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DAILY JUL. LL. 1 LLj3 Kj VOL. XI NO. UAERE, VTM SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1907. PRICE, ONE CENT BA111 YJi EGIN A TO FREE THAW ON HEAVY BOND Until Another Trial Shall Have Been Started, Following Failure of Jury to Agrefc on a Verdict in Celebrated Aljrder Case Last Night. HIS FAAULY READY WITH A VAST SUA! It is Not Likely! hat the Court Will Admit the Young Man to Bail as it is Against all Precedent in that State. Thaw's Lawyers Squabble. New Yoifc, April 13. The Tha.w at torneys today are preparing ft demand for their client's release on bail pending a new trial, which will be made prob ably next Monday. Thaw's family, is ready to offer a bond in any sum, and, although the demand is almost unprece dented, it is argued that the amount of the bond and the publicity given the case will make it almost impossible for the defendant to escape to any quarter of the globe. The district attorney will vigorously oppose the application, and the indications are tha Thaw will have to stay in the Tombs until October, when the case is finally decided. While the Thaw attorneys deny that they have been ielea.-ed, it is said that Mrs. William Thaw has determined on a change, -and that she may go back to the firm of Black, Olcott, Gruber and Bonynge, who originally took charge of Thaw's interests. Now that the bitterness of discussion in the jury room has worn off, the jury 3ias decided to dine together on April 20. According to a statement of juror Steele, a .verdict of manslaughter in the second degree might have been reach ed as a comMomise, but for the trouble in the jury room, when juror I'SaS, the leader of the force favoring murder in the first degree-attacked those who were voting for acquittal with insinuating charges. This ended all hopes of a com promise. . Announcement of Failure, The scenes attending the announce ment by the jury of its inability to agree upon any sort of verdict were robbed of any theatrieali-m by the general be lief that after their long deliberation and the report of a wide diversion of sentiment, the jurors could make no other report than one of disagreement. -Thaw, surrounded by the inenilfets of bis family the devoted, aged mother, the pale young wife, the titled sister, Countess of Yarmouth; Mrs. George Car negie and Edward and Josiuh Thaw, the brother received the news in absolute silence. When it became known that the. jury was about to make its report and that the cise would be disposed of, Thaw called his wife to a seat by his side and at with his arm thrown about Jier until he was commanded to stand nd face the jurors. , ii Smiling and confident ns he entered the court room, Thaw sank limply info bis -. chair when foreman Denting B. Smith, in response to a question by clerk Benny as to whether a verdict had teen agreed upon, said; S "We have not." The mother, her features hidden be hind a dense veil of black, sat stolid and wot ionics, hi ill health of late, tho had felt severely the strain and stress of the. long hours of anxious ; waiting. The wife by her husband's side gripped Lis hand tightly as the jury foreman sHke, and then, when he Amk down by her side, she tried, to cheer him as best she could by saying that. she be lieved he would now be admitted to bail, and that a second jury would surely set liim free.- " The mother, the sisters and the broth er?, pale- and well-nigh exhausted by their long, nerve-racking wait for a ver dict, smiled wanly at Thaw as ho was led awny again to the Tombs. They were permitted to speak with him foV a few minutes to but him be of good cheer, beforo he crossed the "bridge, of sighs" to the cell in the prison which, until a few minutes before, he had hoped that ho was about to quit forever. Out side the big square of the criminal courts building, only a few hundred per sons were gathered. Thousands had been there earlier in the day, but police reinforcements had arrived with instruc tions to keep everyone moving, and this liad soon tired the idly curious into a willingness to depart. " , , Inside the building the galleries over looking the court and gathered along the. corridors were, groups of more for tunate persons who had been able to make their way past the vigilant police guards. The court room itself was half empty. Only the newspaper men, the court attaches, and a few favored friends were allowed to enter to hoar the ver dict. Justice Fitzgerald feared a demon stration of some sort should the general publio be admitted, and he gave strict orders against this. - As the opposing forces were arrayed r,n the final proposition, they stood seven for a verdict 'of guilty of murder in the first degree and live for acquittal on the ground oi nisiinii.y, railing to get to- - petlier ou tno compromise, the, juiors reported lat evening, after being out 47 hours' and eight minutes, that thev bad been unable to agree. They "Were then promptly oiseiiarged bv Justice Fit rgerow. who declare. l that lie, loo, believed the task to ue Hopeless, - maw FIGHT was remanded to the Tombs without bail to' await a second trial on the charge of murdering Stanford -White. Whim a new trinl would take place, no one connected with the case fan ex press an opinon. .District Attorney Je roine declared that there were many other persons accused of homicide await ing trial, and Thaw Would have to take hit turn with the rest. As to a possible change of Venue, both the district at torney and counsel for Thaw declared they would make no such move. Voting by the Jury. Tlw first vote of the jury was eight to four in favor of conviction. Then the jury tried to reach a common ground upon a verdict of manslaughter in the first degree, the punishment for which ranges io a maximum of twenty years' imprisonment. 'The men iu favor of ac quittal largely on the ground of insan ity, it is Raid would not change their ballots and in the end won over one of the eight who favored conviction to their side. ' ' ' ' In the course of nearly forty-eight hourg of deliberation, only eight ballots were east. The jury spent the two night sessions dozing in their , chair. The entire story of what transpired in the jury room from the time the twelve men retired at 5:17 o'clock on Wednes day afternoon until they finally decided yesterday afternoon that the prospects of a verdict were too remote to warrant longer discussion 'of the facta, was told by one of the jurors, Henry C Harney, no. 5, a manufacturer of pianos. The final ballot, taken just before the jury reported its disagreement in court, was as follows: For conviction of murder in the first degree: Messrs. Doming B. Smith, fore man; George Pfaff, no. 2; Diaries J I. Fecke, no. 3, Harry O. Brearley, no. 6; Charles D. Newton, no. 8; Joseph B. Bolton, no. 11, and Bernard Gerstman, no. 12. For acquittal on the ground of in sanity, Mers. Oscar A. Tink, no. 4; Henry C. Harney, no. 5; Malcolm 8. Fuawr, mo. 7; Wilbur F. Steele, no. 0, and John S. Donnee, no. 10. Mr. Bolton is the juror whose wife died during the trial while the jury was being kept under lock and key. Tbaw la. Still Hopeful. Harry Thaw today expressed himself as being hopeful of being admitted to bail goon. Of the outcome of another trial he said he had no fear. As Delmas entered the Tombs building today to visit Thaw, he said: "I am still counsel for Harry Thaw. I may have a state ment to make later." The women of the ThaW family are in no Worse condition today than the prisoner., Evelyn, Tbaw is almost, a wreck. Tt it understood that the Count ess of Yarmouth expects to sail soon for England to rejoin her husband. Thaw, when he bad returned to the Tombs left night, prepared ami gave out the following statement: "I believe that every man in the jury possessing average intelligence, except ing possibly Mr. Bolton, comprehended the weight of evidence and balanced it for acquittal. All my family bid nie goodby with courage. I. trust (D. V.) we may all keep well." - ' To his attorneys Thaw said he was deeply disappointed. But I coutd hardly expect anything else in view of the events of the last few days," he added. HARRIAiAN GOT AAD ON STAND TO-DAY t To Testify s to The Alleged Stealing of Letters Which Caused The Rooseyelt-Harrimaa Trouble. New York, April, 13. The hearing of -Frank W. Hill, -the former steno grapher of E. If. llarriman, whose sale of liarrimnn's letter to Sydney Webster precipitated charges and counter-charges regarding the use of money for Presi dent lloosevent' election was resumed today. The bearing was held in a pri vate examination room. Two of Harri man's attorneys were on the stand and later llarriman himself. Mr. llarriman was on the stand this morning for half an hour, during which time he exchanged) hot words with Hill's lawyers and refused point blank to answer many questions.. llarriman admitted that he bad read the letter once to a friend several months after it was written. He refused to tell who the friend was. The financier said the letter sold by Hill differed from the orig inal only in two words, which made no material change in the meaning. ' ICE HINDERS NAVIGATION. So That It Will Not Be Opened on lake Champlain Until Thursday. Burlington, April 13. Because of ice in NheUmrne harbor, nod Flattsburg bay navigation oil Lake Champlain which was scheduled to open next Monday has been postponed until Thursday, "April 18th. . ' WILLIAMSTOWN. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart are rejoic ing over a son, Isirn April 12th, at West Hill farm in Williamstown, PLAINFIELD. Fred Perrin of Plainfield has sold bis store to Arthur Cutler and Elmer Max field, and the latter took possession. TALK OF THE TOWN, John Grant arrived in the city last night from Scotland and will reside here. -J. Y. Mears and son of Marshfield called on friends in the city today. W. C, White of Middlesex was in the city on business today. II. (!. Whahm of Burlington and It. N. I'eterson of Nt. Taul, .Minn., -Merc regis- tered at the City hotel today. WILL NOT QUIT N. H. LEAGUE Burlington oted To-day to Stay In It WHEN DALEY EXPLAINED Have Engaged John A. Leighton of Man chester, N. H., as Manager and He Already Has Some Players Signed. Burlington, April .13. After wavering for several days, the Burlington base ball association today definitely decided to enter, the . New Hampshire baseball league with Barre-Montpelier, as accept ed into, membership. at the league meet ing in Manchester on Wednesday. An adjourned meeting of the local associa tion was held at the office of T. K. -Milne this forenoon, at which Arthur W. Daley of Montpelier, representing the league, explained the situation. At a meeting held Thursday on the return of T. K. Milne from the Man chester meeting, it -was decided not to go into the proposed league. The reason given out for this vote was the com plaint that the New Hampshire league beginning so early would interfere, with the university of Vermont games in Bur lington. After explanation had' ueen made by Mr. Daley today and the mat ter brfd been talked over, the vote of Thursday was rescinded, and it was voted to play ball. ' The Burlington, association has secured John A. Leigliton of Manchester, N. H., as manager, and he has already signed several players, but , will not give out their names. The players will report May 1. , According to the schedule, the Burlington team will not play its first home game until May 17, being in New Hampshire at the owning of the league on the lUh. Altout $300 htm been raised thus far in town, and efforts will be made to complete the guarantee of $1, 000 required by the league as an earnest of good faith, . INTERCITY WAITED FOR BURLINGTON Directors Met Last Night and Decided to Send A. W. Daley to Burling ton Today Meet Again - , - - Soon. ' The director of the Intercity baseball association held a meeting last evening and thought it Vsfc not to do anything about securing a manager to engage play ers until it was known for certain wheth er Burlington was going to stay in the league or not. The board sent A. W. Daley of Montpclier to Burlington this mottling to be present at the director's meeting at that city. The Intercity board will meet, aunin next week and rush the preliminary work, such as en gaging a manager, and getting the local grounds, in hape for the opening of the league on May 11. VERMONT BOY POISONED. Claude H. Hewlett of Woodstock, Visit ing in Massachusetts, Victim. Great. Harrington, Mass., April 13. Claude H. Hewlett, 15 years old, son of Edward Hewlett of Woodstock, Vt., who bad been visiting relatives here, died last night of ptomaine poisoning. Young Hewlett while in Warren la.-t Sunday ate some canned chicken, and it is supposed the meat was impure. WOMEN HAD FIGHT OVER A CHILD Clash In Street at Rutland Yesterday Ends in Sister of Child's Father Getting Possession of the Tot Rutland, April 13. A fight between two women for the possession of a small child, during which the child was roughly handled, caused considerable commotion on Merchants row yesterday The story begins in Flattsburg, N. Y., where the parents of the little girl, Mr. and Mrs. Invoice, live. A few weeks ago the parents agreed to separate and to divide their property, their daughter to lie placed in a convent at riattsburg. About 10 days ago the father called atf the house while the mother was away and took the child and her clothing to the homo of his brother, Fred Lavoice, in Flattsburg. A few days later Mrs. Lavoice tried to tuke the child awav from her liusband, and as a result of Ihe squabble she had her husband arrested on, the charge of assaulting her. He was discharged, however, and she then had him arrested for nonsupport. He was again discharged and his wife ha now. brought divorcep roceedings against him. A few days ago Mr. La voice brought his daughter to the home of bis sister iii this city and the mother followed. ' Today she wet the sister and the child on the street and a tight for the pos session of the child bnsued. The women were finally separated after much hair pulling and disheveling of garments, anil the child still remains in the possession of Mr. Invoice's sister. ' Butter Car Jumped Track, When, the liOH Central Vermont train into this city reached a point one mile out of this city this afternoon, a butter car jumped the iron and when the train was brought to a halt rested at right angles to the track, J hem was a side track, so that the passengers were trans ferred and brought to this city. No on was hurt. ' ' ' UNCONSCIOUS BY SHOCK LOWERED TO SAFETY George Duxbtiry t)f Bennington Had a Narrow Escape From Death From Electricity Yesterday. Bennington, April 13. -While a crew of New England Telephone company linemen were fit "work yesterday on School fitreet, Oeorge Dux bury came in contract with the current from the elec tric light plant and was severely shock ed. . One of his companions went up the pole to bis assistance and with a rope lowered : the : thoroughly collapsed man to the ground. Duxbury's bands were quite badly burned and he is suffering from the effects of fcia experiene but he will, it is - expected, 'be out again .shortly. It is impossible to ascertain jut how much electricity passed through Dux bury's body but the electric wires are supposed to carry 2.300 volts, much more than is required to electrocute a man. - MORE "BRAIN STORMS." Among College Athletic Associations in ..- 'Vermont - ' . - ' - Middlobury," April 13- On account of the action of the faculty, all athletic lelations between Middlebury and the University of Vermont will be discontin ued. , The various team managers have been directed by the faculty represen tative on the athletic, committee to can cel any existing scheduled games and to cease all athletic negotiations, with the respective U. V. M. managements. The action of the faculty, which came as a surprise, is generally conceded by the student body to have been greatly influenced by oeeuirenres here last fall at the Vermont -Middlebury football game. The baseball team was scheduled to play Vermont at Burlington May 30 next, as. usual on Memorial day, : FUNERAL OF MRS. EAP0INT. Held Thursday from St Sylvester's Church in Graniteviile. The funeral serviced of the late Mrs. Fred Lupnint were held at St. Sylvester's church,- (iraniteville, Thursday morning at, 9 o'clock, the Rev. J. Turcot offi ciating. ' The Ladies of St. Ann "paid a tribute of lovo and respect to the de ceased member of the society by at tending the funeral in a body. . Inter ment was In the Catholie cemetery at B.ine. .., ','.':-.;.-- Mrs. Lapoint was an estimable young woman, loved and respected by all Mho knew her. S3i was 2S years of age and leaves a husband, an adopted on, her mother, Mrs. Famine, three sisters, ilrs. E. Bishop, Mrs. J. Boss and Mrs. T, Lapoint, and three brothers, Joseph, De- Imr ami Charles-, all of whom reside m Williamstown. The floral tributes were as . follows: wreath, St. Ann's society; cross, Mr. and Mrs W. 11. Norvis: bouquet, Mr. and Mis. Maynard Williams; bouquet, Mr. and Mrs. i. M. Tucker; bouquet; Mr"; and Mrs. Angus Mor,cey j bouquet, nr. ana mis. miow. - MRS. MICHAEL HANL0N. Died Yesterday Afternoon After t Long Illness, Mrs. Michael Hanlon died yesterday afternoon at her home on Pike street after a long illuess with cancer. She U survived by a husban d and four children. The funeral services will he held from the fst. Monica's churen Mon day morning at 9 o'clock. The inter ment will be in the Catholic cemetery. POLLARD'S PETITION. Two of Them in Rockingham File in Bankruptcy. Burlington, April 13. Charles W. Pol lard of lioekitigham, a laborer, filed a petition in bankruptcy yesterday. He has Kahilitie ,f 4'2. ami Asset of ?.V claimed exempt, diaries C. Folbird, a laborer, also of Koekinghain, filed a peti tion, showing liabilities of 306 and as sets of fS'J.TO, of which 175 is claimed exempt. BANKRUPTCY COURT RESUMES. Hearings in Case of One Barre and One Montpelier Man, Bankruptcy court resumed its sessions in Montpelier today after quite a long spell of no business. The first meeting in the case of Jamc Enrigbt of fiarre ws held this forenoon, before the mas ter, W. N. Theriault. This afternoon tl'e case of E. Aja of Monfelicr was heard. SUNDAY SERVICES Times and Places of Worship and Sub jects of Sermons. At the M. E. church the pastor will conduct the services, both morning and evening. At the Presbyterian church the pastor will preach morning and evening. Melt's Bible das at 11: 15. ' Christian Science services tomorrow at 10.45 a. m.; Wednesday evening at 7.30; reading room open Tuesday, and Friday from 2 to 4 oclock, at 7 Summer Street, Congregational chuich. Services as us ual. Morning theme, "Identifying Our selves with Christianity." Evening sub ject, "Judah, the Plausible, Mercenary Man," Second Sunday after Easter, Church of the flood Shepheid; holy communion, M : 4 5 n; m,; morning prayer and ser mon, 10:30) Sunday school at 1 even ing prayer and sermon at 7. I'niversalist church. In the morning Rev. L. C. Nichols, of Williamstown will preach; in the evening a vesper service will be held with a short ftddre? by the pastor nud a reading by Miss Blanche Tiiden. At the Baptist church the pastor will preach both morning and evening.. The subject in the morning will be, ''Serving God or the World a Comparison. '' The subject in the evening, "The Kin of Omission." At St. Monica's church: Children's mass at 9 o'clock, celebrant, He v. '.. M. McKenna; parish mass at 10.30 o'clock, celebraut, Bev. E. F. Cray; catechism, 3 p, m.; rosary and benedictions 4 p. m. baptisms at 4 p. ui. GAVE A PLAY AND A DANCE Ladies of Clan Gordon Suc cessfully Entertained LARGE CROWD LAST NIGHT "District School of Blueberry Corner" Presented and Provoked Much Mer ' rimentTalk in Independent . . Foresters. . The ladie of Clan Gordon order scored a great success with their ninth anniversary ball held last evening in Woodmen ball. Over 350' people were crowded into the hall during the first part of the evening and the entertain nwmt and sociability furnwhed by the ladies of the order kept most of them there until midnight. At eight o'clock the farce, "A District (School at Blue berry Corners," was presented and fur nished no cid of amusement for the large audience. This Blueberry school had a reputation far and wide as being a difficult proposition for school teachers to manage and the school directors, J. J. McKenzie, James Coutts and Alex MeCaskill, had considerable trouble in selecting a teacher from the many ap plicants whom they thought would be able to subdue the unruly .school but they finally decided on Mr. Pendergast, Charles McMillan, Jr., who took his po sition at once at tho hid of the school and proceeded to lay down the rules and regulations. The antics of the scholars and the efforts of Mr. Pender gast in attempting to keep order caused much amusement. William Craig, Wil liam Leith, Chrissie Rae, Margaret Jonson and Miss Helen Johnson who bad charge of getting up the play were es pecially good in their part. After the farce music for the grand march was started by Gilbertson's orchestra of four pieces. "Chief Sister Mrs. William Johnson and 'James Ewen, chief of Clan Gordon, led the march and every couple that there was room for on the floor took part in it. The ladies very pleasing order of dances arranged which danced out at 2 o'clock this morn ing. Refreshment of iee cream, cake, coffee and ' sandwiches were - served throughout the evening in one corner of the hall. The ladies' committee which bad charge of the hall and to whom much of its success is due was composed of Chief Sister Mrs. William Johnston, Mrs. George Stewart, Mr. George Angus, Mrs. George Williamson, Mrs. John Cron, Mrs. James Campbell, Mrs. John Corski, Mn(, J . Kesson, Airs. Milne, Mrs. William Edwards ami Mrs. Liiczie Wood. The ladies committee: was alo ably assisted by the member of the Clan Gordon amusement committee. The ladies of Clan Gordon have over 200 on their membership roll and their order is in a very prosperous condition at their ninth birthday. TOLD OF THE ORDER. Speakers Addressed Public Meeting at Independent Order of Foresters. Although the attendance at the pub lic meeting of the . local court of the lndepcndnut Order of Foresters which was held in the Foresters' hall in the Wort hen biock last evening was rather small, those who went were fully re paid for their effort in listening to the speakers of the evening. I. 1). C. It., W, C White made a few introductory remarks and introduced S. W. Arm strong, high chief ranger of Vermont, who mode brief remarks to the effect that the Independent Order of Forest ers in the grandest organization on earth. At the close, of Mr. Armstrong's re marks Deputy Supreme Chief Banger, I). J. Mcl'hee'of Toronto was introduced ly the chairman and he pave an out line -of Independent Forestry from its origin until the present time, saying in substance that lie was surprised that a city of the sire of Barre did not turn out more people to a public, meeting of that nature, lie sjtoke of the origin of Fitrestry saying that the order was started in'lsl when Dr. Oronhyatekha of Toronto and 'MS other men weeded from the Ancient Order of Foresters ami drafted the principles of the Indepen dent order upon which it hft been run since that time. Ho sjsike of the grout h of the order from 'M9 memltcrs in 1SS1 to 25,000 in 1007, of the benefit which the order paid to its policy holders while they were still living, saying that tlwy did not believe that ft. man should' lie obliged to wait till after death to realize upon his life insurance, lie spoke of Dr. Oronhyatekha, who died recently, say ing that-the deceased was as great a man as Lincoln, McKinley, Wellington orHlludstone, that his idea of the rates of the order were sufficient and would never bo raised. The speaker also mentioned Elliot G. Stevenson, the present bead of the or der of the orphans home which they bad established and also stated that the Foresters had never violated a con tract in any way and had never asked for one cent from their policy holders. In closing he told of the $12,000,000 which tho order had in their treasury and the present rapid growth of the order. STATE DEPARTMENT SOON. Of The Ladies of The G. A. R.Inter eeting Meeting in Barre Last Night. A very interesting meeting of Meade Circle, Ladies of the G. A. Ii., was held last evening at which time Miss Clara ti. Sawyer of South Portland, Maine, national senior vice-president of the order, was present and spoko interest ingly about the growth of tho order in all states and especially of great in terest manifested at present .in Ver mont. Mrs. Sawyer is working iu the in terost' of tho order in many states and on Thuiidiy( evening instituted North- field Circle, No. 3, with a large list of charter members and many honorary members, among whom was Col. A.' C. Brown, Department Commander of Ver mont. After the exercises of initiation were concluded remarks were made by many present, and all expressed . the pride felt in tlie eligibility of the order. Only those who are blood kin to the Union veteran are admitted. The members of Meade Circle will be pleased to receive any or all eligible to the order and extend a cordial invi tation to such to apply for membership. The ladies of the Gramti Army ot the Bepublic will march Itesules the, Daugh ters of the American Itevolution in the future and like them perpetuate the memory of those who have sacrificed life,' and health for tho preservation of the union. Mrs. Sawyer expects aoon to add soon two more circles which will then give the order in Vermont the right to establish the Department of Vermont. BARRE PARTIES HELD FOR ADULTERY S. Gonyo and Agnes Neverett Arrested in Leominster, Mass., Yesterday Afternoon. : Sheriff Frank Tracy late yesterday afternoon arrested .Mrs. Agnes Neverett and 8. Gonyo, both of this city, at Leominster, Mass., where lie had fol lowed them after their departure from this city about two1 weeks ago. Both are charged with adultery. Trace of them was secured by means of shipment of goods from this place to the Massa chusetts city. They . will be held in Leominster until extradition papers can bo made out, and tbmhearinonthat was continued for " one week. The woman is said to have been accompanied by her three children, 'and the man is said to have a wife and several children in this city. Mrs. -Agnes Neverett was in Barre city court on Monday, February 18 of the present year" following a raid at her place on Granite street on Febru ary 16, at which time the officers se cured thirteen Itottle of whiskey. At the hearing Mrs. Neverett entered a plea of guilty of one offence of selling liquor illegally and was fined $300. Her lawyer, M. M. Gordon, argued for pro bation for the woman on the ground that the husband had left the support of three children on the woman, which was a hardship, and (State's attorney Gates recommended to the court that the woman be placed on probation. In consideration of this Judge Scott so ordered, after the woman bad paid ,the cost of the case which amounted to $33.09, and the woman was allowed to go. At the hearing several men testi fied to having bought liquor at the house among them being Isaac Gonyo and Frank Gonyo. If, the extradition is granted the two respondents, now held in Massachusetts will probably be taken before the present term of Wash ington county court. A BANK'S ANNIVERSARY. Granite Savings Bank Observed Its Birthday Today Its Growth. Twenty-two years ago today, April 13. 1885, the Granite Savings Bank and Trust company began business. , Dur ing these years, by careful and conser vative management, it has built up a lprge, busiuess and fairly earned the reputation which it bears of being a safe, careful and progressive banking institution, granting to it customers every reasonable accommodation and striving always by fair dealing and courteous treatment to merit the ap proval and confidence of the public. That the public is appreciative of the methods and management of this bank is shown by the fact that its deposits are Bearing the $1,100,000 mark and that during the year ending April 12, 1E)7, 1,114 new savings accounts were opened, ss well as many new commercial acounts. Since . its organization this institution has paid to its depositors more than $375,000 in interest. It is worthy of, mention, having as it dye a direct bearing. on the siiM-ess of the institution, that a majority of the present board of directors have been members of the Itoard since the organi zation of the Itank twenty-two years ago. During all theso years John Trow has been president, Dr. If. O. Worthen, vice-president and Azro I). .Morse and Charles L. Currier directors, and in the building up of tho bank these men have rendered valuable service and they are still giving liberally of time and effort to the management of its large increas ing business,. The Granite Savings Bank and Trust company transacts a general banking business, receive account s subject to check and savings accounts, upon which latter class of accounts the rate of in terest will be increase 1 to 4 per cent, after July 1. next, write foreign ex parts of the United States. It is also authorized to net as executor, guardian or trustee in the same manner and sub ject to the same control by the court as in the case of an individual legally qualified. Its modern equipment, up-to-date methods and adequate office force enables "the Granite" to give first class service to its patrons. The present directors are John Trow, H. ). Worthen, A. 1). .Morse, 0. L. Cur rier, W. A. Whilcmnb, Frank F. Cave and Clinton X. Field. John Trow is president, II. O. Worthen and Clinton N. Field, vice presidents H. G. Woodruff, treasurer. OPEN IN MAY. City Hospital Association Making Steady Progress. The trustee! of the Barre City Hos pital association met last evening and considered rules tmd regulations for ope rating tho city hospital when it ojtens. Olliceis for the year were also elected as follows: president, Dr. J. Henry Jackson; vice-president, Dr. M. L. Chand ler; secretary, A. G. Fay; collector nd treasurer, Dr. J. E. MeSweeney. These are the old officers re elected. The visit ing committee for the year was made up, consisting of the trustees. In thw three days the subscription Itoks have been out over $1,100 1ih been Huhseiibed towards tho first year's ex penses. It is hoped now to, have the hospital open in May. W. 11. Hepburn went to Burlington today to etend the bowling, games with the Bane team. CHANGE IN GRANITE FIRMS Well-known Scott and Town send Company PURCHASED BY C. R. SCOTT Managing, Member of Former Concern .Mr. Scott Purchases" Wells, Ism son & Co. Manufacturing Plant for Increased Business, The interest of E. O. Townsend, In tha firm of Scott & Townsend, who conduct a wholesale and manufacturing granite business in Barre, together1 with tho manufacturing plant of Wella, Lamson & Co., has been purchased by Charles R. Scott, the managing member of ths former concern. The new firm will be known as Ctmriea R. Scott & Co., and will immediately begin operations at the old plant of Walls, Lamson & Co. A new compressor is now being installed, and further up-to-date equipment throughout.' This i a straight shed with water power and overhead traveling orane, located at the north end of the city, and the company will be enable to handle a much larger work than was possible at their old fhed.' v - C. R. Scott, who has been associated with the granite manufacturing business in JJarre for the past eight years, and is thoroughly familiar with every detail, will remain in charge of the office and plant here, w-Jiile A. T. Hirtle, an. asso ciate member of the firm, will take an extended trip in the interest of the com pany, calling on the trade throughout the country. The latter has had fifteen years' experience in all branches of the granite business, and has been closely connected with the old firm for a num ber of years past. -The experience find ability of these gentlemen, together with the splendid facilities for producing a high grade o monumental work, should insuro them success in their enterprise. ,.-,' A BUSLNESS OPPORTUNITY. J. S. Swingle of Quincy Offers His Gran ite Plant for Sale. ' J. 8. Swingle of Qmricy, Mass.,'- hss an advertisement in this paper of a good retail granite plant for sale in a thriving New Hampshire town, Mr. Swingle is so largely engaged in Ids quarry opera tions" in Quincy that he 'cannot give a retail plant his attention. Good ehanc for someone who wishes to locate' per manently. P.ead his advertisement on page 7 of today's Times. LOOKING FOR HELP? All Classes of Men Employed in G unite Trade Reached Through The Times. Do you need a cutter, carver, letterer, or any other help about your plant? If you do, try a want adv. in the Daily Times. It costs only 50 cent's to insert a four-line advertisement for gix issues. . RAISE THE COST. - . Barre Granite Takes a Rise to Maui facturers. Tin quarTv owners have given notice to the granite manufacture is of Barre, Montpelier end other surrounding towns that beginning May 1 prices will bo ad vanced on rough stock from five cents a cubic foot for ordinary small stock ta JO and 15 cents for larger stock. Quarry owners say this advance is necessitated by the higher wages they are obliged to pay to quarrymen. WAITED FIVE YEARS. And Then Nellie Mathews Gets Divorce From Henry Mathews. The divorce case of Nellie Mattlmws of Montpelier vs. Henry Matthews, which lm,s been on Washington county docket for nearly five years, was set tled yesterday afternoon when the plaintiff was granted a bill for intol erable , severity and $700 . alimony, which was paid" in cash on f lie spot, R. A. Hoar of Barre appeared for the pe titioner. In the settlement of the Llgouri v. Ligouri case, whereby Dv. F, C. Ligouri was granted divorce from Lillian Li gouri, the latter was allowed the custo dy of their daughter according to as agreement. ' ' - - ATTACHED GOODS. John Wilkins of Montpelier Didn't Lite It Either. Montpelier, April 13 Deputy SheriiT Wedge placed an attaihemut of $0.00 yesterday upon the household goods of John .S. Wilkin', who is about to leave town, for a bill it is alleged he was owing Whitcomb Brothers, proprietory of the Montpelier Steam laundry. Mr. Whitcomb presented this bill to Mr. Wilkin when he was loading his goods Thursday afternoon and it led to a per sonal encounter between the two men. Mr. Wilkins is the man who recently secured a verdict in Chittenden county court in the malpractice case of W.'l kins vs. Brook. Ho is moving to AI hurgh. WAITS RIVER. tsngar makers are rejoicing over the great run of sap. Mrs. H. E. Hood was called to Failee recently on account of the illness of her daughter. Mrs. J. A. Dodge and two children re turned Wednesday from a two weeks' visit in Chelsea and Vershire. Bend ths Bryan adv on page 4. Mr, and Mr. Jliirry Harris and daugh ter qf Windsor arrived in the city today for a visit at the homo of Mr, aud Mrs. D. F. Uavi ' ' - ' , ' ' ' ..'',. .''-.'.-