Newspaper Page Text
THE BAKRE DAILY TIMES. FEB, SO, 1907. eel . - J E. A. PRINDLE, DEPOT SQ. TELEPHONE I.7-4 BUSffiESS CARDS. EL TAYLOR, DOCTOR OF OPTICS U i Mara Block, Main St., Barre. Every Monday and Tuesday. Office 9 a. m. to 13 im 1:30 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. ARTHUR H. H. LEWisTFv.l. Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Western Veterinary College. ' j Office: Fraser & Johnston's Stable Res., 33 Pari St - lelephom 437-2 DR. GEORGE D. WARREN, mmm msm Office: Paje Brothers' Livery Stable. Residence; City Hotel. TcL 106-4. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Beiidsncs. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, CBTFOFATHIC PHYSICIAN. CUBee re Boom 88, Kllea' Building. OBJce hour, I . m. o U m. end l.i to4p.Hi Mob Key, Tjy, Toorsclay end Friday. Telephone ConueeUoa. A. J. PARQUET. Bladsmitb, Horsesbocr UnJ Jobber. Tire good Honieshoer. Shop removed from Seminary ttreet to 30 gammer street, Barre. H. W. SCOTT, Attorney. Office In Wood Block, DTcr Ladd'a (tore. Joitlce, notary and ittnograpber la office. Tha Union Mutual Llfs insurance Co. Of I'oitland, Maine. Old and Reliable. CH.181ES i. SMITH. KJS4SEB F03 VERMDHT. Office wita Scotl & carrer, Mile' Granite Block Curb Slons and Underpinning For Sale, finished or in the rough. Barre Medium Granite Co. A. M. Morrison, Maneger LATEST METHOD MRS. M. D. O'LEARY, ' FlaSO TEACHER. Pupil of Mile. Gaffeau, of JVj.totl, Uiu. Wellington St.. Barre. Tt. TEKBiHX ICCOMFMIM SOLO PLAY1H3 MISS MARY C. LEASE, OrisnlntrmerllittCharch, Barre. poment tn New Fnelsnd Conertiry n Muie. Run, Toiler Mr. '.. I'. iMmnce, 1'uMie, Mr. H. M. lmntiain, Orgn. 80 Summer Street, Barre. Vt. LIVERY, FEED AND TRAINING STABLE Training Colts a spc "" cialty and Satisfaction guaranteed. H. C. YOUNG, Tel. 112-22. Williams town, - - Vt. Merchant Tailoring Alio Cleaning, Preiiing tnd Repairing. MOORE & OWENS, 122 forth Mala St., Biffe, Vera9! D, SICKLE, MERCHANT TAILOR I-adlee' and Gentlemen' For toate Repaired and Btored. I1te' n! (.enOnien-e r.arnieew cleaned tjj ,U-fim, Dtiil iljl. ItfpjlrtnK )iea-i)f erme. o,dr 1, mail will receive ju teiiUoa. , Depot aure. Barre. Vt SCIENTIFIC HOBSE SHOEING. Bpelir CDtti,i(r, kncie cutllna, liilflfe''iiJt, foiKlng . dttiiiililluK ami rr liroiij P""'"" cumti. A.ll.ii).awtof the home'e M with go.,a ucec. Veterinary wwlMM lot ale. J. I, KcLEOD. Pcis!ered HarM Show tli"p im Keihinvry fitin'il, - - a"e. vt. Vl m.lfl.U.-tlrt: ii!idl:Mi)fi!;;';t;(i.::!j(ili 'Kvi-iiU " I Wood and Goal Healers Pipe and Elbows, Coal Hods and Sifters, Win dow Glass, Tarred and Building Papa. BARRE, VT. THE BLIND. " Learn to Play , Note. . How They Music By A branch of knowledge which on; would say it would be almost jnims. sible to teach a blind person is nusie. It is easy to understand that a blind Juan might learn to play almost any i,itrument by oar, but the Hudonts pre not taught to do this, 'i'hey loam by note, and many of tmm become ox pert musicians. The method of teaching music (employed by the New York ln fctitution was oriiinated by Mis II. A. Fabooek, the chief instructor in music, and through her 'help the method ha ln adopted in the majority of the largo educational institution through out the country. To explain to begin K'T everything that is on the stall an! the methods of it use, a cushion about the size of an ordinary sofapillow, filled with sawdust, and firm, is used. Upon tlii, by meana of cord and bonnet wire, which ha been twisted if to the shape of notes,! the burs are made and the note are arranged and re-arranged at will, as thev are held in place on the cushion only by tiny hair pin. By this ingenious method the student masters the principles of staff notation and gains a clear idea of what a bar of music looks like to seeing persons. The rests are made of leather, the sharps of Was, soldered, A blind graduate in music from this txdlege, F. Henry Tsehudi.v became an "Associate and later a Fellow of the college of American Musicians. Still later wan elected Fellow of the American Guild of OrKatiists, and at the present time he occupies a position as organijit in Decatur, Ala. . The st udents are all fond of Kinging, and the choir ot tti inHtitution w umiHually good, both a to voice and method of lining it. Muaic i writtfn in point yitetn far tho ue of the blind. LeIie's Weekly. CHALLENGE FROM 0. F. DAVIS D. F. Davi, the drugiht, i seeking the worst eae of dypejsia on eonntipa tion in Barre or vicinity to tet Dr. Howard' new apecific for the cure of thone disease. So confident i be that thi remark able medicine wilj effect a lasting cure in a (diort time that be offers to refund tite money should it not be HticwWul, In order to secure the cjuicke-t poa ibl introduction. Mr. Davi will cell a regular rh'ty-cont pnekago of thin med icine at ball price, 25 writ. This npe'i(lc of Ihr. Howard's will'eure tiick headache, dizzy fcelingi, contipa tirm, dy.'pepnia. and all forma of malaria fand liver trouble. It doe not aimply give relief for a time; it makes perma nent and complete cure. It will regulate the howeln, tone up the whole intentinal tract, give you an appetite, make food tate good and digent well, and increase vigor. Joy and happiness will take the pi of that "don't care whether I lie or die" feeling. p mips: 1 UUktU diftrrd 4irrt from n'ff tKitf r4f (l:t dt- fir fit Tr)'t. V rrtUMfifti. tiHi K ntUU At. i0.t H Cfcre-.l.wW. St. Nurses Directory. Trained Nurses can be had by ap plying to the Emergency Hospital, day or night. Tel. call, 319 2. -at . ; HALF PRICE! GEO. M. MARRION, CORNER CIGAR STORE. Mileaze Books on all Roads. We are sole agent for Vermon for the New Eneland Adamant Co Calcined Plaster, Adamant, -Unsandcd Wall Plaster and Pulp . We guarantee any of our Vhitcn to adhere to any kind of suf face. Frost ha no effect on same be fore tlrying. Will harden in 24 hours As cheap u ordinary Lime Piaster Special price on carloads, ' . FORSYTH '1.I8BRAM; ' .Barre, .Vermont, foot of West Slreel. unuLU shin i 111' LL . Wt HI ISM t'd i! Cards 2 ' " AD COLD Throat sore head stuffed up chet in flamed irritating hack ing cough? Cheer up man! All you need is llritlS (ant i - Inflarnmai Ion) Applied warm to tlte tliroat and cheat, Anti flit will draw out the inflammation, eue the cough, cure the tore throat end drive away the cold. Il coolt, tooth and abiorbt Made In . . -Mawachuaettf by . Anti-Itis, Inc. Daever., Meat. Art L-Itb AWTUTIS Ik. Sold Everywhere Serial No. 3068 - For further Utfnrmatlos writ, (or our booklet "Wiial to W POTATO ROT. Decay ef the Tubera In Storage The Preventive Meaaurea. The rotting, of pot&toe in etorage la often a aerlous loss. Facts' coucern rig the prevention of sucti los are likely to bo welcomed by the grower now, while the actual damage is before bis eyea, as valuabl for use In tho coming season. The Vermont and. Maine stationa have reported the results cf experl menfs undertaken to determine the way in whkb the rot fuugna ia trans uiitted and the bwt tuetliods ojf check ing the trouble. . IX, Woods of tbe Maine atadpn reaches tbe conclusion that "tbe infection of Uie potatoes with tho fungua occur chiefly if not entirely lu the field before digging. Tile Infection Is usually tb result of fiiseawed vines, Tbe disease is trans mitted dn the majority of cases not dt reotly tlirotigti tbe vine, but Indirectly through the soil. Potatoes may be In fected directly In the field from spores introduced In tbe manure or from rot ten potatoes apread upon or left In the land the preceding year." It appears, moreover, "Umt abnormal conditions of moisture or temperature may cause abnormal activity In the fungus, and bencc the rotting of the tubers,". For this reason "there Is far less liability of loss from rotting In tbe cellar In the case of late dug potatoes." Drying and Cold Storage. " L. It. Jones and W. J. Morse of the Vermont station have, bowever, ob tained contradictory result In expert monts on the latter point, but they rec ommend late digging to reduce rot in storage except on heavy wet soils in wet season. Tbey found do benefit from liming the potatoes or treatment with formaldehyde before storage. Dry lng tbe potatoes as much rs possible before storage reduced rot materially. Cold storage at 40 degrees F. was par. tleclarly efficient In cbecIng rot With potato at 60 to tW cents, per bushel, as they were In tbe Burlington market in 10or. tbere was a wide mar gin of profit from cold storage. These authorities say: "While It may not prove practicable for the smaller growers to do this. It certainly behooves every one to oppre elate the Importance of placing tbs crop fn the coldest stonge room avail able and as promptly as possible after digging when much rot Is anticipated." I THE DAIRY HERD. Development From Common 8tock to High Grade Cows. In reference to building up a fine dairy herd Professor Thomas Shaw outlines the following plan as given in Orange Judd Farmer: When developing the dairy herd from common stock It Is not necessary to go to great expense, but n few years of time are necessary in whieb to accom plish this. Tbe omouut of time called for will to some extent be dependent n the character of the stoek-rthat Is. the- foundation stock at the outset and to some extent on the closeness of tbe culling or selection tjiat Is practiced. In some Instances n fine dairy herd may be built up In two or three gen erations of correct breeding. In other Instances a longer time may , be re quired, but It should not require more than four or five generations of proper breeding In any event to effect the chunges sought. A great change lu the line of Improvement desired should re sult from the first cross made. The plnu to be followed Is In outline as follows: Begin with such females as can be got conveniently without greater cost thun may be termed com mon prices, such ns are usually paid for common stock. Give the prefer ence to those that have Indications of 'a reasonable amount of milk giving ca pacity. Mate with tlieae a pure sire of one of tho dnlry breeds with proper form and, breeding, Itetain all the fe miije progeny for future breeding that have been found to poness the milk giving quullty in a high degree. 'Dis card those of the opposite class as soon as their deficiency becomes known, rontlnuo the same line of breeding tyitil the excellence sought has been reached, or at least continue it until the standard of milk giving In the rows has come up to the average of tbe herd from which the sires have been chosen. ; , , f, The Camera Foot. , The camel's foot Is a tfofl cushion pe culiarly well adapted to the stones uul (jravcl over which it Is constantly walk lug. During a single journey through tbe Sahara horse have svoru out three sets of (ihoes, fybilo the camel's feet art u ia ia wtfri1W.lSS- .wy-attjjfMttm-wtri, ABOUT THE STATE. ' Items of Interest Gleaned From Our Exchanges. ' Fairlee has unearthed an old record Ixmk of the year I860 in whidhi the names of 25a adult residents are afbxed to the temperance pledge. Ji. Morrisville mau who takes an in terest in such matters has ascertained that there are twenty-one Hmitha on tbe check list Of tho town of Moms lille. .Joseph Cokey, of Burlington, who fell on Uie ice about four weks ago, striking on the back of bis head, is to be taken to the hospital for treatment. A fever soon developed and he is now unable to move one leg and arm. It in learned that a mail nouch which was sent out from Bonton January 29 foi Burlington and which never reached that city, was destroyed by fire in t.'.e train wrecu at. jeemem, Mass., mas right. Th pouch contained second and third elasa matter. The JJev. C. If. Smith, of Pittsford, has gone on a three months' tour of Italy, France, and England. Mrs, Smith after a several, weeks' visit with her brother of Prof. J. W. Votey, of Burling ton, will p the remaining time with relatives in Brattk-boro. Kick of Horse Saved Man's Life. Clarence Axtcll, of Rawsonvnle, (in Jamaica) , narrowly escaped HrioiiR,per haps fatal, injury" recently. While driv ing wit h a load of log "down a steep hill a binding chain broke, letting the log? off the Ied. Young Axtcll was pitched from his place and landed dir ectly behind the horw1, to be instantly kicked by one of them with force enough to lift him out of the path of the sled, yet so clone to it that the bunks paed above his body as ho lay wedged itetween a log and the sled runner. The kick of the horse doubtle sived him from Iwing crushed under the Mod, Mill weigbted by a number of log, and was delivered at such clo renfro that it failed of nerious effect. One of the horsea was badly hurt by a log which wa thrown forward on to it back and hip, and it is thought it may lie permanently disabled. Mr. Axtcll suffered a number of bruise', but :e hat now sufhctcnUy. recovered to 'jrcisume teaming. - 'j . Fifty-third Wedding Anniversaries. The fifty-third anniversary of the mai-rUgc of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cady, of South Woodstock, was pleasantly celebrated Friday evening. February I. about seventy of tl.eir neighbors "and friends gathering at their home. Several of the friends of Mr. and Mr. I. D. R. Collins, of Barton Landing, dined with them January 4. the occa sion being the fifty-third wedding an niversary of Mr. ' and Mrs. Collins. During this . long period Mr. Collins has never been so ill but that she could be about and Mr. Collins is in ex cellent health. Was Almost One Hundred Years Old. Mr, Betsey Hinman Carpenter, aged O'J years, 8 month, and 23 day, did February 13 at the home -.of' her son, Chaik-A Carpenter, jn Derby Line, . Mr. Carpenter was ou of the limited mini' ber of 112 pensioners. She took a great deal of interest lant year in pur chasing Chri.-tmas gift for her child ren, grandchildren, peat-grandchild-rtn. and great-great grandchildren, sn I looked forward to her 100th natal Jay with a marked interest. She wrote card for all her ( 1irit ma remem brance. I'p to within a iihort time this venerable woman had full poes sion of all her faculties, was artUe and uliecrfui, and evidently enjoyed life. GO TO INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Three Little Girl Truants Sentenced at Burlington. Burlington. Feb. 0. Three iuveniles were taken lief ore Judg Mower in city court tihi week. They are Koe, Anna and Jesnie, Pratt, aged 12, 14 and nine j ears, respectively, ana were etiarfwl jvith truancy. They have been Cotting Out attendance at school otiite rejjulnrlv and have acquired a pretty bad reputa tion for small girls. Judge Mower thought, in view of the fact that their father and mother have separated, hat the industrial school was the bet place for them and sentenced them to that in Htitution for the remainder of their minority. TO GEN. STANNARD. Plans for His Monument Are to Be Con sidered. St. Albans, Feb. 20. The General tannard memorial committee is to meet in Kutland next week Tuesday or Wed nesday to talk over plans. The lesinla t lire of 1906 passed an appropriation of $1,000 to be ued in erecting some kind of a memorial on the farm in the (own of Georgia, where Gen, George J. Stannard wa bom. It has been pro Hised to purchase a small jart of the farm, erect a stone marker thereon, and build an iron railing around the lot. SEVEN MAINE CENTENNIALS. Towns to Celebrate One Hundreth An- niversary. ; Bangor. Me., Feb. 20. Seven Maine towns will this year celebrate the one hundreth anniversary of their incorpora tion. These are Moiitville, Torter, Den iiutik. Jefferson, friendship, Divmont and palmyra. In mot cases ebtborat.s piop-amme have been prepared. The birthday of six of thee towns comes this month, but in muny instance! the programmes will lie held, for Old Home Week celebrations thi summer. UPHOLDS GOVERNMENT. Church Policy Sustained by the French Chamber. Paris, Feb. 20. The Chamber of Depu ties by to 81 vote sustained the government's poller. Rest, Health ana CemfWt to Mather ana Child. S1R1. WINStOWS HixmiINO HVHUT, foi elitiot'cn tetlilnir, sofleim llie (ruins, reduce, iiilhiiamutlon, bIImv all pln. hint cure witiO voile, feifecily sale In all cue Wo woiilo :iy to every mothiirwliobasasiiffnitliptchild Do not let votir preiilice, nor t he pre jmiifea of other, stnl between you end your suttee ritr child and tho relief that w ill be ai'e-ya, timoliitnly sine to follow the use of this weiliciuv, U Uinsly usttl. 1'rlos 39c. a UotU j-aiHJT- -yil-veSl,Siyja WHItrWj.teWSja-jSjg!? ' TO CURE ANY DISEASE. The Caoae 3Inet be Removed, Sana Way With Dandruff, KJll the germ that causes dandruff fatltmr hau- and baldness, : you will nave no more dandruff, and your hair must rrow luxuriantly, Newbro'a Herptolde not only contains the dandruflt germ fiestroycr, but H Is also a most delight ful hair dressing- for regular toilet use. No other hair preparation Is on this scientific- basis of dcstoylng the dandruff terms. It a tops all Irritation, keeps thj scalp aweet, pure and wholesome, Re member that eomathlnjf claimed to be "just as rood," wtll not do the work of genuine Herplciae. Sold by leading d rue-gists.- Bend 10c. In stamps for earn Die to The Herplcida Co., Detroit, Mich Two sizes SO cents snd $1.00.' E. A. Drown, Special Agent. "THE FENDER A GREAT HUMBUG." A Street-Car Man .Speaks of Safety Device. In an article, entitled "Tho Needless Slaughter by Street-Cars," in the March Everybody's, John P. Fos write: ''Even the small expense involved in adopting better fender seemed to loom large In the eye of some managers, for a successful fender manufacturer-' once told me of a street-railw-ay president who, admitting that the fender which be had in use on his lino was not the Le-t, still said: ' "Mo you think I am going to pay $35 for your contraption when I can satisfy our railroad commission with one that cost only $10 ?' "The too frequent attitude of railway r.f-nagers seems to be that a fender is a 'bother'; and they will put up with cny sort of makeshift. Of the prevail ing American type of projecting fender. General Bancroft once declared: " 'The fender is a great humbug. , It might under some conditions, if a person were thoughtful enough to slep between tht rails and wait until the fender picked him tip, be of some service. But such conditions rarely happen. Almost everybody is eau:t by the fender or side of the ear, and i slicked in, so to sj eak, by the car and under the w heels." Growth of Western Cities. Apropos of tbe mushroom growth of new, towns on tbe western frontier a locomotive engineer relates the follow ing: "One day I was driving my engine across the prairie when suddenly a considerable town loomed up ahead where nothing bad showed up tbe day before. "'What town's thlsT says I to my fireman. -'Blamed If I know, says Bill. 'It wasn't bere when we went over the road yesterday. ' "Well, I slowed down, and directly we pulled Into the station, where over 600 people were waiting on the plat form to see the first train come In. "The conductor came along up front and says to me: " 'Jim, first we know we'll be run ning by some important place, (let this town down on your list, and IT) put a bra kern an en the rear platform to watch oat for towns that spring up after tbe tralu gets by! "Minneapolis Journal. A Valuable Lesson. "Six years ago I learned a valuable IcsHon," writes John Pleasant of Mag nolia. Ind. 'T then began taking Dr. lung's New Life Pills and the longer I take them the better I find them." They please everybody; Guaranteed at Bed Cross Pharmacy. 25c. PRISONER KILLED. Slayer of the Two Men Shot on the Way to Jail. Maiden, Mo., Ib. 20. The identity of the man is not yet known who on Monday night shot and killed A. if. Brannon, a saloon keeper here, as he was being taken to jail by tlie city nnr suul. Brannon had himself j 1 1 t. killed two men, Attorney I). It. Cox and Dr. J. W. Keail, and after the shooting had given himself up. Cox was vedy prominent here? having four times been Maiden's mayor. , lie had a bo been prosecuting attorney for Dunklin county for two terms. Fortunate Father and Son. I am as certain as I now live, says Mr. C. K. Bartholomew, Kalkaika. Mich., that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy, of Ilondout, X. V., saved my life when 1 was a victim of that terrible disorder Blight's dieane. My son bad a fever sore on his leg; be too used Fa vorite Remedy and is mw well. All druggists, $1.00; 6 bottles, $i.(0. OUAllUIAN LICKNUE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. STATU OF VERMONT. 1 In Probate (Viurr,, iMatrivtof Wahiiigfcni, . f held at Montpel ir. In and for utd DlMriut, on the 12th day of Hehrusry. A. 1. Ii7. John Trow. Guardian of Hirsin S. Mart;,,, of Mi City of Barre, In said LO.trlct. adjudged hy said Court to be mentally Ineapahle of uk int carsof hU projicrly, mitkmi apjilicatlnn to SHiiMOiirt, for license to sell all Ine Interest of his said wurd fn all tint real estate of Ills wife Jannetl Martin of said ( Ity of liarre, slrtiuted on Ihe corner of fionth Main street and I'ni:t street in Ih City of Harr In said IMstrint, har gained liy his said wife to the t 'nlted hut-s, representing that the sale thereof for the pur (tixui of puttlnc the proceeds of such sale at Interest or Investing the same in stork or oth er real estate would I t ondiuive to the in terest of his said w.ird. Whereupon, tt 4s ordered hy said Court, that SAld application he. refrrred to a session there of , to M held at the 1'rohet Ofliee, In said Montnelier, on the lt day of Merck., A. J), ion?, for hearing and deehdnn thereon; snd It is further ordered, that nil persons Interested lie nollil.'d hereof, by publication of notice of said application and order thereon three weeks successively In the Barre Isillv Tlniea, a news, paper published at the City of Barre, In this Suite, snd which circulates in the neighbor hood of tlioae Interested, lefore said time of hearing, that they niay pear ut sairt time and place, and. if thev sue wim, object thereto. By the Court. Attest, HlKAM CAfil.ETOX, Judge, Wed Feb 13 W-27 ESTATE tV A 11 AH A. MOWER. STATE OK VEKMONT, I In Probat.! Court District of Washington, ss. I held t Montpel ler, in and for said District, on the l.Ih day of February, A. D. llsiT. An instrument purporting to !e the last Will nd TeslanieiH haiai A.'Mower, late of the City of Harre. in said district, deceased, Iwing piewnled to the Court for l"rolule. it is ordered by s:iid i ourt I hut all pei-sons concerned there in I notified to appear at n aewlon of said Court, to he held at the 1'rnliatn nnh-e. In said Monipeller, on the lt, diiv of March, A. D. 1si7. and show esnse, If miy they nuyhsve, ag:iinHl the probate of saol loMlnimeot; for ulilch purpose It is further ordeied that notice of Ibis order be published Hires weeks sue oeMvelv in the Marre Dully Time", s newspa per pi luted at the City of liarre, In this Htale, previous to said time appointed, lT hearing. Uy the Court. Atift, ti IK AM CA UtETO.V, J udge. IVedfcliU-au-U !:r'm sy.-ewcy .tymFift aiii g.iji( M'.H my-rrg. .-ft-n - - - -- . -i WILL DISPOSE OF CATTLE. Humane Officer. Fuller Says Condemned ; Ones of Banon Crane. Middlebury, Feb. 20. Humane Officer John Fuller of Burlin-rton. with two physicians from this town and Yergen- nes, arove to in.ipon ypierany to asrtain what should le done "with the cattle on Barron Crane's farm, con demned last Fridav.' Mr. Fuller, unoii returning, said that "all the young and .11 .,..lll l.l. .,1.1 .. a i. Hiiro iwr .iiw." ty in... ... v going to dispose of them in a humane way at once," FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Tbs Tuts wtll publish Wants. Tost and Found, or 8ie, To Let, ete. snort aaertise-Dta-at toe rate of fourunes for twenty-flve ccnu for the Ont insertion and five cent for scfi (uosequent losertloa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR BALK One farm in Cabot, Vt., well di vined for p.isUue and tillage. This farm ems about T5 tons of hay and can be mostly tuaehino cut. This farm has about one thousand sugar trees, with sugar-house equipped with evapo rator, boiling pans and ail tools necewary, with a quantity of dry wood ready for spring use. Buildings on this farm are in good con ditlon, with running spring water at house and liarn. For further particulars inquire of tho Vermont Keal Estate Ageuey, as)l-2Korth Main street, Barre, Vt. 'JSiitt FUR RALK One farm In Marbfteld, Vt.,of Klir.nt IZ' acres. This I arm Is a part lease land, the tax on same amounting to less than two dollars per year. J herd is entiiua-U-ci tube nearly a million ttv of lumber, which is most ly spruce, less than two miles to two saw mills, down hill lo both, and wlthtn three miles of Marshfield village. D ynu are broking tor s farm that can be easily paid for right from the, farm, or If yon are looking for lum ber, this fane will surelv suit you." Inquire of the Vermont Real Estate Agency, 3 1-2 North Main street, Hairs. Vt. . gfaltf I'OK 8AI.B-A farm, pleasantly located ins good farming community. The best of soil. Two and one-half miles from creamery snd thriving village and three and one-half miles from railroad and business village. It cuts 75 to SO tons of No. I hay and will keep ar cows and team. lays fine and easy to tarry on. Never failing water to house and bams. 711 to Kid maples. Half fitted lirim evaporswr. Lot of wood. Two nice young grafted fruit or chards. Buildings In good repair. Very warm, hamiy house. Also ti young Jersey cows, a Jersey InHl.i rs) tons of hay, dairy and farming A . , . Tl,. , ., .... i ., u ht.yli ul :IU of cultivation. Her is a channe for making money ana omaining a pioaoant uome, wiumuv an equal. Keason for selling, poor health. hi,liirlWn.Hlimlu, Intiir. nf V .1 ltAt-h. elder, FUlnfleld, Vt. t 18 FOR HAI.K IS THE F. B. CATK HEAL KSTATK. AKXTT, HOLSTER BLOCK, BARRE, VT. Farm in Washington, on rhe Chelsea road, Contains Stil acres. Abundance, of wood and oms small tiujlr. "Will keep 40 cows and team. Running waUT. Buildings good, 'tel ephone sud 8. F. 1. Trice low. Will exchsnge for other property. lfS-tf Farm of J17 acres. 1 1-2 miles from Williams town village. Will keep 'JO cows and team. Hay all cut with machine, l'lenty of wood. Oood buildings. Running wafer. Ftke $Z,MM. , Ossxt Farm, one mile from Ciraniteville, contains V& acre. Cul 75 tons of hay, Hoixl build ings, Hrlck bouse. Wtll exchange for rent ing property. '.'"-tl M'e also have cottages, tenement houses, business Mfs-ks. huildmx lots, g-ianit quar ries .-granite cutting plant, ete., also ftf ty-eigit lliouvand acre of timlr l:nd, estimatea to cut four hundred million feet. l'ri only l..'..Kii. There is fortune In this for you. Ad dress atsv. SSitf FOR SALE. The ssveral heirs to the Eastman Work, In tvr.ler V) settle She estate, have decided to sell the block and have placed it with luefor sab. The location s as good as aey in the city. The sine of the building Is 44 h SO feel, tlire stories liiuh. Two I. nue stores on tiic first flr. with goodceliar. Alsiv are effiees and tene Bi'tits. It l a thoroughly built block tbrif'k) with a grmd foundation, liiucd tliroughont in hvrilwu-Kl and with luudorn improveMieiits. It uto,Me4i,el for, innured for SH.issi and rents for Will net alxit eight per N-i,t on the investment, lii'Ulre al 'lite F. H. Cele Heal Estate 'Agoucy iiooms It sud ti, holster Block. Uarre.VL 3WU TO fcKLL OR FXClIAXt; IxiyoHwantto buy. s-'ll or exchange ytir Ik. oho or farm'.' tall or wrKS the Vermont Real r-tate Jtsenejr for lis tins blanks. M Sol 111 Main stnjt., Barre. tcl'-f FOR SALE We will sell the nearly new ho'tc forjirly oeciipiud by Robert Rayetoft in W.j.ti vtiH. on tfis r.iad t Eat Rarre, on very eatv tsriii .aiid : a low figiue. This is very Ce-trabis houe or will icut so as to puy ,i gtnslraieof inieiest u th isvestment. The lot Is lars and tlmie h. unite a qiian!i'.7 4f fruit trc.v. Forl'nil psrils.-nlsi'S in-piM-eot the D. A. Ferry Ri al Fsii ? Ageacy, lixujs San.i . (iordoa U. oi k, Lane, t. . '.istf MOL'HB AMI BARN FOR fLKI am v. rV sasioas tv dispose of mv two-tenement Iioiism ami brn iM-f'.ro Febnooy lt, uroi will c.ler stsN-ial is -hiotment to an'youe thinking of pur-'ha-iug either a home or an Invc.-tment. Vlie h.,ue. c .nuios tin rooms, is in go-el repair and r.'nts for ?.!. per month. Tli bam Is l-v.'4 1 --(. h is baement andernratli, and could easily ls converte,l into a renetnenr. Tile iot imuin one-half acre. Will sail with a pay ment of ftvi.uu flown and arrange balance.,, the rent will taka care of payment. Might con sider taking one of two building lots in part payment. I have a very pleasant house, and would be pleased to show it to you. Address Box No. ls, City. ijOtf FOR S.ALE Fine itsnVnce o lptillliig streeu Will be sold St a bargain. Tins is one of the best residence In the city, and on an extra giHHl lot. For full particulars inquire of the I). A. Ferry Real Estate Agency, Rooms and 9, Gordon Block, harre. V t. awtf FOR SALE Best residence Sits in th city at head ut Frencli street. View unobstructed clear to Waslilngum street. Convenient to botii line of trolley. Good air. dry soil. No filling roquired. See plan. Aveiill tiianite Co., Averill Building, City. lbtf FOR SALE. ' Fight donble tenement houiei 11 Mueiasutt, Tbie.e oottaie houses. On four-tenement house. Figtitv-Ave bmliiliir lots. All of the above real estate Is desirable prop erty and well situated in the heart of the City of Barre. For further Information inquire of John Trow or 11. A. Fhcips. 37tf FOR SALE. NO. 1 HAY FOR JALK--SI1 per ton at barn, fieorge K. iMiragu. 1'eoples Telephone, Fast Brookrield. Vt. jssn4 FOR SALE uniitlty of fiit quality turnips Snd cabbage. Telephone F. L. 1 lulc.lier, ilai re, Vt. -If FOR ft A LK One work horse, one driving horse and harness, one light express harness, one pung slelsh. ono uip buggy. (Apply to A. E. Milns, lU 1'rospsct avenue, Bane, t. '.'Sjtt,s FOR fLE Two sets traverse sleds, der rick, mowing machine, horse ruke. up bugpy, two-hotse wagon, plow and semper. For lull particulars enquire of C W. I'erry, (lonlon liloi k. or Mrs. James Uifayette, comer of lAiarry and H.nith Main struols. I'Mtf l'nR SALE lun runs of ilry, two-foot wood, all right for furnace or stone'.hed. I'riw, two dollars per cord when It, is piled up. One mile from Huinilcld depot, luquiicof J. A. Fo at, postofllce. . t'sntl'J FOR SALE A couple of fine building lots in heart of eily, will sell St a bargain price or oic.liange lor a Icsihc. InqtiitA of Hairy A. Begel, at . J. f'gel &. t.'o. Store on Depot Square. - -tf FOR SALE Nice, loose hsy, both coarse and flue. Orders may be left at Mowilen .V Lyou's so.rnorwith me St 1 Highisuu avenue. C, Carlcton. ll'7tf FOR S tl,B--l'iame budding, fonueriy used ss trausformer house. A bargain. t'on-ol. dated Liihtlna Co., Tiion-' J:i l, Monrpel. ier " , --S.ttlf FOR .LR.-Reuiiir!int. I will sell at a bargain, it woldatoiiee, tha Noitldlcld cttlc. I am obliged to pell ln !icwlutit. of oilier busmesit needing in altentlwn. l'oti't lose a good lr gain by wailing. l or further particulars call oil or addles F. T. l.jrr. NortlilichJ, t. 25lif Home Bakery. We will reopen our Itakerjr "h Tuesilay, I'r-h-r'l.irv 1-. St the same place, W Church street. Wlll'be pleased to all our old customers and many new oacs. ab. aud AU. O luiuu. iBw'.U .s'T"y. .. . i . . wnf?r FOR SALE., LAYIXfr HFS8 FOR SALE-TO Rose - Comb Itlxxle Inland iieds at el.uj eacu. lninre of E. M. Lyon, . 77tf FOR RALE Young new milch eow: Also fine lot of potatoes, tri cents a liusbcl In live bushel lots. Inquire of Claruatse LtTace, Barre. Tel. 307-2, STstl " FOR BALE. -,.'.'''.1.. Incubator, SUftegg capacity, beon used on season. FricB low. A. W. ALLEN, Sunnysida Farm. Telephone llO-n, ZKtt FOR SALEA lot on Long street, 73 feet front and about 103 feet baok. Apply to W Hall street. 17H FOR SALE AT C A 8818 FARM. H y Deliverad promptly in bulk. Farm tw-aure iaruu First-class buildings. Will cut low loos of bar. Lots I0"i scree la lots of tor 10 acres, to salt customers. Festure Ji scree pasture land - without building. loidManu fanuj. Apply to iorge Ouwio, JUt tree or Ferry Real Estate Agency. 4t( TO REST.- TO REST Cottac bonsa at South Bane. .Six rooms, with pantry. Barn, basement and woodshed, city water. Une-half acre of land and fruit trees. Inquire at m HonU Mxm street, . asitf TO REST' Tenement of seven large rooui. All modern Improvements, William" Keid, IS tlJtiich street. . asstf TO REST -Tenenient of 4 rooms, pantry and bath two clothes presses. Citv snd spring wa ter; large cellar. I!) Plain street. isjtd DESK ROOM for rent in front office in Cur rier block. Inquire of Ciint Sloore, lt.ins 5-4, Currier JBIowk. ' M!itf TO REST A tenement at S3 Aver street, all modern improvements. Vacant March 1. W. li. lladlcy. - - 280tf . TO RENT Fornlshed front room, Hooern conveniences. luquira of Mrs. Geotge Hui roughe, 17 Church street. Tel. 4L5-i 27tf TO REST Hmali tenement at 8 Church street. Apply to Dr. U. O. huckney. 2'. lit TO RENT Tenement of tlire rooms, on Pearl street. AIS'j one it five rooms. taqiiiie of A. H, lliuzeil. iif TO REST--A newly finished four-room, ground-door tenement, with garden, jt Lord's alley; one minute walk to car line. Kent SS permontii. Enquireof f. U. Wueatuu, tele phone W4-4. IVilf TO RENT fiood tenement for small family at No. 7 Hill street, alter Jan. 31. Apply oil premises. . iftiSif TO REST Blaossmitli and woodworking shop on Seminary strMt. lnquite of A. K. Hatutielder, tM Uerc-iiant street. iftsif Hlx-ro.m half house 6 of Maui an 1 8econtru. Has bath, lliriits, eW.. hix-ioom cottage turn oif Beilin stieut. l'p-stiOi teneiut ul at Ma. t7 iir eiklyu street rlix-nmni cottage at cornsr of Wasuingloa ami Liberty streets. heyen-rixim house at No. M Merchant street Figiit-room half booso with all modern im provement on Hooker avenue. et our prices. D. A. Ferry Rett Estate Agency, Rooiimi Sand I), Oordon lliock, Barre. t. atut 10 REST Shed room in C. II Mora wieds, enough for one gang of men. Inquna of W. A. Line. z3tf TO RENTTenement of ix rooms vim Irttli, on Brunch street. Inquire at llwiui 5 oml ,, Blautljard blo;k. 'Utf TO RENT A tenement of six rooms on Branch street. B nh, hot and cold wator. In quire of F, 1. Ilcckley, d t'ark street. 2lutf TO HEN'T Onice room over Drown s Ding Store, formerly occupied by Dt. Dewey. Aq)ly at Drowa's Drug Stoie lor particular. FOR REN SCottag honse, corner Hill an 1 Perry streets. Rent, 4W.IW. Two down suin tenements. lVriy street. lt.::it, audi, .ot One np s'tirs tenement. Ferry street. Ileut, SS.'-si. ns dvsra stall tenement, Fosu-r streeu I'mt. .. one tena,uen. Branca ellevt. Itcat, tlg.OU, Ono il'wn suits tene ment, rrninch street. Rent, $ C.iil at 14. A. rneips, i Acauemy strett, or .V u. x'iielps Co. o.. lairaetti i tore. Uilf Tt Jl E.ST tore, e'pe-ially desirslila lor groceiy and meat business, btor is 'H X 4tf, Willi loom at tear almut 'iC x .'I. Itige rei'ilg eraiur. Would divlc.e stole and rent a pait if paiiy did lint care lor all of it. Rent v ;ry low. Enquire ( the D. A. Feiry Kcal Erat Agency, I...-iu o and a ioidou Block, Banc, Vt. i'.Jl! 'IM KEN T Ofllcen. slngler double, up two flilit. Front of L. 1. Averill's building. 1.73 if HOIT.LTO RENT--The Northern. rmNorttT Main street. Has 40 sleeping rooms, with to. isrgtst tlining-t'snn In the city ou first floor. Meam heat electro! lIMils and fall belli in all loom, lare stable In eonnecllim if want ed, tor fitither infoimauou apply to J. II. K.inKHIiieti i, Barre. S4tf TO BENT Fiontofflc rootns man bluck, .M.iin stienu ths F-ast- Lulf TO I'.EN'T Two tenements, T and 11 a nionili. Apply to A. E. Biuus, vtf hiooklyn street. 1'Jitf TO RF.NT Front room In old city 'hiillding. Suitable for office. Apply to Alex Millie, ihuir mau property cominiiiee. litt TO REN'TO dices to rent, either single or double, in front L. Jl Averill's builillpg, up two UigUts. Utt TO RF.NT Large ball week day, Sunday service and two eyanings eacu week. I,. .Vt, Aveinl. Huif TO II KNT -office rooms In tha Mutnchard Block. Inquire o Albert A. bargeut, Averill LI 1. , , ,. eiuv.i HELP WANTED. 'I MADE SIVISKi in five years in the mall or der bonnes.; began with Si. Anyone can u the work in spare time l home. Send for flea luuitler tU. linw T.i eet .trtxt. JHo;it..r 3 Box 370, Lock port, Jl. V i'.tjL WA.NTEll--Job compositor. I'erninneiit po sition to steady, reliaiile niiin. Fii;lit hours. N. J. Roberts. 134 North Alaiu street, June Vt. BUSif W AN'TEn!e earn good wage it home copying advertisement, i'ailicuutis and arti cle evurv pretty woman wants. poi, pitid, Ion Wilts. Ileiiabio. The Corporation, tstuliorn ville, N. H. iist WANTED A man and wife to work cn farm. Fernianerit place and good wages to t'uo tight, parlies. Man must understand ail kinds of farm work. Call or aodress C M. Clark, East Montpelier, H. F D. 1. l'lione 314-31 liarre. Vt. VHU.' WANTED Fifteen first-class granite cutters on lull lil in 9- sud monumental work. Wagea $..t.2.ri for nine hours. A ho fool sharpener. Open shop, leguliir employment. Southern Jljrtile & Atone Co., Jacksonville, Fia. i47;, WANTED--Ar once, good man to work on farm. Apply to Clarence Li-Page, lUrre, Vt.. or telMione':to7-'i Sfuju WANTED. WANTEIi Second banil stone shed jock. Apply to Flmllatcr Co., (. ramie street. 2au, WANTED Small place near Rarrfl City will, A few seres of hind. I'aety will not pay over M.ooun cash. Enquirm ftt Room S Coidon Block, Bai re, Vt. , ss.".t4 WANTED Wotlc setting up monumentH. Have had year of experience. Am grauiie and matble cutter and am able to do work without me assistance of a liiinmer Have handlmi some very larco work nod also mausoleums, Adilreos .lolm 6. Hurry, UUJ 8titt. slroel, Kig Inaw, AHuli. iloif ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $:i ti $b.i monthly vorrespouiilu r for new-na-ncrs. ?ure, , ie,tily work. No i-auvaln, Kyperlenoe uitnceessr.iv. ir-nd lor particul n t'tesshvndhute, Luckport, N. V. all li LOST AND FOUND. FO!'M)--At Taluier'S S and Id cent store, n h.iiiil-painteil pin, winch the owner cau have by paying for tins notice. -Stl MJVf lliindie and while, bull dog. Wore Coliar, but no name mi It. Will answer to tint name of Buster. Finds r please notify K. I.. Blanc-bard. Last haiie, ilU4. ,7ws wf.-BScr'Hi.-fWt'