Newspaper Page Text
i.jMUsiiiiM 4" -rnr, JUiaiF; ptlt tive. m.t?ctt is. 1.7 TL3? js-, j. M 5 1 j TO PRESS !Run-dot7ii People NO WEAKENING OF ROOSEVELT fV?f THINK PASS 0 il 111! ! UTILITIES BILL; PORT LAW VOID! '3 3 fcly the greatest llooi &?A I Berore i H 1.4 lotithdy wTnnaiiartIy lMfjnj. xl Week Before cum every hmor, from ; imm to -Scrofula. : It, b j . tho Ikst . : , f . ! Blood Medicine. rXklQU itkVtO wmi I-APf R8, Ml" EDDY UIT, " pitf fteftfcip? lilt -HIV He y, ILi.ilinj:, Il Ae;,u No il', f Defendant Alfred i ariose wa wflfc th or- Aer lit ti'.lU hi thi aitH -brought ?in. (). )-'!'T '.f rwimee by t!rt t'fiv of Mty l;kr O. Jv'Hy, ir hi ; trifi t J:' lltifittogton ie at 2 ni.'li yefrdy afternoon. IU. rfw r ' ! wailing, when f lr)tet.!, (,rj fcwlft entered and h'trAutui buiM:i. With a tmiUt Mr. latin ff tl. paper and I4: "I frt;w'tH tot otnetblng lk ?! Wa uj when j the Jftrtjfr S'if gathering tn front of the building. f-wlft f ((!'( find the dn ff)dr.t at t rooms, hut a they were ti',K nt. Jinfn), he sUrted for the t ;''; tire reside ter, (rihr-i who fill be orH flffl W; f!, rubriMiD. .'!!) CoKim'fi-fcll)i vmihj ,ln spli .trmstr-iinir, 0 ttmmonwealtn i 'Jr J fft O, 4 Jtvi rtrcft. ( Vjfpit i1- MHt had jiiifiT(i (fr hit-tih-n A, (ltn.f, tffijrr i( the rhuicl, !)(, I'ifi;( in (1nJ liim tn thi ity, ik( Iff votiU gf,t U full ijfvrr Committee FHAR OF AMENDMENTS! Mawr JaeVj&n ' 1alJ Attend ts All l Suts'i CO.NNOI SIDETRACK PLANS Vnkss Washington is Mis taken Railroad Presidents ;dby cefodams will m DEMURRER TO BILL. KtUm(.'t of Mr, Eddy Cousl Ini' cte Suth More. (nutr4, S 1., Jfrh 1 (mpraj l inik H, i'i tM't-r, Jronil f!fnti'l for Mfx. JfKli'f (. YAAj, rtd Naflmn- irl H, J.ltlfl, Of (fiiri( for tli fiiuifl' )ilf in tit nit lir'MJtfht for til ftmrtilit ins? tit Mr. Kikly t'r"irfrty, kll y-4-tcriJ ! thwi woiiUi m no turthir jirK-'inK I't thtf 'fM hfnrn Artl 2, the on ihl:li th rinj( tttrm of tli tujwif'ir fiutt rpi'ii, 'sthI t nhirh tlm Jli miit ( t4tnrtiatl, $n dcxitilti(int m ttka In th rn'ntim. Xhl U nll by prri4 fnmilinr with Jt'Kttl ftror-wttiri to man tht tho l" filitil file d'mijrrrr H tlie hiJI hit nn'MmTit, ! houuh Cicnral Nl.reeter (Jfi!llli t( 1(CM tbU of tll irmtter. ffr tbtt t-www'n public ntiHltt- txm itU.'um Ml r nrrnffjfifif for .ttag U;'t-( tb t-,ot ju4imrir cwtnitiff. l ( bi 14, If wtUe, uj:t rfk, Msscb J!' b lf-n Jf"e'l nitoftiirial) M th btit txt tlptfttkm on tb, litis bdcit r'chr'f, Hnatcir I'aj? n4 Atnllymn Minltt who InltodrnM tli infMOiirc, r flnniig to Mng nut t if.fii(im of lit vrkn fnt.r-tt ftwtej by tb rnfr(iMjr . f,ti m p. tbn j)b th bill to pit wit V,dt any !'. of tim. rrirl (4 (be lll At ml -sjifH ttr 1U t a lobby f lb cwiofmry wit ngunt thh m me. It U of KTt iir(ortnf t Iw kill4 -outright, and, public ifntimt-nt it Uk tbonniaLly ,aroii-4 Jn It f.vor in t.ake u. b iH;tbo4 safe. But rr !) turn I m4 that -?ery elfort would ins tti.fl to miiim the meow by lop ff;( wit riant 4mrt tunrl tber nl by inrtiiii !. ilrtiti frovui'i. A torhadiwlftg of th Tammany Hall fj poaition to th governor' tueaur ifiven by Kntor (.r)y la dfbt v.itl .Vnittor Armatrong ovrr another toa- run' Vibhh woiill inTe th Comfif-n-Kfition of :Ij(ht 'krk in the olllr of Ylift ""iiimi?ioTir of riwiril In Nw York. IniJ'.prndenca Lfaguera Lo. "harpiri thfl iribly ju'liciary com m!t "with iiirf"rliy In it treattriMit Of t'nfl Prentice rvrount. bill, Amoilily' trim Collin, onci of thtt three Indrnett d'fip f-ayn iijctubur. mvpt Monday niifht that the eoitiniittee bn AMwirrt from further eoiiidprtt.ion of th bill. Mr. Jfl)ifl. the majority IA4r, in formed Mr. Collin that th bill would committet m wi th iao2 cm etreng-tlx creator and body builder Uny ppepto r!?t here la this vf. clriHy are ail rm down and bari:y a?le to drag abrj-jt don't iuow m-t&t UJ thm- . "SuCb Mor,! TPA Vtnnt nn Morisj Stattiatat SooaStopficg of 6txk Watsis Will Be Grratly to Bct of rPeset Saritiea. .. rank Thlaka. 'a.!,ij:j;tfl, JlArcJt Icatdent WIlfiBUl Oil. wr. P I rrA.....l. stl i r. t . - contain in tirf.i ;f.,,I 1 i K,u I'" I" P1" t,,f be ri "rt;d by tha judiciary on Vdiied. "Tlil tart i lrallv knon. ' ho oiJ. "that I am knr and takf thfl to tlm uoriim imort-4 mUpiI tho geiitli-mati i uimwar of It. Ior,je;t to lit ttetiient that thft'iu dirlotv pornuiitti-D i not, lnrcr in it conaid'-rntion of thi traur. It i un jut. and un warranted." A tnotioti wan then Hindu tn lay oil th table Mr. Collin' motion tt diHchtirijH tha ommlllee. .Mr, Foley, another In dcjMridrH'i l-entfuer, tolh'a for tha jr and )iay, but, li - aupported only by Mr. Collin and Mr. Sterne, a vote 'i DIltieiM'Kfcary, APPEAL WITHDRAWN. Rutland Struct Railway Company Ac cept Ta Commialonera' Appraiaat. UurliiiKfoii, ' Man-h The Ilutland l,liht and I'ower company, owner ant, opeiittoT of tha Itiittnnd utrpflt railway, baa Died a formal withdraaal of the ap pal fthlch It took from Stiitn Tax Com tulfiviner J. U. Cuxliman' niM.iail of lh railroad property. The oh) appiaU al w for ,soo,ooo, nd the new p prainnt, from whlrh tho nppviil n tua en, m for f 125,000. PILES CURED IJT TO 11 DAYS. VA'J) OINTMES'T 1 cuarantaed to rur any tA of Itrhliij?, blind, blading or protruding tiil In 6 l It daya of money refundd. 60c. TWO KILLED BY ICICLE. lrapa from NUgara Cliff Into Trolley Car, Niiipira Fait, N" Y March A hilg khde droppad from the cliff of ih Niagara ((ojge onto a trolley car of .ii) ikitutt road yesterday afternoon a h, wb passing tho Whirlpool jtapid. Motorman Evi'iett Itumlcll w killed. In, and Mr. M, It. Nervy of KUmx City, la,, and Mi jscrvy were struck on tha hack and badly brulaetl, and K, C, lylndsny and wifa of I'lttsburg were lu-Jiireil. Free from Alcohol Since May, 1906, Aycr's Sarsaparilla has ken entirely free from alcohol. If you are in poor health, weak, pale, nervous, ask your doctor about taking this non alcoholic tonic and alterative. I A O inxers o arsctna A NON-ALCOHOLIC rilla t If he hac a better medicine, take his. Get the best, always. Thi is our advice. The new hind contains no alcohol Wc have no fcecret ! to hide I Wc pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYFR COl( Mtmtuirturlng Chmh' f,ewelt, Mati. form all of t!i r.edlna and etrenh ereatlna; etGtneots of en tirer nit e. tually taken from fresh coda' llvou, but from which the tic!e oil Is t-Umlnated and tonic Iron- adiJefl." .w k every man, wnrnaa and child In thla TtefnKy wholi run down. tlrd and debilitated to try Vlaol oa our offer to return tooacy If it UQm, RlCKRf & MUS, Druggists STILL NO SIGN 0FMARVIN BOY Streama In Vicinity of Delaware Farm to be Draggf d. , , !vcr, Ivl., March 13.Intcrct tn the diftsppernoe of the fuur-year-old on of lr, II. H. Marvin of KltU Ilam mock on March 4 continues unabate4 A aystematic tcarttj of the Marvin farm having ailed to reveal . trace of the miwsing dilhi, tli detective will now 4rag the utreama In the vkinity of the farm out to Lvlaware jy. It K pos-t-ihia the foy may have fallen Into the water and been enrriwl out Ut the bar by the tide. The fatW i undaimtd In hi'.h, and 1 confident bis boy win n reiorKj 10 mm. . (Iiief of l'olica Itrxmey of Terney City today emphatically denied any ' knowledge of the eending of a letter ; from Jerey City to Dr. Manin, de- j mending a ransom of 12,000 for the re-1 turn of the child, a reported from Dover. Both U chief and Inspector Monahan have made every effort to din cover if auch a lt.ter wa aent from Jersey City, but o far tb effort have been fruitlc, 'fh entire depart' merit i on the outlook for any clue. The polico my they do not know any one in Jcrwy City named Itichard Wil Urwm, and tly have akcd tl.e postal authoritle to co-operate with thenj in their aearch for the man. ' railroad kginlation In the next con gresw to Im sidetracked by the appeal of tho railroad president. Thi 1 the be lief that itionly prevail here, and it i borne out by praHkally everything that ia hitherto taken place in thia adtnia ittratkm in reference to railroads and grew t" corporate intercut . I n!e U'a-thiiigton i greatly derived the coming visit to tins WbitV Hoaa of Mer. .i(.Crea, Xewman, Mellen, and ilughitt, tlie date of which fca not yet been fined, will have a little efTon the I iesidcnt a the of various railway preulnU did before the rate biv flftU, and the viwt of II. II. Rojjet and Joh I). Arel.ihoW Ji4 be I ore the Standard Oil imjtny n proi!ld. There j no evidence that the. President ha been moved by the vWt of JJ, E. Ilarriman to Washington, nor i the ap peal which f. I'icnoiit Morgan male last night nor ti at whi'A B. I'. Yoakum rifade jetrday likIy to draw the Trea- mem on. You Go When about to travel, if subject to .headache, tiervouv ne.s, dizziness, or car-sickness, take one or two tloscs cf Dr. Miles Asti-Paia Pills before start in?. They vnil yst yon against an attack. There are a great many who are sure to have headache, whenever they go to church or places of amusement, or where there h any excitement or op pression.' Take them ; with you, and on the first indica tion, take a talict and see how quickly it v. ill disappear. To such person Dr. Miles Antt Pairj I'jtls are a great-blessing. They soothe the nerves and allay irritation and excitement "We alwntm yp Dr. MJ' Antl-Fa!n Fni in oar home, arwl them a remarkable rmdy for V. e rKcf of headache, nervoujnew, t. Two tablet never full to tjp tr most aever beate-ti, but one la t3'!at!r nufflelerit. By Uklnsr a Pain nil before aoinf out to ptacee of .rausmnt, fc l.nt we to not hav thoxe 4listr;nf hxrxrh that for mer!' com with every little eicue Bel." . MASSES MART AKD ET LA vnr.- T.ANO, 1223 to. Uth St., gpnngtSel.l, Dr. Mites' Anti-Pain 'ill are oM by your drusB'tt. who will ouarartteo tnat the firt pckaa will Teo,t. If H fil, h will ntiurn your money. S oa, 25 cent. Nve eold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Znd 1 ,tki do, not avaf!, ttta Key will An Inffingemeot of Japanese treaty AFFECTS RIGHT-TO TRAVEL Some cf the Jurists Optriaca la To kio Calif erjsia, for EooaevciV ' Ceas'S Anti-Japaues : Action. Tokii, March 13. A qne-t!on fea aris en regarding the last e!t of arti- c 2, of the treaty between Japan an.d th? United States, which ha been cited by toe government at Wa?d;injrtflrn aa au thority for the wtatcment that tie Jip anev.e hitherto have bea issuing pa. porta if rnitin the denfnation of emi grant. The paiports sianpty certify t? the nationality of their holder and the? n n n t ' i i ! i - it ill! ii l0i heumalic 1 3 m i III T a rams Sore Hands Hi nr Feet pjacing of restriction on them by an i adminalrative measure is decla-.d here to be unauthorized by law and an in fringement of the personal right to trav el, guaranteed by 'the 'constitution. In view, however, of the attitude of the American government in not calling for the enforcement of the clause mentioned, it is thought that the limitation so ptnc Even then k E8 1 a M al la J aaaa M UJ nhnLMiwiiiwi jn '" 'TriT nr""'nir YVI , . P110 01 b! Pn Japanese juiwta believe that tie action It? 7'.1? c"u",eract thm. of the American government in restrict Tho I resident is reB aware- he wnl inp the destination of holder of paw have great leeway next winter. lie will jj-rt will not be upheld before a court, we lea hampered than ever, and will 1 j ""I"' k itvv'i'ii Jt iitiinrni Back of the anxiety of the railroad ! r""refree to cut loo and do )ut a ne. picase. He baa given hi caiier to understand this repeatedly, and let t.era president to have Mr. Itoosevelt "allay jmblio anxiHy" unquestionably k the knowledge that the President it cettinir resdv lor a broadside ,.f le-rf.lal, railroad and corporate question in the j V;PM,.'!a ' tfie f"y-ninih rongrw nrewtir be brVmcht rolnthCtmifresa. pre-iuem nam, mm now, to abstain inc the Pnn Francisco echool trouble have brought the clause into prominence an- Japan lts begun to smast under the. first aesaion of toe Fifty know that. Urge end-of hw i-.dslative Uiim.h t,m;i,.(i,.- programme was being reserved for the j i, wo)1:i h-'w ,,. tie on tne government from issuinjr m- On the railroad question he has twoi1""' accompli -h more than any one ACCUSED OF CRUEL DEED. William Brown Arraijacd oa Charge f Pouring Hot Water oa Ilia Wife. Dunham', . H March 13. William Drown, charged with, aggravated assault nn hi ife by jiOuring boiling water on her body, wa airaignej in the Dunham court jenterdar morning, ami was com mitted In $.iun bond until piil I. lliown wiw brought to Puniimii Mon day afternoon by funty CoinmJsxianer leiemittli J.angley on complaint of bis Wile. I tne count v commissioner and request transiinrtation to tho home of her-parent tn goinertwortb. Thia wa funilli- eu and ahe went home. Recently her con,dition beenmo o aerimta that hbe was removed to the Went worth hospi tal in Dunham and placed on the dan gerous list. After the assault, I). own, it I charged, broke out the window of the house, leaving hi wife uttering' from her bum to become a victim to exposure of the clement i. big reform in mind. One of thene U a tal'tation of tie railroad, and the other I legislation which will give federal control oxer atoek and bond iue of railroads, and will prevent future over capitalization. Bv meana of th e two important ateps the President hope to prevent the watering of railroad ac curitle and the business put on what he consider a legitimate baai. It ho atready become clear to the ad- m i m si ration mat me rat law wa merely, a Winning. It did nt go fur enough to give the federal goveinment authority V exert auch control a it want over fhe roads. Tfte President is now considering whether he ha the au thority to obtair) a valuation of the rail road hy." executive order. There i a possibility ich an order may issue to the Interstate Commerce Commission, though the matter of expense nd of authority.;. will first be carefully gone Into. Even with a valuation, however, the admin W ration feel that rni way nniht he tad through legislation to pre vent overcapitalisation and watering of Stock. 8 It is bvne the railroad president know Mr. Roosevelt ha thi mornentou programing In mind flat they are try ing to come to term with him. Thev e p't . porta limiting the destination of t.ieir bearer. ' MTi'ii , M'n B" ;n -l'P: V the ground Kv commissions and requests., I11 bwWM M8lWeftM l "8 the WHOLE FAMILY wMii'mas.vw.Mii'ti'' i Gas Light is the Light For tho whole family. It makes reading easy for grandpa. It insures good eyes to the children. Moth cr tin sew by it rays with ease. Father's paper be comes doubly interesting if he docs not have to strain his eyes to sec it. . , Good licht means good health, and good health ts the beginning of happiness. The most economical, brilliant and steady light. Send for the gaa man at once for estimates. PEOPLE'S LIGHTING, HEATING & POWER CO,, Telephone 45-3. Depot Square, Barre, Vt LOCKOUT AT HAMBURG.," ' NOW IN FULL F0RU. 5,000 Men Affected 1,300 Non-union Longeahoremen Imported. Hamburg, March 13.A a rettilt of the refusal of the longshoremen to bind theinclve to tin night work and other wise submit to the nilinjis of the ship owner, the lockout which begun Mon day i now In full nrogrea about 5.0CK) men being affected. Mom than 1,300 imported longshoremen have arrived to take the place of the locked out men. The Nliip Owner' I'nion mid tho liar lwr Traffic I'nion held meeting yester day mid agHin resolved not to employ any mull who refttsoa to siun the agree merit tu do both .day and night work. Several vessels, which were to liavo un loaded here, iavp been ordered to Al toiitt, where there, 1 no trouble. A Young Man . Built Up Suffering With Weak Lungs and Catarrh, He G-ts Relief by Using father J h .& Medicine. 1 cannot prof' Some Doubta. . Fall' Mildred ha a rounded form Of ehaplines divine, Displaying wnst bewitching-curve Of grace in every line, Cut even while 1 contemplate Her figure with delight, I wonder if xfre takes it off When he let ire at night. She has a wetiltlt of golden hair, This paragon of girls, It frame jer brow in silken ware And shin in j; braid find ciu ls. If never straight or etringy when Hy damp east hreeaee blown, I wonder if those sunny locks Are Mildred' very own. The color of a lnmak roae Is on l er oi nl i heck, The perfect tint of youth and health 'lliat, many vainly seek, lint still a cruel, carping doubt My admiration mock; I wonder if p rc'tianee aho keep Her hlushea in a hot. -llohemtan. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY TILLS, Have you neglected your kldneyal Have you overworked your nervous v- tern and caused trouble with your kid ney and bladder t Ilavo you puin in loin, aide, back, groins and blndderf Have you a flabby appearand of the face, especially tinder the eve t Too freiiucnt a tlir to pa urinef Ii o, William' Kidney rift will rvtra you. Sample free. Hy mail 50t Wlllisma Mfg. Co., proprietor, Cleveland Ohio, Sold by C. IL Keadriek 4 Co. Father dolm's Med) cine ttx highly. ' have used lathe John' Medicine fo catarrh and weal limit and find I ai ' much stronger am on tho road tc health. I have ue other remedius, bit it wa a wuate o money. My mothi ami brother are al so t ak iug Kut he. John'a Metiicine for catarrh trouble, and they agree with mo that bather John a Medicine i a prcat. remedy," aay Kmanucl F. (Jomea t IJourui', Mae, rtcveiiu pueumnni and consumption. Not a patent, medicine. fiO year in um. Make (les)i and strength. A a body builder Father John's Medi cine ha no equal.- Jo alcohol or In jurious drugs. Guaranteed. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS CArrr ask sick leave. Matcrialiitic Tieaaury OSciala Demand Doctor' Certificates. Washington, D. C, March 13. Clirl-, tian Science follower have struck a anag in the treasury department in getting sick leave. Coder the rules each em- a year, but he must show a physician' certificate. A Baltimore custom inspector, a OVistian fkicnti'it, is seeking to get sick leave granted, hut instead of put ting in a physician' certificate, wanta to give the certificate of a Christian Sci ence healer. He informei Assistant Sec retary Reynold he wa not sick, but that Ms physical body did not feci well, and a soon aa hi mentality dominated gain he would be all right. Tlie rcrJv from the treaury was that while thi might he true, hi physical Wy wn not visible at work in it accustomed place, and the only excuse that would be permitted for it absence was the cert ifleata of a physician of one of the recocTiized achoois. Theoretically, a Christian Scientist cannot be eielc, and the department is rather puzzled a to how those of thia faith ean coneientiouIy k for ick Wave. HOLDS UP JAPANESE LAWS. California Legislatare Responds to Be quest of Roosevelt. .Sacramento, Cal., March 13. Presi dent rtoQevc!t Monday stopped all Jap anese legislation in tlie California leg islnture bv the following telegram to Governor ('iillctte, who aent it to the as sembly : Action of Icglobtture reported in thin j morning' papers most unfortunate eitect upon my efforts to ecure exclu sion of Jnpanene laborers by friendly agreement, and if continued will prob ably render recent legislation of Con gress for that purpose ineffective. Tlease secure rup"nsion of further action un ,.i receipt of letter from me. "Theodore Roosevelt." The assembly intended to act Mon day on two bill's and a resolution adopt ed by the .Senate on Saturday. Governor Gillette sent with the telegram a me- Gives Instant Relief Minard's Liniment was prescribed by Dr. Levi Minard in his private practice fifty yoars ago. It is the most effec tive, economical, and cloan-to-ue ex ternal application for rheninatL-m, neuralgia, pleurisy, stiff, twisted joints, acre, at rained, or lamo muscles, tired, aching feet, any pain or ache, as well as for throat and lung troubles and e a general family medicine. So pare and antiseptic, so powerful, penetrating, and soothing. Minard'a Liniment haa uatly earned its title, King of Pain, CURED THIS MAN Will Cure You "Accept my heartMt thanks on bo fcalf of my aged father, ivho for the past six moatha has been severely troubled with rheumatism in bis left arm, so much so that he could no longer work at his tailoring profession, andj after consulting the leading epecialistii of tin's city, and trying enough so-called remedies to sink a boat, we finally mad0 tip our mind that he was a bopcle4 invalid I can truthfully assert th f.tct that my father paralyzed arm regained ita full vigor and it is to-daV as well as it ever was, afir using Minard'a Liniment, Francis X. Snio da, 88 1'ean St.. Providence. It. I," ( sage urging the House to comply with the president' request. The assembly by a viva voce vote decided to take no action on the biil on file. 0 a 0 QUEBEC TO HAVE NEW I ? CORPORATION TAX LAW. I 1 I - " ' . f ll.m.i m il..,,, ir,,, ,.MIU 0 fir 0 & 0 AntiJti3 Cures BR0NCHITI5 For Sale by D. F, Dayis. Beauties From tha Sea This has been a tough Winter on the hardy men who spend the best part of their lives at the Banks of Newfoundland, and the results of their labors have been small and the resulting price high. We can, however, offer the best line of Fish in the city at the lowest prices. Smith & Cumings, ! Meals, Groceries and Flsl, 305 North Main St., Darre, Vt. Railroads to Be Taxe4 $30 Ter Mile for Single Track, Quebec, Que.. March 13. The nrovin. vial treasurer Monday night introduce! a new corporation ta.x bill. Weeping car ft . -' i'o, uor-Loiru oi one j si per cent of the capital invested in car 1 lifted in the province, and $."0 for eacb ! f office in Montreal and Quebec. Foreign I 0 expres companies nre taxed one-half of j 0 one p-r cent on their grosa earning in ! the province, the tax to be not lcs than $800 annually. I W lCch main line of railway track ia to be taxed $;)0 per mile and f IS for '. 0 each additional track along the main j Q tine; branch lines, $.'0 per mile and 10: a per mile for additional track. . 5f Foreum coinoratmn not. ufrrailv ! will be asked to pay $50 per year for eacn omce in Montreal or Quebec, and au eisewnere. . ok nt that tomi over in the next County. Grown liko 'g Gourd. Must be a Jonah here. . WVvn rrrou-n enmo I don't see that we're knocking; any uarticularlv Bi rer- I0WA MILITIAMEN GUARDING BANK ROBBERS FROM MOB. Anjjry Citizens Determined to Lynch Two Prisoners. Manchester, la., March 13. The state militia was called out early yesterday to proiccr irom moo violence two bank robbers nrrested for blowing upMhe bank at Maaonville on March 8. MierllT Hen- nessy ims also ftfkcd tho governor for more iroop, airnougn lompimy 1) u j MriM Ah minr.l l'lfl, Inuf rm.l l.m i. ' $ ...... i.k1u i,i viunn l-inil,. ITL!.. ..! . . ... ! jius onion lonowca ine ousrmi or rnn grand jury yesterday, which wa declared illegal and which therefore cannot Indict the men held. When thi became known,) angry aoon formed a mob which ia determined to lynch the prisoner. 0 o o 9 0 Always Remember the Full Narat I. Ua7 i iiliiiiie Tablets Cure a Cold In One Day Cere Crip ia Two Days ea every O 0 O & Q 0 o o o o 0 O 0 0 0 A New Aid Fable. This is not a George Ado fable, though it may sling some alan. It is a Home Aid fable. Once there was a Geezer, who sat around and cut Kindling too small for Cook Stove purposes. lie Whittled against Time nnd Flabbergasted against hia Town. The town was No Good, he said strictly on the Blink. Ye?, it was N. G. Why, hadn't he lived Here since '84 and found that tho Place was Punky? Sure, Mike! Lo Jonah but 6immons. That's the way this Gaznboo knocked his town. One day Sarcastic Btranasr flooteil tnto the .Town that waa Knocked from the burg- that had Blossomed tike Jonah Gourd, lie Heard soma of the Fl.ibbcrRimtlnjr and Dropped to tho alt uation. "Look here, you," ha remarked to the citizen who waa Handing- Out th Knofka. "What do you do for thia townT Are you doing: your, part to put thia Hurir on th t'nurade? What that befty Bunch of litera ture atlcUinff out of your Clothe?'' "That'a a MM! Order Catologua from Chi. caim-a town that is a town." replied the Qea aer. , "So I thought," Bald the Impertinent Arriv al. "Now let me hand you out a nice mtla Wad of common aense. For the past ten year you have been sending your money to the Chi cago Mall Order houaea Instend of upending it among your home mer chant. tVhat wouia bava happened to Chl ro fifty year ago if all the First Settler bad shipped their Loom Coin to New York on cataloKu Inducements? " by. you'd have to um i end dredger now to Una the Original Bite M Chicago. Now. in tha I'urir from which I tot over all thia Hum Kualneaa year ' 1 1 2 ." ,n w that we would trade at horn, lnThl our .?T4 Resolution out ao that you could Slant it .TT "! to',, ,0 Spread Gla. Hut you and a Bunch f lJ"Znm . Oper waated jour Pubatanca tn Jllotou Tn.ji, . l0' mall and let the eh.rlft ban a tNMhiT n ,Ch.' t our Town and thso U 'IT IL rc?"tl" nPW encer . nai makes tha DiJter- Whercupon the Whittling Ga.nboo threw a few well cho- Thoughts into hi, mental makeup nml went down to t .Tillage store to Annex a linen collar in place of thi VWr Circles which he had bought from ChicagoVt Tw Bil" . L MORAL: If you want your town to : ' grow, patronize home enterprises. Vol !bw . ' town have 1(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 O' 0 0 an ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOO0COOOOOOOOOO00OOO00OOO0cl