Newspaper Page Text
THE BAILEE DAILY TIMES, DEC. 17. 1903. Suggestions for Gifts ! furs. Nothing so delightful for a Christmas gift as a nice Fur. Nothing so much appreciated, nothing so ser viceable, nothing so sensible. The low cost of Furs will surprise you. We can meet your taste at any price. Muffs to match at at $2.50, $3,50, $.50, $5.50 and $7.50. Umbrellas. -You can't go wrong if you select an Um brella for a gift. They are always appreciated. Special val ues at 93c, Jl.25, $1,98, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 up to $5.00. Waists, Long and Short Kimonos, Towels, Cut Work ia Shams and Scarfs. - - ' Handkerchiefs in an endless variety. You will find here the best possible values. PERRY . CAMP, 71 and 75 Main Street, (' Phone 9-4) Birre,' Vermont. Here they are! Easy Chairs, Platform Rockers and floor Rockers. If you should ask him, your hus band would tell you an Easy Chair is the one piece of furniture that gives him the greatest pleasure after his day's work. Christmas should gratify his wishes. Your wife runs the household or at least she should. Why not give her something to do it with? What would be better than a Ladies' Desk to keep her ac counts in and to carry on her correspondence with? Today the many We have the Desks. fC ml duties of the house require this. L.hristmas time is a great period for selling Office Furniture It has become . a habit with business men to present themselves with new Desks, Chairs, Tables, Book Cases, Coat Racks, Mirrors, etc., and many times womenfolks give these articles to their husbands as the most appropri ate gifts. We can supply you with goods in this line. INI B i i mm UK 1 1 v?r 1 I - ks; V ! G a ll fl II .,vn f I ..Hi in i i;i i hi a -v- I Iff M'7 "1 II I II ... mi M 'av t A. . a m n m at j, m How are these for gifts? A handsome Buffet or a pretty China Closet for that dining room that looks a trifle bare. Would it not be quite the proper thing? The housewife could show her cut glass and china then. Many other suitable gifts are represented in our immense stock of goods that cannot be men tioned here.' We merely ask you to come in, look around and get more of these suggestions. WE STAND FOR LOW PRICES AND WE ABE GOING TO REMAIN THEREWITH BOTH fEET, AND OUR FURNITURE STANDS FOR All THAT 15 GOOD AND REASONABLE. Let us say here that we will store all gifts and uarantee to deliver in good condition and on time anv articles selected for Christmas. Don t put off your purchases until the last minute, our ctock is complete. Come when B. W. HOOKER ' & CO, J 14 and 16 North Main SU "The Emporium," TALK OF THE TOWN, ' Sale of "axnients at Abbott's. Fur for the ho U Jay Reason at Perry's. Koller ukating today at Hales' pavil ion. , Furs and fur-lined carment at Ab bott'. Christmas handkerchief i at . Veale & Knight's. Diamonds pud other precious stone at Burr's. - Novelty 'petticoats, ; 98c, at The Vatighan Store. Get your Christmas neckwear at Moore & Ovens'. Take, your Christmas picture framing to II. P. Baldwin. , - . A. P. Abbott & To. are headquarters for handkerchiefa. Mark A. Davis f Maronfiold was in town over Sunday. The largest line of rug-i ever shown in the city at Hooker's. We wilt positively save you money on a reliable watch at Burr'it. . Peck & Snyder's club skates, 53c per pair at Averiil Music company. A nice assortment of bath robes and smoking jacket at Moore' & Owens'. The Rob Btiy MacGregor tickets go on sale today at the lied Cross pharmacy. . Fine. muslin skirts, chemise and cor set covers for Christmas at Vnughan's. TALK OFJHE TOWN. Children's iinp at Burr's. Christmas Wrappers at Vaughan's. Chritma lin.-nw at Veal & Knijrht' Christmas neckwear at Veale &. Knight'. Quantities of new Christmas neckwear at Fills'. :;; Christmas umbrellas at Vealo & Kniht's. 11. J. Smith is able to be out after his recent illness. .. One lot of coats in mixtures at half price at Abbott's. .Secure a fur set at the mark down sale this week at . Terry's. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Green visited re latives in Calais ve.terday. The oflkvrs of Ruth chapter, O. K. S., will not meet this evening. John Davis of Fairlee visited at the hom of Walter Chase yesterday. Cecil Foster went to his home in Ca'not today to' spend the holidays. (J. A. Kelson of Mawmville, Que., visited friends in the city yesterday. C. C. Barnes went to Boston today to vUit Us son during the holidays. Arthur is. Martin has purchased a wood lot of .Fred Perrin in Plainfietd. Miss Mary Mclver returned to !s"ew York today, after a visit in the city. Just received at Moore & Owens', la- A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P.ABBOTT cSc CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A KWline wecut or sweater from tho'diM and gent 4 umbrellas for Christmas. McWliorter Co. for the boys' Christmas, j Congress playing cards, fancy backs, Burton A. Knowte of Manchester, X. "I7e per pack. "Averiil Music company. H., visited friends in the city over Nun-! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milne of North- day. . field are -visiting hi parents on Laurel A tine line of Christmas stationery at street, low prices. Kenyon & Co.'s Cash Barj Masquerade at Hale' pavilion Thurs gain Store. ' day evening. Prizes for the best cos a. W. Hooker & Co. stand for low.tumes. prices. ' If yon go to their store will believe "it. M. W. Kendall of the fire department : street. returned .Saturday from a few Ja you , A daughter was born yesterday to .Mr. and Mrs, Uoorge i mauler ot Kienardson avs vis it at his home in Newport, Miss Isabel Martin has gone to her hottie in South Koyatton to spend the vacation of the city schools. Don't fail of securing a goodly num ber of those, initial handkerchiefs for 5c Mrs. Charles Xcwtiall and Miss Maud Edgerley visited relatives, in. Middlesex yesterday. Cliarles Kemp, who has been visiting friends in the city, weat to Bradford Saturday. .. We .call your ; especial attention to tbe announcement of S. J. Segel & Co.'s and 10c at Perry's. A big display of . au" ",r,' " f . ' , ,f" ''., I Start library in your home this Just n, one down mahogany finish Christmas bv buving a sectional book music cabinets that, are poing to be sold of u.'-'V. ihwker & Co. 9 r JU'1,1 bl'l ,fy,U t!lPnl- Tlie line of mulllers displayed bv the At B. W. Hooker & Co. s. Vrmk MeWhorter Co. is from one of B. L. Spofford of Euflnnd, L. P. Holt the leading boute in Ne'vr York. ; of West llurtland, E. '.. Conpdon of Clar-1 Forest HuUrbinson of. VJilliarastown endon and .'. C. Cameron of IVoctor were j was taken to Heaton hospital Tester- rejpstered at the City Hotel over Suu-jday for n operation for appendicitis. P. Visomtini of this city at tl.e Hi-atoii hospital at Montpelier dav. TMe;;Ilalilit Store Christmas Drawing Near. Only 8 Days More to Do Christmas Shopping. ;tr. ; '.-V'.''"", : ' " J ' 'I But a few clays ago we gave out the word that we were to save you this time on you holiday shopping. Here "are several additions to our advertised sale. ' LINENS. Here are a lot of drummer g sam ples, all in perfect shape for gifts, at only four-fifths of regular- prices. In this lot are a full assortment of Liundry Bags. A full assortment of Bureau or Sideboard Cloth in Linen openwork and embroidery. A full assortment of yard square Table Cloths for small tables or stand covers at one-fifth of the regular price. Matched Sets of Table Linen Cloths and one dozen Napkins, at only $4.50- . Sets with large Napkins, heavy Damask Cloths at $5.75, from that up. All Linen Bleached Damask at4?C from that up to $1.50, which is a 12. 00 goods marked special for this sale. HANDKERCHIEFS. Our line of Handkeachiefj is what you would expect to, find in a store of our size, being; direct " from Gribbon Brothers, Belfast, Ireland There is not a questson in our mind but what we sell values in these goods fully 25 per cent less than you will find on other counters Ladies' All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefe on a little firmer linen. Ladies" very sheer Linen Initial Handkerchiefs at two for 25c, cannot be matched for the price. (Putting it pretty strong, but we mean it). Gent's All Linen Initial Handker chiefs at two for 25c' -Children's Box Handkerchiefs, three in a box, for I5c. , j Ask to see these at our Handker chief Booth, left isle LADIES' NECKWEAR. For the last ihree years we have been handling an exclusive ine of Neckwear from original designs got' ten out by a New York designer, so that what you get here in Neckwear is not only the latest but unlike all the other lines. It may not be any better It's different. Twenty-five and fifty cents are popular prices in all lines, and while we have kinds at 10c and ISc we make our greatest effort to get all that we can into our 2Sc line. Many at these prices are 50c values- These is a new craze in embroi dered sets cuffs and collars to match, put up one set in a box, the full set at only 50c. -' Neckwear in boxes will not cost you any more than they would done up in paper. They make sensible and acceptable gifts. OUR SIDE AND BACK COMBS BY THE PIECE OR AS SETS COME ALL BOXED READY FOR G1ETS. NEW UNE Of BELTS, LEATHER BAGS, POCKET BOOKS AND PURSES. IF ABBO Have you heard your vrife say she 'pessfully opfratwi on for appendicitis lat FriJav. wished someone would give her a iJe board or huffet for Christmas? Ilixik er' i the place you can get, an as-wrt- DlPIlt. The npfeial convocation of Ruth ohap ter, Ka.S'J. O. K. 8.. called for Wed nesday I'veninp, December 19, ha len postponed to ."Wednesday evening, Jan: uary 2d. ' Mii'M. Bcna MoiTat, field secretary of the Congregational Uoiim jnionary ociety, who Kpoke at the Congrega tional chnrcb last evening left th: noon for New Haven, Conn. Edanr White of North Wain street, who has been in bed for t'li week with typhoid fever, lias the misfortune now of having Lis youngest son, Napoleon, lit bed with fevef, too. For a real holiday announcement, we would direct your attention to A. A. Smith &. Brother' ad. on page S and have no doubt but what, the most ex- C. Bianehi jretnrnetT last week; from Burliiijrl on where he underwent an operation, for -appendicitis at the Mary Fletcher hospital. ' , ; Miss Blnnohe Moreeroft, who ha lieen Tlnitini; at the home of W. F. TALK OF JHE TOWN. . Mr. and Mr. 1 1. E. Barton of Boston are visiting at V. E. Ayer. ' Geo. E. Hond returned Saturday from a nine week' business trip through the Wet.' ,.'"' ' , .,' ' ,;''' The Athena "club will meet at the home of Mr. F. Q. Howland on French street Tucsdny evening at 7:30 o'clock. Among. arrivals at the City-hotel 1o- Uradford returned to her home in Last: dav are Frank Sutherland, James fcuth- Montpelier, yesterday. L. A. F.-ttabrook, wt.o has leen viit ing hi sifter. Mr. O. H. ITale, for the, rat week returned today to his home in Wet Lebanon. S. 11. The police department raided the house at 5 Iliver street occupied by Mr. Bra-aw at 10 o'clock la night but were unsuccessful in finding any contraband gr.)od. - Mis fadin Tu-hee and R. S. Criw ; i old, wlvo have been guests at the home , of his brother, A. E. Crawford, return ed to their home n lndonviile thii ierland, Albany, X. Y.; Mwleau C. Smith, Rochester; 1. K. J-aninton, ew iork; Jume B. Falon, Boston: EAST BARRE. - Barrc, Vermont Granitcville, Vermont iMintr hnnnr win fTnst in.t w-tiaf ihtv are jookin? for to make vmm. orna-1 . . :. i , menUl and economical Chrwtmaa gilt. An interesting time & -aure,! you if W Tenlur. to y that few tore in t J-0,11, ""d '!' toa1. "Wh to be the atate carry such an extensive aaaort-1 ",e "Krepuiona cnurcu iwr- ment of holiday gomU in so manv dif-fIOT1 vvem.eway evening as cio,k. ferent linea m the one herein mont'ioned. f A modern chKlroom ii to be m Vet tou can uvt from fS to $7 on Wal- i '"" "'m " lnp.v Kr"e. tliam watches, from 50e to $5 on your chain and fobe, and from to $1 on your Kcket knivet and every other article in the idore i guaranteed to ba of the highest quality and at the low est poible figure ronniMeilt with jtxd merchandise, bee their al. on page 8. Caew f'onorti wa arrested Satur day, evening on the charge of breach of the peace. In city court Saturday even ing Contort i pleaded not gwilty and the cae wa et for hearing tiiin morninj; when he wa found ptiiky by the court and fined $3 and costs f 123. The N. E. O. P. will hold their regular meting thi evening at 7j30. There will be election of oflicer. Refreshment will be served. All members are re quested to be present. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. WA.N"TED-FIce to board liy t5-var-old girl, er Hpauldlug nboaU Aililrtia "C," tune urtloe. Z'Att (6TBAYKI IS TO MY PASTTRK-A heifer with ciwncr'm U.g in tu tar. Owner can have oie liy pioviuR property and paying charge. 1 tovelo kta ihre-yer-ola liBiier. haviug my U(ig iuear. r Will anyiine knowing ny Uiing of either of the abov rirat communi cate wtch J. W. t'owier, Muntpeller. MUl TO RKNT A tenement. Inquire of Harry A. 8igI at a. J. hesel & Co'. ckthing ttore on Depot (quart. 13Uf NVON- & G MERRY CHRISTMAS Now is the time to make a selection for "His " Christ mas gift and this is the store where you'll be most apt to find it. Alan or boy, we've the things suitable for "His" Christmas. What could be a wiser selection than one of our Suits, Rain Coats or Overcoats ? Bring in an old Coat to show his size and we will make any change you desire. OUR CHRISTMAS HABERDASHERY. Our showing of Christmas Haberdashery is a grand display. Our elegant Neckwear, choice Gloves, our Shirts Mufflers, Umbrellas, Suspenders and the many other things in Tog gery a man wants are correct and the best money can buy. SMOKING JACKETS AND BATH ROSES. We've a fine line of these luxurious garments, so highly prized by men. Come here for "'His" Christmas and you'll find just "the thing" with a moderate price attached. fUR COATS TO RENT. Frank McWhorter Co. One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitters, Telephone CaH 2IS-4. Elanchard Block. 20 and 22 North SUia St WISH YOU A JERRY CHRISTMAS And extend a cordial invitation to visit our store. Our stock of FANCY CHINA, CUT GLASS and SILVERWARE was never i more interesting than now. The same can be said of prices. Si X s We Hava loiporled and Domestic Toys and Notions in Endless Variety FOB THE ROYS Mechanical Trains, Steam Engines, Magic Lanterns, Drums, Tool Chests, Banks, ' Musical loys, Iron Toys of all sorts, Mens, oames, Top3, Trumpets, Books, etc. FOR THE GIRLS FOR THE LADIES Dolls in endless varieties, Doll's Go Carts and Carriages, Tea Sets, Stoves, Toy Furniture, ( , Books, Sewing Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Trinket Boxes, Pin Cushions and many other things too numerous to mention. .. A nice French China or English 4 Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set would make a very acceptable gift, of which we can show you tvyenty six different pat terns. Our prices are right on these goods. 1 i 5 5; Hi HI? em Tliii the kt weok brfore Cnriit.m.rt. Now is the time to make a selection for IUS CHRISTMAS GIFT. Man or boy, we have the thing luitaMe for him. What would 1p a wiser acWtion than onp of the fol lowing articles: A Fur-lined Coat or Fur" Coat, Suit, Overcoat or liaiu Coat, Hat, Cap or Gloves, Shirts. Collar or Cuff, Trunk, Bag or Suit Case, and many other articles to nutnirou to mention. 'Come here for HIS Christmas gift and you'll find jmt the thing with a moderate rire attached. OUR STOHE WILL BE OPEN EVERY FVEXING THIS WEEK. - MOORE & OWENS, J22 North Main St., - Barre, Vermont ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TIMES 5 TEDDY BEARS. Stock limited. Quick or yoa lose them. In LEATHER FOLD- 5 ING TOILET CASES we can show yoa a strong line at prices to fit any pocket-book. 5: 'la , ! Our 5c, lOo anj 25c Centers Are Worthy, of Your Inspection. m S Useful Presents, Beautiful Presents 'and Appropriate Presents for Every Member of the 2 Family Can be Found Here at Right Prices. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS. 52 p 5 Ui tr '-V0 N," KENYON 1 CO.'S CASH BARGAIN STORE, 185-187 Nortn Alain St., Barre, Vt. Telephone 123-12. ! t. ml j ."4 i Good Values in Seasonable Goods New Mixed Nuts, per lb., - - - 15c New California SoftShellNo. 1 Walnuts, per lb., 18c New California Soft Shell smaller Walnuts, per lb., ISc Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, per quarter lb., 08c Fancy Layer Raisins, per package, - 1 . 25c New Seeded Raisins, fancy, per package, 12 l-2c The best new extra Steamed Currants, per pkg. 12 1 2c Fresh Sage, per quarter, - - - - 08qr Fresh ground Spices, per quarter, - - 06c Young America Cheese, (8 to 10 lbs.) per lb., 16c Full Cream Plain and Sage Cheese, also Edam, McLean's, Imperial and Roquefort Cheese Famense Eating Apples, per peck - ' - , 25c Fancy Baldwins, Greenings, None Such, Nod head and Bellflower Apples, by the peck or barrel. Our usual full line of Grapes, Oranges, Olives, etc. Meat Department. Some extra nice Turkeys, Geese and Chickens for Christmas the last of the week. early as possible. Le u c your order as F. D. LADD COMPANY. )