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THE BAUIZE DATLY TIMES. SIAItClI 13. 07. BARRE DAILY TIMES FufcHshed Emr WeefccuT Afternoon. , Jukcr'-rtloBj: One Year. $2; One Month. 25 cts; iiti't Corr, 1 ceat. Ujitrei at the l.toftir at Hurra Ml 8oonJ Out MsUW. Fraafc L. Unfitr- Publisher. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1007. , The average daily circulation of the Barre Daily Timet for the week ending taturday was 4,440 copies, the largest paid circulation of any daily paper in this section, lie maintains iliat he is a real foster Eddy. One thaw, begins just when the other Thawi is about to leave off. To' preserve the balances there ought to bo a college of divorce to go along with that college of courtship which a Chicago university professor is advocat ing. The contents of the public acts of the general assembly of 1900 refer to the "sail" of diseased meat. That's less culpable than tho "sale" of diseased meat, at any rate.- . What incident nine years' ago doe the blowing up of the French battleship lena yesterday remind you off The ""difference lies in the fact that the lena was in a tioriie port, while the Maine was in foreign water. It is now evident that the question frequently asked by the Burlington Free Press before the election, "What is the matter with Burlington t" was answered by the election,' judging from the view point of that newspaper. ' The Rhode Tslanders are strurg''n8 along for the ninth week in an endeavor to elect a United States senator. This is the land to which t!oger Williams fled so that he might think as ho wished. His descendants have preserved the same rigfot, apparently. "-.''"' A MOVE FOR TURE FOOD. The fining of a company doing busi ness in Vermont for having in its jws sessiou "tainted meat" and for dispo-ting of the same, through the plea of guilty, is a grand step toward that pure fixa deidertutn. While the event is fresh in mind, it Is well to make reference to a law which was passed by the mont recent state legislature respiting the transaction in diseased nieat. The act forbids the sale, the offering for sale nd the keeping for sale, or the shipping out of the state any animal or fowl which died in a diseased state, the flesh of a calf which was Ic-s than four weeks old or weighed less than fifty pounds. The penalty is imprisonment of one year r a fine of $300., Furthermore, a per Jon who sell or offers for sale an ani mal known to be infected with bovine tuberculosis or any other contagious dis eases or any disease detrimental to the public health is liable to a similar pun ishment. This first conviction under the new law marks an important precedent, which prosecuting officers should not le slow to follow up. Let the good work go on, if the public health is anything to be guarded. INFLUENCING THE BALLOT. Would the esteemed Barre Times have us believe that an employer of Inlxir had no moral right to attempt by legitimate means to puMnade his workmen to see the political aspect of their joint busi ness interest as he saw it ? ist. Albans Messenger, Any mah who is gifted with tho power of forming words and lotting them flow i through his lips has the right to mount ' a barret at the street coiner or stand on ! tha rear of a dump-oart and let loose that flow for the edification of those who care to hear. That is one of the prized privilege of this democratic nation, and " until one goes Iwyond the brope'r bounds there will be no hindrance. The man . who hires, labor has tho same privilege i as the barrel-top orator or the dump ; cart exliorter. That, however, is not the point which The. Times recently raised. It is the ( presumption ou the part of an employer , that what Jie. believes should by any ' manner or means bo the belief of the men who happen to find employment un der him to the extent of an assertion that if you vote so and iso you will bo pleasing mo, and contrariwise, if you vote the other way you will displease me. We are passing beyond that stage when workihgmcn, so-called, have any other connection with their employers save that of man to man. Tho laborer is a unit In the political circle just as much ns is the man who pays the labor er. We have heard rumors of threats by employers that unless their workmen voted according to tho dictates of the management, tho places of the non-con-formers would be vacant and the men find themselves walking the streets. Then, from another viewpoint, that or the employer of labor, would he not con sider it a ludicrous position for hi work men to take if they should come to him AntiJtb Cures (ami-toTlarwxiiion) SORE THROAT For Sale by Riclcart & Weill. Now'$ the time to make your pocket save your feet and .your feet will save your head (Wet feet, mean a cold in the head. ) This sloppy weath er you will appreciate wa ter tight shoes at $4.00. We Clean, Press and Repair Clothing.' Fur Coats to Rent. and tell him how he ought to vote and in what direction a vote would be pleas ing to them? If there was any spirit of independence about him ho would say that his electoral prerogative was his to exercise as he sow fit without let or hindrance from the other side of a purely business contract. , JINGLES AND JESTS. . ' '- March.' !are!l is a iioft and. March is a lamb, March is the Svs. .zoology; Divil a biu docs she re;k what she am, l)i vil a bit" for apology.' " March is a dove with a lady like coo. Starting one's mind hiking vernallyj March is a tigress eloppj from t'ue Zoo, Biting, and biting infernally. ' - , - Now she is mild as a church lemonade, Sweet as a handful of jessamine, Now she as sharp as a scimitar blale (Xijiht before hict was a specimen.) Here she's a 'zephyr and there she's a blast, '.-. Now by me soul! she's cyclonical! Then -ti.ere the stands ere a nunute is past, Smiling again, quite ironical. March, you're as fickle as ladies, it seems, Changing like any chameleon Why need you always rush off to ex tremes, Piling up Ossa on Pellon? Why need you switch from, a kiss to a slam? Why be so teasing and badgery? Why can't you be just a lion or iamb? Why must you be a menagerie? Richmond Times-Dispatch. A Common Failing. 8om claim that they believ Jn signs, But, Jacking kf restraint. M'lst prove unto themselves by touch Tlis truth of one marked "Paint!" Boston Transcript A Natural Inquiry. Wife What do you think of my new hat, door? Husband Fine. How much was It an acre? Woman's Home Companion. A BetUe 8ign. Then let the crocus lift Its head. The bluebird have Its fun; I'll watch tho ninpl tr Instead When sap begins to run. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ths Height of Perfection, Etbel Alwnt how tall do you think a girl should be to look well'; Jack I don't know exactly, now tall re you ? Lipplncott'a Magazine. Remember Tomorrow," Thank the frd, If today ha sorrow z We can five in hope Of a bright tomorrow t .And still find peaeo When the storm is hummin', An' sweet release ' In the (food -time eomin'l Atlanta .onstitution. How Carnegie Feels. When I've grown up and my fun I'd like to be tta wie As Lincoln was, or Washington, and have a chance to rise; I wouldn't care to be jiwt rich, for when tho rich are dead Nobody ever cares about the things they did or said. I'd rather 1 a Grant or Lee than any millionaire; Then boy Who studied history would read about me there. There's such a little while that folks can ue their wealth, vou know If men are great enough their fame can last forever, though. 1 Chcngo r.ccord-IIcrald. Liszt. LIsrt smoked lurtre black cigars. Wbeu giving lessous ho walked up and flown the room, muttering to himself ond emitting volumes of snioko by way of accompaniment to his remarks. He smoked coustantly w hile he worked. Wire. Wire was first beaten out by a ham mer, but the artisaus of Nuremberg la 13M began to draw it wblcb was the great step forward In that art. r-" ' fM 1 74 North Main St , Barre, Vt. STRAY PICKINGS v ' OF LOCAL, INTEREST "What time ioc' -the train leave j. for Barre, please?" , .. : "1 can't tell, m: ,Yer never can tell ou this road. It may le two minutes, and then ugn it may be two hours afore we titart-" '.' . The above conversation was between a passenger and a (,'ential Vermont brake man at Montpelier, The passenger wait ed because he had to, when lo and behold the train started in just two minutes Ond one-third from the time of the con versation. Hut then, let not the" Can't Vowh-forit train take too much credit to itself, for the train was already over 45 minutes late. We heard the other day of the heroic treatment, an anxuus Barre wife -nitwit tingly took to prevent the entire evacu ation of the hair from her husband's head. "Why, John, you are losing your hair,"Hshe exclaimed, ns she happened to discover a vacant spot on her husband' cranium, a foreboding of the future, "Let me put ou some, hair-restorer," and she rushed to the family medicine ebset, returning shortly with a bottle labeled hair-restorer. The . woman soused her husband's head with a liberal allotment of the liquid, until the light of suspi cion broke over the man's countenance, and he gently yet forcibly thrust, her aside. One whiff at the bottle, and with a cry of "Varnish he hot -footed it to the bath-room and plax-ed, his caput un der the faucet. By active scrubbing ho got most of tho "restorer" off. The bot tle had once contained that magic fluid which makes ten hairs grow where there was only on hair, but it had been lat terly filled with plain, everyday varnish, and Mrs. Anxious Wife didn't know it. Today the man's bead is nearly as smooth as a billiard ball. What a playful reminder of that beau tiful practice of the farmer's daughter of placing a sweet billet-doux in the in'ards of the Thanksgiving turkey was that dynamite stick in the middle of a coal car unloaded in Montpelier last week! Mho knows but what, like the tui keynote, this dynamite was a mes sage W'whotn it may concern''! There certainly was concern when the message wag uncovered. And we can't blame tiio recipient for refusing to accept; then and there, without further consideration of the matter. It is more or discon certing to see a yellowish-looking cylin der staring into your face, as ii' ready to say, at any moment, the word which shall launch you skyward. The practice of passing out these reminders is not to be commended, ' nor i its example, t-onvmendahi.e We will take an unload ed bouquet for ours, please. "Souse'' Pane will become South Barre again May first. The chastisement of a public- school teacher in ' llcllows Falls ly an Irate mother the other day is duplicated quite often these days, or the performance is planned to come off, but for some reason fails to follow tin1' schedule. It is pleas ant to learn in this cae that the mother ! iied a razor strop instead of tha razor itself. Similar immediate and personal fam ily retribution was threatened a teacher in the Harre schools recently. A little urchin, more anxious for deviltry than duty, got unruly and the teacher re pioved him by tapping him on the fin ger with a pencil, the following day the 'urchin wss the proud bearer of a message which bo desiled before his teacher as if to say, "There, take that for jour impudence." The teacher ojK-neJ the note and started to read, "It you nek my boy nyaiu I'll . ) . ," he: the paper became so scorched with the application of the word that, tie teacher failed to learn what was her due for again tapping the fingers of the urchin. Nevertheless, the teacher has not failed to give reproof when it was necessary. Why won't parents be rea sonable? .j '., i The side judges of Washington coun ty court ate extremely popular men at the present writing, but there's no tell ing when the break -will come. IV may or may not li an ironical coincidence that the house in Hnrre once occupied by Mrs. .Eddy, the leader of the great liri-tian Kcienee healing cult, is now occupied by a regularly practicing pill-nn.l-pnwdcr jhyieian. Once apain has 'Liza teetered across the sea of lloating ice on the ojiera house ftapc, bearing her "bahby" in her em brace, while the bloodhound the great, ferocious thing ambled good-naturedly aloujf behind, urped forward by th unit 'd efforts of t tit ta.M;aml and drawn by the sijjht of a bone held invitingly on the other sid of the tstajie. 'And the audience yelled themselves boare over the dating of 'Liza and the terror wnich they felt . for her safety as ths bloodhounds wn?ged seven leagues after her. When will "Uncle Tom's Cabin" oie out In the measurement of human interest? The piece today draws as much js it did half a century ago, aiU each recurring' visit-to liarr finds an appreciative audience gatherd to witness the harrowing scenes of old slave days in tne iouiu. , STRUCK BY GREAT STONE. . Bethel Quarryman Loses Three Finger, as Result of Accident. Bethel, Starch 13. Charles Mengino, a nuarryinau at the Ellis quarry here, hail a narrows escape from death the other day. A stone neighing 800 pounds slipped from the urout. pile and fell. striking the man on tho back of the head ami -knocking him over. The stone finally landed on his hand as he lay stretched out. and Cut off one fliioor deep flash was Cut in his head and it was necessary to ainpuiare two more finger that tvero badly crushed by, the stone. Modjeska. The final opportunity to see one of the greatest artists of thk generation in one of the plays in which she roe to prominence, is not likely to pass un grasped by any true lover of the theatre. Such a t-nance will be presented when Madame Modjcxka appears at the opera house on Tuesday, March If). This act ress, mscnihVent in tut, superb In achievement, honored by many patrons and hailed wit h acclaim by count less thousands, is now on a farewell tour of America. io momentous an event is her good bye appearance, one so fraught with loss to our staco. that it has been decided to make It lake the form of t grand testimonial. - rrc Savings Bank - .and ; Trusts Company ; , STA TEMENTy MARCH , 1907 ; ASSETS, Real Estate Loans, - -Other Loans, - - -Bonds and Investments, -U. S. Two Per Cent Bonds at par, U. S.'Four Per Cent Bonds at par, Funds on Hand and in Banks, ' Total - ' - LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, - - - Surplus Fund, - " - -Undivided Profits, - - -Dividend No. 14, Eight Per Cent, Deposits, - - Premium U. S. Bonds sold, - Total, . - , Four Per Cent J. HENRY JACKSON, Pres. TO JOIN MILITIA. Norwich University Cadets Are to B Mustered in. Adjutant General W. II. Cllmore has isued general order iio. 6, organizing the Norwich university cadets at Noith- field as a part of the militia of the state. The text of the order follows: Upon the application of the pres ident of Norwich university, and in ac cordance with tho act of the general aemb!y of the state of Vermont, ap proved November 22, 1006, and known as 'An act to amend section 4,3".', of the Vermont statutes relating to Norwich university, tho corps of cadets of Nor wich university is organized as part of the organized militia of the state of Vermont as set forth belowr ''Field artillery, one batetry orpaniited as follows, to be known as battery A, Vermont Kicld Artillery; one captain, hvo first lieutenants, one second lieu tenants, one lirt sergeant, .one quarter master-serseatit. on stable serueant, six;"1 wHegs player are reported to serseauts. "twelve two eook, four artificers, wo musicianx. ninety- two privates. Total enlisted. W. The minimum strength of the battery shall be fifty-three enlisted men. "Sijrnal corps, one company organiecil as follows, to lie known a company A, Vermont Signal I'm pa: one captain, three first lieutenants, one firt sergeant, one quartermaster-sergeant, five first class MergcanU, chht sergeant, ten cor porals, thirty first -class privates twen ty second -clans privates. Total cnliteJ, 7J. The minimum stength of the com pany shall he thirty enlisted men. At leat two-third of tins officers and eu iintcd men ball be expert telegraphers and electricians. "The professor of military seienee and tacties of the university shall, by virtue of his ollke, be commander of tiie corps of cadets with the. rank of major, and may appoint non-commissioned "tficcrs in the organisations of the cadet corps and insue warrants showing such appoint ments. . "2. Upon the recommendation of the president of Norwich university and in accordance with the act of the general assembly of the state of Vermont, ap-; nivivo.! K',vmtur '' ' Klllfi. mul known a an 'Act to amend section 4,:tn of the ermont statures remunjj to orwu-iif university.' the following appointments of commiiined officers in (lie cadet corps of Norwich university are aiinonin: d : - ' "'Field Artillery, Battery A, Harry' C. Piatt, captain; "l.eroy K. Knight, first lieutenant i Leroy II. Davis, lhvt lieuten ant J t!uy VV, Cobb, second lieutenant. ''Kl.niiil t'oins. Comnanv A. Marshall J.. Noyes, -captain; John iL Wears, first lieutenant ; Philip V. Wiermaii, first lieu-1 tenant; Robert F. Watson, firt liettten- ant. . CO. H LOST. To Second "Team of University of Ver mont, 23 to 14. Miinlpclier, March 1-1. The neoond ba-ket ball team from the university of Vermont, Burlington, defeated the team from Company II. Vermont Na-: tioual Ouard, lart evening, 23 to 14 i It was one of the cleanest and swiftest line-up: , tl. V. M. 2nd. CO. H. Welch, r. f. 1. g., Recctte Osgood, I. f r. g., Buswell ("as-sidy, c c Wilkinson Dodge, r. g ....I. f., tapo Ordway, 1, g r. f.. Hill Coals from floor, Ordway 8, Osgood 3, Cansidy, Hill 2, Crapo, Wilkinson, Bus well ; goak from fouls, Osgood D, Bus well 4 1 umpire, Harvey; referee, Park; time, three lS-niinute periods. FOR BETTER SUPERVISION. Bethel Proposes to Unite With Other Towns and Hire Superintendent. Hethel, March 13. Tha school direc tors of this town voted to unite with oiner towns in the employment of a imjH-rinicmicni n Ruiianie arrangements ran be made. Tho salary of tho su perintendent will lie about $1,350, of which tho state will pay $1,000 and (he towns composing the union the re mainder. On account of ou act of the hwt lejr Mature to the effect that a legal school must le in seVdoii twenty-six weeks and have at lea-t h!x pupils, the so called Mountain district in Bethel is cut, out, and its pupils will have to be transported to tho Camp brook school the coming year. $703,320.07 415,920.20 153.793.60 37,600.00 - 3,150.00 . 83,638.91 $1,397,422.78 $ 50,000.00 10,000.00 ' 12,082.26 4, OOO.Oo 1,318,488.43 2,852.09 $1,397,422.78 Paid on Deposits F. G. HOWLiD, Tress. Brattleboto May Play Ball. A. W, Daley has received a letter from a well known base ball enthusi ast in Jlrattleboro asking for further information as to expenses, etc., of i gating f?8 tft-her and it is the cneral belief that Brattleljcro will have a representative at the Northern leajrue meeting in Burlington Friday and that the town will be represented in the league for Brattkbor has the repu tation of being a good base ball town and could well afford a team. An effort is being madu in St. Albans to stir up intercut in bae ball again and it may be that now that it has been practical ly decided to get into the National agreement and, have a reasonable salary limit that that town will feel like get ting into the game again. A new detch from Fair Haven says that base ball fans have practi cally decided to support a team this season and that it i probable that the .Northern league wui te joined. ev avc lcen already conditionally en gaged. CHURCH AND CLERGY. Dtirini; the last year New York city averaged four new churches each month. The old Catholics of Germany, a set formed by Catholics who would not ac cept the doctrine of papal infallibility promulgated by the Vatican council ot 1S70, are said to be loslug ground. Occupying a high poaitiou among Washington divines Is Rev. Wallace liadcllffe of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church. Early In his ministry, which has covered a period of forty years, be was moderator of tho assembly of Pennsylvania. rr. Elwood Worcester, the eminent churchman and philanthropist of Bos ton, is undoubtedly the greatest hunter In the ministry. For many years ho has spent his vacation season hunting In the wilds of Newfoundland and Lnbrndor, and he has his home filled with trophies of all sorts of ths bunt. THE ROYAL BOX. One of the hobbles of tho king of the Belgians la building. The king of Roumnnla rules over the youngest monarchy lu Europe, Queen Wilhelmlnn of Holland has been appointed colonel of the First Belgian grenadiers by King Leopold, Ti,e ng 0f England la a publisher, it,, liaai the exclimlve rlcht in Issue mariners' charts, and English mariners are forbidden by law to use any charts but his. The copyright on these royal charts, furthermore, never ruus out. It endures forever. Queen Alexandra owns several fine chinchillas and Tcrslan cats. Trlncess Alexander of Teck and Prince Maurice of Battenberg also possess valuable but th K , cnt fan(.ler ' ., ' . ,,,, . r. . aln Is Princess Victoria of Sleswlck liolstelu. TRAIN AND TRACK. Irelarjfl has only 637 miles of double line railways. Owlnjr to the uuusual activity In rail road building It la estimated that lo Ontario alone 4,500,000 tics will bo cut this year. There are nearly COO railway stations In greater London, and Into the trunk line stations alone there pour annually more than StW.OOO.OOO passengers. . The Indian railways are now the cheapest In the world. The ayernge charge for passengers Is one-fifth of a penny per mile and for goods a half penny a ton per mile. Spring. I like to see eaoh flower ot spring And har each springtime bird: I like Its warmth and aunshlno, but Its poets are absurd! Atlanta Constitution. Dsfintd. Johnny Pa, what is ft leading ques tion? FaThe one a girl asks before a man proposes, New York Sun. cnftiEVm or i Just received, our first shipment of Long and Short Coats for Spring;. Call and sec them. Ladies Senarare Skirts Whv not. when vnn se.i. the showing for $2.98, $3.98, $4.75 and $5.01) ? : Don't miss our March sale of Sample Waists in silk and fine lawn. They have the style. Price 98c to $5 00 each. . The most stylish Waist in New England for 98c. Get one.' " ' r. ,: WASH GOODS... . We are told that we are showing the -finest assort ment of 'Wash Goods. We have the goods that so many have tried, to procure. Sec the Finr. Light and Dark Percales, Henley Serge, Imported Mercerized Checks, ' Figured Lawns, Fancy Swiss, Black Lawns, Silk Muslins, Fancy . White Goods and Plaio White Lawns. We can save you from 2c to 5c per yard on these goods. I, Butterick Patterns, 10c and t5c The Best. Call For the March Delineator. 1? illll FOR 98 $1.25 WO Made of excellent cape, stock and the most durable all-around Woman's Glove that has ever been made. The increasing popularity and recent advance in the leather markets has compelled the manufacturers to come up on price, and we might get more, but it's worth 27c each to us to induce you to trade in this shop and it's worth more than that to you. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE still on. The biggest assortment of . the best stuff that has ever been shown here. P. E. POPE, Manager, Montpelier, Vt. I SODA MINTS '- TOR THE STOMACH. If you have liwrtburn or' dyspepsia try this simple remedy. 1 0c a bottle. E. A. DROWN. Prescription Druggist' 48 No. Main St.. Opp. Nofl BnnlT. I :AT PU Of all Candies sold in the city our Can- , dies are the purest and most palatable. '. FRESH MADE DAILY At the Barre The Cough Winter , Leaves Behind In many instances the recurrinj couchs and colds of the Winter leave serious traces behind in the form of chronic affections of the throat, bronchial tubes or lungs. These ailments do not yield to ordi nary cough remedies! they must be overcome by buildins tip the entire system. The right remedy is our EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL WITH IIYPOPHOSPHITES This is a revitalizing tonic that has direct influence on the tissues of the air passages. It is the most reliable of all remedies, for the cure of chronic coughs, bronchitis, incipient, consumption, or for any debili tated condition of the system. Our Emulsion is especially desirable because it is always fresh. ' C. H. KENDMCK & CO., 54 Noth Main Street. wm HBs) are calline attention here nullity. and style we arc Ginghams. -111 1 '. of GLOV CENTS Candy Kitchen DRUGGISTS vis. WAR f i i hi iiiiiii in mi iiiiiiisiiiiniiiiiiiiiia n ..'."::.'" ' I