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THE BAKBE DAILY TIMES. MARCII 1 1 1907. 1 i Ladies9 ; .- Skirts ! If you arc looking for good values in Skirts and want to pay about $3 98, $4 50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.75, $7.50 up to $350, we have them in Panama, Voille, Melrose, Mohair sad Mixed Goods. Give us a chance to save you money ca Ladies' Skirts. We can do it during this sale. PERRY (Si CAMP, 71 jc4 75 Main Street, ('Phone Now for the Carriage sidewalks. The daily outings and airings dis continued in most cases last Fall can now be resumed with the arrival of Spring days. To further that end and to make it more comfort able for the little tots, we are now showing and ready for your purchase a fine lot of Carriages and Go-carts. If you're the owner of a baby, you surely ought to own one of these Baby Carriages. Many new features are shown this season and, as usual, we' have a very extensive line for you to select from. B, W. HOOKER & CO,, BARRE, VL, Expert Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Improved Ambulance Service. Orders Promptly Attended To. Top Coats, fer Spring! Because, at a pinch, a Coat sweltering in his Winter out any overgarment at all, through the early bpnng days the Top Coat becomes a sort of badge of prosperity, an evidence that a Man is getting on in the world. I3ut the Top Coat must be correct in form, of right fabric and per fcctlv tailored. Our Spring styles fill all these requirements. We have the regular "Topper" Coats. Coverts, Unfinished Worsteds," Oxford Mixtures anaThibets are the, favored fabrics. $7 50, $10 01, $12 00, $15.00 to $25 00. The only way that you can fully appre ciate the style, the beauty and Spring Top Coats is to sec the We Clean, Press and Repair Clotting. Fur Coals to Rent. frank McWhortcr Co., Call 218-4) 6lar.c5.rf Block, 20 and 22 Korta Main St. Kflfe I c nave a v.ciu .trtmi lur it alf pound cans for 25c. The best remedy tor sore nanus. 1 D. F. DAVIS, "The Druggist," 162 North Main St, - - - - Barrc Vermont ""' I ' I " ' ' " 4 We are displaying in one of our windows another j N assortment of Enamel Ware at a price within the V fA feach of all, consisting of Ten-quart Pails, Twelve- K fj quart ran, l nree-qmin vu J sizes in Kettle. Your choice for 50 cents each. X a C. N. KENYON & CO.'S CASH BARGAIN - STORE, ft vn.'ii J Forth ITiln 5lrt. A let Lot! 9-4) Barre, Vcrmoat. Daily Baby Parade! Onceagain the Baby Carriage will be the predominating vehicle on the street and mrk man can go without a Top Overcoat or shivering; with and the three-quarter length the excellence of our line of Coats. One Price Men's and Boys' Outfitters March Winds Tan the Complexion and Leave the Skin Bough and Cracked. - We have remedies that will prevent and cure this. CERUIHEr - - ICc, 25c and 53c COLD CREAMS. - 10c, 25c and 50c CREIM HLKCNDS AKD ROSES, - 25c VASELINE CAMPHOR ICE, - ICc uuntu- wnw. ... - ,1 : x " . .iv y4 TALK OF THE TOWN. ' Neok-tie roller skating party Tuesday evmuig. , ... Ablxilt lias a large showing of early spring milt a. Buy a Standard patterns for fit,; work manship and Btyle, at Perry'?, . i Jlisti Jf. A. Miles returned ypsterday lr(im a week's business visit in BcMon. One lot of gingbanis, suitable tor boys' waists, 8c per yard, at Veale & Knight's. Stetson's bis double "Uncle Tom's Cabin company." at the opera hoiwe to night. . ., W.-II. Conner, who has been ill for some time past, is now improving rap idly. , K. S. Whitcomb of tbe Fitts storo went to New York yesterday on a few days' business trip. A regular weetini of Minnehaha en- eampnient will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock. A Diversi i agent for Victor talking machines and record. All the latest reojvda now in stock. - Tho animal unrinar ui)per of the Prea- byterian church will be given Wednes day evening, March 20. Charles A. Smith returned Saturday night from u business trip through sev eral towns of the state. .T. II. Kelley, who has been laid up with a broken sholude.r, in gaining a well as could be expected. Tlii Philomathian club will meet with Mr. O. K. Ilnlliftler, IS Sheridan atreet, Tuesday evening at 7:15. Mr. and Mr. Charter Harrown, Misi Rosy Kiel and Fabor II. t.agor called on friend in Plainfield yesterday. Clinton X. Field ha arrived in the city from New York and will spend about a week here oil blindness. Th Altmriai) will meet with Mrs. K. J. Howden, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Lesson study, "Dean Stanley." The Welln Lam-ton Quarry company has purchased of .Toeph Ko k three houiei which adjoin their property at vvebsterville. '. , To see the largest variety f neck tie! of original deign, come to the Pa vilion Tuesday evening. Nkating from 7 to 10 o'clock. (j . Word was received in town yesterday of the death of Mrs, R. .!. Barber of V terbury. The fmieTal will be held tomor row afternoon at one oe'lock. Only one cane wi up in bankruptcy court at Montpclier Saturday, that being the petition of Knrico Ajs of Montpclier. U continued for one week. An important meeting of the Craig nair club will be held this (Monday) evveiting at aeven sharp in room no. fi, Morse block. Per order president. Read the menu and attend the iupper and entertainment to tw furni!lied by the young ladie of the Methodist Sun day wchool at the church tonight. An imiiromptn concert rith local men a the artist wa given in the room of YiHtititt club last evening, following the nerving of an informal lunch. Mia Frank Lovejov of Ayers, Ma, arrived in the eitv yesterday and coin meneed her lutie a trimmer at Mi- Miles'-millinery s,tor this morning. Davis, The Druggist, ha jut received a freMi lot of Schralft's chowdates, the daintiest of dainty nweet. Ice cream drop-, Xewports, carmallow and rap Dory hearts. A whi-t party will be given by the Queen of the Hret circle in Worthen block on Tueadav evening, March 13, at eight o'clock. Ni refreshment will be served. Admission 10 cents. Mi Angie Badger, upervior of drawing m the, nuiilto Sclirnil-t, linn re turned from Xew York, where ! ha been taking up drawing work. She will now resume her duties in the school here. Attend the "chrysanthemum cocial,' supper and entertainment at the Metho. di-t church Monday evening. Everyone will be welcome and promised a pleasant evening. Programme and menu are printed elsewhere. 'fiie member" of Mrs, Bryce' Sunday school clu of the M. K. church will give a "( hrysanthemiim ujpr," fol lowed by an entertainment, next Mon day evening. Supper served from 6 to 7::fO Entertainment to begin at eight o'clock. Price for both. 20 cents. A (lass of 20 candidate Wii initiated at the meeting of Stanuard lodge, ". K. (), P., on Friday evening, ami ;su appli cations were received, there having lieen 13 application In three meetings. Sev enteen were initiated at th la-t meet ing. A contest i on Ihnween the Barre and Montpclier lodges. 1 expires this month. Muntpclier Argus. Tlirt Irnil of iht tnt V AVt! in ulw'A fiiart agitiift 11. M. Houston uml Karl Hutcli- elder lor aiiegeu mniuing wunout per mit, is held up in city court pending the investigation of the authority for the form of the building permits used by the inspector, stating that building must commence within sixty days or the per mit will be void, It is claimed that the sixty day clause was the work of a former inspector, who inserted it on his own responsibility. A justice court Irlii! was held at the City Hull Saturday afternoon before Justice C. N. Barber of Barre Town, it being the civil suit of (lenrge Lee, for merly administrator of the (iillepsle es tate, against August e Barney, a tpiarry owner, for an alleged overcharge for granite stock. It was asserted that Lee paid Barney $20.53 more than was al lowed in the settlement of the estate, and the jury allowed the amount and costs to the plaintiir, who was repre sented by J. Ward Carver. The defend ant' attorney was A. A. Sargent. There are aome theatrical attractions that arc not affected in the least by the chitting public taste and humor; one of these Ts "Stetson's I'nele Tom's Cabin," the gieat standard American dra ma that has retained its hold Hon the public for over a decade. Its first pro duction took place in the Troy museum ipiite a nuinlier of years ago. After this it was produced in the old National the atre, Chatham street, New York, in Jan uary, 1353, it enjoyed it three year's run to enormous business. It Will be presented at the oera hoti"e this evening by Steton' big company, an ''organization long known to lie su perior in every way and one which is ever popular with theatregoer. Tlie company hat been newly equipped for this aea.son and tho street parade I even finer, if possible, than during previous tours. At Barre opera uouae tonight. TALK OF THE TOWN. More neve waists at Fitts'. ( . Silk muslin tit Vaughan'g. : New black goods at Yeala & Knight'n. New spring 'dress skirts' at Perry's. sS'ew challios 6c per yard, at Veale & Knight's. Splendid values in new epring coats for $5.98 at Abbott's. , John Brown wont to Middlebury to day where ho is to reside. H. E. Preseott of Bradford was the guest of Roy Coleman today. C. II. How land of Cabot is visiting friends in Barre for a few days. Horns for phonographs at a big dis count. Averill Music company. . Miss Maude Howes Sf JCorthfleld Vis ited friends hi the city Saturday. Masonic charms and pir.s at L, P. Aus tin's "the watch and clock wan. Do not forget to rmy your interest to the Barre Savings Bank &'Trut Co. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood and eon, fieorge, of East Montpelier were in tho city to day. F. O. Howland was n guest at Cue How-land homestead in East Montpelier yesterday. ' The men of the Baptist church will serve a supper Ht the church next Tues day evening. Miss Eva fJorham went to Haverhill, N. H., today for a. two weeks' visit with relatives. ' The Athetui club will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. D. Swa-cy, . The place to get upholstering done as you want tt and when you want it is at If. P. "Baldwin's. John W, Gordon left this noon . for Milford, Boston and Troy, N. Y., to take testimony in a case. A flock of crows were aoen yesterday (lying over the city, a sure hign of the. breaking up of the winter. Park Walts' left yesterday noon for for his home in Bangor, Me., being call ed there by the illness of bis mother, Mrs. Ella Kidder and Mi. Blanche Kidder of Plainfield visited at the home of L. M. Williams on Jefferson street yexterdiv. .,';' : C- Mr. olid Mii tF. E. Fletcher and two children" visited, 'vi'sterdar at thfl home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. YVbitcher of East Montpclier, their old neighbors in liarre Town. . , Something like 1,000 of ihe school children of Barre gathered in the vici nity of the ojiera house this noon -to give a welcome to I'nele Tom and hi Cabin. . . , ,. , A IHeversi, 1ms a fresh Importation of olive oil which. he guarantee strict ly pure. This oil is put up by Mr. IMersi lather in Italy and is the liest obtainable. The regular meeting of Green Mount ain lodge. I. O. O. M. t., will I held this eveiiinfr at. 7 o'cliK'k in K.of I' halt Initiation. The iiicnilx'rs are deirad to be present. Among arrivals at the C'IfjV' hotel to day are C. H. Aiden, Capf Berry, M. J. Iktley and II. C, . Rfdrfrts, Boston; A. C. Sargent, West lbanon, N. H. : A. W, Nlchol and J. Wilkie Rusk, New York. The largest and prettiest, necktie on the floor at the roller skating party on Tuesday evening, also the smallest and prettiest one, will lie entitled to one dol lar premium each. The award at 0 p. in. Come and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Manias! of Merchant street received a surprise Irera a few of tfceir friends Saturday evening, it being the sixtieth anniversary of Mr. MarciasiV birth. After presenting the couple a beautiful china closet, which wjs done in a few well chosen words by Mr. William Troup the party en joyed themselves in dancing until a late hour. Light refreshments were served. . c ISth SNOW STORM. Caused New York" City a Great Ex penae Yesterday. New York, March 11. Within two days of the anniversary of t memor able blizzard of 1888, New York yes terday was in the grasp of a enow storm, perhaps the heaviest of the winter. The fall began about !) o'clock iu the morning, acoinpaliied by 'ail east wind, and continued until late last night. , It was Hip thirteenth big storm of the inter reason. hi eigt hours nearly, six inches of snow had fallen, bringing the total snowfall of the winter np to forty-four inches. Thi; is double the fall of last winter. According to the local weather bureau the end is -not p-t. The cost of removing the, snow fioni-the streets is estimated a $30,000 the flat Inch, and many of the ide etreet have not been cleared at all. It Iwing Sunday, .there was no great tie-lip of the street traffic. CASE OJf DOCKET. Against George T. Howard for Improp erly Securing State Monejr, Newport, March 11. The case of State vs. George T. Howard, a former railroad coniniisikiner, who is charged with improperly securing money while acting in his oftlcia! capacity, Is on the docket of the Orleans county court. At torney General C. C. Fltti and E. A. Cook are prosecuting. "Chrysanthemum" Supper. The following menu and prograntme wil le given at tie "Chrysanthemum" vupper at the I'litvcrsftli-d, church to night. I'ortl Chowder Hot Rolls Salads Fruit Jelly Cake .Russian Tea After the supper at 8 o'clock the fol lowing progi amine will be given Piano nolo ...... Miss Beatrice Buirbee Solo, William Olliver Heading Mi-si Allie Ttow" Piano duet . .'. -,! , , Misses Bertha Ban nd Kutli (Julglcy Solo ................... Mrs. Bradley Reading ......'.... . Miss Allle Trow Violin aolo ,........, Miss Et.lml Spear I'iano sido Mrs. Eva Laxon Homa-ttiade candy will ba for alo. ' Everybody come. Price, 80 cent. A. P. ABBOTT & CO.! :js? -.The D ay li glit just We were in New York all last week looking up Garments for, the Spring trade. We found some special good numbers in Coats and Suits for immediate delivery, which came into the department Saturday. These are now on sale at exceptionally low prices. Never were we so well cleaned up on our Winter goods at this time of the season, thus enabling us to give you so good a line of Spring Suits and Coats so early. LADIES' SPRING SUITS, Our early showing of Spring Suits are of a style and quality which will interest you if looking for something for immediate tisc, At $15.00 is a line of Eton Suits made of good weight all-wool broken plaids in nwrdium and light greys. Eton is made with Wide girdle, fin ished with stitched bias bands of same goods and plain green broadcloth and braid. Sktrt is made full plaited effect. At $15.00 is a line of Jacket Suit made of medium grey all-wool broken plaid goods in good weight cloth jacket is made twenty-two in ches long, has a one-inch stitched bias band down front and back, is collar less, with plain broadcloth and braided collar effect, with braid down front and on cuffs. Skirt is made full plai ed style. : SUICIDE AT LAC0NIA, Mrs. Julia A. Perkins Dies from Asphyi ifttion. I.ania, March 11. Mrs. Julia A. ppr kin, aged OS yours, couimittfd nukide at her home, 12 Waketniiii court, Sat urday afternoon by asphyxiation. Mr. Perk in liad bwi d"pondiit for the lt to month, and on !at Tueday fc'ft W liom" and was mia-tiiif? for two day when k1i wa- found Ij.v Iiw adopt ed daughter, Mis Bssip IVrkimt, at the lirtnifi of a fripnd in Lakeport. Again Thurnday evninp alie left the hoiiae and walked to Tilton, a dManw of 10 miles. She va lironplit home Friday noon and warned to he in much letter spirit. baturday morning Mia reikin left her- mlier at home and went to net work. Upturning nt noon elm could not enter the 1ioiim, all the door and win dow twine fastened. About 3 o'clixk SiijieriiiteTident 15ror-kinjrt.on of the pa eompany w notified that a leak ing at 12 Wakcmau court. )Ir. l'.roik injjhum broke into the basement and turned off the nietr, and with City Jlnr tdial .1. M. Oitay searched the hone anil found the door of the Kniall bedroom on the aecond tl nr locked. They broke it open, and Mr. Pcrkin' IkmIv ra found lyinjr on the bed In her niyhtroh. Dr. II. True wa uuitiioned and aald the woman had lieen dead several hotira. Tlw ga In the raitiator and jet had been turned wide ojien. Medical Kxani iner H. H. Bickford of Belmont wan called and pronounced death due to asphyxia tion. Mrs. Terkins had been a resident of thi city for a number of year. She j iutrrived by the adopted daughter, MJi-a l!esie M. iVrkiiw, and a cousin, Mr.' It. S. Libby of thia city. T00U1E FOR aASSIHCATION. lluR!Es FOR aal.K (me pair work linr?a for wle. Kind. fmr)ei. poml worker anrt r lr tl river KiiiRle ana ilmiil. W biIi Unrfi to wm potmrti. V ill pII iini-tr or the parr. F. qntr l K. 1. Heckle. Turk U 3MUi i KOR ft.Vl.K Vprlght pinno. tinnt ueiv. I a I baixaiii. Apply W t'onii, yjtl Moutpelier. 1 Vt. 30.-.W, FOR ALK OR TKAHK-A nearly ufW OM ((.'U inriilarir. nil O.K. I'.tt. l.aveiy, Eltow.-.rl .ive. Tel. 427-a. jur.u , BARRE OPERA HOUSE fOX ATO. Iue. J, t, HOBAN. MCBident Ugt. , 1 ' ' Monday, March 11 STETSON'S Original Eig Double Spectacular Production of Undo Tom's Cabin Tbe Barnum of Them All. I'lvler tho Management of LEON W. WASHBURN. Mors Brand Koveltles Than Ever Ceorgeous Scenery With Beautiful Electrical Effects. Two Brass Bands. Two Funny Marks. Two Mischievous Topsies. Genuine Southern Cake Walkers. Buck and Wing Dancers. Male and Female Quartette, Thirty Ponies, Donkeys and Bloodhounds Ilentitiftll t'liarioti and Tableau, Wajon lriirt bv HatKlsume Shetlatnl Pini'. (irand Vi.-iiiiH and Transformation HceneH. Kva and her Oolilen Chariot, Watch for the Bijt Street Parade.. It Bent J a Circus. ; ' PriICES t 25, 35 and 50 Cent. Tickets Saturday morning at 9 o'll.x-k. A. P. ABBOTT & CO.A. P. ABBOTT & CO. Back From New NEW SPRING SUITS. At $16.50 is a line of Panama Suits in red, blue and blacks, made of good quality all-wool Panama. Eton is made with fine tucks down each side of front and down back, is fin ished around collar front and bottom wide braid, has three-fourths length sleeve with braided cuffs. Skirt is made full plaited effect, trimmed with braid. At $20.00 is a line of Poney Coat Suits. Coat is made the wide shoulder effect, has strap of, same goods over shoulders and down front and back piped with green taffeta silk. Is fin ished down front and around bottom with same goods piped with green taffeta. Is lined with green satin. Skirt is made inverted plait down the front and back, and side plaites. At $1 5.00 is a line of Eton Suits made of invisable plaids, piped with black taffeta silk.. . Skirt is made full plaited. SPRING 1907 Wc have a complete line of sizes in this excellent Hat in different heights of crown. It's our leader and it's the equal of any Hat on the market at any price. , We Clean, Press and Repair Clothing. MOORE 122 North Mala St., Cameras Below Cost! Ths Well-known Ansco! r , $ i One 3 1-4x4 1-4 FoWing Pocket, with finest R. R. lens and latest $ . improved quick shutter, catalogue price $H 50, sale price, $10,00 j $ One same style and finish, but takes 4x5 picture, catalogue i I price, $18. 00, sale price, - - - ' - - $12.00 f h x One hand Camera, usinj roll films, takes 3 1.2x3 1-2 pic- g X turcs, catalogue price 8. 00, sale price, - - . J4.S0 s Also alarc itock of Cards at 1c each. $ AVERILL MUSIC CO.. Ratre. I aMaaaasnauaaa imm iiiii m iMimnauaaaHini.ii auniaMUHMWaMaMaiinHK GOOD VALUES AT LADD'Sj I Our sale of Canned Goods has exceeded our record of any previous year for two reasons, quality and price. Buying for cash in large quantities, wc can make a , profit and save you money. t Steak Salmon in flat one-pound tins, each, - - 15c Red Alaska Tall Salmon, 13c, two for - - 25c Nectar Brand Extra Dry Pumpkin, per can, 12c Nectar Brand Hubbard Squash, per can, - - 12c Nectar Brand Rosebud Sugar Beets, per can, - 10c Nectar Brand Cut Refugee String Beans, per can, 10c Nectar Brand Red Kidney Beans, per can, . - 10c Nectar Brand Corn, per can, lOcy three for - 25c Orchard Farm Corn, four cans for - - - 25c Grated Pineapple in three pound cans, each, - 13c We can always supply you with the finest Fruits, Jams and Preserves obtainable for table use. F. D. L ADD COMPANY. 1 Store York. LADIES' SFFijNS COATS. ' One lot of Spring Coats wich we are putting out as a leader will go quickly. These are Coats we bought to put out, at a price. Same is made of an all-wool plaid and striped goods. Comes fifty inches Ion and has full skirt. Compare it with Coats at S8. 50. Price is $5.98. A line of Black Broadcloth Coats which are very good for early Sprit!;.' wear comes fifty inches long, arc trry full and are finished with wide l'.it and satash braid. The price if $1 2. At $5.98 is a line cf .Box Coacs of good quality hard twisted covert. Comes twenty-seven inches long and is a good value. We h avc a few extra values in Winter Coats left which we are sell ing at half price. . i SPRING! 1907 & OWENS, Barre, Vermont CO. n