Newspaper Page Text
Tius iJAJliUG DAILY THIES. FFB. i2C. I 7. KllaOfjOS AND DRESSING SflCQUES; We had rather take a loss on the above than carry them, i tw.-vcqucnuv u is your opportunity. . $2. 5 .Lor Kimonos reduced to ..51.50 ; 1.25 1C.t.; Kimonos reduced to..-.,....,........,. 9 : J. 2.75 Drming Sacquet reduced to.... .- 1.98' 2.00 Dressing Sacqoes reduced to 1.25 L2S Dressing Sacqucs reduced to 75 . ;-i.75 Dressmj Sacque reduced to..... : .50 'r 50e fach One lot of Dressing Sacaues that were 11.00, 1.25 and f loO, your choice of any for 50c each. They are slightly soiled; PERRY a CAMP. 11 ael 75 Haia Street, ('Phon- 9-4) Bint. Venial. REDUCTION ON A LL FURS We are making a , reduction on all our Fur and Fur-Isned Coats, also Ladies' Riding Sacques. Call and see what wc can do for you on Furs. MOORE & OWENS, 122 North Main St., - . Barre, Vermont Purity ! MASCQTrs; candy ft 11 ' here's '"stance to Mascott's , Candy not fill Hi ITU mere'y flavor, but a satisfying sense of richness, good yUUlllj ncss and holesomeness because only pure, sub : sfantial materials, costing full market price, arc used. Made by us, with a vigilant attention to cleanliness, AT THE BARRE CANDY KITCHEN ' . ' - 1 0n a I UC I UC : ... $ tA Another grand display of those famous Shcahn fe 54 Pictures now on FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. V fA is H SEE OUR WINDOW, then come in and in- ft ti spect our mamoth table that is loaded with them. ) fA v..:ii i mi . . k ou in &urciy nnu one or more you win want to own. r; Your Choice for 10c ,C. N. KENYON & CO.'S CASH BARGAIN STORE. Q 185.187 North Main Street. (Telephone Earrc Vermont. ; TALK OF THE TOWN. ?' ginghams st Vr.pls". EoIIt Thursday rvri'irjp. Xnnr US Jo ti a ;' at rfe'V. St pMure f spotle ttm epobgw ia AMuU' ad. . , Fraiik Martin .'f li'iiu-a i-h-ed Li i parjt iii thi city vMenlay. Cenirm pJavin; -nS tst-ill sellior at Stte p' park. Avers'.!' ilusie Co. John llama of Eo4a was ia the city yet-iay oa a btttinesa visit. E'sllfi- akatinz ia: at the Pavilion Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. lfarrv f-i nc-r of Portsmouth, X. H inu in the litjr a LusinvM yeKtenly. Mr. and Mrs. Cvru Xif key of Wa-li- !ir!ri.-:i .. in the t it y today on a vi-it stiili frierli. ' T5eJ puffs an'i wxl blanket t Per- iy at a hig bargain. them and j The ru r. Arii ! B. Ikwii ia moved I into t!ie hmin of Jam liriirv a Fjaui(iijij trtt.. - . - irilcreU, on Tn to ti; Ilarrtf Saving liaik arsd Trust company be comet due Maidi 1. Edwin .T.' Hariiey' movinir piitijreK were exhibited to "a " fair-sid audience at the om-ra liu U-t evenins. Air. HudU'V bin out of t!ae best hos of its kinds that ever tame to thi city. The 9:47 train on the C. V. thin flKimin; wa over an hour lute and m Lung up for aljout half an htmr nuire before it w!d puil into t'1 atathm from (Jranito t reet ' by ' 4 freight int being oil the iron. ' t- 4- Another rate on roller irkates f"r the ' e'laiiipioimliip hy f(.ur youtig meij of iiarre, at the Psrilion, 'J'b?i!-w!ay even ing. Fir-t prize $2.00, second prie SI. 00. oil wiil want to this race. Skating every day thin week. I A five-eoiirse supjier will lie mhvpJ by twenty younjr ladie of tiie Sunday wliwl at the 3ethodist diniii'j; rKim on Friday eveninjr from .':r,0 to T;;w. The r upper will !! fyihiv id tij an tT'crtdin ment. !uiii"u!ar tif lth '.till l! given in tise j. r tomorrow. .' iiiL'tii'-. birthday i Friday. Feb ruary 2i. Th man wIm Ijm ehittiinj; of any kind to buy cannot afford to pa tfie store with tne rel eaisva front. It i the same with fuinili?it.'K4i. KtX an item in our s-tore tliAl-n't ut tlbwu one-half. The i!i'ly tiuthing 'fe. Pavilion' oort opt-n ut 7 Thursday evening, nare called at 7:13, tl"-d at 7:15. Skating , alter from 8 until 10. A(lriiiion, ,j.''u! inttudiiijj katll 2.V: without -katet J.'e: hulii froe t the hall; akate to tlwe iiot hoMinjf tic kHH,'l'e. So nkat piveti out liil aftr the pri.i'H are awarded by the judjie. i Stop in and planee at, our ela ranee table, where wo hse displayed four a pretty "tK-k paltftlH in dinnerwari'. a. you often we. Owing Ut lack of room and the dUwiitinuutim to manufacture two of them, we are i lo'tnjr them out at a flight advance atxive what they eot u. S: eurdially invite your inpcction. V. S. Kenyon ' ( o..' bargain Hore. . Postmaster K. W. P.isbee went b Do ton todiiy to attend a meeting of the New KnfliMtd l'Mniter' a.-MH-ia-tion. of illicit lie is llie president. The meet inn will be held in the American hoiioe tomorrow. At the banquet whieh will be held in the evening there will be sev eral fiie(4 of note, includintr (hief Potoilice Inspector William .1. Viekrry of Valiiniftin. 1J. ('.; Flward iihhrit, depart merit olliciul in CliiiU'e Imp. and Maritime custom and postal perviee; (iuy A. Hum, ai-tant I'nited State BftariiPl; Kolwrt Luce, a member of the MataehHitet t j lepii-Iatiire; (;erire A. llibbard. I'OfttniaHtcr in lhwton. One Wee ! Sate of Carpets an il Rugs! it -1- i. r - .j- i '1 "It" - l. '--.--." - -.!. --V'4' - , nk .. car e-eaerpJvr.Bir,;i,'"TiK7 Our sale of CARPETS and RUGS this week introduces the most remarkable prices ever named. $1.15 Tapestry Carpets for - $1.00 1.00 Tapestry Carpets for - .80 $1.15 1.00 1.35 $1.25 Wilton Velvets for -1.15 Velvets for - 1.50 Best Body Brussels for ! Park Mills Extra Super Ingrain Carpets, the best aid most honestly made Ingrain Carpet, on the market today, 75c per yard. Other manu frctures, 65c. Union Itxtra Supers, 50c per yard. All of these patterns on sale are new goods and of the very latest pat terns for Spring. Now is the time to puachase Carpets and Rugs, when our line is complete and when you are not rushed to get your Carpet in a minute. If you wait until house-cleaning time everything at home is in a hubbub and you are out of sorts. Come now and make your selections. 9x12 Tapestry Rugs for - - $'500 9x10 Oriental Rugs for - 25.00 9x12 Shiraz Rugs for - - 18.75 TALK OF THE TOWN. Eoller alatJag today, '. .'.I -. Kear wl-ita cj6 at Vaoghat'a.' The Kew 5-a jlt.era i the best ' Ku'li'T kti:-; raw Thursday eveaiiis. J'.'iy iiTi of tho-f new prir'ai at Perry's. i ! Ro!W skating Thursday evt-uicg at; the Pavilioa. . Aa Mscxsn cf Orange was ia town' cm business today. lt' at FittV you get thwe-e shrunken linen fr eot.tu-.tie. A. J. Ciat-hino went to BurTinftaa this nrtiir.r -a bu.-sne-s. S. Mil! of 1 opshaia was in the eny oa buiues yesterday. Miss. 3Jary J.Iona.ghan went to lWn fiirigtoa today on a viit with friends. : Sir. 8. O. ' Bennett went to .b.nev vilie this morning oa a visit with rela tive. Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Pieriiew ef flroton. who have been visiting their son. lkibert lienfetr, returned to their home yesterdaj". . Jliss Mae Heath U-san work this morning in vhe jrranite ollke of Stephen & Cierrard. All the taking part in the firM aet of "The Kiral" will meet ,'t Ooidard seminary at 7 Vchx-fc. Four young n.en 4 raee for the ehampiom.hip on rtdler skate Thurlay evening at the Pavilkm. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Uiftio and son went' to Wiitoxki thi morning for a week'j viit -with relative. . Mi Carrie Cheney bepan work thr looming as bookkeeper in (.'. A. Ileath'a wall j.ajn-r and paint store. .Tames dopp arrived in the eity thi MMtrainr ftofn Motlan4 aniF will reside here with hi brother, William Jopp. W. V. C'ate and Mi4 Orate t ate of Ca!ai are viniiiiift at the home of SI. J. Green on North Main street for a few days." It. tenterpiw betwe'U Maple ave nue and Wa-hiiton street, yesterday aftesuoou. f inder p!e ,e teturn to this office. Mrt. C. X. Kenyon went to Lyndon ville hit afternoon for a vi-it at thp ihc.i'i" of jher parents, whdflir., i!b wkh IJienppe. tV r j : Wtiliauv H. Murray English Lull terrier which he ha on exhibition at the New England Keunell show in Boston reeeived the . third prize yes-, terday in the limit elasw. Roller "-katin-; rac-e for thf tharopion hip by four young men at the Pavilion ThuMday exenin at 7 p. ni. Don't mis it a it bid fair for a wrongly contested uie. Sre adv. elsewhere. A notice warning peoj!e not to spit on the didewalks and in public ImiLlinz exo'pt in projier reeeptat'lea is being M-.tcd about the eity, Thi i- done un der a law pa.eit by the lat eession of the Vermont legislature. IXn't furjret the time and the place. Time, Waxldnton' birthday. Friday, February 22. Plae, Methodb-t ehunh. And, l-t of all. f The Feast of the Five Tables" to be jvin by twenty young ladie of t';e Sunday school. All fruited. Let no one mi- it. s A Urre man i wondering which way the straw point. ' He phued an order for ten ton of otraw in White River Junction earlier in the winter. The -4 raw wan loaded and shipped from that place on January 2-t, but tip to date hat not Ix-en delivered to the eoniipnee. The bill of lading tdiow that the straw wan hiped on the 24th of January. The distance the shipment had to go was 73 niile. v A aurprUe partv wm given Mrs. Charlej Keith at lier home oa South Main street Saturday eveninjr. Mrs. Keith went out to ieo a eick friend and when tiht! returned he found her house in the possesion of al-ntit twenty five of her frienils. Mr. And(T-on in behalf of the company presented Mr. Keith n set. of ele-rant. di-.he ltefreihnunl of leAe, toffee and riandwicheg were (served. I alter which dancing was; indulged in. I J.a'-t eveninjr the Phihuuftthian elub jolwerved gentlemen's nijht. at the home ; of Mr, nnd M:. Henry Phelps on Aoad jemj' street. After a social hour, the elub wad nerved a dainty lunch. The pro 'fframme had been prepared to celebrate Lincoln but inlay una reading und inn sie appropriate to the day weu rendered. The reading by Mi- heehn-k wa es pecially enjoyed. The room were deco rated in hnor of the day which the club celebrated. j N0RTHFIELD GIRL HONORED. 8-3 x 10-6 Axminster Rugs for 9x12 Wilton Rugs for ', -Others for 40.00 and $25.00 37.50 55.00 We Have the Finest Line in This Section. 9 Bar re;-VI:. Miss June J. Joslyn President of Nor. mal School Class. Lowell. Mm.., Feb. 20. The eleelion ut the Normal wlmol were held Friday at the school and ieulted n follow: Senior class, president, Mis Jtuie -J. Jonlyn of Noithtiehl, Vt. Miss Alice Tirooks, vice-presiilent, Miss Anna brown wa elected president of the junior cfam and Mis Edna McGowan of lAwrenee, vice-president. Other of ficers will be-elected at a later date. "Feast of Five Tables." Menu : Cream of Tomato Soup Saltines . Hoct, Potato ami Salmon Salad Plain Sandwich Hot Roll Cold Ham Cold Corned Beef ftonst Pork Fniit Jellies As-orfpd Cnke Wafer Colfee Programme, following supper: Piano solo Miss llatt Vocal nolo Mis-, Stratton Readinj? Mi Brown Vocal duett . . Mrs. Bradley and Mr, Veale Violin olo MiV Gould Beading ; oeal olo Mis Doris Bradley Vocal nolo Mr. Olliver WaHhinj"ton' birthday, next Friday evening, 5:30 to 7:.10. Everybody come. Twenty-five cent for supper and enter tainment. See tho new embroideries at Vaitghan'. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. TO ItKNT Two tenement hmi-e. Corner 'Fre mont and furrier ittieet.; modern' wi-:vn-iiic; trtco (rnr-lnn wttti eacU tciimnenti lien iime, room for KKi tieimj silno nm lionn for mi le. extrii nn liiviug airain. Inquire of J- ' Gifllu, CiiiTlei street. 2at WANTED At ones, one first-class letter cutter and carter, inquire C t'crry & Jones. Stttf A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. jz? 1 tie JJsixl WHAT WE ARE DOING. It will be to your interest to see our advertising every second day as we are to tell of something in each add. that you do not know about. The following will be new things that you are not familiar with. . MORE KINDS CF WASH EOODS, WHAT IS THIS? SPOTLESS Sim SPONGER. For a few days, until Spring seems a little nearer, e Ire to sell good 10c I !aun'rinr, cugs and, .cdlf' othm tin cans. This is our Ginghams in all of the new plaids and stripes. Iiiey are for style fully up in every way to most expensive Ging hams and the price for this short pe riod will be 8cper yard, A full assortment of Madras in all of the plain colors. This cloth would be cheap at 10c and not very dear ar J 12 l-2c, now for a few days at 8c j per yard. I New Jot of Dimities and Fgurcd j SPOTIERS STEAM SPONGER, Lawns i an assortment of styles. One of the best washing wah goods Some would a. machine far txs, natural. liMilrv finih. The process is quit; like a first-clas ma chine used in modern laundries. The old process of sponging spoils the ir face of almost all kinds of materials while this tends to. rather improve the most delicate goods. Velvet and silk muslins in the nioi delicate shades can he improved by this process, while other processes will surely ruin them. It's a modern appliance that you will be glad to become acquainted vv ith. Dressmakers will hail this class of work as a great convenience as well as a better way. Goods bought at other stores will -s3l having " three very powerful gas - sponged just as willingly as though burners under a copper tank that bought at :our store, generates steam and forces it through -'s Spotless Sponge i run every the cloth to be sponged and shntnk, j morning, charging only S cents per then it passes under the finishers that ! 5"ar-l fr w work, " in our store. These can be seen in our window at 12 1-2c per yard. The New Idea 10-cent Patterns are the best. They save in material and cut of pattern. ABBOTT .0ia, BOTUES THAT DON'T LEAK. They are guaranteed. We have them at all prices From 75c to $2.25 Combination Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes. They should be in every family. We have them at From $1.25 to $2.75 A good line to choose from. Best quality. Guaranteed and prices to suit everybody. D. F. DAVIS "THE DRUGGIST," 262 North Main St, Barre,Vt. FISH! During the Lenten Season Ve shall always ' have on hand the nicest supply of Fish in the city. Smith & Cumings, Meats, Groceries and Fish, 305 North Main St., Barre, Vt. THE TEST OF SERVICE Always proves the Absolute Supremacy of Duchess Trousers. There's an enviable reputation in the name. Duchess Trousers are cut on smart lines and will grace any man's wardrobe. Duchess Trousers are a happy combination of low cost and high grade. $1.00, $1.50, $2 00, $2.50, $3,00, $3.50, $4.00 - 'We Clean, Press and Repair Clothing. Fur Coats to Bent. FranK McWhorter Co. One Price Men's and Boys Outfitters. Telephone an 2184. BlanchirJ Block. 20 ani 22 North fihta St Substitution! None of It Here! When you call for an article here you get that arti cle. . No one tries to argue you into buying "some thing else." Every decent Drug Store thing advertised in magazines or newspapers, or known as good, is here, or we'll get it in a jiffy, and we will sell it to you with out any suggestions about anything "like it." If you want what you want, and want to know that it is genuine, we will -sell it gladly and stand behind every good and reputable article sold. E. A. DROWN. Prescription Druggist, 40 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l BanK. COST HOT CONSIDERED We are selling BOXING GLOVES, STRIKING BAGS, . BASKET BALLS, INDIAN CLUBS, DUMB BELLS and all SPORTING GOODS lower than you ever had an opportunity to buy before, or will again. It is compulsory, as we must vacate. Ttis AVERILL MUSIC CO, A Few lleasons: Why 111$ 10 YOUR' ADVANTAGE TO TRADE HERE. ' , YOU can order your Groceries, Meats and Bakery Goods all from one order man. YOU get a better grade of goods for less money. We buy our goods in large quantities and most of them direct from the manufacturer, and, consequently, get the bottom prices. YOU will always find the goods fresh. Our large num ber of customers enables us to turn the goods very quickly. :' YOU buy the goods on a small margin of profit. We prefer a large number of small profits rather than a few large profits. ' YOU can always get what yoi order. W'c carry a very large stock and are sekirim out of anything. Wc make all of our own Bakery Goods. You always find them fresh and of the best quality. YOU get quick and prompt service. Our delivery teams cover every part of the city and we have twenty people on the pay-roll to serve you. YOU get a rebate check for cash. We gave away near ly two carloads of 'flour last year. WE" can save you money and give you satisfaction. F. D. LADD COMPANY.