "But don't you see? That deprives her of the pleasure of loading it en to him." Washington Herald. Heart DU-ee. FIGURES THAT DO NOT LIE. . The fifth biennial report of Prof. Geo. H. Perkins, otate geologist, contain a large amount of interesting informa tion and fitat irttics regarding tho min ral wealth of the state, which in 1905 'yielded a revenue of $9,fiT4,000 in addi tion to small retum not. available. A present the 12 largo firms quarrying marble in the state furnish more than tliree-foutlis of all the building and monumental marble used in this eonn irv. In the jrranitc industry of the state was represented by 12 quarric which had Hiinunl ales of less than .SIIO.OOO. while in IPOS oover 100 quarries were in operation and the sale of thi htone aggregated $44,I).'I3,000. About 40 companies ore tngaged in the slate busi ness in Vermont ami the production j from this .tate Is second only to Penn sylvania. Mr. Perkins devotes chapters to the limestone, sandstone, tale, soap-) stone, copper and other material depos- j it in the star and a tudy of the as bestos beds 011 Belvidere mountain. Brutf lebcro I'hcenix. The fiirurei quoted above give us an appreciation of the marvelous de, velopment of the mineral resource of the state of Vermont during the past few yean. But remarkable as they mayj seem the promise of f,'ie next few yens j bid fair to eclipse them by a margin. For ii'.fetnnce, the granite ness, as centered about Barre, is just ,J0 "They pay Gusie has a weak heart." "Sad. I hadn't heard." "Yes; he's been falling In love with every girl ho meets." FUUadelphia Press. ' L. Proper Caoatb. "May Snuftie and her biiRband call each other "Birdie. Isn't that ridicu lous? "Oh, I don't know! She's a goose and he's n Jay." rick-Me-Up. Society Siewa. Kiss BweUman "summered at th Pier," ehe'll "winter at the Hall." Now, should she spring at Llgonler. Wa wonder where she'd fall, ' Cathollo Standard and Times. ' His Wlfe'e. Knox Henpeck's an insignificant lit tle creature. Underhand, too, don't yon think? Wise No; merely under thumb. Catholic Standard and Times. Tln Worn. Tv aaw their boated heirlooms. An' I declare to you," Said Mrs. Pott, "they haven't got A single one that'a new." Washington Herald. Pcaeoeka Have ! Teeth, Sandy Tikes Superstition tells us dat it la unlucky to see a peacock on a lawn. '. ; ' , - . '. . Gritty George Not half as unlucky as it is to see a bulldog on a lawn, old ; pard. Chicago News. . Sot Debatable. " A girl who lived up at Luern Had a pa whet waa crabbed and stem. He'd startle young men By appearing at ten And saying, "I move we adjourn." Denver Poat. Sam Tronble la Egypt. "That last mummy the professor brought thorne was very badly pre served." ' . "No doubt the Egyptian meat in spector was taking a holiday." Cleve land Plain Dealer. LADIES Let me help you to get HIM a Christmas Present. Get him a nice Pipe, a Cigar Holder, or a fine Leather Cigar Case, Fancy Tobacco Pouch or a fine Box of Cigars. If he is a smoker nothing will please him more. GEO. M. MARRION, CORNER CIGAR STORE. Mileage Books on aH Roads. From now until Christmas this store an immense ho!iday bazar, affording a selection of suitable gifts vast and suggestive in variety. . Don t stop to make out a list, but come direct to this store, where : hundreds of things you never thought of are to be found, making it much easier to decide. Early selec tions before the rush are always best. Ghristinas Mute a WW&m For neck, Cirs and cnest, make zero weather pleas- ant. ' See the variety here l-M Js t.7 for ladies, girls, bovs and jS.JUpfi' men at 25c, 50c, 75c up. v V i''f tVK 7K n& Christmas Heckvveer Nobody has forgotten the ' , the commotion this store has made with Ladies , Fanrv Neckwear. Here we are again this Christmas with the finest collection of Fancy Neckwear ever shown. f Exclusive designs. Al ways something new. You will wonder how we, can make so many changes in styles. We can't make our talk strong enough here to 'do justice to this beautiful collection. and see them. All put up one in a box for Christmas pres ents. Prices 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c up. Christmas Handkerchiefs Everybody At this store you will find one of the best assortments of Ladies', Men's and Children's Handkerchiefs in this locality. You can save 10 to H pcr ccnt in our . values, as our orders were placed in the hands of manufacturers six months ago. Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c up. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c up. Ladies' and Gent's Initial Handkerchiefs, 5c, 10c, 12 1 -2c and 25c each. Ladies' Fine Embroidered and Lace Handkerchiefs, 25c. 50c, 75c, $100 up. Christmas Furs, Coats, Waists, Petticoats, Kimonos, Etc. Christmas Furs at special prices, $1.25, $1,98, $2.25, IX 98 and $4.98 up. . ' . ; Ladies' Long Black Coats. Special prices this week at $8. 98, 9. 75; 10.98 and $12. 75. Ladies Black Petticoats at less than factory prices. Mercerized at 98c upj Moreen Pctticoars, special at $1- 25, Christmas Shirt Waists. About twenty-five dozen new spring styles, ordered in for holidays See the values.? Pretty Lawn Waists at 98c up. Pretty" Mercerized in Grey for 98c Fine Embroi dered Waists for $1.25 and $1 50. Don't Pass the Counter of Kimonos and Wrappers, for they are the best this stoic has shown. Kimonos, 50c up; .Wrappers, $100, $1,25 up to $2 25. ,- Christmas Combs and Sets in boxes; Christmas Waistings in boxesChristmas Hos iery (one and two pairs in a box), Christmas Hags, Christmas Purses in boxes, Christmas Linens, Fancy Christmas Towels and Doylies, Napkins and Sets. You Arc Welcome at This Store to Look Around. Another Coffea Victim. "Does coffee make you nerrons?" "Only when I buy It on marjln.' New York Press. A Trot. Here's a reason and a rhyme. To a provurb applied: A atltch. sirs. In time Is worth two In the aide. Philadelphia ledger. 3 BELLS ARE RINGING For Our Bargains Ringing a call to Christmas buyers. Our elegant line of Holiday Goods is now open for inspection. Call early and, make your selections. Popular Pres ents at Popular Prices. FRED KING. i,i,jl depot SQUARE, BARRE. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. tiusi-1 V V : s Hi BARRE SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CONPANY We wish to call your attention to the NEW LAW which the legisla ture has just passed allowing depositors to have $2,000 in this and every other Savings Bank and Trust Company in the State free from all taxes to the depositor. Under the old law the total deposit in all Banks in the State could not exceed $2,000 without the depositor paying taxes on the sum in excess of $2,000, but now this limit is removed. It is not necessary to have $2,000 before making a deposit, but amounts from $1.00 up arc received. All depositors are welcome and receive equal courtesy. , , '. INTEREST CREDITED APRIL ANO OCTOBER FIRST AT 3 PER CENT We should be pleased to do business with you. TMA Christmas is with us once again. "What shall I give him?" This is the same problem that presents itself every year. We say come here' with all your troubles and let us show you. We have the things a man buys for himself and appreciates most. What would make a more suitalhe. gift for a man than any of the following articles: Fur Lined Coat Neckwear Hosiery Fur Coat Gloves, Mufflers , Overcoat Mittens Hats ' Raia Coat Underwear Caps Suits Suspenders Shirt Protectors Trousers Umbrella Sweaters Fancy Vest " - Shirts Trunks Smoking Jackets, Collars Bags Bath Robes Cuffs 4 Suit Cases We can also fill the boys' stockings as well as the men's. We'll lay aside your selections until Christ-' mas and make any exchanges desired after Christmas. MOORE & OWENS, J22 North Main St., - Barre, Vermont Now he Time To Get Into Line! Some people know that Here is the only place where Expensive made hats are sold at such small Profits that would cause Any ordinary milliner to wonder. Right minded people know it is the great number sold and Delivered which allows such prices to be quoted. I this week Hats that were three and four dollars at $1.98, and Hats that were eight and ten dollars at $5.00 ! MRS W. F. SHEPARD. 1 Henry Jackson, President F. G, (lowland, Treasurer. f pi" rr pi II RC Tax winter and nprincc Hnwerinr. I h,tr nlcfl utoolt ULI lUUIl BuLUJ of Ilia ahnvo nil nail) now, loinMHtinsf of HyanlnMia, and Narcii. The are all ny Ut (trow and will give you pleasure in crowing theni. fcliall be tiling to give full illrttotloin t plant .anil (row In order t,a rcc tli liwt r rmlla. Btor open from now oil every (y till p. in.; H;itmdiiy only, till p. . fiuntlaye Iromi il tu 12 noon. Chotoa Cm flowers and floral ttakigna our Speculiy. EMSLIE, TilE FLORIST, jelei'bone-Plore, ICS-12 1 Gitienhoue, 901-11.' OTIS BLOCK, fKAKt, STUUSt 4 (7. P. E. POPE, Manager, Montpelier, Vt. nT5rW 1"? l D5ggest Stock of lhe Best Values in Handkerchiefs in Town. , Don't some of you remember fio w you were jostled, crowded and made generally uncomfortable last year just because you put off your Christmas shop ping until the last hours ? Start early, when you have time to think and breathe, when stocks arc freshest and assortments greatest and when you start, start for here, for we have got the goods and we have the right price attached to them. , This isn't the store for 3-our jim-jam stuff, but'if you vvant the sensible kind of things that's got merit in them and are bound to do some one good make a bee line for 66 Main Street. THE GRANITE CITY CASH HEAT AND GROCERY STORE THONE 408 12. ' THE STORE YoTheARSO MUCH ABOUT. Brains Make Fcrtunes-The Food we sell Hakes Brains. A Trial Order Is Ail We Ask. It's Up to You. J. D. YANDOW, Proprietor, 255 North Main St., Next LM. Williams' Furniture Store. . ..KEEP THINKING ABOUT IT.